.ii.rvvi-" ,w'Wyw,- THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. ill, 1809. 6 LOCALLY. tmrvj-A 1 THE FAMOUS PAINTER W. II. WILSON, of Paris, painted 150 BEAUTIFUL OIL PfllflTIflGS for us, whllo in our employ on tho 13tli, 11th and 15th of tliis month which wo nro going TO - GIVE - AWAY to customers making n cash purchnso of fi.OO boforo tho 10th of Dcccmbor. Prof. Wilson is an artist of national reputation. Every ono of theso painting aro worth moro than 95 00 and wo present them OTO - YOTJ - IMEE. Tho professor camo in on such short notico tnat wo did not got a chanco to ndvortlso, however wo have made another contract with him to cotno again in tho near futuro and will advortiso so everybody may seo this wondorful artist. Big: ladLe ! Our trndo has increased in suah gigantic pro portions that wo can hardly understand it. Hero is tho socrot. THE PRICE, '.THE QUALITY, THE QUANTITY. Tho largost stock of season' ablo goods in Red Cloud. WE UNDERSELL ALL COMPETITION. Otat Ibices owl Jo.olcot and Capes. Wo aro going to soil overy Jacket in our storo boforo Xmas, and PRICIi is tho way to po it. Blankets. Our big Htock of blankets is dwinpling down. While our assortment is yet complcto thero aro only a few of tho kind and whilo thoy last tho bar gains are still yours. Dress Goods. The' most popular dress goods department, in town. LININGS PRBE-With each dress pattern atOOo per yard or over wo will givo froo 0 yards cambrio 2 yards solissia and 1J yards of duck fcRKE. Groceries. THKNKSCIUINC IS C07UTINC. Remember! Turnuro IJros. have everything that will mako you thankful that you still live. TURNURB BROS. Red Cloud, Nebraska. MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Buy a Newton wagon. Hammock's at cost at Taylor's. Thos. Auld was in Lincoln this week. Mrs. Beok of Franklin was in tho city Monday. Use Dormolino for chapped honds. Guaranteed bv Cotting. Tho best is tho cheapest. Get a Newton wagon at Peterson's. L. S. Wilson was looking after busi ness matters at Hastings this weok. Jas. Burden and wife have roturned from a visit with relatives at Kansas City. Mrs. Will Mitchell left Sunday night for a visit with relatives and friends at McXJook. Donald McCallum'of Guido Rock was hero looking after business mat ters tho last of tho weok. James Griiniugor of Wymoro, for niorly a resident of this city was here on business tho first of tho week. Henry Holtzman, formerly a resident of this city, but now in tho shoo busi ness at Campbell was here Sunday. Keep your chickens in good condi tion by feeding them ground oyster shall, bono and mica grit. For salo at Warren's market. Rot. G. Vf. Hunmel will preach at Mt. Hopo, Kansas, on Sunday, Nor.26, nt 11 o'clock a.m. and at tho McCall school houso at 8:80 p.m. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. at SEE THE OYSTER KITCHEN IN THE WINDOW AT THE Star Bakery, LJ. O. WILES, Prop. J Curtains at cost at Taylor's. Wall paper at cost at Taylor's. Fino Teachers Bibles for tl.00 Cottings. Mrs. Hussong was visiting in Frank lin this week. Tho Ciuef and Chicago Inter Ocean ono year for tL2G. Samuel Smith returned from a trip to Hardy Sunday night. A tolephono has been placed in the residence of M. W. Dickerson. All kinds of robes at Fogol & Hutch ison's, Red Cloud and Cowles. G. R. Chancy was in Omaha tho first of tho week looking after business matters. By order of the mayor all tho slot maohines were taken down last Wed nesday. Do you want a heating stovo? If you do go to Wright's. Ho has n large lino at tho lowest pricos. Ira Harris, brother of Wm. -Harris, arrived in tho city last Friday, and will mako this his futtiro homo. HPreaching will bo held nt Ash Creek Church by Rev. G. W. Hummel on Thanksgiving evening at 7.30 P. M. Loggins and driving mitts, just the thing to keep out the cold, full line at Fogel ft Hutchison's, Red Cloud and Cowlos. The ladies of the Congregational church will hold thoir annual bazaar Friday and Saturday, December 15th and 10th. Will Kellogg is having rooms fitted up and arranged oror thePionoer meat market and will in tho noar futuro open up a photo gallery. If anyono should happen to find an ownerless hen or torn turkey straying around ever tho couutry between this time and next Thursday thoy are ro quested to deliver the samo to this ofllco. Notice to Huhtmrb Hunting is positively forbidden an eur farms in Logai township, Smith county, Kae sis, and anyene found hunting thereon will be prosecuuit. Cms. Ahduckle AM V, H. SCMVNM. Tho young people of tho ChiiBtlan church and thoir frionds will give a "basket social" at tho rooms recently vacated by Dr. Morauvllle, next Satur day ovoning Everybody attond. Free admission to an excellent program at 7 80 Saturday, Nov. 35. Carpets nt cost At Taylor's. Ftirnlturo at cost at Taylor's. Heaters in endless variety a W. W. Wright's. A. M. Walters of Ditto Hill was hero yostorday. R. A. Simpson of Blue Hill was horo Wednesday. R. W McCallum of Guido Rock was hero tho first of tho weok. Largost lino of heatera In tho vnlloy nt Wright's hurdwaro store. Tho D. & M. havo put aomo now chair cars an tho vnlloy lino. A now sidownlk has boon placod in front of C. L. Cotting's drug Btoro. Ed Chancy, formorly In tho livery business horo was in town this weak. Fur robes, goat robos, dog robes, buffalo robes, and in fact all kinds of robes, at J. O. Butler's. Miss Pearl Ludlow who is teaching school noar Campbell vlsitad with her paronts tho foro part of tho week. Tho rains of tho past week havo put an oxtra smllo on tho face of overyono. It almost assures a whoat crop for next year. 1 havo just unloaded a car ofJNowton wagons. J. nc8o wagons woro uougui for cash and tho prico is right. James Peteusok. Geo. Loming nnd wife of Gillette, .Wyoming, woro visiting In tho city the foro part of tho weok, the guests of Wm. Parkes and wife. HSomo parties indulged in n small scrap in oio of tho back alloys last Sat urday night. A fow hours in tho county jail was tho ponalty. Having docided to closo out my busi ness in this city I oiler my ontiro stock of furniture, carpets, curtains nnd wall papor at cost. F. V. Taylok. Miss Luln Harriman of David City is horo taking caro of her sister Mrs. Micha Griswol 1 who has boon sick for some time at tho Holland Houso. Mrs. R.M.Martin of Portland, Ore gon, was visiting in tho city this wook, tho guest of Mrs. O. L. Cotting. Sho started for her western homo today. Elmer Crone, who has boon on tho road felling musical instruments for Olnoy Gaston & Co., is "terrorizing" tho folks itt homo this weok with his winning smiles. A gontloman from Hastings)washero this week for tho purposo of establish ing a "bucket shop," and giving our pcoplo a chance to Invest thoir surplus cash. Wo havo not as yot hoard how tho gentleman succeeded. Cheap rates to Hot Springs and Cus ter, South Dakata; on Tuesday, No vember 21, December Oth and 10th, 1800, tho Burlington route will soil tickots at rato of ono standard faro, plus 93.00, for tho round trip. Tiokets limited to thirty days from date of sale A. Conoveu, Agent. About tho largest squad of wild geese tho doiizons of this neck 'o tho woods havo over bad tho ploasuro of witnessing, passed over this city yes terday about twelve o'clock. From tho number and tho amount of noiso thoy mado a porsan would bo led to bolievo that a cold wavo was closo at hand. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bating powders are th greatest menacen to health of the present day. 0U tAKIHa WwMMl NtW VOX. GENERAL CITY NETO. Everything at cost nt Taylor's. G. M. Castor was huro Thursday. Mrs. M C. Rockwell mado n trip to Campboll this week. Thoy nro tho leaders. Cooncr wagans at Peterson's. Robos, robes, robos. All kinds of robes at J, O. Butler's. Miss Margaret Minor loft last Sun day for a visit at Lincoln. Got Wright's pricos and seo his lino boforo you got n lion tor. A. M. Simerson of Bluo Hill was horo tho last of tho weok. Seo tho "American" hog fence nt Mitchell Bros. Best on earth. You can't mako n rotten egg good by putting it among n lot of fresh ones. All kinds of light harness nt Fogol & Hutchison's, Red Cloud and Cowles. Attorney Blaoklrdgo was looking af tor legal mattors in Tronton this week. Walter Roby soils tho Siugor sowing machine. Prices right. Got tho best. Mrs. Dwight Jones nnd daughter of Guido Rock visited In this city tho foro part of the week. If you wnnt anything in tho lino of horco blankotsor robes cnll on Fogel & Hutchison, Red Cloud nnd Covlos. A. C. Hosmor is moving his printing otllco in tho frnmo building opposito tho Piatt & Frees Lumber company of fice. Mrs. Molvn Phillips who has been visitiug with 11. A. Howard nud family has returned to her homo nt Portland, Oregon. A boy of usual Nobraska weight is repeated to havo arrived nt tho homo o! Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bruneriast Tuesday. J. P. Halo has purchased a rosidenco proporty in the northwest part of town andistixing.it up preparatory to oc cupying It. A glnnco Into tho show windows of our stores theso davs is enough to convince anyono that timo for giving presents is rapidly approaching. Blankets, blankets, blankets. Have you soon my largo stock of blankets. Squaro blankets, cutawny blankots, wool blankots, G-A blankets, Burling ton stay blankets, bias girth blankets, Storm King blankets and in fact all kinds of blankets at low prices at J. O. Butlor's. ROYAL BAKING POWDER will aid the cook as no other agent will to make . The dainty cake, The white and flaky tea biscuit, The sweet and tender hot griddle cake, The light and delicate crust, The finely flavored wafHc and muffin, The crisp and delicious doughnut, The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll, Delightful to the taste and always wholesome. Royal Baking Powder is made from PURE GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR and is absolutely free from lime, alum and ammonia. There are many imitation baking powder, made from alum, mostly sold cheap. Avoid tn them, as they make the food unwholesome. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ,y?444444444444444444444444444444444444V n a m i i s i 5 m JUST ft FEW WOHDS ABOUT LITTLE FELLOWS CLOTHING. DO YOU HlfOU Wo have tho finest lino of CHILDREN'S SUITS & OVERCOATS uver brought to this city. I vj V' J I lr fil i if 11 ay 111 ' if PRIGES ARE LOW and tho matorlnls way nbovo tho average Wo want you to soo thorn boforo you buy. SUITS $i.oo to $5SG Ovorconts just as cheap. m m m m m The Gowden-Kaley Clothing Company. HEADQUAREjpR CHILDREN'S lit to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to J to to : to t I to t I S to to . t to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to . to to . F(C(Ctt( FCttf t(ttfrt(t (( P. A. Wells, onco ono our of prom tnant nttornovs. now located nt South Omaha, was shaking hands with old frionds in this city tho foro part oi tno week. Wm Clommons and family left last night for Santa Monica, California, where thoy will mako their homo. Mr. Clemmons while proprietor of tho B. to M. oating houso hero mudo many frionds who will wish him success in his now homo. This wook tho moat market belong Ing to Ghas. Schultz was sold to tho other two moat market men. Tho stook on hand was purchased by them each talcing half, and Mr. Reynolds as sumed tho leaso hold by Mr. Sohiltz. The reason for the selling was thi con tlaued ill health of Mr. Schultz, who is at present very low. Tho thoroughbred Duroo Jersey hog salo of A. N. Godwin and Fred Brooks which was hold in tho ynrd of F. N. Richardson's livery and feed barn last Saturday drew a largo crowd nnd tho animals sold well. Tho pcoplo havo begun to rcalizo that although blooded stock does como a little high at tho be. ginning it Is a very desirable thing to have. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postofllcoat Hod Cloud, Nob raska, for tbo wook ending Nov. 28d, 1890. Campbell, Andrew Campbell, A. M. Hewitt, Cora Hudson, Jay Jorgensea, Wallaco These letters will bo sent to tho dead letter office Dae. 7th, If not called for before. When calling for abovo please say advertised. T. C. Haskbu. P. M. The yong moq of this city havo be come imbued with the social club idea, and already steps havo been taken for tho organization of such. A meeting was held lust Monday evening at which timo a temporary organisation was af fueled and It. D. Bedford chosen as chairman and J. W. Auld secretary. A committeo on constitution and by laws was also appointed nnd another committee was appointed to scctiro suitable rooms and attend to tbo fur nishing of tho same. Another meet ing is called for this ovoning at which timo it is expected tho temporary or ganization will bo mado permanent. Such aa organization would no doubt b tho means of much good toour com munity. Mrs. M. K. Quivoy, district suporin toudontof tho Children's Home Sooi oty was lii tho city a wook uttending to tho Interests of her aisociation, that is looking up and ca'iug for homeless children, finding good homes for thorn, and placing thoni therein. Thero nro now ton children in nnd around Red Cloud that sho has placed nnd sho still looks out for their welfaro. Sho wont to Cowles Saturday roturning Sunday night and after some difficulties sue ccoded in organizing n "local home board" llko tho one in this city and in Inavalo. Sho is very successful in placing ohlldron:ospeclally tho older onoB wlioro great caro nnd oxporionoe is nooded. Sho is n very pleasant and agreoablo lady. Tho moro ono Is ac quainted with hor tho better they like hor. Sho has a talent for her work. r, w-a The Five Senses The hoaring ear ministers largely to tho mental nature. Its chief charm is that it waits upon tho soul with "a awobt coucord of sounds." The seuso of smell stands a step low or, divided about equally, in minister ing to the physical and aesthetic, in aan. The sonse of feeling is still lower. The nerves of sensation nro its lingers: through them is fulfilled its function of handling nnd fashioning tho moro ma terialsof civilizution. TaBte is tho humblest among tho senses. Its ministrations aro dovoted, primarily, to tho body. Tbo fireman that foods the ongino of the physical system, Tisiou is the noblest of our sonses It presides over tho activities of the lower faculties, and transcends them in tho reach of its power. Yet the most important of all sonsps is most abusod. The teolh, the nose, tho ears, all receive due attention upoa tho sllgh ost note of warning) while shooting pains and dull aches in and around tho eyes nature's warnings aro allowed to go unhoedod, when per haps perfectly httcd glasses wonld re liovo present trouble and save further rogrot. Newhouse Bros.t Jewelers and Qetlckas. Urlng ui your Watch, Clock aad Jawaky work. We do the t work, ,' ? IUI g "l , If