8 THE RED CLOUD CIIIEF, FRIDAY, OCT. 13, 1899. Ex - Treasurer Slate of Maine J&t tZ-' 'U A '& ' "Three vears apo I was all run down, weak, exhausted; had indigestion, constipation, and ' my system was debilitated in genera!. Physicians did not help me and I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine. Now, I am as well as ever. ohai. a. white, Ix.Trsss, Stat or Maine, Qardlntr, Me. " DR. MILES" Restorative Nervine U told by all drugglsta on guarantee, first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart and nervei tent free. Br. Mil. Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. P. F, COBLB, INSURANCE OFFICE IN MOON BLOCK. luurance written on city and (arm . property at lowest rates. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Swfcoa O, $ M. R. R. ttnptay, 4 V. S. Pcatltn Surgttm. ity aid country calls promptly fin awered day or night. rriOROYKRLiNDBRT'a Meat Market NldtlT CALLS AT OFFICB. Dr. E. A. Creighton, HBorary Uraduate & Silver Medalist Wei ten University, Canada. alls Answered Day and Night. Orrrca Ovm Ceos's rammer. J. 8. MIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IF YOU 'itlHt If. bm I Bridge Work er Teeth Without PUtea. PORCELAIN INLAY And alt the latest improreraent la dental mscn. "nlsrj, I. B. GOLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Look lloz 2.1. Onlilo Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold nnd exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TBItMS RKA80NAULE OVERMAN BLACKLEEQB KTTORNBYS - HT - UTSSflt. Oliicc rcr Poit Ottlci. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. R. D. BEDFORD. Itwanee - flgeney. REPRESENTING, JKtna Fire Insurncco Company, Hartford, Conn. National biro Iusurnnco Co., Hartford, Conn, Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Cnn, Queen Fire Ins. Co,, of America, Now York, N. Y. Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Manchester, England, Mnrwloh Union Fire Ins. Society, Norwich, England. Employers' Liability Assurano Corpor ation, limited, (nccidont) Loudon, England. All Standard Companies. Yodk Patronaoe Solicited. Lands and Collections. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. MawVI!nB3aVWlilM9lifaRl rs-" WML1 ttivKBtS'jtt mwi n i: j' WW w ft 7 '9 BeasnATlrrosw Tastes Oosd. Useg nzb ail list rata. aB Commissioners Proceedings. Tim county board of com.iiisfllonr'rs met in tegular ritisnioii October V, with nil members nnil the county clerk pif u nt. (Jen, Vnu Wooil appeared la full- 'lie hoard mid requested hoard to funiinh now blntln for load frailer for (itildo ltock precinct. Matter referred to J. Vntico. Moved nnil carried Hint the tioa.Miier ih sittllioi i.ott to hull lots lit aiul20 in block 21, Smith & Moore's nililitlon to Huil Cloud nl privnto snlo for 810,00. J. S. (Jllliaiii, attorney for Jno. Sor lensen mndo n piopoiltinu to board to dcid tho light of way for u road be tween MctioiiH ill nctl 0'.' II 12, Cutlicr ton, which iviih upon motion rejected, ilmomo Vuiieii was insttueted to btillil two bihlgett tint ween sections i!7 und !1 1, und 2(1 nnil 3J-2-9. W. .). Viinee niado com pliilnl ngnlnst olo'lng creek between section flfi in In iivnln mid section 2 in Wnlritu creek Picclnct. Mutter i of pit d to Win, lions. K. U. Uvcrmmi appeared before the bum il und naked for 111010 tlmu in tak ing up tlin roml cuseof Webster county vs Hurry McCormnl. Ucmiost granted nnd mutter laid over until next meet lug of the county board. lloard adjourned to meet at 0 a.m. October 4th. Honrd met October 4th pursuant to udjournmont with nil members present. Committeo appointed nt Inst meeting to report on petition of W. II. HufTmnn nnd others regarding the building of nn iron bridge across the Little lliuo, reported recommonding that tho old brldgo bo repaired and that tho petition bo granted ns prayed for us soon ns funds will wnrrant. Report approved. County clerk was instructed to draw county wnrrant for 154.00 to road (lis trie'. No. 87 from county general road (und. Fotitlon of Tbos. Rodon to open road between sections 5 and 0-2-12, also commencing at tho southeast cornor of section 0-2-12 roforrcd to Wm. Irons and E. B. Smith. I. W.Edson presented warranty doed to Webstor county for land for rad for which county agrees to pay 135. Clerk was instructed to draw warrant for tbat amount and record deed. Wm. A. May was authorized to do tho grading up to brldgo in Potsdam precinct, at corners of sections 8, 0, 10 and 17. 1'otition to tho voters of Webster county to submit to a voto of said county at the next gonernl election to bo hold therein, tho revocation of tho law now In forco in said county for tho granting of bounties for Jtho destruc tion of wild animals, was presented and granted ns prayed for. Reports of Eva J. Case, county sup orlntondent; J. P. Halo, county clerk; Jas. Burden, clerk of district coutt and E. W. Copelon, suporintendont poor farm, wore examined nnd approved. Moved and carriod that when John Soronsen signed his right of way for road between sections 81 and 82-8-12 tho county clerk bo authorized to pay him county warrant for W0; also to do liver to him county warrant for 140 now in his ofllce, in consideration of tho right of way of said premises. Tho following claims woro allowed and warrants ordored drawn for samo on tho several funds. ailforj drain Co.. lumber... J01 Tsr)9rj trlc!go work.. J II Watson, ,. Ietcr Nelson John Coon NP Campbell C V Coou Dirk Lay W 1) (intlirlo ThosUurdon JJ 11 Vance Jacob H rem : -. a a) IBM 01 0 e 00 0 00 4 00 II 2J ... S3 80 12 00 ... 2 BO 2 00 ?., - lU N K Harvey 81 May. Cliai Dradshav. T K Jones John Copley M 8 Martin ;u:n-iTTf -ttt.M. 24 Ml 100 3 00 13 00 an no 7 CO 3 75 2 25 JUO 300 11 O llrown John Wllsoll Oeo VanWocrt H II Shirley Wm Iioiih, lumber, 10 CO Wm Irons, lumber- - :io as I'lnlt A Frec Co.. lumber 3X3 la loi)o t MCCUrcn. plow for roiul 10 B0 .1 li nines, rond work ig 25 Wm Kuclm BOO A l'lereo M S Miirtln 11 .1 Miiurcr, MlkeStroble KKllublo 300 0B0 a&o B tO 300 t 39 3(0 10 M 60 300 3 73 Wanl A Klncald M Hlilrie CJ'. cCoy Kern Mci I J iw::"" Wm lluffman Clsreuco McCoy J P EKtbiRton W It UosencrauH W 11 Hoscncrans 3 00 4 uu 200 C KuchU 400 200 into 760 t 00 11 IB 24 ID as 00 Ailtccd Allrady (Iso Itoso . A II WIkrIus - .... J h Miner .................... T C DlckCoson, road scraer and labor... 1 W Kdson. land for rond . nrcciihalKh & llenton, hardware W A Malors. haulliiR lumber. 20 ro V A Kuciin, surveying 37 30 M II. mdsc for poor 10 SO O 1) Robinson, cash advanced sherllTon liimne case .. 67 01 Jan lturdetl. fees lnsnno caio i J 1, awimon . ;i no I W Tii'Ibm h m Clias McCoy, IiauIIur lumber 4 00 Anna scou, caro poor sai. nuoweii K W Copclcn, snlHry third quarter I W Crary. mdse for poor . 10 m no 21 a so 17 00 2B 15 00 Cowdeu Kulcv Co, mdso for ioor.............. K A urciKiuoii, incuicai herviccR poor , . labor on poor rarm Otto llrlngleson, clotlilng for poor ...... it 60 300 y 00 200 20 900 :eo U(K) HBO Y II liuunji, vuttiu ii 'uur..tu ,. w Frank Cowdcn, feci coroners Jury. .. .,..-.. Anl1.. fn. ..HAS u i. viroai, .... J Vest. JnoTomllnsou, ........ WL McMillan O K Hobltikon 11 0 Laird, witness Nolson cnto ., J no O Hose, wltuees Melnon case 1 20 J no 15 itesier, taxes umior protsst............. 0 B0 Hchool Dlst No 8. Kranklln county- 0 00 Ward A Towel, lumber... V)0) Wm Ireus, commissioner ........, Win A May, , 20 60 :7(tt K 11 muu, .............. Jiromo Vanco, SO 30 IM40 MM 5 &0 H 10 A 11 iiiinman, juror ana mileage.... Y K I'ayno HiMirecn J It Wlsecarver 040 10 30 O U Stout Oeo Heaton J R Ulrd A l'lcroh UJenseu (1 11 Hauls 8 L While A N Godwin ' Jos Geuereux It Qrcenbalgh J S Largcnt II K Csr.on W A Mitchell W 1 Kenady W 11 Cramer 0 10 It 00 8 40 40 10 SO 030 0 ao 10 CO 0 20 u:) H0 8 10 8 10 SMI 10 0) 0 40 Chas hiHjnce J E Iltitler W II Rosencraus II. Dates (I K Mountford Koontx & Mcintosh, threshing poor farm K W McKenzle, supplies for poor....... . J S Ilyer.conl for county Ward A Co, siippllos . ... a It Cliauey. askUtlng county attorney In SHn 40 1 :1 caso of NoUon.,. ..... - ... 10 J I' Hale, tax list nnd clerk of board. 400 Jns Burden, postage etc...... .. . . 17 IiiterstatoFuir Association . ;ue J W McClarcu, attendtug court-.....- a Constipation IlcndneliP, blllniiHiH-si, heartburn, Indl Kcstlon, tin J nil liver Ills lire cured by Hood's Pills Sold by nil druggists. 25 cents. High School, Nn. 2. tillllon ... ta A A llnrillrk, deputy 'hcrlirs fees 25 M Plato Journal Co. supplies TH 00 (imnlin Printing C supplies 1,1 on H II Klrcr, carpenter work 17 6.1 J I' Ilnle. cxprvtx, stflinp. clc ...... 20 IH 1) .1 Myers, olllco rent county Judge... . so m I. IJTiilt. priming hits Wanl A Co, printing- h Oil Kvn .1 Cnse. uxiciiru Kl M 1 I) Welli. Mierlirs rf h i7 -tH W LMcMIHun. prliitlng 0:130 WHAsnliy rlmliiK ;i v Slnlc Joiirnnl (o, supplle ',"08 10 Helionl Dlst, No. 71, liilllon 17 no J II Walsh. supplies W) M .1 W Wnrrcn, coroner's tecs. 'j n.1 llK.MIzcr lmUo for county 11 A II Khiiiicv, supplies H ti7 H West. Justleo fees :w ft) A II WikkIiih, roml incrsccr .ID Ol BUI of Wind & Towel for $200.00 for lumber wns rejuuted. Claim of W. N. RichuriUon for $05 60 wns laid over. Board adjourned to meet Novonibor 14th, 1800. Three Dcctort in Consultation. (Prom llenjamln Franklin,) "When you are sick what you llko beet is to bo chosen for a medicine in the first place; what exporionco tells you Is best to bo chosen in tho second place; what reason (i. 0. theory) soys is oost to be chosen in tbo last place, but if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Ex perience and Dr. Reason to hold 11 con sultation together, they will give you the best advice that can be tnkon." Whon you havea bid oold Dr. In clination wauld recommend Chamber lains Otugh remedy because it is pleas ant and safe to take. Dr. Experience would recommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and permanent euro. Dr. Roason would recommend it becauso it is prepared on scientific principles, and acts on nature's plan in relieving the lungs, oponing the secre tions and restoring tho system to a nat ural and healthy condition. For sale by H. E. Grice. How's This. We offer one hundred dollars roward for any enso of catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for tho past flftoen years and beliovo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions nnd finauci! ly able to carry out auy obligations made by tho lirtu. West & Truax, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, noting directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Test! moninls sent freo. Price 75c por bot tle Sold by all druggists. Hall's family Pills aro tho best. Good Ntrwi for Our Readers Who have scrofula taints in their blood and who has not. Scrofula in all its forms is cured by Hood's Sarsnparilla which thoroughly purities tbo blncJ. This discaso, which 11-equontly appoars In children, is greatly to bo dreaded. It is most likely to affect the glands of neck, which become enlarged, erup tions appear on tho head uiid fuco, ni'd tho oyes aro frcquoutly affected. "Upon its first npponrnnco. perhaps in slight eruptions or pimples, scrofula should bo siiiiroly oradlcatod from tho system by a thorough courso 01 uooirs snr saparillu to prevent all tho painful and sickening consequences of running scrofula sores which drain tin systom, sap tho strength and make oxtstonco utterly wretched. Try Graln-Ol Try Grain-OI Ask your grocer today to show you a nnnknirii of Gialn-O. tho new food drink that takes the placu of coffee. Tho children may drink it without in jury as well U8 the adult. All who try t. llko it. Gralii-0 Ins that rich seal brown of Mocha or Javn, but it is mndo from pure grains, nnd the most delicate stomach receives it without distross. One-fourth the price of coffee. 15o nnd 25c per package. Sold by all grocers. What Do the Children Drink. Pon'l J.". t'nem tea or ootfoc, Hayo vf.i, ii.i..n .i.n nnw food dvlnk onlleu Grain-O. It is delicious and nourish ing and takes tho place of coffee. The moro urain-u yoH gtvo ino caimmu the more health you distributo tnrough their tstems. Gralu-0 Is rondo of purournfns, ad when properly pro parco tastes lika tho choice grades of coffee but coris about one-fourth ns much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c. ,1 1 . To Curt a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tab- lots. All druggists rofttnu money If it fails to cure. 25c; Tho geuulno bna L. B. Q. on each tablet. -' ' .3e Examination Notice, Roeulnr examluaUons for persons desiring to teach in Webster county nro hold In tho superintendent's olllco at Ited Cloud, tho third Saturday in each month. Eva J . Case, County Supt. Deaaty Is lllood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by atirrino! tin the lazy liver and driving all tm- Cascarets. beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 85c, 50c. m e To Car Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10a orKo. If a C. a fall to cure, or irugglsu refund money. Mica lightens the load 'Axle hortens 000 9 t) Grease tho road. lU 1& 'Jft 4 00 helps the team. Saves wear and CO 01 tit expense, boia every wlicre. MAUK UT STANDARD OIL OO. 10 00 CHURCH SERVICES. CHItlSTIAN OIlUItCH. Services cncli Lord's Day as Morning service nt 10:30. "Henrts mid Houses." Bible school. 12m. follows: Subject Junior Christian Endeavors p.m. Sudor Christian Endeavor mc meets nt 7 p.m. Evening service nt 7180. A cordial invitntion is extended to all. h. A.JilussoNa, Pastor. METHODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Sunday School at ll;iJ0 a.m. Con ducted by D. B. Spuuogh . .junior league at 1 p.m. Senior Leaguo nt 7 p.m. Piayer meeting on Wednesday even iiigulB. Ladles Aid Society Friday afternoon. All are most cordially invited to at tend. James Mark Da it 11 y, Pastor. UA1TIST CHURCH. Services next Sunday as follows. Sunday School at 11 :45 W. F. West, superintendent. Young People's Union meets nt 7. Regular weekly prayer meeting ou Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All cordially invited. Scats free. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. CONOREOATIONAL. Regular services next Sunday as fol lows: Morning service nt 10.80 Sunday School nt 11:45. Young People's Society of Christion Endeavor at 0:80 p m. JEvonlng sorvlco at 7:80. Prayer and pralso mooting Wednes day ovonlng at 8. All cordially invited to attend these services. Frank W. Dean, Pastor. Relief in Six Houn. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases re lieved In six hour by "New Great South Amerl can Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on ac count of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back, In male or female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If yon want quick relief and cure thle la the remedy. Sold by C. L. ColUng, druggist, Red ClOttd, Neb. e i $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Antl Dieuretic. May be worth to you more than 1100 If you have a child who soils bedding from Incontin ence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at onee. It. Sold by C. L. Cottlng, druggist, Red cloud, Neb. rtdurato Vour Itowels With CuscareU. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forcvor. 10c, 2So. It C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money Th I IIIV S IkmiiiiilAl uiuyyidi Knows II is the Best. "After having a mishap, I suffered with pain in my left side and a lingering cough which grew worse and worse," writes Mrs. Cora Hrooks, of Martin, Pranklin County, Georgia. " Last spring I got past doing anything and my husband went to the drug store nnd called for Wine of C , and the mer chant recommended Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription, so he bought one bottle, I began to take it ns directed in the pamphlet wrapped around the bottle. The nook 6aid if the disease was compli cated with cough to take Dr. Pierct'.'S Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pavo. lte X'rescnption alternately, -;lul jjr Pierce's Pleasant PeUels, ou Hslng every morning. Mr, Brcd-a wcnt bnck t0 thc drutJ stow -a got the 'Golden Medical UlMAJVCiy, Hill I kUVfft .I ua ....wwu. The cough left me nt once and I began to get better so rapidly my husband was astonished at my improvement. I am now able to work on the farm and also do the washing for two familes." BAD BLOOD "CAICAKE'ri do alt cUI'med. for them and are ntrulr wonderful medicine. I bare ollsn wlibeil for a tnedlolne pleasant to take ana at last hive found It In Casoarets. Since taking tn.m. my iir...V.. !, ..iirlllart anil nir pomnleilon till lm- prored nonderftllr and If eel inuch better In etarr waj. aiiia. DAbu m. ow.m., .... . V CANDY r m. m cathartic ruaoi S4aa Pleasant. Palatable. Pount, TasU aood. po Good7NeTerBlcen. Weassn.or Orlpe.10c.S6c.We. : CURE OONTlrATIOH. .1. Iltritot Mtmttf QW. CSks. llwU!. st. MO-TO-MO .T.'aliViia PehhV?Qyal pills WA&kV&. r. lw nliBiM. 5?M .iTiuK-M.iu-Jf Tlui biw: rlbboa. rr ItesriftooiiTj!!.;-!, tal.l" "Olkh uUayaift ttlwena I'lllLAUA.. I'A- ITS ftTOPPEO FREE ' PtKmaMfltlyCirti sasMltrPieisatsibf M. KUM' UAr IERVE RESTORER Hfmi iU st. riw ""," ts nt dj' m. TrilnJ 88 trial bottle ,TMtltTtnrtSrUjr putu, rut, wtw' llnlUj'aM. Iretllj .lis an UrTkUl "VkV. iMfltnl. Hot O'. kUa. LU, BHten m. fta Ml Mlkiu. ftL B IV carHoif IbhIIt'- lltAblnawSflS Arch St.. fhlUtlySI. I-. WZ grjhlW iff am LLVtflF-eZ3H r Tvisp JLj i i A SMALL MAY BECANCER. MOST VIOLENT OASES HAVE JiCsSas snnr.inrn -.. -,.. . showHnodisiwsltlou to heal undor ordin- APPFAiiPn flT P HT A nrv treatment No one canU-ll bow soon thcfo Ml I L.HIIL.U HI I f 110 I HO will develop Into Cancer of tho worst type. aarnr nimni m a0 '"'"'y lwplo dio from Cancer simply bo- MERF P mPI FS ?,auso l,m '.'." "ot Ii,lovl' Jll8t w,,it tho dlsenso is; MIUIIU I lllll LLOi they naturally turn tlKnisclvcu over to tho doctors, ,, ., . . . nnd im forced to submit to u cruel and dangerous operation-tlio only treatment which tho doctors know for Cancer. Tho disease jiromptly returns, however, nnd h oven moro violent and destructive than Iieforo. Cancer is n deadly ooison (11 llm blood, nnd nn oieratlon, plaster, or other external trwituient can liayo no effect whatever upon it. Tho euro must comoftom withiu-tho last vcstlgoof poison must be eradicated. im arJflHQSH ysjlMV' V IH 'HHSX. n.n !.. im.1. 8. 3. 8. FOR THE BLOOD becauso it Is the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of the disease and force it put of the system permanently. A surgical operation doee not reach the blood-tho real seat of tho disease-became the blood can. noi awaV' ,In,8t upon 8. 8. 8.; nothing can take iU place. bi ? 2 i0UrM Ji!80 "t CM of Scrofula, Ecrema, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Ulcers, Sores, or any oilier form of blood disease. Valuable boouon Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed free to any address by wift Speciflo Company, Atlnnta, Georgia. r i Too Late "To put a lock en the stall when the horse is gone." That is true in more ways than one. The season of new mown hay is here and you will soon be feeding your horses new oats, sheaf oats and oreen corn. In other words the colic season is about here. You can save your faithful animals hours of !agony nnd yourself iinunciai loss and the trouble and expense of going miles in the night for a "horse doctor" by kooping on band a bottloot Siotizac: Oollc M:Lx:tvi:r3, Put up three doses in a drenching bottle sor 11.00. Cures the varietis forms of colic, inflammation of the bowels, stoppage of urino, eto, in cattlo and horses. One dose Sires instant relief. Ask your druggist for it. If be nsn't got it and won't get it for you write us at once. Yeu should also have JSioiix Digestive Food on hand for your "A stitch in time i SIOUX REMEDY CO., VwvwWtrvi virvi JAMBS PETERSON, DEALER IN NBWTON and SMITH IT'onrm. Wagons. ALSO A FULL LINE OF BUGGIES and fiEjiFSTEii toflD-lBIMiS. LATT & FREES CO., Ghieago kumbef Yafd, RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, The Coal Period IS NOW HERE. XryjrX Purchase now, boforo the price goes up BLACK DIAMONDS nro at rock bottom, and will not go lower this wear. In time of boat prepare for cold. Thero Is glittering goodness in our coal. Clean, slow burning, grent heat giving, makes but little nsnes; tucacioro pleaseo tidy pooplo. Full lino of Flour nnd Feed on hand. W. B. ROBY, No. 1 Third Av. I'iionk No. 51. PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM , Cleuuri ml. Irftoltfici tha btlr. l'rouoU a luiuiuni giovui, Kover Falta to Iltatore Qray Curw KalP diMK Bilr I uair to 11a xoumiui uuior. Youth SScaaSSIJUM UoaaMS -sJ ;VTf ypf III! -T 1 1 Jl " a .aBTMtssaB WMStEEM&S - " L sW?l SBBBBBBBsVSX S ,11?!r',Vn1.' Wnlpolo, of Wnlshtown, S. D., says: "A little blotch about tho slzo of n pea camo under my left oyo. gradually growing lnrgor, from which shooting pains at Intervals rnn in all directions. I became greatly alarmed and consulted n good doctor, who pronounced ft Canoer, ouu UUV1M.-U nun, it do cui out, nut tins 1 couia not con sent to. I rend in my local paper of a euro effected by 8. S. S., and decided to try it. It noted llko a charm, the Cancor becominc nt first irritated, nnd then discharo-lnr oijr iickij. iin Krauuiuiy grow less ana tnen discon tinued altogether, lonving a small scab which soon drop ped off. and now only a healthy little scar remains where what threatened to destroy my life once held full sway" Positively tho only euro for Cancor is Swift's Speciflo i..n :. ... .. " " stock and youltry nnd ward off diseases. saves nine." SIOUX CITY. IOWA. NEiltUSKA. Coal andCement. OAfir I SAMPLE ROOMS, JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. II rests with yoawkotlior yoa eontlna tb- airrviiuiDK to Dacca aaoii. n v-a w -It A nngiH na aeaira ior WDaeco. wi eat norvoui diitrast, eipola aleo inrTouidlitrM, itn is, pariflt tht blood, i ores lost manhood., akrs tou trongaSJ' UHi makes tou strong tor inneaiin.narraVi anupocsstv, book. 1 O-HAO'roB vnuflhfa.it.Talm Itarllk ouuia 2-af fl aflaaaaaaP I2a9 rati IV MwMa1tTT' veAl flHa-MeboiM atavalfaSkl avaasrajaarurcd. Unf -. aaiBBiVLav- aum. wuaaj 'Viii mmKBi m a aaaaMrl1 own dniralit, w.nr SataaVaUl wlll.patlrntlr, ponliuntlr. on ,!, uioaiijcurail a Dozva.afssv, Tantaad to pma. n, wa rafiinn mAltr. SUrSa( aa,i) c, rMiart, irttl, Tori. EducatoYour liowela With Cascarrts. Cande Cathartic, cure constipation forerer. sm,im. nuo.o,fidi.iiiMUtarfitMi "S v m tmnmmwwnuwBlwwn'mun,'tm"m vqiW&'Mfiftttlhitt'1a)Hla1lIMatt.Ha OWJ2SiiJ!Xir,Pcr yt