The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 24, 1899, Image 7

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    nwr-iai.ifrTffiwr,iTrii,T.,i ;Wii i .uTiTnarn ,'tr." V,tt v tti'Ci .'TT.y;frVff?n?ffl
Departmental and Executive
Actions Condensed.
transactions and Happenings of More
thnn Ordinary Interest to ths
People of America Actions
Which Make History.
Wednesday, November 10.
Admiral Schley will assume com
mntul of the South Atlantic squadron
November 17.
A proclamation has just been made
public bearing date of November 10,
by which the president reserves for
naval purposes seven distinct tracts of
land In the city of Honolulu.
A private cablegram from Manila, re
ceived at Cleveland Wednesday morn
ing, says that Major John A. Logan is
dead and his remains are to be brought
homo on the transport sailing soon.
There has been n great deat of talk
In Washington during tho past few
days as to the probability of the se
lection of Assistant Secretary of War
Melklcjohn as civil governor for Cuba.
' A cablegram from Admiral Watson
confirms the news of the wrecking of
the Charleston. The condition of the
wreck is not known. He has asked
Hong Kong for salvage offers for the
cruiser. The crew was safely landed
on Camlguin island.
Admiral and Mrs. Dewey returned to
Washington from New York Wednes
day night. They were driven to the
home on Ithodc Island avenue present
ed to the admiral by the American
people. The arrival of the distin
guished couple at the station was tin
inurked by any popular demonstration.
According to the annual report of
the paymaster general it cost 813,103,
174 to maintain in commission the
ships in active service in the navy last
year. For construction of ships and
purchase of ready-built ships 89.004,
4515 was expended, while 3G,7." 1,074 was
absorbed in repairs to ships.
The Philippine commission is en
gaged with the problem of Chinese
in the Philippine islunds. It Is
said that two of the members favor ap
plying the Chinese exclusion act. Ad
miral Dewey Is said to be favorable to
Chinese admission. Considerable evi
dence bearing on the matter has been
Thursday, November 10.
The condition of Vice President Ho
bart continues to improve. He passed
a comfortable night and ate a hearty
The last of the state volunteers, the
Tennessee regiment, will be mustered
out of service on November S3, ending
the bervic" of state troops called for
the Spanish war.
i The latest ofllulal news from the
army Bent against the Yaquis is that
Vleam has been reoccupled by Mexican
troops, and that the Indians are in
need of both food and clothing.
General Fred K. Funston and wife
left Kansas for San Francisco. The
general will sail on the transport for
Manila and Mrs. Funston .will remain
at her parents' home in Oakland.
As soon as possible a court of Inquiry
Is to be called to fix the responsibility
for the wrecking of the Charleston.
This will follow irrespective of any ac
tion of the navy department, and will
be ordered by Admiral Watson.
A dispatch from Youngstown, O.,
says only the greatest care will enable
Mrs. Major John A. Logan to survive
her bereavement. The family have
been notified that the Sikh will leave
Manila tomorrow for San Fruncisco
with the major's body.
Congressman Henderson, of Iowa,
next speaker of the house, announces
the appointment of Jules C. Richards
of Waterloo. la., as private secretary
to succeed Amos L. Allen, who was
Speaker Heed's secretary and who has
just been elected to congress.
Friday, November 17.
Ex-Senator G. F. Edmunds of Ver
mont is suffering from an attack of
bronchitis at Macom, GaM but his con
dition is not regarded as serious.
The American colony at Mexico City
will celebrate Thanksgiving day by a
ball on a superb scale, and President
Diaz and family have accepted un in
vitation to attend.
Hon. David It. Henderson of Iowu,
who is slated to be speaker of the next
houso of representatives, has nrrlved
in Washington, and has established
himself at tho Normandic hotel. Colo
nel Henderson is accompanied by his
wife and daughter.
The San Francisco chamber of com
merce has adopted and sent to Secre
tary of State Hay tho following reso
lution, referring to tho Alaskan boun
dary question:
"Wo earnestly request that the pres
ent boundary Hues as established be
maintained and that no territory now
lying on the American side thereof be
yielded up or granted to tho Dominion
of .Canada."
The bonds offered to tho government
at tho several sub-treasuries under
Secretary Gage's offer of last Tuesday
amounted to 82,341,309 as follows: New
York, 81,85'J,15o; Philadelphia, 8478,000;
Cincinnati, 84,000; Baltimore, 8200.
While Georgo Schwartz, a clerk in
tho grocery store of H. llegatz it Co,,
Columbus, Neb., was on tho elevator
which was heavily loaded with goods,
tho machinery gave way and the ele
vator crushed into the basement with
tho heavy load. Schwartz's leg was
broken and he was otherwise injured.
His o'sapo f ram death was narrow.
The cabinet meeting Friday was
brief and unimportant. General satis
faction was expresn-d with the result
of Secretary Gage's Invitation for tho
purchase of bonds. Most of the time
was taken up In the discission of plans
for the exhibit of Porto Kleo and Cuba
at the Paris exposition.
fiaturclny. November 18.
Complete returns of the vote at the
democratic primary election for mayor
held at ltoston give Gen. Patrick A.
Collins 108 of the 501 delegates to tho
nominating convention.
After a hotly fought trial, four of
the defendants In the celebrated "corn
cob pipe, ease were found guilty in the
United States circuit court at St. Louis
of using the malls to defraud. Tho
four men are Henry Rlngbeek, "E. W.
Northstcin, M. C. McElhuv.andArthm
The president has appointed lT. W.
Hart of Alliance, Ohio, to tho United
States consul at l)uf-s.?ldorf, Germany,
to hucceed Pettit, deceased. Mr. Hart
Is a young lawyer and his appointment
is credited to the personal Interest In
him entertained by the president.
The state of Minnesota loses in its
attempt to secure over l.OCO.OOO acres
of land hercfore Included in the grant
to the Duluth &. Iron I lunge railroad.
United States Judge Lochrcn having
announced his decision In favor of the
railroad. The land is very valuable,
being in the iron ore part of the state.
Dr. P. J. See, one of the most ad
vanced astronomers in the govern
ment's service, has made the announce
ment that the meteoric display which
has' been a mere sputter this year
would be repeated ut about tills date
In November next year, with n bril
liancy quite equal, If not superior, to
any of the trl-century displays with
which the modern world has bece
At Sioux Fnlh, S. I)., United States
Judge Garland handed down two de
cisions growing out of the memorable
state capital light in 1890. The decis
ions arc in the cases of Isaac Elwood
and Everett M. Warren against the
city of Huron, granting tho former u
judgment of S3,147.0. and latter one of
S3, against the city of Huron.
The suits were brought on bonds 1s
bued by Huron in September, 1890, to
raise funds for furthering the candi
dacy of Huron for the state capital.
Monday, November 'JO.
The supreme court of Tennessee has
decided against the American Tobacco
company in the case brought to test
the law prohibiting the bale of cigar-
in Tennessee.
Few bonds have been offered at tho
bub-treasury in Chicago In response to
Secretary Gage's recent offer of re
sumption. Up to the close of business
hours Friday 83,000 had been offered.
A Patterson, N. J., November 10 tcl
crrum says: Vice President Hobart
passed a comfortable night. He slept
well, and when he awoke this morning
seemed refreshed. At 0 o'clock he par
took of solid food and told those about
him that he enjoyed it.
The president has appointed U. W.
Hart of Alliance, Ohio, to be United
States consul at Dusscldorf, Germany,
to succeed Pettit, deceased. Mr. Hart
is a young lawyer and his appointment
is credited to the personal Interest in
him entertained by tho president.
The statehood convention which
closed at Guthrie Saturday, appointed
a committee to draw up a memorial to
congress asking that Oklahoma be
granted statehood with her present
boundaries. A lobby of fifteen per
sons was also appointed to go to Wash
inton. Delegate Dennis T. Flynn will
leave for the capital tomorrow armed
with bills in behalf of a statehood and
free homes for Oklahoma. Flynn's
statehood bill is said to bo similar to
the one he Introduced in the last ses
sion. Tuesday, November SI.
Reports received by Surgeon General
Wyman at Washington, November 10,
show that the yellow fever has about
run its course at Key West, Fla.,wherc
it was so severe during the latter part
of tho hummer. At Miami, however,
the disease still exist, though the cases
reported arc few In number.
The British steamer Atratc, from Ha
ranquillo, Tuesday, and Colon, Wcdncs
day,reportcd a widespread revolution
ary movement in Colombia and a grave
outlook. The government Is recruit
ing an army by impressment under
martial law, and is levying forced
loans in Colon, Harranqulllo, Panuma,
and Carthagcna, where the Colombians
have been taxed 825 each at IS percent
interest, with the alternative of 8500
fine or enlistment.
There has been a revival of insurgent
activity bouth of Manila, particularly
in Cavitc province. At Imus the Fili
pinos fired a smooth-bore cannon, but
this was soon silenced by the American
artillery. In tho course of tho morn
ing Major Cowles, with a battalion of
the Fourth infantry and two guns,
scattered the enemy from tho districts
around Imus and in the direction of
Pero. das Marinas. Tho Americans
could not pursue the retreating insur
gents because their ammunition was
exhausted. Tho Filipinos were under
the command of Gcncrul Marino Trlaz.
Tho Hamburg-American llncr.Fatrla,
which caught fire in the English can
ncl last Wednesday while on her way
from New York-, and which was finally
abandoned Thursday when all attempts
to tow her to port had failed, now lies
between Watracr and tho South Fore
land, on the Kentish ceabt. The depth
of tho water an hour previous to her
blnklug was beren fathoms. She Is
still on flro forward. Apparently tho
fire has completely gutted her and ren
dered her a total wreck. The survey
ors could not get on board today, hut
they will do so as toon as possible.
Future Kins or Knirlaud Illustrate! the
Leveling Tendency of the Wheel
The Favorite Dojr Is Always vrlth Ills
Itoynl Highness.
Whether H. n. II. had this picture
taken In a sudden burst of sinful pride,
or whether he hiul it made to show tho
world that even ho unbends occnslon
ly, is locked as a secret in tho royal
archives of his breast. Hut tho world
should bo thankful to him for It, his
Impelling reason may have been, for
It shows In truly warning manner tho
leveling tendencies of tho blcyclo suit.
Tho stout, disappointed person who Is
portrayed hero Is tho Prlnco of Wales,
indeed, but ho might be almost any
body else. There Is no dlstlnguo air
about him at all. This leads ono to
tho awesome thought that perhaps It
was not the dignity of royalty or blue
blood or rank that made him tho land
mark of fashion, but Just plain clothes.
Hut such a thought Is not only awe
some, but absolutely Immoral. It
might havo pleased tho r.uthor of Sar
tor Resartua to ponder over It, but far
bo It from us.
Ono cannot, however, shut his eyes
to tho fact, niado cruelly and un
equivocally apparent by tho camera,
that It is good for It. U. If. that princes
do not wear silk tights and things like
that any more. Thcro Is a democratic
thickness about tho royal ankles hero
depicted that would interfere sadly
with tho symmetrical beauty of his
form, It bo bad to wear fancy shoon
and long ringlets.
It will bo observed that both tho dog
and tho master wear an air of patient
boredom which Is only superficially
supercilious. Tho obsorvcr who views
these things carefully and wltn reflec
tion will be suro to noto that benoath
this outward appearance of languid
calm there 1b disappointment maybe
Imagination, but the dog certainly
looks as If ho wero gloomy at the prob
ability of nover belonging to a king
of England and an emperor of India
at this rate and, on second thought,
If this Is so, that makes It unnecessary
to wonder at tho prince's looks.
Htrnnee Honeymoon ItesorU
In an artlclo on "Colonial Memo
ries," in Cornhlll, Lady Broomo tolls
of a strange kind of honeymoon re
sort, more of tho type that poets dream
of than matter-of-fact young couples
generally select: Thero aro many
Islets, somo five miles or moro away
from Trinidad, and towards tho Bocns
or mouths of the groat river. Theso
little Islands aro a great feature of
Trinidad, and splendid places for
change of air or excursions. They all
havo houses on them, and one tiny
Islet may, I think, claim to be the
smallest spot of earth which holds a
dwelling. It is Just a rock, on the top
of which Is perched a small, but com
fortable and compact houso. Beyond
its outor wall Is, on ono sldo, a mlnuto
plateau about ton or twclvo feet In
length, and Ib all tho excrclso ground
on tho Island. I was assured It was tho
favorito honeymoon resort, which cer
tainly seemed putting tho capabilities
of companionship of tho nowly-mar-rlcd
couplo to n rather sevcro test!
Fishing, boating, and bathing aro tho
resources at the command of tho Islet
visitors, and tho air Is wonderfully
fresh and cool on theso llttlo fragments
of tho earth's surface Whenever I
could mako tlmo, It was my great de
light to take ths government launch
with tea and a party of young friends
to ono of theso islets, and it was cor-
talnly a delightful way of spondlng a
hot afternoon.
Its Wonderful Development Since Its
IHseovery 100 Years Aro.
More than 100 years ago Ilaron Hum
boldt discovered tho dahlia, a small,
slnglo flower, in Mexico, says tho Lon
don Globe. Could somo prophottc
vision havo revealed to him tho dahlia
of today In Us dazzling hues and varied
forms ho might, perhaps, have been
prouder of that discovery limn of nil
his other scientific achievements. It
whs sent by him to tho Hatanlcal gar
dens, Madrid, whero It received tho
namo of dahlia, In honor of tho botan
ist. Prof. Andrew Duhl. The namo
year it was Introduced into England,
whoro It was cultivated under glasB.
For n few years It wnn lost to cultiva
tion, then reintroduced Into England.
Cultivation soon developed tho double
form ami every color except blue. For
many ears tho Ideal dahlia of the cul
tivators was a perfectly double, ball
shaped flower. Thoso who remember
tho compart (lowers of thirty or forty
years ago knew how nearly that Ideal
was realized, and remember tho de
served popularity of tho dahlia of that
day. Hut people soon tired of tho rcgu.
larlty of that type, nnd for a fow yearn
It was neglected. Florists wcro giving
tlmo and labor and thought to tho de
velopment of tho rose, camatlonB,
chrysanthemums and other popular
Hower8. At last somo far-Bcclng cul
tivator recognized tho possibilities of
tho dahlia, and In now, Improved nnd
raoro beautiful shades of color It re
sumes Its sway, and today greets us In
bo many varied and attractive forms
that every taste may bo suited.
OUR POPULATION Ib 76,000,000
fifty Thousand Enumerators Must Gather
the Census In m Month.
In June of next year tho people ot
tho United States will bo counted for
tho twelfth time slnco tho establish
ment of our government. "It will re
quire about fifty thousand enumerat
ors," writes Clifford Howard In the
November Ladles' Homo Journal, "to
tako the census, and their work must
be finished In ono month's time, or by
the first week ot July, 1900. That
means that about soventy-flve million
pcoplo must bo recorded In thirty days.
or at tho rato ot two and a half million
a dny. Tho rate will be even greater
than this, however, for in towns and
cltios ot eight thousand Inhabitants tho
enumeration must bo completed with
in two weeks. Tho enumerators will
not be permitted to have any assist
ance in tho work; It must be dono
by them in person, except In such sec
tions of tho country nB contain a great
many foreigners, where tho employ
ment of Interpreters will bo allowed, at
otherwise It would be next to impos
sible to securo the necessary data. The
enumerators will be paid for tholr
services In accordance with tho amount
of work thoy aro called upon to do,"
Technical Education In Germany.
Tho great Interest in technical high
schools recently shown by Emperor
William calls attention to tho fact that
for eomo years Germany has led the
world In manual training schools. As
a result of this training Germany has
been transformed from an almost
purely agricultural country to a great
manufacturing and industrial com
munity. As far back as 3891 there wcro
nlno technical high schools and poly
technic Institutes, under tho control of
tho government, thlrty-ono echools ot
agriculture, fifteen schools of mining,
fifteen schools of architecture, nlno of
forestry, twenty-three of art Industry,
and seven for public Instruction In
Two and a Unit Hqnnrn Miles, with
ropulMlon of HI my.
Tho smallest republic In tho world
U that of Tavolnrn, an Island about
flvo inllos long, with an nvcrngo width
of n llttlo more than half a mllo, sit
uated about a dozen mtton tn tho north
east of Sardinia. Tho total population
of tho whole republic docs not oxeced
CO, hut they olect a president every six
years, nnd a council of six members,
nil of whom sorvo tho stato without
pay. Tho women of this Island go to
tho polls and voto with tho men, and
evor Blnce it becntno n republic, in 1880,
all public business has been transacted
without turmoil; tho elections taking
placo without any high party feeling or
undue excitement. In 183G King
Charles Albert of Sardinia granted tho
Island of Tnvolnrn to n family of tho
namo of Hartolconi, but tn less than
half a eontury tho Inhabitants throw
off tho yoke of monarchy and took to
themselves. Thin llttlo war did not
alarm tho world, nnd was qulto n
peaceful ono. King Paul I. reigned
until 1882, and on his deathbed re
quested that none of his kin should
succeed to tho throne, and as no ono
claimed tho honor four yearn Inter tho
people decided to draw up a constitu
tion, nnd Tnvolara has been n very
successful llttlo republic nlnco. Twolvo
yearB ngo IU Independence wua recog
nized by Italy, and, It Ib to bo pre
sumed, other powers would have recog
nized It nlso If they had known of Its
oxlBtenco. Tho Inhabitants live prin
cipally by Ashing and raising fruits
and vegetables. They fear no sudden
invasion, for they dlsponso with any
army or navy, and, presumably, In case
of need, would rely upon tho entlro
population to uphold tho freedom of
tho country.
Tho Duchess ot Sutherland, who has
just published an nntl-soclallstic novel,
Is tho wlfo of ono of tho richest noble
men in England. Though still a young
woman, sho has beon prominent for
sonic years In philanthropic and tem
perance work. Tho town houso of tho
duko Is ono ot tho show places ot Lon
don, Tho duke's father, whom ho suc
ceeded In 1892, startled London society,
after tho death of his Invalid wlfo,
by marrying tho widow of his game
kcepor, Mrs, Hlalr. To add to tho
complications of tho situation, Mrs.
Blair becamo n widow through an un
fortunato accident on tho part of tho
duko. Whllo hunting ono day ho ac
cidentally shot Mr. Blair, and It was
whllo calling on Mrs. Blair to express
his sorrow and sympathy that ho toll
in lovo with hor. Sho was then over
40 years old, but as tho dowager duch
ess Is still a somowbat prominent and
extremely lnterpstlng factor In English
society. Tho proscnt duko owns 1,
400,000 acres ot English land.
Cats Made Over,
"If you want a Persian cat bring mo
any common kitten jou like, and with
in six months I will return It to you
with a coat which would put to shamo
that ot tho shah's favorite pussy," Bald
n cat fancier to tho writer. "No tor
turo or fake Is employed. Somo time
ago It was brought to my notico that
tho cats living in refrigerating cham
bers got coats of enormous thickness,
nnd also that they grew to nearly dou
ble.tbo size of the ordinary pussy, Tho
Idea being given, tho rest was easy. I
had a small refrigerator fitted up In my
premises, and raado an experiment. It
was so successful that I havo slnco
mado.a profit, by turning common pus
sies Into genulno Persians, of $2,600 a
year. Again, I now havo on)y ono euro
for cats, nover mind what disease
thoy aro suffering from. I frcezo them,
and am by this remedy able to return
them to their owners, within a week,
perfectly happy and well. Again, for
tho last two years tho majority of show
cats havo como to me In the early
autumn to havo their winter coats
made by my mothod, so that they shall
not catch a chill owing to any sudden
change In tho weather."
Vonle Sam's Ilia Menagerie.
Tho national government has Just
decided to go Into tho menagcrio busi
ness on a scale which will mako tho
ordinary collection of animals look
lonesome by comparison. The new
menagcrio will occupy 1G6 acres ot land
northwest of Washington. Circulars
have been prepared and sent out to the
coneulnr representatives of tho govern
ment all over tho world, instructing
them to purchaso and forward to
Washington animals of ob many differ
ent species, indigenous to tho countries
In which thoy aro located, as possible
It Is expected that Africa will con
tribute tho moBt specimens, among
them tho gorilla, giraffe, and chim
panzee Tho national "zoo" will bo
maintained In connection with tho
Smithsonian Institution.
A Variety or Jokes, (Ul,r and Irntilrs,
Original nnd Heleclrd PloUnm and
JcUatn front thu This of Humor
Willy Hayings.
Tho Hume Old Htorr.
Cupid with his bow and arrows
Wandered through the world one
Looking for unconscious lctlnis,
Their lepusc to tako away.
All at onco ho spied a maiden,
Who wns famed for beauty rare,
Hut who always coldly llstcnrd
To each lover's indent prayer.
Swiftly Cupid shot his arrows,
Vainly shot them, one by ono,
For his darts ull missed tho maiden,
As his darts had always dono.
Then ho winked sly llttlo follow!
And his next shot surely told,
For the Inst dart In his quiver
Was an utrow tipped with gold!
Somcrvlllo Journal.
Neglecting Their Dnty.
Aunty (to EIbIc, who has been out to
look for eggs) Havo you found any,
dear 7
Elsie No, not one, tho hens are all
standing about doing nothing,
A Kaltsfnctlon.
Washington Star: "What aro you
going to'do for amtiBomcnt today?"
"I think," answered tho hero, "that
I'll go to a dlmo museum and sco tho
armless phenomenon."
"I didn't know you wcro interested
In curiosities ot that kind."
"I wasn't formerly. But It will bo n
great satisfaction to meet somebody
who I'm dead suro Isn't Koine to shako
'hands with me."
Ills Kiuerlenee.
Washington Star: "Woman's work
lo never dono," quoted tho sympathetic
"That'B right," answered Mr. Meek
ton, earnestly. "I havo observed It In
Henrietta's case. Woman's work is
nover dono. Thcro is always cnoujjh
of It left over to keep her husband
busy from tho tlmo ho gots through
dinner till ho's so tired ho has to go
to bed."
She Knjnyed It.
Somcrvlllo Journal: Thoy had been
sitting together for half an hour.
"I havo enjoyed our conversation bo
much!" sho exclaimed, bb she roso to
go. "It Is bo restful to talk with you!"
And after sho had loft him ho re
membered that ho hadn't been ablo to
get In ten words edgewise throughout
tho whole conversation.
Thrown Much Together.
Philadelphia Record: Blobbs
Weren't you surprised to hoar ofHo
jack'e engagement to that BJones girl?
Slbbbs Not at all. They "wero
thrown very much together last sum
rner, riding tandem.
The Dace for Him..
"The 'armless wonder doeB every
thing with his feet and lower limbs,
doesn't ho?"
"Yes. It seems to mo ho ought to
hire out with a 'leg show.' "
How Could It He DoueT
Mr. Biggs (at end of long sex dis
cussion) Well, Mls8' Jones'i rriy opin
ion stll Is that a woman should
respect should look up to" a man.
The Reaction,
"How is your now man getting
along?" asked the customer.
"Well," said tho grocer, ".I'll try him
for a llttlo whllo longor and see It he
will wake up. But just at present It
looks as If ho had put out so much
energy In getting tho job that he ha
nono left." Indianapolis Journal.
Ouscrviint lllrd.
Chicago Tribune: "Ob, George!"
.squeaked tho parrot, as soon as the
young man carr.o Into the parlor, "how
rough your face Is!"
f i