nM-. t'$Z .WH .'',.Vv.fe,iVWt;w,-v VC ,s .u Its. J' ? LOOK FOR A Hid Englishmen Forced to Admit Boers Can Fight, BAD HEWS COMES fROM THE (APE NMIro Dutch Trnr Down nnd Triwn llo (lie Prnclnmnl'on of fleneral ItoUcrs llullei The Appoint ment of liny Popular. A London, December 4 illnpatcli says: VIio week opens without u word of new Mich ns the Itrlttsh public Is anx iously awaiting. Willi a larger army (u tho field than tho country over bo foro mobilized. It can only bo Bald that tho loss of 3,500 men, entailed beforo Iho enemy's borders have been crossed, Is n serious matter, and whlto there Is no feeling of despondency as to tho rvcnluiil result of tho war, It Is regret- fully admitted on all sides that tho Urongth of tho ltocr resistance has been woefully underrated. It Is now seen that tho attempt to hold a useless position nt Mafeklng was a serious tactical mistuko, ns was also tho endeavor to keep tho largo civil population la Klmberly. Routh African nuws Is now six days In -arrears. The censorship docs not penult details of tho Moddcr rlvor bat tle to bo transmitted. Homo vague italcmcuts have been published In tho Capetown papers, and according to tho.,o the Doers numbered 8,000 men and wcro entrenched on both banks of the stream, although mostly on tho northern bank. Tho Itrltlsh, accord ing to tho papers, drove th6 enemy across tho liver, compelling them to retreat and established themselves on both banks. These details, however, arc too tncagro to enable nn accurate idea of the engagement to bo formed. A dispatch has reached London an nouncing that Lord Mcthucn is ngaiu In the field, and it Is also said that Count Gloichcu, who was wounded In tho fighting nt Moddcr river, was tit ruck by a bullet In tho nock. Serious newH comes from the north ern sections of Capo Colony. Tho whole border district between Colcsburg and liurghersdrop has declared for the lloers. In Vcntcrstndt alone more than ifii)0 havo joined tho rebellion. The farmers havo formed a commandeering committee and talk coulldcntly of a triumphant march on Capetown. Gen eral llullor's proclamation has been lorn down and trampled upon, and the loyalists aro bidden to hurry to Cape town to proparo coffco for tho rebelw. MUST MUTJLATE STAMPS Koiuo New Iteitulremonts for tho Cancel li I Ion or Kercnues. Tho cominlssloncr of internal rove into has Issued a circular amending regulations as to cancellations of docu mentary and proprietary btainps, pro viding that "In all classes whero docu mentary stamps of tho denomination of 10 cents or any larger denomination hliall bo used for denoting nnv tax Imposed by tho net of Juno -13, 1808, the person using of alllxing the same shall, in addition to writing or stamp ing thoreon with Ink, tho Initials of Ids name and tho date when nlllxcd, ' mutilate the stamp by cutting three parallel incision lengthwise through the stamp, boglunlng not moro than X Inch from ouo cud thereof, and ex udlng to within one-fourth of an inch of tho other ond. "Whero such stamp is cancelled by cutting or perforating In any manner authorized by existing regulations, an afmesald, the mutilation heroin pro vided will not be required. "This provision shall take effect and Ihs In force on and after December in." HOME FOR CUBAN ORPHANS Will urnr the Name of First Wifo of Heuator Thurston. A movement for the raising of funds for a memorial orphan asylum for Cu ban children which shall bear tho namo of Mrs. Thurston, the first wife of Sen ator John M. Thurston and who died idiortly after a trip sho made Cuba, was started ill tho Madison Avenuo Presbyterian church, New York, under tho auspices of the Thurston Memorial association. The name of the proposed homo is to bo "Tho Thurston Homo for Orphans and Homeless Children In Cuba," and General Vandervoort of Nebraska, one. of tho innnogers of the Cuban Mali Steamship company, has olTered a tract of ground for the Institution. The collection was devoted to tho fund, ami aontributlon slips were han ded around upon which a largo number of tho members of tho church pledged themselves to largo amounts. Call Typothetao a Trust. A suit has boon filed In tho circuit court.at Kansas City on Information of R. Q. Crow, attorney general of the state, charging that tho Kansas City Typothctao is a trust and us such ought to bo dissolved and Its members fined tho franchises of tho corporations that compose It revoked. Tho Kansas City Typothotao is composed of sixteen of the leading job printing firms of this city. I. ovine Oup for Hneenlo. In honor of his completion of fifty your continuous service in tho Chicago flro "department, tho Chicago Under writers' associttton gavo a silver loving cup to Fire Marshal Denis J. Bwcenio. who Is now tho head of tho flro de partment. Tralu Hands Killed. A wreck on tho Nclmrt branch of tho Great Northern near Great Falls, Mont, resulted In tho dentil of three men and the destruction of an englno and ten cars, Tho engine (.truck a steer and left tho track. CONGRESS IS ASSEMBLING It Is (letting Itrmly Start nn Kvontrul Hint Stirring Houston. The opening week of tho session in tho house promises to be filled with stirring events, says a December 4, Washington dispatch. At tho very threshold of the session will come tho contest over the admission of Rcprc-jentallve-elect Koberts of Utah, and later In tho week, tho house will plungo Into nn Important and possibly a protracted debate upon tho financial bill which was prepared by tho repub lican leaders last spring nt Atlantic City. Tho Roberts case has attracted tho attention of tho wholo country. The republicans have adopted a course which Ih designed to keep Roberts from taking Ills scat. Mr. Taylor of Ohio will make objections to tho oath being administered to him until tho charges against him aro Investigated. There is opposition to this, however. Tho announcement of Vlco President Ilobart'rt death will be made probably immediately after tho Roberts caso In disposed of, ond tho house will ad journ out of respect to his memory. The drawing of scats and tho reading of the president's message will occupy Tuesday. Whllo the. session promlscstoboupon the whole a busy ono In tho senate tho first weok will probably be marked by considerable lethargy. On Monday (today) tho now senators will bo sworn In, but beyond this nothing will bo done. Tho senate will adjourn out of respect to tho memory of the late Vlco President Hobart. Tuesday llttlo will be dono boyond tho receipt of tho pres' Idcnt's message, tho present purposo being to adjourn immediately after tho reading of tho document. Wednesday and Thursday will bo devoted largely to the Introduction of bills. There will probably bo no session Friday or Sat urday. FATALITIES IN A COLLISION Passenger ami Freight Come Togelhoi In Now Mexico. A rear-end collision between a south bound Los Angeles passenger train and a local freight occurred n;ar Isleta, twelve miles south of Albuquerque, N. M., wit fatal results. Tho names of the Injured so fur as known are: C. Hutchinson of Wlnslow, A. T., badly crushed; will die. Head Ilrakeman Plnncy of freight train, caught between cars, chest and legs badly pinched. Conductor Davem, face badly cut and bruised otherwise. A lady passenger whoso name can not know bo ascertained, received in juries that required Immediate medi cal attendance. It Is believed that many passenger were cut and bruised and received other Injuries. Full details aro not at hand. A wrecking o-.itflt with surgeons has gone to the seano of tho wreck. KILLING OF THE KHALIFA Ho Cluthers lid Ihnlrs Around lllra and Cnlmly A milts Death. Officers from tho Soudan who hivt arrived at Carlo say that when General Wlngato's force overtook the khalifa tho latter tried to outflank tho Anglo Egyptians, but failed. Seeing lib position whs hopeless the khalifa told Ills emirs to stay with him and die. He then i.prcad a sheepskin on tho grounc and sat down on It, with tho emirs on either sldo of him. Tho khalifa wni found shot through the head, heart, arms and legs, and tho emirs were lying dead beside him. Tho member! of his bodyguard were all dead in front of them. General Wlngato's force r.wcpt ovei them without recognizing the khnllfn and hh. cmlrs, but they wore Identified I . . . , .. . . ' later. Tho khalifa is described as ol medium height, strong and stout, ot light brown color and wearing a long grey beard. HIS CONDITION UNCHANGED Tho Uiillrtlii of Senator Hayward Abonl us UhuuI. A Nebraska City, Dec. 3, special says Dr. Whlttcn's bulletin tonight is ni follows: "Senator Hayward passed t restless night. Ho slept only threi hours. His temperature is 101, pulse 109, respiration 33. IH montal condl tlon and paralysis remain uuchtiugcd ' Kills u Wildcat. Jim Cady a lteatriea taxidermist h mounting a wildcat which was killed a few days ago on tho old Chantauquo grounds at Crete by A. Vavra, tin u.tiiur ui iiiu ,11,1,1. j.,113 i:ub in iki itiii as a mountain lion. hllo at work ot tho grounds tho other day, Vavra hix( his attention called to u spot when his dogs wero barklug furiously at tin foot of a tree. Tho eat was In tin limbs with Its head oxtended througl a fork, lio secured a gun and bhot i iu thu head. Htutuiiii'nt of Mint Director. Tho monthly statement of tho dlreo tor of tho mint shows that tho tota coinage executed nt tho mlntuof tin United States during November wai 0,511,070, as follows: Gold, 0,013.700 silver, 52,013,000: minor coins, 5233,370 llurkett (lts Down to llunlucsi. Congressman Uurlcett of thu Flrsi Nebraska district has got down to ae tlvo work at Washington, his tlrsi move bolng to uvrango for iv full set o public documents fjr tho city llbrnrj of Mneolu. In this ho has had splcn did success and the library will havi the best collection of this sort in tin west. Mr. lturkott also visited tin pension departments and arranged U go over tho claims omanatlng from hu district In order to bo able, to hurry all tho worthy one Ho la ulrcadj looked upon as ono of tho most actlvi of tho new members. MR. ROTO OUT Member From Utah pjot Per mitted to Take Oath, HE YIELDS WITHOUT A PROTEST I'rotest Against Him rrom Ills Oirn Party Hondorson Klccted Speaker and Usual Itoutlne Marks the Proceedings nt Opening, Enormous crowds "witnessed tho opening scenes In tho houso Monday. Tho principal intercut centered in the disposition of the case of Mr. Roberts, tho Mormon representative from Utnh. Those who anticipated a sensational denouement were disappointed. Tho program outlined by tho republican leaders at their conferenco on Friday night was partially carried out. Tho objection to the administration of tho oath to Mr. Roberts was entered by Mr. Taylor of Ohio, as predicted, and ho stepped usido without protest, ex cept to ask if by doing so ho waived any of his rights. To this the speaker responded in the negative. There was not a protest from any quarter against tho objection to the administration of the oath to Mr. Rob erts, tho only voice raised besides that of Mr. Taylor being that of Mr. Me Rao of Arkansas, who joined Mr. Tay lor with his proet. Mr. Taylor of fered his resolution to refer tho case to a special committee, but by mutual arrangement the consideration of the resolution was postponed until Tues day in order that tho routlno business in connection with tho " organization might be transacted. Although Mr. Roberts was not sworn in Monday, he secured u scat, this, how ever, was by an accident pure and simple. In the seat-drawing lottery no provision had been made for Mr. Roberts, but when tho drawing was completed two others, as well as him self, had not been provided with seats, and tho speaker asked and secured from the houso general permission for those members who had not drawn scats to mako such selection as they could. Under thin authority Mr. Roberts got a scat in an obscure por tion of the hall. Ills daughter sat in the gallery and watched the proceed ings from beginning to end. Tho election ot Speaker Henderson and his induction into office, the ap pointment of the usual committees to wait upon the prcsldcut, the scat drawing contest, with tho usual amus ing features, went off without a hitch. Tho only other feature out of tho ordinary was the adoption of tho Reed rules for the present congress. Farmer Loses by Fire. F. L. Meteor, ouo of York county's largest land owners and farmers, liv ing near Nero, suffered loss by lire on wheat stacks burning to tho amount of about S500. Tho German Mutual Insuraneo company has asked Mr. Me tcer to wait for his pay until they can get judgment against Chris Worker line, owner of a threshing machine. The Insurance company make oath that It was the fault of Workentlno that tho stacks caught llro from tho thresh ing engine, and that Workentlno should pay the loss. Tho caso will bo tried beforo a justice court at MoCool, and no doubt will bo carried up to higher courts, whero a decision of great in terest to threshing machine men and Insurance compauies will bo rendered. Short Hcrtslcn of Senate. Appropriate tribute to tho momory of tho late Vice President Hobart was paid by tho senato Monday at its first session of tho Fifty-sixth csngress. Tho esslon, Intcd only thirty three inlniitivq nnil onlv tnn most, formal mid minutes und only tho mo3t formal and necessary business was transacted. Af ter the adoption ot the usual routlno resolutions and tho administration to tho new members of tho oath of otilco, Senator Scwell of Now Jersey pro Rented fitting resolutions upon tho death of tho vlco president, the reso lutions were ordered to bo communi cated to tho houso of representatives, and the session, on motion of Mr. Kcano of New Jersey, was suspended. Heed of Flvo-Yonr-Old. Monday, at State Line, Miss., Ed mund, the five-year-old son of Dr. W. II. lloykln, shot and instantly killed his brother Roderick, aged eleven, and se verely wounded his brother Tom, aged thirteen. Tho boys had quurrcllcd over tho possession of a toy when Ed mund wcut to the house, secured a bhotgun and used It with the above re- SUltS. Dlos nt Nlnoty-KlRht. Mrs. Dridgot Fitzgerald of Lincoln, mother of tho lato John Fitzgerald, tho well known contractor of Lincoln, died Sunday morning at her homo of old aire. She was ninety-eight years 'old. Iowa Murchunt Assigns. P. C. Ingram, a general merchant nt Mt. Ayr, la., has assigned. The lia bilities aro placed at 833,001 and assets 53O,o;)0. Tho creditors couslsc mainly of Chicago and D03 Moines wholesale houses. Six Aro Killed. A rear end collision occurred between two pussengcr trains on tho Denver & KloOrundo railroad, In which six per sous wore killed outright and several others wore severely injured. The nc cldent happened nt English Switch, about six miles east of Sallda. Bhot by l'urmer. At Creston, la., Deputy Sheriff Tom Walsh was murdered by Oeorgo Wil liams on tho latter's farm. Walsh mado a visit to Williams' farm to servo attachment papers. Williams gavo himself up. A FIELD FOR REFORM Postmaster-General Tells of tho Abuses of Second-Clans Mall Privileges. Tho annual report of Postmaster General Smith opens with a statement of tho financial operations of the de partment for the past fiscal year. The revenues and expenditures are given as follows: Ordinary postal revenue.. 593,731,719.67 Receipts from money or- buslncss., 1,280,001. CO Total rcccip'ts from all sources 505,021,384. 17 Total expenditures for tho year 101,032,100.02 Excess of expenditures over receipts 0,010,770.75 Tho first fact connected with this statement which commands attention Is the largo deerense in tho annual dc deficiency. As compared with tho de ficit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1803, which was 59,020,005.00, it shows a reduction of S2,422t74U.S0, or 20.7 per cent. The most urgent need of tho postal service Is tho rectification of tho enor mous wrongs which havo grown up In perversion and abuse of tho privilege accorded by law to second-class matter. This reform is paramount to all others. Careful inquiry has been mado through experienced postmasters and by an examination of the records of the department, and it is believed that ful ly one-half of all the matter mailed as second class, and pa id for at the pound rate, Is not properly second class with in tho intent of tho law, and ought justly to be paid for at the third-class rate. This gives the enormous quan tity of 170,351,013 pounds from which tho department derives only n fraction of tho revenue to which it Is fairly en titled. Had Uiis 170,354,013 pounds of mall matter, really of the third class, but transmitted nt the pound rate, paid, as it should have been paid,- tho aver age third class rate, tho financial ex hibit would have been this: Receipts, as above given.. 595,021,334. 17 Additional revenue .from 170,354,013 pounds third class matter, at 14.7.... 54,243,310.70 Total receipts Total expenditures .119,260,730.90 .101,032,100.02 Surplus 517,037,570.04 Or, if It be assumed that the matter would pay only the normal rate of 8 cents a pound, this would be the show ing: Receipts, ns given above.. 595,021,3S4. 17 Additional revenue from 170,351,013 pounds third class matter, at 8 cents. 12,314,012.01 Total receipts 107,305,907.07 Total expenditures 101,032,100.02 Surplus 8 5,733,830. 10 This Is what the financial exhibit of tho postal scrvleo for the year would bo if the matter carried through tho mails wero classified and rated as tho law intended It should be. It would show a large surplus Instead of n largo dcfidlt. Hovcrat Injured. A Wabash passenger train struck a Thirty-first street clectrio car ut Chi cago, injuring eleven persona and de molishing the car. Nono of those in jured will die. Tho passenger train was running at a high rate of speed and was two blocks away when tho conductor gavo tlio signal to tlic mo torman to cross. The fuct that no ono wus killed Is considered miraculous. Iinnionso Cotton Sale. A syndicate of eastern mills has con summated a deal at St. Louis for 1, 250,000 pounds of territory wool. The terms of tho sale wcro private, but it Is stated tho deal amounted to more than S25 000. This Is tho largest bulo of wool ever mado In tho west. NEWS IN BRIEF. Four steamers from Santos, Brazil, with coffee, aro detained nt Quaran tine, N. W, having cdino from a bu bonic plaguo port. Private L. D. Merritt, Third artillery committed suicide ut San Francisco by shooting. He enlisted last April at In dlunapolls. Owing to tho attitude of tho Peru vian chamber of deputies the members of the cabinet have tendered their resignations to the president. A peculiar malady Is attacking the cattle In tho vicinity of Morgan, Minn. Thoy are seized with abnormul bloat ing and dla within an hour. Charles 'A. Drcssel, deputy United States rovcuu collector, committed sul cldo at Lcsluer, Minn., by shooting. Ho had become Involved in his accounts with the government. Melvln L. Fuller, who ran tho Alas ka Commercial and Mining Company, was held to tho federal grand jupry at Chicago on tho chargo of using the malls to defraud. Ho is charged with duping relatives of dead persons. A pension of 530 a month has been granted to tho widow of Captain Nichols, who died In Manila bay as a result of overheating himself during action ugalnst tho Insurgents. Sunday tho family of Willis Fox, of Mitchell, Intl., wcro poisoned by eating bologna sausage. Ono child Is dead ond other members of the fami ly are in a critical condition. Webster Davis, assistant secretary of the interior, sails from New York Wednesday for a threo months' trip to South Africa. Ho will spond a portion of tho time In tho Transvaal. Arrangements aro about complotcd for the Masonic celebration at Wash ington, D. C, of tho centennial of the death of Worshipful George WashlDir ton on December 1. COUNT ISCOMPim Contest in Kentucky May be Settled Today. COMMISSIONERS MAY DECIDE THE CASE Not the Slightest Indlrntlon of Trouble Thus rr Attorney (Jeneral Clrlggs Tskcs up tho Trust Problem TTio Situation In aoueral. The state board of election commis sioners at Frankfort, Ivy., has finished Its work and Is sitting as a contesting board to hear arguments in the case of eleven contested counties. The first fight will come up on whether or not tho board has the right to go behind the certified returns filed with the sec retary of state by tho different conn tics. Upon the issue of the argument on this point will rest the name of the next governor of the great state of Ken lucky. On the face of the returns now on file with the secretary of state, Mr. Taylor has a plurnrlty of 2,333. If there is to be no "going behind" the returns the board will have no option but to issue the certificate of election toTaylor. LITTLE DONE IN THE SENATE Adjournment Follows Announcement of Ilnywnrd's Death. Tuesday's session of the senate lasted two hours and forty minutes, practi cally the entire tlmo being consumed in the reading of the president's mes sage. The reading was largely per functory few senators according it any attention. At its conclusion the death of Sena tor Hayward of Nebraska was an nounced, and the senate adopted reso lutions of regret presented by Scnutor Thurston 6f Nebraska, and ns a mark of respect adjourned immediately. To most senators the death ot Sena-tor-elect-Hayward of Nebraska had been communicated. Whllo he was not officially a member of tho body, he was in every other way regarded as one. Reference was made by the blind chaplain to the death of Senator Hay ward. THE RESOLUTION UPHELD Out Thirty In Ills Favor AVItli Three Hundred nnd Two Agulnst. A Washington, December fi, special says: After an Interesting debate of three hours the house, by a vote of 302 to 30, adopted the resolution offered by Mr. Taylor of Ohio yesterday, for tho appointment of a committee to investi gate the charges against Drlgham II. Roberts, the Mormon representative elect from Utah. Previously the house had rejected a substitute resolution of fered by Mr. Richardson, tho leader of the minority, to allow Mr. Roberts to be sworn in nnd to send the whole caso to tho judiciary committee. Mr. Roberts took the leading part in the struggle to unseat him. He said he was not defending polygamy, as polyg amy wus dead. BULLETIN OF KANSAS CROPS Largest Corn Crop, 'With One Kxceptlon, In the History of tho Ht.ite. The crop bulletin of the Kansas board of agriculture for tho present year just issued, shows final returns of the stato agricultural products as fol lows: The winter wheat yield amounts to 42,815.471 bushels. The yield of corn is 225,183,432 bushels. Excepting that of 1839 (273,888,321), this is the lurgest corn crop tho stato bus yet pro duced and exceeds In valuo any pre ceding crop by 51,134,027. The combined homo value of the thrco grains, wheat, corn, and oats, is 580,838,022, or a total increase over tho 1898 vuluo of the same crops of 313, 384,021. Nebraskans Fure Well. In the drawing for scats In the house tho Nebraska members In congress fared well. The names of the fusion members were called early. Suther land and Ncvlllo selected seats on the front row, just to tho right of tho cen ter. Robinson and Stark chose places about four rows back, being near neighbors to Richardson nnd Ilalley, tho democratic leaders, llurkett had an early choice and took n place in tho second row from tho near center. Mercer is located farther back, also on the left sldo of tho chamber. Ilobbed of 88,000. The bank at Cornell, 111., eight miles from Pontine, was robbed of 58,000 in currency. Tho robbers secured en trance through the front door of tho building and blew the largo safo opcu with dynamite. Tho force of the ex plosion partially wrecked the building and left the contents of tlio safe ex posed. Two men tupeeted of the crlmo havo been arrested and tho sher iff is confident that the two men un der arrest had one or more confed erates. Decides Against tho Trust. In the United States supremo court at Washington Tuesday the Addystono pipe case was decided. This caso In volved tho constitutionality of tlio combination of pipe manufacturers to manufaeturo'plpo which It was charged was a trust. The decision was handed down by Justice Peekhnm nnd was ad verse to the combination It was, therefore, in opposition to tho trust, Assistant Postmaster General ncath announces that when a femnlo postal clerk marries she forfeits her position. ENGAGEMENT NOT DECISIVE The Itatlle of Modder Hirer, Whllo Terrible, Was a Drawn One. A London, Dec. 5 dispatch says: Tho later details received from Modder river seem to show that even tho despcrato courage tho attacking force displayed all day long (November 28) fnilcd to drive tho lloers from their strong cn trenchments, and night fell on an un decided battle. Hut apparently during the course of tlic night Oencral Cronje, commanding tlte Doers, who arc said to have numbered 11,000 uien, decided that the struggle was hopeless, for tho Itrltlsh found the town and surround ing positions evacuated when daylight broke and tho whole Itrltlsh army crossed the river and encamped on tho ltocr positions. Tho experts hero nro unanimous in expressing the opinion that Kimberlcy's needs must bo very pressing to induce Oencral Mcthucn to expose the wholo of hls command to tho ltocr marksmen, snugly entrenched In a semi-circular position. So deadly was the fire zone that the Scots guards were compelled to leave their Maxim guns behind when they wcro forced to seek less exposed ground. It was only after dusk that a portion of tho Itrltlsh troops succeeded in crossing the river by a mill dam on the extreme left. When night fell tho Itoer artil lery flro was still as vigorous as in tho morning, but tho Doers' retirement In the night saved tho situation for tho Itrltlsh. The exhausted condition of the Itrltlsh troops precluded tho pos sibility of a pursuit of the enemy. The conclusions of the correspondents that tho Doers must havo suffered heavily must be confirmed from official sources beforo It is accepted as fact. In any case, the ltocrs retired without any sign of disorder, carrying off their guns and equipment. Thus General Cronjc's force is still Intact. The fact that General Mcthucn and Colonel Kckcwich aro now in communication may cause a reconsideration of tho ltocr commander's plan to glvo battle at Spytfonteln, where ho might bo simultaneously attacked by both llrit Ish' forces. STILL PURSUING THE CHIEF Agnlnnldn Raid to lie In the Mountains Kiistward of Santa Crux. An associated press dispatch from Santa Cruz, province of South Ilicos, forwnrded by courier to San Fabian, says that Gcncrnl Young, with thrco troops of the Third cavalry, and Major Peyton C. Marsh's battalion of the Thirty-third infuntry arrived at Santa Cruz today. The Americans left Hama pacau, province of Union, this morn ing, expecting to have a hard fight at Tagudin, in South Ilicos province, but they found on arriving there that 600 rebels under General Tino had evacu ated thirty-six hours before, deserting nn almost impregnable position. Tho Insurgents had been entrenched at Ta gudgln, on the north side of the river, where a hundred well disciplined troops could have slaughtered u whole brigade crossing tho river with the men up to their armpits In water. ' Tho inhabitants of Santa Cruz nnd of other towns through which tho Americans have passed say that Aguin aldo nnd his entire refugee army havo gone into the mountains eastward since the Oregon, Samnr and Callao attacked Vlgan and landed a force there. In several towns General Young was shown letters written by Lieutenant Gilmoro showing that ho had been kindly treated by the citizens and had been entertained by them when ho passed through Inst May. Reports in dicate that all the American prisoners, some twenty-five or thirty, were at ono tlmo in Itcnguen province, but it is supposed now that they have been rc moved into Lcpanto province. Ordered to San Domingo. A special from Washington says that instructions have been sent to Minis ter Powell at Port au Prlnco directing him to proceed to Santo Domingo and make investigation to dctcrmino the stability of tho Jhninez government. The minister will also make represen tation to General Jlmlnez to ascertain his intentions with respect to tho American syndicate which controlled tho finances of the Islund and to other Americans. Accident Causes Death. Mrs. Charles Best of Tccumsch has received tho news of tho death of her son, Charles ltest, nt Norton, Kns. Mr. llest was the victim of an uccident, n gun which he was handling exploding pormaturcly. The deceased was about forty years old and leaves a wifo and several children. Ho formerly lived in Tccumsch, moving from there about sixteen years ago. THE NEWS IN BRIEF- The natural gas supply of Crawfords vllle, Ind., has failed. Maj. Frank C. Armstrong, surgeon In tho regular army, Is dead at Manila. London papers comment freely on the president's message; generally fa vorably. The movement to ndvanco wages In the cotton mill centers has become gen eral throughout tho New England States. The torpedo boat destroyer Ilalley was launched at New York." Near Cleveland, Tenn., James How ry, a farmer, killed his wifo and him self. O. D. Saunders, a Kentucky school teacher, wns stabbed to death by ono of his pupils. ' Congressman Cannon succeeds Con gressman Grosvenor as republican cau cus chairman. At Assumption, 111., Amos Flnloy committed suicide by blowing his head off with dynamite. t - ' s X EE 'fflSf Mfli1il!t .MfitVWMt WkVMmua'Mla4fllMMc it ..JAKJtfTS-"- -T- 'wmm&mwmbvwBmir- TK?""