8 THE BBD CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, 1899. u fjw ti It f,: "Could Not Uo on Left Side." "For three years I suffered from heart disease. Could not lie on my left side, had dizzy spells, and at times my heart would skip a beat. Physi cians and proprietary medi cines failed to do me any Eood, but three bottles of r. Miles' Heart Cure made me a healthy man. J, J. Vanderree, Cornell. III. DR. MILES' Heart Cure It told by all druggist on guitranteo Brat bottle benefits or money back. Hook on heart nnd nervoa aontfreo. Or. Mllss Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind F. P. COBLB, INSURANCE OFPICK IN MOON ULOCK. Insurance written on city and faint property at lowest rates. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Smrgetm B. M. R. R. Company, an V. S. PUMlm Sofeea. City and country calls promptly an wered day or night. OtTIOBOYEXLlNDSBT'S MKAT BlABKKT MOUT CALL AT OPPKB. Dr. E. A. Creighton, Hoaorary Graduate 4 Silver Medalist Western University, Canada. Cauls Answkbed Day and Niht. OrfrcaOraaCMa'a PauaaucT. J. S. EMIGH, DKNT1ST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WAHT IT. Grtwi Brtye Witt ir Teeth Wit-wl Fltt PORCELAIN INLAY And all the latest Improvement ta dental mech anion I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS. Look llox S3. Oulde Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TERMS KKA80NA1H.K P. A. WELLS, RTTORNBY RT LFCW. Ofilco in F. & M. bank buildiug with 1). J. Myers. practice!) in all statk and unitkd States Courts. OVERMAN d- BLACKLEEQE RTTORNBYS - RT - UKinL. Otttce oyer Pott Otttct. RED CLOUD, - NEI1KASKA. R. D. BEDKO'ftt). . Itiswanee - flgeney. REPRESENTING, JKtna Firo Insuracce Company, Hartford, Conn National riro Insuraiico Co., Hartford, Conn. Connectiout Fire Ins. Co., llavtford, Conn, Queen Fire Ins, Co,, of America, New York, N.Y. Lancashire Firo Ins. Co., Manchester, England, Norwich Union Firo Ins. Society, - Norwich, England. Employers' Liability Assurano Corpor ation, limited, (accident) Loudon, England. All Standard Companies. Your Patronage Solicited. Lands and Collections. Ureal with yoa wkthr yoa t' tlV rf O-Klllina uidvto naoii. nvav-BH nnlTU u auir ir hbuo, wi al BrToui dlitrut, im1i ntco- Urn; partats ta uiops, tn-. tor aiaBhod.n MM TO tahJ!h,BrT. aapoeatw .. bvjv ia ra vnufh farum. TJcs It with m,.ii wawa..7 em. m wmwbi w w. ftd to cur, or w rtfund moatj. i mt r.a.a.nua I k U U l.MUallr.eraUtatlr.uii ,, MHl. I w. Sm I STIbBBBBW fal .m I mW boit tronawj lur-nu, 4W.M0 rTBTwjy aoimciutirurtif. Uuj o.aai BLB lO'lUBli; trow mm.. m ii I awn ani.mi.ii.r a at s sss-wiu wavaBkBI Aprki .waawmaavtLawirii bbbsbSBo ga BM Cou& Stud. Tal OoeW Use H sal la tfa. Sold by dragg lu. gfl WHERE HE POUND HIS NAME Oentlrmanty Dick, Mtu Driver, Who De fended the Fair Box. "Gentlemanly Dlolt ho was called," and tlio apoakor took Ida plpo out of bis mouth nnd glanced around tha wnltlng-room whoro ho and two com rades wero sitting watching for the eight express with the hope of getting a few passengers for the hotels. Thoy woro all'bus-drlvors,youngand hearty looking follows. "Yea," mnsod one of tho men, "1 know who he Is. I seen hlra one day not long since. Ho had just rescued n poor, 'croppy' lookln' dog from Home boys and aaid ho was goln' to take it homo to his gals. What was tho rea son of his bain' called 'Qontletnanly Dick?' " "Didn't you novorknow?" usked tho first speaker. "Nope. Lot's hoar about It 1'vo had flomo curiosity to know," and the other two men lit tholr pipes afresh and sottled theimolvs. comfortably in expectation of tike forthcoming Inter eating narrative. "WolL you Bee, he uster drlvo for the Drown house. Droro tholr best 'bus for eight years, and he allur tipped his hat to tho passengers. Some of them he seen so often he got to know 'em, nnd they'd say some pleas ant thing now and then to make a feller feel good. Ono night him and me wos sottin' round this here store, and thero wos four fellers come in. They aat down In that thero corner," and the speakor jerked his thumb to ward the spot lndioated, "and begun to talk. I wos sottin' here smokln' and Dlok wos smokln' too. He wasn't sayln' muob, but seemed to be doln' some deep thlnkln' every little while he would run his fingers through his thin gray hair. "All of a sudden ono of them feller lot out a string of oaths as long as my arm," and tho speaker held out a good brawny specimen for illustration. "Dlok didn't say no thin', but ho looked up sudden and scowled; then ho tutted away on hla pipe again. Final j ono of them made a remark. Well, n waa pretty aweepla'. 'Twas about wmhb In general, and there wasn't ao ffattla' round It It aaado aao hotl Well, air, Dlok got right up and walked over tethsaa. " 'Boys ho bob, 'I've lived nearly she- ay yssrs, aad ta tho same opaeo of time rro stover board so muoh proraatlty. 1C0 talk aad alander as 1'va hoard from oa follows to-alght ia voaty talu too.' Then ho woat oa: 'I at tether aad a wife, dud bleeo 'oat, aad Fro got oao oUter BtUUlvla. thogkI ksda't boob her for years, aad II aaako aaa sal vw la my boot to hoar tho way fern spook. Yon aro all gooallokla akaao aad oooat wall driisai aad ro footablo. For tho aak at year oaoth ova, awoothoarta or wlveo, a alt talklag atatlok4aaa. I Wt aaoaa WW I oaly apeak with Mm privilege Mtfeuif.' "Thoaa rolls, air, l( yaa'11 helle-re sjat. oat otill aad aoror oaoko all the jfcUo that Diek wee aslkV. iXaally stM'foUor-whe kaow DWk-the Big gest eao la the orewg, oali, !a a hearty Thaaks, oil follow. I oay, okoora for coatloBaaalv del aad tkejr wore gtvoa with a koarty wHL Thea oao after another got up aad taoakod eat la the Bight Halloa, here tataes tko express! Hope she's loaded sr this kero tows," aad tko men all left. Tho Utile waltlag room whlok had served as a lecture room was w Baal Chicago Tribune. Tho Hoivartt Couranthas discovercd n little late in the day, perhaps, n "sweet girl graduate" who was at least oiiginnl in her graduating essay Among other things she said: "I do not care it cent whuther Italy lies be- youd the Alps or ovur in Now Jersey. 1 do not expect to set the liver on lire with my futute caieer. 1 Mil glad I have a good, very good education but I am not going to misuse it by writing poetry, or essays about the "Future Woman." It umy enable mo to correct tho grammar of any lover I may havo should ho BpuaK of dorgs in my pres ence, or say lit- had went some where. It will alsocomn in handy when I --.;. to liguio out how many pounds 6f soap it woman could get for tLvco dozoneggs at the grocery. So, do not begrudge tho time I havo speit ncquiriugit. Hut my ambition does (lot tly very high. I want to marry Titian who can lick any body r' Arts' sl.u in tho township, who Lrtirruu an eiglity-aero farm and who Bits no female relatives to come around and try to boss the ranch. And I will sgreo to cook good dinners for him that won't send him t. an early gravo and lavish upon him a whole lot of wholesome affections, ami see that his razor hasn't been used to cut broom wire when he wants to shave, lu viow of all this, I don't care if I do got tt lit tle rusty on the nito of three and kin dred things as the years go by," REPORT 01' THE CONDITION (IKTIIK STATE BANK OF RED CLOUD, CHARTER. No. 313, hi Red Cloud, In the Stale of Nebraska, nt the U1UPU III UUBJIIL'MI tllll) 1IM1, PW, IIMOl'lU'hS, LuuiihhikI DUcomitx... .....Md.UiU SA Overdriifla, cecuted nnd iiiiH't'uriHl. 18 47 t'lirrenl exiciibVN ami tuxes mlil Due from Nnlloiml htftt nud rrivMebKiikHnudbaiiker WXA ta Currency .1,000 (A Oold iS45( fT4 7 bllvcr lift TO NlckeUand centH ..... ... is M Total eauli on tin ml M.4M 17 Total. 1117,128 37 I.UUIMTIKK, l'iltnl Mock i'lil III biirplus fund. ... ... Undivided prutlt .. ... Individual deoiltH cubject to check .. 77.WJJ M Dcinnnd certlflcateH ofde- jioett .. .. .. , 10.S2S Ufi Tiiuoceiltricateaof deiiotlt 1,44 1 X Due to male and irlaie liankaaud banker 14 HO Total DeioMt 1 111,000 00 10,000 00 2.311) 41 ..tt,808 W Total 117,128 87 Static or Neiihaika, L'ountr of Wubbter. ler. ("H I.W.T.A l.W.T. Auld, t-a.liIcrof the above named bank, do Kolemuly henr that the ubovo maicment 1 iruo 10 uie tient 01 my kuowi edge and belter, attkdt: V. T. Ai'Lit, Cashier. M, Finch, Director. N. M. Douuka. Director. Subscribed nud sworn to before mo ttilu 1Mb day o: Kentemuer. invw. c. w. Kalkv. Notary Public. Your Liver Wilt be roused to Its natural duties nnd your biliousness, Iicndnclic nnd const Ipntlon bo cured If you tnke Hood's Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. CHURCH SERVICES. CI1IIISTIAN CUUKCU. Services cacli Lord's Day as follows: Morning service nt 10:80. Subject "The Inspiration of Christian Living." Itiblu school, 12m. Junior Christian Endeavor tf p.ni. Sot lor Christian Knilcnvor meets at 7 p.m. Evening address nt 8 o'clock, subject announced from pulpit in the morning. Afternoon sermon nt Iimvnlo. Every .uombcr of tliu church is re quested to attend tho union prnycr mooting this week nnd tit lp prupnie tho way for evangelist L. P. Rowland. A cordial invitation is extended to all. L. A. Hussonu, Pastor. METHODIST Services next Sunday as follows: Morning services at 10:30. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Con ducted by D. 11. Spanogle. junior Licaguo at 4 p.m. Senior Leaguo at 7 p.m. Evening service nt 8:00. Prayer mooting on Wednesday even ing at 8. Ladies Aid Society Friday afternoon. All nro most cordially invited to at tend. Jamrs Mark Darbt, Pastor. BAVTisT caution. Services next Sunday as follows. Morning services at 10:80. Subject, "What the Spirit Saith Unto tho Churches?" Sunday School at 11 :4G. W. F. West, superintendent. Young People's Union meets at 7. p.m. Topic, "Unhesitating Confidence in Christ." I. H. Holmes, loader. No evening service on account of Union service at Christian church. Un'on tent meetings begin on Wed nesday evening, August 20th, and con tinue indefinitely. Regular weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Ebsok, Pastor. OOKOBXOATIONAL. Regular terrices next Sunday ao fo). Iowa: Sunday School tll:45. ' Youbb: People's Soeiety of Christian Endeavor at 7.00 p m. Prayer land praise meeting Wednes day evening at 8. All cordially invited to attend these services. Frank W. Dxan, Pastor. $100 Reward, 5100. Tho leaders of this paper will bo glad to learn that theie is at least one droadod disease that solonce has been ablo to cure in nil its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tho only positivo euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being it constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takoti internally, acting direct ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nuturo in doinrj !? -iwi.,' ihe proprietors unvb so much faith in its curativo pow ers Unit thoy offer one hundred dollars for any caso that it fails to curo. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CllKNKV & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. Free Dewey Souvenir Spoon. Every patriotic girl, who will sond us her namo and address with stamp, will roceivo by return mail, freo an Admir al Dewoy Souvenir Spoon, handsomely engraved nnd of exquisite design. F. A. Rked & Co. Jowolry Dopt. 200 Hudson Streot, Now York City. Feeding Cattle for Sale. 1000 head of extra 2 year old Iowa 8toors. 1000 head of Nebraska and Colorado 2 and 3 year old steers, 1000 head of cows and yearling steers and heifers. Terms cash or time. Superior Cattle Co., Suporior, Nobr. Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persons desiring to teach in Webster county are hold in tho superintendent's office at Red Cloud, the third Saturday in each month. Eva J. Case, County Supt. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Tako Laxativo Uromo Qulnino Tab lots. All druggists refund money if it fails to curo. 25c. Tho genuine has L. U. Q. on each tablet. Tho pain of n burn or scald is almost instantly relieved by applying Cham beiiain's.Paln llalm. It also heals the injured parts moro quickly than any other treatment, and without tho burn is very severe does not leave a scar. For sale by R. E. Grice. Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to certify that I havo had chronic diarrhoea over since tho war. I got so weak I could hardly wnik or do anything. Ono bottlo of Clintnbor Iain's Colic Cholera nnd Dlnrrhooa Remedy cured mo Hound nnd well. J. R. Gibus, Fincnstlc, Vn. I Imi chronio diarrhoea for twolvo years. Thrcn bottles of Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholera nnd Dinrrhooa Remedy cured me.--S.L. Siiavrr, Flncnstle, Vn. Hoth Mr. (Jlbbi nnd Mr Shnvcr nro prominent fanners nnd resido mar Fincnstio, Vn. They procured tho remedy from Mr. . E. Cnsper, a drug gilt of that place, who Is well acquaint ed with them and ouch for tho truth of their statement. For sale by II. E. dice. Ladles Can "Wear Shoes Ono size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, n powder to bo sunken into I ho shoes. It makes tiglitor now shoos feel ensy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Cures swollen feet, blisters nnd callous spots. Allen's Foot Ease is n certnln euro for Ingrow ing too nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. At nil druggists nnd shoo stores, 25c. Trial package freo by mail. Ad dress Allen S. OlniBtcd, LeRoy, N. Y. For Sale. Ono bundled nnd sixty ncres of un improved land four mllos northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of the west half of tho northwest quarter, nnd the east half of tho northeast quarter, of sec tion fifteen, in township two north, range eleven west. The land is leased al present, but subject to sale. Price 2,500. For further information apply to Mrs. James Kirkwood, Fairfax, Missouri. Bcaatr Is Blooa Dee. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarete, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and thai sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug fiats, satisfsction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Relief ia Six Hours. Dlitreselng kMney and bladder dlaesaea re lieved In alx hour vt "New Great South Amerl can Kldnev Curs." It la a treat aurprtae oa ac count of lu exeeedlnt promptness In relieving pain In bladder, kldnert and back. In male or fecials. Rellevee refenUon of water almost Immediately. If yon rant quick relief and cure ihla la ike remedy. Bold by C. L. CotUng, druggie.. Bed Cloud, Neb. oea $100. DhLDttchoa'sAarflDtasretfe May be worth toy era more than 1100 If you ham a ehlld who aolla beddlBc from lDConlcn- eooe of water during aleep. Cures eld and young silks. II sneete the trouble at ones. St. Sold by O. L. CotUag, drugglM. Red Cloud, Neb. m aMaeato Toor Mowele Wltei CtMeorats. Candy Cathartic, cure com tt pat ion forerer. loo. 85e. If a C. C. fall, druggleui refund money T Oar CotMUoattoa Vorovs. TakoCaaeareU Ca'ndv Cathartla tOeorSta. If C. O. O. fail to euro, druggists refund gaoaey. A Wrong Notioi ItkaatMake a. toseppcootkac Ababy must icome wim great pain and suffering. An expectant mother need only use tho wonderful lini ment called MOTHER'S FRIEND to escape tho, dread, dani-ar, ltCdlstres. snd nervousness. Druggists SCU WIS liniment iur 91 h sviuc. wives are id-.b -.- A . ., L.MT. . . M vltea to ena lor our ireo Himuweu uu.- It will tell them things tney ougntio sdow. THS BBASmaD XiaULATOB CO., tauu, a. Mica lighb ens the load- Axle ahortens the road. UREASE helps the team. Saves wear nnd expense, boiu every wiicrc. STANDARD OIL OO. MADE HT BAD BREATH I kt.T0 been uloa- CASCABBTS aad mm a rnlia and Bectle laiUe ttmx are tniilT won derful. Mr daughter aud I were bothered with tick ton)ch and our breath wi Terr bad. After taking a few dnsei of Catrareu we t?e Improved wonderfully. Ther are a Kreat help to tbe famllr." WiMiSUIINA NAQIU , 1137 Iilltennouse Ht., Cincinnati, Obto. CANDY I LF CATHARTIC bactjwim TRAOS SUMS aaa fT ! Belli bVq Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Tatte Oood. Do Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Orlpe. 10c, 25c, Wc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SMrlUf Bta.4 Cm;, tkkM. lulnil, . t.rt. Sit MTA SUrt Hold and guaranteed by alldruf IU'IAw aliuio PKUTobaocollabli. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ouanMa and bctuunu u , I'romotu a . lam romoua a Ioiuri.nl (routn. MTr rail o Hair tolt Vi outhful Ctlor. lleator Ortur Core. calp diwaKf wm a half laulac WtM.,lW HL..AA.nn. - - WWk HOME CURE FOR BLOOD POISON. RflWArA nf thP nnPtnrC1 . Thero ,8 not th0 slightest doubt that tho UOIfQIO Ul HID UUUIUIO doctors do more harm than good in treating Contagion, lllood Poison; many victims of PStTPnBVnrlf Yflll Han tnis loathsomo dienso would be much better laibllffUlrV, IUU Udll ofT to-day if they had never allowed them- selves to be dosed on mercury and potash, tho Cure Yourself at Home, i" .. , , , The doctors arc wholly unable to get rid of this vllo poison, and only attempt to heal up the outward nppenrnnco of tho disonse -the soros and eruptions. Tliis they do by driving the poison into tho system, nnd endeavor to keep It shut in with their constant doses or potash and mercury. Tho mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out intoHores, nnd tho light is continued indefinitely, thu drugs doing thosystem moro dnmngo than tho disease itself. Mr. ILL. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J., says: "I had spent a iiuuuicu uuuars wiiii 1110 uoctors, wnen 1 realized mat thoy could do mo no good. 1 iiad large spots nil over my body, and these soon broke out into running sores, and I endured all the suffering which this vilo disease pro duces. I decided to try S. S. S. as a last resort, nnd was soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc tions for Self-Treatment,' and tho large splotcheB on my chest began to grow paler nnd smaller, nnd beforo long disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin has boen Us clear as glass ever since. 1 cured my self at home, after the doctors had failed completely." It is valuable tlmo thrown away to expect the doctors to curo Contagious Blood Poison, for the disease is be- yona tneir skin, awirts specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD aots in an entirely different way from potash nnd mercury it forces tha poison out of tho system and gets rid of it entirely. Henco it oures the disease, while other remedies only shut tho poison in where it lurks forevor, constantly undermining tho constitution. Our system of private home treat ment places a cure within tho reach of nil. Wo give all necessary medieal ad yloe, free of charge, and save tho patient the embarrassment of publicity. Write for full information to Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. j Too Late "To put a lock en the stall when the horse is gone." That is true in more ways than one. Tho season of new mown hay is here and you will soon be feeding your horses new oats, shraf oats and orein corn. Id other words the colic season is about here. Tou can save your faithful animals hours of Jagony and yourself financial loss and in the night for a bottle of &iou: Oolio JSlxttxr&9 Put up three doses in a drenching bottle sor II. 0t. Cures tho various forms of colic, inflammation of tbo bowels, stoppage of urine, etc. in cattle and horses. One deee gives instant relief. Ask your druggist for R. If he hasn't got it aad won't get it for you write us at once. Tou should also have 2 iouLx Xifce3gtire Food oa hand for your 'A autca m time J SIOUX REMEDY CO., s '- u. DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL, KtiilclinG: rciaL'teiri&.l, Etc. red CitouD, - - Nebraska City Dray and Express Line. E.lftC. ROSS, PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES NO. 50 AND 52. By hog disoaso (cholera) saved by insuring your hogs. Wo are licensed by the state. Perfectly .afe nnd equitable Costs less aud more economically conducted than any other company. Puroly mutual. Your own neighbors adjust your loss. Every mombor lias a voice in the management. A fine opening for goou Auknts. Write us at oneo for terms and torrltory. Farmers' Mutual Hog las. Association. tat New Ytrk Lite Building, Omaha, Naa. ; PNEY I ItOST I k MaUMMMHU.UMWUui ITS mnSlM!r arrawaeMlyCirM issbshi rrewjatea sy X. KURE'S aajFAT IERVE RESTORER IHTrfwJlJ(-iH.T".W. ftwar'.M. Tnatiu and SS trial battle tnt tU IxltaBM, iVr, t.jGiumiburl V ViPn -torl.U ! U nrTaiut. UU. .IUt U.ut.l.f r Htkl. Ml Arek .. I'tllU.lplH ra. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Dcsions COPVRIQHTS eC. eketrh and detcrlptlnn mar aicertaln our opinion free w Invention I probably patentable, romrnunlca. ni etber an amunlca tlon atrlctlr conOdentli aentfree. Oldeat agency for aocurlngpatenu lai. t. landbook on Patent k 1 Patent taken through Muim A Co. recelr apeeUl notice, without chanre. IUIU1 Scientific flmerkan. A handsomely llluttratM weekly, rarceat cir. cuiatlon of any aclentlflo lournal. Term. S3 a year 1 four month, II. Soldbyall newadealera. V bVs A A jLjJ!.M invnna ndftlsT rgJLJawM' .L3E ? II a the trouble and expense of going miles , "horse doctor" by Keeping on hand a stock and youltry and ward off diseases. saves niae." SIOUX CITY, IOWA, j ---- -A Chimney brick, Cistern brick. AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. Baa CakawUr1 Eaallah lllamand Ilraa. Pennyroyal pills j2?V vttsjlaal aaa Oaly deaalria. X.fTf.si ,&. ww.y. miMiH, i.d lrai1t rw CkUkuun A'yi mimd BraaJ la 114 aa4 tldd m. mim vlik blue rltiUio. BlkaK IHWudiiumu. Iwuai.4 H.I. Allrarr1l.arMaaaji. B.X ...... ' -. .; ." . -. ... la UHM fb. ttTtlut.r IMllnunUI, aA -Jat7hMGacaikalt.M,utlMa Iar, I alaur I'll IL, ADA.. PA. EducatoYour Dowel With Cutcaret. 1. Candy Cathartic, cuxo eoaallKition forevw. to,ss. uaao.fsu,irojjKiiBre(uo4BMoer. i. a aaa AX h Xia.a7k av-uiu.vaaW TakoF twm avawa ukultm IV I? J 4' . y, ,( it 4; r '3 -ejf I