The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1899, Image 4

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terns of General Interest Told in
terortl of Happening if Much or I. title
Importance from All I'url of llui
CUtllred World Trice if I arm l'ro
iliicu In WenttTii Market.
Bamboo, Wis. -The Barahoo water
works passed Into tin hands or Re
volver W. O, Ma.oy of Oshko-h. Fore
closure wan brought about by first
mortgago holders.
Mclliourno The Hon. W. McCutlocli,
minister of dcfcn.o, has opened a list
for the enrollment of voluntceiri for
fcervico In Houtli Africa,
Ui'catnr, III. Thomas Acorn, aged SO.
a nntlvo of England and a friend of
Lincoln, Is dead. He wan one of the
wealthiest farrneid In Macon county.
Wichita, Kan. The Davidson In
vestment company of this city has
failed, jOwJiii- $110,000.
CrawfordBvllle, lnd. It Is known
that Dr. William 1. Kane will he the
uuw president of Wahiwh college.
North ICaston, Mass. Oakes A.
Ames, a hrother of the late ox-dot. Oli
ver Amca, died, aged '. ) years. He was
president of the Ames corporation of
North Easton and leaves a big fortune.
Joplln, Mo. The plant of the Peli
can mine at Chltwood Hollow was en
tirely destroyed hy lire. The Pelican
is owned hy Trajer & Chandler of
Cincinnati, O. On hoard the steam
er Hudson a steam pipe hurst and
raided Secretary Jerry O'Shuughnes
sy, ox-President Cook anil Treasurer
Itowe, members of the waterworks
St. IiOiils, Mo.- An electric street car
in the Lindoll line struck a wagonload
of school children at Channlng and
l.ucas avenues, fatally Injuring Clara
Kngolcr and Arthur l.arlmore.
Uenton Iraroor. Mich. George Tal
bot, 10 years old, while handling a rlllo
opposed to bo loaded with blank car
tridges, fcliot his sister Llla, aged 7, iu
the face. The wound may prove fatal.
Mllwaukco, Wis. Flro at tho Cream
City Brewing company' plant cati&od
n damago'of $10,000 to $15,000. John
Obenauf, a fireman for tho company,
was killed by a runaway team.
Martin's Kerry. Ohio Joseph J. dill
of SteubcnvlUo has been nominated on
tho 209th ballot for congress by the re
publican convention of the Sixteenth
district, to succeed Capt. Danforth, de
censed. Mllwaukco, Wis. George W. Shop
trd, broker, has been arrested on tho
ehBrgc of embezzling $13,000 from tho
Duraud estate, of which be Is adminis
trator. Boston, Mass. John Henry Chance,
who was convicted of the murdering
of Charles L. Russell, a drug clerk, on
tho night or April I, 1898, has been
sentenced to Imprisonment for llfo.
Ponca City, O. T. W. T. Jamison
mid J. D. Arnold of Tonkawa shot and
killed each other in a street fight.
Jamison was a gambler and saloon
man and Arnnld a hotel proprietor.
Hannibal, Mo. M. 11. Itoherts, a ma
chinist, killed his son, Sidney Roberts,
and then shot himself, Indicting a mor
tal wound. The ton was killed whilo
Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Mary Gallagher,
aged 35, poisoned herself and her thrco
children with laudanum. Mrs, Galla
gher and her 4-months-oId baby are
PetoBkey, Mich. M. D. Chase, a line
man of tho Doll Tolophone company,
was arrested on a chnrge of sotting tho
fire In tho Midway. Tho loss was
Indianapolis, lnd. The annual re
union of tho National Association of
Mexican Veterans met here. Gov.
Mount and Mayor Taggart delivered
addresses of welcome.
Atlanta, da. Gov. Candler's mlnuto
men, a company of 109 ofllcors and
privates, have made application to Sec
retary of War Itoot to bo accepted as
a company for service In tho Philip
pines. Hot Springs, Ark. Oro brought
hero from diggings ton miles from the
city was submitted to an expert, who
pronounced it zinc ore, placing Us
vnluo at $50 a ton.
Carlisle, lnd. This town has been
placed tinder quarantine restrictions
becauso of tho epidemic of malignant
diphtheria. Sunday school and public
schools have been closed.
Oshkosh, Wis. Tho contested will
of William Dcdlcnt, which bequeaths
his estate, with tho cxcoptlon of $1,500,
to the Oshkosh public library, has been
Fiskdolo, Mass. John King and
wife, an aged couple, were found dead
at their home. They had been clubbed
to death by their son, Peter King,
while ho was suffering from delirium.
Now Orleans, La. Thu British
steamer Angola cleared with 108,172
bushels of corn and 1(10,000 bushels of
oats, tho largest cargo of grain ever
taken from that port.
Ducktown, Tcnn. The furnaco and
oro roasting men have joined the strik
ers at tho copper mines.
SaC Francisco On account of tho
quarantlno regulations neither malt
nor passonsora wero permitted to bo
landed from tho steamer Coptic.
New York Tho now battleship Kear
eargo has arrived from Newport News.
ller hull will be scraped and painted,
preparatory to her trial trip.
Kans.iB City, Mo. Timothy Keefo, a
laborer, died from wounds Inflicted hy
Georgo P. Crehae, who struck Keefe on
tho head with an iron bar.
Philadelphia, Pa. Tho Uev. James
C. Caldwell, a well-known Preshyto
rlan minister of this city, was Instant
ly killed In a runaway accident.
Cuttle, all grade $1,5017 fi.75
Hoge, common to prime. 2.50 t,lo
Sheep and lumhs 1.25 ff4.8t"
Wheat, No. ;! red .70VS
Oats. No. 2 white Wjfv .22")1
Corn. No. 3 white :ilAtfr M'U
Rye, No. 2 eish .50V4
Etfgs .11!
Hutter 13 tfi ,22V
Wheat, No. 1 northern.. .71 Vif? .72
Corn. No. I! 31 HW .3 1
Oats. No. 2 white 23'iff .24
Ro, No. 1 58 Jf .5S4
Barley, No. 2 ISVi .4(1
Hutter .' 12 .() .21
Cattle 2.25 tiT..50
Krrh '. .13 . .15
Hogs 3.i;o nn.75
Sheep and lambs 2.75 (jf 5.25
Wheat. No, 2 red (!" fr .08
Oats, No. 2 white 25 ft- .j;,i;
Corn, cash No. 2 mixed .29
Cattle, all grades 2.10 (75.75
Hogs, all grades 4.00 tjr4.50
Sheep and lambs 2.59 tflii.25
Wheat. No. 2 cash .70f,
Corn, No. 2 mixed .31
Oats, No. 2 mixed .22 V4 No. 2 cash .58V
Clovcrseod, prime eish. 5.05
Oats. No. 2 cash .23
Wheat, No. 2 hard OGVaflP .08
Corn. No. 2 iw.h .30.
Cattle, all gradea 2.25 (fffi.25
Hogs 4.15 i'5.(i5
Sheep and lamlM 2.50 5.75
Wheat, No. 2 red .75
Corn. No. 2 .394
Oats, No. 2 white .29V4
Outs, No. 3 white 22-itTf .22
Corn, No. 2 ,314
Lebanon, Mo. The Culpepper-Shannon
College building, that was built at
a cost of $75,000, burned. Tho flro
caught from a defective Hue.
Vacavllle, Cal. By the explosion of
a soda fountain In a bakery, Karl An
dler, an employe, wns killed.
Hldgway, Pa. Tho Rldgway tannery,
belonging to the Elk Tanning com
pany, was destroyed by lire. Tho loss
Is estimated at $200,000.
Mexico. Mo. James Callahan, 17
years old, a farmer, wns killed by a
Wabash west-bound freight train near
this city.
Promiced I.and, L. I. Tho plant ol
the American Fisheries company win
destroyed by lire. The loss cannot yot
be estimated, but It Is said tho machin
ery was worth nearly $100,000.
St. Louis. Mo. John O. Dickey, a
clerk In the Burlington railroad office
fell twenty feet from the Holman cycle
path bridge while riding a wheel and
choked to death In the mud.
Los Angplcs, Cal. Charles Z. JIall
has been arrested by United States
olllcers and Is now In the county Jail
here. Ho Is wanted at Las Vegas, N.
M on a charge of robbing tho post
office there.
San FranclBco, Cal. William Ken
nedy, a member of tho city fire depart
ment, was shot and killed hy Warren
Main. Both wero Intoxicated.
Singleton, Miss. Cornelius Triplet,
colored, wns shot and killed, making
four victims two whlto and two col
oredof tho fend raging in this county.
Williamson, W. Va. Elijah Hall
shot and killed his father, Henry Hall,
In Plko county, Kentucky, for abusing
his mother.
Williamson, W. Va. Ellas Hatfield,
who killed II. E. Ellis, was sentenced
to twelve years In tho penitentiary.
Washington The postofflce depart
ment has Issued an order debarring
fromtho malls the matter Issued by
the cx-Slavo Mutual Relief Bounty and
Pension association, with headquarters
at Nashville, Tenn.
Newport News, Va. Active work on
tho construction of the new $1,000,000
dry-dock for tho Newport News Ship
building and Drydock company has
been begun.
San Fianclsco, Cal. Tho first of tho
many petitions filed by Mrs. Ncttlo R.
Craven, In her renewed nttnek upon
tho estate of James G. Fair, was do
nled by Superior Judge Troutt.
Plttsbu.-g, Pa. Tho association of
Iron and steol sheet manufacturers has
advanced the prlco of sheet $3.10 to
$3.25 a ton, to take effect at once.
San Francteco, Cal. The govern
ment has taken steps to secure posses
Ion of Mission rock, which has been
held by'tlio 'Cnllfornla'Dry Dock con-"
pany slnco 1870.
Princeton, N. J. Mark Twain, who
has been announced as coming to
Princeton, has canceled his engage
ment for a suite or rooms here, saying
that he Intends remaining In England
for the winter,
Toledo, Ohio Col. Brumberry of tho
British army Is negotiating with tho
Mllburn wagon works for 1,000 heavy
army wagons which arc to bo used In
the Transvaal In caso war should break
out with the Boer republic.
New York Thomas M. Croft, tho ra
cing secretary of tho Brighton Beach
Racing association, died at his homo In
Brooklyn of henrt disease.
Berlin In consequence of tho re
cent election In Pima for member of
the rolchstag a majority of the depu
ties from Saxony are now socialists,
Now York Melvlllo A. Sheldon,
Loute Cohn, Isaac J, Conn, Slgmund
Klco and Moses J, Cohn, Individually
and as members of tho firm of Cohn
Bros., Kleo & Co,, tho New York Mu
sical Record and the Manhattan Rail
way Advertising company, filed a petl
on In bankruptcy.
Capt. Dreyfus Not Sfrt'sfied with
the Pardon Granted.
'rin Departure of the Nult-il I'rUoiier
from ICrnne I Almnt I'nnotlred
Humor That III) I Coming In America
for ul l.i'UKl a Miort Slay.
Capt. Alfred Dreyfus, at 2 o'clock on
the morning of Sept. 20, left tho prison
at Rennes, France, In which he had
been confined since his return from
Devil's Island, and proceeded to Vcru,
where ho took a train hound for
Nantes. His departure was completely
Tim pardon Is a part of the general
policy of amnesty by the present gov
ernment, mill Is .an logical outcome of
the Incongruous verdict. By formal
condemnation the nillltuij chiefs are
fiiitlntlfd and pressing reasons for their
pioscciitlou In avoided. Much of the
foreo must be knocked out of tho Drey
fim campaign, and Incidentally o'it of
foreign criticism.
Leading newspapers of the world
unanimously Interpret Dreyfus' pardon
as an admission of the government's
conviction that tho verdict was opposed
to tho evjdcnco. They say that If It Is
otherwlso tho government has delib
erately condoned treason.
Under the heading, "Declaration du
Capltaino Dreyfus," tho Paris Auroro
publishes tho following.
"The government of the republic ro
stores to mo my freedom. It Is noth
ing to mo without honor. From thU
day forth I continue, to seek reparation
for tho ghastly Judicial error of which
I am still tho victim.
"I wish Franco throughout should
know by n final Judgment that I am
innocent. My heart will not be at rest
until there Is no longer a Frenchman
who Imputes to mo an abomlnablo
crime which nnother committed.
Tho London Times publishes tho fol
lowing dispatch from Liverpool: "A
quantity of luggage has arrived hero
from Havre and Folkestone addressed
to Mmo. Dreyfus, and rooms have also
been taken at a local hotel. Tho lug
gago Is marked for New York, and It
Is supposed that Dreyfus Is go?ng to
Tho Paris correspondent of tho Lon
don Dally Telegraph says: "Droyfus
Is so ill that ho can live only a few
months. Tnt ''government has prom-1
Jsed to watch over and protect him, and
has recommended that ho live on tho
Affcremive Action In Delayed.
Gen. Otis cables that he fears now
that tho American troops will be able
to do little, If anything, in tho way of
aggreealvo action beforo Nov. 1.
Chanced Date or Fight.
Tho heavyweight championship bat
tle between Sharkey and Jeffries will
take place Oct. 27 Instead of Oct. 23.
Ilttv, JoiHph I'rmioM Cnnircr4td.
Tho Rev. Joseph Francis, recently
elected bishop of tho Episcopal diocese
of southern Indiana, was consecrated
nt Evansvllle, lnd.
l'lre Cinti Four f.lvra.
Four Uvea were lost In a fire which
destroyed St. Vincent do Paul's hos
pital at Norfolk, Va., and four firemen
were Injured.
Ilnlr Itofima to Interfere
Tho Italian government, In roply to
President Krugcr's request for Innter
vnn'tlnn. han refused to Istcr'tm
BBBBBffara'fllltWyiliBIM- 1V CiuEfflBrlioffniMimVi nSI
Chief Kierntlte trill V, It Many Cltlm
llcfnre III Upturn.
The arrangements for the president's
western trip nro being perfected. Ho
will bo In Galcsburg, 111., on Oct. 7 and
at St. Paul to receive tho Minnesota
volunteers returning from the Philip
pines on the 12th. From tho 8th to
the 11th ho will bo In Chlcngo. The In
vitation to attend tho reunion of the
Blue and Gray at Evansvllle, lnd., be
tween the 10th and 13th, cannot bo ac
cepted because It will connict with the
Minneapolis and St, Paul engagement.
Tho president may visit Sioux City,
To I'rntcnt ill Trut.
Suits hnve been brought in Indiana
courts agaliiRt nil lndlnnn window
ghiHs companies enjoining them from
tiansferrlng their plants to tho iibtvly
organized trmst, which has, by con
tract at least, absorbed them.
Vrtrrn r.efut to t'uriiitn.
Members of both tho Grand Army of
the Republic and the Sons of Veterana
hnvo refused to march in tho Dowey
parado at New York. They are dlssat
lslled with the position accorded them.
C'titrMBO Mock llrohiT I'ull.
Tho Chicago board of trade commis
sion house of Barrett, Farnum & Co.
failed with liabilities estimated at from
$100,000 to $150,000.
Dralre Mediation of Amerlru.
The Orango Free State, it is said,
desires to secure tho intervention of
the United States In the dispute be
tween the Transvaal and Great Britain,
and hopes thnt as a disinterested party
tho United States will consont to
Would Katn (Inn. Alerclor.
Eight thousand citizens of French
Lorraine have signed a petition to
Minister Galllfet begging that den.
Mcrcler mny not ho prosecuted for his
action In tho Dreyfus case.
Approved hy Wur Department.
The wur department has approved
tho action of den. Otis In refusing to
allow Spanish ships to go to ports con
trolled by tho Insurgents to take away
Spanish prisoners.
Htrlhn Settled hy Coiiipromliir.
Tho coal minors' atrlko In tho Chi
cago and Alton subdlstrlct has been de
clared off, and tho men aro at work.
A compromlso favorable to tho miners
was effected.
Auft-uit Internal I!oenne Iterlpt.
The collections of Internal rovenuo
for tho month of August amounted to
$?M8Q.9$0r ,an lncr,pn.Bp gg compared,
with August, last year, of $1,949,482.
Formidable Knemy for llrlluln.
Tho Orango Froo State, It Is undor
Btood, Ib preparing to supply tho Trans
vaal with 14,000 magnificent markmon
In caao of war with Orcat Britain.
I'roinntlon from the Itanlta,
Vacancies of second lieutenants In
tho United States army aro to bo filled
by promotion from tho ranks of tho
regiments in which they occur.
DeMllutloii In Porto It I do.
Tho board of charities tabulated sta
tistics show that out of n population of
91G.894 In Porto Rico there arc 291,089
Indigent and 11,858 sick.
Vlrtory for (lov. Kitiller.
The new Supremo court of Nevada
decided tho governorship contest in
favor of dov. Rolnhold Sadler, tho
silver party candldato.
Dentil at Driyfu' Champion.
M. Scheurcr-Kcstner, tho former
vlce-prcsldont of tho French Benato,
and champion of Dreyfus. Is deai'.
Coroner' .Inry it Cartrrtllle llendrrt a
Verdict In the Hint Ciue.
The verdict of tho coroncr'H Jury In
tho riot caso at Cartervllle, til., states
that Huso Bradley, John Black, T. L.
Floyd, and Henry llranum came to
tlmlr deaths by nunehot wounds Indict
ed during a riot, and charge!) Wesley
Shadowen, Willis Shadowen, Elmer
Jnmiw, Lcm Shadowen, Wlllln Carney,
Will Kelly and others unknown to the
Jurors with being engaged In the riot.
The Jury states that It Is unable to say
which of tho accused men killed the
Tho jury also Units that tho fifth ne
gro killed -Sim Cummlngswns shot
by Elmer James and others, thus
making n direct charge of homicide
against James,
Can Not Iterover Money from the
Federal lot-iinmit.
L. P. Mitchell, assistant comptroller
of tho treasury, In tho matter of tho ap
plication of the state of Indiana for the
l cupelling of a Rcttlemcnt of tho bal
nnco of tho claim of the state for
$000,979, has decided that, all hough In
his judgment tho claim Is u perfectly
Just one, he Is without power to nfTord
any remedy, and thereforo the applica
tion Is denied.
ICriinirm the ChlciiRO Platform.
Tho democrats of MiiHs'nclitiHCtttt In
convention adopted resolutions which
renlllrm and Indorse the Chicago plat
form, particularly tho ilnauclal plank,
demanding the frcu and unlimited
coinage of both gold nud silver ut the
ratio of 1C to 1. Trusts and tho gov
ernment's policy In the Philippines ate
Chicago Stock Yiird Hcorchud.
Fir at the Chicago stock yards wiped
out mummoth horno snlo stablcs.The
Dexter park pavilion, two residences,
and three detached horso barns were
destroyed, and tho old stockyards ho
tel, the Transit house, was badly dam
aged. Tho loss Is estimated at be
tween $300,000 and $400,000.
1'rlvllege for Dewey' Chliiiimen.
The authorities will permit tho laud
Ing of three Ctilnnmcn from the battle
ship Olympla upon tho arrival of that
vessol at New York, In order that they
may takn part In tho parado In honor
of Admiral Dewey.
Another Victory for "Olco."
Judge Lochrcn In tho United States
District court of Minnesota practically
held tho stato law prohibiting tho salo
of oleomargarine, coloicd to Imitate
butter, to bo unconstitutional.
Inherit the Vuuderhllt Million.
Tho will of tho Into Cornelius Vnn
dcrbllt makes his son Alfreu, although
junior in years, the senior In riches and
tho successor to the power which the
Vandcrbllt millions wield.
Hear Admiral Monlujo I'uuUliml.
Renr Admiral Montojo, who com
manded tho Spanish naval forces In
tho battle of Manila bay, has been
condemned to retirement without tho
right of promotion.
Flat form of Nrbritxlm Itcpuhllcitnii.
Nebraska state republican conven
tion ndopted resolutions denouncing
vicious trusts, indorsing McKlnlcy ami
his wnr policy and declaring for the
gold standard.
All Favor Municipal Ownership.
Tho sentiment of delegates to the
Rcsslon of tho League of American
Municipalities Is overwhelmingly in
favor of municipal control of water
and lighting.
Dourer' Mayor Made I'refthlcnt.
Tho League o fAmerlran Munici
palities elected Henry V. Johnson,
mayor of Denver, president. Charles
ton, S. C.was selected as tho next place
of meeting.
II) an ICnally Defeat Craig.
Tommy Ryan easily defeated Frank
Craig, tho Harlem coffee cooler, beforo
7,000 persons at tho Coney Island
Sporting club. Tho fight lusted ten
I, lent. -Col. Mller I Demi.
Llout.-Col. John D. Mlloy, Inspcctor.
gencrnl of volunteers, died nt Manila.
Col. Mlley's rank In the regular army
wns (Irst lieutenant, Second artillery.
To Huccrcd ,luilfn Motherland.
O. T. Williams hns boon appointed by
Gov. Schnflold judge of tho Superior
court of Milwaukee county, Wisconsin,
to succeed the lato Judge Sutherland.
I.oiie by Austrian Flood.
Vlonna newspaper.! claim tho fatali
ties from Moods will mount up Into the
thousands, wb.llo the loss of property
will amount to millions of dollars.
Kchley Will Accent Command.
Admiral Schley says ho will accept
the command of the south Atlantic
squadron or any other duty to which
the president may assign him.
len. Mllu for I'reaidcnl.
There Is n Btrong movement on foot
In Massachusetts to put den. Nelnon A.
Miles beforo the country as u candl
dato for pre?ldcnt.
Tito More Himillpox Chuck.
Two more cases of smallpox dcvel
oped In the Thlrty-flnn Infantry, which
Is In quarantlno at San FranclBco. This
makes live cases In all.
We Auinn No IteHiouall)lllly,
The stato dopartmont has Informed
Inquirers that tho United Stato will as
aumo no responsibility for tho payment
of the Cuban bonds.
Kipert Yield or H,O00,O0O.
The yield from the Klondike mines
this year will bo a third Ices than last
year's outpm, or about $8,000,000
Recommendations Adop'ed by tin
St. Louis Conference.
The AMcmhly I'm or thu I'aaiaRr "I j
I'cdcral II lid Main Which Will j
I'iiiiMi Attempted .doitopnllratloii of i ,
The goternoiM and nttomey-geticrala
ul tending dov. Bayers' anti-trust con
ference at St. Louis adnptod ronolu
tlnns by which, if they nro transformed
into laws, all trusts, pools nud com
binations In lestrnlnt of trade will Iw
clawed as criminal, and "tramp cor
porations" will find existence a matter
of dlftlculty.
Tho chief recommendations are ns
"The enactment and enforcement,
both by the several states and the na
tion, of legislation that shall adequate
ly and fully delluc us crime any at
tempted monopolization or lestralnt of
trade, in any line of Industrial activity,
with provisions for adequate punish
incut both of the Individual or tho cor
poration that rihall be found guilty
thereof; punishment to the corporation
to tho extent of Its dissolution,
"Tho enactment of stnto legislation
declaring that a corporation created In
one state to do business exclusively In
other stales than where created shall
be prohibited from admlHiilou Into any
"Thnt no corporation iihould 1m
formed, In whole or In part, hy nny
Inxurccnt Chief lint Albeit for a Con
ference with Otl.
A staff olllcer of Agulnaldo has en
tered the lines of the American force
with a proposition to surrender (he
American prisoners who aro now lieln
at Vlrgnn. He also asked for rt con
ference with don. Otis, tho nature of
which is not known.
Tho hopes of the ndmlnlntrntloii are
buoyed up by the news. It is Inter
preted as an Indication that Agulnaldo
Is weakening nnd may surrender.
Wilder Monument Dedicated on the
I'lcld of Chlcknimiuca.
The 113 Indiana monuments and
maikcrs and tho Wilder brigade monu
ment nt Chlckammtgn park wero dedi
cated Sept. 20 In the presonco of 10,
OOO people, dov. Mount of Indiana do
llvercd tho address, formally turning
tho monuments over to the govern
1'itra ScmIoii Not I.lkely.
Although there is great pressure be'
Ing brought to hour upon tho president
by ciirrcnry reformers to call nn extra
session to enact ftunnclnl legislation.
It Is the general belief .these dcmandK
will not 1io acceded to.
Will Need r.0,000 Men.
M'ljor S. R. Jones, for a long tlmb
quartermaster at Manila, Is of tho
opinion that 50,000 men will havo to
be kept on tho Island of Luzon for ton
years In order to keep the poace.
Cunniit VUlt Indiana.
To Indiana friends President McKln
lcy has explained that It will bo Impos
sible for him to go to Evansvllle on
tho occasion of tho trl-stato reunion of
tho blue and gray.
Adrlne liner to Ilejrln.
Tho Borlln Dcutscho Tagcszeltung
advises the Transvaal government to
begin hostilities Immediately, beforo I
Grent Britain's preparations for wa' I
are completed.
Iltne nml (lray Iteiinlon.
All arrangements have been com
pleted and the Invitations Issued for
the national reunion of tho bluo and
gray to bo held at Evansvllle, lnd.. on
Oct. 10 to W.
China Make a I'rnteit.
Tho Chlneso government has lodged
with tho Plato department nn emphatic
protest against tho military order of
Gen, Otis excluding Chlneso from thr
(liirrln Nnrrender to I'nllee.
M. duerln surrendered to tho Paris
police without firing a shot and was
convoyed to prison. His companions, '
fourteen In number, woro allowed tr
go free. j
IxiuU IiiBwemen Naprenm Commander
The Bupremo lodge of tho Knights of
Pythias elected Louis Ingwereen, Now
Yorkt.vBttprpmo coramandor. The next
tilcetlng will bo held In 1901 in Chi
Allow Women to Vote.
Tho Episcopal diocesan council In
Ecsslon at Milwaukee, by a vote of 27
to 23, accorded to women tho right to
vote on all church and parish matters.
Wiped Out hy Fire.
Almost tho entire business section ol
Farnham, N. Y., was wiped out of ex
istence by a flro. Tho loss Is between
$200,000 and $250,000.
Ityati to Meet McCoy.
A match between "Kid" McCoy and
Tommy Ryan for a purse of $10,000 at
tho Lenox Athletic club Is assured for
tho near future.
Hittviulll unit Lumber Ilurned.
At Castorland, N. Y Thoodoro B.
Basselln's sawmill and ton acres of
lumhor wero burned, causing a loss of
Hawaii to Invite Immigration.
Immlgratlpn from tho north of Italy
and from Sweden Is to bo invited by