8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, OCT. 6, 1899. Ex - Treasurer State of Main. V' yW i JRvlfijjr ' lis ' YJ Three years ago I was all run down, weak, exhausted; had indigestion, constipation, and my system was debilitated in general. Physicians did not help me and I began taking Dr. Miles' Nerviae. Now, I am as well as ever. ch. a. white, Bx-Treaa, Stat of Maine, Oardlner, Me. 77 DR. MILES' Restorative Nervine hi fold by all druggist! on guarantee, first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart and nervei tent free Or. Mite Msdlcal Company. Elkhart, Ino). r. F, COBLB, 0PPICK IN MOON BLOCK. Iasurance written on city nml farm property at lowcit rates. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Sargetm B. M. R, R. ompaoy, ami V. S. JVatien Surge, ity and country calls promptly tin snored day or night. OppiokovkhLindsky's Meat Market NIQHT CALLS AT OFF1CI). Dr. E. A. Creighton, Honorary Graduate & Silver Medalist Waiters University, Canada. alls Answkrkd Day and NionT. Orrrca Oram Cook's fsuaif act. - - J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IP TOU WANT IT. friwi I Bridge Work er Teeth With.. Plita POKCKLAIN INLAY And all la latest Improvement ta dental mtob aniita 1. 13. COLV1N, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Look lloz 83. Oulilo Hock, Neb. All kinds of propurty bought, sold rtud exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TIIUMS HKAS0NAM.R OVERMAN t& BLACKLEEQB KTTORNBYS - RT - LKJnZ. Ottlce orcr Post Ottlee. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. R. D. BEDFORD. Insurance flgeney. REPRESENTING, JEtnn Firo Iusurncco Company, Hartford, Conn, Nntioual biro Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. Connecticut Fire ins. Co., Hartford, Csnu, Queen Firo Ins. Co., of America, Now York, N. Y. f Mnr.alit"i Ll.. Im. O.v unuvuouiiu j.iiu iuqi u., Manchester, England. Norwich Union Firo Ins. Society, Norwich, England. Employers' Liability Assurano Corpor ation, limited, (accident) London, England. Alt. Standakd Companies. Youn Patkonaoe Solicited. Lands and Collections. ( lea water will chill th atoiuacli, but It H will make you feel warmer. I HIRES I ; Root beer I will cool toe blood and mske you rtiilly I cool. M tba drink for "arm .1. TMcmus.Hiassto..muii'i.'.'. f: M.MH.IUll.. t4uwl '"'. l vmt iwr-- r"" "' "'i 'J) ISsaaaBBSOasaws BaM aww .-hm TSSofflSiliFuT J totS: Bold Va'tfiiBrTaaiM STATE CREEK Mr. Njbeig sold n lino cow In Ed. Mouulfoid loi c;J5, 1'itd Wlttwer sold two llmi cow to A I Set l iit-r for or. LafoFllgcrnld nold hi bay trotting maro, Noll, to n Mr. Jones. Tim Arhtirklo fntm In section threo Iih.m burn Hold to Mr. Mtiynnrd. The SteiTen boys nro threshing ngnin In theno parts, with Win. Hynn ns n partner. (o. McMtirrny bought ninuty heiitl of cuttle to feed. Ho pnid M 05 per liniidied. The Oriole meetings conduced by Hev. Itobt. (inldsworth Imvo closed with tlitee additions. itfr. RusoticrntiB nnd dntightvr Mny and his uncle nnd daughter, nnd Win. Han ott and wlfeiittomled the Hastings sheet fair and report n good time. Wo nro having very cool weather nnd no rain on our creek. Homo nro not done fall plowing nnd sowing on account of the ground being so dry and hard. Jako Williams is married. Wo did not learn tho lady's nnmo ns sho lives off 9OID0 thirty or forty miles, but Join in extending congratulations nnd wish tho couplo success. Dan Fitzgorald of Kansas City is vis iting relatives and friends in this vicin ity. Ho is a brother of L. N. F. and n son of old Mrs. Provnlt. Ho is an old soldlorfrom tho old Hoosierstato of Indiana. Wm. Aubusbon, who has rented the W. H. Rosencrans farm for noxt year, has finished sowing forty acres of wheat nnd ten of rye on the Allen Car penter farm adjoining his. Ho is one of the most Industrious young men of this part. Success in 6plto of all ho could do under the gold standard administra tion. R. C. Wilson lived on his home stead nnd made but few improvements until Inst year when be built a fine res idence; this year a barn and a new wagon nnd has more slock then ovor. Others nearby who nro also opposed to gold have prospored wonderfully in tho past year. Ono man has built a 1700 bouse, bought another farm, and still has about the 8Ume amount of stock around him. I could mention several who stood in their own tight during tho last campaign nnd aro now getting ready to make extonsive improvements. One old man who is said to bavo con trolled six votes against gold has since paid off his mortgage and admitted that under Cleveland's administration he couldn't do that. You have to grin nnd boar it for you know it is true. Occasional. GUIDE ROCK. Moranville's iittlo boy is very c. f sick, A. A, Uusheo is down from Holdrogo this week. Wm. Crary is quite sick with inter mittont fover. Everything sold woll at Reddcn's nlo Wednesday. 0. A. Eilgorton will hnvu cnttlo fed hero this winter. N. C. Simpson will movo on tho Red don farm this woek. A brother of Mrs. Ed Amnck is hero on n visit this week. .Joseph Bolus of Harrison, Kansas, was in town Tuesday. Grandma Wood, Mrs. Ed. L. Hngnn's mother started for Iowa Monday. L. 0. Cone's biothcr started for his homo at Murray, Iown, Wednesday. A rackot store is moving into Moore's hall this week. Tho proprietors nro from Superior. E. O Parker nttended tho wedding of Miss Bailey and W. Waller nt Red Cloud last Sunday. 0. A. Edgerton of Hamburg, Iown, is bore Icoking after bis interests in this viciuity this week. H. Knley has purchased tho lot Join ing J. A. Sheeloy on the north. About forty lots sold this year. S. A. Redden and James Robinson started for Oregon Thursday whoro thoy will mnko their future homo. A representative of tho Nebraska Central Building and Loan Association was canvassing tho town this wook. A. Phillips, Goo. Aughlnbaugh and J.E.Jones have returned from their trip to Pennsylvania and report a good time, A brother-in-law of W. Lambert nnd A. Cnnipboll is hero looking forahouso to rent. Amidown. LINE. High winds from the north and dry. J. K. Fox is building n now barn which will bo 24X.10. Mr. nml Mrs. Tonnam of Garfield were the guests of H. H. HHskiiib lust Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Van Dyke Sun dayed with Mrs. J. C. Font, near Guide Ruck, Nebraska. Mr.-Portlock of New London, Iowa, was tho guest of Wm. VnnDiku this week and reports tho giapu and apple crop good. E. B, West of Lineville, Iowa will givo nn entertainment at Penny creek, Dist. m, October 11th at 8 p. in , also in (5 in Held at Dist. 85 ou Monday, Oc tober Oth, at 8 p in, Mr, Wcht is a blind man. Constipation Headache, biliousness, heartburn, Indi gestion, and nil liver Ills urc cured by Hood's Pill Sold by all druggists. '25 cents. INAVALE. Mm. II. G. Sawyer is enjoying a visit with her sister from tho cast. Threshing nnd potato digging scorns Just now to bu the order of tho dny. Rov. Hippotoo, tho now minister preached to n full hotiso Sunday nlghr. Chin. Hunter ir building a feed yard on his land west of the Laild;ieslncnre, Tho sale at Ilcibert Luce's last week was largely attended and prico's wore good. Rev. Illnckwell's wifo and daughter spout Friday with O. B. Harvey nnd family. Mr. Eddy of Custer county is visiting hero with his brother-in-law, J. M. Droomtlold. Potatoes are a big crop this year, yot they nro in great demand. 0. B. Harvey has nold nnd contracted ovor 400 bushels of as (ino potatoes as can bo grown in tho state Frank Kihcaid is also supplying tho public with the great product. Como everybody to tho Sunday school rally at tho church nextSunday. Mrs. McClaren will conduct a review of tho third quarter's lessons. A good program is being prepared and there will bo three services forenoon, after noon and ovening. Good songs, good timo, good peoplo, don't fail to attend. Last Sunday night O. B. Harvey's team became frightened at the ringing of the church boll and ran away, smashing up tho vohiclo to which they woro attached and leaving it in U. G. Knight's barn yard. Thoy then took tho road north nnd -vent around the squnro and were found Inter quiotly eating at tho hay stack at homo. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrvoy woro fortunately out of tho buggy when tho team started so no ono was hurt. How'. This. Wo offer ono hundred dollars reward for any caso of catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for the past fifteen years and boliove him perfectly honornblo in alt business transactions and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by the firm. West & Truax, Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kimnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testi moninls sent freo. Prico 75c per bot tle Sold by all druggists. Hall's family Pills nro tho best.. How to Prevent Crouo. Wo havo two children who aro sub ject to attacks of croup. Whouovor nn attack is coming on my wifo gives them Chamberlains Cough Remedy and it always prevents nn nttnek. It is a housoliold necessity in this county ami no matter what else wo run out of, it would not do to bo without chamber lains Cough Romedy. More of it is told hero than nil tho other cough med icines combined. J. M. Nickle, of Nlcklo Bros., niorchants, Nicklcvillo, Pn. For salo by H. E. Grice. Feeding Cattle for Sale. 1000 head of extra 2 yonr old Iowa steers. 1000 bond of Nebraska and Colorndo 2 and 3 year old steers. 1000 head of cows and yearling Btecrs nnd heifers. Terms cash or time. Surr.uioK Cattlk Co., Superior, Nobr. a Try Graln-Ol Try Graln-Ol Ask your grocer today to show you a pnekngo of Graln-O, tho now food drink that takes tho placo of coffoo. Tho children may drink it without iu iury as well as tho adult. All who try It, llko it. Grain-0 his that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is mado from pure grains, and tho moat delicate stomach receives it without distress. One-fourth tho prico of coffee. 15o nud 25c por package. Sold by nil grocers. Free Dewey Souvenir Spoon. Evory patriotic girl, who will sond us her nnmo nnd address with stamp, will receivo by return mail, freo an Admir al Dewey Souvenir Spoon, handsomely engraved and of exquisite design. F. A. Rekd & Co. Jewelry Dopt. 200 Hudson Streot, Now York City. Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persons desiring to teach lu Webster county aro held in tho superintendent's office nt Red Cloud, the third Saturday in each month. Eva J, Cask, Couuty Supt. Leu Than Half Rates to Omaha. For Modorn Woodman Day, October 12, nt Omnhn, tho Burlington Rotito of fers a into of 11,05 for the round trip to Omnhn. Tickets on salo October 11 nnd 13. Good to return uutil October 11th. To Care Constipation Forever. TnknCascnrets Candv Cathartic. lOoorflSo. ICC.C.C. fall to cure, druggUM refund money. EducatoYour rtowele YFllh Cuscareta. Cnndy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. Ic,a6e. If a C.O. fall, drugglsu refund soy. Musicale. Following is tho program of tho mu sicale to bo given by Miss Joslo Igou's pupils nt tho Christian church on Oc tober 14th, 1800, assisted by Miss Lil lian Smith; Mrs. Bnum, vocallu. I'AttT I. Polo aalop... ...........Wnkgrtovo MIm Ethel Hoimcr, Atlas Uonnto Emlgb. Lovo In May...... ........ ......Ostcn Miss Nelllo Wnrrcn. Adclo ... ..... .....KIcclhorst MIssEv Mitchell. Vocal Duct, "Night of Joy" ...Macy Mlis Smith, Mrs. Hntim. "Awakening of tho Lion" DoKouUkt Miss Scott. Vocnl Solo, "United" -Wnmcllck Miss Smith. "An Ilcvotr" . Llchncr VomCrablll. Duct, Valsu Impromptu ..Ilaclimnn Miss Coding, Mlisllosmcr. PAKT II. , Duct, "Merry Wives of Windsor" .....Mclnotto Miss Scott, Miss Cotting. CD "Faun" Loybach Miss Ilosmcr. "Holy Gato".. . liarrctt Mrs. Ilaum. "Witch's Dance" .... FaglnauIe Mln Cotting. Duet, "American Qlri'a March". Kunklo Vera Crablll, Jennie Cotting. "Khapsodlo Ilongrolso No. 8" .................LIsit Miss Scott. "Hasscwcla'V. .. .... Splndler Miss Scott. Mrs. Ilosmcr. Admission, 25c. Three Doctors in Consultation. (From Benjamin Franklin.) "When you nro sick what you liko best is to bo chosen for a medicine in the first place; what exporienco tolls you is best to be chosen in tho second place; what reason (i. e. theory) says is best to be choson in tho last place, but if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Ex perience and Dr. Reason to hold a con sultation together, they will givo you the best advico that can be taken." When yon have a bad cold Dr. In clination would recommend Chamber lains Oiugh remedy because it is pleas ant and safo to take Dr. Experience would recommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and permanent euro. Dr. Roason would recommend it becnuse it is prepared on scientific principles, and acts on nature's pinn in relieving tho lungs, opening tho secre tions and restoring tho system ton nat ural nnd healthy condition. For sale by H. E. Grico. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has L. B. Q. ob each tablet. Besttstr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Caacarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities irom tnc Doay. uegin to-aay to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 100,230,600. Relief in Six Hour. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases re lieved in six hours by "New Great South Amerl can Kldiicr Cure." It Is a ureal surprise on ac count of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In bladder, kldneyr and back. In male or female. Itelleves retention of water almost Immediately. If you ant qulok relief nnd euro this Is the remedy, bold by O. L. Cotting, druggist, lied Cloud, Stb. ---- $i00. Dr. E. Detchon's Anti Dieuretlc. May be worth to you moro than 1100 If you l.w.u MilM ulinanlln tipililln? from IllCOIltCIl- .ii... nt wuipr ilnrlnir aleon. Cures old and youiiR Hllkr. It nrrcBtn the tronblo at once. SI. Sold by O. L. Cotting, druggist. Ited Cloud, Neb. iCilurnto Your llowol With CaseiirrtH. Candy Cnthiirttc, euro constipation former. 10c, SSo. If CO. C ftill, druggists refund money THE SECRETS of easy and al most painless childbirth are all told in a handsomely il lustrated book entitled "Bo- foro Baby is Born," a copy of which will bo sent free on re quest to every expectant mo ther. The book also tells about that truly great linlmont known aa MOTHER'S FRIEND which modifies all the distress, pain and danger of the period of pregnancy and insures rapid recovery. Draaglets sell Mother's Mead for M bottle. TJB BSASnXLS MGULAT04CO., Atlaata,Oa. Preserves ft ,-frults, lollies, pickles or eauup are m CSS more raatly, more quickly, mora 3? k..llhrll MxmaA wlfh llAtlllfvl I1CSI..... "-.-- V "- -"".--- earamne wax man oy nj nm method. Dotensofotberiuwewlllbe found foros-j nciincu Paraffini Wax In every household. It la clean, Uatelem and odorless air, water and acid proof. Oct a pound cake of tt with n Hit of Its many usee from your drunUtor grocer, bold everywhere. Made by STANDAKD Oil. CO. Uresis with yon whether yon eontlnne tby. n.rva-siiuns;toa-onmuii.iiv.v' rtnoTM ma ae.ira mr iou.ccu. "224 oat nervous distress, ipelsnlcoi tins, parloes tbs blood, i loss manhood. boies ton uroor sold. 400, 000 In health, asrr and poeket- MO-TM-HAO from c.iipur.d Uav nooa. vonr own druvo-lit. wbr 1I1 wnuh fnpna. T&k. It With 111. n.t Irnt t. D.rsl.tentlr. On box.), usually cureei S boxes, St M, .r&nted Id our., or wa refund moneT, I Iwt;U, eases awtresl, B lee. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OlessMf and besutirks the bale, lTDiuotu a lmuiUnl erovth. Never ralla to Uestore Oray uair to it. ivuiaiui vv,or- Cans tcslp dlwute ! heir fsUing. auc,ss4iw l)rmifas X lssssssf . jw StSflfePlSy rfl.vrfl.. Mi 1 Trnr wz m .b Slllllrv Mrni NEVER TOO OLD TO BE CURED. S, S. S. Is a Great Blessing to fllfl PflflfllO If RIUQC Thorn oldor people etui bo avoided. Most elderly UIU rtJUUlGi II UlfUO HlGlll peoplo nro very susceptible to illness, Hew Blood and Life. from which they sillier so generally. S. S, S. is tho remedy which will keep their flVhtems young, by purifying the blood, uiuruuKiiiy iumuvmjj mi wuhiu iiccuimiinuons, nii'i impart ing new strength and life to tho wbolo body. It increases tho nppotito, builds up tho energies, nnd sends new lifo. giving blood throughout tho entire system Mrs. Sarah Piko. 477 Broadway, Soutli Boston, writes : " I am seventy yeare old, nnd had not enjoyed good health for twenty years. I was sick in different ways, nnd im addition, had Eczema terribly on ono of my legs. The doctor said that on account of my age, I would never bo well again. I took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it oured ma completely, ana I am nappy to nay that I feel as well as I ever did in my life." Mr. J, W. Loving, of Colquitt, On., says: "For eight een years I Buffered tortures from a fiery eruption on my akin. I tried almost evory known remedy, hut thoy fallod ono by ono, and I was told that my age, which is sixty-six. was against me, and that I could never hopo to bo woll again. I finally took S. S. 8., and it cleansed my blood thoroughly, and now I am in perfect health." 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD la tho only remedy which can build up and strengthen eld people, beoauae it is the only one which is guaranteed xree irom potasn, mercury, arsenic ana oiner aamaging minerals. It is made from roots and herbs, and has no chemicals whatever in it. S. S 8. cures the worst coses of Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema. Rheumatism, Tetter, Open Sores, Chronic Ulcers, Bolls, or any other disease of tho blood. Books on these diseases will bo sent free by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. Sour Stomach "Ifhr wm ! to try OASOA MKTS. I wlU ntTir t without tntm In tha nous. air llTr wa in a Ttrr ba4 shape, and coy haad aebad and I bad stomach Ironbla. Mow, tinea tak Ina Cassarata, I raal Sua. My wlfa has also nstd Sham with btnsSela! rasalla for kit stomach." Jos, jtRiauxa, wiconfrass bi., 8.Louls,ilo. CANDY CATHARTIC TRAD! IAMM TXIWInmwM Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. De Good, NeTer Siekeo, Weaken, or Gripe, He, Ke.ese. ... CURI CONSTIPATION. ... SUrOn SaaiSy dim, CSUat. artml, Sa In, tit M.Tfl.Ufi Bold anda-aaranteed by all drag IUIAI giiuto ?!; Tobeoeo HetjUT Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. ITS TOPPED REt" PernaaefltlyCirsi satswrr rrsreane or R. KLINE'S MEAT ERVE RESTORER VJtlwA .A lban " - -- -" JHfM. ikllMM ttutenittrtw. TrtaUsaaadfS trial battle fn s nt p.umu, ta. fTU (m. .kuc. wlf U.llmui f llf.lklao.OTl ArehHl ,1 MU.IlpM.r. 50 YEARS' . EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Designs CopvniQHTS 4c. Anyone sending a aketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion freo wbethor an ' opinion xruu if uu DatentAblo. Cnmi tlonmtrKtlyconadentlal. Handbook on Patents inTeminn l. urunnuiT pnivituiuiu. inniiiuiiit-n sant free. Oldest agency for sccunnu patents, 1'jOnnts tukon tlirouab Jlunn Ckj. l'atnnta tukon tliroush Munn recelre Kxcial notice. wlthiutcaarKO, In tho Scientific flmcrkan. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest clr- f-iilmflnn nt .m anlnntlfln Innrn&l. Terms, 3 a Tesri four months. SL Bold brail newsdealers. MUNN Co." New York Uranch Offlco, Q2S F BU Washington. V.C. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain'a Eye und Skin Ointment is without nn equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued uso effects u permanent euro. It also cures itch, harbor's itch, scald head, soro nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic soro oyea and granulated lids. Dr. Cadj's Condition Powders tor horses are the best tonic, blood pnrifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby fcieiawvayv. PSBBBaassnBBSsaaaaaPBBwaBBssasBBBjpBBaw'BB I ssaV SsMBa uuM iil "ASM assl ftsBrsssV I H bW VSibb bsbbbI BBBBBS H H B Bassasl I 1 jajJ LW fgM ISJ Lw KeMsaj Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-; 'ent business conducted for Modcratc rtcs. OuaOrriccisOfPOBiTcU.s. PATtNTOrrict and we can secure patent tn leu umo tnan 101 .rainln frnm WA.hintrtnn. i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrtp-t Uon. We advise. K patenuble or not, free ofS charge, uur lee not aue tin patent is securcu. . ' a FaMPMHT. itow to uoiun niemi, win. cost of samo in the U. S. and foreiga countrlet, sent free. Address, C.A-SNOW&CO. Or i. patcnt Orricc. Washinuton. d. C. L L A. A A l!iinl,M Ago does not necessarily mean feebleness nnd ill health, nnd ncarlv all of tho sicknemt nmmur inn it is wiiony unnecessary, uy keep ing their blood piirn they can fortify themselves bo ns to escnpo threo fourths of tlio.nllineiita BBBBBBBsfl 1'4bBbH5 VbW TIMETABLE. n a, W B.Y BED CLOUD, NEBB. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO Bl. JOE KAN8A8 CITY 82. LOUIB and all points east and south, DENVEB HELENA BUT1E aALlLAREO'r POBTLAND SAT FRANCISCO and all pointi west. TIU1KB LIATC As rOLLOWs: No, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and St. Francis branches, Ox ford, McCook, Deaverand all points west............ 7:05 a.m No, H. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison. St. Louis. Lincoln via Wymore aud all points east and south 1:00 a.m. 16. Passenger, dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California 8:90 p.m. 16. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Ne. Mo. Kansas iniy. Atcnison, bi. Louis and all points east and south .10: a.m. Mo. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Hastings, Grand Is land. Black ifllis and all points in the northwest-. 1 :00 p.m. AccommodaUon, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate staUons, via He- fubllcan...... 12:30p.m. relght, dally, Wymore and St. Joe and Intermediate junction point-. IS MS p.mv Freight, dally for Republican Orleans, Oxford and all points So. 143. No. 64. No. 63. west 10:30a.m. No. 60. No. B73. Freight, dally except Sunday for wymore and all point east 7:00 a.a Freight dally to Oxford aud Intermediate points .... 1 :30 p.ni Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars, (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call ou or address A. Conover, Agent, Ited Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. SOUTH SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALKR IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ststoof Nebraska, I Webster County, f Iu tho matter ofctho jesurte of Luclmla Fourt, deceased. Notteo Is hereby gl.Tj to nil persons having. rlnlniH nnd domaud ngalnst Luclnda Fourt llamakco, auto of Iqwa, n Hied for llllne claims lute of tho county deceased. that tb r' nealnstsald cstati six monthN from tho V2d day of September All such persons aro required iu press their claims with tho vouchers to the Cfinty Judge of said county, at his ofllce therein, on or beforeltho Kd day of March, 1900, and all claims so filed will be heard beforo tho said ludgc on tho 23rd day of March, 190, at 10 o'clock :a.m. James IluiriTCounty Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. StatoofNcbraBka, I Webster County, f In the matter of th tie cstato of Ncls Sorgersou, Notice is liercDy civeir to an persons naving claims und demands gainst nt calnst Ncls Boreerson. t.tn nt Wenster counts deceased, that the time llxed forming claim agalnit said I'iatolBSlx months from the lit day of August, IBV9. All iih nnranna are rtsAilrcd to nresont their claims with tlio vouchers s) tho County Judge of said couuty, at his offl So therein, on or beforo the 1Z11I uay ot rcuruary, iwm. nnu mi uiiiiiiibhu iiicu will bo hoard beforo tho said Judge on tho !Sth day of February, 1900, at iu o'rlock a.m. James Durrr, County Jttdgo, Dated this 15th day of July. 1899. SSsft, OhUhMter'a KaaUsa DUumond Ilraaa. rENNYROYAL PILLS sj kCJTv tmsiaai aaa tmy smboibs. J ITVA ..., .wjb ,mMitmt .wi. vrofsi. i.r I.WCJM.IW. a-uouu mojBrvd ta lied sn4 (Ul b U1H. MUM Vim bluO nua. na.lhii. X.AU4 JamMfrGMM . (ton. asJ iaunii. AtPrvui".orraae. I. .umps for tiftrtleuui.. u.luaofiUU sss ' Keller fr radlm." (.1 IMir, c, rrlara ll.lt td-OvO Tc.timooi.lt. A4u . lsUssilnsesMs. fHILAJtA.. IA. ... Afk "is-ifkN iMslllsxUtF ftV Take 4T A. If t i . ' - 'JMr':- '1. Vr .- ..,. ksW - v - .....Mi.r- 'yyywrftwwig wrwjtr-r- rnf -f-i mSa.1 'j