The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1899, Image 7

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it ran in m
Departmental and Executive
Actions Condensed,
frnmnctlonn u nil Huppmlng of ."More
tlinn Onllmiry IntcreM to tho
I'coplu of America Actions
Which Muko History.
Wriliirsilnj-, October 1H.
Heavy lighting was reported be
tween tho lirltlbli nnd Boors yesterday.
The cruNor Brooklyn left Hiuiiit(in
roads Wednesday afternoon bound foi
Manila via the Hue, canal.
Harold Zlellnn of Valentine, Nob.,
has been appointed assistant englueoi
at the Uosobud agency of South Da
kota. Chief Surgeon O'ltcilly at Havana re
ports three eases of yellow fever in the
hospital at Matanras, Cuba, and three
nioro suspects under observation.
An explosion of gas at the Shenan
doah City colliery near Pottsvllle, Pa.,
insulted in twenty-two men being en
tombed. Ten have, been rescued ullvo
It is feared the others are dead.
A corps of experienced continental
engineers, former ollieer.s. has left Pre
toria for the southwestern bordeis, es
eotted by a commando of picked llocrs.
It is probably intended for a large dy
namiting operation.
The long pending question regarding
the payment of the 2,000 tons of coal
purchased at St. Thomas, 1). W. I., for
tho United States government during
the war by Uuited States Consul Van
Home, has been settled, the United
States government paying approxi
mately 5533,000.
Definite information has been re
ceived ut Chicago from Admiial Dewey
that he will visit the windy city be
tween Not ember 1.1 and December 1,
and arrangements are being made for a
two days festival in his honor. The
program will include military and civil
p.niades, u military ball and the pre
sentation of a gold or silver service.
In the United States supreme court
on the lhth an agreement was reached
between the counsel on loth sides for
the postponement of the hearing in the
contioversy between the states of
Texas and Louisiana over the yellow
fever quarantine until next Monday.
The postponement was readied for the
purpose of allowing u full bench to be
It is believed that Superintendent
Alex McMasters lost his life Tuesday
night in a (ire which broke out in a
factory of the W. C. Ritchie Paper Box
company at 203 Green street, Chicago.
Five hundred persons, mostly young
girls, wore cmyed in the big build
ing, and about .jO were inside when
the flic occurred. Three girls are,
missing, but are believed to have
reached the street safely
Thursday, October 10.
The transport Resolute left Brooklyn
With 800 tons of provisions for Poito
Two battalions of the Thirty-ninth
infantry have arrived at Portland, Ore.,
from Fvt Crook, Nob. These two, to
gether with the battalion recruited at
Vancouvi barracks, will sail for the
Philippines about November 1.
Tiie Illinois supremo court, in n de
cision handed down Thursday, declares
the American Glucose company of Pe
oria a trust, and that its charter is in
violation of tho anti-trust laws of Illi
nois of 1891 and 180:!, and therefore
Tho Interior department Thursday
received tho following dispatch from
Acting Indian Agent Nicholson at San
Cat los agency, Arizona: "Indians all
quieted down and working on their
farms as usual. Will lmvo no trouble.
I think I can apprehend all the offend
ers." Ten former Spanish soldiers, who
were captured by tho Filipinos and for
a time acted as oflloers and members of
the Filipino artillery regiment located
in the vicinity of Santa Rosa, in the
Lnguna do Ray district, determined to
Burrendor tlie urtillorv to the Ameri
cans. Tho plot was discovered by the
Filipinos, who killed seven of the con
spirators, the other three escaping to
A dispatch received from Manila,
dated October 18, at 8:.1.1 a. m., says
that General Otis has received messages
purporting to eomo from the insurgent
general, Pio del Pilar, offering to sell
out his army and deliver Agulnaldo in
to the hands of the Americans. Al
though ho is not satisfied that this of
fer is authentic, it is not intrinsically
improbable. Tho policy of General
Otis is firmly set against buying any
I'rlduy, October SO.
General Nelson A. Miles left Chicago
Monday for Omaha on an inspecting
tour of the ai my posts in the west.
The Uuited States court of appeals at
St. Louis decided that suicide can not
bo urged by an insurance company as
a reason for refusing to pay on a policy
unless it can bo shown that tho Indi
vidual, at tlie time of subscribing for
tho policy, contemplated suicide.
Judgo Lacomb, at New York, in the
United States district court, handed
down a decision dismissing the writ of
habeas corpus in the caso of former
Captain Oberlln M. Carter, who is un
der sentence of five years' Imprisonment
for conspiraeyto defraud tho govern
ment in contracts. The decision was
given in a lengthy opinion, which up
holds the findings of the court-martial.
A cablegram has been received at
tho state department from United
States Consul Gudgcr at Panama stat
ing that an insurrection had broken
4. out there ami that martial law had
boen declared.
Tho associated press correspondent
at Samoa sends news by tho steamer
Moana, under date of October 8, as
follows: "The aspect of affairs in Sa-
t noa is indeed far from reassuring.
There is trouble brewing, and it will
come soon if tho three powers do not
come to aid the government and the
detached ofllcials. Tho relations of
tho three consuls-who-wcro left here
" aa a provisional government "byth'ej
commissioners are strained.
The Ra j'un Re I Cam society hn
(V.orm'ne.l to help both bellgerents in
Xottt'i Afrie.i. All the imiii- lmv..
op :ied subscriptions for a volunteer
ci-ns. w nc l is Doing well equipped lu
p.1.. ate circles.
Saturday, Octolicr 31.
n-e transports left Southampton
' y for South Africa carrying ah
ino, fi,0.)j men, including Prince Alex
r.iu'cr of Teek. who is major genera
in the Hritlsh army.
Reports are being received from the
districts occupied by the enemv that
tric Filipinos believe that Pio del Pilar
nas an audacious plan to break
through the American lines into Ma
nila and scire General Otis and the
The presidential party arrived in
Washington Thursday noon, and was
met nt the station by Secretary Root.
General Corbln and others. The entire
party Is In good health and expressed
themselves as having enjoyed tho trip.
A Manila dispatch of the 10th says:
General Lnwton and General Young
are at Arayat with a force of nearly
3.000 men. Tho gunboats Florida anil
Oeste are pi enuring to move along tin
river to San Isldro. which will Ihi held
us a base for operations to the north.
The United States transport Thomas,
tho finest tioop ship, sailed
Thursday from Cramp's shipyard at
Philadelphia, for New York, where
she will go into dry dock to be painted.
Tho Tliomaw is to go to the Philippine:
early in November and will carry owi
L',000 persons, including soldiers, offi
cers, nurses and crews.
Under date of the 20th a Manila dis
patch says: Three insurgent officer
entered Angeles and applied toGeneral
Mae Arthur for pei mission for a Fil
ipino commission, headed by a Filipino
major general, to visit General Otis in
order to discuss peace terms and to ar
range for tho delivery of more Ameri
can prisoners, an well as to consider
methods for tho release of the Spanish
prisoners. Tho request was referred
to General Otis.
Monthly, October 2.1.
Acting under tho orders of his nhv
sieian, Admiial Dewey has cunccllec
all proposed trips, and will seek rest.
His health is not alarming, but quiet
Is necessary.
Eugene Uaston of Kansas City, Mo.,
a newspaper man, has been captured
by the Boer forces in South Africa.
The state department is negotiating
for his release.
Brigadier General Funslonhas nlicd
from San Francisco his acceptance ol
the appointment of brigadier general
in the newly formed volunteer service,
lie will return to Kansas with the Kan
sas volunteers, who will be mustered
out wotobor 28, and will then report at
Washington for duty in the Philippines.
The Fifty-first regiment of Iowa
volunteers, numbering 704 men line
forty-six ollieers, under the commam'
of Col. J. 0. l.oper. arrived at San
1' rancisco from .Manila on tlie trans
port Senator. There was no sickness,
Tho Senator was caught in the tail
of the typhoon encountered by tin
steamer Empress of Japan. Sho was
tosseil lively for several hours, but suf
fered no severe damage.
General Otis has replied to the three
insurgent officers who entered Angelet
on the 20th with a request, made
through General MacArthur, for per
mission for a Filipino commission,
Headed by a Mlipino major general, tc
vj.sit General Otis In order to discus"
)caco terms and to arrange for tho de
livery Of more American prisoners
that tho desired interview cannot be
granted because tho suggested propo
sitions of the Filipinos are vague, in
definite and unmilltary, and becausi
tho Americans must continue to de
cline to receive any representative oi
the so-called Filipino government.
Tuesday, October 24.
Andrew M. Morrisey of Valentino.
Nebraska, has been admitted to prac
tice before tlie interior department.
Tho Iowa volunteers disembarked
Monday and marched to Presidio
where they were given un enthusiastic
The comptroller of the currency
Monday declared a third dividend of
10 per cent in favor of tho creditors o)
the First National bank of Nellgh,
Neb., making In all 40 per cent in
claims proved, amounting to 898,4111.
A Washington dispatch says that it
is generally expected In diplomatic
circles that the powers will interfere
In tho war between the British and
the Doers. Germany and Franco arc
reported to bo particularly restive. I(
is certain that the United States will
not participate in the movement,
An increase of the army to slxty-nino
thousand men makes possible tlie ap
pointment of one additional major
general, and the president has deter
mined to give this position to Rrigadier
(Sencral Hates, U. S. A., now in the
Philippines, where ho is concluding
negotiations Willi tlie bin tun ol hum.
Tho unoflicinl news of the death of
Major Howard was officially confirmed
in a telegram from Otis received at
Washington Monday. Howard was
killed while on a launch on the Rio
Grande, near A ryat, by concealed in
surgents. Major Howard formally re
sided at Omaha, where ho acted us
aide to his father, Gen. G. O. Howard,
when he was commander of tho de
partment of the Missouri.
Tho caso involving tho legality of
the sentence of Henry Rolln, the de
faulting treasurer of tho city of Oma
ha, who is now in the peuitontiury,
was in tho United States supremo
court Monday. Tho question to be de
cided by tiie supreme court is one of
'the constitutionality of the Nebraska
law under which Itolln was convicted.
A hearing will be had on the 4th
of December.
The incident that accurrcd In the
Philippines between Rear Admiral
John C. Watson, commander in chief of
tiie Asiatic station, and Commander E.
D. Taussig, In commaud of the lien
nington, owing to a misunderstanding
as to the way which certain orders ol
tho admiral were to he carried out, as
a result of which Commander Taussig
was relieved of his command and or
dered o return to the United States,
hi.s been closed by tho navy depart
ment upholding the notion of Rear Watson. Taussig will be
given 'shoro duty for awhile, and later
will have a command.
Tie Power oi the OH Man Over the Black
-. datives is Almost Absolute.
Not least of the tasks yet to be ac
complished in Cuba, through tho me
dium of an advanced civilization, is tho
elimination of the fanatical tendencies
it ml customs from among the black
population of the Island. While super
stition Is an accepted characteristic of
vhe African race, It seldom oxluts to u
more Inordinate degree than among the
Cuban negroes, where fetishism is as
prevalent as among the most barbarous
krlbos of the Congo region. Tills fa
naticism has existed for centuries,
steadily Increasing with the growth of
tlie negro element, and up to tlie pres
nt tlnio utterly defying all measures
ending to Its extirpation. Even
Spain's otherwise inexorable policy
was unable to cope with a condition
which had its origin in the minds of
these, her lensor subjects, and her fro
liicnt effort? towards Its expulsion only
tggravatcd tho evil. The half-savago
black man might endure with equa
nimity his poitlon as a slave, but his
oppressor as well might aim a blow
at the life of his chattol as at his super
stitions, for the Infiuenco of the latter
over the nvorngo Cuban negro Is au
premo. Brute force has never yet been
productive of mental reform, much less
moral enlightenment. Hence the de
struction, from time to time, by Span
ish offlclalB, of tho tauglblo evidences
of paganism iu Cuba, nnd the physical
castlgation of IU votaries, far from
rectifying tho condition, resulted in a
moral corruptnoss Infinitely worbo than
the original evil.
In a wild spot among the mountains
of Plnar del Rio, which divide thecane
bcaring lands along the north coast of
the province from the great tobacco
district in the south, arc tho ruius of
an ancient fetiBh temple. Years have
passed since the structure was utlllrcd
as a central pluce of worship by tho
slaves from tho distant plantations;
and yet to this day its fast-crumbling
wnlls are Jealously guarded by an agod
Obi man, or native sorcerer. This old
negro wields a strango Influence over
his countrymen for miles around, and
his few wants are never left unattend
ed. On the contrary, should he see lit
to demand It, their utmost penny would
bo promptly brought and placed at his
disposal not from motives of venera
tion, but of abject fear. For to this
crafty old Individual Is attributed tho
ability to bring about all manner of
tribulation upon nil who are so un
fortunate ua to incur his animosity.
However, while by no means averse to
extortion should occasion demand It,
he is generally disposed to coutont
himself with tho barest necessities of
life. Strangers rarely venture to the
remote haunts of this ancient recluse,
but tho occasional traveler who
chances that way must assuredly
gather n strange Impression from tho
desolated temple and Its solitary, mys
terious guardian. And to such a way
farer as happens to speak the language
of the Island, and who has the fore
thought to deposit a few centavos In
tho withered hand of the maglclqn, tho
latter will invariably untold this wlerd
est of stories concerning the place:
In years long, past, the great valleys
on cither side the mountain range were
owned by two brothers, ono of whom
lived In the mldn of his vast cano
fields, and the latter among his rich
tobacco lqrjds on the other, And,
strange though It may seem, the broth
er In the north was at enmity with him
who dwelt ifi, the? south, for, notwith
standing the former's great wealth, he
continually envied the other his pros
perity and rostesalons. At that time
the tomplo on the Intervening mount
ain was n marvelous structure Its
tall, masslvo walls were covered out
side with bright groen planter, while at
each of tho corncrb arose a square
tower, likewise green without. At tho
top of each of the four towers sat a
great' green Image, each of which was
gifted with the rower of a Epcclal
plague. The one to the south repre
sented n land crab controlling the
plague of drought; that to the west a
frog holding tlie fever plague; on the
north, an eagle hearing the plague of
war, and on the cast a Bcrpent fraught
with the plague of sudden death. Tho
Inner walls of this growsome temple
were tlie color of blood, nsldc from
which thcro wero no embellishments,
neither altar nor shrine. Tho hlgt
priest of the sect who worshiped Inrn
was a skilled Old man, who alone eon
trolled the four Imogen on the four
towers. When he spoke to the no
the land was straightway ravaged t-y
drought; If he Invoked tho frog, Ho
people wero at once stricken with trie
fever; when he commanded the male,
there speedily followed war; whll tho
mere mention of a name to the terptnt
resulted In Instant death to tho heifer
thereof. And Uio black peoplo from
tho two great valleys alone knew tho
whereabouts of this temple and tho
source of the dlro nflllctlons which
from time to time smote the Island.
And It was the wont of these people to
assemble on certain nights of each
week In the midst of tho temple to per
form tho rites of their Beet, and to
purchase exemption nnd favors from
tho omnipotent Obi man. For uot only
did their payment of trlbuto render
them Impervious to tho plagues, but for
additional sums they wero enabled to
have tho same visited upon such of
their enemies who were without tho
pale of tho Obi man's protection.
Now, it happened that the brother
who dwelt In tho valley of the north
became curious regarding tho contin
ued going and coming of his slaves;
wherefore, ho disguised himself ono
night and followed, them to thclrmount
ain retreat. And learning here the
secret of the four plagues, an evil Im
pulse straightway entered his heart to
hnve thorn all. one after another, In
flicted upon his despised brother in the
valley beyond. Therefore, biding his
chance, ho approached tho Obi man
and, first offering his tilbute, after tho
manner of the slaves about him, be-
sought tho sorcerer to send tho pl.iguo
o( drought upon all tho tobacco lauds
to the southward. So prodigious a re
quest, however, was not to he accorded
the same readiness of favor as a minor
plea; therefore, the Old man thought
to put the applicant off by demanding
of him n fee such as no ordinary slave
could command. Hut, much to Ills sur
prise, the required amount was Imme
diately forthcoming; wherefore, tlie
magician commanded the laud crab,
and the drought went fortli ns desired.
When the other hi other beheld the
great disaster that had been visited
upon his lands ho wns sore dlstrcsed.
Moreover, the time Bpeedlly came when
famine brought his household fuco to
faro with want. Yet In tho presence
of his exigencies, he marveled that his
slaves suffered no Ills, and perceiving
that they ennio and went at certain In
tervals ho disguised himself, as had
lis brother, and followed them Into tho
mountains. And it happened that as
ho reached tho temple, and mingled
with tho pcoplo therein tho Old man
was In tho very act of catling upon the
frog to sond tho fever plague Into his
household. And ho looked again and
saw that the slave who desired thin
thing was none other than his brother
disguised llko himself. And when tho
afflicted brother understood tho sourco
of tho deadly Inlltiences that were be
ing brought ngulnst him, ho fled In'
terror from the place, nnd going beforo
the governor of tho Island, revealed to
him tho secret of tho fetish tomplo and
tho baneful evils his brother was hav
ing brought upon him. So the gov
ernor sent fortli his army to destroy
the temple and to bring tho offending
brother to punishment. Now, it so
happened that tho army, in entering
tho country, passed through the perse
cuted brother's lands, upon hearing of
which the evil brother In tho north
exulted greatly, believing It tho result
of tho war plague which ho had be
sought of the Obi man to bring Into
hlB brother's possessions. And that
very night he ngaln set out for tho tem
ple thnt ho might cause his brother to
bo stricken with tho final plaguo of
death. But even as ho reached tho
spot ho perceived that a groat commo
tion prevailed about the temple, for
tho governor's soldiers were In tho net
of demolishing the walls. But as yet
one tower remained, whereon sat tho
green serpent. And tho Obi man, who
had been bound by the soldiers, seeing
the brother from the north approach,
nnd attributing to tho lattcr's evil eyo
the dlro misfortune that hnd come to
pass, spoke his namo to tho serpent.
And straightway tho last plaguo which
the wicked conspirator had intended
should fall upon his brother was visit
ed upon himself, and ho fell dead ho
foro the wrecked temple. Moreover,
declares the present nged guardian of
the ruins, from Hint day tho virtue do
parted from the cano fields In tho val
ley to tho north and entored tho great
tobacco fields of tho south, whleh even
until now aro tho rlchost In tho Island.
Affuln IlPinl from.
From tho Dotrolt Freo Press: "Don't
it bent all, SI," said Seth Groggins, aa
he prossed down slightly on tho 6calo
pan in weigning out tnreo-quarters of a
pound of sugar. "Did yo ever sco it
colder than this fur this time o' th'
yer?" 81 Green broke a cracker and
thrust tho bits Into his mouth. "No.
can't say 't I evor did," ho muttered
thoughtfully, "less it wiu th fall o'
'32. Tur'blo fall, th' fall o' '32 in thoso
parts. Hcd snow th' las' week in Aug
ust. All th1 sheep friz. Qraound wuz
froze solid fl' feet down by middle o'
Soptembor. I'll never fergR haow
mother sot up fur four days, 'Ithout
food ner slcop makln canton flannel
night shirts fur th' wheat. If r hodn't
bin fur thot, father'd lost th' hull crop.
Ah 'twas he reolzed seventy-tew bush
el. But It's prltty cold naow,"
The limy I'l-opcller.
Tho screw of an Atlantic llnpp .
volves somothlng llko 030,000 times be
tween Liverpool and New York.
How ltd (lot
Ill I'lrnt Start
In lb
There Is a gentleman In this city
who Is fond df telling tho story of how
he got his first start In the world, s.iy.i
the St. Louis Globe-Doniocrat. "Beforo
I was married," ho s.ild, "1 received n
pretty fair salary, spending overy cent
of It as I went nlong. Then I fell In
love, hut, try as I would, I could not
see how two could mnnngo on what had
scarcely been enough for mo. Wo
talked It over, sho and I, n-nd consid
ered the qiiestmn of wnys and mentiH.
Sho thought we cou'.d maiiago with my
salary, and wo were both so desporato
ly In lovo with ono another that wn
wero bravo to the point of rashness,
nnd wero married. I did not caro to
nssuiuo tho responsibility of making
that salary go around, nnd so questions
of finance wero loft to my wlfo. Wo
lived modostly, but very comfortably,
and gradually added protty things to
the little stock of furniture wo had be
gun with, until nt tho ond of five yeara
wo hud all wo had spaco for. Ol
course, my salary had Increased in that
I I mo. but so had the family, and thorn
wero hundreds of doiuaudB for which
wo had mado no allowance when wo
dlscinsod tho subject beforo marriage.
Ono day, In tho eourso of tho dny'a
work, I mado the discovery that, If I
had $1,000 to uso immediately I could
mako sovoral thousands boforo the
week was out. That night I wont
homo dispirited nnd discouraged. I
began to think of tho dog's lite I was
leading, living from day to day with
no prospect of anything bettor ns far
as I could sco, and by tho tlmo I had
reached homo I wns cross and tacit
turn, but n good dinner put rno'fn n
hotter humor, nnd ns wo sat together
In tho dining room after tho children
bail gone to led I told tho dear womnn
about the fortune that wo halt misled
becauso I did not have a paltry $1,000.
'How soon will you need It?' sho nuked,
when I hud finished tho story. I told
her thnt tho money would havo to bo
forthcoming within tho next three
days, and asked her It sho did not wish
sho had a fairy god-mothor to supply
the want. M will have it In thrco days,'
sho replied, confidently, nnd I took trio
answer ns a Joke- and thought llttlo
more about It, but Imagine my 3iirprloo
on tho third day when sho handed ma
a check for tho amount. Thoro had
not boon a year since wo wero married
that sho did not savo at least n couplo
of hundred dollars, nnd bIio had kept
her own counsel nhout It, too, londlng
It In small sums to tha best advantage.
A thousand dollars mny not seem much
to you, but it was a mighty largo Bum
to mo In thoso days. I mado tho In
vestment nnd mado several thousand,
and tho first thing I did was to pay her
back what sho had lent mo. Tho little
bit of capital I thon had was all I need
ed to mako a start with, nnd from it
hns como all tho money I hnve slnct
been able to mako."
I'ock'a Crow Them.
A singular story Is told of a gallant
rock whoso moral Infiuenco nt a criti
cal moment during tho bnttlo of St.
Vincent helped to save a BrltlBh man-of-war
from tho haudn of tho enemy.
Tho fowl lu question formed part ol
tho llvo stock of tho Marlborough a
vessel which had Buffered bo. severoly
that her captain was considering tho
advisability of striking his flag. Tho
ship was entirely dlsmustod, whtlo tha
chlot ofilcera bad been carried below
severely wounded and tho crow, with
out anybody to cheor them up, wcr
beginning to grow Bullon undor tho
heavy lire of tho enemy, to which they
woro hardly ablo to respond. At this
emergency a shot struck tho coop in
which tho fowls wero confined. Th
only surviving occupant, a cock, find
ing himself at liberty, fluttered up and
perched himself on tho stump of thi
mainmast and surveyed tho scene ot
carnage around him. Then, flapping
his wings In defiance ho began to crow
vociferously. Ho was answered, by
thrco henrty and exhilarating cheers
from tho crew, who nil had a good
laugh, and with spirits thus renewed
continued the action with a vigor that
lasted until a turn In the bnttlo rescued
them from their tight position. Lon
don Mall.
Itorne Wna last.
An amusing race was lately organ
lzed by a Now York amusemont syndi
cate. Tho starters wero Sid, the larg
est elephant iu captivity, ridden by his
keeper, Bornard Doolcy, and Ben All,
camel, driven by his keepor, William
Or con; n blcyclo, nn automobile, nnd
Australian Ben, a horso. After, a pre
liminary canter It wus arrangod that
the elephant and camel should start
together, and that tho automobile
should pursue them after thoy had
covered two lqps, thq horso and bi
cycle to follow at shorter intervals.
This nrrangement was found noces
sary because, when, in lino, tle canioi
was scared by tlio motor cary nrid4he
horso also became vory restive, whlU
tho elephant throatcnod to squash tho
cyclist with ono of his iorefoe't? Tim
race finished thus: Elephant Sid, 21
years old, 4 tons (Dooloy), first; bi
cycle, Darby, 20 pound (Sahinnaer),
second; automobile, no name, 1,000
pounds (HpUck), third ; "camelBen All,
and horso, 'Australian Ben, also ran.
A Flush from the RhedlVet
A well-known Englishman, Nassau
Sonlor, whose wlfo was a sister of tho
author of "Tom Brown's School DayB,"
used to keep diaries In which bo wrote
down all tho conversations" 'ho heard.
On on occasion ho was presented to
tho lato khedlvo, who hnd been wantrd
of thin little habit. "Oh, yes I iie,
said his highness, "Mri Sonlor Ufiitha
trumpet, and I am to blow down it."