-.r .jiW-"!-l' - t&izGix&rJ. THE KED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1809. me m &e.:e:S6&6ee W .. Official Vote of Webster County, Nebraska. Compiled from tho olllclal returns of tho okclioit hold November 7th, 1899. ci , h,w ffi.irpfFVVtaij i FORBLOODPOSSON EC t 3 5 a O v r 3 a 4 ft 0 m ft i it Or tit ft tt to to to t 0ANIIDATK9. Supreme Judges Vote of 1807 Alfied M Poul, r John J. Sullivan, t For Supreme Judge- Sllas A. Hnlconib, t Manoah U. Reese, r For University llegents John L. Tectum, f .. . Edson Rich, f . . William II. Kly, r Edward F MeUlltoii, r. For District Judge Ed L. Attaint, t Rlloy L. Rooster, r For County Treasurer George F. Pope, f C. D. IlobltiRon, r , For County Clerk James 1. Halo, f . . ... Glnronco lleod, r. , For County ShtrjT L. D. WoIIb, f M. It. Vdamson, r For Clerk District Court Charles E Conrad, f James ilurdon, r , For County Judge Isaac V. KdHun, t .. .... , John May, r For County Superintendent L. A. llussung, f Eva J. Caso, r For County Surveyor Frank A. Kuohn, f ,. .. W. E. Thorno, r For County Coroner Dr. D. Stevens, f I)r P. It. Hall, r Wild Animal Bounty For bounty on wild Animals . . . Against bounty on wild animals., 'For Commissioner, 1st Dist. (Joo P. ebbor, f D. II. Kuloy, r For Commissioner, 4lh Dist. Ciiarloy llcsso, p. i. , , . James Uvonnati, r E. U. Smith, pot 51 40 y 07 CO 45 03 48 1)0 03 CO v40 05 87 78 i.1 00 87 75 33 70 40 00 no 78 39 08 40 02 CO 15 35 70 A 50 00 78 75 71 05 78 73 70 70 07 04 73 8: 75 83 00 00 70 79 45 103 77 70 78 77 80 80 02 01 78 44 07 00 40 61 72 54 07 59 81 00 117 84 114 118 80 83 110 41 100 50 " 75 104 190 81 174 100 82 82 182 151 M Vs. 51 101 130 03 125 1011 08 0: 133 08 30 55, 120 112 109 00 47 80 00 121 03 83 01 03 08 CO 73 54 07 09 70 55 70 65 38 43 09 57 09 08 70 72 117 40 87 09 109 44 112 13 78 48 120 34 104 92 180 104 107 87 .100 110 or. 190 178 221 08 71 137 188 09 183 00 101 02 128 71 100 03 110 02 123 77 77 54 ? ty 00 20 05 60 82 30 C2 37 04 81 04 88 04 83 GO 40 02 25 02 46 08 31 02 82 42 21 87 41 00 37 04 84 42 39, 05 44 87 54 100 89 1)7 42 70 02 85 00 77 G2 03 40 93 40 72 18 ' 00 bO o n a V 24 48 47 50 45 88 41 45 48 52 80 01 50 48 01 40 88 50 40 52 84 00 50 40 40 51 05 12 07 65 00 00 00 05 67 01 05 05 75 45 G5 04 54 01 50 68 05 03 57 00 02 05 01 35 H 4(1 12 41 39 40 84 40 40 40 43 84 60 01 44 30 01 30 47 40 44 28 00 40 44 40 42 00 10 22 33 21 10 83 83 22 80 18 89 24 83 24 31 10 43 21 35 14 43 30 28 20 37 30 3 u 60 54 if 189 80 60 51 54 40 51 51 51 54 71 41 08 62 04 47 55 08 57 03 40 GO 07 05 08 0G 81 6 83 180 75 07 132 137 84 147 70 100 05 187 118 117 70 105 80 140 GO 102 77 140 70 101 118 01 59 57 50 07 55 63 57 01 55 02 53 05 0G 01 00 07 54 01 55 G3 48 69 53 G4 00 05 G2 10 W re p. g 5" a p. H 4 W 08 89 05 75 01 70 75 72 05 75 80 88 04 85 07 78 85 02 0G 71 80 07 09 70 01 80 85 87 00 70 40 88 51 08 82 60 40 78 80 58 80 40 110 05 00 01 87 38 107 53 01 44 100 02 85 00 02 50 41 45 09 82 114 09 74 121 08 57 123 124 78 137 61 109 04 124 79 138 34 183 GO 143 63 106 83 129 GO 144 88 r. 33 81 97 1082 U2b 1800 1118 1808 1148 1123 1121 1881 1248 1178 1470 1437 1109 1399 1237 1103 1444 1381 1274 1050 1509 1352 1248 13.0 1233 1211 028 280 201 152 219 100 o i B ts 143 272 185 20 183 208 238 102 281 57 010 101 137 018 25 50 W. VW..-..-.S-.-..-..-.-...-..-. ..-...-..,-.-...-.-...-.-.... W... . . . . . w .W .B K B B 4B -V B -S 4S .4BI -Bl -Bl .K B1 B5 .K B B !B H 4B B B B lB B lBI lBt tB( iB . m . . fc . -fc vv . . im h. . . . m ft ft ft ft ft; ft ft 'ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft i?o ft' ft ft ft JWk 4r DT "'Honest Labor Bears a Lovely Face." There is nothing more pleasing to look upon than a hearty, ruddy face, gained by honest toil. They are the saving of the nation, these toilers of both sexes, strug gling for daily bread. Vure blood makes them able to keep up the ditty round of duty at home, shop or store. If the blood has a taint or im purity, or a run doixm feeling comes on, the one remedy is Hood's Sarsaparilla, America's Greatest Medicine for the blood. Poor Blood "SMy blood -was so poor that in hottest weather I felt cold. Hood's Sarsaparilla made me warm. It is the right thing in the right place." Hattii J. Taylor, Woodstown, N. J. ZtbccCS SaAJafi MoodTrilli cutUrrtlTj tin) lion Irritating mid only cthrtic""To uks Willi liowt'i Strtprlll. THE CHIEF irilUMIKK HV V. L, MoMILLAN. Ont rent 1100 llxmoiniiK ., ao PrilMSIlRP BVintY KIUDAV Kuiertnl Kt the (ot oitice m Hcil Cloud. Ncb.a MtndoUtitnall milter. ADVKUT18INO UATKS: LocAlnilwriUltiKArcnii iir line per Umio liical AihvrlMiiit tut ciiletlnlnmciiU, coil rrt,foclil, rtc, ghou by cliunlio, cliutltiible it.cletlo, fie. hcro nil immi')i rAltcil theru from ate uwl w holly ' r clmrcli or chnrltnble Boelolk' tlrst ton llii . free mul Uoertati Wisa)tretita k.t line per Imnc. I.ooitl ntlrertlslni; of enttirtnltitnentr, concert, recital, etc., where or cent U given to pro moter, A cent per line per Ihmio. nt.rt.AT AUVBItTUINU, On rolmitn cr niontlt. ... .................. ...-..-I" CI) Uno Intlf rolinnu per muntli . ....-. .. . SW Oik fourth roliimiipii month .. ITS Ueucml illnplity tnlvertialng H'i lent )cr Inch pcrUuo. Slnco A(;ulnnldo'8 prayers were so inplitUk'ally auswercd by the Atnorl an puuplo on Novumbor 7th, ho has haui'd his seat o( i;nverniuout to any whet u ho slops which Is not very Iour m one uluce. as the United States troops keep him on tho niovo. Lieutenant Castle, ttido-de-canip to General Brooke, military governor of Cubs, expresses the opluton that It will bo a groat mistake ou the part of this government to supeicedu General lirooku with it civil Kovetnoi- ut this lime, ami predlols muoh dlssallsfao. lion auioug the residents if it is dune. 9 m Mm. Joy, wife of Representative Joy of St. Louis has opened a new line of warfare on Uepresentatlvo'Olcct Ut b oris, of Utah. She Is obtaining thu stgumute8 of tho wives t f vopicbontatives elect, to petitions, do. . mundliiK that tLclr husbands shall vote fot tho expulsion of Mr. Uuborts fiom the. house, and It is said thut she hue alroady secured quite a number. If tho women tin not Miucced In driving UohortJ out of congress they will cor tatuly make things yory unpleasant for him. Ho is moro likely to po than to stay. Ex-Govoruor John P. Altseld is de lighted over tho Nobmska victory be catiso lie nccrcdlU a portion of it to, his own oDfoits, for did he not mako numerous si)ccpiCJ.to tho inhabitants of lirynu's staU'T'lle is doubly pleased because of having participated In tho campaign and secondly of tho prestige It will give him in his continuous cod- tioversy in local politics. Notwithstanding Uio fact that No brnska voted in a mannor to indicate an indoisoment of Ilryan and the sil ver issue, tho result in other states shows conclusively that the people nro for sound monoy and tho principles of uxpansiou as now bolng fought by the administration. A number of lending ttomoorats have exprossod tho bolief that it is useless for the party to cuter into tho presidential campaign with Mr. liryau as a standard bearor, and tho sooner this fact is recognized tho better it will bo for tho party. Tho school children of tho lit tlo town of Sutherland desired to sec liryau as he passed through, and had their touch er wire him at Sidney, requesting him to stop for ilvo minutes. Thoro being no cash with tho order tho champion f Agulualdo did not doigu ovou t re ply. At Paxtnn ho was ngaiu asked tho saiuo question when tho reply was "How much monoy can you raise?" Tho ohildrmi had conliibuled their pontiles at Sunday school for the bone tit of tho hoathou in foreign lands and could not raise tho Btu(T nocossnry to lay at tho fcot of tho idol of tho demo cratic party. Tho high priests of tho tin soldier will have to swear still loud er at Morton if thoy dosire to convinco tho people that tort years of political life has made a philanthropist out of a man who commenced business on a cash basis. This week wo give the olllclal vote of this county at tho election held No vember 7th. In connection with it we givo the veto on supremo judges in 1807. A comparison shows it gain in the totnl voto in ueaily overy precinct. Tho totnl voto of tho county on su premo judges in 1897 was 2807, ami in 1800 was 2508, a gain of 201 votes. Tho highest vote lecouled was for county superintendent, the totnl voto for that oflleo being 2,058. This shows that 160 voles were cast for tho candidates for superintendent that woro not voted on tho state tiokot, and wo havn heard from some precincts in which tickets were marked just for township officers and road oversoors and the county and state ticket left blank. The voto on county superintendent whon compared with tho vote on supremo judges in 1697 shows an inoroaso of 351 in the total vote of tho county. w "Many mon of many minds' exactly describes the present attempts of tho politicians to predict what will bo tho dominating issue in tho piesidontial campaign. No belter proof of tho cor rectness of this nssertion is necessary than tho declaration of two prominent members of the house, Grosvcnor of Ohio, und Hot ham, of California, both republican. (en. Grosvonor said: "Theic will bo but uno issue next year auil that is tho tiuancial issue," and Mr. Barham snid: Tho money ques tion will bo hardly thought of In tho next campaign. It was blushed aside and lost sight of in tho staUi cam pnigns. Tho people did not wnnv. to hear it talked from the Jstump. Tho two tilings all persons woro intornstcd in were, iirst, expansion, and second, tho trusts." Other examples of coutiary opinions might bo givou, but thoso will suflicoto show that the politicians dif fer widely, and to recall tho oft assort ed fact that tho people mako national issues for tho politicians to advocate. Delinquent Personal Taxes Must Be Paid. Delinquent personal taxes for tho year 1898, have boon delinquent for sonio timo and must bo paid at once, otherwise I will proceed to collect the same by distress warrants. C.l Hohinsok, County Treitsut or. If you want anything iu tho linn of horco blankets or robes call on Fogol & Hutchisou, Red Cloud anil Co vlo . A WOMAN HELPS WOMEN An ox-mombor of congress who has jutt returned from an lndopendei.t diplomatic mission to Europe brought back with him some ploturosquo ideas of changes that will occur to tho map of Eurpe, Ho predicts that Germany will absorb Austria and Holland, and becomo tho greatest power in Europe, nnd eventually will, through its coloni al uocsossions in Asia, become em broiled in a grout war with this coun try. That Russia will absorb Bohemia, Finland and Turkoy, and will light a big war with Englaud for the posses sion of Aslallo territory, in which the United States is likely to become In volved. That Spain will bavo auother civil WHr us a preludo to becoming a republic; that Italy will become a re public after tho death of Crlspi, and I hat France, after having absorbed Belgium, will foim a coalition with Spttlu and Italy ngalnst Germany, Tiik Ciiikv 91,00 po- year. THERE are women everywhere who suffer almost con stantly because they cannot bring themselves to tell all about their ills to a physician. Such women can surely explain their symptoms and their suffering by letter to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for the con fidence reposed in her has never been violated. Over a million women have been helped by her advice and medicine. Mrs. Piukhara in attending to her vast correspondence is assisted by women only. If you are ill, don't delay. Her reply will cost you nothing and it will bo a practical help as it was to Miss Ella E. Brennkh, East Rochester, Ohio, who says: "I shrunk from the ordeal of examination by our physician, yet I knew I must have treatment My troubles were backache, nervous tired feeling, painful menstruation and leucorrhcea. I am so grateful to you now that I am willing to have my nama published to help other girls to take their troubles to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound used as you wrote me has made me entirely well and very happy. I shall bless you as long as I live." Mrs. Pinkham receive thou sands of such letters from grate ful women. Miss Nellie Russell, of 138 Grace St., Pittsburg, Pa., in a letter to Mrs. Pink ham says : ' From child hood I suffered from kidney trouble and as I grew older my troubles increased hav ing intense pain running from my waist to my womb and the menses were very painful. One day, seeing your advertisement in one of our papers, 1 wrote to you. "When your rply came I began taking your Compound and followed your advice and am now in perfect health, and would ad vise any lady rich or poor to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which I can praise above all ther remedies. It is a woaderful help to women." Bflwara of thfl llnntnr' a T.hero ,,s not tl?a Bl,Bhtest doubt that tho U0H3I0 Ul UIO UUiilUlO doctors do more harm than good In treating 1 m FiP.nl,nK'n9 pl8on; many vlotims ol PltP.nWnrif Ynil Rflll iiia '""Lthsomo diseaso would be much better rf I(jIIWUIK, lUU Udll off to-dav ir thoy had never allowed them- ,, selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, the Gura Yourself at Home, ,m ,., . Tho doctors are wholly unable to get rid of this vllo poison, and only attempt to heal up tho outward appearance of th dlBoase tho sores and eruptions. This they do by driving tho poison Into the system, and endeavor to keep it shut In with their constant doses of potash and mercury. Tho month nnd throat and other delicate parts thon break out Into gor8, and the light is continued Indefinitely, tho drugs doina thesvgtnm m.iro llnmnrrn limn tl.n.l tea,.... Uootf 0bbjomjiu Mr. H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark. N. .1., says: "I had snent hundred dollars with tho doctors, when I rcnlltcd that u " ""j .u. v mu nu t,uuui a. unu luijju BjiutB nil over my bedy, and these soon broko out Into running sores, and I endured all tho suffering which this vile disease pro duces. I decided to try S. 8. S. as a last resort, nnd was soon greatly Improved. I followed closely your 'Direc tions for Self-Trcntment,' nnd the largo splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and beforo long disappeared entiroly. I was soon cured perfectly und my skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my self at homo, after tho doctors had failed completely." It Is valuable time thrown nway to expoct tho doctors to euro Contagious Blood Poison, for tho disease is be- juuu muir oft ill. owius opeoiUO S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD acts In an entirely different way from potash and mercury It forces the poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the disease, while other remedies only shut tho poison in where it lurks forevor constantly undermining tho constitution. Our system of private home treat ment places a euro within tho reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad vice, free of charge, nnd save the patient tho embarrassment of Dubliaitv. Write for full Information to Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. """ji -' 3 Too Late "To put a lock en the stall when the horso is gone." That is true in more ways than ouo. The season of nkw mown hay is hers and you will soon bo feeding your horses new oats, sheaf oats and queen coiin. In other wotds the colio season is about here. You can savs your faithful animals hours of tagony nnd yourself financial loss and tho trouble and oxpenso of going miles in the night for a "horso doctor" by keeping on hand a bottlo of Put up threo dosos in a drenching bottle sor 81.00. Cures the vnrious forms of colic, inlluranmtion of thu bowels, stoppage of urine, etc, in cattle and horses. One dose gives instant relief, Ak your druggist for it If he hasn't got it and won't got it for you writo us at once. You should niso have ioti2: Iigce stive IT'oocl, on hand for your stock nnd youltry nud win doff diseases. "A stitch in timo saves nine." SIOUX REMEDY CO., SIOUX CITY. IOWA. JAMBS PETERSON, DEALER IN V pivj'''(iJbbbbIibVbH' Jb71 J Jm in rtS, M ji'i'etawwMh c? - wi -nw NB WTON and SMITH IOLrMti. W'agons. ALSO A FULL LINE OF BUGGIES and DEJHPSTEH MflDprfiS. PLATT & FREES CO.. Ghieago Itumbep Yard, RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime. Coal and Cement. Auction Sale of Unclaimed . Express Matter. The Adams Expross Company will soil at public auction for cash AT - RED - CLOUD, - NEBRASKA, December 1st and 2d, 1899. All Unclaimed Express matter remaining on baud at off icos throughout the Stato of Nobruska. J. H. BUTLER. Supt A. CON OVER, Agent SALE BEGINS AT 0 O'CLOCK A.M. TRADERS IXXMUBESR COL DEALERS IN LUMBER ANL) COAL Building mLateriadU Etb. Red cloud, - J Nebraska Vt h fti T' iK IV J-