THJ BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1899. WSi m it Cured Her Boy. When my son George wot 14, he was stricken with a ter rible nervous affliction Phy- icknc nor medicines helped Urn. He krt his speech use of Mn&W aad could hardly swal low food. Before he had f In stiled a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine he could talk and eat well and 5 bottles cured him. Mrs. Julia O'Oonnor, FulUn, K. fP DR. MILES' Romtoruttvo Nervine h sold by all druggist on guarantee, first bottle benefit or money back. Baok on heart and nerves tent free. 9t. MNm Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. F. F. COBLB, INSURANCE OPFIO IN MOON BLOCK. Insurance written on city and farm property at lowest rates. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Smrgcoa B. or M. JV I?, om party, and U. S. Pcatltn Surge!. ity and country calls promptly nn snored day or night. OrriOKOVKKLlNKSKY'S Mkat Maiikkt NIQIIT CALLS AT OFFICE. Dr. E. A. Creigiiton, Msiorary liraduato & Silver Medalist Westers UuiverMty, Canada. 0u.8 Answkxkd Day and Nioiit. irrci On Caok'a FaiHMicr. J. S. EMIGrH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY W TOU WAKT IT. few. I BrMge Wirk or Teeth Witost Pitt POBCKLAIN INLAT Aai all Us latest lapraTCBtnt la dental mecb anlia I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE fFARM LOANS. Lock Box S3. Qulde Ilock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold nnd exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADK. TK11M3 itKASONAULK OVERMAN BLACKLEDQB KTTORNBYS - KT - UTKlnL. Office ever Pott Office. HKDOLOUD, NKURA8KA. R. D. BEDFORD. Insuranec - flgeney. KEP11K8ENTING, Minn Fire Insuracco Corupnny, Hartford, Conn. National rire Insuranco Co., Hartford, Conn. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Cn. Queen Fire Ins. Co., of America, Now York, N. Y. Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Manchester, Kngland. Nerwloh Union Fire Ins. Society, Norwich, Kngland. Employers' Liability Assurano Corpor ation . limited, (accldont) London, England. All Standard Companies. Your Fatronaok Solicited. Lands and Collections. Chimney brick, Cistern brick. AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. I atrtTCoikSjTMnfwtaa OoJi Ota I I lam . BoMkyrtn ' I TREATING AN EMPEROR. Horr Oia Court IMtralalaa ol China Ha to Approach Ilia Monarch, A curious story of the visit of Shcn Lien-Fang, the most celebrated native physician in China, to attend tho cm peroral Puking is furnished by uShnng lial correspondent. An I ttiiM-rlul edict wan Issued in October hut dlriotlngthc viceroys and governors to send physi cians of distinction to the capital, nnd Chen LIen-1'iing was ordered, much ngnlnst his will, to report himself to the grand council. The account of his 'j:qcricuca Is supplied by himself. A few days after his nrrhnl nt Peking Chen was- summoned to nn audience. He entered thu presence of his sov ereign on his knees, crossing the apart meat in that position, nfter tho cus tomary kow-tows. The emperor nnd the dowager empress were Heated nt opposite sides of a low tabic on Uie dais and faced each other in that posi tion during the greater pnrt of tho in terview. The emperor appeared pale and lint less, had a troublesome irritation of the throat and was evidently feverish; the thin oval of his face, clearly defined features nnd aquiline nose gave him, in the physician's eyes (to uSe his own words) the appcurauce of a foreigner. The emprcsa, who struck him ns an ex tremely well-preserved and Intelligent woman, seemed to be extremely so licitous as to the patient's heriltn, and careful for his comfort. As it would have been a serious breach of etiquette for the physician to ask any questions of his majesty, the empress proceeded to describe his .symptoms, tho Invalid occasionally signifying confirmation of what was said by a word or nod. During this monologue tho physician following the uimtomnry procedure at imperial audiences, kept his gnr.e con centrated upon the floor, until, at the command of the empress, and still kneeling, he wus permitted topluceonu kand upon the emperor's wrist. There waa no feeling of the pulse, simply con tact with the flat of tho hand, first on one side of the wrist and then on the other. This done, the vmprcss contin ued her narrative of the patient's suf ferings; she described the state of his tongue and symptoms of ulceration in the mouth and throat; but ns it was not permissible for the doctor to examine these he was obliged to mnke the most. of a somewhat unprofessional descrip tion. As ho wisely observed, it is dllll cult to look atn patient's tongue when IiIk exalted rank compels you to keep your eyes ll.vcd rigidly on the lioor. The empress, having concluded her re marks on the case, Chen was permitted to withdraw and to present to the grand council his diagnosis, together v,lth advice us to future treatment, which was subsequently communicated otllclally to the throne. The gist of the advice was to prescribe certain ton ics of the orthodox native type and U suggest the greatest possible amount of mental and physical rest. St. Louis Republic. AGUINALDO'S RISE. nintacir ropalar wlik Paoala !r Slmalleltr of Manaar. Hla Ilia career contains a reasonable num ber of contradictions. Thus his first Act in connection with the revolution was to rebuke and threaten the rebel lenders in the next town for the cruel slaughter of the natives loynl to Spain. The next duy he compelled the men of several sluggish villages to rally for the storming of the convent and hacienda at Iiuus. He let led taxes and paid his wuy as far as possible, so that current prices remained unchanged in the rebel provinces. He restrained plunderers and repressed cruelty with a strong hand. His popularity was largely due to the fact that he was simple in his manner and always accessible. He took his place in the foremost rank in the contests in 18!W and 1897, nnd saw his brother slain when Lachambre'a divi sion stormed Imus. Since his return in 1808 he haa not been under fire, his staff restraining him from risking a life In valunble to the cause. While the brief record of his public life seems to show that he was moderate, simple nnd hu mane in the midst of revolution, there is much in his career thnt puzzles the observer more, perhaps, that puzzles Agulnnldo himself. Does he owe his great power to the fact that he is the representative of his race, or to his per sonal qualities? Up to May, 1898, his personality seemed the chief factor. Since then he haa been swept along in the tide of revolution, owning himself astonished at the mighty impulse which rallied hla countrymen. Harper's Mrfg asine. CuuTlnoina; Logic. The Misses Muldoon had ordered two portraits of their deceased mother, one in crayon and tho other in water color. lloth pictures hnd come home, but the Misses muiuoou were not satisfied with the water color. "You see," said the eldest, " 'taint as like mother as the other. by, even Mr. Sinks could see the difference. I showed him this hpm" pointing to the water color "and he sayB nouung; nnu uien I showed him thla" indicating the crayon "and he aaya at once: 'Ah, that's the thing thnt'a more like.' And if he, that never saw mother at all, could see it was a better likeness it surely must be.M Judge. Mat a Oaaaitata for MatHatea-. A certain Irish member of parlla raetn, popular and a bachelor, had been very polite to the daughter of the house where he wm visiting. When the time c&nio for him to go the too anxious mamma called him in for a serious talk. "I'm sure I don't know what to say." she went on; " 'tis reported all around that you are to marry Letitia." "Just say that she refused me," quietly advised the parliamentarian. Pablio Opinio. FEAR OF LIGHTNING. Maeh Mental Snfferlna- Is Needleaaly- Undergone lir Norvona I'crwons, Tho keen suffering which many un dergo just In advance of or during n thunder storm Is of a dual nature. The sense of impending danger alarms nnd terrifies but there is also a depression of spirits whkh is physical and ivinl, brought about by same ns yet unknown relation between tho nervous system and conditions of nlr pressure, humid ity nnd purity. Tho suffering duo to de pression nnd pnrtinl exhaustion re quires, from those who are strong, Hyurputhy rather than ridicule. The suffering due to alarm and fright, how ever, is unnecessary, it is largely the work of tho imagination. To a nerv ous nature there is something nppull ing In the wicked, spiteful gleam of the lightning, nnd the crash and tumult of thunder. Hut such u one should re member that the flash is almost nlwnys far distant, and that thunder can do no more damage than the low notes of a church organ. Counting all the deaths from nil the storms during h year, we find that the chance of being killed by lightning is less than one iu a hundred thousand. The risk in the city may be said to be live times less than in the country. Dwellers in city houses may be startled by peals of thunder, but owing to the great spread of tin roofing and fair ground connections, there is very little danger. In the country, if buildings are adequately protected, and the momentum of thu flash provided for, the occupants may feci secure. A good conductor well grounded is nec essary in all isolated and exposed build ings. Darns, especially when lined with green crops, should have good lightning conductors. The question it often asked: "Do trees protect?" The answer is that the degree of protection will vary with the character of thu tree and its distance from a watercourse. An oak is more liable to lightning stroke than a beach. The character of the wood, the area of leafage, the ex tent and depth of root, will determine the liability to stroke. Another ques tion which is often asked is whether there is danger aboard a large ntcaiu ship during a thunder storm. On the contrary, there nre few safer places. Sufficient in'tnl with proper superficial nren is interposed in the path of tin lightning, nnd its eleetrlenl energy con torted into harmless heat and rapidly dissipated. Accidents occur chiefly lie cause the victims ignorantly place themselves lu the line of greatest strain, and thus form part of the path ol discharge. For this reason, it is not wise to stand under trees, near ling poles, or masts, in doorways, on porches, close to fireplaces, or near barns. Those who are not exposed in nny of these wuys may feel reasonably safe. It should be remembered, iu the event of accident, that lightning doe not alwajH kill. It more often result) in suspended uuinlntiou than iu somatic death. Therefore," In case of accident, try to restore animation, keep the body warm, and send for a physician without delay. Alexander McCabe, in Century. TORPEDOES WITHOUT WIRES. How tha Deadly Kxploalrea Ara to Be teas-ad by Maaaa of Hlectrlo WavM, Contemporaneous with the sitting of tho international peucc conference comes the announcement of a new in vention by which torpedoes are to bt rendered more deadly in modern war fare then heretofore. The invention, due to Walter Jamie son and John Trotter, consists in util izing the "ethereal" or "Hertzian" waves, which are the basis of wireless telegraph', as a means of steering and controlling torpedoes on their deadly missions. The apparatus is made iu several forms, which differ principally in the means by which the current induced by the wuves is applied to the steering mechanism. The best arrangement con sists of n coll of iron wire, or "solenoid," thnt becomes magnetic ou receiving the ethereal waves, and is thus rendered capable of sucking into itself n magnet, the motion of which brings about any required change in the steering gear of the torpedo. Tho latter is fitted with two rods, which project above the wuter and serve as "receivers" that is, means of collecting the waves. Each of the rods is in connection with a coll of the type described, one on the right of the tor pedo and one on the left, and, accord ing as the rlght-haud or the left-hand rod absorbs the waves, so the torpedo is guided to the right or left. The means adopted in using the ap paratus is as follows: Suppose that the torpedo is fired in the usual mauner and that its course is seen to swerve from its upper path. From tho torpedo boat eleotrio waves are immediately dispatched by the processes used lit wireless talegraphy in auch a manner xnai iney oniy anect eitfter tno right hand or left-hand coil controlling the helm, which is thus turned in any re quired direction, and the original course of tho torpedo reproduced. When this is accomplished the eleo trio waves are .stopped and tho helm flies back to the midship position. Large models of the nppnrntuB have been experimented with, and it is said that perfect success has been obtained under all possible conditions. Since the new method of guiding torpedoes is greatly superior to the old, which made use of electric wires, it Is evident that the new invention will be an important inuiur in xuiure naval warfare. Lon don Mail. raarad raa- Worat. Mrs. Young Elephants live 400 years. Young I'm afraid your mother is go ing to be an elephant on our hands. N. Y. World. Hood's Pills Do not erlpc nor Irritate tho alimen tary canal. They net pently yet promptly, cleanse effectually and Qivo Comfort Bold by all druggists. 25 cents. iPROOF OF PROSPERITY.! Fow Facts For the of Calmnityilcg, Ucnofltl After having gono through f jur yonr of depression and hard times, tho poo plo of Nobmskn nro nil tho hotter nblo to rocognizo and appreciate tho present era of prosperity. And they nro all the moro nblo to detect tho fallacies of tho arguments ndvnuocd by tho freo sllvor shoutcrs and tho calamity howlers who worn making snoh direful predic tions three years ago. Under the circumstance! it is remark able that any tmaineai man or any farmer should rote for the calamity crowd and against his own interests. It is re markable that he should allow himsolf to bo fooled by any such a bugaboo as "iperiItn," 'militarism," "foreiga allianm" or Sulu "treaties." Tho prosperity hero at homo is appar ent. To correctly judge how it is all over the country, it is only neoessary to read the reports which hare boon gath ered from among tho industrial institu tions of the surrounding states. The 8,329 concerns which have sent in reports not only employed 64,749 mors hands in 1898 than they did in 1895, but there was an increase in the amount of wages paid of 37,446,768.20. Does this not look Hkn nrnaawtt What would the showing be if all the urausinai concerns in the country had reported; For these 3,299 concerns alone it means that the 64,000 hands who were out of employment in 1695 were all employed at good wages in 1898. With this great prosperity among tho consumers is It nny wonder that the farmers of tho west are pros perous? Iu 1805 whoro ton men were at work and received $100 iu wagos, in 1808 18 wero at work and received $144 in wages. Tho ton mon not only had thrco now companions besido thorn, but thoy wero themselves getting -11 per cent moro wngos. Thoso ten men uu. dorstaml it nnd so do tho thrco moa be sido them. From Colorado thero are reports from 60 concerns which employed 4,768 hands iu 1805 and 6,032 iu 1808. Thu iucreaso iu wages was 1117,676.73. Thero was an iucreaso of 40 per cent in the number of bauds and an increase of 15 per cent in the wages of each man. From Connecticut thero nro reports from 78 concerns which employed 8,830 hands iu 1805 and 15,570 in 1808. Tho increase in wages per month was 106, 411.09. From South Carolina there are 15 re ports from concerns whioh employed 8,718 hands in 1805 nnd 8,802 iu 1898. The incrcAso in wages paid was $111, 800.60 each month, or over 100 per oent, whilo tho wages of each man was iu creased over 10 per cout. From Missouri thero ore 206 reports from concerns which employed 6,057 in 1895 and 7,565 iu 1808. Tho total in crease in wages was $95,431.80 for oue mouth nlouo. In Ohio, from 80 reports there was an iucreaso of 3,785 in tho number of hands, and an Increase of $426,040.57 in tho amount of wages paid every month. In the state of Washington there was an increase of 8,644 in the number of hands employed by 168 firms, and a monthly Increase of wages paid of $241,869.05. Taking the country at large, reports from 203 lumber firms which employed 9,070 hands in March, 1895, employed 15,485 in March, 1898, and the incroaso in wagos for tho month was $258,188.76. Reports from 176 woolen mills show tho employment' of 23,466 hands in March, 1805, and 29,656 in March, 1898, an incroaso in wagos of $209,166.40 for tho month, or an increase of over two million dollars for the year. In tho manufacture of iron and steel 64 firms have reported with an increase of 8,451 hauds for the month of March, and a yearly increase in wages of $111, 459.78. In the coal industry 24 firms report an incroaso of 8,207 in the numbir of hands and an increase of $2,431,080.64 in tho amount of wages paid during the year. During the month of March, 1800, the hands received eaoh an aver age of $67.40 oenU. In Marsh, IMS Ike averaga yntto was $48.50. To Cure a Cold is One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refuud money if it fails to cure. 25c. The gonuina has L. B. Q. on oach tablet. m m Hrimhutioa Notice Regular examinations for persons desiring to teach in Webster county are held iu the superintendent's office at Red Cloud, tin third Saturday in each month. Eva J. Cask, Couaty Supt. t'tirmn ntl anil Inan nil " Maiiv ara so intent un "grasping all" that they lose their health Hood's Sarsapaillla has helped many a business man on the road to success by making and keeping them healthy. Hood's Pills are gentle, yet effective, 35 cents. A Sure Sign of Croup. Hoarseness in n child thnt is subject to croup is a sure indication of tho np prnnuh of tho disease. If Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy,! given as soon as tho child becomes hoarse, or even after tho croupv cough has appeared, It will prevent an nttnek. Many moth ers who havo croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and Hnd that It saves them much trouble und worry. It can always bo depended upon nnd Is pleasant to tnkc. For salo by il K, Uricu. The Best Plaster. A pleco of flannel damponed with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on the affected pints is supuiior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain in tho chest or side, or a linuo back give it a trial. You nro certain to bo moro than pleased with tho prompt relief which it affords. Pain Halm is niso a certain euro for rheumatism. For sale by H. E. Gnco. m a Aimkktratar' Sale. Theadministtators of the estate of A. . Willis will soil the honsohold goods, furniture, etc., at auction on the streets of this city Saturday, Nov. 11th, to tho highest bidder. Relief in Sbz Hours. Dlitreftlng kldner and bladder dlaeaaoa re lleved In alx hours bv "New Great South Amcrl can Kldner Cure." It la a great surprise on ao count of iu exceedlnc promptneaaln relieving pain In bladder, kldner' and back, In male or female. Relieve retention of water almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure thla li the remedy, Hold br c. L. CotHnir. drnfttit, lied Cloud, Neb. ' a a a $100. Dr. E. Dctchoa's Astl Dkurrtlc Mar be worth to you more than U00 if you have a child who aolla bedding from Inconten ence of water during aleep. Cures old and 7uar alike. It arreata tho trouble at once. II. Bold by O. L. CotUng, druggtit. Red Cloud, Neb. A Fine Baby Makes any mother proud. There arc a great many proud mothers whose chil dren have been puny and sickly until uiey began uie use ot Dr. Pierce's Favorite That medicine which "makes weak wom en btrong" has given them the strength to bear hearty, and healthy children for the first time. "Six yean ago after the birth of one oi inv rhlLIrm 1 waa left in a weak run down condition." aayi Maria O. Itayrel, writing from llrookland, D. C. "My health imnl utterly Kne- I suffered from ncrvoiiftuess, female wcokneM and rheu matism. Life wan a harden. I doctored with three different physicians and got no relief. I tried several patent medicines, all with the unne result. I began to get worse and to add to the complications I suffered terribly from con stipation. I chanced to see one of your adver tisements and I commenced to take Dr. rlerce'a Favorite Prescrintloti and 'Pleasant Pellets' anri twifnu to Improve right away, and continued Improviuir and gaining in strength. I cannot express the relief. It was so great. Seven months later my little daughter waa bora with out much trouble. I feel that I would never have been able to endure my confinement only by the help due solely to Dr. Pierce's medicines. She was n fine tiealtky child and the only one I have ever been able in nurse. Bhe is now two years old and I have never had to take any medicine since, so I feel that your medicine hai made n lasting cure with me Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to defray expense of mailing only. Send 21 one -cent stamps for the book in paper binding, or 31 stamps for cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent enre of tetter, salt rhoum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch- in ET and RJnnrHncr ntmnaf Mo.n1.. ..-.1 its continued use effects a permanent . BlBO cures , barber h itch, Scald head, nnrn nlnnloa tMln nllo chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and jiauuiaivu 11UO. Dr. Cadj's Condition Powders ior horses are the best tonio, blood purifier andvermifuge. Price, 25cents. Soldby TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y UND OLOUD, NEBR. LINCOLN OMAHA CUIOAQO S'l. JOE KANSAS CITY 82. LOUIS nnd all H,ints rasl and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E SALlLAKEG'l PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISC0 and all poinU west. THAINS LBAVB Aft FOLLOWS: No, IS. I'afcseuger dally for Oberlln and St. Francis branches. Ox ford, McCook, Denver and all points west- ...- JMi.u No, 14. Passenger dally for St, Joe, Kansas City, Atchison, St. Ixnili. Lincoln via Wymore aud all points east and south, No. 1ft. Passenger, dally. Denver, all points lu Colorado. Utah and ("nllfornla 8:30 p.m. No. 14. 1'asseiiKer. dally for St. Joe, Kansas city. Atchison, St. Louis and all points east and south .... . lOi'ia a.m, No. 144. Accommodation, dally except Uunday. Uastlnga. Grand is land, Black Ullls and all point in the northwest. 1 :00 p.m No. MS. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via ate-publican-..- II :St) p.m No. 04. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. Joe and Intermediate JuscUon points 18:43 p.m No. S3. Freight, dally for Republican Orleans, oxford andall points west , lO:aoa.tB No. St. Freight, dally except 8nnday forwymoreaudailpolnteatt 7:08 a.m No. 873. Freight dally to Oxford and intermediate points . 1:30 p.m Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair cart. (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada, For Information, time table, maps or ticket. call ou or address A. Conover, Agent, Ited Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Ageat Oasaha, Nabraak. nranStfflxxrraiEsaeercr.ftGr The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. rs; The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work fa His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often tho result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away ceil by ccH. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer haa Bright' Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all othsr efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A samplebottle sent free) by mall, also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures. Addreas Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper, l awsTA BBBb ""H ! Saw BBBkkaal m m M SBBJ BaBBj mBBJ 11 BSBJ BBaJa il BBBBF MM MMw BBBa bbbb aa a aaa aBaBBVm m BBBs aaa h h a h k w I aVaBBaB Baai aaasl sasa BbI sasaf 1 i BBBBBaBaaaB2aBaTaBBM.BBBLaBBal ' I ....,. MnA 1V.ff A.fW .lt.tM4 a.t.1 a Sua i eat business conducted for Modcratc Fits. I Oua Orrtcc is OpotiTC U.S. patint Orrtct ' and we can secure patent la less time than those . remote from Washington. i . i Stod model, drawing or photo., with deterip- Hon. We advise, if Datentable or not. free of1 . jcharge. Our fee cot due till patent Is secured. i a PAMPHLET. . How to Obtain Patents," with ' 'ecu of afttna In tna U. S. anil fnrm .niniMM1 k f sent free. Address, ! . C.A.SNOWttCOsJ OSPATXHTOrrtCt, WASHINGTON, D. C. ( 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending n sketch and description mar qulcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention js probably patentable. Cnntmunlca-. ttanaatrlctlVftnilBlfantra- lf.n1Hn.lrnn . ul iianc aviifciiwo. wwwi RKvncr ior aecunna; patents. . - vr.i-i. r;"r-"-rY?i-r-" ' ? IMnn rnr awiirin nail c l'atenta taken tbrouah Mann It Co. recelve- trcialnotltt, without cbanre. In the Stkafific JhatrkaH. A handsomely Ulustrated weekly. Tjtnratt cir culation of any sclsntlflo Journal. Terms, S3 a rar t four months, . Bold by all newsdealer. taurasslgfta- l . ..J 41.l. ...nt. . . wltt Slat rlbbra. Tas. attar. Sara. Buarraaa HaWUiatfaaa aaalaiUa. ttaaa. Baj ; j..r DrantM. a, m . la UIjsk. JU4ttai-.Ia7iyMlua!: DrafflM .UklakaatarOkaartaalO! .. a-a. PARKER' HAIR BALSAM plauwH and Uuurit u tub: Promotes a Iniurlii I growth. Navav Valla ta Sntara nwmm Hair to IU Youthful Color? i Cum atala tfiaraat a hair ttluaK. I UmaadlLgtat Druajl.M I KIIBIOT0MII BBrwaar.aJrI,MrMMaMMa,v,,aaaBV k. m.lrM. km ta Dr. Slloc, I. it. Bill.ra laitllm.i f nkih.. Wl . fhllaa.l, hla. Ta. The Coal Period IS NOW 11ERK. Pttrohnsn now, before tho price goea up BLACK DIAMONDS ar ut nick bottom, and will not go lowor this wear, sir i Iu timo of licit preumo for cold. Thero la crlittci lllO" o-nmlnnva In nn.l Oltnn, slow burning, grent heat giving, Humus uui nine nsue.; tueneloro plflitseu tidy people. Full lino of Ftoun nnd Fkeu onjhaud. W. B. ROBY, No. l Tinnu Av. Phonk No. 51 Ul CI I if-$s" vo-""" ijjnjja CHICHBTtW KNatllM IKiTW-aArE. Al3.rir.ihi!. UMtoHiikDracrla Tt at & a oHlCHasrrststSS 1KS1I TRJB faL7 lmrn m SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKYw PROPRIETOR. DRALIR IN Wines, Liquors, California randie?. . PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS OB TAf . i L V " ) 4, - W Vrrl II I ajl" s1 Wjevimmmamismss ww BB ftiwtm&sm iessftw! I