The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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''Strike For Your Altars
and Your Fires. '
Patriotism is always com
mendable, but in every breast
there should be not onty the
desire to be a good citizen,
but to be strong, able bodied
and well fitted for the battle
of life. To do this, pure
blood is absolutely neces
sary, and Hood's Sarsapa
rilfa is the one specific which
cleanses the blood thorough
ly. It acts equally well for
both sexes and all ages.
KwrrOX"V?htnlnttdA blood puri
fier I Uht Hood's SirsaptrilU. It cured
my humor And Is excellent as a nerve
ionic." losle EAton. Stafford Springs, Ct.
Mocdi SaiSapWih
tlowl't tllltcnttjlMrlllillh non IrrlUllnit nd
"oBiy"tfcr"lU to u wTtTrif"uoJr Mri")ttlll.
w. l. McMillan.
One rear.
lx raonthi
91 w
Entered t tho poit offlco t llod Cloud, Neb.
eandclttamftll uattor.
Local dvertlilng b ecu In per lino per Initio.
Local Advcrtltlnx for ontcrlaltiuivntx, coil'
Mrti, (octal, etc., given by diuretic, charitable
Mcletlca, etc., whero all money mlicd tlicro
from are unod wholly for church or charltablo
Mclttlet, Oral ton lines froo and all over ton
llnei 2i conlii per lino per Ikmio.
Local advcrtlaliiK of enturtalnnicnt, concerti,
recital, etc., whero per cent Is given to pro
tern, 6 cent per lino per Imitie,
DUl'LAT AIIVlnTltlNtl.
One column r month.. .... .I7 00
One half column por nioiilh ............ 3 AO
Ouo-fourth column per month............ 1 75
(lencral dlnplny ndvortlnliiK HV contN per
Inch perlnauo.
Slate Ticket.
For Jndge of th Supremo Court,
M. II. UK18K,
Of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hor lti'Ki'iita Stutu University.
Of AliiMvorlh, Nebraska,
K. (I. MOdlLTON,
Of Omahn, Nobrnxka.
Judicial Ticket.
Por Judge, 10th Judicial District,
Of Almn, Xebrntku.
County Ticket.
Kor Clerk of,theI)lairlct Court.
Of (lleuwood Precinct.
Kor County Trvaauror,
0. l. KOMNSOK,
Oo ltvd Cloud City. 2d Ward.
For County Clerk,
Of Ited Cloud 1'rcclnct.
For County JudKO.
Of Htumouy I'rcclnct.
l'er County Superintendent,
lOf Ited Cloud City. 2d Ward.
For County Sheriff,
Of ricnxanl Hill I'reoliict.
For County Coroner,
Of (I'cnwood l'reelnct,
Fer County Surveyor,
Of Olenwood Precinct.
ForCommUaloncr 1st Dlntrlet,
Of Pleasant Hill I'rcclnct.
For Commissioner lh DUtrlct,
Of Ited Cloud I'rcclnct.
Roform is mighty.
Tho political pot hits begun to "bllo."
Tho foiinly ulllcos uro deserted thoso
days suvo for tho deputies.
Whim mill whuru hits thu reform pur-
ty reformed tiny thing in this county?
i i.
As yot we Imvo h:til no explanation
of tho word "reform" in connection
with tho fusion ticket in thin county.
A political whirlwind will pass
through this city tomorrow at ten, nnd
atop at the depot for a ton minutes
blow off.
lu Omaha tho rcgUu-y hooks us kept
undor tho now Htalo election laws show
an inoreaso of about thirty per cunt in
tho republican vote
Wo know of two pops, who, if they
could roast tho devil half as hard as
t'toy can roast tho present udmiuistrn
tiou, could convett sinners by tho
, t
Aguinnldo la still praying for tho
demo-pops to win. Ho has two help,
ors on tho pop tiuket in this county
who have had uoii&idoniblo experience
iu that particular line.
You might pass an onion off on a
blind man for au apple if it wasn't for
tho smoll, and likewise tho pop party
might ho considered ns reformers if
it wasn't for the records giving them
A nlinugo of about 1000 votos ovu
lust your will put tho statu of Nebraska
baok where slui belongs in the repub
lican column. Webster couuty will
furnish hor sharo and more too of
that 1,500. '
During tho past wook wo hnvo had
several propositions from our populist
contemporary to tho effect that if wo
would lot tyi f hoy would not nay any
thing about tho republican candidates
but wo wild "nit" If wo huvo anything
to hay wo bellovo In Baying It in our
paper whoro ovoryono can road It. Wo
don't bellovo in "back biting "
If HooniH to bothorour unfrlondlv
contomporury up tho street because
Ularenco Hood drawn a pension for
disabilities horocoivod during tho lato
wnn. Wo might inform tho Honior
mombor of that firm that thoro Is no
disgraco attached to receiving n won-
nlou from huoIi a cause, and it in far
ahoadof trying to work n pension out
of tho county ovory tlmo tho board
moots in tho way of olllco ront, oto.
A quiet campaign is being mado in
tho llrst commissioner district, but
just tho same tho people are doing a
whole lot of thinking. D. II. Kaley U
making a straightforward canvas for
tho position. It is an olllco that has no
money consideration to speak of, but
itisanofllco of vital Interest to tho
taxpayers. Mr. Kaley will make a
splendid, conscientious oillcer and
Webster county's affairs, as far as tho
First district is concerned, will bo in
good hands.
Tho present sheriff mado a record in
inducing tho county to buy a nice littlo
garden spot and put a nice barn and
chicken coop on ono end of it for his
uso. former sheriffs havo routed
barns and bought garden stuff, but un
dor "reform" this was necessary, wo
suppuso in order to make a saving to
tho sheriff. Tho sovcral hundred dol
lars which tho property cost tho coun
ty is no object as long as a fow dollars
aro saved to tho sheriff. Reform, that
is the nanio now given such transac
tions. m fc
After hearing a fow demo-pop cam
paign speeches, and listening to their
remarks concerning our army in tho
Philippines, wo think that tho papers
of that stripe should, after tho return
of a regiment from tho Philippine in
sert n small editorial stating that "a
gang of cut throats and hired assassins
who have boon robbing tho purest pat
riots on earth of their liberty, havo re
turned to contaminate this country
with their foul presence." Such a no
tice would bo in strict conformity with
their iaens as advocated by their cam
paigners. Tho present campaign in this stato
promises to bo ono which will go down
in history. Doth republicans and dem
ocrats will, during tho time yot re
maining until election, cover tho stato
with 8omo of tho ablest campaigners
of their respective parties. Tho repub
lican Htutu central committee has se
cured tho services of Gov. Roosevelt
for a tour of tho stato and in all nrob-
ability Senator Marcus A Hanna will
bo iu the stato. Asidu from these each
party has numborless sneakers of loss-
ornoto. Nothing can ho found about
any pop orators stumping the state, so
it is safo to presumo that thov havo
dropped out of oxisteuco.
Wo understand tha present sheriff is
making a groat campaign on hU past
two years record. Now. our cxuerl.
once is that most anythina can bo con.
struod into a record by a populist who
is looking for i second term, and it
appears that that Is just what has been
dono in this case. If sotting uround
talking politics; always being out of
sight -vhon you aro wauted. alwava
just a littlo too lato to catch a culprit,
going on u wild goosoohuso after a cul
prit and returning with "tho wrong
party," and going after culprits whom
someone ulto has succeeded in tunning
to earth, constitutes a cood record we
are perfectly willing to admit lie has a
record that cannot he beaten.
Soma agitators aro tolling around
that Chas. Robinson has had tho olllco
for six years, and It is tlmo to change
Now atiyono who has boon In Wobstor
county two years knows this is a rank
falsehood. Tho truth of tho rant
tor is Mr. Robinson aotod as deputy
for Mr. White for four ytars, and in
that timeshowod his ability to conduct
tho affairs of tho oflloo, and two yours
ago was nominated and oloctod on tho
ropubllcau tlckot, and since that tlmo
ho has conducted tho nffalrs of tho
treasurer's olllco iu nu economical and
trustworthy way that has won the
respect of overyono in tho county,
ami whon tho vote is couutod ho will
havo boon retained in tho position bv
ovon a larger voto than ho recolvod
last yoar.
It Is seldom the case that ono speak
er will deny a statement that another
speaker of the sumo political creed
had made on the same stage in tho
sumo evening, however that is just
what happened lust Wodnesdoy ovon
ing at tho republican meeting in tho
opera house. Mr. Keester, tho next
judge of this district, timing his Bpcooh
called W.J. Dryan a "lawyer." Hon.
W. S. Siimmors, who Immediately fol
lowed tho llrst speaker said that ho
had known W. J. Dryan for novural
years and that ho was no lawyer, and
procootlod to glvo proofjonott jh to con.
vlncu uven tho most faithful followeis
of tho colonel that tho llrst named
speaker hud overratsd him.
Do$ It Vindicate the Action of the County
Clerk of Deos it Prove That He Is
Error. Read and Reflect
In the Nation of last week appeared
in nrllole under tho uttractlvo head
"A Slander On Hale" In which the
writer attempts to vindicate Hie action
of tho enmity clerk lu accepting $100
for clerk of the board and come to his
defense with far more courngo than
logio. Ono thing at least can be gained
from the Nation's article, and that is
that . all of tho people of Webster
county are not satisfied witli tho ad
ministration of tho present cjuntv
clerk and omo nccttso him of drawing
100 per qunrtor for acting as clerk of
tho board of commissioners iu open
violation of tho statutes. However
our contemporary eeems to bo of the
opinion that thoro is but ono single in
dividual who contends that tho $100
quarterly has been drawn in open vio
lation of the law, and that ho is doing
it simply toinjuroMr. Halo's chances
of election. In this they aro mistaken
as thero are numberless people of tho
same opinion. After carefully investi
gating tho matter wo lind that Mr.
Halo has demanded aud has recolvod
$100 por quarter for tho sorvico nbovo
described, in violation of tho provis
ions of tho sttauto, and in contempt
uous disregard of tho rulings of tho su
premo court, nnd with a display of
courago homo of despair and equalled
only by Silas Holcomb whon ho said
tho constitution of our stato was "only
a farce." It seems that this person
has taken tho same position ns his
party loaders nnd decided that out
statutes and tho decisions of our su
premo courts aro "only a fnrco."
Tho Nation nlso to make their vindi
cation morocomplote, publishes iu full
n supreme court decision from tho 0th
Nebraska reports, 68, which put tho
stamp of condemnation upon tho ac
tion of tho clerk, and instead of vindi
cating him clearly proves that ho Is in
orror in this case us claimed, viz: That
lit! has no right to the salary of $-100
per year as long as tho fees of tho of
fice were sufficient to pay tho salary
of tho clerk. It is evident that tho
writer of tho article in tho Nation docs
notpos8esstho brains that would enablo
an individual of average common secso
to construe a statute or apply an opin
ion. If ho did the opinion would not
havo appoared in connection with tho
article Common sense aud a desire
to shield its candidate would have sug
gested Its omission. However wo aro
willing to tako tho decision of tho su
premo court as published in lust week's
Nation us a ssttlcmunt of this case.
The caso upon which this decision was
given was brought by Lancaster coun
ty to compel the county clerk to reim
huifo that county in thmumof $007.80;
$100 of which was for acting as clerk
of tho county board, and $027.80, was
for extra work dono by him. What
dot s this decision show at toy u careful
reading of tho opinion of the court?
First, that tho amount to which tho
county clerk is entitled as his salary
shall bo $1,500, and payable out of tho
fees of tho olllco, also for deputies
whose salaries shall not oxceed $700
per annum each, nnd to bo hired at the
discretion of tho county board. Also,
"that in no instance shall such officer
receive more than the fees by him actual-
lv collected."
Second That n public officer must
discharge tho duties pertaining to bis
olllco for tho compensation allowed by
law, and no compensation for extra
service can be recovered or allotvcd un
less authorized by statute.
Third That ho shall keep his ofllco
at the county seal, shall attend tho
sessions of tho couuty board; keep tho
soul, records and papurs of said board;
and shall sigu the record of tho pro
ceedings of said board, and attest tho
same with tho county seal. (See. 2!).
Chap. 18, Art. 1, statutes of 1009 )
(Sec. 74, Chap. 18, Art. 1 of the stat
utes of 1800, provides that it shall bo
tho duly of the county clerk: First
To record, in a book kept for that pur
pose all proceedings of tho board.
Second To mako regular entries of
their decisions in nil questions 'con
corning tho raising of money. Third
To countersign all warrants issued by
tho board and signed by its chairman.
Fourth To prosorvo and tile nil ac
counts, acted upon by tho board, with
their action t bureau; and he shall per
form such special duties as aro requir
od of him by law.)
fter reviewing these points the su
preme court says in its decision as pub
lished in tho Nation: "Attending the
county board is therefore one of the du
ties of his office, which, where the fees
exceed $1,500, he must discharge with
out extra compensation." And in con
eluding the case say: "The defendant
therefore is not required to report the
amount paid out for preparing the tax
list, etc., but vtust report the item of
f 400 paid him as salary,"
Tho statutes Nebrasku See, 14, Chap.
28, tays: "For porfoiuuug the duties
of clerk to the county commissioners,
aud attending to iht business of tho
county, such salary per annum, to bo
paid by tho county quarterly, as tho
commissioncis of the county shall
allow-, not exceeding in any jenr tho
sum of four hundred doilais," it due
tho clerk.
Now If tho law says tho clork's sal.
ary shall bo $1,000 per.-yoar for attend
ing to tho duties of that olllco, aud
also says that acting as clorkoftho
county commissioners Is ono or his
duties, how can ho legally draw this
$100 when tho fees of his olllco oxceed
tho sum of $1,500? You will notlco by
tho above quotation from tho statute
that this 8100 is a salary and not a
fee. CoiiBoquoutly whero his fees aro
sulllciont to pay his salary of $1,500
ho has no claim whatovor upon this
oxtra salary of $400. Tho decision of
tho supromo court nbovo quoted also
says the sntno thing, that whon his
foos cover his salary ho is not ontltlod
to oxtra compensation. Tho clork of
this county Is at nrosont drawlnc a feo
of $100 quarterly for olork of tho board
and thoro was novor u law on tho stat
ute book for such a foo. Tho law pro
vides a salary providintr tho clork's
foes nro not sufDciout to pay his yoarly
salary or $1500, but tho county board
nor tho county olork havo nolthor of
thorn any right to change tho statuto
auu convert a salary into a.Jec. But,
wo prosumo thoT havo arrived at tho
same conclusion in regard to tho stat
uto as did Silas Holcomb In regard to
our constitution, that it la slmnlv n
farco. Instead of a big saving to the
county as shown by tho amount on
hand lu tho clorks hands what do wo
find. Simply this, that had that $700
stayed In the couuty treasury whero it
bolongod, nnd the clork's olllco boeu
run according to tho law, which says:
"in no instanco shall such oilloor ro
ceivo moro than tho foos by them ro
spootivoly aud actually collected ;" this
county would have had $700 in tho
trousury, instoad of $055.35 ns n bul-
anco of oxcoss foos in tho hands, of
tho clork. In othor words that groat
rororm movomont of converting n
statutory salary into a counlv fee has
cost Wobstor couuty $14.05 whioh with
otuor reos has gono to pay for extra
holp to tho tuno of $601. aside from
tho regular salary of tho clork and his
(toptity. Kororm is mighty, ospeclnlly
in tho hands of a roform party which
has for a motto "tho stato constitution
und stato statutes aro a farco."
A still lator decision of tho supremo
court holds that whon a county board
passos upon a claim it aots judiciously,
aud its action is tlnal unloss an apponl
istakon to tho district court within
ton days from tho timo of allowing or
disallowing such claims. Tho $700
which tho county clork has drawn
from tho county treasury as a salary
"for noting -as clork of tho county
commissioners aud attending to the
couuty buslnoss" was drawn by virtuo
of claims ulod with; und allowed by
tho couuty board, and no nppoal has
boon taken within tho tlmo providod
by law for appoals, theroforo it will be
scon that thoro is no legal romody by
which tho clork cnu bo forced to turn
this mouoy back into tho county trous
ury. Tho mouoy is his, as much so as
tho logal salary of $1,000, for tho roa
son abovo statod, that no nppoal has
boon taken within tho timo provided
by law for appeals.
Tho story being circulated by a cer
tain individual, a pillar of thu Metho
dist church, in regard to James Dur
den noting iu nn irreculnr manner in
his testimony in tho Hayes-Dent case
wns sprung too early and before elec
tion will ptovd a boomerang to tho pop
ulist party and tho man who sot tho
story afloat. Tho story is simply a
campaign falsehood thrust upon tho
voters by a man whoso position in the
church is used to make the story soetu
true. Even pillars of tho church nro
given over to falschoud nnd it is so in
f his casu, Thu story is of a libelous
nature and defames tho character of
Mr. Harden aud tho only way to reacli
such defamers is througa the proper
channel of the courts. Mr. Durden has
lived iu our county too long to have
people believe a story told by a man
whose pnst. life up to two or throe
year.-, ago is unknown to them.
Perhaps it would he a good thing to
lind out if tho demo-pop candidate for
superintendent over taught school and
whether ho has a tirst, second or third
grade certillcato. Wo have novor yet
heard of his being connected with tho
schools or with school work, and in
order to keep up tho presont high
standing of our schools tho people
should soo to it that no one but tho
owner of u hist grade corllflcato should
occupy this position. A person to
occupy this position must bo capable
of judinui! of tho capability of others
ns Hauliers, and only long experience
in solum, work will til ono f jr thu po
sition. Tne present cmmi is llio first
of its kind in this county. Never bo
fore has any party tried to force upon
the people a candidate for this ofllco
who has not previously beer, connect
ed with the school work tird whom
they were confident had the abilitv to
conduct the office. However, wo leave
it tu thu people to judge whether they
want a person for couuty superintend
ent who has mado a lifelong iiudy of
the ministry or ono who has mado a
life long study ol schools and school
An uxuhaugu asks if Duwuy will
stand on the demou'ittie. Chicago plat
form? Doforu his arrival in Now York
it was thought, from jellow reports
that ho would, but i-iucu his arrival it
hits bcuu clearly demonstrated that hy
is inclined to "set down" on it,
S. S. S, Is the Only
Remedy Equal to this
Obstinate Disease.
la v...i i it . MHuium muiiunieruionio is requireu. a. a. a.
tnSelf ttetatat ' l'ormnontly eliminating every
Thninrlnnnnniiiniiiinn. ..!. t. a ..t . - . 7 ..f-u.M.. w niiiun ouruiuia sureiy tonus
hould impress upon those aflllcted with it tho vital im
portance of wasting no timo upon treatment which can
not possibly olTeot a cure. In many cases whore tho wronjr
treatment lias been relied upon, complicated glandular
wpllinga havo resulted, for which tho doctors insist that
a dangerous Burglcal operation is necessary.
Mr. H. E. Thompson, of Mlllrdgoville, Ga., writes: "A
bad caso of Scrofula broke out on tho glands of my nock,
which had to bo lanced and caused me much sufTorinff. I
was treated for a long while, but tho physicians wero un
ablo to euro me, and my condition was as bud ns when I
began their treatmont. Many blood remedies wuro nsed ,
but without effect. Some ono recommended S. S. 8., and
I began to improve as Boon ns I had taken a few bottles.
Uontlnuing the remedy, I was soon cured permanently.
no. nave novor nau a sign of tho disease
w!!vtihrfuri?5.emSly w,h,.ch n Pnipt!r reach and cure obstlnaterdeep-ieated
Siil'i80."0!8, B.y "W'W0" 't, and not experimenting with tho various
?n.Sdfton,iCetc" nfl BU?oror from Wood troubles canlie promptly cured,
tho P?nlStnfin,n Vh'b BUfT0rinR "J1'0'1 KradalIT ut surely uiideS
in ffif ..V w" B S'- is SHaryntced purely vegetable, and never faila to
bJ2& Pn te?0rc,8 V corf ' otc-Il,s Yl)0n S-s 8- 5 nothing can tako its place
nJmflin10?? nnd Bkinid 8ensea",n be mailed free to any address by the
Bwlft Speclflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia. '
Too Late
'To put a lock en tho stall whon tho horso is gone." That
is true in more ways than one. Tho soason of nkw
mown liny is here and you will soon bo feeding your
horses new oats, sheaf oats and okeencoun. In
other words the colio season is about here. Tou can
save your faithful nnimals hours of .agony and yourself
financial loss and tha trouble and expense of going miles
in the night for a "horso doctor" by keeping on hand a
bottlo of
Sioux Oolio Mixture,
Put up three doses in a drenching bottlo sor $1.00. Cures
the vttrimis forms of colic, inflammation of tho bowels,
stoppage of urine, tc, in cattle nnd horses. One dose
gives instant relief. Ask your druggist for it. If he
hasn't got it and won't got it for you write us nt once.
You should nlso have
Sioux Digestive Food,
on hand for your
"A stitch in timo
Auction Sale of Unclaimed
Express Matter.
Tho Adams Express Company will soil at pubjio action for cash
December 1st and 2d, 1899.
All Unolaltnod Express matter remaining on hand nt offices throughout the
State of Nobraska.
J. H. BUTLER. Supt
Farm VTagoias.
Ghieajokambep Yard,
Lumber, Lime,
JBuLilding: material, Bto.
Red Cloud, - . - Nebraska
There are dozens of rcmedlos recommended for
Scrofula, soiuo of them no doubt being ablo to
afford temporary roliof, but S. S. S. is absolutely
thu only remedy which complotoly euros it.
Herofula Is ono of the most obstinate, deep-seated
blcod diseases, nnd is beyond tho reach of the
many so-called purifiers and tonics because some-
to roturn." Swift'B Specific
stock nnd youltry nnd ward oil diseases.
saves nine."
Coal and i. Cement.
f kl