The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    -"WMJaOPffiBivwri J skiviu-y i
, v-irt iiHnot-
"ff is an m Wind
Tfiat Blows Nobody Good. '
That small ache or pain or
weakness is the "ill wind"
that directs your attention to
the necessity of purifying
your Blood by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Then your
whole body receives good,
for the purified blood goes
tingling to every organ. It
is the great remedy for all
ages and both sexes.
Dyspepsia " Complicated -with
lever and kidney trouble, 1 suffered for
years from dyspepsia, wlih severe pains.
Hood's Sarsaparilla made me strong and
hearty." B. Emerton, Auburn, Me.
.'fil'J'Uf llJJfWMesvw
Hooi PltltrurlTrlllttliA noil Irritating and
"ir tsthstlfa to u with IfotHiTnartaparllle.
ruiuitiBD iir
w. l. McMillan.
Ob year II 00
Hi month! 60
ntered at the post offlce at Kod Cloud, Neb.u
teens class mall mattot.
Local advortliliiK 5 cciiti cr lino cr Initio.
Local Advertising for cntcrtnliununlfi, con
ttrls, socials, etc., Riven by churches, charitable
'clctlei, etc., where all mono) a ralsod there
from are used wholly for church or charitable
seclettos, flml ton lines free and nil over ten
Hues II M cent per line cr Imuo.
Local advertising of ctiturlaliinieut, concerts,
reetlals, etc., where per cent la gUon to pro
waters, 6 cents per line per Inane.
One column per mouth......... ............ ..17 on
One half column per month ........................ 3 rvo
One fourth column per mouth.... ... l 75
General display advertising 8Jf cents per
Inch per liauc.
Iowa republican by 00,000.
Kuutucky republican by 0,000,
Mnrylnud democratic by 8,000.
Ohio goes republican by f0,000.
m . m
Mni3nuiiiMoltK republican by flfi.OOO.
, South Dakota goes republican by
4 000
Nebraska goes to tho (unionists by
about 12 000
Pennsylvania comes to the front with
1.18,000 republican mnjotity.
The deiuooi tttlc sluto ticket in Miss
ih Jippi was elected by 1)0,000.
Now York nlno fulls in linu with n
11 publican majority of 'J.'i.OOO.
Now Jersey fiilN into tbo republican
column with '20,000 to lior credit.
Agiiimildn will listuu in vain fi.r thu
nimble or thu Novoml)or tidal wavn ho
hoprd for.
I'lio people aio oviduntly satislicd
with tho present county olllcors with
0110 exception.
Tlio majority of Mrs. Ctiso, B10, is in
nil probablity.tho largest evor received
by any cindlduto running for oflleo in
tliis county.
Tlio atTairs at tho vai lor.s county of
fices havu ngniti assumed an ulr of bus
inoss which will coutinuo for 11 couplo
ofyoais yol.
Tho uoxl Kentucky foud promises to
bo butweou tho (Socbelitos and anti
Uouboliti'8, and it is hatd lo lull just
whoro it will oiid.
It U our honest opinion that no ono
(inn toll how uu elco.ion is going by
looking over tho voto cast at nil elec
tion ono your previous,
Tho vole on tho stnlo ticket in this
count was 223 les than tho voto on
county treasurer. This may probably
nccount for thermion incrousu.
Kansas republicans niuko a gain of
leu per cont on tho olootions. It
is easy to predict where tho doctoral
Toteof Kansas will bo found next yonr.
Tho republicans as a rule oxpucted
the fusionlsls to split their ticket and
roto part of tho ropublioan tickot and
tho majorities opposite tho names of
the lucky ones goes to show that tho
rulo worked both ways.
Admiral Dowoy sprung another stir
prise on tho people yesterday, Ho
took unto liintsolf u better half in tho
person of Mrs. Mildred M, Hazon, anil
n grateful public know nothing about
it until after tho ceremony had been
It is still in doubt whothor Nobraskn
or Mississippi is the banner democratic
donkey in this glorious union, Missis
sippi is still n length ahead but uo one
knows how it will como out when tlio
rural returns get in from tho popu'ist
The general result in tho twelve
States which voted yesterday issaii
factory to tlio republicans. Thoy cur
ried Iown, Kentucky, Massachusetts,
Ohio, Pennsylvania nutt South Dakota,
while tlio democrats were successful
in Maryland, Mississippi and Nebraska.
Stnto officers wcro chosen in nil of
theso Mate. Of tho tlirco slates Now
Yotk, Now. Jersey and Virginia which
elected legislature?, Now Ymk mill
Now Jersey went ropublicnn and Vlr
gluiii was hold by tho democr ts
Tuesday'! olections aro therefore grat
ifying tojtho republicans.
" s m
A special from Washington say that
III nil's victory in Nebraska gave the
republican oillclnls almost as much joy
as Ohio's endorsement of McKlnley.
If Ilrynu had been bent in Nebraska it
would havo shelved him, und not un
likely, also tho 10 to 1 issuo But
Bryan's victory in Nebrnskn is taken
to insure his ronominatlon for the
presidency and nothing bolter than
this is dosirod by the republicans.
Hryan is regarded by tho republicans
as tho easiest man for McKinlcy to
beat that the democrats could name.
Owing to tho lateness of tho timo of
tho completion of tho canvass of tho
ofllclnl ballots of tho election by the
canvassing board, wo aro unnblo this
week to givo tho tabulated voto of the
county, but it will appear next wcok
Tho majorities of the lucky nosaro ns
Holcomb, supremo Judge, fus ....................... in
Itegcnta, fua .. ..... ... . 133
Adams, district Judge, fui... . .. 1X1
lliirdeu, clerk district court, rep . ... tSl
Hoblnson, treamrer, repM. ....... SW
Wells, shcrirr, fus.. w
Halo, clerk, fus.. . . . VOJ
Caso. siipcrlntendcnt, rep . ......... .. . ftIO
Kdson. county JuiIro, fus.. ......... . 67
Kuchn, surveyor, fus. . ..... 101
Stcvons, coroner, fus .. .. 137
Webber, conun'r lit Dlst., fus 81
Overman, comm'r 4th Hint., rep ..... SO
Tho election is now over and wo will
setllo down to nows instead of politics.
Wo may havo said things during tho
campaign which grated harshly upon
tho ears of some, but wo spoko nothing
but our honest convicti ns and that
which wo know to bo tho truth. How-
over, that tho election is now over wo
drop nil politics for tho timo being, un
til tlio nntionnl campaign, and extend
to nil, both republicans nnd fusiunists,
who wcro so lucky as to recoivo mnjor-
itios, congratulations, and thoso who
had majorities againgt thorn, wo ox
tend our sympathy, (all wo havo left)
and wish them success in tho pursuits
thoy may follow. This etuis it; if tlio
people nro satislled wo nto, nnd wo
have buried our little tomahawk and
lit tlio pipo of poaen (having no cam-
paign cigars) ana ino succcssiui ami
unsuccessful may call ' nt"our wig
wam and havo a pull (such as wo usu
ally givo advertisers) at a nominal
cost of live cents per lino Farowoll,
politic; farowoll, candidates, lucky
and unlucky, wo havo left tho war path
and washed off the war paint, and
again taken up tho "HigJ.ujun's" bur
Many Suffer from Them But There is a
Certain Cure forlthe Trouble, if (ft
Woodiido, Minn, Nov. C Andrew
Jensen had for a long timo suffered
with Hovoro pains in tlio back. Dodd's
Kidney rills wore recommended to
him as a certain euro for thu trouble
and ho began using thorn. In a letter
lo tho proprietors of Dodd'n Kidney
Pills, dated May 20, 189!), ho tolls of the
result ns follows:
"I suffered from pains ncross tho
small of my back and in my hips.
When I commenced using Dodd's Kid
ney Pills I soon felt improvement in
my condition, and-when I had used
ono box I was entirely relieved from
pains nnd havo not sufferod since then."
Dodd's Kidney Pills euro permanent
ly all troubles arising from deranged
Dodd's Kidney Pills aro sold by deal
ers in medicines at G0o a box or six
boxes for $2.00. Sent on receipt of
price by tlio Dodds Medlolno Co., Buf
falo, N. Y.
There is a Class of People
Who aro injured by tho iho of coffee.
locontly there has boon placed In the
grocery stores a uowiproparntinn call
ed GrninO, made of puro grains, that
takes tho place of coffee. Tho most
delicuto stomach receives it without
distress, and but fow can toll it from
coffee, It does not 'cost over ono
fourth ns much. Children may drink
it with gront bonetit. 15o and 25e per
package. Try it. Ask for Grain-O,
Card of Thanks.
To tho many kind friends und neigh
bors wo wish to oxpross our sincere
and heartfolt thanks for their assist
ance and sympathy during the recent
illness and death of our mother, Mrs.
Anna 11 Hoseucrans.
Wantkd, Local or travo ling sales
mon, salary or commission, to handle
our oils, potrolatum, and a good side
lino. Goods guaranteed. No freight,
and prompt delivery. Address, Pknn
Pktkolatum Cour-ANr, Main Oflleo
ami Uoiiuory, Coraopalis, Pa.
Blankets, blankets, blankets. Have
you seon Jiy largo stock of blankets.
Square blankets,, outaway blanker,
wool blankets, C-A blaukots, Burling
ton stay blankets, bias trirth blanket.
Storm King blankets und in fact all
Ulmls of blankets at low pi ices nt J. O.
To Curo Cuiistlpalluu Furever.
Takg OaicareU CiuidyCaUiaritc. 10c or Ma.
m . u. v. sast p usn, tweAfrana rtrwi
Bjt Kbleomb Can Read His
Title. Clear to Judgship.
HIS iDUMITY FROM 18,000 TO 15,000
sstMjr OaaatUs Tfot Tet Heard From
Constats)? Jndff Narllle Wlsi Oat
la Sha Sixth Congressional Dis
trict Other Election liens.
T returns received Wedneadoy at
the state headquarters show but little
ehaofe frem those Orst to como In.
The ojppleU eoanty returns come in
with their usual Rlovrnnan. Mnnv .f
the couatles are unable to (rive the
final figures on account of the failure
of the judges and clerks to preserve
copies f the vote beforo sealing up
the records. All of the figures tended
to confirm tho prevailing impression
that Holcomb's majority will not fall
below le.OOO.
Reasonably complete figures from 53
counties show a majority for Holcomb
of 0,602. These same counties gave
Pojmter a majority of only 1,082. The
fusion gain in these S3 counties is
therefore 8,500. The remaining coun
ties will show a smaller vote and the
gains will probably not be so strongly
marked. These figures indicate that
final majority will not be far from
The f uslonists ho a" that the belated
returns will show largely In Holcomb's
favor, and they place his majority
above 15,000, and. many olalm that it
will reach 20,000.
lancaster Coaaty.
In Lancaster county the republicans
elected evorv countv ofHcnr .ivnf Mi
candidate for county treasurer, Aaron
jHiuKHiiiu, Air. nncKBinn received 4,430
votes, whtlo his opponent, William Mc
Laughlin, received 5,041, or a majority
of 00.-..
A hnrd fight had been made on the
republican candidates for sheriff, coun
ty judge and treasurer. Z. 8. Bran
son for sheriff received 5,158 votes,
wlille his fuslonlst opponent, P. H.
Coopor, received 4,5li, making Mr.
Branson's plurality 197. Frank Wat
ers for county judge pulled through
wltlui plurality of 7t. Mr. Waters
received 5.007 votes and his opponent,
Fred Shepherd, received 4,098.
Neville i:irctcri.
Tlio returns from tho Sixth district
indicate that Judge Neville 1b running
slightly ahead of Holcomb aud will
have u good wife majority.
l)uiigl County.
The World-Herald nlaces HolenmhV
majority In Douglas county at 729. Tho
ee lnaucB it Mlglitly larger.
Krntucky In Doubt.
Superintendent Mlllerof the Western
Union Telegraph company, who has
been Collecting the election nows of
Kentucky, bus issued tho following
"Tho following conclusion reached
latr lust night regarding the election
in Kentucky .seems to hold good: Re
turns received give Gocbel u plurality
of 7,705, but of tho counties not yet
u democratic majority of 3,502 in 1897
mm nineteen gave a republican ma
jority of 10,710. Therefore if there is
no rcnubllctm loss In tliki KnnniUi
Taylor is elected. A republican loss
rcuuin iiupi-uDUDio iy, inero are gener
ally republican gains elsewhere."
Tho Uoebel people cling to their claim
of a plurality of 5,000 in the state,
these tlgurcs being the osthnato by the
nominee himhelf.
IWpalillrun Gulus In Ken York.
The receipt of later returns from
Tuehdny't election in New York city
and the state shown practically no
changes from the figures given
out 'last night. In Now York county
tho entire regular democratic ticket
was elected by pluralities of about
50,000. Of tho assembly districts
in Now York county the democrats
elected thirty-one assemblymen and
the republicans four a democratic
gain of four. The republicans will
probably have a majority of thirty
four in tho assembly a republican
gain of ten.
Nearly u Lauilslltle.
Unofficial returns have been roaelved
by tho Western Union from all counties
in Ohio, with a few scattering pre
clnets estimated. The footings give
Nash, republican, for governor, a
plurality of 40,205. This is almost a
republican landslide.
00,000 In Iowa.
Koturns from ninety of the ninty
nine counties of Iowa, with estimates
on the others, show that tho republi
can claim of sixty thousand plurality
for Governor Shaw is easily maintained.
Month Dakota Ilepubllran.
Additional reports received AVednes
day from points in South Dakota make
but little change in the - republican
majority, increasing it from 3,876 to
Senator Carter Fined.
United States Senator Themaa A.
Carter was arrested ia Helena, Mont.,
and fined one dollar for oplt ting on
the sidewalk. The complaint was made
by a man who had previously been
arrested and fined for the same off ease.
Revolution rrogresslag.
Cables received at Caracas, Vene
ruela, from the Colombia boundary
ay that the revolution in that repub
lic is progressing. About 2,005 revolu
tionists have occupied Cucuta ane
Thk I lliKr tl.00 par yenr.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications us thoy cannot
reach tho disened portion of tho car.
There is only one way (o cute deafness
and that is remedies.
Deafness is caused by nn Inflamed
condition of thu eustachian lubo When
this lubo is inllamcd you hnvo a rum
bling sound or Iniperf. ct hearing, nnd
when it is entirely cl etl deafness Is
the result, nnd unless tho iniljtnmntion
can bo taken out nnd this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever, nine cases outof ton
are caused by natanli, which is noth
ing but an inflamed condition of tho
mucous surfaces.
We will givo ouo bundled dollars for
any ca.-e of deafness (caused by cat-
hi rh,) that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, frco.
F. J. Chknky & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
Graln-O! Grain-O I
IlctiHiiihor that name when you want
a delicious, appetizing, nourishing
food di ink to tnko thu placo of coffee.
Sold by nil grocers and liked by all
who havo used It. Grnin-0 is male of
pure grains, it aids digostiou and
strengthens tho nerves. It is not a
a stimulant but a health buildor,
and the children ns well as tho adults
can drink it with gront bonolit. Costs
about one-fourth us much ns coffee. 15c
nnd 25o per package. Ask your grocer
for Graln-O.
Cash Prizes for Photos.
For tho six best photographs of farm
scenes along it9 line in Nebraska and
Kansas, tho Burlington route offers six
cash prizes one of 120, one of $10,
and four of 85 00 each. Photographs
of growing crops, harvesting opera
tions, feed lots, poultry, cnttle, burns
and creameries arc particularly de
sired. No limitations iir to slzn or fin
ish Is made. Tno contest closes No
vember 30, 1899. J.-Francis, general
untsuigcr neuut Burlintrton Route.
Omaha, Neb.
llcnuty la llluoa Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from tlio body. Begin today to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by takin
Lascarets, beauty for ten conts. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
CdocatoToar Ilotrols Willi Ciiscaret.
CanUy Cathartic, curo constipation (orovor.
IQo, 25c. UO.C.C, tall, druggists refund money.
How Mrs. Pinkham
"I am vory grateful to you for your
kindness nnd the interest you havo
tnken in mo, nnd truly believe your
medicines und advice ura worth moro
to n woman than all tho doctors in tho
world. For years I had female troubles
and did nothing for them. Of courso
I became no hotter nnd finally broko
down entirely. My troubles began
with inflammation nnd hemorrhages
from tbo kidneys, then inflammation,
congestion nnd falling of tho womb
and inflammation of ovnrlcs.
" I underwent local treatment every
day for somo time; then after nearly
two months tho doctor gave mc permis
sion to go back to work. I went back,
but in less than a week was com
pelled to givo up aud go to bed. On
breaking down tho second time, I do
elded to let doctors and their medicine
nlono nnd try your remedies. Beforo
tho first bottle was gono I felt tho ef
fects of it. Three bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a
packago of her Sanative Wash did mo
moro good than all tho doctors' treat
ments and medicine.
"Tho first remark that greets mo
now is 'How much bctteryou look!' and
you may bo sure I never hesitate to tell
tho causo of my health." Mrs, E. J.
I'or six ycara I was a victim ofdya-
impela In Its worst, (orm. 1 coulil eat nothing
but milk toast, and at times mv stomach would
not roialu and digest even that Last March I
began taulnc CASCAIIKTS and since then I
havo steadily Improved, until I am as well as I
ever was In my life."
uavid u. HUiirnT, newarx. u.
taoi mash amewnato
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
flood, Merer Sicken. Waiken.or Gripe. 10c, 26ct0c.
Illriuc krtfr rr7, rkUar. MMlrrsl. 1 rl. Jit
tlfl-'f fl.niO Bold nnd simranterd by all drag
HUa I U'OAU gists to tiVIKK Tobacco Habit.
W aaaaaaaaajseiaa
helps the team. Saves wear and
expense, bold everywhere.
ItrMU with too wluther yon ronilnv tlv
UBrflTttaaisuff tUUWniilDDII, X1W WUJt
remoTM toe acsire lor wueveco, wi
Mi I narwAlla il lilrua a mala n Iaa.
tioe. purlOat tho tilooj, rt-alf I V I'ItSJ
tores Kit rnanhoou. avTal blbVM) boici
raskes jou urouir v. HIAVjsolS. 100.000
lu health, iitrrnatkM m l lWLs'Me ruraiPtluj
asilpocket-TrlJB70ro had from
linok. rltM'AWV Liout own ilnirirlit. whi
ill ruuah ror . Tike rt with
Awlll.natiHUtlT.narilitantlT nn.
boi. ai. uiuallr our mi boiai. M u.
csaraanwd i aura. irmrawil bmcTi
Results Fatally in m
Cases Out of Ten A
Cure Found at Last.
poison m tho blood, circulating throughout the system, and although
tho boro or ulcer known as tho Cancer-may bo cut away, tho
poison remuins in the blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with
renewed violence
Tho wonderful success of S. R. S. in curing obstinato, deep-3eatod
blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a fow do
spair.n? sufforers to try it for Cancer, after tho skill of
tho p.iysicians without it curo. Much to their delight S. S. S provod
oqtial to tho disease and promptly effect cl a curo. Tho glad nows
u.u. ft,.uijr, ,..,14 lt tlB uuii uuiiiuiisinuuii
boyond doubt that a curo had at last bt"n
founil for doadly Cancer. Evitlonco has accu
mulated which is incontrovertible, of which
tho following is a specimen :
"Cancer is hereditary in our familv, my fntlier. a
sister nnd nn aunt havinsr died from this dreadful
disoaso. My feellnc may be imngined wli?n the lior
riblo dixoso mado its nnpearanco on my side It wvj
a malignant Cancer, eating iuwurdly in such a way as
to cause great niarm. Tlio diseaso seemed boyond tho
skill of tho doctors, for thoir treatment did no good
whate-vor. tlio Cancer ttrowintr worse all tlm wlill.
Numerous romodicj were used for it. but the Cuucer mis. s. m. idol
grew steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow thu others of the family, for I know how deadly Cancer is, espcciallr
when inherited. 1 was advised to try Swift's Speoillo (S. S. S.), which, from the
first day, forced out tbo poison. I continuod its use until I had taken eighteen
bottles, when I wns cured tound nnd widl. and hnve had no symptoms of the
dreadful nllliction. though muuv yeurs have elapsed. S. S. S. is tho only cure
for Cancer. Mim S M. Idoi,, Winiton. N. C. '
Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuablo
information, will be sent froo to any address by tho Swift Specific
Company. Atlanta, Georgia.
Too Late
'To put n lock en tlio stall when tho horao is gono." Thnt
is true in moro ways than ono. Tho season of new
mown hay is here nnd you will soon bo feeding your
horses new oats, sheaf oats and oreen corn. In
otlior words the colic season is about here. You can
save your faithful animals hours of agony and yourself
iinuticinl loss nnd the trouble nnd oxpenso of going miles
in the night for a "horso doctor" by keeping on hand a
bottle of
Sioux Colio iMiLscttare,
Put up three doses in a drenching bottlo sor Sl.OO.'Curos
the various forms of colic, inlliimiiiatioii of tho bowels,
stoppage of urine, etc, in cattlo and horses. Ono dose
gives instant relief. Ask your druggist for it. If he
hasn't got it aud won't got it for you write us at once.
1 on should also havo
Siotax Iigj3 stive IT'ooel,
on hand for your stock and youltry and ward off diseases.
"A slitah in timo saves nine."
Auction Sale of Unclaimed
Express Matter.
Tho Adams Express Company will soil at public tictiou for cash
December 1st and 2d, 1899.
All Uuclnimed Express matter remaining on hand ntofficos throughout tho
Stato of Nebraska.
J. H. BUTLER. Supt.
Farm 2Vag:ori.s.
Ghieagoliambef Yard,
Lumber, Lime,
KtAildirxa: material, Bto. v I
This fearful disonso ofton first appears
as it moro bcratch, a pimple, or lump in
tlio brcajt. too small to attract any
notico. until, in many case3, tho doadly
.I.e........ ,n K.ll. l...fl.r.
Cancer can not bo cured by a surgical
ntim-nf 1IIT1 linsirlllCll in fllcinnDn ia ,. -.,2m. I AM1
Coal and Cement.
and COAL. l