u ' rS1- tJ?aaaalallagigaa!f"!f" ap-, .sfj-ya&ywOTca w.;Ssjs- -.-. w i -2i rl vXkTKn-VvsJK''liHHHkVr .fc.'V iv I ttse i k ?7T9MsssssssssSflv f HlHH9CWlHLJ?iv5PvHVf'KHB VOLUME XXVII. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. NOV. 17, 18, NUMIIISK t( mm&mmmmmmmm&mm THE BIG STORE 1 1 THE LARGEST STOCK. j Purchased for. Gash. Bought at Opportune Times. A clearing sale, wo mean an actual clearing snle. No nihiklng tip prices and then soiling at old prices, but n discount from regular soiling prices. Cloaks, Jackets and Capes. Our immense fall trado lins broken lines and sizes, Rather than stock up on sizes we arn going to place our entire stock ol Cloaks, Jackets and capes on special sale at prices that mean a saving of from $2.00 to $1.00 on each garment. Underwear. Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, good weight, regular 40c grade, special clearing sale, 83c. Children's Camel Hair Underwear size 10 regular prico Gc, special sale at 3c, raise of 3c on a size. Men's Boots. 25 pairs Men's Boots, all sizes. No. Oat $1.50 por-pnir. pairs No. 8, 0 and 10 at $2.00 per pair. A few Theso are only a fow of tho many values sale prices on we are offering. Special Dress Goods. Carpets, Duck Coats, Staple Dry Goods, Outing Flannels, Groceries, Queensware. Shoes, Men's Gloves, Underwear, Overalls, Furniture. otjr :ejeoiajlv saids Mean prices last as long as goods are here for selling. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. PRICES PAID IN EITHER CASH OR TRADE. lKineBos.,IRedGloud,fleb. STATE CREEK John Davis will movo down on his river farm soon. Laith Fitzgerald is still conducting himself on tho railroad. A now girl nt Ed Coopor's and also one at Frank TanDyko's John Corbott had some relatives and friends visiting him last week. Mrs Wm. Rosoncrans is taking somn very lino pictures of residences and barns in those parts. Wm. Reed of Ohio is assisting Mr. Scrivncr in building his stone homo. They uavo it noariy completed. Rov. Con Howitt will hold a mooting at Mt. Hopo noxt Sunday evening. All am invited to conic out and hoar him. John Fox has tho nicest now barn in tho country with tho exception of Gns. Molino. His is o dandy and only cost about 9200. Mint Ada Pottor has bnon quite sick and is but littlo bettor. It is hoped sho will soon recover ns sho is one of our best school girls. Another man sold by buying a cer tain farm on this crook. Wo wonder bow many more wants that old farm with a deficiency in tho title. If you know of auy young couple that wishes to run off and got jnarriod toll thorn that squire Chas Barrett will marry thorn for half prico Just to d vortiso himself in that business. Gathering corn is yet tho order of the day and wo surely havo tho nicest weather to gather in we ever had. Wo always raise moro corn in Kansas than any other stato and wo always havo nice fall weather to gather it in. Rev. Geo. Hummel of Rod Cloud held a meeting at old Mt. Hopo school house ou tho hoad of this crook last Sunday. Ho dolivcrcd ono of his beet 6ormous and then gavo somo of tliom old war horses up there an object les son after meeting. Wo aro of tho opin ion mat ms formon was ono oi ino most appropriate ones that could havo been dolivorod. Ho held another good mooting at the McCall school houso tho fnmo evoning. At Mt. Hopo Bovor al of his old frionds from uearLobanon and Salem wero prosont to hear him and tho standing room was all taken. Wm. VanDyko of Penny creok was up to hoar him. Occasional. LINE, Wiathcr warm and dry. Mrs. Richard Keagle has at-rivad at Saratoga, W joining, and reports hoard $1.50 por day. Albart Kcagla sx poets to start for Saratoga, Wyoming, In tho near future wliero ho will ntaku his futuin home. Mrs. F.I) Iliiti'hisoii and Miss Ida Horton weto ou a missionary tour in Districts 0 and .'HI one day this week. Miss Ada Potter is sick and uniUr tha care of Dr. Dameroll of Red Cloud. Tho Suaday schoal at Penny creek is getting along nicely. Rav. G. W. Hummoll prcachad at the McCall school house Suuday at 8:30. John Galbrnith is working for Chas. Isob thia week. Tha VanDyka brothers mada a busi ness trip to Cora, Kansas, ano day this week. Benjamin VnnDyke is tho chnmpion marksman af Lino. Ho killed n wild goose on the wing with a 22 target gun. Who can beat it? Mr. and Mrs. Wlldoy wera called to Bastwlck last Monday to attend tho luseral of Mrs. Wildey's father. Tho birthday supper giroa in honor f Mr. Rocher was largely attended by his old neighbors and all report a good time. Thirty-live wero present. . Walter Noble's Young folks from Walnut crook, wero guests at F. D. Hutchison's Sunday aid attonded tho Sunday school at Panny crook. Tkey reported a good tlmo. The fall wheat is coming out nicely ainco therair.s. A. H. Carpenter's mothor nnd sister of Franklin visited in Lino last week. dainos and Ernest Ilouuchatnp report having dehorned threo hundred head of cattle this fall. City Dray and Express Line. Twenty times a day, or more, Salesmen in a general store Need to wash their hands, After handling syrup, cheese, Coal-oil, onions things like these Which their trade demands. Ivory Soap, which lathers thickly, Washes clean and rinses quickly, Proves and storemen know It well Best to use and best to sell. ecrrmoHT ihi iy t phoctir oambu co. Cincinnati CHURCH SERVICES. B, 3n. ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. The Red Cloud Chief and Weekly Inter-Ocean 'One Year for $1.23. INAVALE. r red Kelso is quito low at prosont writing. Tbeso aro busy days for Dr. Myors. Cap. Harvey is husking corn for Chris. Jorgensen this week. Ora Pitnoy's children havo boon sick this last weok. Tho coyotes aro very plentiful now adays. Some ono had hotter organizo a hunt. Wo aro glad to note that Harry Hold rogo is much improved at prosont, Mr. Wilson bogan moving his goods into his new drug store Thursday. Mr. Hartwcll and son Donald went to Naponeo Tuesday on a visit to Mr. Haitwell's father. Thoy returned Thursday. Tho hop in Mr. Wilson's now store Wednesday night was well attended. Mrs. E. A. VanDyko, son Roy and daughter Bertha, came down from Franklin last Friday for a short visit with Mrs. Amanda Wilson, Mrs Van Dykes sister. Thoy returned Sunday afternoon. Since the Cloud young folks began coming to school the school record has risen to fotty-eight. A goodly number for our littlo village Mr, Hartwoll is having his ico houso dug lower and is preparing for n full supply of ice thio winter. There it a Class of People Who am injured by tho usoof coffee, recently there lias boen placed in the grocery stores a nowproparatinn call ed Grain-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. Tho most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It 'dors not cost over one fourth as much. Children may drink it-wiih great beuctit. 10c and 25o per package, Try it. Ask for Graln-O. BLUE HILL. School is again the ordor of tho day nt No. 45. Everything settled down to level since election. A nioco of Alex James is hero visit ing from Ohio. Mr. Piol shelled a few loads of corn and hauled it to town. John Piol has fenced his corn stalks any tho cattle feel happy. A quarter sostion of tho Korshnor farm is to bo sold this week. School in Bluo Hill doing tine work with Prol. McOrary at holm. Mrs. McCoy and daughter spont last Thursday with Mrs. Hendricks. Mrs. Davis is very low nt prosont, old ago being at tho root of tho dis ease. Blue Hill had a dog show and sleight of band performance in tho Christian church Tuesday night. Tho outlying neighborhoods nre woll represented every night in Bluo Hill attending rovivnl meetings. Rovival mooting is being carried on in Bluo Hill. Evangelist Redding at tho front assisted by tho resident pas tors. Mrs, Kcrshnor's Bale was a success financially. Horses sold far 9150 per team, cows brought in tho neighbor hood of 910, culves sold for 927 each and hogs sold for fair figures. follows: Subject, OUU18TIAN C1IUUCII Services each Lord's Day as Morning servico at 10:110. "1849-1809 " Biblo school, 12m. Aftornoon tsrmon at Iuaviile. Junior Christian Endeavor 3 p.m. Senior Christian Endeavor moots at 7 p.m. Evening service at 7'.li0. Subject, "Believing a lie." Cboica musiu at each service. A cordial invitation is extended to all. L. A. HuHSONti, Pastor. LESTER. Piorson Is staying in Lester MiBJ now. Mrs. Suslo Saladoii was in Suporior Sunday. Wm. Butdick purchased a line mule from John Davis. Miss Tillio Borgtleld oxpocts to make u visit to Franklin soon, Ilnzol Saladon's arm is getting much better. No arms broken. The Milling Company had 107 hoad of cattlo dohornod lust Thursday. C. II. Frisbio and wifo attended church in Red Cloud Sunday evening. Tho Amboy Milling Co. shipped three carloads of flour last week and this week. G, W. Baker is having tho rout corn hauled to tho mill from somo of tho farms for which be is agent. METHODIST Services noxt Suuday as follows: Morning service at 10:30 Sunday School at 11:30 11.111. Con ducted by D, B. Spanoglf. Preaohing at Amboy at 3 p.m. Senior League at 7 p.m. Evening services at 7:30. Prayer mooting on Wednesday oven ing at 7:30. Ladies Aid Society Friday aftornoon. All aro most cordially invited to at tend. Roacor. A. Barnes, Pastor. Public Sale. Tho undersigned will sell at his resi dence i! miles east of Rivet ton and 3 miles west of Iimvale, on Wednesday, November 22, 1880, nt 1 o'clock p.m. the following described piopcrty, to wit: b if teen head of cattle, consisting of 9 cows and six calves. Throe cows Iresh about tho 1st of December, unit the balance about the last of February. Also household goods mid farm implements. I Tkhms ok Sai.f.: A credit of ten months wi I be given on all sums over 95 00, purchaser giving hauknblo noto wltli approved security, Hearing ten percent interest. No property to bo removed until elided for. J. S. McCmntock, Col. C. L. Winkkev, Auctioneer. rfilnrato Your llutrvU Willi I'ttucarct. Candy Onllmrtlr. euro rnnHilp.ittnn forever. lOc.SAc. If 0.0 O full.ilriiKitlHtHrclunclmonej. THE FIRST BABY. ;ts Coming ie Looked Forward to With Both Joy and Fear and its Safe Arrival 1b Hailed With Pride and Delif ht by All. OONOHEUATIONAL. Regular services noxt Sunday as fol lows: Morning servico at 10.80 Subject, "Tha Study af the Bibla." Sunday School at 11:45. Services at Indian creek at 3:30. Young Peoplo's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:80pm, O.J. Overing, Evening services at 7:30. Suhjoct, "Christ All In All." Prayer and praise mooting Wednes day evening at 8, All cordially invitod to attend theso sorvices. Fkank W. Dkan, Pastor. From New Zealand. Rkkkton, Now Zealand, Nov. '23, '00. I am very pleased to stato that since I took tho agency of Chamborlain's medicines the sale has boon very large, more especially of tho Cough Romedy. (Jn two years I havo sold moro of this particular remedy than of all other makes for tho previous live years. As to its cilicaoy, I havo been informed by scores of persons of the good lenults thoy havo received from it, and know its value for tho uso of it In my own household, It is so pleasant to take that we havo to placo the bottlo be yond the1 reach of tho children. E. J. Soantlkuuby. For saiu by H. E. Grioa. The arrival of tho first baby In the Sousohold Is tho Impplast and moBt im portant event of married lifo. Tho young ,-vlfo who Is to become a mother delights to think of tho huppincss in store-for her when tho littlo ono shall nestle upon her breast and latterly sho shall hear It liap tho sweet and holy name, "mother." But hor happy anticipation quickly van ishes when sho realizes tho terrible pain and suffering through which she must pass while bringing the little one into tho world. An indescribable fear of the langer attendant upon the ordeal toon dissipates her joyf ulneas. Thousands of women have learned by experience that there is absolutely no necessity for tho Bufferings which at tend child-birth; they know that by tho ubo of "Mother's Friend'- a scion tlllo linimentfor a fow weeks before, tho trying hour, expectant mothers can to prepn.ro themselves for tho final nour that the pain and suffering of the Ireoded event are entirely obviated and it is safoly passed t!irou0h with com paratively littlo disoomfort. All women are interested, and es pecially etpectant mothers who for the tint time have to undergo this trial, in juch a remedy 5 for tixey Know the pain and suffering, to say nothing of the dan cer, which is in store for them. "Moth er's Friend" is woman's greatest bles ling, for It takes her safely through the e verest ordeal of hor life. Every woman ihonid bo glad to read the little book "Before Baby is Born," which contains Information of great value to all. It will bo sent free to any ono who sends their address to The Bradfleld Itegu lator Co., AtlMta, Oa. JD F?1