mmmuiimtmMtimWvJSwirj; A'wvzsmKSsir.-ztz THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1899. 1 1 1 i r ? I I Ernxn TURNTRE BROS'. BIG TRADE STORE Is iiondqiiiirtots for Holiday Goods, Snntn OInus Is going to make Tiii'Miiro Hro , Hlg Trnilo Store headquarters be came wo have t ho Incest and best assortment of Christmas - Goods. nnd givo muru fur tliu dollar than any other storo. Wc have been fortunate in securing CANDIES of excep tional values, and if Quality and Price figure we will sell all the CANDIES and NUTS Santa Claus Is Looking for. Collarettes and Huffs. Wo Imvo juat received nnothor largo shipment of tlio latest stylos, that wo tiro offering at bnrgain prices. Jackets and Capes. Wo huvo n fow loft that w o will soli regardless of cost. If you Imvo not bought you can aavo about ono half by making your purchase of u. Handkerchiefs. Ilundkorcliiefs nrc very doslrable Christmas prosonts and wo want to call your attention to tho largest and handsomost assortment in town, Wo have a beautiful lino of Toilet Sets, Handkerchief Case, Necktie Cases, Collar and Cuff Sets, Albums, Etc., TOWELS, TABLE CLOTHS, BED SPREADS and many othor articles that uro tho rory things for Christmas presents that wo uro making spocinl prices on. Shoes and Overshoes. Wo are soiling a goad ovorshoo for 91, 81.25 and 91,60. Hamilton-Drown and Drew, Solby & Co's shoos uro tho best on earth. Wo sell them. Blankets. Wo will sell blankets cheaper than anyone. Try us. Groceries. 'As good ns Turnurc Would-be competitors say, llros." That is n good joko. YOUKS FOR A BIG XMAS, Turnurc Bros. No Gripe, Pain Or discomfort, no Irritation of tho In testlncs-but Rontlc, prompt, thorough healthful cleansing, when you take Hood's Phi's Sold by nil druggists. i!5 cents. oboying tho will of tho people). How ever no ono expected such an act of justice to tho republicans nud there- foro no ono is surprised. I3l)uring tho llrst week of congress more that 8,500 bills and resolutions worn introduced in tho houso alone, Nino-tenths of theso worn introduced tho last congress nnd nover acted upon and tho same fato is likely to moot an equal per cont of them this time. Tho number of bills introduced in tho sonato is much smaller, not only bonnuso of smaller momborship, but because senators do not ns n rulo in troduco bills in -vhlch they feel no per sonal interest, just to pleaso somo constituent. Tho fight for tho senatorial plum is over at last. Win. V. Alton, tho suc cessful candidate, received tho np polntmont Inst Wednesday just before tho noon hour. It was generally un derstood that Governor Poyntor was ready to appoint Allen within a fow hours after tho announcement of Hay ward's death and merely hold off to givo Mr. Hitchcock a chanco to work up a boom that might bo bsnoilclnl to him next year in caso a fusion legis lature was elected. But be that ns it may Mr. Hitchcock is feeling very, very soro over his defeat and says: "I uannothonestly deny that I have boon dooply disappointed and I fool most koonly tho sting of Ingratitude" Tho appointment was made by W. J. Bryan through lila ngont W. A. Poyuter nnd Hitchcock nover had n ghost of a show from tho start. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Tho subject for tho revival meetings nt tho Christian church for next Sun ilay nflornoon Is "Tho Seven Dovilsof Red Cloud." There may bo come dev ils linking urnnnd licic but wo hnvc not seen any. It is curious that pit residents hitvo lived among as many as seven devil uml not found It out nnd then have a stranger come in nnd ten us tho horrible story that wo have soven -These must bo n now kind without spiked tails nnd horns nnd iu visiblo to tho naked oyo, Wo would advise tho public t. got a pair nt oyo glasses of Nowhouio Bros. There is ono thing certain there will bo a good nudlenco to honr tho sermon. Wo understand that tho "bucket shop" which is in rooms of tho Geo. W. Lind soy building has opened up. Whether this will bo enumerated as ono of tho "seven dovlls" wo do not know. Wo would ndvocnlo tho advisability now that wo have n "bucket shop" of tho merchants who Imvo slot machines placing them back on their counters. Wo would also adv'so that tho gam bling rooms illng wldo their doors. If the "innocents" who thought their good rosolvcs would bo punctured by coming in contact with n slot machine run up against this octopus in tho way of gambling they will surely bo lost. This is ntar y a? bad, not quite, ns tho form of gambling members of tho Mnzot committee and tho church went up against when they bought sealed packages of pills at tbo express salo thinking they contained cold watches. We haven't heard much latoly about that now opera house projoct, but it ought to bo built It would holpout tbo business of overy merchant in the city. Somo of our socially inclined citizens have started a club whoro they may have amusement in tho evenings ana it is n good thing, but it won't 111 tho bill ns an opera houso would. Tho people who could co to an opera houso occasionally could probably not belong to this duo lor more reasons than ono Build nn opera house. "Strike For Your Altars and Your Fires. ' Patriotism is always com mendable, but in every breast there should be not only the desire to be a good citizen, but to be strong, able bodied and well fitted for the battle of life. To do this, pure blood is absolutely neces sary, and Hood's Sarsapa rilla is the one specific which cleanses the blood thorough ly. It acts equally well for both sexes and all ages. Humor " Mien need a blood puri fier I take Hood's SarsaparilU, It cured my humor and is excellent is a nerve Ionic." fosie Eaton. Stafford Springs, Ct. wcdi Sauabwtlm majority ngainst them is too.big ovon for tho worst trickster tho state has over seen. One of our fusion friends, nn nrdent Hitehcook man, in summing up tho sit uation asserts Hi t tho worst thing that evor happened to tho fuslonlsts in this state was tli. death of Senator M. L. Hayward. By direction of tho president, Major Goneral Leonard A. Wood was Wed nesday assigned to tho command of tho division of Cubn, relieving Mnjor Goneral John 11. Brooke. General Wood will, in uddition to his other du ties as division commander, oxorciso the authority of military governor of tho Island. llood' I'UU cure lUrMIUUlia noil Irritating and .only catlurtlo to Uka with Huuil'iTwar.aiartllai THE CHIEF rVllLIUED XT W. L. MCMILLAN. Oat year II u0 Jlxmonth M PUIILISHEI) KVKUY FIUUAY Huterodat tho pout office at lltxl t'luuJ,Nen, coad clan mall matter. AUVKHTISIXO KATES: Local aclmtUliiK A ccnU per line vr Unto Local AtlverlMiw for eiitertalmnwiilii, con .erti.toclaU, etc., given by cliurcho, clmrltablo ocletlet. etc., whore all moiiejn raited lliero- from are tiK'il wholly fur church or charitable nlolle. flrt ten lines free ami all over ten lluea'Jia cent per line per lame. Local advertising of entertainment-, concert", recUul-, etc., where per cetil la given to pro tern, 5 cents per line per Isatte. DisrLAr auvkhtimmi. (tuc column per month...- -.... (7 on One half column per mouth -.... 3 Mi Ouefourlli column per month 1 n Oeueral illtplay advurlUltiK 84 cents per Inch perlutic. It tuts been decided that the official opening of tho Paris exposition is to bo ou Saturday, April 14. Thu date orig lually fixed was Easter Sunday. The debate on tho Ituancinl bill open ed In the houso last Mcndny and has continued all wcok. The vote ou tbo will be taken next Monday. . president says that Ifcong-css jvo the grade of vice admiral jouiiunto both Sampson nnd the position, nnd thus end jntrovrrsy. Senator Masoti will lose confidence iu his ability as n sensation maker, if ho makes a fow moro attempts in that lino that fall as Hat ns his resolution of sympathy for tno Boers and his speech thereou. If he really thinks ns ho says lie does, that the case is similar to tho ease of tho Cubans when they were in revolt against Spain, ho thinks prac tically alone. The managers of tho Hitchcock cam paign made all kinds of promises to got Mr. Allen to stand aside and wait. They aro suitl to havo promised Hint Mr. Hitchcock would be content with serving ono year and ho would then assist Mr. Allon to got tho long term. Somo of Mr. Allan's friends however, did not take kindly to theso promises. In an intorvlow W. J. Bryan ox pressed himself upon tho linanoinl bill now beforo tho houso as follows: "Following in tho lino of tho presi dent's mosBngo congress is at present considering 11 bill that is nn extremely bad measure. It is a part of tho gold standard people's plan, and I bono that it will bo defeated. It should cer tainly never bo permitted to pass the house, because it is not in the interests of democracy." That President McKinloy willj bo re nominated thero has boon no doubt for a long time. As for tho "nominee for vicopresidont tho sentiment in favor of Elihu Root, tho secretary of war, has assumed proportions which prac tically insures his being second plnco on tbo tickot. Careful, couservntivo, men do not hesitntt nt this 1 ime to pre dict Mr. Boot's nomination to tho vico presidency by tho republican party next yenr. In spenkiug of Mr. Boot's chances a prominent member of the national republican committee said: "If.l woro prophesying ou tho ticket I would say H would bo McKinloy and Boot. Although I am a wostorn man I can see no reason which admits of no argumont for tho vico presidential nomination going to nn eastern man. It seems to bo conceded genernlly that Now York ought to produce him. Mr. Boot would givo tho strength, firmness and prestige to the tickot which anoth er man would not do, nnd which nro needed." That Mr. Boot is willing to go on thu ticket with McKinloy thero is not tho slightest doubt. It may bo said oven that tho socrotury is am bitious to procuro tho vico presidential nomination; in fact, it is known ho has aspirations of that chnrnotor. State ok Ohio, City of Toledo 1 g, Lucar County. J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tho city of Toledo, county of Lucas, stnto aforesaid, nnd that raid firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every cuse of catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hall's Uatarrh Cure. Fkank J. Cheney. Swot 11 to beforo mo nnd subscribed in my presence this fltli day of Decern- der, 1880. A. W. Gleason. IskalI Notary Public. HitU'o Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on tho blood uml mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, fieo F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. hold by druggists, 700. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. - m" ' What Do the Children Drink. Don't givo them ten or coffee. Have you tried tho now food drink called Grain-U. It is dolicious nnd nourish ing nnd takes tho place of coffee. The moro Grain-0 yon givo tho children tho moro health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properly pro Dared tastes liko tho choice crudes of coffee but costs about one-fourlh ns much. All grocers soil it. 10c nud 25e, Deaatr I Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No boiintv without it. Cascarats. Candv Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Imrities from the body. Begin to-day to lanish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. A SMALL SPOT MOST VIOLENT GASES HAVE nn7luSoraro,iStnpleoruntc?iwhi shows no disposition to heal under ordin IDDCADCn IT 171 DOT AC nry treatment. No ono can tell how soon these AlTLAnLU A I rinOI fQ will develop Into Cancer of tho worst type. So many people dio from Cancor simply be MPRP PIMPI FQ cause thoy do not know just what tbo disonso is; ulLUU rilfllLLOi thoy naturally turn thomsalvce over to tho doctors, nna nro lorccu to suumic to a cruet ana dangerous ment which tho doctors know for Cancer. The dfsoaM promptly returns, however, nnd is ovon moro violent nnd destructivo than before. Cancor is a deadly poison in tho blood, and an operation, plaster, or other external treatment can Imvo no effect whatover upon it, The euro must d nro forced to submit to a cruel and dancromim operation tho only troatment which tho doctors know for Cancer. The disease nnu 19 ovon moro violent ana obstructive than loison in tlto blood, and an operation, plaster, or come from within tlto last vestigo of poison must bo eradicated. Mr. Wra Walpolo, of Walshtown, S. D., soya: "A littlo bldtch nbout tbo stzo of n pen enmo under my left oyo. gradually growing larger, from which shooting pains nt intervnls ran in all directions. I became greatly alarmed and consulted n good doctor, who pronounced ft Cancer, and advised that it bo cut out, but this I could not con sent to. I read in my local paper of a euro effected by S S. S., nnd decided to try it. It nctcd liko a charm, the tnfnw lintAm!nn nt fir of I rrlf ntnrl fitiil Vinn AotYtnvrrtn Qjj vry freely. This gradually grow less and then discon imueu niiogtHiiur, iuuviii u umiui utu wuiuu buuu urop- ft 49f wrwm jn$j" iR&i2wffitt ped off. and now only a healthy littlo scar remains where what threatened to destroy my llfo onco held full away." Positively tho only cure for Cancer is Swift's Specific 8. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD because it is tho only romedy which can go doop enough to reach the root of tho disease and force it out of the system permanently. A surgical operation docs not reach tho blood the real seat of the disease because the blood can not be cut away. Insist upon S. 8. S.; nothing can tako its place. S. 8. S. oures also any case of Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Ulcers, Sores, or any other form of blood disease. Valuable books on Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed free to any address by Bwif t Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Every Month there are thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular mcnse3. Some times the " perio'd " comes too often sometimes not often enough sometimes the flow is too scant, nnd again it is too profuse. Each symptom shows that Nature needs help, and that thero is trouble in the or gans concerned. Bo careful when in any of tho above con ditions. Don't take any and every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR is the one safe and suro medicine for irregular or pain ful menstruation. It cures all the ailments that are caused by irregularity, such as leucor rhcea, falling of the womb, nervousness; pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides, hips and limbs. By regulating the menses so that they occur every twenty-eighth day, all those aches disappear together. Just before your time comes, get a bottle and see how much good it will do you. Druggists sell it at $1. Send for oar (r book, "Perfect Health for Women." TOE BRADHELD REGULATOR CO. ATLAltTA, GA. ppwv v-v W V W V WW w w w W V W V v sW t ' party In KoutuoKy quietly uider tho pans of a K'lilty 1 aud tho knowledge that tl.o How oasy it would have been for W. A Poyuter to have saved a big split in tho lusion forces aud also saved num- borlics friends to himself, hnd he, shortly after tho death of Senator Hay ward reconvened tho statu legislature for tho purposo of choosing a sonntor, By doing this ho would have been do ing only what was just and right. The majority of tho peoplo of the state at the Inst goneral election expressed a dealt 0 for tho election of a republican senator by a ru publican majority in tliu statu legislature. Gov. Poyntor could havo received no censure from thu fuslonlsts for he ould biinply bo USE PRICKLY ASH BITTERS LFOR KIDNEY DIBCA8K, 8TOM- AOH TROUBLE, INOIQES kTION. LIVER DISORDER OR. CONST! PATrOH ncuNO, C. L. COTITNW SEETHE OYSTER KITCHEN IN THE WINDOW AT THE Star Bakery, J. O. WI1.KS. Prop. PUBLIQATION OF SUMMONS ' IntheDUtrlctCcurtof Vcblcr county, Neb- The City of lied C'louil, Nebraska I'UlntllT.) v ThoFrmerAlercliuifM llu k-. ItlR UonilMU) : Hymn j ir- ber, JobuO. Ytfli,ninl ltylii(l Delendants. To tho defiaduM JVIIllam S. orbcr: Yi U are noreumfiouneu mm um iud 151 uny in Dncmbor, iwis.llie pialmitr boreln fllc) lt mended pftltloilaKatnrt mi et al. In the love entlllril artlon, ll dip onice of the clerk of the Dlitrlrt Court ol Wtbiter County. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which aro to rubjoct to till, on exii utlon lot tweittr one (21 ) In block llilttv-ouu (III). In Um urUlnnl tawiulto of Ited Cloud, Nebraska. Ined ou a JiulKineiit uttho dltlrt court nf uld county. HRilnrt tho lie feDdant llauklne O' mi'itny. In favor cf the iilnluiltr. and 10 ztlm'e y u and tho other do feudHiiiH vtlmlly u( any lutertt,t tu kalil real property, Vim nrc rpimlr, d to nnawur ald iclltIon on or Lcforu .Miimlii) lhe;'M dr of .Immnry, l 0, or Krild pellltnii l'l t mien nsttoiifveil. piid mimI decree rendered ncrordliwly. TllKl'ITVUf Htpl'IOUn Nf.BIIAJK il CitAhisr i ilkuckii, h' Auoiuuy. IKK A Choice Line of Bibles Genuine Oxford and other Bibles. Splendid books of recont publication for Holiday Gifts. RELIGIOUS BOOKS, BEAUTIFUL MOTTOES, NICE BOOKLETS, FINE STATIONERY, SCRIPTURE TABLETS, VARIETY of TRACTS, Etc. A Complete Teacher's Bible for 99c. Many Styles for Selection. Como and sco wt before purchasing Holiday Gifts. Each purchaso aids in spreading the gospel. Gospel Book Concern. MRS. T. E HORTON, Manager. In Olney & Gaston's Music Storo. Ued Cloud, Nebraska. m If SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 I THE CHIEF 1 H ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. 1 If Low Club Rates with all the 1 Leading National Weeklies. I 1. r. JBEJCMErORl, I I I Lands, Insurance Collections, j i i 3 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Anxing my special bargains for offering for sale this week I am 300 head of Good Colorado Range Cows, FROM TWO TO KIOIIT YEAKS OK AQK, Good colors, averaging in woight around 850 pounds. Will soli on six months time, good scour ity, delivered nt Ued Cloud or viaiuity. Further particulars can be had by calling on or writing me. PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieago dumber Yafd, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TfAXERS XyXJAdCBEIi CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAE. BmilcliMLfi; material, Bto. red OLor, - - Nebraska