The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1899, Image 2

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When you piek oat
you Outer Garments
for the Season you oiant
Them g STYLE,
Well then get the "Palmer
Garment and you will be sure
of it. Its the best we can find.
Gome in and see this one.
Black Kersey, strapped back and front, trimmed with
small buttons, double breasted, shaped front,
satin lined throughout, only $12.25.
Don't You Heed a Daek Goat?
If so why not buy where you can get the best for the least B$
money. You' can do it by buying at our store.
wur price is Tne mognet tnat draws.
Just received a large shipment of shoes which
are sure to please the wearer in price
and style. Don't forget the place.
The recent cold nights remind us of
We have the largesn assortment in the valley both in cot
ton and wool, ranging in price from 50c to $8 per
pair. All blankets full double bed size.
Now is the time for
of all kinds. Having received our fall line of dress goods
comprising Novelties, French Orepons, Venetian cloth,
Mohair, Orocaded Wool and Silk Fancies in black
and colors, serges, Henriettas and cashmeres,
Plaids in Wool and silk, also a nice lot of
Worsteds very nice for school dresses
"Calicoes ! Well I Guess So."
Just take a look at our center counters. 4c, 5c, 6c, 10c
and 12 l-2cper yard.
One fourth ol the shelving on the north side of our store is
filled with choice patterns at 5c, 7c, 8c, 10c and
12 l-2c. Extra heavy for cloaks at 20c.
MINER BROS., Red Cloud. Nebr.
C. P. Moninvlllo'H llttlo boy is quit
H. D. Hunter has traded for the Jno.
Sutton farm.
Fred Watt has purchased the Robin
eon proporty.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Crow on
Wednesday morning, t girl.
M. Adamson, republican oandtdate
for sheriff wb in town Monday.
Rumors are afloat that a license has
been procured and another wedding
will ocoursoon.
Mr. Eddy has another kllnofbrlok
which he will opon soon. Ho will put
up another kiln at onoe.
D. MoCallum. E. G. Parker and oth
ers are Bhelllnjc their corn this week.
Some 12,000 uushels or moro.
Archlo Redden was nasslmr around
the cigars Saturday, confirming the
roport that ho wasmarriod on the20th.
S. A. Roddon will havo a nublla sale
noxt Wednesday and James Robinson
noxt Tuesday. Thoy aro both going
to Oregon,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Crow started for
u visit to their former homo at Corn
ing, Iowa. They hare not boen there
for fourteen years.
Grant Sch tdlor toot with a, bad acci
dent Wednesday whllo catting cano
with a horse cutter, by getting his legs
badly cut. Dr. Paoe was called.
Marriod, at the residence of W.J.
Harris on Sunday morning, Septombor
24th, WHliam .Harris and Gertrude
Hodeon, E, O. Parker officiating.
At the populist caucus Saturday
John Brooks was nominated for asses
sor, Q. W. Simpson justice of the
peace, and Goo. Garber for constable
Mrs. Kellum, mothor of A. M. Kol
lum, living nino miles northoast of
bore, died Tuesday. Tho f unoral ser
vices woro conducted at the Friond
church south of North Branch. Mrs.
Kollum was an agod lady who reconily
came here for her health.
i . m
Woathor cool and windy.
Albort Keuglo will move to Rod
Cloud In tho near future
Frank VanDyko and wifo woro tho
guests of Harris Noble Sunday.
Allon Carpenter and wife wore tho
guests of Wm. VunDyko Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of Franklin
wero the guosts of R. C. Wilson last
Thoro are four molassos mills in
Sino this fall and all doinga good bus
W. A. VanDyko of Cloveland. Ohio.
is visiting with Wm. VuuDvke and
Joo Saladon and family attended tho
lovo feast at the Dunkard church last
Prof. Shannon reports his school
getting along nicoly with a good at
Quito a number from Lino attonded
tho tabornuolo meeting on Wulnut
crook Sunday,
Tho birthday party nivon in honor
of John Roohor was largoly attended.
All roport a good tlmo.
E. W. Anderson roports tho tabor-
nablo meeting on Wulnut crookas hav
ing closed without much succoss.
Miss Melvina Van Dyke is home
from the salvation urmy meeting at
Wilcox and othor places, and reports
good meotiugs,
Tho school in Dlst. No. 8 is not at
tended as well as it should bo. Out of
forty-six children of school uge only
fourteon wero enrolled last week.
There's nothing in Ivory Soap but soap, good, pure
vegetable-oil soap. There's nothing to make the linens
Streaky, no alkali to injure the finest textures. The
lather forms quickly and copiously, and wash-day is a
pleasure instead of a drudgery. Try it for the next wash.
The price places it within reach of every one. Look
out for imitations.
oriiki, m, t n. mu omtii o, (mh
May Ronkol Is reported sick this
Mr. Eddy is back again from attend
ing conference.
A cold wave struck this locality Wed
nesday afternoon. Look out for snow.
Rev. J. E. Rlppotoo will take Uov.
Blackwell's place at Inavale for tho
coming year. Ho will preach at Ina
valo, Ploasant Prairie, Rlvorton and
Chryatal Springs.
May Kolso died Sunday night of ty
phoid (over after a protracted Illness of
several weeks Sho was buried Tues
day in tho Pay no burying ground.
Tho heartfelt sympathy of the ontlro
community is extended to the be
reaved family.
What Do the Children Drink.
Don't give thorn tra or coffee. Have
you tried tho now food drink called
Grain-O. It is delicious and nourish
ing unit takes tho plnco of coffee. Tho
morn Grnui-O yon glvo tho children
the move heulth you distribute tnrough
thuir bystoins. Gralu-0 is madu of
pure grains, and when properly pre
pared tastes like tho choice grades of
co ITe o 1) u t costs about one-fourth us
much. All grocers sell it. IGo and 25o,
Tho republicans of Webster county
do not need to bo told that tlioir con
vention placed in nomination an ex
ceptionally strong ticket- Its person
olio demonstrates that fact. From top
to button the county ticket io good and
will unquestionably command a strong
support. Thoro can bo no reasnoablo
objection to any nomineo. Individual
ouaractor and personal worth are the
distinguished features. Tho whole
ticket can bo elected, but wo will not
indulge our readers with illusions or
vainglorious predictions of success.
Normally tho republicans are in tho
minority In this county. Of lato years
whon they havo named popular candi
dates: made a vigorous campaign and
brought out tho republican voto, thoy
havo boon successful in electing at
least a part of tho tlckot. This year
tho nominations are so etromr anil
worthy In tho public estimation that
tho wholo ticket can bo elected by a
proper effort. Organization, earuost
work, a full poll of tho republican voto
and tho personal strength of the nomi
noos among their friends, will achieve
victory. The republicans should nmko
up tholr minds to go in for a complete
triumph and ovory nomineo.
Card of Thanks.
Wo doslro to thank those friends who
so kindly and sympiithotleally assisted
us during tho illness and linnl dnnnrt.
tiro of our son and brother.
Petkk Him. and Famii.v.
Aguinaldo's appeal to thonnwm, iiu
ai yet received uo answer except from
tho democrats and populists, and thoy
lost thor power soino threo years ago.
Tho Ciiikk and Chicago Inter Ocean
Mo year for 81.26.
He Wanted to be Alone.
"Everybody," says tho Chandler
(Kansas) Nows. "knows Bill Tiohlman.
and it would bo no troublo to find a
thousand men who would hot their
hats that Bill wouldn't run from any
thing on earth. But last weok ho uiado
a disorderly retreat, and this is how it
happened: William hankered for fish
and took a stick of dynamite, ont to
the creek, lit tho fuso and tossed it In
to tho pool. The family dog, a small
spaniol, accompanied him. One of
Fldo's accomplishments was to chase
and bring back anything which had
been thrown into the water, and per
ceiving a clmnco to distinguiih him
solf, ho rushed in, grabbed tho stick of
dynamite nnd proceeded as ho had
boon taught, to bring it to his muster.
Right hero was whore tho rotroat be
gan. Tighlmati rushrel wildly through
tho timber, yelling, "Go 'way, Fido, go
'way!" while Fido frisked arily along
after him, carrying the dynamite with
tho sputtering fuse trailing out bohind.
By masterly leg work Bill managed to
keep ut a tolerably witfo diilnnco until
tho thing wont off. After a careful
search of tho neighborhood a small
lock eif curly hair was found sticking
to a jauk-oak, and Tighliuan will have
this put in n gold locket, to keep as a
souvenir of tho only thing he over ran
Republican County Central Committee
Take Notice.
A mooting of the Republican count
control commltteo is hereby callod at
tii oinco;rooniH or .1. R. Morcer in tho
Moon block, city of Rod Cloud, at 2
o'clock p.m., Tuesday, Oclobor .'), 18D9.
Tho attendance of tho entire commit
too Is, earnostly desired.
Madihom Finch, Chairman.
E. J. Ovkmno, Jr., Secretary.
Republican Caucus.
The republican voters of the City of
Rod Cloud, Nebraska, aro rceiuosted to
meet at tho court house on Thursday
October 12th, 1899, at 7:C0 ei'clook
for the of nnminntinr.
assessor, two justices of tho poaco, and
two constables anil to attend to such
othor business as may come boforo tho
W. 11, Hoiiv,
W. A. Mitoiiki.i,,
Republican Caucus.
The republican voters of Hod Cloud
precinct are reiniustod to umnt,
court house on Saturday afternoon
October 7th, at 2 'ook p.m. to noml'.
naio prociuot eiiiicurs
Omvkic Hkikik, Com,
X. S
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