.;' THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 18. W .- Special lQDay's Sale! From November 3d to 13th. About 500 Jackets and Capes left Tnat we will offer at greatly reduced prices during this sale. Dreads Goods. We know that every lady like? to ho well dressed and with our enormous stock w j m e prep ireil to please tho most fastidious. LIN1NCF PRBB-With null drofs pnttoru atGOc per yard or over wo win give free (i yaids s-l.lrt liulng, 2 yards waist lining and II yards of duck. 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 Blankets Winter is upon us nntl now is tho time to got onto our blanket prices. The prices of our blankets urnko our competition look wiso and say nothing. We aro conlidout we can savo you 35 per cent on blankets. Cotton Blankets from 39c to $1.50. All Wool Blankets from $3.00 to $7.00. Comfortables. Bed Comforts, tilled with cotton and covered with good material in choico patterns, either quilted or tufted, largo alxos, at very modoruto prices. Now is a good timo to make selections. Underwear. MEN'S, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Wo havo undor- wear that wo urn suro will plenso you in stylo, quality and price. Now is tho time to buy as wo have a number of special values that you are not liable to lind when tho season is under way. Outing; Ilarxraels. We aro astonishing tho people on Outing Flannels. Our stock is tho largest and most cnmpleto in the city. Shoes. STOCKINGS AND SOCKS GIVEN AWAY. Willi each pair of shoes at over 52 00 we will give free one pair of 25o hose, and with eanh pair of hose under Ss.OO wo will give one'pair of 10a hose. IMCittens tiiacl Gloves. Wo can please you in this line. Without boasting wo havo tho largest ami best line of Mittens and gloves over shown in Red Cloud. tm Groceries. Wo lead! We don't only meet competition. WE LEAD. TURNURE BROS TW W 4W 40 4 I The I Best I Bye I in Xthe World. can easily be made 'be reverse by n J slight strain and iiIium No organ of the human lyMem will snap so quickly as the ey.. Work wont ; hurt it. c Abase Kills It t'l'ako the Jewelers mid Eugrnvers eye It ttoos tne vi ry nun J of work early and lute. dust kind 4 I WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. J Constant Glass Pro- I tection Saves It. J ... 5 We have helped other eyes. Wo J iiil lirij jwhi.1i q : Examination free. l"" 4 1 3 Newhouse Bros., j k 4 t : 3 I Bring ui jour Watch. Clock and JowcJry 4 ft work. We do the best work. 4 ft Leave your orders with us when 4 P wanting n nice hair chain braided. J Jewelers and Opticians. I WHEN HUNGRY EAT AT THE Star Bakery, J, O. WILES, Prop. Buy a Cooper wagon. Curtains at cost at Taylor's. Wall papor at cost at Taylor's. Tho Chief and Chicago Inter Ocean ono year for $1.20. Robt. T. Pottor was in Lincoln this week. A. J. Hayes of Guido Rock was bore Weduosday. Miss Dollio Shephordson of Rivcrton was hero Tuesday. Earl Pond took a snap shot of tho Relief Corps last Saturday. Tho host is the choapost. Get a Cooper wagon at Petorson's. All kinds of robes at Fogel & Hutch ison's, Red Cloud and Cowles. Jay Pope loft Wednesday morning for Lincoln whoro ho has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Eddy of Innvalo were in the city last Friday, the guests of Mrs. E. Knight. You can always lind what you want in tho meat lino at Warren's market. Fresh llsh ovory Friday. CD. McMillan arrivedhcro Satur day night from Genova and sponttho week hero with tho folks. Bonj. F. Woodhead from near Law rence was in the city tho first of tho week ank mado this oflico n pleasant call. 1 havo just unloadcd-a car of Cooper wagons. These- wagons woro bought for cash and tho price is right. James Pbteuson. A. G. Storrs, of Omaha, manager of the Nebraska Telephone Company was here tho first of the week looking after tho company's interests. Having decided to close out my busi ness in this city I offer my entire stock of furniture, carpets, curtains and wall paper at cost. F. V. Taylor. Lloyd Crablll accidentally shot his valuable bird dog Monday while out hunting. The animal was so badly iajured that ho had to bo killed. Tho afternoon and evening meetings at the Methodist church ore growing vorv interesting. People know not how much thoy loso in staying away from them. Mrs. Smolsor, mother of Frank and Georpo, had tho misfortuno Tuesday to full and break hiT left arm at tho wrist. Dr. L. H. Bok was called and j reduced tho fracture. LOCALLY. Carpets at cost at Taylor's. Furniture at cost nt Taylor's. Heaters in endless variety a W. W. Wright's. A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was hero today. SFIuo Toacbert Bibles for $100 nt Cottings. Ed. Garbor was up from Guide Rock on Wednesday. Miss Agnes Cllnkcrbenrd of Rivcrton was horo Thursday. Some now patterns of wall paper just received at Cottings. Lnrgost lino of heaters in tho vnlloy at Wright's hnrdwaro store. Floronco Sawytr of Inavalo was shopping in tho city Wednesday. U. Adamson and J C. Wallor wore In tho city tho fore part of tho week. M. Storn of Chicago, owner of tho "rookery" svas hero tills weok looking after his property. Fur robes, goat robes, dog robes, buffalo robes, and in fact all kinds of robes, at J. O. Butler's. Miss Edua Henderson has accepted a position in the dry goods department nt Turnure Bros., store. W. N. Boynton of Manchester, Iown, was hero this weok looking after his property interests hero. Considerable money changed hands horo as a result of tho election and a a numbtr havo cigars to burn. Al. Frame is putting a now founda tion under his residence on Seward street and otherwise fixing up. QMrs. 11 A. Medina left Wednesday morning on the early morning trnin for Wayne, Nebraska, on a visit. If you want anything in the lino of horse blankets or robes call on Fogel & Hutchison, Red Cloud unit Co vies. I. P. McClintock who purchased a rosldenoeon Sowaid street is beauti fying tho same by a new coat of paint. Grandma Smelser who is stopping with her son George in this city, bad the misfortune to fall and bread hut arm the foro part of the week. Walt Warren and wifo of Suporior were horo the last of tho weok visiting with J. W. Warren and family and re turned to their home on Mnndny. Mrs. Margaret McGrow who has beon visiting with her sisters Miss Grace and Miss Tillio McClelland re turned to her home at Shickley, this state Monday. James Bnwron has purchased tho I ivory barn and a part of the stock and equipment of C. T. Hazolton and will continue tho business hero. Mr. Haz olton will remove from hero to Hast ings. A number' of the friends of Miss Mary Miksoh assembled nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Miksch on last Monday night nnd gave her a ploasa'nt surprise in honor of- her twentieth birthday. Tho services at the christian church will bojenhnnccd under tho best ITorts of tho splendid voices of Mrs. Nora Graves-Clark, soprano; Miss Edna Houdorson, alto; Henry J. Clnrk, tenor nnd John Dickerson, bass. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postoflicc at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for the week ending Nov. 9th, 1890. Burt, Mrs, Hughes, O. A. Dine, Ben King, Geo. F. Dice, Sydney Reynolds, C. J. Speuce, Chas. For Mrs. G. H. These letters will bo sent to tho dead letter oflico Nov. 23d, if not called for before. When calling for above please say advertised. T, C. Hackeu, P. M. CORN KING, Made si Ij bahif tul to f CATTLE. If you hare the oorn we can supply tha CATTLE. Our In terest Rate the Low est. Our Services are the Best. Write us. iiTHESiefel-Sindersf :: :: j; Liye Stock Commission Co. Roomi 73, 74, 73, Llvs Steele Exchange. Button "A." Kansas City. Mt. ' MMMMMMMMftatMOftOTlfeM RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. I Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders ore the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ftOTM. mmm mwm eo., m vww. GENERAL CITY NEWS. Everything nt cost at Taylor's. Hammock's at cost at Taylor's. E. E Burr of Guide Rock was here Thursday. Charley Buschee of Guido Rock was horo Tuosday. "Mrs. P. A. William of Rivcrton wns hero Thursday. They are tho leaders. Cooper wagons nt Petorson's. Robos, robes, robes. All kinds of robes at J.O. Butler's. Get Wright's prices ami soo his lino boforo you got n heater. J. R. Groonhnlgh of Cowles was down the first of tho week. Attorney Blncklcdgo nnd wifo were visiting in Franklin this week. See the "American" hog fence at Mitchell Bros. Best on earth. All kinds of light harness at Fogel & Hutchison's, Red Cloud ami Cowles. Walter Rohy sells the Singer sewing machine. Prices right. (Jet the best. Tho Ladies Aid Society of tho Moth odlst church will meet witli Mis. Rust on Saturday afternoons. Mrs. John Walker of RurrOak, Kan sas, was horo tho last of the weok shopping with our merchants. MKs Edith Palmer who has been In Franklin for several mouths past re turned homo Thursday morning. Mrs. Geo. Blair who has been visit ing for a number of weeks in Illinois roturncd homo Tuesday evoninp. Leonard Smith who is now living in Omaha emtio down Sunday night, to visit with tho folks hero and to vote. Loggins and driving mitts, just tho thing to keep out tho cold, full linn at Fogel & Hutchison's, Red Cloud nnd Cowles. Rev. G. W. Hummel will preach next Sunday, Nov. 19th, at Mt. Hope, Kansas, at 10 c 'clock n. in. and nt tho McCall school ltotiso at 8:30 p.m. Tho different successful candidates woro treatol to soronades Thursday night by Grico's Concert band and In return tho candidates did tho right tiling with tho boys. Now that election is over, hasty worda spoken during the campaign should bo forgotten and forgiven. There nro some who have not got it in their naturo to do this but wo hope they nro few. Mrs. Lamout M. Holdon, formerly Miss Louti Bellows, and n resident of this city for n number of years, arrived In tho city Wednesday and is tho guest of Dr. Damerell and wifo. Her homo now is at St. Paul, Minnesota. A lettor lately recoivod by W. J. Perry from his son Charlie who is liv ing in Cuba states that ho is getting along nicely, likes tho country nnd that ho -vas married to a Cuban girl on October 23, Ho expects to make n visit to this placo during the heated torm next summor. Tho following item clipped from tho Stnto Journal of Novombor Oth, tells of the wedding of a former popular and well known pastor of tho Baptist church of this city. "A rathor quiet wedding occurred Inst Wednesday which will bo of interest to tho friends of the couple in university circles. C. R. Welden of the class of '05 and Mablo E. Cushman of the class of '08 woro married at tho homo of tho brido in this city. Mr. Welden is pastor of the Baptist church at Wayno, Nebraska nnd Miss Cushman is tho daughtorof Mr. and Mrs. K. Cushman. Mr, and Mrs. Welden will be at homo to their friends at Wayno after November 20." James Peterson has closed a doal by which ho comes into possession of tho M. Stern property at the corner of Fourth avenue nnd Webster street, commonly known ns tho "rookery." Ills to bo hoped that now that this proporty has changed hands somo ar rangements can bo made whereby the old structure may bo torn down nnd a brick put up in its place. The old structure is so badly shattered and do cayed that it would not bo policy to fix it up. A good brick building placed there could be rented at good rentals from basement to the top story. Wo would rather see it stand as ij. is than mo it patched up. - 5 Ml Ml Mi Ml Ml M Mi Mi Ml m m i f m m m m m 4 4 4 I 4 m m m m r m m m m Overcoat Season is Here. We warn you that the best line of Overcoats ever brought to this town is to ho found nt our store. For Example, wo uro showing nn AUBURN MELTON all wool, satin lined sleeve, overcoat for $IO.OO. sold ovory where for from $12.00 to $11.00. The Gomden-Kaley Clothing Gompany. Ml Mi Ml Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml M Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi X Mi : Mi Mi Ml Mi s Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml 3 Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml Mi Mi M Mi Mi Ml Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. FfcttfrFtttftttfrttttfttXCCfrfrfrttFftftttft? Nebraska Mercantile Co. These (prices prove this is the best and most economical place to buy in Red Cloud. Unmatchablc Bargains in every department which will surely interest every person in Red Cloi:d and vicinity. Ladies Ready-to-Wear Garments, Our phenomenal large selling In this department is the inevitable result of SUPERIOR STYLES & UNMATCHABLE BARGAINS. These facts will be demonstrated hero during this snlo in a moro forclblo manner than ovor boforo. SPECIAL SHOWING In Plush Cnpos at from $1,150 to 818.00. SPECIAL SHOWINGof Iho nowest Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, $3.50 to $13.00. SPECIAL SHOWING of Children's Jackets al 91.G0 to $5.00. tXf) Lades' Soal Plush Capes mado from tho celebrated Snltz Soal Plush, -'x'' guaranteed guaranteed to tho wearer by tho Saltz Co., F. E. Kipp, president. These garments aro twonty-oight inches long and well lined and Interlined. Nicely and fully trimmodwith Black Martin Fur. Frll HOO this special event wo plnco them on sale at . . . ptJV This is without question the greatest bargain over offered in this class of gar ments, as thoy would ho considered good value at double the price. This means a saving of about half tho price on this ono item nlono. CARPETS, CURTAINS AND OIL CLOTHS. Wo aro showing values in these lines that aro money savers. 35c Ingrain CarpotH nt20c. 4oc Ingrain Carpets at 80c. COc hall wool Ingrain Carpets at. 40c. All Wool Ingrain Carpots al 48c. 70c best all wool Ingrain carpots at 60c. 65c Tapostry Brussels at 50c. OOo and $1,00 Velvot Carpets 05c. $1.85 Axminstor nnd Moquettes at 05o G footSmyrnn Rugs nt $1.50. Floor oil cloth at 25o nnd 85o por squnro yard. Now Window Shades on Spring Rollers at 10c, 15c, 25o OOo and 85o. Now Laco'.Cnrtains nt special bargain prices, 50c, 05o, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1 50 Now Portlor Curtains at $2.00, $3.50 and up to $5.00. 50 - Ladies - Astrakhan - Bouole - Capes. Regular $7.00 values, placed on sale at $3.98. These garments are 80 inches long, lined and interlined. Nicely trimmed both culler and down tho front. This is indeed a great bargain. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SKIRTS. At $1.25, $1 50, $3.00, $3.50' $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and up to $14.00. Well mado and Latost stylos. SPECIAL - UNDERWEAR - SALE. A 4- OQn For this special sale ono casa men's wool fleeced shirts and draw JXh HXJKj orfl pBCcd od sale ac 80o. Aicrtn For thli spooial sato ono case of Mon's regular 75o undorwoar JXlt OULi placed on sale at50o. A -f Ofn Onucas of Ladies' oxtra hoavy ribbed pants aud vesU placod on JXh 'Si'l,,,,!,, ftt 25c, worth nearly doublo tho money. At 2Sfi Boys' Camol's Hair or Fleecsd Shirts or drawers placed on sale A Rn rien Qin fifl oh esifi Children's patural grey vests and At oo, rise ato ed,ua buso PantB nt 6o for ze 18( 8o rIia oach size. Children's beavv ribbed or floeced vests and pants ot lOo for sina 10, So rise per size. Ladles', Misses aud Children's Onoita Combination Suits at bargain prices. Thoy aro tho best. Oue new lino of Ladies' wool underwear nt 60j, 75o and $1.00 aro the best values over shown. NEBRASKA MERCANTILE CO. ALFRED HADELL, Manager, 'i A" ". -' -l u j.-,.iEiiU? JWS