The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1899, Image 2

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Red Cloud Chief.
nun cloud.
It Is only a waste of tlmo to call n
liar a liar.
Bo Huro your nlna will find you out
And so will your wife.
Parntloxlcnl though It may be,
(polled children nro usually fresh.
Spend and the world Ib with you,
aponge and It can't get uway too quick.
Tho American Bnv.iRo on the- war
path was Just ubout us bad as ho was
It In easier for a man to forgive his
enemies than It Is to forglvo hi
Sometimes n man's will Is broken
After his demise and sometimes after
Ills niarrlago.
A girl pulls tho wool over n man's
eye.? nnd then, laughs at him because
ho looks sheepish.
It Is n great prlvllorfo to meet somo
men where (hoy arc unablo to mono
polize tho conversation.
Germany nnd Great Britain aro In
Anrmony. Tho kalBer has painted
three sea pieces for Queen Vlctorlu's
yacht. .
Nat Goodwin Ib under contract to
play In America and England at tho
same time. Has Nat Imbibed tho ex
pansion Idoat
Admiral Dowoy Is reported resting
quietly on a farm, with nothing to dis
turb tho quiet but bands nnd bonfires
unl excited throngs of country people.
Alexander tho Great gavo away co
much spoil that ono general asked him
what was left for himself. "My hopes."
wan tho prompt reply, in his last an
nual report, tho president of Harvard
cites tho lll(o generosity of n modern
Alexander. In tho last twcnty-llvo
ycarB. Dr..AIoxnnder Aganalz has ex
pended from his private purso three
quarters of a million dollars on tho
Museum of Comparative Zoology,
without making any communication
on tho subject to tho president. Thus
aro tho hopes of one of America's
greatest scientists being rcullzed
through his boh.
Surgery deals with unfavorable con
ditions, when It cannot securo the
propor environment, with the same
courage that It exhibits under favoring
conditions. A city patlont Is tenderly
borno to a hospital operating room,
whero every precaution known to mod
ern science favors tho case. Lieut.
Peary, with frostbitten foot, Is lashed
to a sled and hauled to his ship. Am
putation follows, under primitive con
ditions, and speedy recovery concludes
n remarkable oxporlence. Hero, as In
many nnothor Instance, tho man un
der tb knife, as woll as tho man bo
hlnd tho knlfo, Is an Important factor
In making surgery successful.
Tho Hebrew Zionists, who recently
held at Basle, Switzerland, a third an
nual council, havo for their object tho
purchaao of Palestlno and Its ropoo
l.llng with Jews. Influential Zionists
privately assort that sufficient money
Is already In hand for tho purchnso,
nnd that the sultan would gladly sell.
Tho serious bar to tho plan Is tho fan
aticism of tho Turkish people, who re
gard Jerusalem as only second among
holy places. Whatever may bo tho out
come, a marked chango In somo por
tions of tho landscape of Palestlno has
already been effected by Jowlsh colon
ists. Lord Amherst, of tho English, ox
ploratlon aocloty, affirms thit places
which In 1870 h saw as dosert land
havo bon converted Into gardens,
vineyards and olive groves, and that
qulto generally Christians and Moham
medans are following tho JowIbIi col
onists' methods of agriculture.
Professor Adolf Dlrr, nn accom
plished German, scholar and ltnenlst.
has Invented a system of shorthand
symbols which will enable stenogra
phers to report In any ono or nil tho
chlof European languages as readily
und correctly as they can lu their re
spective mother tongues. This sys
tem, upon which Professor Dlrr has
been engaged for n long time, Is ex
plained In a volume which will prob
ably bo Issued In a fow weoks by a
Paris publisher. Professor Dlrr Is
master of somo thirty languages,
oriental Included. His Bystem has
nothing whntovor to do with "Vola
puk," a dismal fad, which also was
made In Germany, but which tho pro
fcBBor has ridiculed. Ho has adYisud
nil people In search of a "universal
language" to learn English, and ho has
given his reasons. English Uteraturo
Is tho richest and greatest in the
world. English Ib more generally
spoken than any other languago since
tne mishap at Babel, It Is tho univer
sal languago of commorce.
Lieut, Gllmore's party Is still In Fil
ipino bondago. An American naval of
ficer writes from Manila that tho cap
tives are in a plttublo condition, desti
tute of clothing, without shoos of hats,
and forced to provide for themselves
out of tho mlscrablo allowance of four
cent a day. Spanish accounts say that
the lieutenant and fiftoen American
soldiers aro guarded by 200 Filipinos.
If it needs so many of Agulnaldo's mau
to gusrd those' starved and sick Ameri
cans, Ih capture of a few more might
seriously crlpplo tho Insurgent forces.
Comprehensive Condensation
of Christendom,
filiort rnraffrnplM Convening n World of
Information lliinrnliii; of tho
I'linl Seven Hay Intanicly Ii.
to I'cople Without Tluio.
Wrttumlny, October in.
Tho national conference of Uni
tarians and other Christian churches
began Us eighteenth meeting at Wash
ington on the IBtli. Delegated repre
senting many sections of the United
Ktates arc In conference.
Two thousand miners at Spring
Valley, 111., linvo struck. The diffi
culty arose over tho refusal of General
Manager Dalzcll to stop union dues at
company's olliee.
The last big shipment of gold from
the Klondike by way of tho upper Yu
kon and Lynn canal reached Seattle on
tho 18th on the steamer Dirigo. There
was over 91. 000,000 of actual treasure.
A report was In circulation In 1'nris
that President Loubel was suffering
from nnglna pectoris. Careful Investi
gation shows that there Is no ground
whatover'for the rumor. Mr. Loubet
Is qulto well.
Two thousand negro oyster shuckers
at Norfolk have struck, and this being
the busiest season, threatens to cripple
the Industry. Tho shuckers say that
nil measures havo been enlarged and
they demand more pay or a reduction
of the measures.
The English parliament convened in
extraordinary session yesterday. The
opening speeches on the queens address
In regard to the Transvaal was showed
a divided sentiment In regard to it on
the part of the members. As a general
rulu the Irish and liberal members de
nounced the whole thing iniquitous.
Lord Salisbury explained the situation
and upheld the government's course.
Twenty-live minutes after tho yachts
had erossed the starting lino on Tues
day's race the topmast of the challenger
was carried away, und her enormous
club sail with its .".,000 feet u canvass,
came rattling down upon tho deck,
lenving the boat a hopeless cripple.
Captain Hogarth abhndoned the raee,
towing back to anchorage, while the
Columbia continued over the course
alone, placing to her credit the second
of the races for the America's cup. l'n
dor the rules there was no alternative
left, for if anything happens after the
startingUne meposscd. the unfortunate
boat must do the best It can.
TluiMituy, Oetoher 1(1,
An eighteen inch vein of silver was
found near Petersburg, 111. Tho citi
zens nrc much excited.
Definite newsof the Ughtlngat Mnfe
Icing is wanting. Hoports of Boor re
verses these, however, nro persistent.
The Boers aro besieging Mafeklng,
nnd General Baden-Powell is sorely
pressed. Heavy lighting is reported at
Tho British reserves havo been called
out. It is believed to bo a moAo on the
part of England to show the European
powers her great military strength.
Fires were lighted in tho Duluth,
(Minn.) Furnace company's works af
ter an Idleness of live years. Thu fur
nace has a capacity of '00 tons dully.
Although tho Boers have shown con
siderable uutlvlty in Natal there Is
nothing to Indicate that they are yet
prepared for tho serious combined at
tack. The window glass wage scale sche
dule was dually settled at Pittsburg.
The workers got a general advance of
(1 per cent. Fires will bo started in a
few days.
The new eases of yellow fever at
Key West number seven. No deaths.
Physicians will discontinue- dally re
ports unless tho situation should be
come worse.
Four men are dead and eight are
missing In Teton county, Montana,
from tho recent storm. Two parties
are in the mountains, among which are
ladies, and they havo not yet been
heard from.
According to a London dispatch a
provincial paper is authority for the
statement that If tho Shamrock fall's
to win tho America's oup, Mr. Lover, a
millionaire soap manufacturer, intends
to Issue a ehallege for a series of races
in 1000.
Ten young men who started from
Seymour, la., to go Into the country to
cnartvnri a menu who wan newly iimr-
rieu, were struck- ny a tram on a rail
road crossing. Will Cupples was killed
anil me others moru or less severely In
jured. General Cipriano Castro has deliver
ed an ultimatum to President Andrade
of Venezuela. The president will vir
tually be compelled to yield to his
terms as ho Is deserted bv his support
ers. Tho situation l's extremely
Friday, October o.
The yachts were unablo to finish yes
terday's race inside tho time limit.
They will run tomorrow.
Barrett & Co.'s wholesale confection
ery work ut London, England., were
burned Wednesday. Loss estimated at
Posters placnrded at Limerick, Ire
land, urging the Irish to enlist for
service against tho Boers were torn
down by tho police.
Frank E. Babeock. a farmer near
Redwood Falls, Mlnu., murdered his
wife and three sous, and then killed
himself. Ho was insane.
Tho Venzuelan crisis Is virtually
ended, President Andrado haying ac
cepted the conditions imposed by the
Insurgent commander Cipriano Castro.
Andrado will go abroad, tho vlco pres
Ident assuming the presidency, and
General Castro peacefully entering
Caracas with his army, A dictatorship
has been avoided.
General Cipriano Castro, tho insur
surgent eommander during tho recent
Venezuelan revolution, has entered
Caracas. A warm reception was ac
corded him. There was no trouble
when Castro nrrlved. and no fear of
renewed right! ntr" Is felt, hh ovorybodv
Thurlow Washburn, assistant super
intendent of tho Liberty Lull Mining
company, at Tolh: He. Colo., was ove
come nnd frozen to do.ith by the ten'
hie blizzard which rvovnllod lu Ouray
county Thursday. Ills body hiu been
At Saint Ann. twenty iiiI'pt e-it '
Canton, Miss., Thursday. ."Ira. a. It,
Onmbrell and four children v.'eru
roasted alive. Tho residence was dis
covered on fire nnd the Dames spread
so rapidly that tho occupant!) could not
effect an exit.
Natnrday, October 21,
The liberals In the department of
Snntunder, Colombia, havo taken up
arms against the government. Martial
law has been proclaimed throughout
mo rcpuDitc.
Ata mectingof mnnufacturcrnof Iron
beds at Chicago It was decided to ad
vance the price of their goods all the
way from .'10 to 50 per cent, according
to the class of beds.
.loseph Halgh. n fanner near Don
nelly, Mich., shot his son Buss and
killed himself. Ho did It sohiswifo
could get thu son's llfo Insurance to
lift tho mortgage on the farm.
Tho Columbia outsailed the Shamrock
yesterday by six minutes and eighteen
seconds actual time, thus winning tho
international yacht raco in three
straight heats and holding the Amer
ica's cup here. After the raee the
owners of the yachts had u good tlmo
on board the Corsair.
A dispatch from Ladysmlth says: A
general advance on the British In Natal
has begun and Ladysmlth Is threat
ened on three sides. The Orange Free
State forces havecome through Draken
borgs and aro engaging tho British
cavalry patrols bouthwest of Lady
smith. A general strike Is threatened on the
Great Northern railroad, which will
include conductors, engineers, firemen,
brnkemen tint! switchmen. Tho men
claim they have been unable to secure
anything like satisfaction from tho
management on the long list of griev
ances submitted.
A dispatch from Clencoe Camp dated
October SO, at 2:50 p. in., says: After
eight hours of continuous heavy fight
ing Ttilana hill was carried by tho
Dublin fusileers nnd the king's rllles
under cover of a well-served nrtlllerv
tire by tho Thirteenth ami Sixty-ninth
batteries. Thu Boers who have threat'
enod the Biitish rear havo retired.
Monday, October 33.
A business block In south Chicago
burned early Monday morning, entail
ing a loss of 8120,000 nnd painfully in
juring twelve persons. Fourteen
buildings burned.
The Colombian revolution han ex
tended from Cundinamarcii to Lima.
The Colombian gunboat Moyooa is
about to leave for Cauea, where an
army of 10,000 men Is being assembled
by the government.
The Boers in tho Trnnsvnnlarc fight
ing hard, and showing a. dogged per
sistence. A dispatch from Capetown
nnnounees that tho Boers nrc shelling
Dundee ut long range, but ineffectual
Charles F. Glrens of Knoxvllle.
Teun., wns today sentenced by tho
state supremo court to hung December
14. (livens' crime was hiring his half
witted nephew, Wesley Dawn, to mur
der his wife.
The second British victory, that at
Elandsluugte, in which the British
losses, though heavy, were not out of
proportion to Its Importance, may be
regarded as having completely demor
alized the well-laid, but Ineffectually
executed plans of the Boers. In tho
opinion of military critics, It will tend
to bring tho war to n speedy conclu
sion, Tho body of a young lady was found
in tho Des Moines river ntDcs Moines,
la., and identified as that of Mabel
Schotlold of Maeksburg, la. Sho was
twenty-one years old and camo to Des
Moines a few days ago to visit at the
homo of J. W. Thomas. There were
no marks of violence, however, and no
poison could bo discovered. Tho mat
ter Is a complete mystery.
T. F. MoDrlde, a convlet at the peni
tentiary at Stillwater. Minn., has con
fessed to the warden that ho has killed
four people, robbed and plundered all
his life, and wants to suffer for his
crimes, as they bother his conscience.
One crime he confessed to Is the mur
der of a Table Hock policeman over a
year ago.
An Atchison, Kan., special says: Two
robbers Saturday night shot and killed
ono man and wounded another in a
store at Doniphan, which they later
robbed and Sunday ambushed and shot
anil killed u policeman and wounded
another man, both members of a posse
pursuing them. Tins robbers nrc sur
rounded six miles north of Atchison,
and nn attempt to arrest them will bo
made at daylight;
Tucmluy, Octohor 8-1.
Sympathizers with the Boers regard
the news of British successes with sus
picion. Thep claim that nearly all the
news from the Transvaal, emanates
from British sources, and Is u little un
reliable. No news vet received tends to dispel
the apprehension caused by Lord W ol
solcv's brief summary of the' situation.
A Pietzinietsburg special says that the
censor now permits no messages to be
sent from the front. Other dispatehes
represent the Boers as boasting that
Dundee is absolutely cut off and assert
that despite tho British victories tho
situation is uncertain.
Mrs. Michael Aukcnbrand was killed
nt Kilchun's bridge, near Albion, Ills.,
by Mrs. A. MeKnoe, a neighbor, as tho
result of a quarrol. Mrs. Aukenbrand
was returning from church when tho
quarrel started. The two women wore
In front of Mrs. McKnoo's house nnd
Mrs. Aukenbrand had a child in her
arms when her neighbor brained her
witii a Hatchet.
By an explosion of a boiler at tho
Luther nnd Moor lumber mills at
Osage, Tex., Lawrenco Buohler and
Louis Hicks wer killed and eight oth
era Injured.
LI Han Chang, brother of LI Hung
Chang, Is dead In Anhul province.
China. Ho was formerly viceroy of
Kuang province. ,
News received at Cartagena, Colom
bia, shows the revolution Is general.
The insurgents have taken river steam
ers and hare armed them and haw
burucd railroad bridges. , The govern
ment Is arming and dispatching rlvor
steamers with troops. A government
commission has arrived here.
ii m i
Tj'ic America's Cup Will Re
main in America.
Himnklnc llrcrze Make rinnt Contest
Host of tho International Herlcs
Columbia Proe to bo Gom
of tlio Ocean,
Coin m lil
Start. Iltolt3S
Outer mark. . ..12:10100
llnluli 3140100
Ktaoied lino.... .1I3HI3.1
Corrected tlmo. 31911100
Through wind and hoary seas, in n
breeze that approached the dignity of
a. gale, tho gallant sloop Columbia
vanquished the British ehnllenger
Shamrock Friday by blx minutes and
eighteen seconds actual time nnd six
minutes and hlrtj--four seconds cor
rected tlmo, thus completing tho bcries
for tho America's cup with a mugnlfle
cent rough weather duel and a glorious
Yankee victory.
For tho eleventh time the attempt of
a foreigner toi wrest from America the
yachting supremacy of the world has
failed. Tho trophy won by tho old
schooner America forty-eight years
ago is still ours, a monument to the
superiority of American senmnnship
and American naval architecture anil
a standing challenge to the yachtsmen
of till nntlons.
The intrinsic value of the reward,
which hundreds of thousands of dol
lars were expended to secure, 1 s small
simply an antiquated piece of silver
ware, which Queen Victoria offered to
the best sailing ship of tho world in
the early days of her reign, but around
it cluster tho precious memories of un
broken American triumphs nnd tho
honor of mastery in tho noblest of
To Sir Thomas Lipton, whose name
Is now added to the list of defeated as
pirants for tho honor of carrying tho
cup back across the Atlantic, failure
was a crushing blow. His hope hud
been high. But like the truo sports
man that he Is, the sting of defeat has
left no bitterness, and with undaunted
courage ho intimates that ho may bo
back with a better boat to try again.
During his stay here Sir Thomas has
made himself moro popular than any
previous challenger, and the yachtmen
of this country will be glad to welcome
him back. Except for the repeated
flukes and the unfortunate accident to
tho challenger on Tuesday this series
of races has been unmarred by a single
untoward incident Tho boats have
had two fair and square races, one In
light air and tho other in a heavy
blow, aud Sir Thomas is perfectly sat
isfied that ho was beaten by the better
After the raco was over a grand spec
tacle followed. The victor, after
lowering her bails, set the stars and
stripes at hor topmast truck at both
ends of her spreader and at tho taffrall.
soon the whole licet blossomed out In
American Hags. The Corsair, tho flag
ship of.tho New York yacht club, had
six flags flapping in tho stiff breeze as
sue went alongside the Columbia and
gave her three shrieking blasts. Then
her crew cheered nnd the hardy Deer
Islanders atxmrd Columbia responded
with bared heads.
Later the Erin, which had remained
behind for a few minutes with the
Shamrock, steamed up to the Columbia,
the btars und stripes fluttering from
main and mizzen. The Corsair greeted
her with cannon, which SlrThotnns ac
knowledged by dipping the English
jack at tho taffrall. Then, by Sir
1 noma, orders, tlio crew ol tlie Krln
lined up to the rail and gave three
coou Anglo-enxon cheers tor the vie
tors. They were returned by the proud
crew of the Columbia.
Sir Thomas Lipton went aboard the
Corbtiir, whero ho was joined by Oliver
Iscliu, owuer of tho Columbia, where
toast were drunk to victor and van
mulshed. Good feeling prevailed
Cnrter Munt Go 1o Jull.
Judge Lncomb, at New York, In tho
United States district court, handed
down a decision dismissing the writ of
habeas corpus In tho case of former
Captain Obcrlin M. Carter, who is un
der sentence of five years' imprisonment
for conspiracy to defraud the govern
ment in contracts. The decision was
given In a lengthy opinion, which up
holds the findings of the court-martial.
Andrudo Accepts Condition.
Tho Venzuelan crisis Is virtually
ended, President Andrade having ac
cepted tlio conditions imposed by the
insurgent commander Cipriano Castro,
Andrado will go abroad, the vice pres
Ident assuming the presidency, nnd
Generul Castro peacefully entering
Caracas with his army. A dictatorship
has been avoided.
Hum Negro at tho Stake.
A posse Friday night captured Joe
LeFlorc, a negro who confessed that ho
and Bob Anderson, on tho preceding
night, went to the house of II. II,
Gambrill, ut St. Annes, Miss., tied
Gumbrlll's wife und four children to
gether, piled a feather mattress on
them, poured oil on the pile, cremated
the family nnd robbed the hoiibo. Le
Florc was burned at the utnko. Bob
Anderson wns caught and partly
liuraod, but tlio fire was extinguished
before ho was dtd. because informa
tion which r v hi to was received.
Halt Truimntil Force ut Tntaua Hill
l.oiMf Very Heavy.
A dispatch from CIcncoc Cnmp dated
October Ct at 2:50 p. in., Hays: After
eight hours of continuous heavy fight
ing 'ii.lnnn hill wns carried by the
Dublin fusileers and the king's rifles
under cover of n well-served artillery
lire by tho Thirteenth nnd Sixty-ninth
batteries. The Boers who have threat
ened the British rear have retired.
The fight was almost an exact coun
terpart of that st Majuba Hill, except
that the positions of tho Boer nnd Brit
ish forces were reversed.
General Symmons was severely, but
not dangerously wounded.
Tho battle was n brilliant success
The Boers got a reverse which may
possibly, forja time, at any rate, check
all aggressive notion.
The British artillery practice in the.
early part of the day decided tho bat
tle. The seizure of Dundee hill by tho
Boers was a surprise, for although tho
pickets hud been exchanging shots all
night, it was not until a shell boomed
over the town into the cnmp that their
presence was discovered. Then the
shells came fat. The hill was posi
tively alive with the swarming Boers,
still the British artillery got to work
with magnificent energy und precision.
The batteries from the camp took up
positions to the south of tho town, and
after a quarter hour's magnlllceut firing
bllenccd the guns"bn tho hills.
Unvoyi of Agulnaldo Ask Conference
With General UtU.
Under date of the 20th a Manila dis
patch says: Threo insurgent officers
entered Angeles and applied to General
Mae Arthur for permission for n Fil
ipino commission, headed by n Filipino
major general, to visit General Otis In
order to discuss peace terms and to ar
range for the delivery of more Ameri
can prisoners, as well ns to consider
methods for the release of the Spanish
prisoners. Tho request was referred
to General Otis.
General Young's advance guard of
General Lawton's column left Cabtu
und entered San Isidro.
Tho American loss was ono killed
nnd thrco wounded. Tho heaviest re
sistance met with was at San Fernan
do, where tho enemy destroyed a
General Pio del Pilar arrived from
San Miguel aud personally commanded
the Filipinos. He and the bulk of tho
enemy retreated up the river.
One Spaniard and fifteen insurrcctos
were captured. The loss of the enemy
is not known. Tho townspeople ap
pear to bo friendly.
Amicable Adjustment of Alaskan Ilound
nry DUputo.
Mr. Tower, the British charge at
Washington, called at the state de
partment and handed to Secretary Hay
a note formally accepting for his gov
ernment the proposition for the tem
porary adjustment of the Alaskan
boundary lino proposed by Secretary
Hay. The division line on the west
pass, by which the Dalton trull la
reached, Is placed twenty-two and ono
qunrter miles above Pyramid harbor,
which Is regarded under the treaty as
tidewater mark, so the Canadians aro
not allowed to reach any point on the
Lynn canal. Moreover, there is no
permission for a free port or even for
tho free transfer across American ter
ritory of Canadian goods except of
miners' belongings. The modus vlven
dl follows the precedent established by
Secretary Evarln 187S in agreeing on
a temporary boundary on thu Stlkecn
river in Alaska by an exchango of
Kllln Ilia Hon und Hlmnelf,
Joseph Halgh, a farmer living flvo
miles west of Donnelly, Minn., shot his
twenty-three year old son, Uuss, blow
ing his head completely off. Ho then
shot himself through the heart. There
was a S2.000 mortgage on his farm, and
It Is thought ho killed his son to get
$2,000 insurance from tho Modern
Woodmen of which order the latter
was a member, and then killed hlmsell
to escape legal punishment. In this
way ho expected to leave his familj
with the farm clear of incumbrance.
Trouble DrowInK In Samoa.
Tho associated press correspondent
at Samoa sends news by tho stcamei
Moana, under date of October 8, ai
followu: "The aspect of affairs in Sa
moa Is Indeed far from reassuring,
There is trouble brewing, nnd it will
come boon if tho thrco powers do not
come to aid tho , goyernmenl and the
detached officials. The relations oj
the threo consuls who were left here
as a provisional government by th
commissioners nrc strained.
Blnka FUhlae Sehooner.
Tho British steamer Ardandhu, out
ward bound from Boston for Hallfal,
ran into nnd sunk the fishing schoonet
Two Forty, of Gloucester in tho bar.
bor. Of the nine aboard the schoonei
only two aro thought to be saved. One
body was recovered. The fishermen
were residents of Gloucester.
rollca Tar Down rincardf.
Posters placarded- at Limorick, Ire
land, urging tho Irish to cnlisf, fot
service against tho Boers were torn
down by the police.
How Geo, Ray's Whereabouts
Became Known.
Mm. Cliecsman, Itty'n Tarnmnnr, and
Widow of the Murdered limber, Con
tided to AVroiiB 1'iirt) Infor
mation Led to Ills Arrest.
At Brownvllle, the scene of the. mur
.lcr, Theodore Chcesman of Fnlrport,
,Mo., to whose efforts is duo tho capture
of Georgo Bay, tho slayer of Frank
Chcesman, Theodore's brother, told of
his successful search for the murderer.
Theodore said at the death bed of his
brother that he would capture Bay or
spend n lifetime In the attempt, and
naturally he Is well pleased over the
outcome of his efforts.
Bay was betrayed by Mrs. Minnie
Chcesman, Frank's widow, and Hay's
paramour. After Cheesmnn's funeral
Mrs. Chcesmnn went to Nebraska City,
where she remained a short time, aud
then went to Victor, Cole, and after
ward to Crlpplo Creek, Colo., where, It
is alleged, she soon married again, but
lived with her husband but a short
time During tho summer Theodore
Chcesman went" to Crlpplo Creek and
spent a month watching the actions of
Mrs. Chcesman. Before leaving he
hired n detective to look after her.
This man succeeded in ingratiating
hjtnself in tho fickle affections of the
woman, and In n moment of confidence
sho showed him a letter from Bay
signed "J. P. Keegan," the name as
binned by Bay. Tho letter was writ
ten from Illinois, but when tho detec
tive searched there ho hid left. "J.
P. Keegan" was traced to northwest
Iowa and arrested. Ho readily ac
knowledged his 'identity nnd agreed to
return to Nebraska without a requisi
tion from the governor.
I'crinlt Her rotirtoou-Ycar-Old Daugh
ter to Wed.
The police of Fremont had an odd
sort of an elopement on their hands.
Tuesday. Lon Mosley, a baker who
has been making his home in Fremont,
it is charged, took a fourteen-year-old
girl named Pearl Luke from her homo
at Norfolk and the enamoured pair
came to Fremont. The mother of the
girl was much exercised nnd bent a
telephone message to the chief of po
lice asking him to hold the pair until
she could arrive. The couple, very
penitent, btayed in the custody of the
police all night and in the morning
faced Mrs. Luke, who came In bright
and early. It appears that the mother
agreed with her daughter that fourteen
years Is a proper ago for a girl to wed
and merely wanted to see that tho mar
riage ceremony was properly cele
brated. After receiving the parental
blcbslng the nuptial knot was tied.
CraitU Under n Ilouso Which Settle
Down Upon Illm.
John Ottcrsburg, n German fanner
who lives northeast of Adams, was
helping one of his neighbors move a
house, and they had ono side of tho
house up, supported by wagons, and
the other side resting on jackscrews.
While in this posi'.ion Mr. Ottcrsburg
crawled under the house for bomc pur
pose and one of the jackscrews crushed
through the rotten rafter, letting tho
house down on the unfortunate man's
hips, inflicting injuries from which ho
died. Ho was highly esteemed lu his
community. He leaves a wife and ono
child. Ho had a llfo Insurnnce policy
for 53,000.
Will Itei;ltcr the Ilondi.
Auditor Cornell heard argument on
Tuesday In the matter of a nrotest
against the registration of 525,000 of
scliool dibtnet bonds from North
Platte. No strong argument was
brought to bear against the bonds ex
cept that the district has been known
as district Jso. 1, while the bonds were,
bubmltted to the people with the namo
of tho town of North Platte incorpo
rated in the proposition as required by
a law that had not been .obeyed be
fore. It is reported that the' auditor
will register the bonds.
Dies Ahujt From Homo.
W. A. Dnkln, u traveling man for
the Ann of Jones, MeDu,ftlo and Strat-
ton company of Boston, died Tuesday
at a Lincoln hospital, whero ho had
been taken from a local hotel. He wns
taken ill in tho city nnd suffered n
siege of typhoid fever. Tho remains
will bo shipped back to Boston, where
tils luinlly is.
Blair Honothlovoa Captured.
Two btrangcrs, hired a livery rig, at
Blair, claiming they wanted to go to
Calhoun. Not returning, officers were
placed upon their trail and a reward of
S75 Was Offered for tlinlr onnlnrn.
Sheriff Langford, of Burt county, got
trail of the mon at a farmer's near
Tekaraah, where they stopped. From
there he traced them Tuesday twenty
five miles northwest of Oakland. Thoy
wore traveling slowly, trading spoons
and otlier silverware for poultry.
L fliji iii iiii'tippT