8 THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, PBIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1899. 1 I I k ll" r W I II Cured Her Boy. "When my son George was 14, he was stricken with a ter rible nervous affliction. Phy sicians nor medicines helped him. He lost his speech, use of limbs and could hardly swal low food. Before he had fin ished a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine he could talk and eat well, and 5 bottles cured him. Mr. Julia O'Oonnor, Fulton, Ky, DR. MILES' Restorative Nervine is told by nil druggists on guarantee, first bottle benefits or money back. Nook on heart and nerves sent free. Dt.MHm Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. i P. P. COBLE, 0FF1CKJN MOON BLOCK. Isauraace written on city and farst property at lowest rates. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgfm B. M. J?. R. ompmor, as V. S. Pntltm Smrgtim. 9Mj aid country calls promptly an swered day or night. OvnoiOTiBLnrDSBT's Meat Marht NMJnr CALLS AT OFFICB. Dr. E. A. Creighton, Mesorary Graduate Silrer Medalist western u at varsity, uanaaa. ALU iMWIUO DAT AMD NlOHT. mw Otaa Ceet'e PmaBVAOT. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IF TOU WANT IT. inii Briigo Wirk ir Teeth WitM Pitt PORCKLA1N INLAT Aae all Us latest latproveaiontU doatal Moon anltm I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE g FARM LOANS. Look Box S3. Oulde Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TKItMS 11KAS0NAW.K P. A. WELLS, KTT0RNBY KT LKUvC. Ufilco in F. & M. bank building with D. J. Myors. Practices in all State and United States Coukts. OVERMAN tf BLACKLBEQE KTTORNBYS - RT - UPOnL. Office ever Post Office. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. R. D. BEDFORD. Insaranec - Agency. REPRESENTING, Etna Firo Iisuracco Company, Hartford, Conn. National Hre Insurnnco Ce., Hartford, Conn. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Cean. Queen Fire Ins. Co., ef Amoricn, Now York, N. Y. Lancashire Fire Ins. Co,, Manchester, England. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Socioty, Norwich, England. Employers' Liability Assurano Corpor ation, limited, (accident) London, England. All Standard Companies. Your Patronage Solicited. Lands and Collections. Itrssts with yoa whlar 70a conUnn tb. arr-uuiig iodkcto badii, ji r wajki. r.morti in aetir lor umho, wi al Bsrrout dl.trtM, iptlnleo-1 an, ,uuu 01000, r bum yoa tahwltb.B ad pecks K. ton . mMiBwu. 80.080 rurtil. Bur AC fro 'ill. wkr own dran Dalfoatlr.DaraLtentlv Oa Touflh fornm. T&k It wltB stMd Is cum, or we rf ued moat y. was, Mmi, IM, OouU Brrup. Tiules QoodV ' lnttmi tia 1 iifsf I arlaammaw' 5v sl I m acJH Hl H .. (MIIM .jH V lanlil LeamtJ u bVtAPc .BBV1 SB IHU-r K. TAVV.SBV'vUvoiir 1 I Bl BBBBfe-!!! .BBBVBl BBVJLBB.wm SbUBBC? H k j-m Bb4 OougU Bj rup. Tiuus OooAV Use Q In time. Sola by flroggUU. J1 . STEALING BICYCLES, Smooth Schemes by Which Dealers Arc Victimized. Carlos Storlea ol Thttin r, Re- spsetftfale Appviirlnr reran Woman Are SJnarisae tha Tlilertn;. Whether bicycling in the long run Is cheaper than riding in street enra, it 1b certuln that some persons of unscrupu lous tendencies make money by their cycling ndu-ntiiros. They nro those who make u pi notice of httollng bicy cles and selling them for what they can get. Four or llc 3 ears ago, when the prlco of the clieupist wheels nlmot equaled thnt of the beat In the market to-ilny, tho buslnchHof bicycle stealing was really in its infancy. Men who hud engaged In wirloun linen of crookedness noon dlwou'rcd that the demand for wlieela at n low price furnished excep tional inducement!! for Uiem to make bicycle Hteallng a regular occupation, and the tactics they employed in order to get pohfccsnion of machined wero numerous and often extremely clever. During the last two jcars wheel stealing liaa been carried on to a great er or Icbb extent, but until thin sum mer comparatively few complaints hnvo been heard from dealers and intUviuV ual riders slnoc 180G. The thieves have lately Htnrted out again in great earn ejitnoba, and their modes of operation differ m many respects from those pur sued formerly. Dealers tell tome curi ous stories of tho way they have been robbed by honest-looking anil appar ently respectable personn who have come to their shops ostensibly to buy or to rent wheels. "Last week," said a dealer on the West ride, "a young man came into my store and naked to see a new man's bi cycle, with a E4-lnch frame. He said thnt his own wheel did not run smooth ly and that he desired to get another one. He inquired my cash price for one of the beat machines in the store and then decided thnt he would like to ex change his old wheel for the one we wero examining. 'Where is your wheel?' I asked. 'Of course I must see it before I can tell how much I will be able to allow you for it.' " 'It's Ave or six doom up from here, in a repair shop,' mid my visitor. 'The repairer had one of the wheels off about five minutes ago and was straightening the front fork, which I bent a little in an accident. If you will just step in there for a moment you can see it.' "The man's apparent honesty and uncommonly frank expression of countenance made me less suspicious that I would bo generally, but I had al ready had some experience with smooth-talking individuals, and made up my mind I would not be taken in by them again. I was alone in the shop at the time, but resolved, nevertheless, to see it there was anything in the man's game. So I agreed to Btep over to the other place with him and take a look nt his wheel. When we arrived there, instead of walking to the back of the shop, where the repair department was, I stopped purposely about nix or eight feet from tho front door to look at a machine which, I remarked, had a very odd appearance. A few seconds later I walked out of the shop, and as I did so saw a man rush into my store. Whpn I got there he was just coming out with a new $75 bicycle and seemed embarrassed when ho met me face to face. " 'I was just seeing how easily this wheel runs,' he exclaimed when Icon fronted him. 'If I can dispose of my own bike, I'll come back In a day or so and buy this one. It la a daisy.' " 'Oh, yes,' said I, 'it's a beautiful ma chine, but If you had got it outside of this door when I haw you, you bet I would have your picture in the rogues' gallery.' His explanations were pro fuBe, but they didn't convince me of his honest intention. The fact 1h that ho was watching for me to go into the other shop, and tho moment I did so he improved his opportunity." "We do not fear tho men thieves nenrly so much as wo do tho women," said another dealer. "If, for example, n mnn comes in here to rent n bicycle and wo have any doubt as to his hones ty, wo flatly refuse to let him have it. But with women it is different. A woman may como In all rigged out for a spin nnd with her face covered with smiles. She has been told that our wheels nro better than those in other places and she wishes to hire one for a couple of hours. When wo Inquire her address alio gives one that is a mile or so away too far, of course, for us to send around there to see if it is cemiinc adds that she is so and so and ex presses great surprise Unit wo should for a moment doubt her sincerity. Wc tell her that it is against our rules to let a wheel to anybody wc don't know, nnd that wo can scarcely make un ex ception in her case. Then she tosses her head, snaps her eyes, and declares that the whole thing is absurd and that she is to be depricd of a whole after noon's pleasure on account of our nbomlnanlo system of red tape. Under such circumstances it is mighty hard to deny the request, but we have to do so. If we didn't, It would bo only a short time beforo our shop would be in the hands of a receiver." N. Y. Run. A Swell Dresser. Johnny Jones My paw's got more moncy'n yours has. Tommy Well, if your maw wore as good clos' as mine I bet he wouldn't have, for I heard paw say so. .Ohio State JournpJ. Clcitrlr Nat. Benevolent Old Gentleman (to angry boy) Stop, my son I Never let the sun go down on your wrath. Small Boy Well, say, do yer think I'm Joshua, ter make it stand still? Your Liver Will be roused to Its natural duties nnd your biliousness, headache nnd constipation be cured If you tnko Hood's Pill Sold by nil drugRlsts. 25 cents. CHURCH SERVICES. CHRISTIAN church. Union scrvicoin tho tout ntlO:JK)n.m. iliblo school in tho church at 12m. Afternoon sermon at Inavalo. None should fall to hear Evangelist L. 1'. Howlnnd in the lent Loid's Day mornings nnd ovory night. L. A. Hussono, Pastor. METHODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Morning sorvices at 10:30. Sunday School at 11:80 ii.in. Con ducted by D. 11. Spanogle. .junior licnguo at -1 p.m. Senior Longuo at 7 p.m. Evening servico nt 8:00. Prayer meeting on Wednesday oven IngatS. Ladies Aid Socioty Friday afternoon. All nro most cordially invited to at tend. James Mark Darbt, Pastor. BAITI8T CHURCH. Services next Sunday as follows. Morning services at 10:80. Subject, Sunday School at 11 :45. W. F. West, superintendent. Young People's Union meets at 7. Hoaular weenly prayer mooting on Wednesday ovening at 8 o'clock. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Edsom, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL. Regular services next Sunday as fol lows: Sunday School atll:45. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p'm. Prayer Tand praise meeting Wednes day evening at 8. All cordially invited to attend these services. Frank W. Dean, Pastor. 5100 RewarJ, 5100. Tho readers of this paper will be glad to learn that theie is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly on the blotd and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundaUon of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors havo so much faith in its curative pow ers that they offer ono hundred dollars1 for any case that it fails to cure. Sond for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. List of letters remaining uncalled for nttho postofllcoat Red Cloud, Nob raska, for tho weok ending Sept. 21st 1890. Garber Bedford Co. Ruby, Dnvo Kennedy, Laura Waite, Mrs. L. U. Theso letters will bo sent to tho dead lottcr ofllco Oct. 5th, if not called for before. Whoa calling for above please say advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M. . Free Dewey Souvenir Spoon. Every patriotio girl, who will send us her name and address with stamp, will receive by return mail, free an Admir al Dowoy Souvenir Spoon, handsomely engraved and of exquisite design. F. A. Rked & Co. Jewelry Dopt. 200 Hudson Stroot, New York City. a.. - Feeding Cattle for Sale. 1000 head of extra 2 year old Iowa steers. 1000 head of Nebraska ana Colorado 2 and 3 year old steers. 1000 head of cows and yearling steers and heifers. Terms cash or time. Superior Cattle Co., Superior, Nebr. Examination Notice. Regular examinations for porsons desiring to tench In Wobstor county nre hold in tho superintendent's ofllco at Rod Cloud, tho third Saturday in each month. Eva J. Case, County Supt. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuiae has L. 11. Q. en each tablet. e i The pain of a burn or scald is almost instantly rotioved by applying Cham berlain's Fain Balm. It also heals the Injured parts moro quickly than auy other treatment, and without tho burn is very severe does not leave a scar. For salo by H. E. Grice. Cover tho bottom of a well-buttered baking dish with a layer of cooked) rice. Sprinkle with salt, and bits of butter, then a layer of chopped toma toes, next ono of rico and so on un til tho dish ia full enough. Cover with, bread crumbs and bits of butter. JJaXco half an hour. Hoae Magaaine. Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to certify thnt I have had chronic diarrhoea over sinco tho war. T got so wenk I could hardly walk or do anything. Ono bottlo of Chamber Inln's Colio Cholera nnd Dlarrhooa Remedy cured mo sound and well. J. U. Gibus, Flncastlo, Va. I had chronio diarrhoea for twolvo years. Threo bottles of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy cured mo. S.L. Shaver, Fiucnstlc, Vn. Uoth Mr. Uibb and Mr Shaver aro prominent farmers and reside ntnr Fincastlo, Va. They proem cd tho remedy from Me. W E. Casper, a drug gist of that plneo, who is well acquaint ed with them and will vouch for tho truth of their statoment. For sale by II. E. (trlco. Ladies Can Wear Shoes Ono sie smaller after using Allen's Foot Easo, n powder to bo shaken Into rhu shoes. It makes tightor now shoes feel easy; gives iiiHtnnt rollef to coins and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot Enso is a certain cure for ingrow ing too nails, sweating, hot, nching feet. At nil druggists and shoo stores, 2Gc. Trial package freo by mail. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. For Sale. Ono hundred nnd sixty acres of un. improved land four miles northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of the west half of the northwest quarter, and tho cast half of the northeast quarter, of sec tion fifteen, in township two north, range eleven west. The land is leased at present, but subject to Bale. Price 13,600. For further infornation apply to Mrs. James Kirewood, Fairfax, Missouri. eavtr la BIoo Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Caacareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all tm urities from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Caacareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c. 50c Relief In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases re lieved In six hours by "New Great South Amert can Kidney Cora." It Is a, great surprise on ac count of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain la bladder, kidneys and back, In male or female. Relieves rtienUon of water almost Immediately. If you snt quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Said by C. L. Cottlng, drnggUt, Red Cloud. Neb. $100. Dr. E. Detchoa's Aati Dictaretic. May be worth to you more than 1100 If you bar a ehlld who soils bedding from lnconten ence of water during sleep. Cures eld and Sonag alike, it arrests the trouble at ence. tl. old Ey C. L. CotUag, druggist. Red Cleud, Neb. atdeeate Voar Bowels With Cascereta, Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Me, SBo. It O. C. O. fall, druggists refund money Ta Cere Constlpetloa Forever. Take Caacareta Candy Cathartic, lOoorUc If C a C. fall to cure, druggists refund moaey. fow Women JlfaTjf Kp Toumg The real secret of yoathfnl features In women ia regular menstruation. If there is an irregularity of any nature if the menses be suppressed or too scanty, too profuse or painful the trouble will show in the face. The eyes will be encircled with black, the skin sallow; blotches ana pimpies wiu appear, ana tne sufferer, although young: in years, will appear old in looks. The un failing' remedy is iRalPIELl't FEbULE REIHLsTOR It cures all ills of the womanly or gansPaUlne of the Womb, Leucor rhoea or Whites and Bearing-down Pains. Cures Backache, Headache and Nervousness, all of which are Sue to weakness in the same organs. tares bottles ere eoM by Dnteglsta far SI. TBJS BRADF1BLD REGULATOR CO Atlanta, Co. 01 -no aHTdiTis J if suonus au o muid jinn, may smjs Hi-iiiitt3UMqMiaAp0H u.JJuot jtt.tu inq J))q 3100 Xuo 10a mm Xjtij pu 'dojii Jtio pu 'a jvq p0 JnoX 'sseaiwi iwq jnoXao iq ssbujbh ' epulis osfi )90ioid pun sue noma 'susuos 'sito u "J9iri9i pio jo joviaousj jsoq 0111 pae aoim'oi M9U jo 0AViAjesJd 1S3 aii) s HO sseuivH nn"M INSOMNIA ...... 1..... .!. fiASCAHBTSror Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted lor over twenty years, and I can aay that Cascareu have elver 1 me more relief than any other reme dy I hive evVr tried. 1 shall ceruhj y recom. mend them 10 my menus b " :"",," l." thus, uiiii '"'. ., CANDY CATHAimC bOMKOwtg TRAOI ItSAN riessant. Palatable, roteni. Taste Ocoa. Do 0.004 'Never Bleken. Weaken, or Qrlpe. lOe. Sic. Me. . OURK COHITIPATIOM. ... Si.rii.t after cHr. oitu. Mtri. Tt. we WTA CIS Bold and ausrsnteed by slldnic TU'iAC iuts to (TVKKTobacco Usblv. PARKER'i. HAIR BALSAM. Olek&Mt and bteuuna us oau WiTar JTslls tP Uestore Sra --- - - - - - as. IUIUI1SUI BiwaiMw Veils to lleitore Qraj Hair to CansMmly Kl RAW AS FROM Hn Tnrfiirs Cmial fn tha Not I1U IUIIUII L.lUQi l lllu first boforo burn. Itching and Burning of This Fearful Disease. Eczema which is moro than skln-deop. and can not bo rea-nc'l by local appli cations of ointments, salves, etc., applied to tho surfuco. 'ilio disease itself, tho ronl cause of tho trouble, Is in tho blood, nlthouph all BJ'frriii,' is produced through tho skin ; the only way to roach tho disease, therefore, ia through tho mood. Mr. Phil T. Jones, of Mlxersvillo, Ind., writes: "I had Eczema thirty years, and after a great deal of treatment my leg was so raw and soro thnt it gave-mo constant pain. It finally broko into a running sore, and began to spread and grow worse. For tho past flvo or six years I havo suffered untold agony and had given up all hope of ever being freo from tho disease, as I havo been treated by somo of tho best physicians nnd have takon many blood medicines, all in vain. With little faith left 1 began to tnko S. S. 8.,. nnd it apparently mode tho Eczema worse, but I knew that this was tho way the remedy got rid of tho poison. Continuing 8. S. S., tho soro healed up cntiroly, the skin became clear and smooth, and I was cured perfeotlv." Eczema is an obstinate disease and can not bo cured by a remedy which is only a tonic. Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is superior to other blood remedies because it cores diseases whish they oaa not reach. It goes to the bottom to tho cause of the disease and will sure the worst case of Eesema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to be freo from potash, mercury or any other mineral, and never fails to cure Eesema, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, Cancer, Totter, Rheumatism, Open Sores, Ulcers, Boils, etc. Insist upon 8. 8. 8. ; nothing can take its place.' Books on these diseases will bo mailed freo to any address by Swift Spe sifie Company, Atlanta, Georgia. n i Too Late V "Tc put a lock en the stall when the horse is gone." That t is true in more ways than one. Tha season of new mown hay is here aid you will soon ba feeding your horses new oats, sheas- oats and green corn. Ia other words the colic season is about here. You can save your faithful animals hours et lagony and yourself nnancial loss ana in the night for a bottle of (Sioux: Oolio JMlttviire, Put up tkree doses ia s drenching bottle sor fl.Ot. Cures the various forms of colic, inflammation of the bowels, stoppage ef nrine, etc, in cattle and horses. One dose gives instant relief. Ask yosr drnggist for it. If he hasn't got it and won't get it for yeu write ns at once. Yeu should also have 8ioux Difsectti've Food, : j oa hand for your "A stitch in time j SIOUX REMEDY CO., 1 Vow TRADERS ilVIXLfcUBEXre CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COA1 SsUiilclin.fi; material, Bto. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska City Dray and Express Line. E. ML. ROSS. PROP, t Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES NO. 50 AND 62. By hog disease (cholera) saved by insuring your hogs. Wo ure licensed by tho state. Perfectly safe and equitable. Costs less and moro economically conducted than any other company. Purely mutual. Your own neighbors adjust your loss. Evory member has a voice in the management. A fino opening for gooa AGENTS. Write us nt onco for terms and territory. Farmers' Mutual Hog las. Association. jit New Ytrk Lit Balldlmr, Omens, Nt. i PHEY I UOST ! t auaiuMA"M wped mt ITS rsrsvaseettly csrtt taaaanr pnmetss sy a. klisk's tsur lERVE RESTORER t.j.i.. .a..n Iraa. P , ""- 'I'- aETeni a.. '. TraattjeeadtStrUlbettlei fcae m mibbm. er vtolT?,.5r'iTSttf IWtltat. nT MMHIP.. HI mtvu PMt ?.. . tAAt I sent free. Oldert "Kor f or serorlna-PUnU. Patents tskrn throuih Hunn A Co. receive tvteial notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. r;...,i a lefKnnrlrljinflaL IlAIldbOOBC jeHTl IimriUUIifcasave-yee ."---.--- - fjQSSIBrocewar.neWTp aai w wtt nai.il" " I k, BO YEARS' nHHH TRADE WWRRS 'THHP Dcsions r,PI" ' COPVRIOMTS AC. Anyone sendlnc a sketch and description may oulekly ascertslii our opinion free whetUersn ?..n,Ton is orohsbly MtentsMe. Coinniunlcs. n l-aieuia BEEF ECZEMA! much attention is often paid to the symptoms qf Eczema, but it is not lon( tho littlo rcdncis begins to itch and This is but tho bo;;it.ning, and will lead to suffering and tonturo almoBt unon durablo. It is a conmon mistake to regard a roughness and redness of tho skin as morely a local irritation ; it Is but an Indica tion of a humor in tho blood of torrlblo tne trouble ana expense 01 going miles r "horse doctor" by keeping on hand a stock and yoaltry and ward off diseases. saves nine." SIOUX CITY. IOWA. Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. ,1 Ludlow Bros. Pennyroyal pills Pvfj7V. wnaiBsiBaaoairfifaalae. - m SBBK. . WSaaBBla B1BBIB IBUaUS. Ilratlit hr OUtkuUft mniMrwJ la U4 and h, Maan wiui wtc rtbina, iveiaer M4umagt la tuatre Sir panlalar, UaUnMBlaU aaS t. ai; UlUflitL a. M.J i rtlaeailfalr. M.l... IMl Utwuiu. MIILADA., I'A. EdaeateTour Bowele HFItlt Cuscarete. canay cathartic, oure oonstlpetloa feee tloa fc roteaSi te,Baa. UU.U.U,reMewaaawaMr((M uidi.b ais amV lM aMUlUavkV tia. TokaaT aa..taMfilu. Tr fivr, At w . 'row I 'a.ulMu Vi ' 1 T-, H p- '";ii.tl i; rf V .-i iJtCtm -MM: aaiaMiiilii.''"