The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 06, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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(Get lp I
i !
1 Get Up.'
That' wluit (up niekn uhrni
clocks say to you, and you must
l o deaf if you niu not awakcm-d
by t ho uolso 1 liny ituki Wo
have n Imtidy li.tlr follow we
call th' "dovl ir, ' if yon don't
rosp u(l to us lirst cull it i all'
again, nml Keeps uniting unti'
you nro on your foot. Just thu
thing for the nouiul sleeper nnil
onrly risor. Works early or
Into. Asleep or awake a timely,
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Urlug ua your Watch. Clock nml Jcwolry
work. Wo do (ho licit work.
Leave your orders
j wanting n nice hnir
with us when
dm in btnided.
Everything at cost nt Taylor's.
Hammock's at cost at Taylor's.
Leslie Graves was in Alma this wook.
Harness of all kinds at Fogol and
A. D. Hanney was down from lllua
Hill Saturday.
Uiuk Gray of Norton, Kansas was
here Thursday.
Prof. Geo. I. Kolloy was in Guide
Hock Saturday.
l.W. McGrow of lMoomiugton was
heic Wednesday.
Houluiaster Wilburn was in McCookN
the lirst of the week. !
If you want anything in thu harness
Hue see Fogol anil Hutchison.
Mi ha Skullou of Rluo Hill was
visiting fnetuls here this week.
SeoWiighl's line of warm wonther
gasoline stoves before put chasing.
Walter Hnhy sells tho Singer sowing
machine. Pi ices light. Get the best.
The correspondence from Stato Lino
arrived Inst week too Into for publlca-1
Geo. J. Warren has a now pair of
computing butcher's scales in his ninr
kot. Elmer Crone and Chns. Whltowont
to Alma Wednesday to attend tho
street fair.
Largest lino of nets and dustors in
tho Republican valley at tho lowest
prices. J. 0. Huti.ku.
Wm. G.. Hrown and wife returned
tho foro part of tho wok from n trip
to tho eastern part of tho stato.
Don't stand tho heat of a cook stovo
this summer but buy a gasoline stovo
of W. W. Wright. Ho lias a lino lino of
Butter, tho harness man is headquar
ters for nil kinds of first class harness,
both ligh; nml heavy. If you wnut
anything in his lino soo him.
J. W. llohinson of Frnnklin, deputy
grandmaster of the A. O. U. W. for
this district, was in tho city this week
in tho iutorcstsof that order.
Old fashions in dicss may bo rovivod
but no old-fashioned uicdicino can re
place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. For salo by
H. E. Grico.
Tho big tout in which revival meet
ings wero being hold was taken down
last Sunday on account of tho high
wind and the mootings haro sinco been
conducted in tho churches.
Star Bakery,
J. O. WILES, Prop.
-"I A 4
Furniture nt cost nt Taylor's.
C. 11. Knloy was in Kansas City this
G. E. McUrary of lllua Hill was hero
M. S. Marsh was down from Hastings
OMrs. M. E. Ilockwoll was In Superior
this week.
R. L. Tinker
of McCook wns hero
this week.
Tako your harness repairing to Fogel
and Hutchison.
E. M. Parker of Guide Rock was
hero Saturday.
IIDavo Kaloy and wifo wero in Supe
rior this week.
S. D. Morrison left Saturday morn
ing for Crete.
George McCall was up from Guido
Uock Wednesday.
Tress Harwood nnd wifo wero in
Alma this week.
Mrs. Minnie. lrnso wns visiting in
Guido Rock Sunday.
Mrs. John Polnlcky was visiting in
Guido Hock Sunday.
Farm loans at low rates and prompt
ly mado. O. W. Kalkv.
Goo. Ovoring was in Alma this week
attending tho street fair.
Attorney G. W. Prather of llloom
ington wns hero Saturday.
"Mis. E. J. Duckor of Lincoln wns
visiting in tho city this wook.
Havo you scon that lino lino of nets
and dusters nl J. O. Butler's.
Cbarloy Gtirnoy nnd two children
were in Kansas City this wook.
Frank Cowdon nnd wifo visited in
Superior tho fore part of tho weak.
S. W. Foo roturned Wednesday from
a visit in tho eastern part of tho stato.
P. A. Wells has quit practicing lnw
in this city and moved to South Omaha.
Mrs. C. 11. Potter roturned Saturday
from a visit at Donvcr nnd Mnnitou,
( ....... .
a. kj. uosmcr is in unicngo mis
wnek ou business connected with his
farm paper.
' Seo W. W. Wright's lino of refriger
ators. Ho handles thu Herrick which
is tho best on earth.
You can always find what you want
in tho meat lino at Warren's market.
Ftesh llsh evory Friday
Mrs. E. J. Duckor who has taken up
n residence in Lincoln for tho win
ter, visited in tho city this week.
A. C. Potter and wifo of Lend, South
Dakota, visited with their parents and
other frioudB tho foro part of tho week.
Rov. G. W. Hummoll will hold ser
vices on Ash crook next Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock and in tho evening
at 7. 30.
Alva Sellars started Monday for III
nois on n search for land buyers. Ho
went 'n tho interests of D. J. Myers,
our real estate man.
Having decided to close out ray busi
ness in this city I offer my entire stock
of furniture, carpots, curtains and wall
paper at cost. F. V. Taylok.
Married, ou October 1st, at tho resi
dence of J. II. liailoy by Rov. I. W.
Kdson, Mr. Harry Waller of Cowles
and Miss Ora Balloy of Rod Cloud.
Jno. Soibort who has been lying ill
at tho homo of his daughter Mrs. H. T.
Stroup in this city for tho past six
weeks has returned to his homo in
Walnut creek.
Tho Duff Grain Co. have lumber nnd
stone on tho ground and a gang of
workmen hero and have begun tho pre
liminary work for tho erection of a
grain olovator at tho I). M. yards.
Wm. Engolls brought in Saturday a
largo swoot potato weighing 10 pounds
which was put witli tho display of
vegetables and sent to Galesburg, Illi
nois, to bo displayed at tho street fair.
Theso potatoes will avorago a bushol
to each 0 foot squaro of ground.
Rov. Darby and family loft Thursday
for Hrownvillc, this stato, whore ho
will assumo charge of tho pastorato of
tho Methodist church there. That
gentloman and his family havo mado
many frionds during their residence
jlhoro and will bo greatly missod.
Considerable kicking is being hoard
regarding the mauner in which tho
floor of tho river bridgo has boon re
paired. Whore tho old floor was worn
and unsafo two inch plank havo boon
spiked on, and as ono man oxprossos it
"it is bumpoty-bump from tho time
you get on tho bridgo until you got off
of it."
Mrs. Hanna Lea, wife of Goo. II. Loa
died at hor homo on Indian creok last
S&turday. Mrs. Loa had boon a suffer
er of a complication of diseases for
some time past. Tho funeral sorvlcos
wero conducted from tho Methodist
church in this city ou Sunday and tho
remains worn laid nt rest in tho Red
Cloud comutury. Sho loave a husband,
one sou and ono daughter to mouru
Carpots at cost at Taylor's.
Curtains at cost at Taylor's.
Wall paper at cost at Taylor's.
Charley Ileal was in Kansas City this
"John Yelsor was hero from Omaha
this week,
I B. Colvin of Guido Rock was hero
For hand made harness go to Fjgel
ami Hutchisons.
Dr. Kochler of Bladen was in tho
city Wednesday.
Ernest Jones of Guido Rock was in
thu city Tuesday.
J. W. Warren was in Superior tho
first uf thu week.
Tho ClliKi' and Chicago Inter Ocean
no year for 81.25.
Mrs. Hugh Showallnof Campbell was
in tho city this weok.
C. B. Smith started Tuesday for an
extended visit in Illinois.
Clias. Fort is taking in tho Kansas
City street fair this week.
Robert MoBrlde made, n business trip
cast tho lirst of tho weok.
Seo the "American" hog fence nt
Mitchell Bros. Best on earth.
Sheriff Wells took an Insano pationt
to mo asylum at Lincoln bunilay.
Mrs. Hacker roturned Tuesday from
n trip to thu eastern pal t of tho state.
Buolnh Jackson who has been visit
ing in Kansas luturucd homo Saturday.
W. N. Richardson was looking after
business malteis in Kansas City this
Chnrloy tort visited in tho eastern
part of tho state and at Kansas City
this week.
Eugene W. Smith of Idaho, brotlior
of our townsman O. M. Smith is visit
ing in the city.
G. W. Baker aud wifo of Loster left
tho last of thu weok for n visit with
friends in Iowa.
Tho oounty commissioicrs worn in
session this weok. lho proceedings
will appear next week
Mrs. Willis nnd daughter Mrs. Lytlo,
who havo boon visiting hero left on
train 10 for tho east Saturday.
Mrs. I. II. Ludlow wont to Campboll
this morning. Miss Pearl will accom
pany her homo for n brief visit.
Mrs. Haydon nnd daughter Ethol of
Jacksonville, Illinois, are hero visiting
with S. F. Spokesliold nnd wifo.
Daniel Fitzpntrick nn old schoolmate
of F. N. Richardson wns in tho city
this week from Missouri visiting that
Jacob Wiggins who lias boon look
ing after business mutters hero for a
weok or so past has roturned to his
homo at Culbortson.
Dr. J. W. Mnranvillo has purchased
the J. M. Cuaflln property on north
Webster street and is repairing and
remodeling it preparatory to using
it for his office.
R. C. Jones of Franklin is in tho city
this weok tnking treatment, nt tho In
stitute of Ostoopnthy. Ho camo here
last Monday with a pair of crutches
but is ut present ablo to got around
without thorn.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllce at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho wook ending Oct. 0th,
Harvoy, Mrs. Jno. Luthhertson. O. M.
Langdon, C. II. Swingle, O. H.
These letters will bo sent to tho dead
lettor office Oct. 10th, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say advertised. T. C. Hackek, P. M.
Wo nro ploascd this weok to an
nounce a happy event, that of tho
maniago of William W. Tulloys nnd
Miss Laurnbollu Boyd which occurred
at the home of thu bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Boyd, on Wednesday
ovoning last. Rev. James M. Darby of
the Methodist church conducted the
nuptial ceremony before n number of
friends and relatives. A number of
handsome, and useful prosonts were
bestowed as souvenirs of tiio occasion,
Tho Cuikk along with it largo circle of
frionds extends congratulations.
Made so by balm fed to
If you have the oorn
wo can supply the
terest Rate the Low
est. Our Services are
the Best. Write us.
f THE Siegel-Sanders i
Live Stock
Commission Co. t
Rooms 73, 74, 75, Live Stook
I Exchange. Station "A."
' Kansas City, Mo.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
menaccxs to health of the present day.
om mnwofowotn ex. ntw york.
Killed by the Cars
11. K. Mathews, ono of tho oldiosl
dentsof this county, who Is about".!
yeaisof ago, was killed by the ears In
the It. & M. ynrds burn on Inst Sunday
inoiuiug about nine o'clock. Ho wiib
accompanied by his little granddaugh
ter at tho time he wns killed ami was
in tho yards picking up coal. Tho
Bwlteh onglno had gone out to tho west
ond of thu yards and picked up a stook
car and it was upon their return that
ho was struck. A train which was
getting ready to pull out for lho vest
was ou a track south uf thu ono ou
which thu fatal accident happened aud
nn engine was backing down this track
to hook on to thu train. It is supposed
that lho old gentleman wns watching lho
ongine and did not notice the approach
ing switch engine and car. Ho was
standing on the north side of the track
nnd apparently when tho car wns with
in a short distanco of him had stoppod
on the track for the purpose of cross
ing. Two switchmen were on tho
southeast corner of the end of tho car
and although when they saw him they
called to him, nnd tried to apprise him
of his daugor, it was too late. Ho was
struck ou thu right side of tho head by
tho corner of the car and was thrown
about fifteen feet, liesldo lho Injury
on thu light side of the head there was
another ou tho left and his back was
broken and his death was instantane
ous. Tho following is tho verdict of
the coroner's lury:
Statk ok Nkdrasla,
Webster County f-88
At an inquest lioldun nt Rod Cloud
in the county of Webster, ou thu lirst
day of October, 1809, before mo- J. W.
Warren, coroner of said county, upon
the dead body of II. It. Matthews hero
lying dead by thu jurors whoso names
are hereto subscribed, tho said jurors
upon their oaths do say: That II. B.
Matthews came to his death by being
struck by u moving stock oar attached
to tho switch engine in the 11. & M. R.
freight yards nt Rod Cloud, Nebraska,
which was accidental aud no blame is
attached on tho part of nnjone.
John Tomlinson.
F. W. Cowoen,
D. L. Gkoat,
J. W. Vest.
C D. Roiiinson,
W. L. M0M11.1.AN.
Wo seo by tho Guido Rock Signnl
that Mert Adnmson wns in that section
last weok, nnd that everyone is woll
pleased with tho republican candidate
for sheriff. Tho same story comes
from every locality which tho young
man visits. To toll lho truth Moit is a
first class man aud learned whiio
with tho First Nebraska regiment
that when ho starts after anything ho
is not supposed to stop until ho gets it.
Tho boy's of tho First Nebraska havo
a roputntion for defeating lho Tagals
and tho Webster county contingent
will no doubt keep up tho reputation
of tho regimont nnd by November 7th
lho Tngal horde of Webster county
will bo on tho run.
Corporal Robt (1. Douglas of Co. A,
First Nebraska Volunteers, will ad
dress the people of Webster county up
on the issues of tho day from a repub
lican standpoint. His subject will bo
"Imperialism mid Life, in the Philip
pines.' His dates in th's county will
ho as follows: Bluu Hill, October 10th
in tho evening; Bladen, October 11th,
afternoon; Cowles, October 12th, nftor
noon; Guido Rock, Octobor 10th, even
ing; ilea uioun, uctouor I4tn, after
noon. Mrs. Uortio Baker, wifo of JossoJ.
Baker, died nt Iter homo in this c'ty
on Thursday, Octobor Bth, after an ill.
nous of threo months. Tho funoral ob
loquies wore conducted from tho resi.
denco this (Friday) aftornnon at 8:80
conducted ny ltev. li. w. liummol,
and tho remains woro laid nt rest in
tho Rod Cloud cemetery. Deceased
loaves a husband, ono small child and
a host of frionds to mourn hor loss.
Tho boron ved husband has tho sympa
thy of our entire community.
DlBlrietoourt has boon in session in
this city this wook, but owing to tho
long nnd continued hours it isbping
hold wn havo boon unnblo to got hold
of tho dooket long enough to secure a
list of tho cases disposed of. Judgo
Beall is ovidenMy trying to clean up
tho docket so tho next judgo, R. L,
Kccstor, will have smooth sailing.
Wanted. Local or traveling sales
men, salary or commission, to handlo
our oils, petrolatum, nnd a good side
lino. Goods guaranteed. No freight,
nnd prampt delivery. Address, Pknn
Petrolatum Company, Main Office
and Refinery, Coraopalis, Pa.
L. A. Hujsong is to address the Sun
day school rally noxtSundav at 3 p.m.
it' tho Mothodlst church. Ills subject
for a lecture is "Robort and tho two
Johns." Mrs, llussong will sing n solo
andthontho "Question Box" will bo
F. II. Glover of Kunsas City shipped
in this week iwontv cars of ealvos,
about, on thousand hoad, which ho
will dispose of to cattlo raisers Lire.
"A good dress ind
things of which every mm
YOU cm visit my large
city in the world in 1
suit and be looked upon as a
well dressed man.
The materials are of the
The styles are correct.
The it and workmanship
In short, H. S. 6 M.
clothes are the acme of good
taste and common sense.
The GomdeiMfaley
Glothing Gompany.
At Red lotCd1, Nebraska.
W WV- 9
The Science
1 nn Liinorv nn wmnii tun nmnnmi nt
part of tho bony structure Is in placo, and
vcssols is unobstructed, so that every
nerve ami uiooa Bupply, tuo physical body will pot form its work correctly nnd
tho condition known as health results.
On tho other hand if any part of lho bony structure or its muscular attach
mentH become dislocated, misplaced or mallformed. so that a nerve or blood
vessel is partially or fully obstructed, tho condition known as diseaso will ap
pear in the part which should be supplied or drained by tho nerve or blood ves.
hoi involved.
"Osteopathy is tho work of n skilled mechanic on thu most complicated of
Osteopathia treatment is sclontiiic, requiring no faith, nn drugs, no surgical
operation. It is purely a study of mechanism and function combined with a
system of scientific manipulation.
Osteopathy is Applied Physiology.
Graduate of the National School of Osteopathy.
arivrEKis iuMRrare co,
Btiildine; material, Eto.
Red Cloud,
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
By hog disoaso (cholera) saved by insuring your hogs. Wo
nro lieonsed by tho stale, Perfectly safe and equitable
Costs less and more economically conducted than any othor
company. Purely mutual. Your own neighbors adjust your
ins, f.very member has a vojco in tho management. A fine
opening for goon Aoknts. Write us ut once for torms and
territory, Farmers' Mutual Hog Ins. Association.
73 N$r Ytrk Lite Buildiar, Omlm, Nt; I
good iddrcss ire two
should avail himself'
of Heall
hout Drugs.
tbriHymindcd, is that if every
tho passrtgeof the norvos nnd blood
part of tho body is receiving its proper
and COAI
a" i
' -.' JitXt