The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1899, Image 6

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    rjst3MtgaftW MktW flMfiSft! W '
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firm Upon Pursuing 1'osse From Ambush
Are Kn rrtm mini Mix Miles North
of Alclilion nml Tholr
Cnpturo Htiro.
An Atchison, Knn.,speclnls.vii: Two
robbers Saturday nljflit Mint and killed
oho man ntiil wounded another in u
store nt I)oiililiiiii, which they later
robbed tnul Sitmliiy ambushed and shot
mid killed n policeman mid wounded
nnothcr man, both members of u posse
pursuing them. Tho robbers uro sur
rounded nix miles north of Atchison,
and nu attempt to arrest them will bo
made at daylight. Tlic dead:
John llrovn, Doniphan.
Hubert N. Ulokerson, Atchison.
Charles Kiiclm, Donlphnn.
lames Hayes, Atchison.
The robbers entered tho ntoro of
Kucli.s at Doniphan and nt the point of
revolvers ordered a number of men
present to hold up their hands. The
order waH obeyed instantly and one of
tho robbers started for the money
Kuchs, and llrown, son of tho post
master at Doniphan, made n move to
rosl nt. Two pistols in the hands of
the robbers cracked Instantly. Drown
fell dead and Kuchs was wounded in
tho arm. The other men lied, while
the robberu hurriedly emptied tho till
ami miulo olT.
A party of Atchison and Doniphan
men, all heavily armed, started out
Sunday in search of the robbers. Late
In tho afternoon, six miles north of
Atchison, thoy came, upon tho robbers
unawares, the latter firing upon them
from ambush, llobert Dlckerman, an
Atchison police ollleer, was shot and
hilled at tho llrst volley nml dames
Hayes fell witli a bullet in his arm.
Transport Ri-imlor .lint Catches the Tall
Ilnil of tho Typhoon.
Tho Fifty-first regiment of Iowa
volunteers, numbering 701 men and
forty-six olllecrs, under tho command
of Col. J. U. Loper, arrived at San
Francisco from Manila on tho trans
port Senator. Thero was no sickness
aboard. Tho only death reported is
that of Edward Kisslek, company F,
of Oskaloosa, la., who died at Naga
saki of dysentery. The only Incident
of tho voyage was an accident that
happened to Kdwin Stntler, company
31, and Homer A. Head, company A,
three days out from Nagasaki. They
wore Injured by tho breaking of the
ifter sail which fell on them. Stutler's
Jog was broken and Head sustained a
fracture of tho skull, lioth men are
doing well.
Tho Senator was caught in tho tall
oi tlio typhoon encountered by tho
steamer Empress of .Japan. She was
tosM'd lively for several hours, but suf
fered no severe damage. So serious did
he situation seem to tho officer. of
the steamer at one tlmo t.iat all tho
passengers wcro ordered below and
tho hatches wevo battered down.
Iti-fuais rillilno Unjust.
Genet ;.l Otis has replied to tho three
insurgent olllecrs who entered Angeles
on tho 20th with n request, made
through General MaeAithur, for per
mission for iv Filipino commission,
headed bv a Filipino major gencial, to
visit General Otis in order to discus
peace terms and to arrange for tho de
livery of mora American prisoners
that tho desired interview cannot be
granted because tho h'.-ggested propo
sitions of tho Filipinos are vague, in
definite and uninilltary, and because
tho Americans must continue to de
cline to receive any representative of
tho so-called Filipino government.
Ones to tho rcnlleutlitry.
Fred Patce, president of tho Pateo
bicycle company, Peoria, 111., and ox-
chiuf consul of tho Illinois division of
the L. A. W., was sentenced Saturday
to the penitentiary for manslaughter.
In April, I8U8, Pateo was churged with
having engaged Dr. Hell Howard to
perform a criminal operation on his
stenographer, Kttn Hinkloyof Dotiblln,
Ind. Dr. Howard's trial for murder
begins tills week.
l'liustnn Aceupts Commission.
Hrlgadler General Funston has wired
from San Francisco his acceptance of
tho appointment of brigadier general
In tho nowly formed volunteer service.
He will return to Kansas with tho Kan
sas volunteers, who will bo mustered
out Gctobor US, and will then report at
Washington for duty in tho Philippines.
Mr. Ki-hiiedlloh Armitttoil,
A telegram from Sprlnglleld, 111.,
says that Mrs. Erncstlna Schaodlieh,
who was tried for being an accessory
to tho murdor of Senator Hampton
Wall, at Staunton, during tho summer
of IdJj, was acquitted by tho Macoupin
county circuit court. Tho trial com
menced inbt Tuesday nnd tho jury re
tired to consider its verdict Friday
night. Otlio Matthos, tho murderer,
escaped at the tlmo nnd is yet at lib
erty, although a reward of SU.OOO is
offered for his recovery.
Doniphan, Kan,, Scene
Terrible Tragedy,
Murder, Ilnhhcry nml Anon n I'nttlm
AVI Hi T. P. Mcllrlde.
A special from Stillwater, Minn.,
finys that T. F. Mcllrlde, a convict at
tho prison, received from .Jackson coun
ty in December last, has mutlo a con
fession, showing him to bo one of tho
most high-handed murderers in tho
country. His confession was mado to
Warden Wolfer in a letter written on
October 8, and in it ho rotated tlio mur
der of twu olllecrs and a woman at Ge
neva, 111., In 1680, tho murder of tho
marshal at Ossawatomlc, Kan,, and
tho robbery of a hardwuro store and
tho shooting of a policeman nt Guide
Hock, Nub. Mcllrlde says his right
name iu George Mullock, and that ho
was born of respectable people who
havo resided in Geneva since 1871. Ho
Is thirty-three years old, and claims to
havo confessed because his conscience
bothered him, and ho Is anxious to be
punished for his many crimes.
It is believed Guide Hock, Neb., hns
been confused In the above with Table
Hock. There Is no known record of n
murder of a policeman at Guide Hock,
but at Tublo Hock, something ovur a
year ago, the marshal was shot and
killed by an unknown man whom he
was trying to arrest.
Iloer Force It ally nml Itenoir Tholr
tack on Dundee
The Itoers in the Transvaal arc fight
ing hard, ami showing a dogged per
sistence. A dlsptch from Capetown
announces that the lloers are shelling
Dundee at long range, but Ineffectual
Dispatches received from the front
tell of the engagement of Elandslnagto
which wait captured by the llrltlsh aft
er a hot but brilliant engagement.
Tho Doors wcro strongly entrenched
and fought with their wonted bravery.
Tho Hiltlsh wounded arc now being
taken to Ladysmlth. Every care and
attention are also being given to the
lloer wounded, who are being dis
patched down the country.
Tho Doer commander, Gen. .Tan II.
M. Kock, who was taken prisoner, has
died of his wounds.
The second llrltlsh victory, that at
Klandslaagte, in which tho llrltlsh
losses, though heavy, wero not out of
proportion to its importance, may bo
regarded as having completely demor
alized tho well-laid, but ineffectually
executed plans of tho Doers. In the
opinion of mllltnry critics, it will tend
to briug tho war to a speedy conclu
sion. Queen's lleurt Meeds.
Tho secretary of state for war, the
Marquis of Lansdowne, has received
tho following message from the queen
dated nt Halmoral castle.
"My heart bleeds for these drenrtful
losses again today. It is a great suc
cess, but I fear very dearly bought.
Would you convey my wnrmest and
heartfelt sympathy with the near tela
tlvoKof the fallen and wounded and
my admiration of the conduct of thosi
they havo lost. V. It. I."
Nine Men Die In a Illlsinrd.
A Great Falls, Mont., dispatch says:
Nino men perished in tho recent bliz
zard. Five bodies havo been recovered
and it is probable tills is not half
tho list. Tho last body found waa
that of ll. Herald, a sheep-hetder. The
i.heep had eaten off his beard, clothing
and part of his boots. Several bands
of sheep without herders havo been
wandering in that country and point
to unknown deaths.
TnvHii Injured Iu l'lro.
A business block in south Chicago
burned early Monday morning, entail
ing a loss of SIUO.OOO and painfully In
juring twelve persons. Fourteen
buildings burned. An old landmark
was destroyed in tho burning of the
Grand Central hotel. Tho guests had
burely tlmo to save themselves, and
tied for safety with bcarcely any wear
ing apparel.
Itudy Found In the lllvur.
Tho body of a young lady was found
In tho Dcs Moines river at Dos Moines,
la., and identified as that of Mabel
Seholleld of Macksburg, la. Sho was
twenty-ono years old and came to Dcs
Moines a few days ago to visit at the
homo of J. W. Thomas. Thero were
no marks of violence, however, and no
polBon could bo discovered. The mat
ter is a complete mystery.
American lleiortur Captured.
Eugene Easton of Kansas City, Mo.,
a newspaper man, has been captured
by tho Door forces In South Africa.
The state department is negotiating
for his release.
Iiowey Hecks Kest.
Acting under tho orders of his phy
sician, Admiral Dewey has cancelled
all proposed trips, and will seek rest.
His health is not alarming, but quiet
is necessary.
Boldlers to lie runlshed.
The thirteen negro soldiers of the
Twenty-fifth infnntry, stationed at
Globe, Arizona, accused of beating
' with clubs, four Tonto Indians on the
night of October 13, at San Carlos In-
dlnn agency, will bo taken to Florence,
where tho court of tho becond district
meets November U0. Thero is no ex
citement among tho Indians at San
Cnrlos and proceedings indicating pun
ishment of tho offenders will havo
salutary effect
(treat rlrltnln's Noldlory In n TIrIi
(iciiurul Yuln Threntminil by
bcrt'H Army, and Hot Ahlo
l'rotect Dundee 1'roporly.
t 1'lnco
No news yet received tends to dispel
ho apprehension caused by Lord Wol
.oley'n brief summary of tho situation.
. Pietzmletsburg special says that the
ensor nov permits no messages to be
cnt from tho front. Other dispatches
represent tho Doers as boasting that
ihindco is absolutely cut off and nssert
vhat despite tho llrltlsh victories the
dtuatlou is uncertain.
The I'retorla dispatch giving tho re
port of General .Joubcrt to tho gov
ernment evidently refers to tho battle
tt Glencoo and tho reason why Com
uandant Erasmus failed to come tu
the assistance of Commandant Meyer
cannot bo fathomed.
Tho victory at Elandslangtc was pro
tuctlvc of no effect for tho' relief of
illcncoe, and tho very reticence and
'irovlty of Lord Wolscley's communica
.Ion nrc only too onmious. It seems to
jc worded to prepare tho publio for
md news, and it is only too likely that
ieneral Ytilo has been compelled to
abandon tlio wounded and prisoners
at Dundee because Ids force is too
imall to hold the four and a half tulles
lioparatlng Dundee from Glcncoc.
It Is said that Commandant Eras
nits has by this time joined Command
tnt General .Joubert, and that their
combined columns amounts to s-ome
10,000 or 11,000 men, while tho Free
itato Hocrs, now threatening Lady
..tilth from tliu east, and a column re
KU'tod to bo coming through Zululand,
utist nlbo be reckoned with.
Tims thn ononirv nltimi-,h Hmlr nrtf.
iual plan, which 'An supposed to have
been Colonel Seilil's, failed, may fairly
be credited with having isolated Gen
eral Yule's brigndu and 'divided the
lloer's forces in Natal, (ieneral Yule
may find himself in a tight place, need
ing all his experience In Indian and
liurmcsu lighting to extricate himself.
It is ,;.ilte evident that the war olllee
has news which has been withheld
from tho public, and, if the situation
ns 'here sketched is eontlrmeu, Jioer
divisions may bo expected at other
frontier points.
Sympathizers with the Boers-regard
the nowskof. llrltlsh successes with sus
picion. Thep claim that nearly all tlio
news from the Transvaal emanutes
from llrltlsh. sources, and is a. Little un
reliable. lluylnc Ammunition Hero-,
The llrltlsh government has placrd
an Immense order for amunition with
the Union Metallic Cartridge company
of Hridgeport, Conn., for user in tho
war In South Africa. It is unofficially
declared that part of the order is for
5,000,000 shot shells and its tnauy inoxo
hall cartridges.
Ited Cross Will Act.
The Russian Ited Cross society ls
determined to luslp both
South Africa. All tho papers have
opened subscriptions for a volunteer
turpi, which is being well equipped, in
private circles.
Totted State Hiiprvmo Court Movus Up
Omaha Kx-Clty Treasurer's Caito.
The case Involving tho legality of
tho sentence of Henry Dolln, the de
faulting treasurer of tho city of Oma
ha, who is now in the penitentiary.
was in the United States htipreme
court Monday. Tlio question to bo de
cided by the supreme court is ono of
the constitutionality of the Nebraska
law under which Holln was convicted.
It appears that tho criminal proceed
ings against him were instituted upon
Information filed by the county attor
ney, and It Is argued that tho constitu
tion provides that in all such criminal
proceedings the culprit must bo tried
upon an Indictment. Upon motion of
the attorneys tho caso was advanced
and a hearing will bo had ou tho 4th
of December.
Mujur Ilotvnrd Kllluil.
Tho unolllelal news of tho death of
Major Howard was ofllclally confirmed
in a telegram from Otis received at
Washington Monday. llownrd was
killed while on a launch on tho Rio
Grande, near Arynt, by concealed In
surgents. Major Howard formally re
sided at Omaha, where ho acted ns
aide to his father, Gen. G. O. Howard,
when he was eommander of tho de
partment of tho Missouri.
Cnihler Short 811,500.
The Iowa state auditor received a
dispatch from Hank Examiner Dennett,
giving tho details of tho defalcations
of Cashier Jerry Hendrlek of the
Citizens' State Hank of Sioux City,
who absconded last Friday afternoon.
The loss will amount to 811,500. Ten
thousand dollars of this bum will Ins
borne by tho American Surety com
pauy of New York nnd it will not
affect the financial standing of tho
British Forces Not Yet
Out of the Brush.
Cluioly Hunted Murderers Near Attrit
ion Manage to Enciino,
Notwithstanding tho foct that 000
armed men surrounded tho island be
tween Atchison and Doniphan, Kan.,
the two bandits who on last Saturday
night killed ono man and wounded
another at Doniphan, and duplicated
tho crime near Atchison while being
pursued by a ponse, escaped before
daylight. They crept through tho
lino of guards, stole a team and made
good their escape.
Tho body of Policeman Robert Dick
erson, who was killed near tho log
barricade made by tho robbers was
discovered about 3 o'clock. At tho
barricade wcro found an empty cart
ridge box and a vest, but nothing to
lead to the identification of tho men.
A pool of blood showed that one of the
robbers had been badly wounded. Hun
dreds of men are searching for tho
bandits. The bandits seem to have
provided themselves with plenty of
ammunition and thoy are cool nnd ac
curate in tlio use of their rifles.
Nnvy Department Uphold Watson.
The incident that accurred in tho
Philippines botween Rear Admiral
John 0. Watson, commander in chief of
tho Asiatic station, and Commander E.
D. Taussig, in command of tho lien
nington, owing to a misunderstanding
as to tho way which certain orders of
the admiral wero to bo carried out, as
a result of which Commander Taussig
was relieved of his command nnd or
dered to return to tho United States,
has been closed by tho navy depart
ment upholding tho action of Hear
Admiral Watson. Taunslg will be
given shore duty for awhile, und later
will have a command.
Inerenso In Money Orders.
The annual report of the money or
der system shows a total issue during
the year amounting to S2UI,000,aon, an
increase of SUO,301,4!U over Inst year.
The total earnings of tho system, ag
gregating 31,f01,f3i, .show an increase
of S3'J5,004. On these order a war
revenue tax of S.i7ff,8SO was collected
There were 4,300 new money order
offices added, nnd Ut,007'8TO domestic
and D1JS,.VJI international money or
ders issued.
Itrelned With n Hntrliet.
Mrs, Michael Aukenbraud was IdTTcd
at Kllchcn'fl bridge, near Albion, Ills.,
by Mrs. A. MolCnoe, a neighbor-. aathe
result of a quarrel. Mrs. .Aukonbrand
wus returning from church wheni the
quarrel started. The two-women were
in front of Mrs. McKnue'a house and
Mrs. Aukenbraud had a child in her
arms when her neighbor' brained, her
witlt a hntclnct.
Cbntlrmn Convlat's Story..
Tho confession of J. C. MoISridc; the
Stillwater, Minn., uotwiott of a nust
olllco robbery and murder' committed
at Osawatouie, Kim., hiiHbecn.vcninud.
The marsluvl' who wuh- Rhot by Mc
llrlde, was doubtless- .Tames lrelnc,
who was kinud1 January !TJ, 180S.. The
identity of tho murderer has. nuvcx
been known:
tttiHtrn Knters enraeiist
General Clprlano Castro, the insur
Hurgenfccommander during thcrecent
Venezuelan revolution, has onlarcd
Caracat. A. warim reception, waa. ac
corded" him. There was no. trouble
wheni Castro, nrrlvmt. and m fciw of
renewed' lighting is felt. as. everybody
wants.yaaco without retaliations
The Revolution Genurnh.
News received at Cartngennv CoTom
biaslunvs tho- revolution, is general.
The hwurgentaharo takon.rivtfr sbrom-ers-und
have- nrmed them and' have
burned railroad bridges. TIo govern
ment is nrminir and dispatching river
steamers, with troops. A. government
commission: lias arrived here.
Towers Mny Act.
A Washington dispatch says, that it
is generally expected in diplomatic
circles that the powers, will Interfere
in th war between tlio llritish nnd
the P-oers. Germany ami Fl-itnco are
reported to be particularly reHlve. It
Is certain that the United States will
not participate In the movement,
Another IHvldoutl Dcetared.
The comptroller of tho currency
Monday declared a third dividend of
10 per cent in favor of the creditors of
tho First National luvnlc of Nellgh,
Neb., maklnjr In all 40 per cent iu
claims proved, amounting to 803,404.
Sixty-Seven Jailed.
Sixty-seven of the most refractory
girls of the state Industrial school for
girls nt MlCchcllvillo, Iowa, who wero
ringleaders in a riot Sunday, have been
jailed. Thoy destroyed over 810,000
worth of property. They will bo se
verely punished.
Insurrection at Fsnamn,
A nahleirram has been received nt
tho state department from United
States Consul Gudger at Panama stat
ing that nu Insurrection had broken
out thero nnd that martial law had
hocu declared.
Tito Killed by Explosion.
Hy an explosion of a boiler nt tho
Luther nnd Moor lumber mills at
Osnge, Tex., Lawrence Huehlor and
Louis Ricks wer killed and eight oth
ere injured.
Canada Less Headstrong Over
Alaskan Boundary
And Give Up Hknguny urn) Dyea Mutt
Ilmve a Seaport, und Arbitration
Contingent on the United States
Milking Such Congestion.
A dispatch from London under date
of October 25 bay: The Associated
press is enabled to give authoritatively
Canada's final proposition for a perma
nent settlement of the Alaska dispute.
It Is very dlflfcrcnt from the former de
mands and was delivered to United
States Ambassador Choate by the Can
adian minister of marine and fisheries,
Mir Louis Henry Davics, late the night
before the latter sailed and dispatched
today to Washington by the official
United States embassy. It Is as fol-
"That the boundary line be arbi
trated upon terms similar to those pro
posed by the United States and Great
Hrltura over Venezuela, I particularly
those' pre-vlsions malting fifty years'
occupancy by either side conclusive
evidence- of title, occumtnev at less
than that period to be takem a equity
allows under international law.
"That a a condition precedent to
and absolutely preliminary toarhltra-
tlon, Skaguay and Tolya would be
conceded toithiv United States without
further clalmi If. Canada reoohvm. Pyra
mid harbor.."
In other, words,. Canada gives, up
much of tho disputed gold countryln.
return for ai seaport, but stimilates.
that it must get the latter before- it
agrees to arbitrate tho boundary, line.
rosltlou of Unltedi.States,
A Washlngtondispatcli! saysi rt is.
eaid at the state department that; the
proposition as to a permanent Alaskani
boundary laid down.bySir Louis Davies.
Is nothing more nor Kiss than nt suim
mary of claim heretofore- preferred.
Therefore, it seems probable1 that .Sir
Louis Davies' proposition will' notnna
teriiilly advance a permanent' settle
ment of tho boundary question) and'
that the countries will continue- to
act for ome time to come under tlio
terms of the modus vivendi recently
arranged by Secretary Hay and. Mr.
American Troops Tire of Tngal'TUctUist
nd Drive Them From Trenches..
The insurgents around Calamb.ttand!
Angeles have bothered the Alnericans
lately by shooting a lot of ammunition)
into their opponent's camp at. lbug
range. Major Cheatham's battalion of
the Thirty-seventh infantry, adjubtery
of the Fifth artillery and ai gatlihg
gun sallied out from Calainba Tuesday,
flrovo the Filipinos from their trenches
and pursued them for three miles, in--dieting
heavy loss om thomi Ono
American wns killed and thrce-of tho
Twenty-first infantry were wounded.
Lieutenant Ferguson with twenty
scouts of the Thirtv-sixth regiment,
reconnoitercd near-Labao, encountered;
a party of mounted Filipinos. Ho
killed six of theinmnd captured ulght;.
with ten rifles.
Keatucky Feud'IIreaks Out Afresh,..
Tom Whitmoro und Dan Parker were
ambushed om Hbwe Creels, Ky., emi
route to Clay, oountyclrcult court. Tho
former was Uilltull and the latter in
jured. Hob Travirt.was killed at- HUmi
let. A report. states that a Philpot,.
en route toiMhnohester court, was. am
bushed and' killed at Pigeon Roost..
Trouble is.renorted ob Sexton's. jrocle
between thn-Wlliteand Uakcr f&atious..
Circuit Judge- Ere-rsole, fearing assas
sination did: not go to Manchester,
and thc-openJiifT of court was delayed.
Grifllns.aud Phllpots aro present in
largo numbers, heavily armed'. Man
chester its. crowded and the- situation
looks, grave.
Kill His Divorced Vflfov
Thomas. Apple, aged about sixty
years, and a resident of Inwood, six
miles east of Plymouth, I ml., shot nnd
billed his divorced wife- Wednesday,
and immediately killed himself. Tho
couple were divorced Tuesday and the
trouble arose when tho woman at
tempted to move bomo of her effects
from the house.
Attended Church at Hastings,
Mlsa Helen Gould and party, who are
touring the Missouri Pacific, spent
Sunday in Hastings. The party at
tended tho scrTlccs at the First Pres
byterian church in tho evening. Their
personality was not known ' until after
they had left.
Pardons a Fugitive.
Governor McLaurln of Mississippi
pardoned Charles Summers, cx-Plnker-ton
detective, who voluntarily return
ed to prison several weeks ago, to serve
out an unexpired term for robbing tlio
Southern Express company of 35,000.
Summers recently returned to Jackson
from New York; reimbursed the ex
press company for the amount stolen
and tendered the state S500 for hunt
ing him. He will return to tho Klon
dike, where he made his money while
a fugitive.
Propoass to Again Tty For the Cop Two
Years l'rom' New.
Tfftferew of tho Shamrock began
work early Tuesday morning' stripping
the yacht of her racing rigging at her
bertlt in the Erie basin, Captain
Hogarth said that ho expected to havo
the yacht under jury rigging by tho
end of the. week,
Tuesday night Captain Hogarth,
Captain Wrlge and Shamrock's erew
met Captain liarr and the vlctoriamt
Deer Isle boys from the Columbia in
Prospect hall, Brooklyn. A feast and
general entertainment had been pre
pared for the vanquished and the vic
tors by thcyachtmnstcrH, engineer nnd
yacht ofllcers' anoeiation. Sir Thomas.
Ltpton-started for Chicago Tuesday,
He ban already expressed his intention
of challenging- for 1001, as be does not
care to get ready for next year. Ho
will give way. however, to anybody de
siring to challenge bforrhim.
Will Fife, thu-designer of the Sham
rock, is still very seriously iil at tho
Fiftlt avenue hotel at Ne.w York. Sa
much is he suffering' tronn Inflamma
tory rheumatism that a1 frame- had to
be built over his bod' to' prevent even,
the bed clothes from touching; himv
Cauipmectlng Grounds Konr' Clhelhnntti
Devushttcd by, Ulroi.
Thirty-eight of the forty-two build
ings nt the cainpmeeting grounds,
known as Epworth Heights, near
Loveland, O., and owned' by tho-Meth-odist
church, were destroyed by lire,
except one large building callcd'thc
auditorium, and used for mooting pur
poses. Tho others wero cottages
owned mostly by Cincinnati people.
The fire wns caused by two women, in
charge of the buildings burning leaves,
the fire getting beyond their control
owing to n high wind prevailing. The
loss is estimated at
r.0,000. No iusur
Tnke a Nehrska Ilornuthler."
A Council ltlulTs dispatch says:
Hardin Moss, constable at Loveland,
was shot and probably mortally
wmtndcd Wednesday by a horscthicf,
toe whose arrest he had a warrant.
The man made good his escape inithe.
oonstablo's wagon, compelling Joo
Morgan, a son of Sheriff Morgan, who
Bad accompanied Moss, to take tho
coins and drive for him. After a chase
lnatingthc entire afternoon tho man'rt.
oapvurowas effected on the outskirts,
of tills city. The follow showed fight
and the olllecrs were compelled to
shoot him in the leg. Ho is
the-city jail, where he gave the name
of. l.vve William, and claimed .to .bo
from Nebraska. .
Zlne Mines Iteopened.'.
Tlte-zinc mines of tho .Jopliu-Gul6nai
district in Missouri, which have been
shut down for the last three -weeks by
t'hwzino miners' association, are to re
sume operation next Monday, the shut
down having been declared off by tho
association. The cause of tlm shut
d'ovm was the rcfasal of thei- smelters
t pay the association's schedule price
for oiv. A surplus of ore accumulated
at the time has now been: practically
aonsunicd. Tho board of directors of
the-association say they are considering'
other methods of protecting, its mem
Cecil Ithodes llnnnsyi.
The London Dally Mlill' says it unr
derstands a message vn&. received ln
London from Cecil Rhnrius, dated at;
Kimberlcy, October ill), lis tsubstancei
that Inhabitants of Klrabwfey desiredl
to draw the attention! of the govern?
ment to the need oft' spuedlly sending
reinforcements there,, a. the town waa
being surrounded by numbers of Trans-
Taal and 1- tee Statu- Boers. Tho mat
ter, according to. the- Daily Mall'r.hua
been submitted to, tit cabinet.
llank Itobbar Captured.
Frank Spauldlng and William Rrowtt
Ing, who are alleged to be members of
the party which, robbed the bank at
Frankfort om the night of September
15, have been captured and a-tenow In,
jail at Havana, 111. They were- ar
rested there- for a bank rubbery in
Easton, 111. Itank officials, have iden
tified them as being participants, in tho
Frankfort robbery.
Martin White Ifeud.
Martin White, chief of police of
Omaha, died suddenly nt his rooms in
tlio Merchants hotel of heart failure.
Chief White had been confined to his
roooms since Sunday noon with an at
tack of catarrh of tho blllal ducts.
This disease was undoubtedly brought
on by close and continued application
to work. Martin White was forty-on
years of age at tho time of his death.
Loving Cup for I.leutennnt.
Tho people of Marion, S. C, tho
home of Lieutenant Victor Ditto, Tues
day presented tho gallant young officer
with a silver loving cup. Lieutenun
Hlue Is now at Marion on his honey
moon. The women of South Carolina
havo formed tlio patriotic society of
award of merit and tho first medal of
gallantry was bestowed upon Lieu
tenant Blue for his daring as n scout
In Cuba when ho located the Spanish
licet in Santiago harbor and made a
map of their anchorage.