The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 06, 1899, Image 1

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NUMUEll 40
oat I
When you pick
yoa Outer Garments
for the Season yoa aiant
Dflft YOU ?
Well then get the "Palmer
Garment and you will be sure
of it. Its the best we ean find.
Come in and see this one.
Slack Kersey, strapped back and front, trimmed with
small buttons, double breasted, shaped front,
satin lined throughout, only $12.25.
Don't Yoa Heed a Doek Goat?
If so why not buy where you can get the best for the least p
muuLwy. xuu uau uu iu uy uuyiug au uur biuie.
Our price is the mognet that draws.
Just received a large shipment of shoes which
are sure to please the wearer in price
and style. Don't forget the place.
The recent cold nights remind us of
We have the largesn assortment in the valley both in cot
ton and wool, ranging in price from 50c to $8 per
pair. All blankets full double bed size.
Now is the time for
of all kinds. Having received our fall line of dress goods
comprising Novelties, French Orepons, Venetian cloth,
Mohair, Crocaded Wool and Silk Fancies in black
and colors, serges, Henriettas and cashmeres,
Plaids in Wool and silk, also a nice lot of
Worsteds very nice for school dresses.
"Calicoes! Well I G iessSo."
Just take a look at our center counters. 4c, 5c, 6c, 10c
and 12 l-2c per yard.
One fourth oi the shelving on the north side of our store is
filled with choice patterns at 5c, 7c, 8c, 10c and
12 l-2c. Extra heavy for cloaks at 20c.
Cloud. Neb
Fusion Force In Convention.
The' populist county covontlon mot
nt tho court house Inst Saturday nnd
plnccil in nomination tho following
tlokotj Clerk of district court, C. K.
Conrad; county tronauror, Geo. F.
Popo; county clerk, J. P. Hale; county
judgo, Rev. I. W, Edson; county super
intendent, Kov. L. A. Hussong; sheriff,
L. 1). Wolls; coronor, Dr. Stevens; sur
veyor, F. A. Kuehn. O. E. Conrad and
Dr. Stevens nro the domoc ratio nomi
nees endorsed by tno convention for
fusioa. As yet wo hava been unable to
find the froo silver republican fusion
part of tho ticket, and havo como to
tho conclusion that tho pops hnvo en
tirely absorbed it. After the tickot
brvd boon nominated the commiiteo on
resolutions, through their ohnirmau,
Capt. F. llouchln, reported a "batch"
of resolutions which caused much mer
riment among the delegates and others
but wo cannot stato positively whether
thoy wero laughing at tho resolutions
or tho (l)nffablo manner in which thoy
woro prosontcd. Tho resolutions would
rcquiro about n column of spneo wero
wo to print them, and no our spaco is
somewhat limited wo merely givo n
synopsis of what thoy contained, They
renewed their allegiance to tho pop
principles, call attention to tho record
of theVeform forces, assorted that they
had reduced the expenses of the state
one-naif, although thoy forgot to show
when and where; had almost doubled
tho disbursements to tho common
schools, but forgot to say that this was
duo to tho presont prosperous con
dition of tho country which enabled the
poopfu to pay their taxes; that thoy
had secured largo judgmonts against
defaulting republican officials, but for
got to say that it was largely duo to
tho republicans that thoso Judgmonts
woro obtained; that not a dollar had
boon misappropriated or embezzled
by them, Si's housorent to tho contrary
notwithstanding; and that thoy desire
to institute" tho samo system of reform
in this county; tho prunmblo winds lup
with tho startling announcement that
"only by union of forces," moaning wo
suppose n political pool or trust some
times called fusion, "can tho tldo of
cruel sulusbne&s, monopoly, monarchy,
and imperials bo turned back." This
we expect win intended for n hot shot
at tho republicans, but at tho samu
time almost admits defeat. Tho reso
lutions proper favor tho fioo and un
limited colnngo of sliver ut 10 to 1; iti
favor of Initiative nnd referendum,
even though some of tho delegates did
kicked and said tboy wero instructed
against it; and demand d public own
ership of public utilities. Thoy de
nounced tho war in tho Philippines us
unjust, but forgot to say whether thoy
wanted our army and navy brought
home nnd tho Mag hauled down,as other
pop conventions havo domanded;und
acknowledged their fidelity to tho
Declaration of Indopendonco, (as in
terpreted by Aguinaldo, wo suppose)
They donounccd tho gold standard and
syndicates and trusts, as thoy are gi.
cantic ovils to mankind, but said not a
word about tho "small per capita" of
tho country, shortage of monoy, etc.,
nor of tho trust they nro fostering
which seeks tocortrol everthing, oven
nil other trusts and syndicates. Thoy
arc against issuing bonds and nlso
against attempts to retire tho green
back. Tho resolutions wind up with a
laudation of Gov, Poyntor, in which
administration Is termed as wise, patri
otic and conservative, though tho peo
ple have failed to see it that way, and
congratulates nirn on his success
for securing freo transportation for tho
gallant First Nebraska, but forgot to
nay that had it not Ucon for ono of Ne
braska's leading republicans tho boys
would have had to pay their own faro
nnd Poyntor's "success" would havo
been n "rank tizzlo." Tho resolutions
may bo nil right if you read them one
sided , but to a conservative person thoy
show n lnok of one of tho principal
features of all good governments, vizi
"Equity to all and tuallco to none."
Coavlks, October 5. 1809,
'I'lila initlf1ia ttmt tuv nlalm fm titan
I M" n tttj v iwuu
I by lire has been nettled to my satfsfav
" You see, madam, Ivory Soap is really the most
economical. The cake is so large that it easily divides
into two cakes of the ordinary size. There is twice as
much soap as you get in the usual cake of toilet soap.
Then it is very economical in use, foV although it lathers
quickly, it is always firm and hard, even in hot water.
As it floats, you can not lose it or leave it to waste in the.
bowl. We sell itto all of our best trade for general use?
v '",j
cenmtMT mt n t hi r Menu a OAMif eo. omaiMMn
tiou by tho Union Fjro Insurance Co.,
through their adjuster J. H. Smith Of
lied Cloud, M. 1). Scott.
A Pop Who Objected.
Not long ago there was n populist
convention over in central Kansas. It
dragged along itscourso until at Inst it
adopted tho usual resolutions abusing
McKinloy nnd hU administration, de
claring the wirr n failure, and ending
"Hesolvcd, that wo aio opposed to
expansion and believe that our sol
diers should come home at once from
the Philippi en."
Then It was that a dolegnto from iv
far oft township, a man with gray hair
and wearing n bronze button on his
coat arose, and said:
"Mr. Chairman: I am going to voto
against Uicso resolutions, In tho iirst
place wo havo never had anything but
expansion slnco this has boon a United
States. uSupposo wo had nuverjoxpand
cd, where would wo bo today. Wo
would havo only thirteen star in our
Hag, and you, if you lived in Kansas
would be voting with Spain or France
ov some other power, if you voted at
nil. Now tho fact is wo havo been ex
panding for tho last 100 years and wo
have added to our domain until we
havo forty-Hvis states. Some of thoso
states woro obtained through n war
with a forelgu power and wo havo hnd
war after war with, tho Indians who
woro tho wards of tho powers wo got
them from, but you see, Mr.Chnlrnmn,
wo expanded just tho samo. Then, vo
bought Alaska nnd wq had expansion
again and no kick coining. No politi
cal party put it In their resolutions
against expansion in thoso day and
now what is the use of passing these
resolutions when wo havo already gono
and expanded? You might as well
pass resolutions that tho Almighty
shouldn't make a world that is already
made! Did not wo got Texas, New
Mexico and California tho samo way
wo did the Philippines? Wo must go
forward or else go backward. Suppose
after Dewey haddostroyed tho Spanish
fleet, McKiuley had ordered him homo,
then wu would havo had an issue. Wo
could havo passed resolutions de
nouncing McKiuley for not seizing tho
Philippine islands nnd como straight
out tor expansion and had an issue,
"Mr. Chairman, wo have boon hunt
ing for an Isjun for u wholo year, and
it socnis like tho republicans havo got
tho world by tho tail with n down hill
pull. My fellow delegates, yon can't
fool tho American people. Thoy know
n good thing when thoy sob it. Thoy
know wo are naving better times thnu
wo did under Clnvolnwl, Thoy know
that we have plenty of tho best money
in tho world to do business with. They
know that men are gottlng bettor
wages; they know that nlmost &!$'?&''
factory in tho United (dates lias irtrtwi
uiu wava oi vnu uiuu minimi, uciug
asked to do so, 'i'liey know that tho ,
factories that woro Idle four yearn ago
nro belching on), smoke now dny ami"
night. They know also that thoso fac
tories, most of them, aro six mouthy
behind with their ordois. Mr. Chnlr
man, you can fool some of tho people
some of the time and you can fool some
of the people all of the time, but you
can't fool nil of thu people all of tho
limn To tell tho truth I think tho
peoplo of Kansas have quit Inking Mrs.
Lease's advice and havo quiUrniglng
hades nnd gono to raising moio corn.
In fact, Mr. Chiiirninn, it seems to mo
that overythii.g in Cod's world is
shouting expansion; tho commerce of
tho United States is doubling up on
expansion, even in Knnsus potatoes
are crowding enoli other out of the hill
and two and three ears of corn on
every stnlk, all shouting expansion,
Well what aro wo going to do about
it? As for my purl I think these reso
lutions on expnnBiun should be strick
en out, for I don't honestly believe tho
American pcoplq will sustain them nt
tho next election, I don't .for a fact,
Bryan to tho contrary, notwithstand
ing." '- r
N. B. Tho resolution didn't pass
Abilene Reflector.
What Do the Children Drink.
Don't givo them tea or coffee. Uavn
you tried thu new food drink calico
Urain-0. It is delicious and nourish
lug and takes thu place of cofToe. Tho
more (JrainO you givo tho children
tho more health you distribute through
their bystoms. Orain-0 is made of
pure grains, and when proporly pre
pared tastes llk6jmoholco grades of
coffee but costs 7ibdiu one-fourth us
much, All groceisj'olnt. 15o nnd '.'6c
Republican1 Caucus.
The republican votors of tho City of
Kcd Cloud, Nebraska, nro requested to
meet at tho court houso on Thursday,
October 12th, 1800, at 7;80 o'clock p.m.
for the purposo of nominating one
assessor, two justices of tho peace, and
two constables and to attend to such
other business as may como before tho
convention. ,
W. A. Mitcjikll, LQUU
' m
Republican Caucus,
l'lie republican voters of Rod Clomh
precunei are requested to moot at tho
com i houso on Saturday afternoon,
October 7th, at 2 o'clock p.m. to nomi
nato precinct ollleers.
Omvkh Hkdok, Com.