The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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I f I 1
Furnlturo tit cost at Taylor's.
Hummock's at cost at Taylor's.
Hurt Llmlloy o( Rivcrton was hero
this week.
Ernest Jones of (initio Hock washsio
this week.
Superior was hero
Seliool IMme
Your boy will bo bottur for hav-
J log a watch, Thero will be fewer
' tardy marks and fewer biokcn np-
pointmonts. Ho will learn the vnl-
uo of time, that thing from which J
' 11.. 1 ....I. A III. I.. . .....I...
great oaks, so moments of time put J
J to good use mako life n success. J
Don't let thorn stand on stteets unit
wait for tho car. Teach him to meet J
J the car on time, go to chinch on
time; to use time as n menus of 4
'.shortening tho cares of life Wo J
! havo watches to suit nil sires and j
conditions of boys. Como in and
look at thorn.
A. E. Spoor of
this weak.
J. L. Martin of Guide Hock was up
J. L. Miner has put chased u lino
now surrey.
Harness of
all kinds at Fogel and
Newhouse Bros.,
I Jewelers and Opticians.
iib your Watch. Clock anil JcwcJry J
work. We ! ttio tet work. j
Takoyour harness rcpaiiingto Fogcl
and Hutchison.
K M. Hopkins was heic fiom Rivet
ton this weok
It will pay you to eo Peterson befoi c
you buy a drill.
Harry Graves was hero from Stipe
lior Wwduosdny.
11. E. Lou of Supeiior was here tho
List of tho week.
Sec tho new Hoosior all steel disc
drill at Peterson's
G. G. Holt and lady wete hero from
Cowlcs this weok
Miss Mario Moranvlllo returned from
Iowa Tuesday night.
Win. Parkes and wife are home after
a visit, to St. Joseph.
Gcorgo Mills and John Chaptlu of
Cowles wore hero this week.
Havo you been that line lino of nets
and dustcis al J. O. Butlor's.
Carpets at cost at Taylor's.
Leslie Chancy is hero again,
Wall paper at cost at Taylor's.
John Wolfe is clerking for Ttirnttro
Leonard Smith leturned to Omaha
John Fulton of ttivoiion was hero
this week.
Paul Pope was dewu fiom Mi vci ton
this week.
11. Widdeishelm of Bladen was hero
this week.
A. 11. Crary of Guide Hook was hero
Wo Inosdny.
Jas. Heed and wife of Haidy woro
W. P. McDoavitt of Hastings was
hcio this week.
James Morrison of Superior was
horo Wednesday.
W. W. Wright has a lino lino of tlio
best icfiigeratnrs.
For hand made harness go to Fjgel
and Hutchisons.
II. C. Cutter was in Kansas City tho
tlrst of tho week.
Como in and see the uew Newton
wagons at Peterson's
Mr. and Mrs. D. Jones of Guido Hock
wete hcio this week.
Now is the time to get a hammock at
Cotting's at your own pi ice.
See tlio "American" hog fence at
Mitchell Uros. Pest on earth
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
nunacers to health of the present day.
Everything at cost at Tay lot's.
W. O. Dimmick of Blue Hill was hero
C.ipt. Adams of Superior was heio
this weok.
living Crary of Guide Hock was
horo Wednesday.
Ftank Gohlo visited iu McCook tho
last of tho week.
Clarence Stino of Suporior was hero
tho last of the week.
Just received a car load of Newton
wagons at Peterson's.
Mrs. MaryHlockvell mado a trip up
tho valley the Hrst of tho weok.
See those little llnosiets at Peterson's
They arc good and tho price is light.
SeoWiighl'a lino of warm weather
gasolino stoves before purchasing.
Walter Roby sells tho Singer sewing
machine Prices right. Get tno best.
Lincolu Absolutely Puro Mixed
Paints are tho best, and sold by Cot
ting. Ed Young, a former Red Cloud citi now living at Norton, Kansas, was
here this week.
Next Sunday closes the third year's
pastorate of Rev. J. M. Darby in tho
Methodist chinch.
Walter Wai ion of Supeiior was up
this week visiting with his parents and
taking in tho fair.
For lino finish and durability there is
no wagon equal to tho Newton. For
sale by Peterson.
Largest line of nets and dusters in
. tho Republican valley at the lowest
priees.-J. O. Butibk.
'iirinins at cost at Taylor's.
If j 011 want anything in tlio harness
line see Fogel and Hutchison.
Don't stand tho heat of a cook stove
this summer but buy a gasoline stove
of W. W. Wright. Ho has a lino lino of
L. H. Rust and wife left Monday
morning for Lincoln to take in the re
union and reception to tho tlrst Nobras
ka regiment.
Butler, tho harness man is headquar
ters for all kinds of first class harness,
both light and heavy. If you want
anything In his line soo him.
Star Bakery,
J. O. wiL.KS.rrop. j
Dr. G. G. Gingrich nnd Geo. Miller
of Alma wero hero this weok.
J.D. Mines and G. P. Mclntiro of
Hastings wero here this week.
Rov. J. M. Darby preaches at Amboy
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. I. S. Real left Wednesday on a
visit to friends at Pittsburg, Pa.
J. W. Kins ! has been acting in tho
capacity of policeman this week.
Wm. McClellaud of llloomiiigtou
was visiting in the ci'.y this week.
Stacoy Moihart has been woiking in
Wright's hardware store this week.
F. B. Udall of Hebron was looking
after business matters here this week.
Dell Olmstead of Bertram!, formerly
a resident of this city was hero this
Charley Barber and wifo of Almona,
Kansas, aio heie veiling John Bather
and family.
Marsh Parker of Umalm, accompa
nied by his son W. L. Parker woro
here Tuesday.
A. U. Kaloy leturned home Friday
night from Ohio where holms been for
several weeks past.
Soo W. W. Wright's lino of refriger
ators. Ho handles tho Herrlck which
is tho best on, earth.
M. A. Ellison and wifo of Cainbrldgo
nro hero this week visiting with tho
Pond and Overing families.
Mai lied, by Rev I. W. Edson at his
residehce on tho ovoning of Sept. 12th,
Mr. Frederick C. Barbtr and Miss Mary
E. Barrett.
Rov. J. M. Darby addressed on Thurs
day afternoon tho Woodman and
Workman lodges at their annual picnic
at Hardy, Nebraska.
C. F. Hutchinson of Bollalie, Kansas,
who had a lino display of hogs at tho
fair had tho misfortune to lose one
valued at about ono hundred dollars.
Cluules SchatTnit and family who
havo icsitled hero for many yeais left
for Lincoln Wednesday morning win 10
thev will reside in tho futuio. Wo are
sorry to loso them from our city.
Prof. Georgo Hendricks who soveral
years ago was leader of tlio band here
was in tho city this "veok nnd holped
the boys out as leader. He has been in
tho music business nt Smith Center,
Atchison Globe: Thero was a wreck
on the Central Branch this mor ing.
A corn stalk fell across tho track, and
the section men havo boen ordered to
cut tho corn for a distance of hfty feet
from tho track to prevent a recurrence
of the trouble.
It is given out that our city is to
have a now elevator which will bo
built by n company at tho B. & M
yards here. Tho building will bo built
near the river road and south of tho
tracks. This will bo quito an addition
to tho business interests of our city.
A change will also bs mado in the
trackage of the B. & M. yards.
At a meeting of a committee from
lour of our city churches it has been
arranged to begin a -erics of uniou
evangolistio services on Sopt. 20. The
committee have arranged for alaige
tent in which to hold tho sorvices in
and havo procured the services of Rev.
L. P. Rowland of Bsy View, Michigan,
ati evangelist of considerable note to
tako charge of the meetings, From
the union of spirit in tho outset of
these meetings tho committee looks for
great good to be done in the name of
ho Lord,
Joo Wright ol Lebanon, editor
tho Journal was hero this week.
Richard Gray of Norton, Kansas, was
here this week visiting old fi lends.
Mrs. T. J. Turner leturned to her
home in Kansas City Monday morning.
Poteison has just leceived a car of
the Hoosior di ills. Call and sen them.
Mrs. Carl of Long Island, Kansas, is
visiting with J A. MeAithur and fam
ily. A now awning has been placed in
front of tli Cowden-Kaley Clothing
Attorney Blackledgo was looking af
tor legal matters at Trenton tho Hrst of
tho week.
Peter Moran who formerly worked
for Wm. Bonso at tho Bon Ton is agein
in the city.
A. N. Pattnor loft Thursday evening
for Santa Anna, California, whoro ho
will mako his home.
A. Lindsoynnd M. H. Woiss of He
bron woro looking nfter business mat
ters horo Tuesday.
M.C. Sherman is acting in tho ca
pacity of night policeman in tho I). &
M. yards this weok.
Attornoy C. L. Richards of Hebron
was here Tuesday looking after a rcf
ereos salo of real estate.
Mrs. H. N. Rutledgo and her sister-
in-law Mrs. R. J. Rutledgo left tho first
of the weok for Missouri
A new awning was placed in front of
the dry goods dopaitmont of the Neb.
rnska Mercantile Co. store.
Bernico Higby who liasjbcen visiting
friends hero returned to her home at
Dcadwood, South Dakota, Friday.
Matk Parkes and bride arrived in
the city Thuisday morning from Mo
Cook on a visit to William Pni'Kcs and
A lino baby gill of regulation Nubias-
ka weight mado its advent at tho homo
of Mr
day afternoon.
O. O. Cowden had tho misfoituno to
havo a heavy window sash at tho ollice
of Mis. Rockwell fall upon his foot and
injuring that member soveioly.
Henry Clark and wifo arrived in tho
cltv Saturday and havo gono to house
keeping in their now homo In the west
part of town. Thoy werosorenaded by
tho band in tho evening.
Wm. Clemmons of tho B. & M. eat
ing houso has taken tho contract for
feeding a ballasting crew who will
bo engaged in ballasting tho road up
tho valley. Cars are being placed in
Franklin's school of garment cutting
is now open for a short time only, at
reduced rates. One lesson free. All
aro invited to call and see work. On
east side of Main St., first door north of
F. & M. Bank, Red Cloud, Nobr. Help
wanted. Good paying positions at onco
to all competent scholars.
Orders havo been issued by the Post
master Genoral requiring all postofllces
in the United States to weigh all mail
matter recoived and sent out. This
work is to commence immodiatelyafter
midnighton the morning of October 3d,
to continue 85 days, ending at midnight
November 0. The object is to ascertain
tho exact weight of mail matter origi
nating in tho United States every twen
ty-four hours and also tho equipment
necessary to carry the same. Also the
total weight of mail matter and equip
ment passing over steam railroads every
twenty-four hours. This will require
additional work and care at each otllce.
At the Fair Grounds.
The later-State Fair was held 011 tho
fair gioundsin this city tills week as
ndvcitiscd and was quite well attend
ed. The now society has by tho fair
that closed last night shown that a fair
conducted 011 business piinclples can
b" made a success at this place. This
year they have had the leputatioiof
previous fails to contend with, which
has 110 doubt greatly lotatdml tho ex
hibits, as het etofoi e people who brought
their exhibits in many instances only
received a small per cent of tho prom
nuns which was awarded to them.
This has no doubt had tho tendency to
keep exhibits away, however 401110 of
the exhibits aio equal to like exhibits
nt the stale fairs. Tho swino exhibit
is tlio most extensive ever Hiiowu, and
compiiHcs something over ono hundred
hogs of all sizes and breeds, and of as
line a quality as can bo seen at tho
state fair. Tho poultry exhibit would
lead one to believe fiom tlio number of
exhibits, that the people hnvo at last
begun to realize that tho hen is a source
of much profit. This exhibit was made
all the more attractive this year fiom
tlio fact that expei t judges had been
seemed to pass upon tho feathered
tribe, and wo might also add that the
expel t scorer disappointed somo 1 xhib who havo lived under thu impul
sion thattuey had thoiotighbied chick
ens The display in tho lloral hall
while it is not what it should be, Is
quite attractive. Thu coin exhibit is
tine, as is also other faun produce.
The displays of tho business houses, os
peclally tho booth of tho Nebraska Mer
cantile Co., nnd tho Turkish corner of
Miner Bros, atti acted considerable at
tention. To sum thu whole mutter up
and take into consideration tho diill
unities thd now association had to con
tend with, it will be conceded that thoy
havo mado a remarkably good lmpres
si n on tho gouernl public, and it is
hoped that when tlio time rolls around
for another fair to bo held tho people
who havo articles to exhibit will havo
realized that they need not bo afraid to
mako a ci editable exhibit.
KAMI Norns.
Plontyof dust.
Tbo weatuor was decidedly lemon
adish. Owing to tho heavy winds tho balloon
failed to go up.
Geo. J. Warrou captured the first
prizo on bailed Plymouth rocks,
Wednesday's ball gamo resulted in a
score of 10 to 0 in favor of Superior.
Tho speed piogram was all right,
but it took lots of "fiddling" to get the
green horses Htattcd.
Wo have often heaid that Lebanon
had a cincK ball team. Wonder why
they didn't send up their crack playois
instead of a lot of scrubs?
Ono of the most interesting exhibits
and the 0110 which piobably diow the
May not make the man
but they can greatly
improve man's appear
ance. Nothing looks
worse on a man or
boy, than an ill-fitting
suit, no matter what
the price of it may
be, while a neat fitting
suit, although it may be
cheap, looks dressy.
"We sell you clothes
and give the weare of
them a dressy appear
ance, no matter whether
it is a high priced or a
low priced suit. We do
net allow a customer
to leave our store with
an article unless it fits.
Our prices are as low
as the lowest and our
goods the best.
Clothing Co.,
and Mis. Hairy Stroup on Mon- ,m,sl """i '" "u-mijhihi .u
iHiiuiiur 111 inu iionti mill ijuiuiigiiig in
tho Sure H.itcli Incubator Co. of Clay
Center, Nebiaska. Notwithstanding
tho rough usage tho machine was sub
jected to in bcingshlppcd hero in a box
car the chicks have been coining out
ever since its nt rival and tins hatched
about 180 out of ISO eggs. To chicken
raisers this exhibit is especially inter
esting, and no doubt will result in a
largo increase in tho chicken popula
tion of this section in tho future, .
The Red Cloud Chief
and Chicago Inter-Ocean
One Year for $1.25.
The Signal has no complete report of
the republican convention in Red Cloud
Thursday, but wo learn thatC. D, Rob
inson, the present county treasurer,
Mrs. Case, present county superintend
ent and James Bunion present clerk of
tho district court woro all re-nomiuated
withoutoppositiou. Clarence Reed was
nominated for county clerk nnd Bert
Adamson of Cowles for sheriff. Reed
if tho young man who was so badly
wounded in tho battle before Santiago
in Cuba, and who wo believo the Signal
had the honor to first montloL for the
office, and Adamson is a soldier of the
First Nebraska just returned from the
Philippines. Tho ticket is a good one
from beginning to end and should bo
elected without a singlo exception.
Guide Rock Signal.
List of letters remaining uncalled (or
nt tho postoflico at Red Cloud, Neb
iaska, for tho week ending Sept. 14th
liolcomb, Harmon S Lewis, Edwin
Red Cloud Power Co.
These letters will bo sent to thedcad
letter ollice Sept. 28th, If not called for
nefore. When calling for abovo please
say advertised. L O, Hacker. P. M
As the cue is given, a last look into the mirror testifies
to a fairness not gained with paints and powders,
but by the use of a soap free from harmful alkali, and
made of clean vegetable oils. Such a soap is "Ivory"
it is 99 per cent. pure.
opjiicti, iim, ij n. nw t Mitt, c. avium