i j?fo .PCrtMMMMM&yt: gggyHSassgaeatitts - -a-iJ'g-' I l iitt-4T.v.,,.. - -OA'a?gtErJggr tS "gy-s -. '55rr,E?,i ";??s'' -f'S:Sr'-tA.'5 ggga jaasg geJaKJJ-arg-- M.ffgiiJBMMMMjMMMMMMM,.. Ma BHHnwKv'-HIBIIH triwl'4ltSt'u N8,flHHHBHilHHHI . mmmmimmmmmm'' m iMilMMByMlMHBDMBMMBt V TL rf ".jswrBlK volume xxvn. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCT. 27, 189 J), NUMBER 4: !aiP 3!GRS3gM i JkM THE BIG STORE 1 We gdarantoo our prices lower than anybody's special sales, closing out sales, etc. Our prices are all niarkod in plain figures. Each and orory article sold is a distinct value in itself. We buy J for spot casb, thereby securing the best values tho mar- kot affords. We sell for spot cash, that enables us to make the price. That Price Always the Lowest. j ii you nro not sausnea wun your purcnase Dring it obck. CLOAKS. A real stylish garment does more for n woman's ap pearance than any other sin gle thing. Tho PALMER GARMENT is designated for this purpose- and is meeting tho npprnval of the ''Best Dressers." Ladles Jackets 93.&0 to $15.00. Misses Jackets, $3 GO to 810.00. Children's Jackets. 92 CO to 87 GO. Ladies Capes, $1.50 to $15.00. Dress Goods. V def Iro so call atten tion to our dress goods stock, a stock, that for stylo, quality nM.I nHlnn n fnnt thnt tnlll meet overvRhoDninir rcauire- Ul& ment. Unusual care in selection, looking well to quality, pries and stylo, places us in position to show fashiouablo fabrics at a reasonableness in prico that emphasizes this stock as an economical ono. Pretty, chic, stylish suits at a moderate price is a result oasy to obtain in our snowing of fall and winter dress goods. A FEW VALUES:- AU wool Henriettas, colors and blacks 00c to II per yd. Creponsand brocades in blacks at popular prices. Venetian cloth at 91.25. Novelties in wool and silk 35c toll per yard. Cotton warp Uonriottas at 20o to 50c per yard. Blankets. Buying direct, placing orders at opportune times, brings splendid opportunities to you for values in this lino Not prico alone, but quality as well will interest you. Full size 10-4 cotton blankots, gray, tan, white, 50c per pr. Full sizu 11-4 cottou blankets, gray, tan, white. 80a per pr. Full size 11-4 extra heavy, gjay and tans, 91.00 per pair. Full sizo 11-4, usual 91.50 kind, 91.40 per pair. Full size, 12-4, vory large. 91.75 per pair. Singlo cotton blankots, extra heavy, something nico for lap robos, 91.75 oach. All wool blankets from 93.50 to 98.50 par pair. Outing Flannels. Bought right, consequently sold right. During tho early spring months wo bought our stock in this line. Late buyers had to pay n decidcu advance 200 patterns ranging in prico from 5o to 12o in prico. Cotton Batts. Seo our special valuo batt at 10c. Other values at 5c to 20c each. ipmp m Easy to Take Easy to Operate Because- purely vcRptablo-yet ougti, prompt, h thor- calthful, satisfactory- Hood' Pill KEESTER AND SUMMERS. Hosiery. S&2 That wears the longest, that gives tho best satisfaction, that best retains its shapo. Buying hosiery from us once invariably brings the cus tomer back again, for values aro keenost, results always satisfactory. Prrchasea in case lots. 1000 pairs of our No. 1821, special prico 12Jc. Ladies' cotton hose 10c to 50c per pair. Men's special values at So per pair. Underwear. ml H Tho kind that is knitted to fit. Bought in caso lots from high class matters of honest goods. Wo can suit you in woight quality and price. Swing our customers a littlo ou each item, giving them roliable qualities, is what makes this tho satisfac tory store. Children's camel's hair, sizo 16 at 0c with raise of 3o. Children's wool underwear, sizo 10 at 15c with raiso of 5c. Ladies' all wool union suits at 91,40 per suit. Ladies extra heavy union suits at 91 per suit. Ladies 2 piece underwear from 25o to 91.00 each. Men's fleeced, good heavy fleecing, same as others ask 50c for, our price 40c. We recently purchased tbreo cases of special valuo under wear, oxtra heavy fleecing, an extra value,. We place them op sale at eOo each. Carpets. A Kood carpel, one that woars. that best holds its colorincs is a pleasure to a careful honso keeper. Nothing adds so much to the comfort and attractiveness of the home as a pretty car petone whose colorings and patterns are the newest. Extra super all wool Ingrains at 70c per yard. Medium weight, all wool, 60c per yard. Light weight, all wool, 50c per yard. Unions from 40o to 60c per yard. Cottons, 25c to 40c per yard. Mnquottes from 00c to 91.10 per yard. Wo guarantee all carpets to fit. Carpets cut and made same day. Whore our store is always helpful to you u in the actual necessities items that daily enter into tho needs of the borne. GINGHAMS, OUTINGS, SHIRTINGS, MUSLINS, COITONaDES, COTTON DRESS GOODS, FKINI'S AND PERCALES Miner Bros., Red Cloudy Neb. 33 SUggfiiaSB A Brief Review ef Their AcUrcKCs at the Opera Hook. R. L. Koostor and Hon. W. S. Sum mors, United Stales district attornoy addressed a good sizod and enthusias tic and nttontivo audienco at tho opera house Inst Wednesday evening on tho political issues of tho day. The speak ers woro both gcod ones and unliko some we heard this year, they com manded tho attontion of thoir hearers to tho end, and tho nudienco was larg er at tho closo thau at tho beginning. Both of theso gonttomen nro nblo law yers and dissected tho war in tho Phil lipplncs from a legal stand point. Not only did thoy dissect our foreign war but Mr. Summers vory truthfully dissected tho politicnl record of Silas Holcomb from tho timo ho entered pol itics in tliia stato down to tho present timo. Ho showed that Si had stood up beforo conventions and gatherings of tho fusion forces and declared that a railroad pass was a bribo nnd at the same time hadhis pockets full of them, gave a brief history of tho recount bal lot fraud, gavo a history of Holcomb's settlement with state treasurer Bart- ley and in which llartloy showed him a cigar-box full of worthless securities which ho admits he didn't even look at and took Bartloy's word for it that there was about n million thero, and when asked by examining committee why ho did not. do as the stato consti tution said ho should in examining tho accounts of tho stato tronsuror re plied that "ho considered the stato constitution a farce." And how Silas had held tho mutual iusuranco bill which had boon passed by both houses until after their adjournment and then vetoed it, nnd how at tho next legis lature the samo identical bill was again passed and Holcomb held up until ho had boon elected president of a mutual insurance company at a good salary and then signed thu bill and accepted tho position and salary as president of the insurance company at the samo time. Ho also told how the legislature had appropriated 93,000 to pay Silas's house rent, "or so much thereof as might bo necessary" and quoted Hoi comb's testimony showing that ho had paid 930 dollars per month houso rent for four years, orl 1440 and turned back into tho stato treasury 9700.00. The balanco 9860 according to Si, wont for incidentals. When asked why he did this when the constitution of the state of Nebraska provided that such money should bo used solely for tho purpose for which it was appropriated and that all but tho 91440.00 actually used for house rent should havo been roturned to the stato treasury, ho simply re plied that ho "considered that clause of tho constitution of tho state of Ne braska "as a farce." And still In the face of bis own often repeated statement that "our state constitution is a farce" ho is before the people as a candidate for supreme judge and asks the people to elect him to that do sltion thatjhe may enforce tho laws which in his estimation aro "a faroe." The Philippine situation as dissected by theso two legal gontlcinon is cer tainly worthy of a wider circulation than any country newspaper can give It, and wan substantially as follows: After Dowoy ;bad won his famous vic tory in Manila bay it was tho tenti ment of the entiro American people that an army bu sent to tho Philippines to capture thu city of Manila. This was not only tho soutiment of the peo ple but the sentiment of congress then in session assembled, and evory sonator in congress requested that at least one regiment of such array be se lected from liU statu. Tho army was sent nnd the battle of Manila was fought before thu news of tho signing of tho penco protocol was received. After tho signing of thu peace protocol the peace commissioners met in Paris and arranged tho terms by which poaco was declared. Undorthis treaty Spain granted freedom to Cuba and csded to tho United States tho Islands of Porto Rico, Guam nnd tho Philip pine group, for the latter of which tho United States paid Spain tho sum of 920,000,000. W.J. Bryan, was at tho timo of tho signing of tho poaco proto col poslr.g ns colonel of tho third Ne braska rogimont, nnd immediately aft er its signing resigned under tho Im pression that bo was nooded worso in politics than he was In tho army. On tho return of tho poaco commissioners Bryan went to Washington nnd advo cated tho adoption of tho troaty under whloh tho Philippine islands becnino a part and parcel of the United Slates. Tho treaty was adopted by an almost unanimous vote of congress and tho government of tho islands vested in tho congress of tho United States and not with tho president. Tho president of the United Sta cs enn no more say to tho Philippines you aro frco nnd Inde pendent to form a government of your own than ho can say tho samu to tho pcoplo of Nobrnska. Ho can no mnro say to tho pcoplo of tho Philippines you aro freo to orgnnizo a government as you seo tit, than could Abraham Lincoln in 1801 say to thu south if this government docs not suit you nro freo and cau substituto a govornmont to suit yourselves. Under the provisions of tbo treaty these islands beenmo a part of tho United Slates and thoy must remain as such until disposed of by a congress of tho United States and not by the president. The prosidont cannot make la law to .disposo of these islands, nor can he instituto a govern ment for them except such as now ex ists. All tho prosidont can do Is to en force the laws of tho United States and this ho is induty bound to do by the oath be took when ho became prosidont. It is bis duty to quell robollion and trea son within tho jurisdiction of tho Unit ed States, and to protect the United State flag whenever and wherever as Bailed and if necessary to call out the United States army to put down a rebellion. Has tbe prosidont dono any. thing but his swern duty nsiprcsidentf Had W. J. Bryan boon president could he havo dono otherwiso after having taken tho presidential oath under which tho president must quoll rebel lion within tho jurisdiction of tbo United States. Should tho United States congress nt tho noxt session grant tho Pbilippino islands com plete independence, then the Unit ed States army and navy should bo brought home as theso Islands would bo out of tho United Stato's jurisdic tion, butns long as thoy remain United States territory thoy must bo governed by tho United States laws and tho pres ident must enforce thorn. Aguinaldo and his Tagal hordo stand before tho United States government today as did Jefferson Davis nnd the southern army from 1961 to 1865 an armed body rorebelling against Ithe United States government on United States territory, and the laws of the United States, in tbe estimation of President McKlnley must ho unforced. William JonniangpP fd others to the contrary notwithstanding. Claronco Reed, tho young man who is a candidate on the republican ticket for the ofllco of county olork was in Guide Rock Saturday getting acquain ted with tho voters and mado a favor able impression on everyone be met. Ho is a modest, unassuming young fellow, but every bit a man the kind of a one of whom soldiers are made, and though ho don't seem to caro to talk much about his toirible experi ence on tho battle Held of Santiago, yet the grim determination of his fea tures indicato that ho is not a fellow to faltor at anything and if ho bad the use of his arm again wo would expect to seo him back in the ranks carrying a musket instead of at home running for ofllco. He has pretty fully recov ered the use of his left arm but his right is still helpless and probably will be for many months yet. Incidentally he left a few souvonir cards among his new acquaintances to refute the story that he could not write. They pro written with his left hand, but as onn man romnrkod, "ho can write better with his left hand than some people who nre talking about him can writo viUj both bandi."-Guldo KockaJfeaal. Do not wash your hands and face with a common laundry soap, or if you do, don't complain when you find them rough, hard and chapped. Ordinary laundry soaps are good for scrubbing floors, but not for the skin. Ivory Soap makes a creamy lather that rinses easily and takes the dirt with it. The natural oil of the skin washed with Ivory Soap is not removed, and the skin is left soft and smooth. IT FLOATS. MKMT MM tY m PMCTI MIHU M. -MMMMUTt In Vindication. The Cmir has boon critlzod by some for tho paat;throo or four weeks on ac coun of tho stand it has taken regard ing two certain candidates on tho op position ticket viz: Rev. L. A. Hussong andRov. I. W.Edson. Now a word in vindication of our position. Are those two porsons any bettor than anyone elso when they will stoop from their pulpits to commingle in a county po litical campaign? In our estimation thoy nro not. Our estimation of a min ister of tho gospel Is Jthnt ho is to bo rovered, respected, looked upon as an idoal, whoso actions and every day lifo tho members of his congregation tako as a motto to hotter fit them selves for tho horo&ftor. How do theso two comparo with an ideal pastor. Do thoy want thoir followers to follow in thoir footsteps? In our estimation when thoy allowed their names to go boforo tho people as candidates for office thoy left tho rovcrunco nnd re spect duo them ns ministers of tho gos pel in the pulpit whoro it belongs, and appeared boforo us a common, every day, office-seeking, politician. We have tho utmost respect for and rovere theso two as ministers of tho gespel, but as oQlco-sooking politicians thoy aro no bettor than tho reBt of tbo oppo sition tickot. It has been reported that these two ministers were put on tho tloket to strengthen it. Just whoro tho additional strength was to como from is hard to understand. Tho populists no doubt when they put theao two on tho tickot had an idea that they could run for office under their ministerial robes and their followers would meekly say: "Where he leads mo I will follow." This, wo believe is the only reason tho two preachers were put on the ticket. It is cortain they wore not put on tbe ticket on account of their qualities to fill their positions. To tell tho truth a minister who will cast asido bis min isterial robo for a political job Is no bettor thau was Judas Iscariot when he accepted the thirty pieces of silver, and we aro not alone m our belief. CHURCH SERVICES. christian cnoRcn. Servicos each Lord's Day as follows: Morning sorvico at 10:80. Bible school, 12m. Junior Christian Endeavor 8 p.m. Senior Christian Endeavor meets at 7 p.m. Evening sorvico at 7!80. Afternoon sermon iu M. E, church at Inavalo. A cordial invitation is extondod to all. L. A. Hussonq, Pastor. There U a Clue of People Who aro injured by the use of coffee, recently there has been placed in the grocery stores a new preparation call ed Grain-O, made of pure grains, that takes the placo of coffee. Tho most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and but few cau toll it from ooffcu, It does not cost over ono fourth as much, Children may drink it with great benefit. 15c and 25c per trackage. Try it. Ask for Orela-O. MKTIIODI8T Services noxt Sunday us follows: Morning sorvico at 10:80. Subject, Phrlal.'a Hall in Vnllnw Him Sunday Sohool at 11:80 a.m. Con ducted by D. B. Spauogle. Preaching at Amboy at 3 p.m. Sonior Leaguo at 7 p.m. Evomng services at 7:80. Temper nnco mass meeting addressed by Rev, I. W.Edson. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 7:30. Revival meetings every night at 7:30, beginning Ootobor 80tb. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoom. All aro most cordially invited to at tend. Roscok A. Barnes, Pastor. baptist onuRcn. Services next Sunday as follows. Morning sermon at 10:80. Subject, . Sunday School at 11 :45. W. F. West, superintendent. Young People's Union meets at 7. Evening services at 7:80. Subject, Regular woeicly prayer mooting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All cordially invited. Seats fret. I8AAO W. Edbon, Pastor.. CONQRKOATIOHAL. Regular sorvices next Sunday as foil lows: Morning sorvice at 10.80. , Subject, "Reaping and Sowing." Followed by sacrament of tho Lord's supper. ,, Sunday School at 11:45. ' Young People's Sooiety of Christian Endeavor at 0:80 pm. Miss Floronoo E. Cotting, leader. At 7:80 tho pastor will speak at tho Christian church. Young peoplo are especially invitoa. Subjoct, "FJshln' oimmlo." Prayer and praiso mcotlng Wednes day evoning at 8. All cordially Invited to attend these servicos, Frank w.DsAN,P.Mr. . Ki E53