The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 08, 1899, Image 8

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Everything at cost at Taylor's.
Don Ludlow wns in Unstings this
John Potter of Lnwvonco was lioro
this week.
Leonard Smith returned Snturdny
from Omnhn.
Ernest Jones of Guido Hock wns
hero Wednesday,
Lillio Smith hns roturncd homo after
n ylslt nt McCook.
Just received a car loud of Nowton
wngons nt Peterson's.
Will Tulloys returned homo Sundny
from a trip to McCook.
Sam Dyer mid tho children nro homo
nfter a trip to Missouri.
Dr. F. E. McKeohy is out ngnin nftor
a short spell of sickness.
Tiik Ciiikk and tho Chicago Inter
roan ono yoar for 11.85.
K. Q. Stewart, deputy revenue col
lector was hero Wednesday.
Mrs. O. II. Potter left Wednesday
orning for a visit at Denver.
Klmer Kaley returned to Teoumsoh
Hnnday after a short visit hare.
A long distanco pay station has been
placed in tho B. Sc M. eating house
Miss GuBtle Moede returned home
from a trip up the valley Saturday.
See thoso little Hooslers at Peterson's
They aro good nnd the prico is right.
Stacy Morbart has accepted n posi
tion in tho grocery store of B. F. Mizer.
Miss Nettle Hummel loft Wednesday
Morning for a visit to Glonwood, Iowa.
Miss Sadie Overing has gone to StraV
ton, this statev whoro she will touch
For line tlnish and durability there is
no wagon equal to tho Nowton. For
sclo by Peterson.
II. E. Pond and wifo nnd Mrs. K.J.
Overing nttonded tho soldiers reunion
at Alma this week.
Mrs. E. Rife roturnod Thursday night
from a visit with relatives in tho cast
rn part of the stato.
Miss Josio Norris left Wednesday for
Chicago where sho will attend tho Chi
cago College of Music.
Largest line of nets and dusters in
the Republican vnllcy at the lowest
prices. J. O. Butlkk.
Will Harris is on the sick list this
week and Harry Stroup is working in
his place in the meat market.
John Story of Cowles, who has been
taking In the streot fair at St. Joseph
returned heme Thursday night.
Tho County Convention of the Chris
tian churches is to meet in Blue Hill
from the 10th to 21st of this month.
Graham Burnham of Higginsvillo,
Missouri, arrived hero Thursday night
te visit with his nunt Mrs. Anrm Snpp.
Mrs. Myrn Knright of Kansns City
nrrived hero Sundny morning to visit
w.Ith her parents Mr nnd Mrs. II. W.
P. A. Wells and wife rutin ncd liomo
Saturday after an enjoynblo outing of
sovcral weeks at tho Kcnsidu resorts of
tho east.
Mart Chasu Rockwell has runted tho
rooms over Colting's drug atom ami
will again take up her prnclico of
Operator Ralph Foo left tho first of
tho week for Kckloy, Colorado, having
boon transferred from Norton, Kan
sas to that place.
Will Hrowcr who holds a position in
n bank tit Kansas City arrived Tuesday
evening on a visit to his parents and
other friends here.
Tho attention of snap-shot artists is
called to tho "rookery." Gt n shot
whllo the show bills nro now nnd then
ono nftor they nro tattered and torn.
Mother Ilussong of Franklin was sur
prised on Tuesday at receiving a visit
from her son L. A. and family of our
ity. They returned home Wednesday
John Winters and family left Mon
day morning for Lincoln where they
will mako thair future home. liv their
departuro our city loses ono of its West
anu most respected families.
Miss Jessio Kellogg and her friend
Mise Clara Dinmilck of Blue Hill who
has bee visiting here with her for sev
eral days past, left together for Lin
oeln to attoad the state university.
Next Sunday af teraooti Paster Mus
eng is to preach at Iamvale oh "Natoa
lvlne," a tribute teraea te the aew
bell just hung in the Union Chapel and
which will ring tho Mrst tisae for this
Charley White and Horace Spaaogle
aro making preparations to open up a
chop house aad roof garden during the
lair on the first floor of the A. II. Ka
ley building, third door south of the
One of tho special attractions during
the fair will be the "rookery." Stran
gers to our city should not fail to call
p hy fkoat the Mayor sad city cms,
oil who will bo glad to show them this
historic ruin of hotter days.
Shooting Tournament during tho
Fair. Many good premiums nro offer,
ed and some of the best shots aro ex
pected here.
Tho Misses Mary nnd Mnrgnret
Miner returned Saturday evening from
Chicngo where thoy havo boon for sev
eral weeks looking up tho latest in fall
nnd winter millinery fashions nnd buy
ing n Inrgo Invoicoof goods in this lino.
II. J. Clark left Monday for Arbor
villo, this stnto whoro he was united In
mnrringo on Wcdnesdny, nt tho homo
of tho bride's parents, to Miss Nora
(irnves nu estlmnhlo young lndy and
well known here, she having nt one
tiuin resided in our city for n number
of mouths. The On I c, r extends con
gratulntions nnd best wishes.
Last week wo wore in error in ono
particular in our report of tho second
amputation in tho Charles Etherton
case. Whilo wo did not recoivo our in
formation from any of tho physicians
in tho case wo took it for granted that
tho party who informed us was correct
in his statement. In order to set mat
tors right wo will stato that tho opera
tion was porformod by Dr. Damerell
assisted by Dr. Mock and that Dr. Wal
don was present through courtesy of
tho other physicians.
Sheriff Wells and Deputy Hurdlck
loft on tho early morning train Sundny
armed with an assault and battery war
rant to see If they could locato tho par
tloswho committed tho assault on tho
McCall boys. They located a man and
woman nt Endicott who wero supposed
to have boon in the crowd and brought
them in Sunday evening but tho next
day thoy wero turned looso as not be
ing tho parties wanted. Tho rest of
tho gang wero located down in Kansas
but they wero too shrewd to bo induced
to como into Nobrnskn on nn assault
and battery warrant.
A man who loved to till his interior
with tho vlntago of '40, and also with
vintages of later dales, was complnin
lug of tho hardness of tho times nnd
tho unpainted nnd tumbled down np
pearnnco of his house And tho man's
horso, who had stood out many n cold
night unblnnkctcd nnd unfed whilo
his master gathered h n jag, hearing
tho complaints, sold: "If that master
ef mine had spent half as much mon
ey in painting his hotiso as ho hns in
frescoing that nose of his, he might
havo had it looking like u picture gal
lery inside nnd out. Kansas Mail and
A Kansas City indue has Must ren-
dered a decision that will intorest tho
young fellows who tako Uioir girls
outriding. A younr man hired a
team for this purpose, tolling tho liv
eryman tho faot, and in the course of
the drive tho team ran away and de
molished tho buggy. Tho owner sued
tho young man for damages, but tho
judge gavo tho verdict to tho young
man saying that it was tho duty of
tho liveryman knowing thnt the young
man wns going to tnke his girl out rid
ing, to glvohini atenm that ho could
drive with ono hand. Heaver Valley
Elder Hussoug's sermon last Lord's
day evening was a fitting ono for tho
last servlco which Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. F.
Winters wero privileged to uttnd with
the church they have faithfully stood
by for years, ere their departure for
their now homo at M08 F.St., Lincoln,
Nebr. There were many tondor trib
utes to tho holpfulnessof Mr.Wintors
as Senior Kldor, nnd of tho faithful
work of Mrs. Winters as deaconess and
clerk. Thoy and their children will l,
missed greatly from tho church. Dibln
school, C. E. nnd Junior work. Many
oyes wero dimmed with tears at tho sta
tion Monday as "God-Speeds" wore
spoken on their depart nro.
From tho disgraceful assault which
occurred nt the D. & M. depot nt n Into
uourtrlUay night last it will behoove
people who go to tnke the enrly morn
ing train to prepare for hostilltin liv
carrying a gatllnggun. Cecil and Joo
McCall accompanied by their sister nnd
cousin Norn McCall came to tho depot
on the night mentioned, ns tho girls
wero going to tako tho enrly morning
train for Fremont where they will go to
school. A crowd of about six or eight
tough characters who had two women
along with them and who came here
from tho reunion at Bladon and wore
goiag to Endicott were also at tho do
pot. ne of the womea whe was
along with the tongh crowd thought
ska -wap being laughed at by tho Mc
Call girls while they were sitting in the
ladles waiting rooM and used abusive
Innguage toward them. Tho brother
ef Miss MoCall stepped in from the out
side and requested tho woraaa to desist
when the woman went to the door and
screamed.a This brought the mea por
tion of the crowd whe made an assault
ob the McCall boys and beat them up
coaslderably. No ef orthvas seemingly
made by afyoae to call for assistance
either at tho time ef tho assault or af
terward and It is said that the iliorift"
was not lotified until after the boys
had gone to their homo in the country
and their fatberhad como back to town
next day. On the arrival of the train
which arrive hero at ono o'clock and
immediately departs, the ton irk innt
their (Up tare.
Dry Goods, Cloaks, Jackets, Capes,
Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Rugs Shoes,
arc partly in and coming as fast as the factory and manufacturer can turn them out.
If you are a buyer of these lines
dHHPhflHHHk' 4K1
designed by WfKttn end the product of
their custom WfWilBM department, which,
for exclusive & styles and high
trade workmanship, ranks foremost In America.
Every lady who wishes to have a perfect gown
or skirt, strictly up-to-date and different from
anyone's else, at a price no higher than asked
for ordinary ready-to-wear garments, should
leave her measure with us ana nuke selections
of cloth and style from over a hundred samples
of suitings and dozens of fashion plates, repre
senting alt' the newest American and European
effects. Trices within the reach of everybody
and prompt deliveries guaranteed.
Big lino of Ladies Tailor mado Suits
and Skirts in stock at from 95.50 to $25.
Republican County Convention.
The republican county convention
met ns per call at the court house yes
terday at 11 a. in. Tho convention was
called to order by Uhnirman Crone and
n temporary organization perfooted.
Geo. P. Gather wns chosen temporary
chnirtnnn nnd E. J. Overing Jr. secre
tary, and U. G. Knight assistant secre
tary. A committeo of llvo on creden
tials was appointed consisting of J. H.
Morcor, Iliipli Hunter, John May, Chas
Hunter and W. J. Mutlieney.
Thotcmpomry organization was up
on motion mado permanent. A com
mitteo of live on resolutions consisting
of W. B. Hoby, K. relets, A. B. Pierce,
A. M. Walters and A. h. Springer was
chosen, after which thocnuventiou took
a recess until 1:!30 p. m. to givo com
mittees linut to report.
Tho convention reconvened at 1:110 p.
in. and committee on credentials re
potted Hint they found credentials nil
correct nt'd there being no contests re
port was adopted.
The report of tho committeo ou reso
lutions was presented, read and adopt
ed. Resolved, that wo heartily commend
tho administration for tho successful
prosecution of tho wnr with Spain and
obtaining nn honorablo peaco from tho
sarao. Also for tho courso the admin
istration hns pursued in tho Philippines.
Uesolved, that wo fully sustain our
soldiers, regulars and volunteers, and
Wfl fllllv EVIlinntlll'l) VVItll Ilium in M.nlf
hardships nn 1 sufferings, nnd we con
domn tho traitorous tiro in tho war of
AtKtnson ana nls men.
Uesolved, that wo condemn tho act
ion of Governor Poynter in vetoing tho
joint resolution commending tho J-'Irst
Nobrnskn for bravery and devotion to
duty in tho Philippines.
Upon motion the convention then
proceeded to tho nomination of candi
dates for the various county oftlces as
per list in call.
Clerk of District Court was first on
tho list, and a motion was put beforo
tko convention to suspend tho rulos,
and declaro Jaa. Burden tho unanimous
oholce, but owiag to a alight objection
a vote was necessary which resulted,
Burden 104, Kaley 6. Motion thon pro
vailed to make tho nomination unani
mous. The noxt, county treasurer, was
made by acclamation without a dissen
ting voice, and C. D. Robinson as
chosen the unanimuus ohoico.
Tho Informal ballot on clerk brought
out three caniidates, MoNeer of Pots
dam, Reed of Red Cloud and Cowley of
Glenwood. Tho first formal ballot re
sulted McNecr, 07; Reed, 05; Cowley,
4. Second ballot MoNeor, 06; Rood 68.
Cowley, 4. Third ballot as announced
to the convention MoNeor, 76; Reed,
; Cewley, 0, aadMcNeer waa chosea
VVe have the Largest Stock and Largest
Store in Webster county in which to do business.
VVe have the Goods, honestly bought and
cheaply sold with which to do business.
We advertise to get business and give hon
est values to keep and build up business.
We have been here but a few years but we
expect to be here for twenty-five years to come.
When we have thoroughly satisfied you we
have made a friend. Our customers leave our
store pleased and return again and again to carry
away our bargains.
You should know we will not be undersold.
We never have been and never will be.
We do not advertise one single article falsely
and never will. If yov see it in our "ad" it is so.
"De TJv&cYvce "fcto TkcepWoxv.
We cordially invite you to call and see our
mammoth stock. We can serve your interests
best and serve you faithfully.
choice of convention.
For county judgo the informal ballot
resulted in bringihg out tho names of
C. B. Crone, Samuo) West, I. B. Stan
sur, T. H. Quigglo and Jno. May. C.
B. Crono received eighty-one vote; on
tho tirst formal ballot and was declared
tho choice.
Tho rules wore again suspended nnd
Mrs. E. J. Caso wns dcclnred tho unan
imous choice of tho convention by ac
clamation. At thin point it was discovered that
tho secretary had mado a mistake In
adding up and announcing the vote on
clerk and that the third ballot ou clerk
stood McNecr 07 instead of 70. Reed
09 of 08 and Cowley 3. A motion pre
vailed that tho convention proceed to
ballot on clerk, nnd upon tho third, bal
lot, Clarence Reed was chosen as tho
choice of tho convention, tho voto
standing Iteod, 77; McNeer, 57, Cow-
ley, J-
A motion then prevailed to robnllot
on judgo nnd superintendent ns vote on
clerk had to n certain extent iniluonccd
tho nomination. This resulted in tho
selection of n new candidato John
Mny on tho third ballot.
Mrs. Cnso was thon renominated by
The informal ballot on sheriff result
ed in bringing out n list of enndidates
too long for publication. After several
ballots, nnd- nono of tho candidates
showing any strength, the Pleasant
Hill delegation sprung n dark horso in
tho person of Mo it Adamson, one of
tho first Nobrnskn just returned from
tho Philippines, and secured tho nom
ination. Dr. Hall and W. K. Thome of Bladen
were chosen for coroner and surveyor
respectively by acclamation.
The ballot for commissioner in tko
urat district resulted in tho selection of
D. II. Haley f Pleasant Hill, and in
the fourth district James Overman of
Red Cloud precinct was nominated.
The following aro the delegates chos
en to attend the district convention at
Hastings on thelOtk inst:
T. H. Quiggle, O. J . Lum,
H. C. Colburn, A. D. McNeer,
Jos. Saladoe, Oliver Hdge,
Robt. Harris, E. U. Overman,
G. P. Cather, W. B. Roby,
J. R. Mercer, R. T. Potter,
G. W. Baker.
The delegates to the judicial conven
tion were instructed to use all honor
able means to secure the nomination of
A. M. Walters of Bluo Hill for district
Tho following is a list of tho dole
gates chosen to attend the btato con
vention at Omaha on the 31st.
F. C. Jese, 0. W. Kaley,
of goods let us
Red Cloud,
C. E. Putnam, G. W. Hummel,
A. O. Berg, Oscar Rnmey,
C. Cowley, U. G. Knight,
YY. F. Renkel, D. M. Able,
J. E, iv osier.
The following nro the members of
the county central committee.
Chairman Madison Finch.
Secretary E. J. Overing
Guide Rock Not reported.
Benvor Creek Not reported.
Stillwater F C.Johnson. '
Oak Crock T. H. QuigRlc.
Gnrllcld-N. L. I). Smith.
Pleasant Hill J. It. Groonhalgh.
Elm Creek C. E. Putnam.
Potsdam h. Wnterbury.
Lino JooSaladen.
Red Clotid-O. D. Hedge.
Bntln J. R. Harrington.
Glenwood L. B. Thorne.
Walnut Crook Ed Palmer.
Inavnlo-W. F. Ucnkel.
Calhorton Geo. P. Cather.
Harmony J. Wratton.
Red Cloud First xrard-W. B. Roby
Red Cloud 2d ward W. A. Mitchell.
A fir .:-f)W'!in5,
i if I P !
Some persons say they are never ir , ,
advertisement. 'fluenced by an
It is not expected that any one v , . e
solely because it is suggested 1 by - yi" Ivory Soap
if you have never used Ivory Sor an advertisement, but
to ask some friend about it; ?' m m7 5e mduCed
probably will -that she is 'n?uuld -v?-u d.7as you
then you may try it. - enthusiastic in its praise,
Millions of people use t ' .. ...
they like it. You too ?& Soap; they use it because
in soaps. Jke tU Tnere ,s a difference
reason together.
Tvess &oo&s.
Ours is tho most compluto Dress
Goods Department ever shown
in tho west at prices that talk.
If you aro looking for tho up-to-date
buy ItatTurnuro Bros.
Our blankets wore bought early
last spring which places in in a
position to sell Blankets at
prices our competitors paid for
thcir's. Tho advance on Blan
kets being about 25 per cont.
While in market wo secured tho
grcntest Bargains in Ruge over
offered. Wo aro selling them
faster than wo can mark them.
Our competitors will think this
is a lio. Weill wo havo got
them to thinking.
Our Big Shoe Department is be
coming moro populnr daily.
Wo havo tho Shoes, the Styles,
tho Values, and will savo you
money in this Department.
Enough said.
Rates for Greater American Exposition.
Reduco rates to Omaha will apply
from points on tho Burlington Route
within 250 miles of that city during
the cutiro period of tho Greater
America Exposition, which opens July
1 and closes October 31.
Thero will be three different kiuda
of tickets:
Ten-Dny Tickets, which will bo sold
at 80 per cent of double tho ono-way
Seven-Dny Tickets, rato for which
will ho onu faro for tho round trip plus
!i percent on sale Tuesday.
"Week-End" Tickots, which will bo
on sale Saturday and Sunday trains duo
in OmuhiUueforo 1.00 p. m. Ono faro
for thojgftind trip. J. Francis, Gener
al PiiMSugonr Agent, Omaha Neb.
Boino races at tho Intorstato Fair
ne.xl week. Wo have tho host track In
this part of the stato if not the best in
tho stnto and tucro will bo many good
horses hero. Good premiums are offered.
t?- ggggigsgftMifiSfc