The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 20, 1899, Image 1

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NUMl-EH -1 13
m ia
t&$ Wo gdarantoo our prices lower than anybody's .special sates, dosing
fl out sales, etc. Our prices are nil marked in plain figures. Each
Ji and ovory articlo sold is n distinct valuo in itself. We buy J
5j for spot cash, thereby securing tho best values tho mar-
jfS. kot affords. We sell for spot cash, that enables us
(j$l to make the price.
That Price Always the Lowest.
If you aro not satisfied with your purchase bring it back.
A real stylish garment
does more for a woman's ap
pearance than any other sin
gle thing. Tho PALMER
GARMENT is designated for
this purposo and is meeting
the approval of tho 'Best
Lndles Jackets $:i.f0 to $15.00.
Miscs Jackets, $n iJO to $10.00
Children's Jackets, $2 fiO to $7 o()
Ladies Capes, $1 50 lo Sl.'.OO.
Dress Goods.
Wo dejiro so call atten
tion to our dress goods stock,
a stock, that for stylo, quality
,iml nrif.ii urn fnnl tlmf. will
moot nvnrvHlinnninir reouire- 1923
ment. Unusual caro in selection, looking well to quality, price
and stylo, places us in position to show fashionable fabrics at
a reasonableness in prico that emphasizes this stock as an
economical ono. Pretty, chic, stylish suits at n moderate prico
is a resulteasy to obtain in our snowing of fall and winter dress
All wool Henriettas, colors and blacks GOu to $1 per yd.
Croponsnnd brocades in blacks at popular prices.
Venetian cloth at $1.25.
Novelties in wool and silk 85c toll per yard.
Cotton warp Honriottas at 20c to 50c per yard.
Buying direct, placing orders at opportune tintesi
brings splendid opportunities to you for values in this line.
Not prico alone, but quality as well will interest you.
Full size 10-4 cotton blankets, gray, tan, white, 50c por pr.
Full size 11-4 cottou blankets, gray, tan, white. 80c por pr.
Full size U-4 extra hoavv. gaay and tans, $1.00 per pair.
Full sizo 11-4, usual $1.50 kind, $1.40 por pair.
Full sizo, 12 4, very largo. $1.75 por pair.
Single cotton blankets, oxtra heavy, something nico for lap
robos, $1.75 oach.
All wool blankets from $3.50 to $8 50 p r pair.
Outing Flannels.
Bought right, consequently sold right. During the
early spring mouths wo bought our stock in this line. Lale
buyers had to pay a decided advance.
'200 patterns ranging in prico from 5c to 12-Jc in price.
Cotton Batts.
See our special value butt at 10c.
Other values at 5c to 20o each.
Easy to Take
Easy to Operate
ItpcnugH purely veia-tablo yet thor
ouch, prompt, healthful, xutlgfuctory
Hood's Pills
That wears tho longest, that gives the best
satinfaetion, that best retains its shapo. Buying
hosiery from us once invariably brings tho cus
tomer back again, for values aro keenost, results
nl ways satisfactory. Prrchasefl in case lots.
1000 pairs of our No. 1821, special price 12Jc.
Ladies' cotton hose 10c to 50c per pair.
Men's special values at 6c por pair.
The kind that is knitted to lit. Bought in case lots from
high class manors of honest goods. We can suit you in woight
quality and price. Suvlng our customers a little on each item,
giving them reliable qualities, is what mnkc.s this the satisfac
tory store
Children's camel's hair, sizo 16 at flc with raise of 3c.
Childicn's wool underwear, sizo 10 at 15c with raise of 5c
Ladies' all wool union suits at $1,40 per suit.
Ladies extra heavy union mi its at $1 por suit.
Ladles 2 pieco underwear from 25c to $1.00 each.
Men's Uecced, good heavy lleccing, same as others ask 50c
for, our prico 40c.
Wo rocontly purchased three cases of special value under
wear, oxtra heavy lleccing, an oxtra value,. We place them
op sale atcOc each.
A irood carpet, one that wears, that best holds its colorings
is a pleasure to a careful house keeper. Nothing adds so much
to tho comfort and attractiveness of tho homo ns a protty car
pot ono whoso colorings and patterns aro tho newest.
Extra super all wool ingrains nt 70c per yard.
Modlum woight, all wool, OOn per yard.
Light weight, ail wool, 50c por yard.
Unions from 40o to COc per yard.
Cottons, 25o to 40o per yard.
Mnquettes from 00c to $1.10 por yard.
We guarantee all carpets to fit. Carpets cut ami made same day.
Where our storo is always helpful to you it in tho actual necessities
items that daily enter into tho needs of the home.
Miner Bros., Red Cloud, Neb.
The dust is settled nt last.
Quito a little rain Sunday.
Godfrny Monia has built an addition
to his house.
Mrs. Mattio Smith has recently erec
ted a now windmill.
James Hilkio has been on the sick
list for soino time. CD
Win, Varral is working in Guido
Rock at the brickyard.
Mr. Gid Hnyden and daughter visited
at the homo of J. D. Anderson Sunday.
J. I). Anderson had tho misfnrluiiu
to lose n good horso on Saturday night.
R. 11. Thompson has recently pur
chased the farm known as tho Dan
Cook homestead.
A niece of Chns. Molley from Wis
consin has been visiting at tho homo of
tho latter for some time.
Sanford Croxton is building a new
barn and also expects to put down n
now well noar tho houso.
John Konzack who fell from a build
ing some time ago and hurt his foot is
unable to walk yet without tho aid of
Mrs. Mary Duuthcl who has been
visiting her brother Dave Flshol and
family left for her homo in Otoo county
Wo notico that tho editor of the Red
Cloud Nation says ho does not behove
in electing boys to cflico. Wo supposo
ho bad reforonce to Mr. Reed for clerk
and Mr. Adainson for sheriff. But 1 ho
majority of tho votors up this way be
lieve that they aro all right when tho
government after a rigid examination
pronounced them sound in body and
mind and lit to boar arms in defense of
their country. And tho boys, as tho
Nation styles them, bavo helped to add
new luster to their nation's Hag (not
tho Red Cloud Nation) and hnvo re
turned without self-estimation half so
exalted as the editor of the Natiou and
the present sheriff. They aro worthy
of tho support of every loyal citizen of
Webster county and if they keep on
gaining in popularity tho presont in
cumbents will be givon a chance to
pound Webster county clods next
spring. Eavksduoim'ku.
Sunday school itut half past ten next
Uly Knight lost a line steer the other
night. Causo of death unknown.
Wade Koontz went to Kansas City
with a carload of cattle this wook.
Born, Saturday night to Mr. and
Mrs. Ball, a lino boy; mother nnd son
doing well.
Mrs. Klllo Harvey left Tuesday morn
ing for Fairmont, this stnte, to visit
with her sister, Mrs. Delia Martin.
Mrs. Sadie Holdrego went to Red
Cloud Tuesday to attend a lecture re
maining over until Wednesday with
Mrs. K. B. Knight.
Dr. Myers wns caught in tho rain
Sunday afternoon while in attendance
on Aunt Jessie Harvey who has been
ill for sovoral weeks, and Fred Kelso
who has typhoid fever. Ho reports
both patients somewhat better.
How to Prevent Crouo.
Wo have two children who are sub
ject to attacks of croup. Whenever an
attack is coming on my wifoglvesthem
Ohnmborlniiis Cough Remedy and it
always prevents an attack. It is a
household necessity in this county nnd
no matter what else wo run out of, it
would not do to bo without chamber
lains Cough Remedy. More of it is
fold hero than all thonther cough med-icitn-8
.combined, J. M. Niuki.k, of
Nicklo Bros., iiiorehanls, Nickleville,
Pa. For sale by II. E, Grico.
Mrs. Alex. James is around
hale and hearty.
Since the last Issue we have had a
gontlo shower which caused the people
to feel much better.
Mrs. McCoy and daughter wets shop
pitg in Blue Hill, aud visited with Mrs.
Waterbury on Monday.
Shucking is tho order of tho day and
in a great many places the cattle aro
running in tho corn stalks.
Tho noise of tho corn ts it strikes
ngainst the bat-board is the first thing
to bo heard after sunrise around Blue
Mrs. Julia Hugato roturnod from
Kansas where she was visiting, Inst
Saturday. Sho was mot by Mr. Ho
gate who acted real well.
The populist rally in Illue Hill last
Saturday would have been a total
failuro had it not been for the sonor
ions voice of Watkii.s, as if crying a
sale, stating that Conrad was running
for olllce and to come and hear him.
So republicans went in to hear Rev.
Hussoug preach his political sermon,
in which liu ridiculed McKinley's ad
ministration and anted somewhat, like
a dog baying nt the moon. Mr. Adams
tho would bo district judge also took a
shot at the Philippines with ills mouth,
nnd would like to tell MoKinloy what
to do tegnrding tho treaty now pond
ing in congress.
On Monday ovoning Mrs. Helen
Gougar, of other days, presented the
trusts nnd combinations of tho republi
can party to a largo audience, but for
got that others ns old as herself know
whereof sho spoko, nnd knew it to bo
different from nor statements, but
such is the tro chorou memory of tho
weaker sex. Sho playod tho samo tuno
as did tho others, only somewhat more
"sharped." In order to draw a larger
crowd I hoy scattered tickets ns if they
were compllmontaries, and everyone
felt highly elated over receiving such.
Sho forgot to tell her followers to up
hold tho government of tho United
Stntes, but liko Atkinson would de
stroy our union. I think W. J. Bryan
tunes the instruments, Stevens furnish
es the music, Atkinson tho poetry (if
such it enn bo called), aud if someone
would only sit on the organ stool
Helen said she would furnish vocal
music and tho words of tho song rolled
from her greased tonguu liko Hashes
from a republican torch after election.
"B!Bps MA. mI
PMr III feW?
Examine the now oil cloth on the kitchen floor; its color and
gloss are being destroyed and you may see where a cake of common
soap fresh from the hot water in the scrubbing bucket lias been laid
on it for a moment, the free alkali having eaten an impression of
the cake into the bright colors.
A more careful examination will show small "pin holes" here
and there where the alkali has cut through the surface to soak into
and gradually weaken the whole floor covering.
This is what cheap soaps do. Use Ivory Soap, it will not injure.
conrmaHT in iv tni mootm ft oamiii CO. Cincinnati
EdacatoYour IloweU Willi G'utcareU.
cure cnnatltiAtlon fAr.
Candy Catbartle. cui
c,. UaO.O,UII,dract1surfw4
"Better Known Thin Trusted."
This is a pieco of condensed wisdom
thai might have saved many n man
from business failuro and many more
from failuro in tho work of regaining
health. When you want ti medicine to
purify your blood, givo you appetite
and strength and put you on the roa I
to permnnent good henlth, romember
that Hood's Sarsaparilla is known. It
has stood tho tost of time and trial and
proved its power over disease. Other
medicines may givo temporary relief,
but Hood's Sarsaparilla permanently
cures. Others may altogether fail to
do you any good; Hood's Sarsaparilla
never disappoints. Others nro un
known outside the neighborhood where
they aro prepared; Hood's Sarsaparilla
is America's Greatest Medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is known by its
wonderful cures and Its enormous sales;
by tho honest, straightforward and
original mnnnor in which it is adver
tised, nnd by tho abiding conlidence it
has won in tho hearts of the people.
Do not trust to uncertain results. Take
Hood's Sarsaparilla and ho sure.
What Do the Children Drink.
Don't givo them tea "' coffee. Have
you tried tho now food drink called
Graiu-O. It is dolicious and nourish
ing and takes tho placo of coffee. The
more GrainO you givo tho children
tho more health you distribute tnrough
their systems. Graiii-0 is made of
pure grains, and when properly pre
pared tastes like tho choice grades of
coffee but costs about one-fourth as
much, All grocers sell it. 15c nnd 25c,
Examination Notice.
Regular examinations forepersons
desiring to teach in Webster county
are hold in the superintendent's olllce
nt Red Cloud, tho third Saturday in
each month,
Kva J. Cask, County Supt.
Mrs. Geo. Crow is on the sick list this
Wm. Crnry is not as well ns last
Little Mat Dean Is vorv sick with
typhoid fever.
Robert Garrison has moved into his
now houso in town.
E K. Burr brought in a lino lot of
cattle to feed on tho Chris Kon.auk
Dr. Henderson, tho Superior dentist,
is in town this weok nt tho Guido Rock
K.O. Parker is moving his olllce
room up to his houso and making hall
room extend out to the street.
Monro's building is being painted
this week, which improves the looks
of the east side of tho street very
Alva Stickley has bought a houso of
A. Dillon north of town, and is moving
it on Wm. Sawyer's lot In tho westparf
of town.
Frank Cooper shipped n carload of
young cattlo to Oborllu, Kansas to put
on his farm there. Mr. Cooper wont
with them.
County Clerk and nominee for re
election J. P. Halo, Treasurer Robin
son, District Clerk Burden and J. May,
candidate for county judge were in
town Tuesday.
Services oach Lord's Day as follows:
Morning sorvlce at 10:110. Subject
2 Timothy, 2:15.
Bible school, 12m.
Junior Christian Kndonvor 1) p.m.
Soclor Christian Kndonvor meets
nt 7 p.m.
Evening service at ?!!)0. Subject,
,'A Sinner's Politeness."
Afternoon sermon in M. E. church at
A cordial invitation is extended to
L. A.;ilii8SON(i. Pastor.
Three Doctors In Consultation.
(From Benjamin Kranklln.)
"When you aro sick what you liko
best is to be chosen for a medicine in
tho first place; what exporionce tolls
you is best to be chosen in the second
place; what reason (I. e. theory) says is
best to be choson in the last place, but
if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Ex
perience and Dr. Roasou to hold a con
sultation together, they will give you
the best advice that can be taken."
Whonyou have bad cold Dr. In
clination would recommend Chamber
lains C )ugh remedy because it is pleas
nut and safe to take. Dr. Experience
wouiu recommend u oecnuse it never
fails lo effect a speedy and permanent
euro. Dr. Reason would recommend
it because it is propared on scientific
principles, nnd acts on nature's plan in
relieving the lungs, opening the secre
tions anil restoring tho system to a nnt
oral and healthy condition. For sale
by H. K. Grico.
To Cur Conitipatlob Forafcr.
I Takocaacattu Candy Cathartic. Ma or Me.
H W. V. V. MU m , oragcwM lMM
Services next Sunday as follows:
Sunday School nt 11:110 a.m. Con
ducted by D. B. Spntiogltr.
junior lioaguo nt 4 p.m.
Senior League at 7 p.m.
Prnyer mooting on Wednesday even
ing nt 8.
Ladies Aid Society Friday uftertioou.
All nro most cordially invited to at
tend. Jamks Mauk DAunr, Pastor.
Services uoxtSuudny us follows.
Morning soriuon at 10:80. Subject,,
"Tho Modern Samson."
Sunday School at 11:45
Young People's Union
p.m. Topic, "Giving, A
Love," Miss Susie Keuudy, leader.
Evening services at 7:'J0, Subject,
"Two Preachers."
Regular weekly prayer meeting on
Wednesday ovoning nt 8 o'clock.
All cordially invited. Seats free.
Isaac W. Edson, Pastor-
W. F. West,
meets at 7.
Measure of
Regular services next, cjutnlay as fol
lows: Morning service at 10,UO.
Sunday School at 11:45.
Services at Indian Crook at U:Ut.
Young People's Society of Chriitian
Endeuvorat Oi.'IOpm.
Evening service at 7:30.
Prnyer and praise meeting Wednes
day ovoning at 8,
All cordially invited to attend those,
Fuank W. Dkan, Pastor.
To Cure a Cold in One Day,
Take Laxative Broiim Quinine Tab
lets. All (llii(rtinls rnfiiml nwiiwur if it
fails to euro, 20c. Tho senuino hm
L. If. Q. us etch tablet.