8 THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, SEPT. 2j, 1899. Heart Disease 4- Years. faaaaattSjBvaWMrl j4$53SKHm&w&iE Iam positive I would not be living today but for your wonderful remedy, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. I had heart dis- -case four years and doctors failed to help mc Whenlbe . gan taking this remedy I was unfit for anything, but for six " soonths I have felt perfectly Will. Mr.. M.H.n W.1-roff.Mlnn ,, OR. MILES? Heart Cure tstasMsaesssrss. -- kui. m M.H. irnil Tim Matfcal Company, Elkhart, In. w. 1", GO.BtL.af. OtTICJMN MOON BLOCK. Isaaraftce written on city and farm property at lowest rates. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Smrgetm B. M. J?. JJ. empaqr, arf U. S. Jcaan Sat gnu. My aid country calls promptly nn swered day or night. rnoaoviKLiNDSiT'a Meat Mamckt NmiTJULLS AT 0VF1CB. Dr. E. A. Creighton, tiorary Graduato 4t Sllvor Medalist Western University, Canada. alls Amswcmd Day an Nioiit. OrrroaOviCoK' Pbamuct. J. S. EMIGrH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IV 2TOU WANT IT. fan I triage Wtrk or TeeUi Wittut Plain. POH0KXAIN INLAY at all taa latest Improveiaent la denial meeb anlsm I. 13. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS. Look Jlox S3. Uuldo Itook, Neb. All-kiuds of property bought, sold nud exchanged. COLLECTIONS MAllK. TKHMS Itl.ASONAllLI. P. A. WELLS, RTTORNBY KT LHJni, Ufllco in F. & M. bank building with , U. J. Aiyors. PlUCTlCKfl IN ALL STATU AND UNITKD States Couuts. OVERMAN A BLACKLEEQB KTTORNBYS - KT - LHW. Ottlce rer Post Otlice. RED CLOUD, . NEBRASKA. R. D. BEDFORD. Insurance - Agency. REPRESENTING, Minn Firo Insuracco Company, llurtford, Conu. National Uro Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., llnrtford, Cann. Queen Fire Ins. Co., of America, Now York, N. Y. Lancashire Firo Ins. Co,, Manchester, England. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Society, Norwich, England. Employers' Liability Assuranc Corpor ation, limited, (accident) London, Euglaud. All Stanimuu Comfaniks. Youk Patkonaok Solicitkd. Lands and Collections. ll rests with 700 wh.th.r you contlnn. U. mm. .viiimi uivn-u OftUI,J1l UUA' i.nvi.1 la. uvim lor UID&CCO. WHO' ww Birvvgi ui.tr.... tip. tsmCO-. tine, pnrlflt. th. blood, tm suns wis msjinoca.arfTal slBB'lmbu... EtKJlKWaiTjllHfi.Pklw Cl.icur.il. llu uapwitK O-TU-HAUfrom vva, flll ruu.h fni-n. -rait. It .fit. fftU. aian rimir.lft .h Ul, I Will. Il.tlnt I wn. ala.sn.lv (In a boi.SI, uia.ll cure.i 3 boira.ttM. "nt..dtocar..orw.rffuoitmonfr, tttVM '' -, -"Ian, MlrtUa Ilrt, HI CURLS WHlRt BJ Bet Cough Brrup. Tiute. OoT. UmI Cr In time. Held by diwal.ts. ib ba. mmn Um -Va-ft " MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. " Xincn was the first fabric wenved. It is n remarkable fact that few bald men ever Vile of consumption. Vcgctarinns hate clearer complexions than people who cut animal food. China imported f 18,010,208 .licrclinn dise from us in the- fiscal year 3809, against $20,320,430 in 1899 ond $20,403, 802 in 1807. In Astl, Cal., Id an immenso cla tern lined with concrete two feet thick for the storage of -wine. Its capacity is 500,000 gallons. A sheep with flvo horns rambles nronnd the farm of Willlnm Marston in Cedar Springs, Ky. Two horns grow on each side of tho licnd nndjono in the center. How a blackbird can tear to pieces a hanging wasp nest to roach the larva and not bo htung to denth or appear to suffer any incomcnicncu is n problem yet to be solved. In 1748 Itcnjaniln Franklin stood on ono aide of the Schuylkill river and by means of electricity Ignited a lire for a picnic party on the other jridZ', UBlng wnter for n conductor. A San Frnnolsco tramp was arrested for vagrancy. The magistrate asked him who and what ho was. He dramat ically declared, "I am an honest man the noblest work of God." Honest men being scarce the judge thought he would put him in n place of safety and sent him to jail for three months. In Shasta county, Cal., quite extensive caves are being discovered some 100 feet or more deep, lined with the moat singular and beautiful stalactites and stalagmites of the hydrated oxyde oj iron, frequently of Iridescent colon. Some pendent icicles reach a length of tkree or four feet and are one inch In diameter. OUSIHOLD ITEMS. Calm vasali Matteta Which Oa. tts-laate Mh to Udm Comfort. Keep all frnlt stones, cooked or un cooked. Dfy them slowly in tho oven, put in a large jar, nnd in winter throw a handful on tho fire of on evening. They will crack for a moment, send up a bright flame and fll'i tho room with a delicious odor. When those unsavory creatures, lied bugs, aro brought out in full force by hot weather, a good way to exterminate them is the following: Shut the windows tight, leave all clothing in its place, and 'open trunks nnd drawers. Put a thick layer of ashes into an iron kettle, on which place livo coals. Have no obstucles between your self and the open door. Put a handful of sulphur on the coals andimmcdiatcly close the room, leaving it undisturbed for several hours. When opened, the room and contents can lie nircd, and the odor will soon "be gone. It is rarely that a second fumigation is neeessnry. This remedy will also do for moths. The untidy-looking spots of paint or putty carelessly splashed on window panes may be removed by wetting the glass several times with a strong solu tion of soda. When the spots become soft, rub them off, then polish the glows with nlcohol. To insure bright windows, clean them on a rather dull day, or clean each set of windows when the sun is shining on another part of the house; otherwise they will be streaked, and no amount of rubbing will remove the streaks. Dust them inside nnd out with a paint er's brush, and clean all the inside wood work before touching tho panes. Then wash the glass with warm water con taining a little ammonia, no boap; get the dust out of the corners with a point ed stick wrapped with n small cloth; wlpo dry with soft cloth, not linen; polish with' tisssw paper or old news pnpers. llrushlng with n dry silk handkerchief Is a good way to clean oil paintings; but n better way is to wash the surtnee gently with distilled wnter. Then Hick them with the silk cloth. Clean the frames nlso with distilled water and n silk handkerchief. Housewife. MEANEST OF THEM ALL. TJI Vvrr Oltvae Man I.tvaa la Chl- tifo and la the Champloa of Clo-nBa. There are lots of mean men in tho world. There is one in lloston who will never tell anyone tho time of day; there is one in Colorado who never lights u cigar in winter because his breath upon the frosty air gives the same Mitisfactlou, ami there is another In l'lllsbury, Wyo., who never has a fire in his hoiibo because the smoke might wenr tho chimney out. Hut the mean est of nil men lives right here in Chi cago. Tho other night ho enmo along Ran dolph street und stopped at n little sidewalk stand whereon were displayed such trinkets as collar buttons, shoe laces, combs and pocket mirrors. He took up one of thu latter, and tho pro prietor's eyea brightened nt tho pros pect of a sale. "How much?" asked tho meanest mnn. "Five cents," answered the propri etor of the stand. The meanest man looked tho object carefully over. "I'll give you three." The other shook his head. Tho meanest man held out, "Too much," ho said. Somehow, between the two outstretched hands, tho pocket mirror fell and broko Into several pieces on the pavement. Tho mennest man picked up tho remains, retaining ono fragment of the glass. The propri etor laiiented. Tho mennest man passed on up the street. -U the corner ho stopped, and, holding the little piece of minor before him, ran a Dinull comb through his whiskers. "A man doesn't need a whole pocket glass for a small beard," ho muttered. Chicago luter Ocean, No Gripe, Pain Or discomfort, no Irritation of tho In-tcstlncs-btit Kcntle, prompt, thorough healthful cleansing, when you lake Hood' Pills Hold by all druggists. 23 cents. CHURCH SERVICES. omusTiAN cutmen. Union service in the tent nt 10.30n.m. Communion ordinance und Bible school in tho church after tho benedic tion nt tho tent. Afternoon .sermon in the Htunmull school house ntS.Ifi. Nouu should fail to hear Evangelist L. P. Rowland In the tent Lord's Day mornings mid every night. L. A. Hussono, Pastor. MKTUOIMST Services noxt Sunday as follows: Morning services nt 10:30. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Con ducted by D. U. Spanogle. junior Lcaguo at 4 p.m. Senior Lcaguo nt 7 p.m. Evening service at 8:00. Prayer mooting on Wednesday ovon ingate. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All are most cordially invited to at tend. James Mark Darby, Pastor. AITIBT CHURCH. Service next Sunday aa follows. Morning service at 10:80. Sunday School at 11 :45. W. F. West, superintendent. Young People's Union meets at 7. Regular weexly prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Epson, Pastor. COMOREOATIONAL. Regular services next Sunday as fol lows: Sunday School at 11:45. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7:00 pm. Prayer .and praise mooting Wednes day evening at 8. All cordially invited to attond theso 8orvices. Frank W. Dkan, Pastor. $100 Reward, $100. Tho readers of this paper will be glad to learn that thoto is at least one dreaded disease that sclonco has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positivo euro now known to tho uied.caffraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cureifi taken internally, acting direct ly on tho ulood -and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting naturo in doing its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith in its curative pow ers that thoy otTor ono hundred dollars for any caso that it fnils to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHKN..T & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Unit's Family Pills aro tho best. - . Where It Come. Front, An hour or two spent In a glassworks is productive of much interest and en joyment to fortunate visitors. While au old lady from a Shropshire village was spending a week at 0 , one of our busy South Yorkshire towns, she accepted an invitation to witness the process of bottle-making, lleing de lighted with the various stnges passed through by a well-known patent rccep taclo for ueratcd water, she seemed specially struck with tho blowing. In company with her guide, one of the managers, sho gazed intently at the men ns they took the molds containing molten glass and with distended cheeks blew through a long iron tube into tho mold. After adjusting her old-fashioned spectacles, and while assuming a striklug attitude by throwing up both hands, sho cxclnimed: "Well, I've often thowt ns they must 'ov 'nrd wnrk to put gassy air into ginger beer, but ah niv- vcr thowt they blawed it in i that way before!" London Spare Moments. Free Dewey Souvenir Spoon. Every patriotic girl, who will sond us her nnme and address with stamp, will receive by return mail, freo an Admir al Dewey Souvenir Spoon, handsomely engraved nnd of exquisite design. F. A. Rkkd & Co. Jewelry Dopt. 200 Hudson Street, Now York City. Feeding Cattle for Sale. 1000 head of extra 2 yenr old Iowa stoors. 1000 head of Nebraska and Colorado 2 and 8 yenr old steers. 1000 head of cows and yearling steers and heifers. Terms cash or time. Sui'KUioit Cattlk Co., Superior, Nebr. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxativo Uronio Quinine Tab lota. All druggists refund money if it fails to euro. 25c. Tho genuiuo has L. It. Q. en each tablet. To Cura Constipation Foraver. Talto Cascarets CanJv Cathartic lOo ortSo. II C C. C rail to cure, UrucKlsis ref und money. m Kdacata Tour Bowels With Cu.careti. Candy Catbnrtle, euro conntlpaUon forever. lo, SSo. It a O. C, fall, drugRlsts refund money. How Are Your Kidney, t Dr. llobt'8par-KU. PlUieureall kldnur 111. Ham. 9U frea. Ada. swrum Utmwaj Oc, Cbieaco or M. V. Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to certify thnt I have had chronic diarrhoea over sinco tho wnr. I got so weak I could hardly walk or do anything. Ono bottlo of Chamber lnin's Colio Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy cured mo sound nnd well, J. R. Gmus, Flncastlo, Vn. I had chronio diarrhoea for twolvo years. Throo bottles of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured mc S.L. Shaver, Flncastlo, Va. Roth Mr. Glbbs and Mr. Shavor are prominent farmers and reside near Fincastlo, Vn. They procured tho remedy from Mr. W.E. Cnspnr.u drug gist of that place, who is well acquaint ed with thorn and will vouch for thn truth of their statement. For sale by II. E. Grleo. Ladles Can WearShoes Ono slzu smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, n powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. It makes tightor now shoos fcol easy; gives instant relief to corns nnd bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Cures swollen feet, blisters nnd callous spots. Allen's Foot Easo is n certain euro for ingrow ing too nails, sweating, hot, aching feot. At nil druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial packngo froo by mail. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. For Sale. Ono hundred and sixty acres of un improved land four miles northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of the west half of the northwest quarter, and the east half of the northeast quarter, of seo tioa fifteen, in township two north, range eleven west. The land is leased at present, bnt subject to sale. Price 2,600. For further information apply U Mas. J A2K8 KlHKWOOD, Fairfax, Missouri. - Geod Eaough ta Take. The finest quality of lonf sugar is used in the manufacture of Chamber lnin's Cough Remedy and tho roots used in its preparation givo it a flavor similar to that of ruaplo syrup, making it vory ploasant to take. As a medicine for tho euro of coughs, colds, la grippe, croup and whooping cough it is un equalled by any other. It always cures ami cures quickly. For salo by H. E. Grico. Deantr la Ulood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, licgin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug giste. satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. Relief in Six Hours. Dlrtrewlnj? kidney and bladder dlieases re lieved lu alx houra by "New Great South Amerl can Kldner Cure." It 1b a ureal surprise on ac count of Its exceeding promiitnenln relieving; pain In bladder, kidney, and back, In male or female, ltolleves retention of water almoit Immediately. If you rant quick relief and cure this li the remedy. Sold by C. L. Cottlng, druggi.t, Red Cloud. Neb. $100. Dr. E. Deletion's Anti Dieuretic. May be worth to you mora than 1100 If you have a child who soils bedding from incomeu enco of water during tlecp. Cures old ami Sonne alike. It arrests the trouble at once, f I. old by C. L. Cottlng, druggist. Red Cloud, Neb. iCdurntn Tour llovrel With Cusrarcts. Candy Cnthnrt . euro constipation forever 10c, L3c. If a CO full, druggists refund money TWO LIVES. Upon the strength and condition of an expectant moth er depend not only her own life bnt the life and perfection of her child. MOTHER'S FRIEND will overcome all ills peculiar to the period preceding childbirth, and will pre pare the delicate organism directly in volved for the final ordeal. Mother's Friend is not an internal cure-all, but a scientific liniment approved by medical authority and established by years of successful use. Sold by druggists for $i. Valuable book, " Before Baby is Born," pent free no application. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, la. Wrlta for tha frea bookUt: "Merry Jthymn for TMrity Timtl." Hires Rootbeer time is here THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Maktrt cMrii Cunden-'d MUX. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM , CUatuc. and Ututinci th ttatl. tnmatfi . laiurlaot trowth. Never Falls to llestors Or7 Cum. Ktln JIrMt hilr UlUiif. sKC-SlrVli' you Rrc1150 flH B&r the wagou H H wheels with H MICA Axis trust m Oct box andlt.rnwliy It's tlio H H bent kith ever put on n hi If. yB M Hold everywhere. Made by TH m BTANDAKP OIE. CO. B sflsssiiialH RUNNING ON HIS ANKLE After Six Years of Intense Suffering, Promptly Cured By S. S. S ontiro c,rcl-tolKn is u' uro u severe drain . - . - , n . v, .. v;"" Btantly wmpiiiB away Iho vitality. bo eliminated fr m the blood, and Thorp isuq uncertainty about tho merit of S. S. S. ; every claim nuiflfi fm- if. iu 1ifir.L-.nl in, air., . ..!.. 1... :....:...- ' J '" testimony ofthoso who have been cured by it and know of its virtues by experience Mr. L. J. Clark, of Orango Courthouse, Va. , writes: "For six years I had nn obstinate, running ulcer on my nnklo, which nt times caused me intense sutforiug. I was eo disabled for a, long whllo that I was wholly unfit for business. Ono of tholxsst doctors treated mo constantly, but did me no good. I then tried various blood remedies without tho least benefit. 8. S. S. was so hlghlv recom mended that I concluded to try it, nnd the efTect was wonderful. It seemed to get right at tho scat of tho disease and force tho poison out, and I was soon com pletely cured." Swift 'a Specific 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD drives out every trace of impurity iu tho blood, and in this way cures permanently tho most obstinate, deep-seated sore or ulcer. Ik Is the only blood remedy guarantood purely vegetable, and con tains not a particle .of potash, mercury, or other mineral. 8. S. 8. cures GontagiouB Blood Poison. Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh, Kciema. Rheumatism, Sores, Ulcers, Boils, or any other blood trouble. Insist apon S. S. S. ; nothing can take its placo. Valuable books mailed freo by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta. Ght HEAD ACHE aoUi mw wife b ayaairkaTabeaai alas; CASCARETS and they are Us beat Badlcins we have aver had In the house i nouaa. L.aat weak my wife waa frantla with headache for two days, she tried some of your CASCARETS, and they relieved the pata In her head almoit Immediately. We both recommend Cucareto." Cbai. Hnnsroin. Pittsburg Safe a Depoett Co., Pittsburg, Pa. CAMOY TOADS MAM FlMfant. Palatabla. Potaat. Taste Good. Do Good, NeTarSlckan. Waakso.or Grlpa.IOe. Xc.lOe. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ltwUtaaw4yUav4ir,CkltMlttaniJ,aMTstti. RT M.TO.Ilfi "P1" anijjrusranteatt by all drag I AW gisu to CVH.K Tobacoo Uablu Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. M MM .A STOPPED FREE saaY t IP PsraaiMtly Cirti latanltyPrensMby L W ERVE RESTORER saatt r-dil. iin fw.li iTar-ana. DUm. nu . Mmr, Amm Wblll. rUW 1M. MflUKllinHllaH aaa amr nmaaj'.oi. 1 frMt.ntii.Uwi., frM Fit paiiwu. Ly jwf ( WfM ool rwhm rotlrM. f-tfrtit t Dr. Ktlnt. LU. nrlWns Drat dsf'i Da. TraiAtiftsl anil Bl trl&l Karttl M 1.1 Instllnta f XiMlHna.ttM Afoh hi . I'tllsvUlpMa. Pa. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Dcsiqns CoaynioHTS 4c. h Mid .!p.rr1ntlnn mm. qnlcklr ascertain our opinlnn free wiiollier au In-ention Is probably patentable. Communlca ttonsstrlctlyconfldentlal. Handbook on 1'atcnta Anyone sending a sketrb and inscription may sent free, oldest asency forsxeunnspatents. Patents token tliroush Jlunn A Co. recelTt tvtcial notice, without cbaruo. in tne Scientific flmcrican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. lArsest cir culation of any scientist) Journal. Terms, S3 a yean four months, St. Bold by all newsdealers. BUNN&Co.i-. New York Branca otSoa, tt V BL. Washington, U. C. Skin Diseases. For the speedy nnd permanent euro of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Chain berlaln'H Eye and Skin Ointment is without nn equal. It relieves the itch ing und smarting almost instantly nnd its continued uro effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, eore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic eore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by ifaaaaBBSBsaasBSBaaBaBBBBai-fs-BBftaj--a-sp-aB il m.H fa. H ssai aajrisaV a l BBH BW . lBBBBl BBBBB BBBBSal H BBBB BBM tSBBaSl 'I SBB BW 1 1BBBB SBBBB BaBBBsl LS. SBBB SBsVSBBsl 'I aw m A aaaa sssal ssl aV aaa sbbbVsbb il , M H iH aaaS II B ffmaa tl ajsT sal tV l aH aa a aaa BBaa.ii il EBf )(& wH afAfl BBS BSY Efl BVSjH I SVABBmJBHBBBBEBEflBS'-l VaVTUW, UU l"-" .... a.UVI aa, . ' hu.ina. maducted lof Unnr.iTr frr.. r . km Jt TaJa.1lal.a av1,.TM.1 an.1 .11 !ouaOrricciaOppotiTEU,8. PATtNTOrrietJ and wecansecure patent in less Umo tuaa thoseS remolciroin.TO.uiuK.uu. i RrnA model, drawing or choto.. with descnD- 'tlon. We advise, if patenublo or not, freo of, ' fin. aaa ma ti.s tl 1 ntM la afitr" "f? WU1 "" : v.r "".r-Ar.'rri.".:..: t.v5 cost of umoin the U. S. and forelen countnesX sent tree. aAaarcu, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OrriCC, WADHINOTO-t. D. C. k. ak Aamal A i!iin!iw IM Obstitrnto sores and ulcers which relUHQ tn lllMll lltlllnr ni'llinn.. 4..1 meat noon become chronic nnd deen (fill 4 rwl a..1 ...... .. i . -t seated, and aro a sure sign that tho """iui nun mu ii Hurt) si'ni tiiii f im in a dopnivoil conditToii. Thov upon tho nybtom, and aro con "'"" I'tv pjoiuiii, arm aro con- In every caso the poison must no amount of external treatmont S -- LINCOLN TIMSTABLB. B. fc M B.Y RED CLOUD, NEBR. LINCOLN DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL1 LAKE C'r PORTLAND SAA FRANCISCO and all point west. OMAHA CHICAGO 82. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. rniiNs LKA.YK as rou.ows: No, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and St. Frauds branches. Ox ford, McCook, DeuTcrand all points wcfit........ 7:55 a.n No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atoblson, St. Louis, Lincoln rla Wymoro aud all points cast and aouth 1:00 a. bi No. 16. rasseiiKor. daily. Denver, all points in Colorado, Utah and California 8:30 p.m. No. IS. Passenger, dally for St. Joo, Louis and ail points casl and south. -10M5a.m. No. 14.. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, UasUngs, Grand Is land, uiack Ullis and all nolntslntho northwest l'ffln So. 143. Accommodation, daily except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via Re publican a. 12:80p.. No. 04. Freight, dally, Wymoro and St. Joo and Intermediate Junction polnta....l8:45 p.m. No. 63. Freight, dally for Republican Orleans, Oxford and all points west 10:30 a.as. No. 60. Freight, dally except Sunday forwymoreandallpolntcaat 7:00 a. ta. No. 673. Freight dally to Oxford and Intermediate points 1 :30 p.m . Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars, (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checkod to any point In tho United States or Canada. For information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agont, Red Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passengor Agont Omaha, Nebraska, ! SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALXR IN Wines Liquors, California randies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Stuto of Nebraska, I Webster County. I In the matter ofothe estato of Luclnda Fourt. deceased. Notlco Is hereby Rlveifp'to all persons bavin claims nnd OemaudjirnRnlnst Luclmla Fourt late of tho count ofAllainakee, State of Iowa, deceased, that tllclmo tlxsd for tiling claims ngalnst said ettiiiis six months from the 22d day of Scptcml, 1899. All such persons aro required to present their claims with the vouchers to tho County Judgo of said county, at his olllcu therein, on or beforcltho Z!i day of b.vw, uiiu ail uiajiua BU UICU Will UO cfore the said Judge on thoiSlrd day of March, 100, at 10 o'clock a.m. Jahkh Dcri-T, County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. state or Nebraska, I Webster County, f In the matter of tho deceased. ) estato of Nela Sorgcrson, Notice Is hereby given toall persons having claims and demands agafiist Nels borgerson, latepfWepetercouifty, Jtceased. that the time fixed for filing clalni Aalutt said estate Is six months from tho 1U -y of August, IBVJ. All such pemons are reqMFcd to prescut their claims with the vouchers tolllie County Judge of said county, at his onlctr therein, on or before the 12th day of February, 1 W0, and all claims so filed will be heard beforo the said Judge on the 13th day of February, 1W0. at 10 o'clock a.m. James Hurry, County Judge. Dated this lMh day of July. 18U9. OhtaliMUr'a K.cU.u niaauad IlraaC HHYRSYfl! L PILLS Orfcfsnl ! Onlr OtManlaA. Prurrl OtUXuurm A'wIiiS atvst BiUi luau-i, IAVII UfallniUUUMlMIM Mm. 1k1 vllh U03 rihlon. laa-itatu-. J.ta.daut.anMaaaur. flinu .i ui.limt.. iinranliiLHawlia. I. .Iani. tnt v.nkol.ii, milinosUll s.4 "lUU.r fur Tdlr," i Umr. .- rrl.ra KTBIb IU.VVW i' 1I.B..I., Vim tWtri (iir Utaifiniatias... fc...fat rvj.1 c-v.m.ji.,1. ri.re, jruiiajt.ua.. rata. BSBBfaC EaSB.laA SBa BBw(VsBBySpL aBsamsasaiaiaV ' ft l US aBLV f?- T.t-AW LflfUa W tl. " AH .- I . t: v t. rt.