The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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JrMfc. 2U
. .-m9WCJ-;.(-"aHl
M-J if M( 1 ""
44 The "Best is
the Cheapest
Experience teaches that
good clothes wear longest,
good food gives best nutrition,
and a good medicine that
cures disease is naturalh the
best and cheapest. Hood's
Sarsaparilta is the best medi
cine money can buy, because
it cures when alt others fait.
Poor Hoalth " poor fieaHh for
years, pains in shoulders, back and hips,
with constant headache, nervousness And
no appetite. Used Hood's Sarsaparitla.
gained strength And can tvork hard alt
fAy; t At heartily and sleep ivcll. Hook
H becAuse it helped my husband to whom
it gave strength." Mrs. E. J. Giffels,
Moose Lake, Minn.
Hood'tmii cur IWf III I Hit tinn IrrlUtlng nd
oly MthifTfo to titi with 1fix,Tri8riprllU,
ruii.mnii) bt
w. l. momillan.
On jer II 00
aisnonth t SO
Inured at the poit offlco at Hed Cloud, Nob.t
ecMid elm mull matter.
Local adTcrtlahiK 6 cciitu cr lino ier Imiio.
Local AilvorlliltiR for cntorlalniiiRiitii, con
teria, noclalH, etc., given lijr churches, clmrtlMblo
cl8tlc, do., where all uioncjn raited there
from are uawl wholly for church or rliarllnulo
"clctloi", llrit ton linen free and all ovur ten
lines U cents per llm per Ihmic.
Loral adveriUlint of entertainment, concerts,
reallals, etc, where per cent Ik given to pro
inettrti, & cents per lino per Issue.
lllsri.AT AllVKIITIStMl,
One rolitmn per inonih ........ .....-. tt on
One half column per month ... ................... 3 Ml
One fourth column per month .- 1 75
flcncrnl dlp1ny HilwrlUtiiK H1 cents per
Inch )erlhstie.
State Ticket
Cor JuiIko of Hi o Supremo Court,
M. 11, IIKIHK,
Of Lincoln, Nehraskn.
Hor Iteuenfs MaIii Unl ventty.
Of AliiMvnrtli, Nel.riixlot.
' Of Orualiit, Nchrnskn,
Judicial Ticket
Kor JmlKis 10th .IihIIcIhI District,
' It. L.,
Of Alms, Ncliruna,
County Ticket.
Vor t'lerk or.thc Itlnrlet Court,
JAM Kb ItUltlll'.N.
Of (lletinood 1'rcclnct.
Tor County 1'rc.nMirvr,
On Ited Cloud City, 2d Ward.
Yt County Clerk,
ci,aiii:nci: itKi.n,
Of lied Cloud l'reclnct.
For County .Indite.
Of Harmony l'reclnct.
far County Mipcrlutumlent,
lOf He-'. Cloud City, 2d Ward.
Far County Sheriff,
Or I'lensitut Ulll l'reclnct.
For County Coroner,
nit. HALL,
Of (Kenwood l'reclnct,
Far County Surveyor,
Of nienwood l'reclnct.
KorCommUsloner 1st Dlttilct,
1). II, KAI.1CY,
or I'leiisant mil l'reclnct.
rorCominlslnner4th District, '
or Ited Cloud l'reclnct.
Vote tho ticket sirnlKllt.
No.xt Tuesday U llm day.
por month out of the other foca o( tbo
offlco fordoing tho work, where does
tlio driving como In. The county pays
tho clerk fordoing It, and tho "extra
clerk hire" is also drawing n salnry of
tHO per month for doing tho samo
work This is simply another tiltistrn
tion of reform. How mu:h docs tho
county lose by such work, and how
much docs reform officers save for
Do you want n man to fill thnoflleu
of county clerk who is of tliu opinion
tho statutes of Nebraska should bu
enforced and tho decisions of our mi
premo court should bo respected, or
do you want a man for county clerk
who thinks that statutes and supremo
court decisions tiro a farco ns long as
thero Is a chanro to get a cunt. Voto
for Kccd.
Do you want n man for clerk wh
is willing to put tho names of tho can
didates of tho party polling tho highest
number of votes nt the last election
first on tho ticket as provided by law,
or do you want a man for county clerk
wht will ndil tho voto of three suparato
and distinct parties together in ordor
to steal tho first place on tho ticket in
tho hope of catching a few stray votes
Vto for Itcod.
This Is not a year for personal ani
mosities among republican?. Republi
can principles mo above personal en
mities. Republicans should stand to
gethur because their piluciplso re pro
sent the best interests of tho whole
people. Wo haro not hoard of any
good reason why anyono should not
voto tho republican ticket straight. It
is surely not good republicanism to
voto for candidates who have spout
their entire lives and devoted their
boit efforts to helping defeat tho re
publican ticket.
. a
Wo heard onn of our republican
friends say muiio time ago that ho
thought ho would vote for the present
county clerk. However, since tho
present cotttv clerk lias shown his nut'
rowonlndctlncss and als that hi U will
lug to do anything to get a vote or two
by placing tho fusion ticket first on tho
ballot, that republican has changed
his mind. He now says that, a man
who would undertake to get a few
votes for his party through hitch an
titter disregard of the laws is not
vorthy the support of his own party,
and a republican who would yoto for
him assists in defeating the whole te
publican ticket. Republicans, remem
ber this.
Under the present system of reform
the taxpayers of Webster county paid
in 181)3 the .sum of $.'80, mut in uinu
mouths of 18l0, tho .sum of tJUU 1, for ex
tra clerk hire, and this latter will be
Inei eased by 8lo0 for the last quarter
of 189;),. in all probability, as the extra
help is still there, which will make tho
total ?70r for Mr. llalo'n two year's
term. As compared with his predo
ceshor this record does no, show up
very veil for reform savings. During
llm four years under a republican in
this olllce tho tttUHttnt paid for extra
clerk hire was 9101.15. In other words
it costs tho county nearly twice as
much for extra clerk hire during onu
term of "reform" than it did under two
terms of republican rule. And still
tho present county clerk is s.iviug tho
county money. Had that money ho
drew as clerk of the county buatd re
mained in the treasury where it bo
longed, and had ho been compelled to
pay his deputy and extra clerk hire,
from his fees after lie had deducted his
own salary of 81,f00 from the fees also,
he would have had to tto without some
of this extra clerk Lire.
Some of the Savings Made by a Reformes
Office Holder.
Reform economy is something that
in onlor to bu thoroughly understood,
requires a careful examination of tho
county records. What has reform
cost tho county this year. Let us sco
what claims have been allowed tind
warrants ordered drawn on the county
treasury for services in violation of tho
law and which money should now be
in the county treasury instead of in the
pockets of reform olllce scekeis, In
first placo wo will take tho extra ex
pense that has been heaped upon this
county by tho great reform leader of
present political campaign, our depti .y
county attorney. Chap. 7, Sec. SO of
tho statutes of 1399, says; "Tito conn
iy attorney may appoint one or more
deputies, who shall net without any
compensation from the county', to assist
him in tho discharge of his duties."
Now, this great reformer, in tho face
of tho first sentence of the law under
which ho wns appointed antt which by
virtue of Ids position he is bound
to uphold, has, notwithstanding tho
law says be shall have no compensa
tion, filed claims against tho county
and received county warrants as fol
lows: January 6, offlco rent 1 1 no
March I), offlco rent ........... .. 3 00
May 3, olllce rent. .. ... 7 00
Mny 3, commissioner Insane bonrd...... e (X)
June 17, olllco rent . . 8 io
Juno 17, expense DcntHnjcscaso 31 08
August 8, Insnuo case..... 3 00
August 8. olllce rent 7 00
OctoDcr 6, odlco rent ......... 7 00
October r, feeff Insane. cafie...... ........... 3 00
Total nmount secured by "reformer".. IdO 11
In connection with the last claim of
?7 wo will give a short history to show
that "reform" can find n way to suck
mouov from Iho county treasury even
if the Hon. V. 11. Heall says it is i. legal.
This 57 00 wiir first brought, before tho
county board
l'opulists, doinocraisatitl free r-ilvor
republicans in chorus, "When shall wo
three meet again?"
A vi.te for Clarence Reed means
roform, the gettine reform, not "the
laws he d d" kind.
Considerable has boon said in dif
foront parts of tho county concerning a
story about tho evidence given by Jas.
Rttrden in tho Hout-Iiaye.s habeas cor
pus proceedings at Lincoln, by n party
of tho opposito political faith. Tho
story is that Mr. Bunion dollboratly
perjured himself and tried to got Rent
and Hayes liboratod from tho ponltou
tiary. Wo lmvo socurod from tho dis
trict court of Lancaster county tin ab
stract of tho testimony given by Mr
littrdon, who was tho only witness
sworn in tho caso, and that ovidonco
shows that it was on tho ovidonco of
Mr. Uurdeti tho two mou wore not ro
loasod. Tho point in tho caso was that
tho journal ontry Had not boon made
and tho proceedings In tho caso re
corded and that tho judgo had not
signed tho journal ontry nt tho time
tho two woro takonto tho penitentiary.
Tho ovidonco of Burden shows that
tho journal ontry was complotod on
tho 18th day of April, and iho mittim
us was Issued to tho warden of thopon
ltontiaryou tho 10th day of April,
but that it was not signed up by Judgo
Hcall until tho fJth day of Juno It
was this evidence and it ulono which
provontod tho liberation of tho two
mon. Tho originator of tho story
wont to Linolcn at tho oxponso of this
county for tbo purposo of soolng that
Rout nntl Hayes woro not rolensed,
and J. 11 Mercer, who had received 50
for "assisting county attoruoy" In this
caso, also wont to Lincoln at his own
oxponso, fooling that ho was in duty
bound to do so aftor having holpcd in
tho prosecution and boon paid by tho
county for so doing At tho tlmo tho
caso was called for trial our deputy
county attoruoy was nowhoro to bo
found. Aftor telephoning and send
ing for him nntl boiug unable to ascer
tain his whoroubouts tho court pro
ceeded to hear tho caso without
. ltlw A lwtiif 4-rt ttitnnina linfwi
in two claims for i',1 r.0, , "," " "V2V " . rn "". .il. .. ..
or olllce rent f ,r doputy county alter-1 counly uttornoy mado his appearance,
hoy, and allowed and an appcnl taken I but not by word or action did ho as
to the district court in each ease. Tho shst in tho caso In fact ho know
llrstcaso was dUmlsved and tho costs ' ,lot',1,1K -''t what had boon done
.... . . ..... . ,. , ,ii3 tho cuo wns virtually olood tit. tho
taxed to thoplainun In tho second Umo of ili8 nrrlvnl. This Is just how
suit the ilisti ict judge decided in favor i much ho assisted. When tho caso was
of tlionppellantaiid against the deputy decided and tho prisoners woro ro
county attorney, thus holding that ihel y- tout ho relur...
county should not pay his ofhVe tent portnco that would lead a common
In tho face Of these two decisions say- porsou to think ho 'had accomplished
lugho Isnotentltltd to teeover ollloe something wonderful, when in reality
,.,., ;.t ,i it. i i... ,i..q' ho had dono nothing Howover, ho
lie simply had a claim of 37 allowed
to pay the olllce rent of county attor
ney, not deputy county attornty, at d
the warrant register shows that that
warrant was issued to i S. Wilson
nut! not the county attorney.
Reform! (ircat (toil, what would
constitute i obbery. This person, whi
is supposed to supervise the affairs of ' don's lostinionv?
the county legally, and see that the I rend It and ho
state law. are upheld, ha Mtececded
in "jul;iug" 680.18 out of tho comity
in open violation of the law; and now
wants the people to dolvo still deeper
in reform. Ho surely knows that tho
law which provides for his appoint
ment to this position also provided
thai he tdiould r.ciive no compensa
tion from the county. It is not ignor
ance. It is simply anotht reuse of "tho
laws bed tl." Ho evidently thought
that under tho great refotm mask ho
wears no one would question his right
to it. A lit sample ho is for a reform
movement, and the people will no
doubt accept tho sample, and they
will no doubt do like the 'good
housewife who has tried a sample of
some inferior article with a liighsonnd.
ing name which had bion left on her
doorstep go back to something which
they known to he reliable
rqflraMiu ntttmmmamrvBamna uwiutLMEunt u urn i.isj vammamaaammmammpjmmt.
There is a 4 Comfortable feeling" that
comes after a bath with Ivory Soap which
is conducive to a good night's rest.
corraiQHT it ar tmi pbochr a amu co. Cincinnati!
put in ti bill to tho county for 11 03
for his oxponsos on the trip wo sup
pose, it wns not forwlmb ha did as poo
pie don't generally got paid for doing
nothing, and drew that amout from
tho county treasury. Now it is this
man who went Io Lincoln to do notne
thing nntl evidently forgot after ho
got thero what ho wont for. who says
that .Mr Rttrden perjured hlmsolf
What does ho know about Mr. Rur-
wo doubt if bo over
surely forgot to got
around In time to hear It, U o lmvo
tin abstract of Mr. Rtirdon's ovidonco
which wits taken by Victor Seymour,
reporter of tho district court of Lan
caster county, and It is open to inspec
tion to till who want to beo' it. Como
' t., nvi.l ,i.fitttt ti t tf .itwl I ll.ltl ll'lin
lit till,. 1,'AllllllllU f.l ll.,t l... .. .a,.. a. aw ...a..
canto tlio nearest to allowing Rent ami
Hayes to ko free, tho man who wont
there us ti witness and gnvo sworn tes
timony which kopt thorn thoro, or tho
man who wont down to prosecute and
forgot what ho was thoro lor. Thoro
is no truth in tlio story, it is told for
tho simplo reason of beating Rurdcn,
and in ordor to got tho records of tho
dl-trict court in tno hands of a mnu
whoso ideas of roform coincide with
tho Ideas of othor "reform" ofilco hold
ers which is "tho law bo d d,
tako all you can get," and with this
ofilco in tbolr hands, and it district
judgo to back thorn up nntl dismiss
cases on smnll technicalities wo have
no doubt they would got nil tlioro was
in sight.
Hvery product committeeman should
make it u point to see that thero is not
onu republican voto left uueastin their
precinct when tho polls close.
Tho republican county ticket from
top to bottom is made up of gootl men.
It is Iho host ticket ever placed before
tho people of Webster county. Its
election will bo a guarantee thnt the
business of tho county ill bo conducted
itr tho best interests of tho taxpayer.
rjDo you wan", a man for county clerk
who believes that tho law limits his
salary to $1,500 and that when his fees
cover thnt amount ho is not entitled to
another salnry of $100 per yenr for
iictlng as clerk to tho county board,
or do you want a man for olorK who ip
willing to take tho 1,000 yearly und as
much more as ha can got out of tho
county. Voto for Reed.
Tho deputies at tho county olork's
otllca are busy making a now numer
ical indox. Tho county clerk gets paid
extra for making this as It Is not ouo
of his rogulur duties. Howover tho
"reform" olork hiros another deputy
in tho prosentcaso and pays him out uf
the fees of tho olllco, Now if tho law
.allows tho county clork extra pay for
nuking out this numerical index, and
hut "extra olerk hire" ii allowed I0
Tho Rrymi train arrived last Satur
day morning as advertised, .about 10
o'clock. Tno sp:akiug occurred on an
elevated platform which thud been
elected on Miner Rros. corner. Tho
crowd present numbered about. 1,000,
autl consisted of people of all political
parlies. Mr. Rryaii occupied tlio at
tention of the crowd for about twenty
live minute and in that timu did not
make as favorable an impression or ad
vance tlio argument that was expected.
Mr. Rrynn's argument consisted of
roasting the administration and telling
funny stories, l'eople who went to
hear him and expected to hear the
democratic side of tho Issues pre
sented reasonably and logically were
not only dissatisfied, but in a number
of cases disgusted. To, toll tho truth,
during his remarks he received no ap
plause except from a very few (about
one dozen) of his most enthusiastic
followers, and when ho left tho plat
form not one feeblo cheer was given iu
his honor. Aftor Mr. Rrran had con
eluded his remarks Silas Holcomb was
introduced. Tho gonornl appearance
of Si acted ou the enthusiasm ot tho
crowd about the same as a wet blanket
would ou u fire. Ho spoke for about
three minutes and iu that lituosaid
just about four words, "Ploaso voto
for me." Si's appoaranco hears out
tbo opinion that he was either worried
about .something or else ho hud boeu
used rough. After tho abovo speakers
had conoludcd Judge Rdgerton was
Introduced and oxpouuded pop 'doo
trine, His reception put us iu mind
of the crowd that wants to wait ami
see the concert after the big show wns
'OMEN do suffer I
Even so-called healthy women suffer!
But they are not healthy !
The marks left by pain are on the young faces of many of our
daughters. Pnin that leaves its mark comes from a curable
cause, it tnat cause is not removed us
inlluence reaches out and overshadows a
whole life. The reason Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has been so uni
formly successful for over a quarter of a
century in overcoming the suffering of
women, is that it is thorough and goes
directlv to the cause. It is a woman's
remedy for woman a ills.
Miss Emily F. Haas, of 148 Freeman
St., Gree'npoint, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes:
"Dear Mks. Pinkiiam I wish to
state that I used your Vegetable Com
pound with the greatest success. I
was very sick for nearly a year with
hysteria, was down-hearted and
nervous; also suffered with painful
menstruation and pain in back and
limbs. I often wished for death,
thinking nothing would cure me. I
had doctors, but their medicines did
me no good. At last, by the advice
of a friend, I began to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and I am happy to say it has entire
ly cured me.
Jennie Sherman, of Fremont,
Mich., Box 748, writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam:- I feel
that I must write you and tell
you what your medicine has
done for me. I had neuralgia
of the stomach for two years,
so bad that I could not do any
work. I had two or three doc
tors, but did not seem to get any bet
ter. I began taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver
Pills and improved from the first, had
better appetite, and after taking three bottles of Compound
and one box of Liver Pills, can say that I am cured. Your
Vg table Cenporead is a woadarfem mediciaa."
Too Late
"To put a lock n tho' stall when tho horse is gono." That
is 1 1 tto in more way than one. The season of new
mown hay is hern ami yon will soon bo feeding your
other wmds tho 001.10 .season is about here. You can
save your faithful animals hours of agony ami yourself
finiiiieial lo-. ninl tli iioubio and expense of going miles
in tho night for a "no run doctor" by kucpiug on hand n
bottle of j 1 is
Sipttx; Colic Hjactt.t.J70,
Put up three doses in a drenching bottle sor 531.00. Cures
the various forms of eolie, inlbtinmntion of tho bowels,
stoppage of mine, etc. in cattle and horses. One dose
gives instant relief A-k your druggist for it. If he
hasn't got it ami won't got it for you write us at onco.
You should also lmvo
Siiot.TL:s2: IZ&ia'Otl-vo IT'oocl,
on hand for your .stock and yopltry and wntdotT-dUeases.
"A Mitch in timo saves nine."
Auction Sale of Unclaimed
Express Matter.
Tho Adams Express Company will soil at pubio uction for cash
December 1st and 2d, 1899.
All Unolnlmotl Express mattor remaining on hand nt ofHcos throughout tho
Stato of Nebraska.
J. H. BUTLER. Supt.
A. CON OVER, Agent
W.esV VH
r .
Farm VTogjOMis.
Ghieago kamber Yard,
Lumber, Lime. Coal and i. Cement.
OiaLilclirxs: material, B)to. "
4i -w
. " "Tt-, -r'fvti
t rg-ytttfcfejyf ?-''