THE Kl4) CLOUD CHIEF. b 4 V M f r airs or STATE Departmental and Executive Actions ARMY AND NAVY MOVEMENTS Ctrut of .More Tlian Ordinary Interest to the People of America OfHt'lnl Aetlotin Which llmo n Hearing in Our Kilt lira History IlrlefR for Iluy I'eople 'Ihurmlnj, AiiRimt 24, George A. Fry, postmaster at Itynuin. .Mont., has confessed to n shortage of J3.000. The navy department has been in formed that the builder's trial of the battleship Alabama w ill be held Mon lay next. An assault of the whlteeappcrs at Puck, Fin., on the colored assistant postmaster there probably will result in the discontinuance of the postotllce. Postmaster W. 0. Cruni and National L'ommlttccmnu Long have both advised it, Regarding the reports that Ootiernl Wesley Merrltt is to succeed (ienera Otis in command of the troops in the I'hilippincH. Secretary Hoot is nouenm mittal. lie evades all questions on this point, and declined to make any positive statement whatever in regard lo the subject. The conditions at Porto Hieo are re reiving the careful attention of the president and the war department offi cials, and every effort is being put for ward to relieve the suffering caused by the hurricane. The secretary noted the fact that approximately 310,000 or f."),000 in money had been raised to this end. AtCucvltas. three miles from Santi ago, live Cubans were killed by soldi ers who fired into a mob. Five thous and Cnban soldleis were there to draw pay, and a rumor spread among them that the paymaster would leave before all wore paid. A conflict was precipi tated by several shots 1eing tired at the guard, who returned the fire, with the result stated. The aetlng hecrctary of the interior today approved a change in the rules if practice of the general land otllce that will be of general interest throughout the public land states. It provides that when a special agent, after investigating an alleged fraudu lent entry, location or claim, recom mends the cancellation of such entry, I he claimant shall be given notice of the charges made by the agent and will be given a chance to defend his title to the land. The burden of proof falls upon the government. Friday, August SS. The village of Pleasant Plain, Ar kansas, was totally demolished by a ttorm. The First Nebraska loft San Fran cisco for home Friday morning. They go in three sections, one station apart, on a special train furnished by the state. General Miles has expressed himself as well pleased with the new secretary of war. He declares Hoot is a man of business, and as a result of the new blood in the war department different conditions exist now. The interests of the country demanded a vigorous prosecution of the war and that is what Secretary Hoot is doing. An order was issued at the war de partment yesterday honorably dis charging from tho volunteer army llrigadier (ieneral Irving Hale, to take effect October 1. General Halo went to the Philippines as colcnel of the First Colorado and was made a briga dier general for gallant services, (ien eral Hale arrived yesterday at Van 1'ranclhco. The establishment of a blockade of the porta of the Philippine islands, and especially thoso of Luzon, is a subject which is receiving attention nt the war department, although Secretary Hoot says he has as yet not suflicieut infor mation to warrant definite action in the matter. The secretary says he be lieves in taking advantage of every thing that would tend to render a cam paign successful, and that war cannot be maintained without causing dis tress. At the same time, he thinks that a blockade just now might cause more damage than good. Fatnrday, August SO. Recent letters from Manila mention the illness of Admiral Watson as a source of great anxiety to his officers. The illness is tho effect of an accident to his launuli in the Puslg river. Heart trouble; is supposed to have originated from concern for his safety. Theisocretary of war has appointed Alexander It. Sped of St. Paul, Minn., chief if the division of.cuslbrtuJ nnd hi bUlrfr atfairs of the war department In place Of Major John J.. Pershing', Who ntto been ordered to Manila for duty oh thfe staff 'of General Otis. The treasury department upt to thlJ time has, accepted all compromises' otfeiffl'byfljankfl for tho Battlement of flues where the examiners have found thetrt ' in' porfsosslbn of ' tinfjtarripfcd clteclis and) cotes.. Tlie pjea.iin almost every, instance.- is' inacrtertance: Jlut thfetoMtMtttf 6J?t1te'ly WW11 rib,1? de' creascdjiis, tey,$b'onIaW&'tb depart-neat-la oapei.t at iKlopfetar'at rigid pollcy'rtffteAfoTcIng'a lieaVfcr1 penalty1 forci'vlolatlon. Kld'Parktr' of DenVer" arid" Frank BaVtleVJof tfhltiajjro have beJ. jinatched iov the lightweight ' championship, of thetwest. Thought Will taktSTplacti at Denver August 20. While delirious from Illness Daniel Montgomery, a, wealthy farmer near Milan, Mo.t attempted to kill his wife nnd little boy with a hafdhet and then cut his throat witli a razor. The wlfo is in a critical condition. Two hnndred and fifty Arc chiefs, representing cities in every part of the country and Canada are in attendance nt the twenty-seventh annual conven of tho international Arc chiefs' associa tion, now in session at Syracuse, N. Y. A cable dispatch received at the war department from Mnlor-Gcncral Wood, Mi Major Russell II. Harrison, who is ill at Santiago with yellow fever, l out of danger. Ex-President Harrison, who is in Paris, is being kept daily in formed of his son's condition. Great pressure has been brought to bear on the administration to organize n colored regiment for service in the Philippines. The matter is still under consideration by Secrctnry Hoot, no decision having" been reached. It is understood that If such n regiment is organised it will boofllccred by eolorud men. Sunday, AiiRUnt 87. Most of the states which have troops nt tho presidio have taken steps to bring their soldiers homo on special trains. The sick and wounded which are left behind will bo cared for In the sawc w ay. Mnj. John J. Pershing, who has been chief of the division of customs nnd insular affairs of the war department for the past six mouths, has been ordered to Manila for service on the staff of General Otis. The first parcels post convention be tween the United States and any coun try In Europe was accomplished yester day, when Postmaster General Smith iiutl the special (lermnn envoy, Mr. Milium von Schwnrzetisteiii, signed a convention between the United States and Germany. It will go luto effect October 1. The United States cruiser lloston arrived nt San Francisco yesteiiiny frsm Manila, from which place she started on June 8. She wns dry-docked at Hong Kong; then went to Nagasaki and Yokohama, leaving tins latter place on July 23 for Honolulu, where she errived August ", making a record trip for a iniiii-of-wur between Yoko homa and Honolulu. Monday, August 28. President and Mrs. McKinley spent their Sunday at Pittsburg, Pa., rather quietly, nothing of special note trans piring to make the day Hitler mate rially from a rest day at their Wash ington home. A statement of the receipts of the Philippine islands, from the date of occupation by the United States gov ernment to July 31 last shows that the total receipts from all sources for the period named wnN$.V-MU,4Il. The strike in Havana is beginning to cause genuine alarm among the citi zens, as it is supposed the bakers will go out tomorrow, ns they have threat ened. A strike on their part would cause a good deal of hardship, as few private households have facilities for baking their own bread. The war department gave out yester day for publication an interesting statement of the financial condition of the island of Cuba. It shows that un der the management of the United States government the receipts of the Island from Jnnuary 1, 18!M, to June 30, of the current year, exceeded the expenditures by the very handsome sum of 81,480,021. The report of llrigadicr-Gcnernl II C. Merrinm, commander of tho depart ment of the Colorado, II. S. A., in the miners' riots in the state of Idaho, was received at Washington yesterday. General Merrlam gave a detailed his tory of the events so far as he or the troops under his command took part, lie shows that the arrests of alleged participants in the riots were made by the state authorltles.the federal troopt only acting as guards. Tuesday, AuRiut 20. The United States cruiser New leans Is at Santo Domingo. Oi Captain Paul Smith, First regiment, national guard of Hawaii, has been appointed captain in the Fortieth United States volunteers, now being recruited. Adjutant General Corbln said yes terday that there was no foundation for the report that the war department proposed to organize three more regi ments of volunteers, nnd in that way utilize tho entire volunteer force of 3.'i,000 men authorized by congress. Wwil has come to tho war depart ment from Otis to the effect that Dato Mundi, with Ills tribesmen of Znm boanga, have joined with tho Ameri cans in driving the iusurgents out of the island of Mindanao. Dato Mundi is snid to be a warrior of education, and directed the Moros of Sulu. At Pittsburg, Pa., on the occasion yesterday of the state reception to the Tenth Pennsylvania, the First Ne braska and Utah battery got the big gest ovation of nny outside commands when the president read his roll of honor. "The Ncbraskans were our right linud men," the Pennsylvnnians say in telling of their experiences In the Philippines. Acting "Secretary of the Navy Allen has advised the Pewcy reception com mittee in NevV YoYk that the depart ment finds it inexpedient to grant the request to have tho old frigate' Consti tution to take part In the navnl parade. The ship is regarded as too valuablu n relic to be subjected tov lire tlsk attend ing a trip frbrh lJ&forYld-Kevv' York. Wednesday, August 30. The transport Grnntf bearing" the Idaho, Wyoming nnd Dakota rcgi- mentswoH .slnhtcdishortly before 11 d'cUclt'f nt'sHlR Wfgltt. Tho Grant left Nagasaki for San Francisco August.?. Uriltid States Consul Hedloelitf ex pected' to reach Washington neMfyVeelr, to inakoexplanalforl to tho staterde pWfnlent of the occurrences whKjued tohi suspension US-consul at Canton. , MMor John A. riojratiwas redently appointed by thp pretidenb'a atujora in tni'vMunteef army..btlt hH.BBUMi Was aottdeAtbllV omitted from the'list. He hncbeetrassigncd to tho Thirty-third InfutUry. The comptroller has apnrovcd'ltne HdndVer Nationnl Mnk, Ne,w YoiMc antt the, Hankers' National bank, Chi cagty its reserve agents for the City National bank of Lincoln, and the Continental National bank of St. tdills, for the South Omaha National bank of South Omaha, Neb. All haste is being-used to dispatch tho troops now waiting at Han Fran cisco to Manila. It is expected that the entire cnsuul detachment now at the Prcsldo will set sail in about two weeks. The Pueblo left yesterday with 050 recruits. The Colorado regi ment turned over their arms and ex pect to leave for Denver about Sopt ember 8. WIDE WORLD NEWS Condensation of Events of Tnv portancc COMPLETE WEEK'S SUMMARY Happening of the l': ,-cvcu 7aya Which Deeply Intercut tlio l'copls Hliort 1'araRrapha Conveying k, World of Information I'or the Polka Without Tim 1 hursday, AiiRiiM 9 I. Victor, Colo,, recently burned down, Is going up again. Tho California troops have arrived at Sail Francisco. Sir Thomas Lipton has faith enough to believe his boat, tho Shamrock, will take back the America's cup. The lllg Four railroad and Its engi neers have amicably settled all differ ences. It is believed both sides made concessions. Genernl Otis has applied the Chinese exclusion act to tho Philippines. It is thought the action will help to bring the war to a close. An overdose of moiphiuc, taken to allay pain, resulted in the death of Clayton C. Mason, nephew of Senator Mason of Illinois, Fire nt Milwaukee caused S70.000 damage to the II. Uhrig Coal company and Foster Lumber company In the loss of stock nnd buildings. The forest fires In tho Adirondaeks, New York state, arc under control. The damage to timber is small and no hotels were in danger at any time. Rev. Dr. lien jamln F. DcCostn, rector oi the hpiscopal church of St. John the Evangelist, of New York city, has resigned on account of his advanced years. Surgeon Heiser at Naples cabled the marine hospital bureau that there was absolutely no truth In the report thnt the plague had appeared at Naples and Palermo. Structural steel was advanced 8." per ton nt a meeting of structural iron and steel mauufneturerr, held in New York city. The increase is made necessary by the enhanced prices of raw mate rials. Mrs. Anna Tccple, wife of the assist ant postmaster of Charlcstown, Intl.. and her nine-year-old son, members of a campaigning party, were drowned In the Ohio river near Jcffeisonville. The boy got beyond his depth, and the mother went to his assistance. Friday, August 31. George A. Fry, postmaster at Ittittc, Mont., has been found S3, 000 short in his accounts. Dwlght II. Ilaldwin, founder of the Piano firm of D. 11. Ualdwln & Co. of Cincinnati is dead at the ago of twenty three years. England is sending troops to Cape town. The lloers, however, believe England Is preparing to accept the proposed compromise. The proceeds of the big chntlty ball, which will be one of the fall festival features in Chlcngo In October, will be devoted to relieving the distress in Porto Hi co. It is estimated the pro ceeds will reach 830,000. Thursday's session of the Dreyfus court martial was marked by ono of the most cxelting scenes of the trial. It was the keen nttack of Laborl on General Mercler, who declined to nn swer when cornered. For awhile there was a perfect liable of voices, at least half a dozen voluble French olll cers being anxious to testify ull at once. Through M. Lnborl's skillful questioning the testimony adduced was favorable in its bearing to the prisoner. The lawyer made n stiong point on the part Esterhazy played. Mercler said hodidnotknowKsterlin.y and only snw him onco at tho Zola trial. "That is very interesting," ex claimed Laborl, "but surely General Mercler wns present at the Esterhazy trial?" The general replied that he was not there and that he knew noth ing about the evidence In tho Ester hazy prosecution. "What," cried M. Laborl, "General Mercler, who was the chief accuser of Dreyfus, did not even follow the proceedings of tho Ester hazy trial?" A loud murmur of sur prise and indignant comment came from the audience, but Colonel Jounust Immediately suppressed It. Saturday,. Auguiit 2(1, San Domingo revolutionists arc gain ing ground. Loudon was hot yesterday, It being 00 in the shade. A dozen cases of sun stroke eccurrcd. An cpldemia of typhoid fever rages at Litchfield, 111. Thrae deaths oc curred yesterday. The Boers have declared in favor of the continuance1 of the dynamite mo nopoly. In case of war, all llrttons will be expelled from the country. Cali'fornians welcomed its returning volunteers with a reception outclassing afty' previously held. Ovor 100,000 strangers, were In San Francisco to greet the boys. JT tf. arVycrs, for twenty years a Rook' Island engineer, who lives In Diei'Mo4.n,iIa., has beep1 arrester foi CopmAtfn'g rape on the, person of De lia Cherry, aged 7. Extrs'iprecantion warffaeeVlea'to pttSVent'rn'ob violence. TheyFolrFiWhTpl-lUgo, toc-WCfcVlled by the sultan of Sulu, has come under the dominion of the United States, General Bates" mission to the region having been entirely successful. Lieut, II. W. Well, U. S. N who lias opened a recruiting station nt St. Louis, is besieged with men and boys anxious to enlist. He expects to securo S00 landsmen nnd thirty apprentices in a few days. Mrs. Edith Quick was arrested at Tern, lnd., charged with having poisoned her husband who died a week ago. A brother of the dead man wus also arrested, charged with being an accomplice. lief ore the Dreyfus court martial yestciday, M. Hertlllon, the hand writing expert, concluded the first in stallment of his so-called demonstra tion of the guilt of the accused. The DrcfiiMirds refused to regard him ns nnythlng but tho prince of quacks, nnd made spoit of his theory that Dreyfus, as an expert spy, did not write in ordinary linnd-wrltlng. lmt in clove Imitation, even contriving to give the letters the appearance of having been traced, In order to be able to repudiate them as a forgery If de tected, liven Dreyfus, when sln'.vn llertillon's demonstrations, admitted tho Ingenuity and plausibility of the system, though he naturally Insisted that it was built upon a false basis. The trial is farcical In the ctreiiic,nud In an English or American court-martial, the evidence of the past thro days would be thrown out as Irrelevant and a number of the witnesses would be arrested for contempt. It Is evident that the piesldent, Col. Jouast, is overawed by his suneilor olllcers who appear as witnesses. Monthly, AiiRimt '1. Ulght miles west of Muneie. lnd., r.nglneer W. II. McCarthy of the Lake F.rle and Western tiatn was shut and killed by a stray bullet from thu gun of u limitcr in the woods along tho track. llehlnd the barilcade that "dead men tell no tales" General Mercler and the general staff have entrenched themselves. Sandherr Is dead, Henry Is dead, and despite tho efforts of Counsel Laborl to secure the presence of Patj do Chun, It seems he Is to bo sick or die. which of the two has not vet been determined. In Saturday's nrococdinirs were in looted several sen sational scenes, the eh'.efest of which was the confrontation of Genernl Mer cler. Colonel Maurel and Captain l'roy staeter. Messrs. Mercler and Maurel attempted to disconcert Captain Floy staeter. who gave testimony fawirablo to Drevfus. They failed to do so, but were In turn confounded by tho straightforward answers and evidence of the stuidy captain, whose bearing gave power and effect to his testimony. M. Laborl recalled General Mercler and put him on the rack, succeeding in compelling the crafty general to shift his ground, showing him up for the arch conspirator he really Is. Tho day's piocecdlngs were very favorable to the defense. TiieMdny, AiiRiMt '40. Democrats of Ohio favor John It. McLean for governor. The crisis in the Trnnsvnal has so far failed to come to a head, although the situation is as acute as ccr. The crisis in Germany over the de feat of the canal bill has passed, at least for a time. The present cabinet will hold on. A decision In the enso of Captain Carter, who bilked the government for 82,0(10.000, is sxpected soon after tho president returns to Washington. Demetri Frlelander, treasurer of the United Kussian churches of Chicago lias decamped, and from 810,00(1 to 8100,000 of of the funds arc missing. The will of the Earl of Strafford.who married Mrs. Sam J. Colgate of New York, and who was killed by a train in May last, bequeathed to his widow 1.0(H) pounds. Tho residue of the estate, valued at 27,000 pounds, is held in trust for his daughters. The ncuto situation nt Darlcu, Ga., between negroes and whites Is better, but tho blacks remain armed. Many of thu negroes arc yet In the swamps, but quite a number surrendered to the soldiers, preferring to do so rather than fall into the hands of the sheriff's posse. It Is believed the threatened rnco war on account of the Delegnl murders has been averted. Twelve steel arches, each weighing thirty-three tons, which were to have supported the superstructure of the coliseum building in course of erection on Wabash avenue, between Fifteenth and .Sixteenth streets, Chicago, fell to tlio ground late yesterday afternoon. It is known that nine lives were crushed out. Tho bodies of two men are supposed to be under the wreck age. Monday was a day favorable to Dreyfus In thu court martial of that officer, and wns marked by two notable instances. The first wns tlio testimony of Chief Handwriting Expert Cliaravny, who declared that ho was wrong in 18!M In saying that Dreyfus wrote the bordereau, and that now ho was con vinced that Esterhazy wrote it. The other was the acquicsnncc of Colonel Jouust in n request that a commission take Du Pnty do Clam's deposition. Wedneidar, Auguct UO. It is intimated that General Merclei is to be prosecuted in connection with the Dreyfus case. Paris police have seized many im portant papers from the home of Presi dent Dttbce, president of the young men's Anti-Seinito league. ChnyiesII. McCaughey was arrested at Springfield, 111. lie Is charged with killing Miss Eliza Dyer, of Hunting ton, lnd, July 10, by a criminal opera tion. The threatened strike of Havana. Cuba, bakers has been averted. The men, according to tho terms of agree ment, are to receive an increase of 87.A0 per month. Coroner Hens Is investigating the Chicago coliseum disaster in .order, to nscetaint'who' may be held legally re sponsibly therefor. It waa'foutid that tnoironYratats were being used' to support pulleys for hoisting heavy timbers. The Dreyfus trial was devoid of special interest yesterdaV, .Colonel Cordlpr occupied the etatX )W festi; m'ony being -favorable to Dreyfus, lie said he was'opposed to Jews on1 tho army staff, but could not rbl&tefalse witness ngalnstnn' Innocent f"rty A UJurliniKobV train1 wisvmcked BearfarnanlPMo., and Engineer Crlss waskl)led,'ana;Flrcii4 Smith anil ConduetorfcthorfHfJliy hurt. General Leonard Wood( military gov ernor pf, Santiago Pipylncc, Cuba, caused General Jimlncz'to bq arrested when the latter came ashore, and will hold hltn, pending Instructions from Havana. General .limine, does not conccnl his1 intention of going to Santo Domingo, and to become president of the republic. NKWflV NTI'.H. Forest flrcbiirc raging In tho vicinity of Laramie county and Deer Creek, Colo. WOMAN WAS DEAD Myst; nous Death Reported From Omaha, MANNER OF DEATH IN DOUBT, round I.tIiir In a I'ool of Her (lull It land No Slftim of PtriiKKl Apparent - llollcf I a Nhu Tell from a hltl Other New of Intrrett to NetiiHkin. Tlio body of an unknown yonnr, woman was found a .' o'clock Wednes day morning lying face downward In the street In front of I US Park ave nue, Omaha. The woman was dead. Her hair was hanging In disorder In a pool of hor own blood, and several small bruises Indicated that she had fallen from a vehicle. No signs of a struggle were apparent, save whore the pointed toes of her brown slippers had raked up two little furrows in the dlrl, but these were not long, and seeined'sueh us might have been made in falling from a vehicle. Her under skirts were toin and stained with clotted irorc. but the doctor concluded that It was not an evidence of violence, other than a fall, lie could not state definitely from what caused death had resulted nit limit it more thorough ox tinilnatlon. Nothing that would give a clue to her Identity was found on tho body of tho woman. SHOT BY HIS HALF BROTHER Ijimrrcl of stiiutoti County filmier ItemltN In it KIIIIiir. Sunday afternoon Oliver Anderson ihot and killed Andrew Johnson, sr.. at the farm of Andrew Colander, about ten miles north of Stanton. The men are half brothers and Andrew Johnson was an old Mttlcr and ono of the sub stantlal farmers of Stanton county. They became involved in a dispute and the quarrel icsulted In a fight In which Anderson received a deep gash in the leg. Late' the two men mel and each had n gun. Anderson suc ceeded in getting the drop on Johnson and shot him. Ho immediately went to town and gave himself up. Coroner Dcrn proceeded to tho sceno of the shooting and impanelled n jury, which after viewing tlio dead body and the surroundings returned tho following verdict: At an inquisition holdcn at Stanton, Stanton county, Neb., on thu L'Tth ami "8th days of August, A. !)., 180!), before mo, Louis Dcrn, coroner of said county, upon the body of Andrew Johnson, sr., lying dead, by the jurors whose names nro hereunto subscribed, the said jur ors on their oath do say that naid An drew Johnson, sr., oaniii to his death by reason of a shot from a gun in the hands of Oliver Anderson, the shooting being unnecessary. SHE USED HER STOCKING, fuiaiie I'atlent nt Lincoln Anltiin llndl Hor Kartltly Crreer. Mrs. Sarah Hadcllff, a patient nt the asylum for the insane at Lincoln, com mitted suicide sometime during Tucs day night. Her body was found hang ing from the grating over tlio window in her cell. Shu had strangled hcrsell by tying n stocking nroiind her nccl nnd then looping the stocking with t piece of rag, which may have bcoc used for a hose supporter. Tho rnu wns run through tho bars and lied, and then Mrs. Hadollff had let her on the weight come down upon the stock ing about her neck. Her foot touched tho floor, but when found, Iter legi were stretched out on tho iloor. as though she had had hard work to kec; from letting her weight icst on hor feet. BLAME FOR WRECK PLACED, It In l.uld to Creir of Krelcht Train li the Denton Sinnli-li. The investigation made by tho Uur liugton officials into tho cause of the wreck at Denton a week ago has re sulted in clearing the crew of the pas senger train, No. 3, of ull blame. It was found that the crew in charge ol the freight train were at fault, and were, at tho time the accident occurred, violuting th6 plain rulc-j of tho com pany us rcgnided keeping u flagman in frJut to protect tho train. It was statcd-'that tho freight train had no business on the main lino' at tho time the accident occurred, andtho engineer of tho head engine nnd the conductor wore equally to blame. Ulmnu was also attached to the engineer of the rear engine, 'but ns ho was not in charge of tho train the penalty in illcted oft' hint" WlW lie HejhtoV thai or tho two otlKJr'men. Illbuard't Salary Allowed. Food Commissioner 1 II. lHblinrd has filed his. salary claim with Auditor Cornell and it has been allowed. The claim wus for S13.T iur tho month o July. Thc'ctolW hall been in doubt, tho auditor being uncertain wliclhor tho food commission law carried with it an appinpilation. After thu atto, ney geueial decided that thu horticul tural soeloty was entitled to its money tho auditor decided to pay the food commission claims, as the food coin mission law appeared to bo less ques tionable than the other. UNSAFE FOR THE NEGflC Imported I'rnm tlio Soulli noil Tin! l'oiinit I'ntMlly Injured. A special from Uockford, 111., snyst Two weeks ago negroes were tin ported here from llrook Ilaveti, MUs., by W. M, Fortncr .t Son, railroad coif tractors, to work on Improvements on tho Illinois Central track between hero and Dubuque, There has been trouble lu the camp, and today two of the ne groes were found west of thu city with Injuries thnt will prove fatal. Twenty live of the imported crew who were discharged, cr.tnc to town today, stranded, and nrc being fed by the po lice nnd llicniin until they can return kouth. Antl-I'pldcntia Club. A club Is now being formed In Pari", the members of which swear never to rdinko hands with any one unless tlio nro wearing gloves. Many members of tho aristocracy hnvc shown their will ingness to support tho organization, nnd a fine Is to be Imposed upon all members who nro caught shaking hands without gloves. Tho formation of this curious club Is undoubtedly thu outcome of n recent dluriiRslon In i French medical Journal. This paper endeavored to show thnt dlsenso ha i occasionally been contracted by sluic ing hands without gloves, Tlilrd-Miiht-Atfii-lllnde. Hy the laws of St. Edward tho Con 'cssor, If any man lie a third night in an inn, he was called a thlrd-nlglu-nwnhlmlc, for whom his host was an swerable, If he committed nn offenuo. The first night, forman-nlght, or tin cuth (Sax, unknown), ho was reck oned n stranger: tho second night, twn-nlKht, n guest, and n third night, nn ngcu-hliKle, or nwn-hlndo, a domes tic Mirror. llreet MeHluley. Five thousand people, greeted Presi dent McKinley on his arrival at East Liverpool, O,, Tuesday night. Tlio crowd jostled and cheered and the president was ilrlxcn to the home of Colonel Taylor through the street i nblazu with electric illuminations an I fireworks. UurlhiRtoii Train Wrecked. A llurllngton train was wrecked near llarnard, la., on the Creston branch of the road Wednesday morn ing. Engineer Crlss was instantly killed, and Conductor Mather and Flremnn Smith were fatally hurt. The wreck was caused by the train running Into cattle. . ) Want lllm Alive. A Paris dispatch says that the re- motnticc of the French government to storm Guerin's castle is accounted for by the belief thnt the pretender to the throne of Frnnce is in the frrtrcss. This personage is believed lo bo tlio Duku of Orleans. It is the desire o' the government to take him alive. Trouble Over In Havana. Tho threatened strike of bakers at ilavana has been averted. The men, according to the term) of the agree ment, are to receive an increase of 87.R0 per month, lloth sides promise to abide by the decision of the arbitra tor. Two Trainmen Killed, Two heavy 11. A: O. freight traim came together nt Harricksvlllc. W.Ya., through the misunderstanding nf orders. Fireman lloo and Dralceman Hall were killed and three other train men fatally injured. IleMiIl of n lllvorre. As the result of an application for a divorce made by Mrs. Edwnrd Hhose, of Evansillo, lnd., Mr. Hhoso began drinking heavily nnd then shot Mrs Hhose, probably fatally. 1'riiMlan Diet l'rnrocued. Tho Prussian diet was flunlly pro rogued Monday. Chancellor Hohen loho expressed the hope that tho diet would nccept the cnnal bill when It meets next year. lloston will (Jult. The cruiser lloston which lias re turned to San Francisco from Manila, hns been ordered to Mare Island navy yard whore It will be put out of com mission. Sixty Itloteni Jailed. Another member of the Delago fam ily surrendered Tuesday morning Sixty rioters so far arc now in jail at Darien, Ga., and others nre surrender Wig. Llndiiay Favora Kxpanilou, At tho mcpllng of tho American bar association Monday, Senator Lindsay, of Kentucky,' made a strong' spccc'i fnvdrMgexphVslott rtecWW.VoKf.nlli. The City of Pueblo sailed from San Frclcqvfa,r Manlla"on"the 3&t,h'-wl!,li 50McniUs. l iiiii. i i i The lanitt&e'of Ws'ls1 tiofelaj'- n the day otitic ary party.wblle the socialists and other advanced republicans havo adopted red Panama hats Sunday,- as" a special in-, suit to tho president. t."' VplL fit- -l T v r tr Ilertln I'auper Ccmetarle. More than 3,000 persona are burled annually In the paupers' cemetery at Derlln. a pan n ine'DOI UCalMWconl of " Pr'. Vm?m. Wifiitte its are the shuts of'thoittfrfflH. a ". W& ,1 iJLl 3M.IT y:i r, t