wSSwfeSfflW&lfflW 4 THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, TIIIDAY, NOV. 24, 1899. li. i r f V ip t I ' ;(J u i if $ Iff i ' ' . ' ' ? U . , 44 Necessity is the Mother of Invention It was the necessity for an honest, reliable blood purifier and tonic that brought into existence Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It is a highly concen trated extract prepared by a combination, proportion and process peculiar to itself and giving to Hood's Sarsaparilla unequalled curative power. Its wonderful record of cures fus rrtAde it America's Greatest Medicine. Rosy Cheeks " hwe good hettth And rosy cheeks, trunks to Hood's StrsMpAritU, It buSds me up and SAves doctor bUts." MAry A. Burke, EajI ClAtr St., IndUnxpolis, Jnd. &cd& SaMaMi Hood', illlttun Hr llliittm non IrrlUtlm Mid 'only tthrtlc to uk,"wllh llotwTi Ktrnparlll., THE CHIEF On Tr. tlsmonthi rDBMtlUD BT w. l. McMillan. .1100 60 PUBLISHED KVBKY miDAY n tared t tb poit office t lied Cloud, Neb, a Knd elm mall matter. ADVEIITI8INO KATES: Local AdTertlilDK 6 cut per line rcr lue. Local Advcrtliliis (or ciiterlnlnmeutt, con lirti, ioclali, etc., given by cburchet, charitable leeletlCJ. etc., where all moneji raUcd thcro fran are wed wholly for church or charitable Mttetlei, Orit ten Hue free and all over ten Hue 9H cent per line per Itiue. Local adTtrtlitnit of entertainment, concert!, redtali, etc., where per cent It given to pro aietcri, 6 cents per lino per lnue. Ulf I-LAT AUVtnTIilKd. m celnran month-. -' 00 1 75 cent cmm hlf rnlmnn ner month , One fourth column icr months General dliplar advertising I sob perlatue. 8X per the probnbleslttintion next year They disclosed the (net thnt n considerable part of the committee's time lias been devoted to discussing the prohablo ef fect of high prices on the cnnipnlRft of 1000 "Atlmirnl Dowoy sails into tho harbor of matrimony us quietly as ho did Into tho harbor of Manila," remarks nn ex change. Wonder if this humor, too, is mined, and poor Dowoy is liablo to n blow up at any momont? Superior Journal. A number of prominent democrats from over tho state gathered Monday nt the Liudell hotel to present to Judge Suilivan of tho supremo coart tho ad visability and necessity of appointing n democrat to tho position of clerk of the supreme court. They were gather ed also to show tho judge that of all tho democrats in tho state, Leo Herd man was tho ouo to rocolvo tho place, m Last week wo were requested to ad vocate tho erection of tin opera house. Tho object was to get tho plan before the public, and thus glvo thoso who wero interested in the matter a chance to work it up. As yet we havo heard of nothing being douo. Cau it lie pos sible that wu wero tho victims of a hugo joke? Wo begin to think so. If anybody has any projects lu tho fu turd they desire to havo help on they will please furnish proof f their sin cerity in tho work. Germany isrejoicuingorertho settlo ment of tho Snmonn question which di vides up the islands among tho powers interested, and ends tho tripartite agreement. Tho United States, too, is pleased with tho adjustment. Wo get a very small part of tho group, but this part has the best harbor in tho Southern Pncitic, and some of the authorities say it is tho best iu any part of the Pacitlo excopt San Francisco. Tho Samoan arrangement will doubtless bo accept ed by thu senate. Tito country likes it, and tho senate will probably ratify their choice. Just about tho time tho roiidents of our city are getting together and a friendly feoling exists and things are running iu ,i smooth and satisfactory groovo for the advancement of tho town a spusui of morality strikes tho town and disrupts everytbiug and makes neighbors huto each other. In most cases the loaders in sujh out bursts are with a tow exceptions men of no property interests, not in busi ness and with only a passing interest in tho city's affairs. If you want to bavo your boys lead a moral llto placo in their reach a place of amusement or some placo where they may spend their evenings properly. Wo bad a moral town about twelve years ago and tasted its bitterness and old residents don't care to get another taste. - Tho democratic national executive committee nt Chicago, with National Cbalrmnu J. K. Jones in tho chair, spentconsiderablo time discussing mat ters pertaining to organization, ways ami meaus and thu adlnistratlve a (Talis of tho organization. Nothing was said about a meeting of tho national com mittee, but it is tho opinion of most of the exnoutlvo committeemen that the fall committee will bo called to meet iu Washlngtoj, February 23, and that the national democratic convention will be hold tho latter part of May or the Mrst pnrtof June. Sonator Jones would say nothing about calling tho committee. The committeemen wero extremely un communicative as to what was dono nt the meeting, After tho moetlug had adjouruod, however, somo of tho com- sjultteomen continued tho discussion tf It was rumored at the state house yesterday. Hint Governor I'oynter would soon call a meetingottho state bnrbors' board to amend the rules recently pro mulgated by that board. This board comprites Governor PoynUr, Attornoy General Smyth nnd Auditor Cornell. Tho board was created by a law intend ed to protect barbers of the stato and at tho snmo tlnio furnish n good salary for thrco or four secretaries, tho money with which to pay tho salaries to come from tho pockoUi of tho barbers. Tho Governor and his follow board mora bors havo issued rules regulntlng tho breath of barbers. These rules warn bnrbors against tho loading down ol nn innocent breath with onions or whisky, but all this appears to bo for tho protec tion of the customer. Somo of tho bar bers want to potltlon tho board to regu late the breath of customers. Some very bad cases havo como to tho notico of barbers lately, but just how to pro tect tho barbers from the nulsanco promises to bo a very porploxlng prob lem for the thrco state officers having control of this branch of stnto govern ment. All throo areconvinccd that no question is sottled until it is settled right. Ex-Stato Printer Ed. Snow of Kans., says that if tho populist party lasts much longer it will bo tho fault of tbo republicans themselves. "If tho re publican newspapers and orators will quit abusing tho "pops," said he, "tho pop party would bo dead in two years. Tho rank and filo of tho party soo no f uturo for it nnd ore anxious to got back into tho two old parties again In Kan sas tho'populists drow mostly (root tho republicans. That element would go back to tho republican party without a question. Nut only that but many of the old-timo democrats who wont off with tho popsaro in f:tvor of expansion and they. too. would co with tho Re publicans. But it scorns that somo of tho republican newspapers nnd orators don't want them. Thoy keep nbusing tbo pops like plckpockots. If thoy would chnngo their tactics nnd extend an invitation to tho Pops to como over, they would prollt immensely thereby. An American citizen, especially of tho Kansas brand, cau bo ploadcd with, but not drhen into doing things. Tho re- publicans should tako this cue and act accordingly. Tho work of reformation in tho city of Red Cloud has commenced. One of our citizons mauo n snort specen ni one of our churches Inst Sunday night which resulted in tho calling of a moot ing at tbo olllco of J. M. Chaflin on Monday for tho purposo of organizing an nuti-snloon nnd nntl-gumbling, league. Tho mooting was held as called and n committee of livo was chosen to proparo a constitution nnd by-laws, consisting of Hovs. Doan, Harncs, Hussong and Edson, and J. M. Chaflin as a member from tbo citizons. Tho objoct of tho organization as stat ed in short talks by thoso presont was to abate saloons, gambling houses, slot machines, aud other things which to tho organization are obnoxious from n moral standpoint. Whilo tho Ioaguo oxpecta to suppiess gambling iu tho city, thoy do not expect to do much with tbo saloons which aro nt present licensed in our eity, but their hopes are that by tho beginning of tho next municipal year they will bo orgauizod strong enough to prevent the issuing of Hconso to a saloon in the city. A committee to investigate nnd secure evidence against saloons, gambliug houses, etc , wns nlso appointed, but wo were uuublo to Unrii tho names of tho committee The members of the league nro snnguiuo as to the great amount of good that will bo tbo out come of their efforts, but wo await fur ther developments. tho articles, and proceciied to tako them from me. Hut ho wns in the wrong place for thnt. I called to my bull dog, nnd bad not much need of other help. He whs at Inst invited to tako his departure, nnd has never troubled me since. In somo places peddlers will stop, and if they find n woman alone, they will compel her to trade with them, if she has nny monoy. Now if pooplo would all rcfuso to trado with them or keep them, wo should soon bo rid of them. For my part I have- decided to do no mora trading with peddlers; nnd if others wish to patronize them let them bo the ones to entertain them, ns they can not frighten mo into doing cither. But really ns there is a largo number of peddlors running over tho country frightening timid women I tbtuk it high time somothing was dono about it. Kcd Cloud Is, in our opinion, tho host town in southern Nebraska, and the prospects ahead of it for the next year or two aro certainly encouraging ifourpeoplo will only work together for tho upbuilding of this city. Hut this can only bo done by united nnd harmonious notion, thcrcforo we nto opposed to tho stirring up of n faction al fight at this tlnio. During tbo past few years Ked Cloud has prospered and the stigma of former times has boon almost completely orascd, and Ked Cleud'u prospects aro at present brighter than nt nny time in tho city's history. Ono backwnrd stop now or one move to causo dissension and strife among our citizons, when entlro unity of notion is neccssaty, might serve to set our city back for a period of livo or ten years. Nothing hurts a city worse than strifo among its citizens. A city the sizo of Ked Cloud can very soon get a reputation for working together for anything thnt will assist in tho up buildiug of tho city, or they can very soon got a reputation of being com posed of twoclotnonts, ono of which is always opposed to anything tho other proposes. Now, which ouo of theso reputations docs this city want? Wo prefer tho former. We bolievu that the law bhould bo obeyed, but wo do not bolievoa factional fight will enforce a law or better n community, or at least it never has this ono. It nnyouo knows of tho existouco of nn illegal or unlawful business being carried on it is his duty as u law abiding citizou to enter complaiut and havo tho city authorities stop it, nnd wo nro willing to venture tho assertion tliat it will bo stopped iu n hurry under tho present administration, but u man who knows or imagines ho knows of existing un lawful business and uses such knowl edge or supposed knowledge for the solo purposo of creating dissatisfaction and strifo iu u poaceablo community is dosorviug of only tho condemnation of every citizen nnd should bo sat down on by everyone who has tbo best interests of tho city nt henrt. Law nnd order nro bouud to be respected, but dissatisfaction and strifo caused by n factijunl tight, know no law and order, aud havo only for their law "might makes right." Look be fore you lenp. INAVALE Mrs. Cora Pitney visited in Inavalo last Sunday. Jako McClintock made n sale of his effects Thursday. Prices wero rnthor low. Miss Hannah Jorgonson received n flno now orgnn this week ns n birtl dy gift. There nro rumors nbrond of n bL dnnco in tho neighborhood Thunrfity night, at which time ono of our yctay men nttains his majority. Wo havo had very misty threatening weather all wcok. It begins to look ns if wo would bnvo nn old timo Thnnks giving with plonty of snow. Frnik Kin Cnid expects to begin breaking sod on his low farm south east of Vanco McCalls, ho has got n now breaking plow and will begin at onco if tho ground doesn't freeze up. The ro was a house-warming dacco Friday night at Mr. Chafllns, who lives several miles northwest of hero, we wero not in attondanco so do not know nny particulars, but a good time is re ported. Tho young folks of tho Inavalo school had a surprise party last Friday night on Charley Rookie, it boing tbo four teenth anniversary of his birth. Glenn Olmstead took most of theyoung pooplo in a big wagon and provod himself n escort. Charley wns ns sur prised ns could bo wished nnd n very onjoynblo ovoning wnsipnssed. Somo of the boys presented Charley with n hnndsomoBilkmufliur. And the "kids" think they'll havo another party assoon ns tbcro is another birthday. RAW AS BEEF M ECZEMA! No Torture Equal to the Itching and Burning of This Fearful Disease. Not much attention is ofton paid to the first symptoms of Eczema, but it ta not long boforo the littlo redness begins to Itch and burn. This is but tho beginning, and will lead to suffering and torture almost unen durable It Is n common mistake to. regard roughness and redness of the skin, as merely a local irritation ; it is but an indica tion of a humor in tho blood of terrible Eczema 'Which is more than skin-deep, and can not bo reached by local appli cations of ointments, salves, etc., applied to the surface. The disease itself, tho real causo of the troublo, is in the blood, although all suffering Is produced through the skin ; the only way to reach tho disease, therefore, is through me uioou. Mr. Phil T. Jones, of Mlrersville, Ind., writes: "I had Ecsoma thirty years, and after a great deal of treatment my leg was so rnw and sore that it gave me eonstant pain. It finally broko into a running sore, and began to spread nnd grow worso. For tho past flvo or six years I have suffered untold agony nnd had given up all hope of ever boing free from tho disease, ns I havo been treated by somo of the best physicians nnd have taken many blood medloines, all in vain. With littlo faith left I began to tako S. S. 8., and it apparently made the Eczema worse, but I know that this was tho way tho remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing S. S. 8., tho sore healed up entirely, the skin became olear and smooth, and I was cured perfectly." Eczema is an obstinate disease and can not bo cured by a remedy which U only a tonic. Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD Is superior to other blood remedies becauso it cures diseases whleh they on not reach. It goes to the bottom to tho cause of the disease and will oar the worst case of Eeiema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to bo free from potash, mereary or any other mineral, and never fails to ouro Eecema, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, Cancer, Tetter, Rheumatism, Open Sores, Ulcers, Boils, ete. Insist upon 8. 8. 8. ; nothing can tako its placo. Books on these diseases will bo mailed free to any address by Swift Bps eiflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia. GUIDE ROCK. II. S. Donnoy is nblo to work ngnin. D. O. Leith tho horse buyer is hero ngnin. A lnrge number of horses wore offer ed for snlo hero Thursday. A. A. Busheo was down from Hold rogo tho lirst ef tbo week. Wo missed tho trnin last wcok so no news was sont from hoi o. M. Shoely nnd Lon Tomkins nnd families visited nt Superior Sunday. Tho poultry buyer from Superior got n lino lot of turkeys nnd chickens hero Mondny. A. A. Goorgo of Garrison, Nob. is hero looking after his interests in this vicinity. Jacob Kindscher returned from his trip to Europe Wednesday evening looking well. James Colvin met with nn accidont at school and sovorly injured one of his wrists. D. C. Smith of Crawfordville, Ind., n cousin of tbo Wntt Bro'a of this plnco is hero on n visit. Guido Rock has a now horse market, M. Lovitt nnd Win Kirkpntrick bavo nearly n carload bought. We nro informed that n horse raco has boon matched by parties of this vicinity and Holdrege, to tako place on the Holdrege track Dec. SI, or if the day is unsuitable, tho tirst suitable day and dry track thereafter. Amidown. I Too Late 'To put n lock en tho stall when tho horso is gone." That is true in moro ways than ono. Tho season of new mown hay is here and you will soon bo feeding your horses new oats, siieak oats and queen conn. In other words tho colic season is about here. You can save your faithful animals hours of !ngony nnd yourself tiuuncial Iocs and the trouble and oxpenso of going miles in the night for a "horse doctor" by kcoplng on hand n bottlo of Sioux Colic IlVXixtt-ire, Put up three doses in a dronching bottle sor 81.00. Cures the vnrious forms of colic, inflammation of tho bowels, stoppage of urine, etc, in cnttlo nnd horses. Ono dose gives instant relief. Ask your druggist for it. If ho uasu't got it anil won't get it tor You should also have you write us'nt once. A writer lu tbo Nebraska Farmer hns tbo following to say regarding pel dlers who travel around the country disposing of their wares to tho farming community: "Yes, I do think tho ped dlors are a gront nuisance, as a rule. Thoy are but littlo iu advanco of tho tramp. Their wares aro of the poorest and their prices higher than we would pay in town. Then, when night comes they expect you to keep thorn, and per haps n horse too, even if you havo to turn something of your own out of tho stublo to glvo them room. When morn ing comes, thoy want to pay what thoy please, and pay it from their pack, nnd set their own price. One such ex perience comes to my mind. Ono of theso Itinerant merchants arrived at my homo after night, aud begecd mo to keep him as bis horse was tired and he could gel no placo to stay. I, beiug a follower of Him who said, "Ho not for getful to entertain strangers," took pity on him nud took him lu ns it was late. I had to build a tiro and cook supper for him. Ho spout the uight,and had breakfast. His horso was nlso fed hay nud grain. Aftor I was alone ho brought in his pack to have mo lake my pay. His prices wero just doublo what 1 could buy tho snmo for in town; but I picked out 70 cents worth. He said ho could not laythnimucb.ho would give mn SO cents Hu oidered me to either pay him 20cout8 0igivo back some of LINE. Weather foggy and rainy. Mr. and Mrs. Wildey Sundayed with friends at Uostwick. Mr. Scrivuer has bis stono houso fin ished and will soon move. Ed. Monttord has leased tho Wesley MeCall ranch for another year. Tho fall wheat on tho Dickorson much is up nnd is a good stand. Mrs. Horton of lied Cloud was the guest of Allau Carpenter Sunday. Amos Gust has sold his interest lu his corn crop to Alf MeCall for 84.00 per acre. Allan Carponter bought somo lino brood sows at the sale nt lied Cbud Saturday. W. J. llaskins has bought tho farm south of tho old Peter Marsdeu ranch for 1,200. Have llaskins has leased tho barn that John Odboin owned noar Pleasant Dale school houso in district 80. Will Aubushon shelled 1300 bushels of coru this week and delivered It to August Roats of Red Cloud. Jeff Beaiicuamp reports his crop ef popcorn good. He will ship h carload to Kansas City in tho near future. Will lieauohamp has the contract of working the road oi the east lino of section 33 to tht state lino for 935.00. L. A. llaskins repoits that ho has bsugat the Nouh Perry pioperty iu Red Cloud nud that hu will move into It iu the next ihiity days. Tho social ulDist. No, 70 was largely attended last Saturday anil somothing like $14,00 was raised for tho purchase of nu organ for tho Sunday bcbool. vyiiiiu itieboeitu wns iu progress somo ono made u laid ou tku wagons nud stole robes and whips, Sioux Digestive Food, nn hand for your stock nnd youltry nnd ward off disoases. "A stitch in timo snves nine." I SIOUX REMEDY CO., SIOUX CITY. IOWA. slwwvwwwv v-vv www www w wwvirw CENTRAL WEBSTER. A lino rain foil tho first of the weok Fall wheat is coming on Hue. Soveral of our farmers are dono husk' ing corn. Mr. and Mi 8. Wm. Hodge from near Mt. Clare attended church at Prairio Center last Sunday. Mrs. Martha Campbell of Abilino, Kaus., who has been visiting her brother Wm. Isom and family, expects to ie turn homo this wook. Efflo Isom will accompany her. Tho now school houso iu Dist. 35 is about completed. There will bo a supj per given by tho Ladles' Aid Society in the now building this wcok, proceed to buy nu organ for church purposes Tho old school houso will bo torn down this week aud moved by Mr. II. Curtis, who bought it somo time ago. Eave Ditorrai. Auction Sale of Unclaimed Express Matter. The Adams Expross Company will sell at public auction for cash AT - RED - CLOUD, - NEBRASKA, December 1st and 2d, 1899. All Unclaimed Express matter remaining ou hand at offices throughout the State of Nebraska. J. H. BUTLER. Supt. A. CO NOVER, Agent SALE BEGINS AT 0 O'CLOCK A.M. JAMES PETERSON, DEALER IN Mrs. Pinkham's Medicine Made a New Woman of Mrs. Kuhn. unu re mis. mmxbam mo. &m91 "DeabjUrs. PiHKiiAif I think it hi my duty to write to you expressing; my sincere gratitude for the wonder ful relief I have experienced by the use of LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I tried different doctors, also different triads of medicine. I would fool bett. at times, then would be aa bad as ever. ' For eight years I was a great suf ferer. I hud falling of the womb nnd wns In Bnch misery at my monthly periods I could not work but a little beforo 1 would have to Hu down. Your medicine has made a new woman of me. I can now work all day and not get tired. I thank you for what you have dono for me. I shall always praise your medicine to all suffering women. " Mrs. E. K. kuhn, ukiimaho, uuio. NEWTON and SMITH Iairm. Wagons. ALSO A FULL LINE OF BUGGIES and DEMPSTER WlHDWILLS. Delinquent Pertorul Taxes Must Be Paid Delinquent personal taxes for the year 18D3, hnvu been delinquent for some time and must be paid nt once, otherwise I will proceed to collect tho same by distress warrants. C, 1). Robinson, County Treasurer, . tfilurata Your lluwul Willi Ciitcurrtm Candy Cntliiirtlc. aire cormtlpatlon former. 10c, ftfe. IICC.O. (aft, drucRlsts rotund money "I havo taken eight bottles of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and used two packages of your Sana tive Wash, also some of tho Liver Pills, and I cun say that your remedies will do all that you claim for them. Before taking your remedies I waa very bad wilh womb troublo, was nervous, had no ambition, could not sleep, and lay food seemed to do me no good. Now I am well, nud your medicine has cured me. I will gladly recommend your med icine to every ono wherover I fo." uua. M, L. SUKABS, UM MABS1I, NIOK. PLATT & FREES CO.. Ghieago Itambef Yafd RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. TRADERS IGGMGBER CO, f DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COA1 JEStailclixig: material, Bto. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska 4 Vi vX