!5SS37Sr35!!3i!3S555 i VAfcvfArMrM.M.iiVil.i4uUV.WUi -MlirtMl W J . W fc tl..!. ,., TgifH owtwwnwiwaa3wwvTHaMvt.tj m.i. . ms It- ERk I P I 1 H l,i 44 Actions of the Just Smell Sweet The fragrance of life is vigor and strength, neither of which can be found in a per son whose blood is impure, And whose every breath speaks of internal troubles. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood, gives a good appetite and makes the weak strong. Run Down "My husbxnd-w&s run down In health And aO tired out. Those txcttteni medicines, Hood's Pills tndStrsA jmtilU, built him up Again." Mrs. H. L. Mowry, To-wxndA, Pa. W(xi SahSafiWiltl od'i rilli cur. Ilr.r 111. l)i. non Irritating and 'mlf thiMln la Uk. wltliTluod'. Wnorlll. THE CHIEF rcBLiMiiu nr w. l. McMillan. Om year 1100 Stxmonthi fiO PDBL1HURD RVBRY F1UDAY InUtred at the pott office t IUJ Cloud, Nob.M ctndcUHmall matter. ADVBHTISINO KATES: Loral adrcrtlilng 5 centi per lino per luiue. Local AdrertUlng for entertainment, con MtU,ocUl, etc., glren by cburcliei, cbarltablo MdctlM, etc., where all moneya raited there Imb are uied wholly for church or cbarltablo uteieUei, On t ten llnei froo and all over ten Mate ti cents per line per lnuc. Local adrertlilng of entertainment!, concert!, rtettali, etc., whero per cent li given to pro ten, & cent per line per lnuc DUrLAY ADTSRTIilNO. One celiimn per month-.. ........7 on Oae half column per month .... a M Oae fourth column or month ..... 1 75 aeneral dlipltjr advcrtlilng 8X cents per liehperluue. United States Sonntor M. L. liny ward died at his homo in Nobrnska Oily on Tuesday morning nt 0:20. ' m Thore Is no room In heaven for tko man that professes religion for the pur poso of Increasing his business. Urynn hits now i cached tho highest rung on tho ladder of fame his free silver fuco now adorns n putent mmll cine ndvortisemont. Why is it ttutt n democrat will vote for it lot of pop camlhlitteH on a fusion ticket and then got tuad and want to light if you call him it pop? From present indications England tacklod n job of unlimited proportions when tho refused to answer that little ultimatum sent by Oom Paul. An oratorical contest of no small proportions Is being waged befoio the Kentucky election board just at pres ent, but up to date tho republican gov ernor still has a majority. Gon. Young is uftor Aguinaldo so close and is so intent upon his capture that hu has forgot to report to Gen Otis for about two weeks. Probably whuu hoard from he will Ikivo tho gon tloman In his clutches. Roberts of Uinh says that ho is not, surprised at Iho notion of tho house in not allowing him a seat in tho as sombly. Ho is liko neatly tho ontlro population of tho United States. They wuro not surprised either. Sooretary Hay has mado a denial which may bo considered olllclal, o(tho story that tho United States had either mado an alliance or intended making one with England and Germany, for commercial or other purposes, m Neatly eight hundred bills and joint resolutions woio ptesentcd the third day congress was in session, but fow were of national interest and import unco. Tho linancial bill Iiiib tho dis tinction of boing No. I in both houses. Tho Hastings Tribune says Unas tings mnn is trying to cuto himself of insomnia by loading tho Omaha Wmld Herald after retiring. It makes him both tired and sleepy but at tho saruo timo Is oxhaustlng his pationco nnd destroying his nervous system.. Tho pooplo of Kentucky can ns a rulelalway8 llnd some way toamuso themselves. Last Wednosday whilo there was a lull In tho olootion contest and tho fuedists had declared an armistice, tho pooplo of Maysvillo in that stale kept up tho oxoitoniont by burniug a nogro ravishor and murder er at the stake. n Col. Henry Watterson of the Louis tIHo Courier-Journal sizes upWm.J. Bryan as follows: "Mr. William Jen nings Bryan has como to Kentucky and Kentuckians have taken his meas ure. Ho is a boy orator. Hois a dis honest dodger. Ho is a daring adven turer. He is a political fakir. Ho is Hot tho material of which tho people of Mto United States have ever made a president, nor is ho even of the mater ial of which auy party has ever bofore mado a candidate," Notwithstanding tho peace confer ence tvhich was hold at Tho Hnguo re cently at the instigation of tho czar of Russia, which would lead ono to bo ltovo this groat tialitn was in favor o! peacu at nny price, and nt which ho advocated disnrmamont and urbl tui tion, ho Htlll continues to stoio up wnr Htipplles. A cargo of guns, ammu nition, torpedoes, etc., weighing in tho aggtcgato 5,000 tons was shipped from I'hlladulphla this wc'ok consigned to tho HusHian govornment. Tho now year is likely to sco tho money in circulation in tho United States nonr to tho J2,000,000,000 mark. Tho llguros on November 1st woro $1,002,710,148. Add to this tho t25, 000,000 put Into clrculntlonthrough tho redco.niug of outstanding bonds by tho treasury department, and thocoustant incrcasu in tho country's circulation ns registered ftotn month to month, and it seems likely that Mr. Bryan will soon bo confronted with a circulation f e2,000,000,000, notwithstanding his ''continuous performance" statomont since 1800, that nolncroaso was possi ble without tho fteo coluago of silver, and at which timo tho country's circu lation was but 11,027,055,014. m Tho president's message which was sont to congress this week was without doubt tho longest and ablest document of that character over sont by a presi dent ol tho United States to congress. Tho mcsBitgo fully demonstrates tho policy of tho administration on all questions concerning tho welfare of thogovornmont, togothor with recom mondations to congress for action asjto our futuro welfare. Our now posses sions aro treated at longth and 'tho future government of them outlined. Tho message contaius over 20,000 words, and woro wo to publish it, it would occupy over twonty-ono col umns of Tiik CuiEr, or nearly four pages, henco it does not appear in this issue. There is an old saying that !lt takes all kinds of people with nil kinds of ideas to mako n world, and wo havo about como to the conclusion that it is a very truo saying. Ono placo this was noticonblo was at tho salo of "un claimed express matter" hold in this olty last Friday. Among tho bidders was noticed somo who havo recently entered strenuous protests against aomoono olso putting livo conts in a slot maohlno to try nnd got livo cigars for a nicklc, but thoy consider it nil right to buy "prlzo packages" at nny old price v nd take chanco on getting four or livo timos their monov's worth. Thoro is just ns much gambling about trying to got four or livo times your monoy's worth out of an "unclaimed express pacKiigo" as thero is in tiying to got livo times your monoy's worth out of a nlcklo-in-lho-slot machino and tho chances of winning is largely in favor of tho latter. All tho slot machines in this eitv wore lecontly oidercd taken down for tho teasoti that thoy educated children to gamble. Still thoro aro slot ma chines up in tho city In which a child can drop a ponny and feet a stick of gum. Theso in our opinion, are tho very foundation of children learning to play slot machines. Thoy arc mado principally for children. Thoy put n penny in ono of those machines nnd got a stick of gum, and the next timo thoy run across a slot machino tho probabilities aro that they will drop a nioklo in to seo what thev can trot. If you don't want children to learn to play slot machines dont havo machines sotting around that offers a stick of gum ns an inducement for them to drop In their ponny, and then prob ably when they sco another kind of slot machino thoy will not bo induced to try and got something olso. From roports received up to dato it is hard to docido who will bo sonntor from Nebraska to succeed M. L, Hay- ward who dtod Tuosday morning. Ono thing is almost certain, and that Is that It will not bo n republican. Hitch cock, of tho World-Hornld, had n good sized boom started for himself before the nows of Sonntor Hnywards death had become known to tho goncral public, and had allies in nil tho im portant towns of tho state scouring signers to petitions requesting his ap pointment by Gcv. Poynter. In Bed Cloud parties woro given a chance to sign those petitions within three hours after tho death of the senator. Along with tho petition was circulated a re port that W. V. Allon would not accept tho sniatorship woro It tendered him. Mr. Allen has sinco doniod the little yarn and tho Hitchcock boom has taken a slump. From present indica tions Allon is coming down tho homo stretch nt n paco that bids fair to leavo Hitchcock nt tho quarter polo a very poor socond. Tho fusion members of congress from Nebraska who aro now in Washington havo all requested the appolntmont of Allon and Allen it will in all probability bo. T. M. Shallonbarger In his writing in tho Stnto Journal gets down to history as follows: "At Kim Creek I visited tho scone of tho massacre of tho Union Pacitio section tnon by tho Indiana, The little fringo of timbor in whioh the Sioux hid until tho section men were off their guard is still thero. It seems incredible when you stand here and bee tho palatial trains sweeping by, see tho Holds of grain and herds uf cat tle as far as tho eye can reach, that men live hero today who in those days slept on their nnns for f uar of the lurk- TI1E ItED CLOUD CHIEF, Your Liver Will bo roused to Its natural duties nnd your blllousnoi, hcmlnche nnd constipation bo cured If you luite Hood's Palls Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. ing snvngo. Ono w juld not havo dared to dream of tho chnngothoso dnys that now Is passed without n thought. Yot theso Indians woro protected by the great and glorious Declaration of Inde pendence. Tho cruel nnd grasping white mnn, protocted by tho tyran nical administration of Abraham Lin coln, was enforcing tho doctrino of be novolont assimilation upon tho frco and llborty loving Sioux. Their oonu try had boon purchased from an in competent European power that had failed to conquer them. Tho bargain and salo, between thoso nrch conspir ators against tho liberties of mankind, Napoleon andTom Jefferson, hnd been ruthlessly carried out without tho aid or cousont of nny Sioux between Broken Bow nnd North Platte. And wo seo tho result. Whoreonce roamed tho noblo red man is now tho nbodo of Nlevll, Callondar, and tho ghost danc ors of Broken Bow. Thus has boon nvonged tho unholy dent whereby Jef ferson trampled in tho dust the cher ished liberties of tho Pnwneo and tho Sioux to sow the seeds of populism and confusion on tho plains of tho silvery Platto. Shades of Tom Jefferson think of 10,000 majority forHolcomb. So wonder Napoleon chuckled when he put 115,000,000 in his pockets. Ho was a far seeing cuss." LESTER. Quito a storm Sunday. Earl Lewis was visiting at Cowles Sunday. C. H. Frlsblo nnd wifo spent Sunday in Guide Rock. C. O. Cox is expected homo from Mc Cook this weok. Alf Saladcn, wifo nnd son Ray spent Sunday in Guido Rock. Mrs. G. W. Baker and daughter Ida wore in Cowlos Monday. Miss Bird Winfroy of Rod Cloud was visiting Ida Baker last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Holcomb dined in Rod Cloud Thanksgiving. Robort Mitchell of Red Cloud was tho guest of Frank Frisbio Sunday. Sylvester Frisbio is kept closo to home on account of school marm fever. Al Merritt and Jim Burdlck woro calling in tho north part of town Tues day evening. Tilllo nnd Emma Borgtiold visited their mother Sunday evening noar Guido Rock. Mrs. A. 11. Saladon nnd Alta Baker wero visiting nt Joo Snladcn's Monday south of Red Cloud. Chester Cox returned Saturday from Bladen accompanied by his cousin Miss Cox who cnino to spend n week. Herman Beiglield nnd Ida Bakor were seen driving through ourstroots Sunday. Herman thinks sho will talk Dutch pretty soon. GUIDE ROCK. Ohas. Bushco and Conrad Wagner tiro both rejoicing over tho arrival of a sou al their tespectivo homes. I.B. Colvln sold Wm, Britton of Stlllwnterono of T. C. Ely's lino resi denco lots in Roberts' additiou this week. Vho infant daughter of Jus. Phillips, which was born October 28 died No vombet'30. The fuuoral occurtud on December 1. Loo DoTour found ono of hIh horses in a badly mutilated condition hung on a partition in tho stnblo Wednesday morning and it diod soon after. While Thos. Finney was or thu road homo (torn Guido Rock last Wednes day evening his team ran nway nnd threw him out of tho wngon, Injuring him quite badly. Diod, December 1st, Orango Boar, agod 02 years. Tho funoral was held December 8, Rov. Morrow oflleiating. Mr. Boar was an old nnd well known rosldont of this couuty. Ho wns an old soldior and spent live months in tho Andorsouvillo prison. Ho loaves n wifo and four childron to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husbaud and father. Amidowk. WEAK KIDiULgYSdaafoy.iai'kcaty aft favatatk to the awcarascc of Bright' DiSCaSO Prickly Ash Bitters Heals the Kidneys. Cleanses and regulate the Liver. Strengthens the digestion and removes caastipatad conditions in the Bowels. niSrOMMMCINESMtNE. ruci ii.oo via Borni. rairAUD it ruarxY am iimis co. OI.B BY ALL L.. COTT1NC, FRIDAY, DEC. 8, 1899. INAVALE. A cold wave struck this locality last Thursday. Mr. Cnp. Harvoy is husking corn for Ed, Shorcr. Miss Joy is working for Mrs. Bur well this week. O. B. Harvoy nnd family spontSun day at Frank Klncnid's. Miss Mnbol Eddy nnd Lewis Edi'v called on Miss Ethol Harvoy last Til day evoning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Adolph Josjou nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Charley Reynolds visited at S. A. Burwoll's Sunday. Henry Kincnid nnd son Albort ex pect to stnrt for tho wost next Monday for a months visit with relatives. Miss Nnnnio Cloud gnvo n party to a number of her young frionds Wed nesday night. All report a very blcas ant timo. Mrs. E. B. Knight nnd Miss Maud Knight returned to thoir homo in Rod Cloud last Friday after a week's visit in Innvalo. At the residonca of the groom's sister Mrs. Carson, nt high noon Thanksgiv ing day occurred tho wedding of Mr. Frank Joy and Miss Graco Church, Rov. Rippetoo oflleiating. Tho con tracting parties stood beneath an nrch of evergreen nnd woro mado man and wifo. Aftor tho congratulations a most doiicious dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Joy received somo boautiful wed ding gifts and thoir many frionds join in wishing thorn a happy and prosper ous voyage over tho sea of matrimony. LINE. Weather warm and dry. Mrs. Labon Aubushon was tho guest of E. W. Anderson ono day this week Charles Isom is delivering his corn to Charles Besso that he contracted for 15 cents. Ed. Lano and wifo of Rod Cloud wero visiting frionds in Lino ono day this wuok. Shelling corn is tho order of tho day. Sam Montford nnd Albort Scrlvuor aro doing tho shelling. Riley Lowis of Smith county, Kan sas has just returnud from Antelope county and reports tho crops good. The U. B. Church and Sunday school aro going to havo n Christmas treo en tertainment nt Penny creek, Dint. No. 8, Christmas ovo. Albert K agio writes from Saratoga, Wyoming, that tho suow is so deep thnt thoy havo to wear snow shoos to travel from ono placo to another. Purify tbo sowers of tho body nnd stimulate tho dlgcstiveorgnns to main tain health, strength and oueigv. Prickly Ash Bitters Is a tonic for tho kidueys, liver, stomach and bowols. For salo by C. L. Colling. Out in Kansas lives a happy wife. She writes: " I hive used Mother's Prlend before two confinements. The last time I had twins, and was in labor only a few min utes. Suffered very little." The reason why Mother's Friend does expectant mothers so much good is because it is an external liniment, to be applied upon the outside, where much of the strain comes. It helps be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb it, and It comes Into direct contact with and ia absorbed by the parts involved. Morning sickness Is quickly banished, and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread and foreboding is not experienced, even during labor itself. Confinement Is short and almost without pain. Recovery Is quick and sure. Best of all, Mother's Prlend benefits the unborn just as much as the expectant mother, and when the little one comes It will be strong, lusty and healthy. Onntota uH Mother Prlead tor S I a bottto. Bead for our free book oa the subject, finely lllottrated. THE BRADF1ELD REOULATOR CO. ATLANTA, QA. A SYSTEM TOMC PAX EXCELLENCE BKUOOIBTS, SJPEOmL. HCENT NEVER TOO OLD TO S. S. S. Is a Great Blessing to feenciransr&.s . . , ,. . nearly nil of tho sickness among Old People, It Gives Them ssssSSS, ... uMt 'fl wholly unnecessary. By keep- NflW Rlnnn anil I ifn ,nS t,,cir bloo(1 PU" thoy enn fortify themselves ftOII DIUUU allU LIIOi bo as to ebcnpo three-fourths of tho nllmenU ...,, from which thoy Buffer so generally. S. S. S. is the remedy which will keep their Hy.stoni8 young, by purifying tbo blood, tv'VU HaV WMMr SS completely, nnu l l ieei ns wen as l over am in my lire." Mr. J. W. Loving, of Colquitt. Ga says: "For eight een years I suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on my skin. I tried almost every known remedy, out thoy fallod ono by one, and I was told that my age, which is sixty six, was against mo, and that I could never liopo to be well again. I Anally took, S. S. S., and it cleansed my blood thoroughly, and now 1 am in perfect health." 8. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD Is the only remedy which can build up and strengthen eld people, because it Is the only one which is guaranteed free from DOtash. mercurv. amenta and other damascinar minerals. It is made from roots and herbs, and has no chemicals whatever in it. S VS S. cures tho worst cases of Scrofula, Cancer. Eczema, Rheumatism, Tetter, Open Sores. Chronic Ulcers, Boils, or any other diseutto of the bloodL Books on these diseaass will be sent free by Swift Speciflo Co., Atlanta. Oa. THERE'S fllOflE PflEY'S WOETH IN STYLE; MATERIAL, MAKING AND ALL 'ROUND SATISFACTION IN THE 'PALMER - GARMENT" than in auy other garment known. m m ' MINER RED CLOUD, KAnxvzivznrznrz Lands, Insurance ggg Collections, RED CLOUD, Among my special bargains for this week I am offering for sale 300 head of Good Colorado Range Cows, FKOM TWO TO EIQI1T YEARS OK AGE, Good colors, nveraging in weight around 850 sounds. Will sell on six months time, good secur ity, delivered at Red Cloud or vioinity. Furthor particulars can bo had by kAAWWWf PLATT & FREES CO., Ghieago kambef Yard, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. TRADERS XXXrfcUBER CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COAI Buildirae; material, to Red Cloud, - - Nebraska BE CURED. luuiuuKiuj iuiiiuvui mi mubiu nccuruuiAiioni, nnu impart ing now strength and life to the whole body. It increases tho nppotito, builds up the energies, nnd sends now life giving blood throughout tho entire system Mrs. Sarah Pike. 477 Broadway, South Boston, writes t " I am seventy years old, nnd had not enjoyed good health for twenty years. I was sick in different ways, and in addition had Eczema terribly on ono of my legs. The doctor said that on account of my ago, I would never be woll ngaln. I took n dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it oured ma am nanny to say that Come and See for Yourself. Kersey Cloth, Extra Quality Tailor Stitched, Cut Pearl Buttons, Comes in new Blue, Castor Wine and Black. Regular Price $12.25, Special Price $10.06 '. NEBRASKA. lKaKKjKL3E3MKIHIC2tKSSItBKU ririrwmeimrrvw7?9rzw?m '1 f 4 1 NEHRASKA. calling on or writing mo. J 1 W X f IV - A i3$