The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1899, Image 1

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    " M,',''',,,,,1',11,1,lBllllll11111111111111'11,111,111111B
BpB 7TTt T- j.'!"i'"atsssssi; rjTisssi jSJf sisssiTtti BcJ!S?"'J ?'il? tsssssa sissm a L aLallllllllllV4lLaiillliaaahrH "f' ! i j ij" KMb lkLBTsV: jlHH H H ' H3ft I 'lllllllB ..iaallir"''BBk tTI T""Vrr"!. B T BB BSBSh"assBWssLFlilai sssssssTZ.
Xijftifci ; Ugfe i' iBPPftiTiJisiLjss ft 1 vM f jjll Ai'-Al'' vA -Mn ILiBBBBBBBCPft3lBMBBBttMBBBBTMBM y5Craiirir"K!TJT!iii ffia
We guarantee prices lower than anybody's special
sales, closing out sales, etc. Our prices are all
marked in plain figures. That price always the
lowest. Each and every article sold is a distinct
value in itself. We buy for spot cash, thereby
securing the best that the market offers. If you
are not satisfied with your purchase bring it back.
G10RKS . . GhOftKS
Wednesday, flov. 15.
An excellent opportunity to secure bargains in
winter wraps.
1,000 Garments oo Sale.
Dress Goods.
Wo dosiro to call attention to our dress goods stock a
stock tbat for style, quality and price, we (eel will meet
every shopping requirement.
Unusual care in selection, looking well to quality and
price and stylo, places us in position to show fashionable
fabrics at a reasonableness in prlco that emphasizes this
stock as an economical one.
Pretty, chic, ssylish suits at a moderate price is a result
easy to obtain in our showing of fall and winter dress goods.
All woo) Henriettas in colors nnd blacks GOc to 91 per yard.
Orepnns and Brocades in Blacks at popular prices.
Venetian Cloths at St 95,
Novelties in wool and silk 35o to 11.00.
Cotton warp Henriettas 20c to 60c per yard.
Ruylng direct, placing orders nt opportune times, brings
splendid opportunities for you for values in this line. Not
price alono, but quality as well, will interest you.
Full size 10-4 cotton bankets, gray tun nnd white fitlcper pr
Full slzo 11-4 cotton blankets, gray, tan, white, 80c per pair
Full sizo 11-4 extra hoaby grays and tans, 11.00 per pair.
Full size 11 4 usual 11.60 kind at 11.40.
Full tizu 12 4, very large, $1.70 per pair.
Single cotton blanket), extra veavy, nice for lap robes at
$1.75 each.
All wool blankets from $8.00 to $8.50 per pair.
Hosiery that wears tho longest and gives the best satisfac
tion, thnt best retains its sbapo. Buying hosiery fiom us
once invariably brings tho customer ba:k again, for values
aro keenest, results always satisfactory. Purchased in caso
1000 pairs of our No, 1031, special at 12Jc.
Ladies Cotton Hoso lOo to 60c per pair.
Men's bose, special value at Co per pai.1.
Leather Stockings, for school, give the best satisfaction.
r- The kind that is knit to tit, bought in case hts troiu high,
class makers of honest goods. We can suit you iu weight,
quality and prlco. Saving our customers a little on each
item giving them reliable qualitios is what makes this tho
reliable store.
Children's camel's hair, size 10 at Go, with ito rise.
Ladles' all wool union suits at $1.40 per sub.
Ladies' extra heavy all wool union suits at $1.00.
Men's fleeced, good heavy fleecing, same as others Bell for
50c, our price 40c.
Wo recently purchased threo cases special value tinder
wear, extra heavy fleecing, an extra value. We place thorn
on sale at SOo each.
liner Bros., Red Cloud, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker returned homo
from Iowa Saturday.
J W. Saladon and wifo took dinner
with C. J. Barber Sunday.
Tllla Borghold and Alva Sinks wore
seen on our streets Sunday.
Doo Morritt's robust form is again
in our midst after sponding a few days
with his family at Bluo Hill.
Al Hayen was visiting friends nnd
relatives here lastSunday.
Tho Indies society meets with Mre. I.
Frisbie on November 15th.
Preaching every Sunday at 8 p.m. at
Mrs. McUrido visited with Mrs.
Frank Frisbie over Sundny.
Hazel Saladen received an injured
arm by falling from u wngon.
Miss Ida Baker was in Cowloo ono
day last week.
(J. Muiin and wife attended church
here Sunday.
Alf Saladon and wifo attended Sun
day school at Letter last Sunday.
Clara and ChutCox took dinner with
C.J. Barber and wifo Sunday.
The young pooplu of Lester gave
Miss Nettle Decker n pleasant surprise
Saturday night, it being her eighteenth
Sylvester Frisbie arrived home from
the west at 2:15 a.m.
A certain young man in this neigh
borhood is glad to seo the sun shine so
it will dry up tho mud as it is very in
convenient crossing tho creek. .
Husking corn is thn order of the
Mrs. Horton preached at. Penny
creek last Sunday at 8 p.m. to iv largo
and attentive nttdionco.
Mr. Williams of Bod Cloud wns in
liine uay mis wcok on ousmess.
Mrs. Richard Kenglti is talking of go
ing to tho mines in Wyoming in tho
near future to stay.
The schjol in Dlst. No. 8 is getting
along nicely with Mrs. Shoppard as
Dr. Moranville has done woll this
month. Ho caught a Fox, a Coon and
a Wolf, and got about ten dollars boun
ty on each of thoji.
Lon Wilmot bought four cows of Al
bert Keagle for $128.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Noble of Amherst,
Nobraska were guests of (Frank Van
Dyko Tuesday of this week. He re
ports the corn crop good. -
F. 1). Hutchison has taken one hun
dred head of stock cattle to winter for
Geo. Lindsey of Bed Cloud.
Uov. Con Howitt was sent back to
Walnut creek to preach another con
foroucoyonr. Born, to Mr. uud Mrs. Frank Van
Dyke, on October 30, a girl of usual
Nebraska weight.
I.N. Smith, C. W. Murphy and C.
Blnzdcll havo their houses uearin;
J. W. Robinson of tho Occidoutal
Building and Loan Association of
Omaha was visiting I. B. Colvin, their
local agon; here this week.
Election passed off quietly at tliU
Probably tho lust election that will
be hold in Parker's hnll wns held Tues
day us he has sold tho building nnd it
will be used for sonio other purpose.
Tho Warner sale was woll attended.
Professor Dresbach has purchased
Chat. L. Columbia's farm on tho river
Three deer havo been slaying a milo
cast of town.
Wo aro informed tho Nebraska Cloth
ing Co. will soon put n branch house
at this placo.
Montgomery has tho building north
of the lumber ynid turn down. Wo
understand H. S. Proinllit will erect a
lumber shed, iron or steel clad, across
the north side of the lot, which will be
a protection in caso of lire.
City Dray and Express Line.
W, 3li. ROSS. PROP,
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Public Sale.
Tho undersigned will sell at his resi
dence 3 miles cast of Riverton and 8
miles west of Inavalo, on Wednesday,
Novombor 22, 1889, at 1 o'clock p.m.
tbo following described property, to
wit; Fifteen head of cattle, consisting
of 9 coivs and six calves. Three cows
fresh about the 1st of December, aud
the balance about the last of February.
Also household goods and farm imple
ments. Terms of Sai.k: A credit of ten
mouths will bo given on all sums over
$3.00, purchaser giving bankable note
witli approved security, bearing tea
percent interest. No property to be
removed until nettled for.
Col. C. L. WiNFRKr, Auctioneer.
School Rcpstt.
Hsport of School taught in Dlst. 14,
for the month of October.
Those neither absent or tardy were
Mary Scott, Pearl Metcalf , Mida Means
Mary JiHki'H, Velva and Grace Shank,
lin, Willie and JooJiskra.
Lillian IUmev, Tenchar,
. .
Do you waut a heating stove? If
you do go to Wright's. He has a larg
Has at tfc Uwaat prieM.
Mr. Armstrong is busy building fonco
nround tho cornfield south of his home.
Norris Dickerson aud family left for
Harlan, Iowa, to bo homo to yote.
Mr. Hussong and Conrad will stay at
home for the next two yoars, but our
soldier "joys were left behind.
No. School in No. 45 this week as tho
teacher had to go home to voto and it
required tho whole wcok to get over
the election.
Mrs. Kershuor will havo an adminis
trators sale this week, and all tho
proporty of the cstato will pass under
tho hammer.
Blue Hill is rather jubilant ov rtho
returns of the election.
Potsdam gave Mrs. Case as largo a
majority as any precinct in tho county
I guess.
You would hardly know our central
committeeman now if jou saw him
with his now hat.
Election is over and "All is quiet
along the Potomac."
The pops carried everything before
them in this precinct.
Mr. Cloud took possession of the
Prentiss ranch Wednesday.
Rev. Alexander will hold quarterly
meeting services at tho M. E. church
Sundny night. A cordinl invitation is
extended to all.
Little Ruby Harvey 1b still quite sick.
Dr. Myers is in attendance.
Mr. Frank Williams and Miss Chloo
Williams of Franklin, Nebraska, visited
at O. B. Harvoy's last Saturday, Sun
day and Monday.
,Rev. Hussong preached in tho M. E.
church last Sunday afternoon. Rov.
nenry or Luiiueid, Nebraska, was
present nnd gavo the opening prayer.
Ed. Grossman is home with his steam
thresher, having finished threshing for
this fall. He expects to attach his
ongine to a shelter this winter.
Willie Irons and Earl Burwell wero
out hunting Tuesday. (Was it quails
or deer?)
It is reported that a team belonging
to H. G. Sawyer ran away Tuesday
starting near Walt Garner's and stop
ping at the livery barn.
From New ZealtaJ.
Rbkfton, New Zealand, Nov. 23, '00.
I am very pleased to state tbat since
I took the agency of Chamberlain's
medicines tbo sale has been very large,
mora especially of the Cough Remedy.
In two years I have sold more of this
particular remedy than of all other
makes for tbo previous five ysars. As
to its efficacy, I have been informed by
scores of persons of the good tesults
they have receiyed from it, and know
its value for the use of it in my own
household. It is so' pleasant to take
that wo liavo to place the bottle be
yond the renah of tho children. E.J.
Scantlxbuky. For sale by H. E,
ljft Mil
U Jib Y I fift
u lilt 1 1 II i X. f w v 1 1
"- I II '11 1 ' " U'- l Vf I 1 J. Jl I ""
The laundress is sure of satisfactory results In her
work if she uses Ivory Soap. Linens are of immaculate
whiteness; no dirt or streaks anywhere. There's no
room for criticism in the work when brought home.
Ivory Soap is cheaper than common soaps in the end.
A WORD OF WARNING. Thert arc many while aoapt, ach reprtntJ to be "Jutt ai roo4
4 the 'Ivory';" Uiey ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar an J remarkable qualltlee
of the (tnulne. Ask for "Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting It.
conmaxT ism (hi roou oamili co oinoikmiti
Sorviccs each Lord's Day as follows:
Morning service nt 10:80. Subject,
"Liovo's Paradise."
Blblo school, 12m.
Junior Christian Endoavor 8 p.m.
Socior Christian Endoavor moete
at 7 p.m.
Evening service at 7130. Subject,
"Job's Evolution."
There havo recently been ton confes
sions nnd ono added by commenda'.ion
to the church. A deep nnd growing
interest is manifested.
Our music will bo the choicest thnt
the best musical talent of tho com
munity can render.
A cordial invitation is extended to
L. A. Hussomi, Pastor,
Services next Sundny as follows:
Morning service at 10:30 Subject,
Sunday School at 11:30- a.m. Con
ducted by D. B. Spanogle.
Preaching nt Amboy at 3 p.m.
Senior Loaguo at 7 p.m.
Evoning services at 7:30.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday even
ing at 7:30.
Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon.
All are most cordially invited to at
tend. ltoscoB A. Babnhs, Pastor.
Services next Sunday as follows.
Sunday School at 11 :4G W, F. West,
Young People's Union meets at 7.
Regular weedy prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
All cordially invited. Seats free,
Isaac W. Edsoh, Pastor.
hat Would You Give
'! tin .S....41.I ........t. 4 ...... .
aw vv ui uutniiiii juii ui
your friends havo this disease you
know how disagreeable it is. Itssymp
toms are inflamod eyes, throbbing tem
ples, ringing noises in tho ear, head
aches, capricious appetite, and con
stant discharge of mucus. Fortunately
its cere is not n question of what you
will give, but what yon will take. If
you take Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho great
constitutional remedy, which thor
oughly purities, enriches nnd vitalizes
tho blood, you may expect to bo com
pletely and permanently mired. Tho
gootl blood which Hood's Saidaparilla
makes, reaching tho dolicato passages
of tho mucous membrane, sooths and
rebuilds tbo '.issues nnd ultimately
cures nil symptoms of catarrh.
. .
(CUurateTonr llnwaU Willi Cuararat.
Candy Cathnrtlc, cum conMlMtlon forotor.
10c, 36c. If C, CO full, druitKltN refund money.
Regular services next Sunday as fol
lows: Morning service at 10.80 Subject,
"Christ's Invitation."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 0:80 p m. O. J, Overlng,
ir., leader. Bubloct' "The Llvinsr
Evening sorvices at 7:80. Subject,
"A Foolish Husbandman."
Business meeting of Endeavor So
ciety at homo of C. L. Cotting.
Preaching at tho Edward McCuno
school house at 8 80 p.m.
t'rayer anu praise meeting Wednes
day evoning at 8.
All cordially invited to attend thesa
Fbuiu. W, DAf, J"Mtr,
SAYS : ,
" Beiore my
wife began using
Mother's Friend
she could hardly
get around. I do
not think she
it now. She
used it for two
months and it is
a great help to
her. She does
her housework
without trouble."
Mothers Friend
Is an external liniment for expectant
mothers to use. It gives them
strength to attend to their household
duties almost to the hour of confine
ment. It is the ono and only prepara
tion that overcomes morning sickness
and nervousness. It is the only
remedy that relaxes and relieves the
strain. It is the only remedy that
makes labor short and delivery easy.
It is the only remedy that puts the
breasts in condition so that swelling
or rising is impossible. Don't take
medicines intcmuHy. They endanger
the lives of both mother and child.
Mothtr PrieadltMMkydratstototertl.
Sen4 for par Ires llltutratwl boot.
has i'HV