THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1899. tt "It is an III Wind That Blows Nobody Good, That small ache or pain or weakness is the "ill wind" that directs your attention to the necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then your whole body receives good, for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ. It is the great remedy for alt ages and both sexes. Dyspepsia " Complicated ivlth liver and kidney trouble, I suffered for years from dyspepsia, nvith severe pains. Hood's Sarsaparilttt made me strong and hearty." y. B, Bncrlon, Auburn, Me. Jtccdi SaUafyWi'dk Hood's 1'llttrurellrrr lilt) tlii" lion Irritating anil "only flhrtlc to tki Willi IIikhI'i K r uflll. THE CHIEF rtfHMMiiti nr w. l. momillan. Ola year... nix months .11(10 50 PUIIUSIIKIi BVBHV KltlDAY Kntored at the post offico at Hod Cloud, Nob. at ctnd clan mall matter. AUVKIITIM1NU HATES: Local AilvcrllnhiK 6 cents cr lino per Ikaiio. Local AihcrtlnliiK for eiiti'tluluinvnta, con Mrti.KOClald, etc., Riven by churches, rharltablo cIcIIcn, etc.. whoro all moneys raltoil there from aro used wholly for vlttirvlt or charitable eletlex, flmt ton lino frco nud nil overtoil Unci i)i cent er lino er luo. Local advertising of ontertaliimctit', concert, recitals, eto., where cr cent la Kivon to pro motor, ft cent per line per Immc. U1KH.AT AIIVKIlTlalMI. One column per month . ........ -17 00 One half column per month .. . ......... - .1 HI Ouo fourth coltiuin per montli ... 1 Tfl Qeiicral display nilverililiiK U cents per Inch per Issue. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Ticket for Jiutito of the Supremo Omit, M, II, HKISK, of Lincoln, Ncbraika, Hor ItCKCtits htiituUnlvcrttlty. WM. II. KI.V, Of AliiMVorth, Nebraska, li. (1. MUOM.TON, Of Omaha, Nebraska. County Ticket. Yot Clerk if,lho lllstrlci Court. JAMES llUUDKN. Of Oleuwood I'reclnct. For Count) Trcaiurcr, U. U. KOBIN80N, ()o lied Cloud City, 2d Ward. For County Clerk, CLAHENCE HEED, Of Itcd Cloud Trccluct. For County J mine. JOHN .MAY, Of Harmony Precinct. For County Superintendent, KVA J. CASK, lOf lted Cloud City, 2d Ward. For County Sheriff, M. AUAMSON, Of Pleasant Hill Precinct. For County Coronor, l)lt. HALL, Of (llenwood Precinct, For County Surveyor, W. K. THO UN K, Of Olouwood Precinct. For Commissioner lit District, 1. II. KA1.KY, Of Pleasant lllll Precinct. For Commissioner Uh District, JAMES OVKHMAN, Of Itcd Cloud Precinct. The dry mid windy weather o( tlio past week it tin ilnnlit duo to tlio dry and windy speeches which will ho ntadu tomorrow. All such tiling!' io qttiru a little preparation beforehand. Now that Dowoy lias returned unci warmly oudnrsos tho campaign of Gon Otis in tlio Philippines wluittiro tho domo-pop papors going to do? Tito Hurely won't "roast" Dowoy, will thoy. . -- Aguinuldo's pupulMlu proclivities are rapidly allowing tip. One of his latest deino-pon acts is tho issuing of throo millions of irreileotnahlo paper money and made its acceptance obli gatory. m E. U. Smith, who has for tho past throo yours boon commissioner from tho fourth commissioner district, has at tho solicitation of his friends, de cided to run ludopoudoutly for that oflloe again. It is inconsistent for a .nan to claim patriotism for his party and its oandi dates while the resolutions of the con ventions that nominated the candi dates denounced tho government and pravo sympathy to tho enemies nt tho country ntid tho Hair. i m Two years ago tho populists wore at tributing tho prosperity of this country to the scarcity of tho food in ludia, Tho present prosperity, however, may be attributed to the scarcity of demo cratic and populist votes in this coun try at tho last presidential election, "Coir" Harvey is billed to spoak in this city tomorrow. If you should hap putwu go to hear him dig up that mil copy ttf "Coin's Financial Sellout' which was so extensively circulated some three ynrs ago and tuke it with you. No doubt you could innko some good comparisons. An Important Election. The following from the Minneapolis (Kan,) Messenger contains enough gootl common suiso to admit of its be ing read by everyone: "There is a disposition among all parties to take but little interest in the election in off years, when only county olllcers are to bo elected. Tiny say it makes no difference to them which ticket is elected when the cnuJIdntCH on each ate good men and qualified to lill the olllces to which they have been nominated. This Is always a mistake, and especially so in the coming elec tion. The lines are being now formed and the Issues joined for the great na tional campaign of WOO, The election of this year menus more to the people than any election since 1801, because of the bearing it will have upon the ptcsiiloiitinl election. The past two years have been eventful ones in the nation's history. The war with Spain has ended, but the legitimate fruits of that contest have not yet been secured. We have acquired I'orto Hico ami the Philippines by treaty, but in tho latter IhoTagals are in open rebellion, at tempting to wrest the Island of Luzon from us, and are attempting to incite the inhabitants of other islands to rebel against the authority of tho United States. 'I'll ese enemies of their coun try in Luzon are killing our soldiers and defying our ilag. "This is the situation on tho evo of tho present election. Wherever a re publican convention has been held this year that party has taken a strong and detci mined stand for the honor of tho country, tho upholding of tho adminis tration, ami standing by our soldiers and sailors who are defending the Ilag and suppressing armed insurrection. On tho other hand wherever populist and democratic conventions have been held, and l hey are one and tho same, because tho candidates of one conven tion and party aro tho candidates of tho other, they have spoken through their platforms denouncing the gov eminent, upholding Aguinnldo and his horde of Tttgnl barbrnans in their re bellion ugalnst tho United Stale, and some convnt.tions of the amalgamated party have gone even so far in their disloyalty us to demand tho hauling down of the American tlag in the Phil ippines and tho withdrawing in dis grace of our army and navy. This is the issue in tho present elec tion and it will lie the issue in the na tional election next year, lno men who aro put up on tho demo-pop ticket iu this county this year may be good men, and we do not have ono word to say against their personal characters or their ability to conduct the affairs of thu several offices to which they liavu been nominated. It is true that many of them have for years beon sooKors for office, but that is nothing against them, and wo are not of those who be lieve that because a man seeks offico ho is unlit 'for office and should ho turned down. It is a laudable am bition and one for which every man has a right to strive, lint whilo we say nothing against the candidates on the amalgamated ticket in a persanal way, it is equally true that tho candidates on tho republican ticket aro in every wny competent and worthy. "The issue then comes down, not to men but to measures. If you vote fr a dingle candidate on the domo-pop-ulisl ticket and help to elect him, just that far do you endorse the assault which that party has made upon our administration and upon our Hag in tho Philippines. You must cither bo for tho administration or you must bo against it. You cannot consistently be for the Ilag, tho suppression of thu re bellion in thu Philippines ami the ad ministration of President McKtnloy 1 TURNURE - BROTHERS, I HIG XEW FALL STOCK OF Dry Goods, Cloaks, Jackets, Capes, Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Rugs p Shoes, arc partly in and coming as fast as the factory and manufacturer can turn them out. If you are a buyer of these lines of goods let us reason together. AT HALF yfewi AS , J "MP' THE PRICK CHARGED BY FANCY TAILORS. WE MAKE AND CUT TO YOUR OWN MEASURE IN ANY C0MBI- NATION OF STYLE, CLOTH AND LINING, SWELL CITY TAILOR-MADE SUITS and SKIRTS dtshjntd by WfffffltiUEl nd the product of their custom WiWtiZZM department, which, for exclusive BaAsadHI styles and high cradc workmanship, ranks foremost in America. Every lady who wishes to have a perfect gown or skirt, strictly up-to-date and different from anyone's else, at a price no higher than asked for ordinary ready-to-wear garments, should leave her measure with us ana make selections of cloth and style from over a hundred samples of suitings and dozens of fashion plates, repre senting ali the newest American and European effects" i rices within the reach of everybody and prompt deliveries guaranteed. Hig lino of Ladies Tailor mnde Stilts and Skirts iu Block at from 85.50 to 25 We have the Largest Stock and Largest Store in Webster county in which to do business. We have the Goods, honestly bought and cheaply sold with which to do business. We advertise to get business and give hon est values to keep and build up business. We have been here but a few years but we expect to be here for twenty-five years to come. When we have thoroughly satisfied you we have made a friend. Our customers leave our store pleased and return again and again to carry away our bargains. You should know we will not be undersold. We never have been and never will be. We do not advertise one single article falsely and never will. If yov see it in our "ad" it is so. We cordially invite you to call and see our mammoth stock. We can serve your interests best and serve you faithfully. "Dvess Soota. Ours is tho most complete Dress Goods Department ever shown in tho west at prices that talk. If you are looking for tho up-to-date buy ItatTurnuro Bros. 'BVawkeVs. Our blankets woro bought early lustspriug which places u in a position to sell Dlankets nt prices our competitors pnid for their's. Tho advance on Ulan kets being about 25 per cent. TMlCS. Whilo in market we secured tho greatest Bargains in Bugs ovor offered. Wo aro selling them faster than wo can mark them. Our competitors will think this is n lie. Well! we havo got them to thinking. SWs. Our Big Shoe Dopnrtmont is be coming moro popular daily. Wo havo tha Shoes, tho Stylos, the Values, unit will save you money iu this Department. Svocevves. Enough said. TURNURE BROS., Red Cloud, Nebraska. mmmmmmammmmzmmimm'mmi and support tho men who aro running on a platform that is against tho ad ministration and who would bring back from thu Philippines in dlsgraco tho flag that was raised thoro by tho blood of our soldiers. This is no year for republicans and loyal men of nil par ties to vote personal prejudice or per sonal friendship. Should a single can didate on tlio demo-pop ticket bo elected in this county it means that just so the people of this county endnrso tho disloyal platform of thu party whoso candidates thoy aro. "Kvery candidate on the republican ticket is worthy the support of every republican in this county, nud what is moro, as a protest ugaiust tho dis-loynl utterances and principles of the demo pops all over the state and all over the nation thoy should receive the support ot uvery loyal citizen rcgatdless of party." iK-'i'ri'jii-l'liliii'-i''-!- MM JV Ilm I V x.l 1 C 9 rwr w.j Facing the Future. There conies a time to most women when thev must face the future of wife hood and motherhood. What that future has iu store for them depends largely upon themselves. To a healthy woman l lie outigaiiuus and consequences of marriage are a lnsting happiness. To a woman suf fering from irreg ularity or other ailments of the sex, marriage may prove a mockery and motherhood a misery. Where such irregularity exists Dr. I'ierce'a Favorite Prescrip tion can be used with the assurance that health will speedily be re stored. It is the most reliable med icine known to medical science for the cure of diseases which af fect the delicate womanly organs. "Favorite Pre scription" is a non-alcoholic medicine and is also free from opium cocaine and other narcotics. "At an early tae of married life," writes Mr. I'lora Am, of Dalian, Jackson Co., Mo., "I was KTcatly tmOierctt with painful perioita, also a troubteomcilralu which reiiilercU me very weak ami unfit for work of nny kind, 1 became o thin there wai nothine left of me but skin and bone. My husband iiecame alarmed nud pot me a bottle of M'nvorltc Prescription.' After he saw the wonderful cflects of that one he got me two more, ami after I used those up there was no more pain, and I lieeau to gain fn flesh very rapidly. I owe all praise to l)r. fierce and his wonderful curative medicines." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser sent free on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mail ing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for look in paper covers, or 31 stamps in cloth to Dr. R. V. Pierce, lhiffalo, N. Y. One View of the Trusts A mill that makes a thousand Micks of Hour a day can bu operated moro cheaply than live mills vlueli make hut two hundred sacks each per day; and to that extent thu thousand sack mill is tho greatest blessing. If tho thousand Hack mill gives to the con sumer tho bonetit of this cheaper pro duction, even to thu extent of closing up nil of thu .smaller mills and keeping them ulntdul, it will, in tho end, prove thu greater good to tlio greater num ber. But if the thousand sack mill first reduces tho pricu of flour to a point where tho smnllor mills aro com pelled to close, and afterwards increas es it to a point nbovo what lit was at first, it becomes a matter of public con cern ami should bu contiolled by law. Tlis concentration of money iu any en terprise that seeks to control the out put of regular prices should not ho countenanced by anybody; ami any legislative hotly, court or political party that says that Mich combination can lot ho controlled by law, Is either cowardly or corrupt. VV'u are well aware that money combinations are powerful fact . is iu all governments; and that courts, law makers and exec utive ufUcurs are not always courage ous in (-quiit-ely confronting these com binations with the light, sort iif weap ons. But we also know that when ti e people get under tlio courts and legis lative bodies with the right kind of jack-screws, they 111 Ire tn tho import ance- of tho situation ami quickly lind thu right way out. Thu eouutry him lately gonu urnzy on thu trusts and combines and the people are becoming alarmed about lliein. Not us to what they havo done hut as lo what they limy do. So far ;i.- uu have been ablu to observe no combination has as yet boon smnrt enough to steal tho govern montnnd got away with it. And wo havo faith to bolievo that n ropo will bo found for tho trusts when It is actually needed, nnd that '.he ropo will bo big enough to do the business. Tho peoplo of this country tiro not so slow; nnd it matters not how early in tho morning the trusts got out on tho highway, nor what speed thoy make in their endeav ors to loot tho country, tho peoplo are always up and also on tho go; nnd we havo observed that th -y alwnys carry tho implements of offensive and defens ive warfare right along with them. Kldorndo Republican Try Graln-OI Try GrahvO! Ask your grocer today to show you a packogo of Grain-O. the now food drink that takes tho plaen of coffee. Tho children nt.ij untile it without in jury as well as the ndult. All who try it, like it. Grain-0 Iris that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, hut it is niado from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. Onu-fourth the price of coffee. IGu nud 25c per package. Sold by ull grocer?. m "You may bend thn sapling but not tin tree." When ulseaso has beconio chronic and deep seated it is often dif ficult to euro it. That is tho reason why it is best to tako Hood's Sarsapa rilla when disease tirst shows itself. JAMBS PETERSON, DEALER IN NBWTON and SMITH Farm Wagons! ALSO A FULL LINE OF BUGGIES and DEMPSTER WlflDptltS. PL ATT & FREES CO., Ghieago IiambefYaFd, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and .Cement. Hood's Pills cathartic are tho favorite family The Coal Period IS NOW HERE. Buy iTTT;fift"iv'y7rfj I Too Late "t "To put a lock n tho stall when the horse is gone." That is trtu in moro ways thnn ono. Tho season of nkmt mown hay is ber und you will soon be feeding your horses new oats, biieaf oats and oheen cokn. In other words the colic season is about here. You can sav your faithful animals hours of agony and yoursolf financial los and the troubl and oxponso of going miles in the night for a "horse doctor" by keeping on baud bottlo of I Sioux Oolio Vti:ttJ.r,. Put up three doses In a drenching bottle sor tt.OO. Cures the various forms of colic, inflammation of the bowels, stoppage of urine, etc. in cattle and horses. One dose gives instant relief. Ask your druggist for it. If he hasn't got it and won't got it for you write us at once. Ton should also have Purchase now, beforo tho price goes up BLACK DIAMONDS aro at rock bottom, nnd will not go lower this wear. Iu time of heat protmrofnr cold. Thero Is glitteiing goodness in our coal ("Imn, slow binning, great heat giving, makes hut little ashes; tlioaeforo ph'itM'H 1 ty pooplo. Full line of Fi.ouit and Feed op hand. W. B, ROBY, No 1 Tiiiitu Av. Phonk No. 01. 3 j Sioux Digestive foodL, on band for your stock and youltry and ward off diseases. "A suicu in time saves nine." i SIOUX REMEDY CO., SIOUX CITY. IOWA. I iKnannnnmv wwwwww The Chief $1.00 a Year. r