The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Departmental and Executive
Jtvents of Mora Thau Ordinary Interest
to the I'eoplo of America Official
Actions Which liar m Hearing
on Oar Future History
Ilrlefs for llUKjr l'eople
Wedneidity, September (I,
Yesterday was tho hottest tiny of the
season by llvo degrees, tho (government
thoriuoincter getting up to W degrees.
Contractors havo had to stop navy
work bceauso of laek of stool. Ad
vnnec In prices has also made them
Judgo Rogers of Arkansas has ren
dered it decision In tho strike contro
versy at Ft. Smith, Ark., that tho Im
porting of negroes cannot bo stopped.
Mr. Rockefeller of tho .Standard Oil
company has Informed the industrial
commission now In session at Washing
ton, that It will bo Imposslblo for him
to bn in attendaneo upon tho committee
during tho present week.
The Kcarsagc battleship made sev
enteen and one-fourths knots In n trial
nt Newport News today. This Is con
sidered very fast, especially as the ves
sel's bottom Is In a filthy condition,
having been in water for thirteen
Tho report of S. It Case, a member
f tho (1. A. It. Investigating commit
tco In tho matter of tho methods of
Tension Commissioner II. Clay Evans,
has been sent by him to tho chairman
of tho investigating committee. He
suggests as a remedy for tho many
qpcclflctl ovils of tho enactment of a
service pension law, based on an ago
limit of sixty years in order that the
pension budget shall not be suddenly
enlarged to unreasonable proportions.
Thuridny, September 7.
President McKlnlcy has been elect
ed an honorary member of the brick
layers' and stoue unisons' union of Chi
cago. Following Is the issuo of Nebraska
bruskn pensions; Increuse Michael J.
Harnett, Freiuoiit, SM to SIT; William
Fosbender, Rising City, 810 to 817.
1 C. lloya, editor of tho Oil City
Derrick, in his testimony beforo tho
Industrial commission nt Washington,
Miys tho Standard Oil company has
been much tualiugcd.
Several tralnloads of soldiers will bo
transported over tho Union Pacific
main lino today. Tho soldiers comprise
tho Thirtieth infantry, and they aro
mrouto from Chicago to Manila, via
Kan Francisco. They aro being carried
from Chicago to Omaha by tho North
western. Interstate Commerce Commissioner
William J. Calhoun has formally an
nounced that ho would not bo a candi
date for tho republican nomination
for governor of Illinois. Mr. Calhoun
said that the condition of his business
affairs w as alone responsible for tho
conclusion ho had reached.
Congressman J. A. T. Hull, chairman
of tho committee on military atTalrs,
met tho Des Moines commercial direc
tors and informed thorn ho is now
positive an army post will bn secured
for Des Moines at the next session of
congress. Tho oxchaugo has secured
oilers of several good sites, f rco to the
government. Nashville, Tenn., Is tho
chief competitor for tho post.
Friday, September H.
The United States transnort Now-
port will convoy to tho United States
tho eighteenth and last company of
tho signal corps volunteers, tho Ne
vada cavalry and various discharged
Admiral Dowoy visited tho garrison
library and lunched with tho United
States consul at Gibraltar. Ilia health
is gradually Improving and ho believes
ho will bo entirely recovered boforo his
arrival in Now York harbor.
Hear Admiral Sampson greeted many
of his comrades who fought with lilm
iu tho civil war at tho convention of
naval veterans of the United States at
l'hlladelphla. Tho admiral received a
great ovation when ho entered tho hall,
accompanied by Captain Chadwick and
Lieutenant Commander Winblow.
At a session of tho India council at
Simla, Mr. Dawklns, tho financial mcm
bcr, introduced the currency bill. Ho
said that in tho absence of tho mint
proclamation from England, which
had been delayed by legal and techni
cal questions, It had been decided to
make gold tho legal tender Imme
diately, to tho conviction that no other
measure would save India from disas
trous embarrassment and fresh taxa
tions. Saturday, September 0.
Agulnoldo has selected a new set of
advisers, nud will adopt a moro con-
bervatlvo plan.
J. P. Goldio and R. A. Koch of
brnska have passou tne mental exam
ination for admission to tho naval
academy and await tho physical exam
Colonel Loper, in a cablegram to the
Dca Moines Nows, 6ays tho Fifty-flrst
Iowa will start for San Francisco
about Soptcmbor 15. Thero la much
sickness among tho mon.
President Sullivau of tho Chicago
htonccutters' union, which yesterday
Issued a card making President Mc
Klnlcy a member, today declared that
If tho president liid tho corner stono
of the ricw federal building, and tho
etono was out by non-union labor, ho
would bo classed with "scab" labor.
Hy direction of tho secretary of war
bo much of spoclul orders of August
17 ns directs Major John J. reran ng,
assistant adjutant general United
States volunteers, to proceed to ban
Francibco, thence- to Manila, is revoked
and ho to authorised to proceed to Suez,
Egypt, from which point ho will tako
passage on tho hospital ship Missouri
for Maulla. . - -
Frlnds of Andrew Carnegie believe
tho ruports from London that ho will
be a candldato for parliament. He
will aot havo to renounce his Ameri
can citizenship, because he has norer
been naturalized.
A cable linn been received from Gen
eral Otis which says: "Newport sailed
yesterday, nlno officers, sixty -six en
listed men, 403 discharged men, ten
civilians; part of enlisted men be
longed to volunteer signal corps; re
mainder sick."
Neither tho stato department nor
tho war department has had any fur
ther advices from any official source
regarding tho Impending revolution In
Venezuela. Tho advices recolved at
tho Venezuelan legation contradict
tho reports of threatened trouble.
Monday, September II.
Special Ofllcer Doty reports that all
of the four patients from Key West,
removed to Swlneburo Island from the
steamer Lampassas, have developed
yellow fever.
Ex-Governor John P. Altgeld has re
turned to Governor Tanner the com
mission appointing Mr. Atgcld a dele
gate to the trust conference to be held
In Chicago September 13.
Secretary Gage In a letter to the
president lias recommended that Ap
praiser Wnhcman of New York bo not
removed from his olllcc, and the recom
mendation has been approved by tho
It Is understood that General Sir
Itedvcrs Duller will start for Cape
Town next Saturday. Tho Indian au
thorities are chartering steamers to
trausiHirt troops to South Africa us
rapidly as possible.
The llcrlln courts will be busy Sep
tember "5 with tho case of Mux
Schlemangk, a major in tho United
States volunteers during tho Spanish
war who Is charged with various
frauds by which 1iq obtained sums of
The Mallory lino steamer Lampassas
which arrived from Galveston and Key
West on Thursday last, brought nine
ty -live passengers, of whom sixty-six
embarked ut Key West. Four of their
number nro now patients at the Swine
burno island hospital.
Itrltish troops nt Simla, India, arc
holding themselves In readiness, hav
ing been warned that they will bo or
dered to embark for South Africa.
Transports nro being engaged, and it
Is expected that tho tlrst regiment
will start within ten days.
Following Is tho issuo of Nebraska
pensions: Restoration and increase
Albert French, dead, Tckmnah, 317 to
8-0. Increase Itcuson lMymate, Halg-let-,
810 to 817; speclnl August !20, De
Witt C. Dickenson, Glenrock, SO to 812.
Original widows, etc. Louisa Cooper,
l'lattsmoutlt, 83.
Chief Justice Chambers of Samoa
has resigned. He gave this informa
tion to a friend today. Ho suid his
resignation was in the hands of tho
president. Ho has no knowledge of
who his Buceessor will be, but was
given to understand that the appoint
ment of tho new chief justice would
not bo announced until he was on hit
wny to his post.
Turiilnjr, September 13.
The condition of cotton Is reported
tne lowest for twenty-live years.
Secretary Gage will attend tho yacht
race between tho Columbia nud Sham
rock. Tho total number of yellow fever
cases reported up to date ut Key West
Is 180.
Tho September crop report shows
corn S.'i.y; wheat 70.0; oats 87.-'; pota
toes 80.3.
Governor Tanner has nppolntcd
three moro delegates to the trust con
ference. Secretary Root reports that much
destitution btlll prevails iu Porto
Kleo and that help is still needed.
Tho cabinet at Sidney, N. S. W., has
resigned in a body. Lack of confldence
In the ministry is given as tho cause.
Senator Lewis Emery, Jr., Bays the
railroads are responsible for the great
growth of tho Standard Oil company.
Tho state board of Instruction of
Illinois is still In a deadlock over the
location of the western normal school.
Esqulmalt, H. C, is to be mado a
naval base by tho llrltlsh. A detach
ment of royal artillery Is ordered thero
at once.
Activity in tho Ilrltish war depart
ment still continues, although there
are no now developments In tho Trans
vaal situation.
Tho rebellion in Venezuela Is
strengthening, and tho government Is
losing ground. General Castro, tho In
surgent leader, has 10,000 men under
his command.
It Is believed whon congress Is as
sembled there will bo an etl'ort made
to prevent tho government taking part
In the Paris exposition on account of
tho Dreyfus verdict.
Trouble between South and Central
America is likely to grow out of a
scientific trip made by Commander
Todd, who took a trip up the Amazon
last year on tho Wilmington.
Nnuit to Kittocnlih fire.
Sand will bo used to extinguish fire,
if thero Bhould bo ono In tho New
Telephone company's exchango at In
dianapolis, It is used bceauso it Is less
Injurious to the electrical apparatus
than water or chemicals would bo. Tho
sand la stored In a large tank above
tho exchango room, and Is silted outo-
Xe.Tnmt,cn"' to any or "II Parts of tho
building In such a manner as to smoth
er tho Are very effectively,
No Mystery to tho Victims.
Juddock It's a mystery to mo how
Nocoln lives. Haddock Would you
really like to know? Juddock Yes,
I would. Haddock Opon a grocery
storo In bis neighborhood. Puck.
The Ml ado' Favorite Sport.
The favorite sport of the mikado Is,
Ilko that of most of tho Indian princes,
horao-raclng, but ho allows no betting,
and tlio price of admission to tho races
is placed so high that only tho uppor
classes can attend. Tho mikado's sta
bles accommodato about 300 animals.
Wear of Coin In Circulation.
The loss Incurred by the wearing ot
coins in circulation has been mado tho
subject ot a number ot precise experi
ments from which It was nsccrtalndd
that 9500 worth ot sovereigns lost ovei
f 16 of their. JftU8. ln A hundred yeaia.
Condensation of Events of Inv
Happening of the 1'nst Haven Dart
Which Deeply Interest llio I'eoplo
Short raracraplit Conveying a
World or Information For
the folks Without Tim
Weducsdny, MrpU'inbcr 0.
John Y. McKanc died at his
Island home nfter a long illness
Kid McCoy knocked out Geoffrey
Thorn In two rounds at New York.
Ily tho cnpslzlngof the yacht Ahadlii
in Shupscot bay, near Until, Me., five
persons were drowned.
Tho Atchison, Kas., National bank
was closed by the comptroller yester
day. The trouble Is owing to bad In
vestments. J. C. Johnson Is to bo tho nctlve
manager of the work of tin-democratic
national committee until after the ad
journment of the national convention.
Tho twenty-fifth annual convention
of the American Hankers' is in session
at Cleveland. About 1,500 are in at
tendance, und represent 83,700,000 cap
ital. The steel steamer Douglas Houghton
is sunk in a passage near Salt Stc
Mario, Mich. It Is the largest steamer
on the lakes, and it will take several
days to raise it.
Piesldcnt McKinley and Admiral
Sampson with their staffs made things
Interesting nt tho Grand Army He
union nt Philadelphia yestorduy. In
tho evening they appeared at tho aca
demy of music and Odd Fellows hall.
The president spoke both places.
M. Laborl, counsel for Dreyfus, has
bent an apiieal to Emperor William
and King Humbert, asking that Colo
nel Schwartz Koppen and Colonel
Panlzzardi, German and Italtam mili
tary attaches in Paris iu 1804, to come
to Rcnnes to testify in tho trial of
Captain Dreyfus.
Thursday, September 7.
Preparations nt Loudon indicate that
grim war with the llocrs cannot be
averted unless the latter back down.
The national Grand Army encamp
ment nt Philadelphia has selected
Chicago as their next meeting place.
The national association of postofflce
elcrkb in session at Memphis, Tenn.,
elected Thomas J. Donnelly of Hrook
lyn as president.
Reports from various points over the
United States indicate extreme hot
weather the past three days prevailed
in all parts of the country.
Walker Hill, president of tne Ameri
can Exchange bank ot St. Louis will
bo chosen ns the next president of tho
American bankers' association,
The insurgents continue to make
demonstrations in the vicinity of Imus
Tho American outposts were obliged
to flro volleys the last three nights.
President Krugor makes n statement
that England has been attempting to
get tho control ot his government and
tho richest gold mines in tho world.
Senator IJoverldgc, after another
long confe'reuco with tho president on
the Philippine situation, left Washing
ton for New York, where ho will havo
a confereuco with Governor Kooscvelt.
Charles P. Elliott, United States
army, member of the government ex
ploring party which has been gather
ing data at Cook Inlet, Alaska, lias re
turned, He reports meeting a great
many prospectors, nearly every one of
whom was broke, while many were
sick with scurvy and other diseases.
Tho expedition rendered tho Miffcrers
all tlie aid possible.
Friday, September 8.
It was discovered that sometime last
night ten prisoners out of four
teen in jail at St. Louis, escaped by
digging their way through the wall.
The last plaguo patient was dis
charged from the hospital nt Alexan
dria, Egypt. Of n total of eighty-nine
cases forty-three deaths havo occurred.
Samuel Mooro Folton, receiver of
tho Queen & Crcsent lino, was today
elected to the presidency of tho Chica
go & Alton road, vlco E. II. Hartman,
A special from Shelby, O., says that
tho Shelby stool tubo works at that
placo aro burning. Tho works cover
four acres and are worth halt a mil
lion dollars.
At tho Douglas county fair at Cam
rago, 111., lightning struck the north
end ot the grand btnnd killing two
men instantly, fatally injuring two
more and seriously disabling six others.
Laborl has determined not to forsako
Dreyfus. No now developments were
made yesterday, but it is said that if
l-Jnipcror v unam refuses to senu an
Important witness Dreyfus will bo
About fifty persons were Injured In
a collision on tho It. & O. near Councils
vllle, Pa.. Eight Wagner sleepers run
into tho rear end otnn accommodation,
the cngino to the sleeping car train be
ing beyond control.
General Imbert was installed in tho
palace as provisional governor of tho
city of Puerto Plata. General Jimincz
has gono to San Diego los Caballeros.
Tho people ot the interior and of the
capital contlutto ardently for Jimlncz
William 0. Papo, general superin
tendent of parks nt St. Louis, was
shot and Instantly killed nt his homo
by Henry Fry, a huckster, who shortly
nucrwaru commmcu suicuio.
Senor Eduardo Ilnmonn, former
senator for Arequlpa, was inaugurated
as president of tho republlo of Peru
for the term of four years in succession
to Senor Nicholas Plcrola.
St. Ynvier's nct.dcmy and tho Sisters
of Mercy hospital convent was destroy
ed by flro at Ottawa, 111. Tho inmates,
sixty sisters und pupils, escaped in
their night clothes without injury.
The loss amounts to 875,000; insurance
During n sham battle held at Colnm
Vus, O., one person was killed, ono fa
tally wounded and one seriously in
fu red. Loaded shells arc supposed to
lave become accidentally mixed with
the blanks.
Tho cruiser Detroit of the North At
lantic squadron, which has been or
dered to La Guayra, Venezuela, on ac
count of the disturbances In that coun
try, weighed anchor and left the city
of l'hlladelphla. The Detroit is ex
pected to reach La Guayra In about a
The thirty-third national encamp
ment of the Grnnd Army of the Repub
lic has come to an end. Colonel Al
bert I). Shaw of Watertown, N. Y.,
was unanimously elected commander-in-chief
after Judge Leo Rasslcur of St.
Louis had deliued to bo a cnndldatc.
Saturday, September W,
In a collision between two electric
street cars on Ontario street, Cleve
land, Ohio, six persons were seriously
Texnns ordered an additional yellow
fever quarantine against New Orleans
and Mississippi City and all Intermedi
ate points.
M. II. Roberts, a machinist nt St.
Louis, killed his son, Sidney Roberts,
at his home and then shot himself, in
flicting a mortal wound.
Three miners were killed In High
land mines at Fairmont, W. Va., by a
powder explosion, followed by a lire
started by u lamp falling in a keg of
John M. Ralya, a humble Sioux City
butcher, has got tho best of the great
Armour concern to the tune of perhaps
8100,000, and all In an entirely legiti
mate way.
Alexander Comstock has cabled
Dreyfus, the military prisoner at
Rcnnes, Franco, an otter to appear on
the lecture platform in this country,
in the event of his acquittal, for a con
sideration of 84,000 a night for fifty
iippcurnuccs, or S'-OO.OO for the course.
Mondiiy, September 10.
Peter Phuylon. nn Indian agent, was
drowned near Cloquet, Minn., while
duck shooting.
Tho Truscott Itoat Company's plant
at St. Joseph, Mich., was destroyed by
tire. Loss S7.i,000, insurance 823,000.
St, Louis merchants havo held a
meeting and decided to boycott tho
Paris exposition because of the Drey
fus verdict.
Ten British seamen nrrlvcd nt New
York from Southampton and will as
sist tho crew of the Shamrock in the
cup contest.
The steamer City of Seattle arrived
at Seattle from Alaska with SUOO.OOO iu
gold, and tho steamer Cottngo City of
Victoria, 11. C, with 8300,000.
It Is stated that Emperor William
cannot recognize tho agrarians. It is
believed ho will remove every ofilcial
in order to gain his canal scheme.
Over 300 men employed in the cop
per mines nt Ducktown, Tenn., havo
struck bceauso of the refusal of the
companies to recognize their union.
Dreyfus gets ten years imprisonment.
It in believed he will sOon bo dis
charged, as he has bcrvod nearly five
years of cell life, which in Franco
counts double.
Charles Hubcr, nged forty, commit
ted suicide at Flndlay, Ohio, by blow
ing off tho top of his head with a shot
gun after an unsuccessful attempt to
kill his wife.
Secretary Root has signed an order
modifying the duty on colTeo exported
from Porto Rico to Cuba. This is ono
of the relief measures and will go
into effect October 0.
Tho great Siberian railway is to bo
rebuilt oven before It is completed, ow
ing to the enormous incrcaso in busi
ness, nccording to a report receive""
at tho state dopartment.
Tuesday, September 12.
Captain Thomas Phclan of Kansas
City has sent a challenge to Couut
Esterhazy. ,
Fishermen have returned to Halifax
from Labrador and state tho cod fibb
ing has been nlmost an absolute fail
ure. John Rushard is tho first victim ol
the whipping post nt Roslyn, Va. Ho
was charged with a criminal assault
on a young girl.
Tho Hatfield gang near Williamson,
W. Va., have all been arrested but
"Cap" Hatfield, and he is held in closo
quarters by a posse.
Tho French mission nt Tripoli has
been annihilated. An immenso body
of Tuaregs killed all tho ' members of
tho mission by forco of arms.
Tho steamer Antarctic, in search of
Andrcc, has been spoken oil tho north
ern extremity of Jutland. No trace
has been found of tho missing aoro
unut. Tho judges In tho Dreyfus trial have
signed a petition to the nnny asking
that the condemned man bo not again
degraded, and that tho president show
Clay county, Ky., is tho scene of nn-'
other feud between tho Gritlln and
Philpot factions. Stock is being killed,
houses burned, nud several shots fired
between the two parties.
Tronblo is brewing on tho bordor bo
twecn Moxlco and tho United States
between cowboys nnd Mexican iruarda,'
About 100 armed men on each side are'
expected to clash any time.
Warren L. Aboru of Chicago, well
known in local racing circles nnd at
ono time owner ot n string ot fast
horses, was suffocated in a tiro which
destroyed a livery stable ovor which
ho lived.
Chief Justico Charles D. Roberts, of
tho Fifth judicial district, Is dead at
his homo iu Westminister, Md., nged
fifty-seven years. Ho was a demo
cratic member of the fourty-fourth and
forty-fifth congresses.
Jack Casey has confessed to tho San
Francisco police that Howard, alias
Hill, paid film 85,000 to kill millionaire
Green of Colorado. Howard swindled
Green out of 8100,000 on a bogus Aus
tralian land deal.
Ilortonvllle, Wis., suffered a 8100,000
flro loss Wednesday night.
The Inspector's Koport.
"Dear Sirs; I havo mado an exam
ination of tho Cliff Dwellers' mine,
and report that tho ore Is there as rep
resented, that It assays high, that It Is
there In plenty, but to get your sup
plies and your oro out you will aced
I SMttraJfe j8fb41 IWltv"
Verdict May Be Literally Car
ried Out.
Hope Still KnU-rlu'nod that the Pres
ident of tho I'rrncli ftepabtlo Will
fire III Wny Clnir to l'urdon the
Condemned Man Drey'" U
Hcnrlng Up Very Well.
Tho expected has happened. Drey
fus has been condemned, but though a
majority of those in tho court room
this afternoon fully expected the ver
dict, they were completely stupefied
when it was given, nnd the sllcneo
which prevailed in the room and the
way men turned pale and caught their
breaths was more Impressive than auy
other manifestation could havo been.
Maltrc Dcmange sank back in his
chair and tears trickled down his
checks, and Maltrc Laborl turned
white ns a sheet, while all in the court
room looked at each other In silence.
Positively tho only sound to bo heard
was tho rustling of papers from the
reporters' benches ns each press repre
sentative tried to be first to scud the
As the crowd left the court room
fully ten or fifteen men were crying
openly, and tho majority ot those pres
ent walked quietly down the street for
more than a block without speaking a
word. It was like a funeral proces
sion. Tho Libre Parole announced that
Dreyfus had been condemned to im
prisonment for life. The editions were
absolutely torn from the bands of the
venders. It was almost imposslblo to
hear opinions friendly to tho minister.
Tho masses were undoubtedly hostile
to Dreyfus. Hut In private circles tho
verdict was criticised in strong forms.
In the presence of tho extraordinary
sentence it is believed that tribunal
recognized tho prisoner's innocence,
but was nf rajd of the gencrnls and
public opinion and that as Dreyfus has
suffered fivo years' cellular imprison
ment, which in Frunee counts for
double, ho will be immediately re
leased. The representative of the As
sociated pross In Paris learns on good
authority that one of tho members ot
the cabinet told a friend that Dreyfus
would probably not havo to undergo
further imprisonment, and that if ho
was sent to prlbon his place of confine
mens would probably be the island of
St. Marguerite, near Canas, where
Marshall Bazainc was incarcerated and
thence he escaped.
The court declares on tho question
by a majority of five votes to two 'yes'
The accused Is guilty. Tho majority
agreed that there are extenuating cir
cumstances, In consequence of which
and on tho request of tho commissary
of tho government the president put
the question nud received tho votes in
tho above-mentioned form. As a re
sult the court condemns, by a majority
of five votes to two. Alfred Dreyfus t
tho punishment ot ten years deten
tion. The judge then quotes tho codo and
the constitution uudcr which the sen
tenbc was delivered with tho artlclo of
tho law enjoining the government com
missary to have tho judgment imme
diately read in tho presenco ot th o
prisoner, beforo tho assembled guard,
undor arms, and to notify him that
tho law allows a delay of twenty-four
hours in which to lodge nn nppcal.
Dreyfus has borno tho tcrrlblo shock
with marvelous fortitude, ono might
almost say with unnatural calm. Yes
terday ho seemed stupifio., when Mal
trc Laborl communicated to him tho
verdict, but ho has since rallied. Ho
passed a quiet night and rose nt 5
o'clock just ns ho did during tho trial.
Madano Dreyfus and Matlilcu Drey
fus, his brother, visited him during
tho courso of tho afternoon, his broth
er subsequently leaving for Tarls. Tho
application to tho court of rovlsion
was taken to him at noon by Maitro
Lahorl's assistant and ho sighed it.
Dreyfus has spoken but little,
though he has seemed in bettor spirits
than might have been anticipated.
Tho meeting with his wife was natur
ally very affocting, hut both held up
bb well as possible. Ho said to hor:
"I am not uneasy regarding myself,
as I shall soon bo free, but I think of
you and my poor children. They will
bo branded as tho children of a trai
tor." He is convinced thnt tho tcu years'
Imprisonment to which he is sentenced
will bo wiped out by tho fivo years of
solitary seclusion ho has undergone on
Devil's islaud, aud ha expects to be re
leased by Oetobor 15, which will bo
fivo years from tho dato of his former
condemnation. He Is so snngulno that
ho has mado nn extraordinary request
ot his wlfo for a novel to read in tho
meantlmo, explaining that his mind is
so shaken and weighed down by recent
events that ho needs to divert his
thought nnd try to get all tho recol
lections of tho last threo months out
of his mind.
Maltre Dcmange thinks tho five
years will count for nothing, nnd that
Dreyfus, according to law, will havo to
suffer ten years' detention. Many
others, however, including soveral
lawyers, hold n contrary opinion, and
declare that ho will bo reieosod in Oc
tober. This la tho belief Droyfus him-
Returned SlnlT Officer TelU of the Con
dition. Captain J. J. Case, formerly of tha
Second Oregon volunteer. and a mem
ber of the staffs of Generals Merrltt,
Otis and Lawton, who Is visiting at
Chicago, said that ho thought a vigor
ous fall campaign would put an end to
the war In tho Philippines. i
"It takes a good deal to demoralize
a Filipino army and It would bo a rash
statement to dcclaro that tho insur
gents ore now demoralized, but It I
certain that they were curlier in the
battle than was formerly the case. It
Is the geuernl opinion of the ofllccrs
that if General Otis wero to oonflne
himself to one department tho war
would progress more satisfactorily.
General Otis makes a first rate civil
governor. In the field thero were sev
eral instances where he ordered troops
back after they had accomplished their
work and thus necessitated it boing
done over. I think all tho casualties
are faithfully reported by General Otis."
Will Ha the Oreatett Murine Spectacle
of the Century.
The Dewey naval parado is expected
to be the greatest marluo spectacle
that the country has ovor seen. It will
be at least seven miles long nnd prob
ably much longer. At an informal
meeting of tho naval parado commit
tee today, which was attended by Cap
tain Roblcy D. Evans, many details
wero settled. -Reports from various
yacht clubs indicate that there will bo
at least ono hundred steam yachts in
line, each decked from stem to stern In
Its holiday dress.
Commodore J. Pierpont Morgan, on
tho Corsair, will lead tho yacht divis
ion with Sir Thomas Upton's Erin
next in the plnce of honor.
Windows along the route of the land
parado on Fifth avenue and llroadway
arc renting for fabulous prices, as high
as S."00 being paid for one set of threo
Union I'uclflcand North nm tern Eventu
ally to be Merged.
Notwithstanding frequent denials
the report that the Northwestern i-i
arranging for the absorption of the
Chicago, St. Paul, MInneapalls A Oma
ha Is again being circulated. It it
claimed that within a few days formal
announcement will bo mado that tho
dcalo has been completed. A spe
cial meeting of the stockholders of the
Northwestern, it is understood, will
be held soon to authorize an issuo ot
scrip for which Omaha stosk is to bo
exchanged. Tho scrip will then bo
convertible Into Northwestern stock,
for which purpose an extra issue Is to
bo mude.
Mprlnjr llermndai.
Peel ono pint of medium-sized Bor
nuda onions, place them In a sauca
an, cover with boiling water, add one
.caspoonful ot sugar, boll until nearly
lone; add one teaspoonful salt, boll &
Jew minutes longer and drain In a
:olandcr; In the meantime molt one
lunco of butter In a small saucepan.
Idd one-quarter tableapoonful flour,
itlr and cook two minutes; add on
till of milk, cook two minutes; season
Nlth little popper and a sprinkle ot
lalt; put tho onions In a hot dish,
lour tho sauco over and servo.
Bwttr-rlind'a Empty rrtsoni.
From tho Petit Marseilles: A cor
respondent writes us from Lausanne
that the district ot Lavaux, situated
jetween Lausanne and Vevey, and hav
ing a population of 10,000, Is at this
aior.cnt In tho proud position ot being
ible to boast that In tho several pris
ans In tho district thero Is not a sin
gle prisoner. A white flag floats over
3very prison In token of this praise
worthy fact aid vlrtuo reigns supreme
(n tho canton of Valid,
Stramrr Strikes a Sk I IT.
Tho government steamer Ramon a
struck a ski IT containing six belated
merrymakers In Quincy bay. All wera
thrown Into tho water, and John E.
Wchkamp, Lulo Hroy nnd Mary Mo
Cartcy wero drowned. Tho other
three were saved by clinging to a bcor
keg from tho overturned boat.
Collapse ot a Trestle.
Two hundred feet of trestle on tho
Columbia, Newberry & Lourons road
over Uroad river near Columbia, S. C,
gavo way under a train load of gran
ite Seven cars and an cngino fell
fifty feet into tho water and four men
were killed.
Form a Now Cabinet.
A new cabinet has been formed at
Lima, Peru, with Senor Galvez as pre
mier nnd minister of-;foreign affairs
and Senor '"lJcloundo as minister ot
finance aud commerce.
Vrled New l'otatoes.
Peel and cut Into slices threo large
potatoes, place a frying pan with two
ounces ot beef fat over the flro; Wuen
hot put In the potatoes, season with
sne-halt teaspoonful ot salt, one-quarter
teaspoonful of pepper, stir often
And fry till done without a cover; then
lerve. It tho potatoes are allowed to
Itand In cold water halt an hour be
foro cooking they will bo much nlcor.
l'roof of Energy,
Now South Wulea lost 91,000,000 by
the drought ot 1897-98. Yet the colony,
thrives. . - .-,