The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 01, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE KKI) CLOl'I) CUTE If, FHIDAV, SEPT. 1, 1800.
m w w w w v " "
Hi ndieds of people g
through life without
tiny exnet discernment
(It "ut'tlUt; W lift I'll I In
proper glasses would
mnko tho world now to
tin1 in. Our business is
to help you to glasses
Skilled people to attend
to your needs. We've
linlit un tho most won
derful sort of spectacle 3 J
ousincss uy ouiug cum
ful of people's oyes and
ther purses. There are
uo eye risks little enough
to take. Wo ail vise you
to certainty Wo help
you there or direct you
to a helper.
iNewhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians.
u your Watch, Clock and Jewelry j
Curtains at cost at Taylor's.
Everything nt cost at Taj lot's.
Interstate Fair, Sept 11th to 14th.
Take your harness repairing to Fogel
nnd Hutchison
Mouroo Barbor ol Blooniiugton was
here Tuesday.
' It will pay you to see Peterson bororo
you buy a drill.
C. H. Potter and wife are visiting iu
Omaha this week.
See tho now Hoosior all steel disc
drill at Peterson's.
Have you seen that fine line of nots
and dusters at J. O. Butler's.
'Mrs. Ed McUuni- returned from a
trip up the valley Wednesday.
See those littlo Hoosiors at Peterson's
They arc good and tho prico is right.
Mrs. Samuel Gurbi-r returned from a
visit at Guide Rock Wednesday even
ing. Prof. Goo. I. Kolloy returned Wed
nesday from the eastern part of the
Dan Garber returned Tuesday night
from a several weeks stay in tho moun
tains ot Colorado.
Will Mitchell of tho Hrm of Mitcholl
Bros., was doing some work at Guide
Rock Wednesday.
See W. W. Wright's lino of refriger
ators. Ho handles the Herrlck which
is the best on earth.
Largest lino of net and dusters in
tho Republican valley at the lowest
prices. J. (). Butlkk.
Will Smith loft Saturday night to
visit his sister Mrs. K. O. Canney at
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
J. It. Vau Horn moved his household
goods to McCook this weok and tho
family will restdo thero in tho future
Samuel Garber of Atwood, Kansas,
arrived in the city Tuesday night to
visit witli his wi(o tiud other relatives
Karl Pond and Herb Conovcr spent
Wednesday in Suporlor and then took
in tho recoption to tho soldiers at Nel
son on Thursday.
Having decided to close out my busi
ness in this city I offer my entire stock
of furniture, carpets, curtains and wall
papor at cost. F. V. Tayloii.
Tho Misses Myrtlo aud Lula Cham
berlain who have been visiting friends
and relatives hero returned to their
homo at Now Boston, Illinois, Wed
nesday. 9
Star Bakery,
J. O. WILES, Prop.
Ball game during the fair.
Furniture at cost at Tay lot's.
"Iticket" store, Moon block.
Hammock's nt cost at Taylor's.
Harness of all kinds til Fogel nnd
Base ball games on the Fair Grouud
dttiing Fair week.
Attorney Blaoklodgc was in Oxford
the first of the week.
If ou want anything in the harness
line see Fogel aud Hutchison.
See Wright's line of warm weather
gasolino stoves before putcunsing.
Lincoln Absolutely Pure Mixed
Paints are tho best, and sold b Cot
ting. Will Yeiser was down from Oxfotd
the last of '.he week visiting with the
folks her.
A. N. Patmor returned Friday from
a visit with friends and relatives In
W. N. Richardson was looking after
business matters in Beatrice tho first
of the week.
lames Yoiser left Monday for Omaha
whore lie will enter the law olllce of
his brother John.
Wanteds One or moro carloads of
suckling and yearling colts, standard
and pure bred. C. L. Winfhey.
Sam Dyer returned Tuesday from a
trip to North Branch where lie pur
chased n wagou load of chlckeus.
Fou Salk: 148 head of two and
throe year old steers, which aro now
in this county. L. P. Amiukjut.
J. 0. Wili9 has placed a street lamp
iu front of his restaurant to light tho
stops of patvotic to tho Star Bakery.
Don't stand the heat of n cook stove
this summer but buy a gasoline stovo
of W. W. Wright. He has n lino line of
Mrs. M. Carmony of McCook arrived
iu the city Tuesday aud is viiting with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cox
near Lester.
Calvin Kenady arrived iu the city
Sundny night to visit with his parents,
W. P. Konady and wlfo nnd other
friends and relatives.
Silas Beal and S. V. Beat, relatives of
our Webster county Beats, arrived in
tho city the last of tho week to look
after busiuess matters.
Butler, tbo harness man is headquar
ters for all kinds of tirst class harness,
both Ugh: and heavy. If you want
anything in his line see him.
Miss Lena Sperling who has bcon
running the lunch connter near tho de
pot for some months past departed for
Dewitt this stato tho tirst of tho week.
Ernest Welsch has added much to
tho appearance of his restaurant by
placing incandescent gasoline lamps in
the Interior and a street lamp out in
Charley Bishnp, editor of tho Supo
rlor Sun was bore Tuesday night and
accompanied the members of the First
Nebraska to that place Wednesday
Howard LoFeber, Fred Cavan, Char
ley Morgan and James Davis of Supe
rior camo up on train 15 Tuesday night
to meet motubors of tho First Nebraska
who camo through on train 14.
Tbo Hastings streot fair, that is to bo
hold September 18 to 23, promises to be
tho grandest affair of its kind over
witnessed ami tho best of it is free.
Grand display of fireworks every night.
The W. C.T. U. will met with Mrs.
C. Pope during the month of Septem
ber. All members aro requested to bo
present at tho annual election of of
ficers which will occur Thursday, Sep
tember 7th.
Fred and Doll Turnuro havo ai rived
home from their buying trip in Chica
go. Whilo there they personally in
spected and purchased a largo invoice
of goods for tho different departments
of tlioir store.
Seo tho baso ball gamos botweon Su
perior nnd Lebanon teams nt Red
Cloud Not)., during Fair week. These
aro both very strong teams this year
and will play a very Interesting game.
Bo sure to enrau and see it.
QMrs. Frank Nicholsou of Kansas City
arrived hero tho first of the woek to
look after the welfare of her son Rob
ert who is convalescing nftor an illness
of typhoid fever. They returned to
Kansas City Wednesday morning
Insure your hogs against loss from
dlscnso In The Farmers Mutual Hog In
surance Association of Omaha. Plan
mutual. Absolutely safe, costs less and
moro equitable than any other associa
tion or company. Writo or seo II. E.
Pond, Supt. of Agencies, Red Cloud,
Neb. Ofllco in Moon Block.
Many now and interesting features
will bo introduced nt tho Interstate
Fair, at Red Cloud, Neb., Sept. 11th to
14tb. Good speaking, good ball games,
good races, fine exhibits, brass band,
etc. -You cannot afford to miss this
rare treat. Each nud every feature will
bo well worth jour price of admission,
Grand balloon ascension.
Carpels at cost at Taylor's.
Wall papor at cost atTajlor's
W. W. Wright has a line line of Hie
bot refrigerators.
For hand made harness go to Fjgel
and Hutchisons.
Dr. llobt Damerell and Kd. 0 voting
wete in Bladen Thursday.
AH kinds of useful articles at the
Racket store, Moon block,
Now Is tho time to get a hammock at
Cotting's at your own price.
The largest stock of now dtess goods
in the cjutity. Minku Buos.
Mrs. Slmoudsof Wisconsin is visiting
her niece Miss Mollle Ferris.
Mr. S Day had live dozen spring
chickens stolen Monday night.
Mrs. Nelllo Finch returned homo this
week from n visit iu Colorado.
Soe the "American" hog fence at
Mitchell Bros. Best ou earth.
(ico. Nowhouso and wifo wero taking
in the reunion at Bladen this week.
Peterson lias Just received a car of
tho Hoosior drills. Call aud sec thorn.
Walter Roby sells tho Singer sowing
machine. Prices right. (Jet the best,
W. H. Cloud who bought tho Pren
tls ranch nenr luavnlo was here Sun
day. Miss Speakt returned Tuesday morn
ing from a visit to her home at Bloom
ington. Ira Darby of Hardy is here this week
visiting with his uncle J. M. Darby
and family.
Mrs. Hendershot and daughter of
Hebron visited in the city this week,
iho guests of S.F. Spokosllold and -vifo.
Tho ladies of tho Christian church
will tender a reception to Mr. unit Mrs.
J. F. Wintors, at T 0. Hacker's Satur
day night.
Rev. Darby received a telegram ou
Thursday requesting him to como to
Bladen and deliver an addles at tho
soldier's reunion.
Dr. Mosshnrt, Eye, Eur and Throat
specialist of Lincoln, Nobr. will be at
Dr. Beck's olllce, Saturday Sept. Oth.
Consultation free.
Thomas Hickson nnd wife of Jimul
co, Mexico, aro horo visiting with Harry
Stroup and family. Mrs. Hickson is n
sister of Mrs. Stroup.
Mrs. Clarenco Kizor who has been
visiting at tho homo of hor parents at
Hebron for sevoral weoks returned
homo again Friday night.
The Congregational Choir will give
a Song. Service next Sunday evening.
Every body invited. A collection will
bo taken to purchase new anthem books.
D. B. Spanoglo left Sunday for Den
ver and returned Thursday morning
accompanied by Mrs. Spanoglo who
has been visiting thero for several
R.B. Fulton and wife returned Thurs
day morning from Franklin where
they had been in attendance at a meet
ing of tho Republican Valley Baptist
Douglas Cather who has been visit
ing with tho folks and othor friends
horo returned to Choyonne, Wyoming,
to again assume tho duties of his posi
tion with tho B, & M. at that place.
G.J. Creeth, a former well known
nowspnpor man of Hastings was hero
tho first of the week looking after mat
ters pertaining to tho Hastings streot
fair. Hu assures us that Hastings is
preparing to show tho pcoplo a great
Hastings will furnish enough freo
amusement to supply tho world during
Its street fair and carnival n .JIO.OOO
will be spent loiuake everybody have a
good time. There's no doubt l.ut what
it will be tho grandest entertainment of
its kind aver witnessed in the west
Tho Lebanon and Suporlor baso Imll
teams will play three games on tho
Fair Grounds here during Fair weok.
These are much tho t rongest teams iu
tho country and s'ill play tho best
games that havo over been witnessed
in Red Cloud. Fair Sept. 11th to 14th.
Members from tho First Nebraska
whose homes are at Superior and Nel
son passed through tho city Wednes
day morning. At Superior a big crowd
gave them wolcomo, tho band played
patriotic airs and the Ind'o gnvu them
nu early morning banquet.
Balloon ascension at tho Fair Sept.
11th to 14th. Besides tbis feature thero
will be many things of interest that you
cannot afford to miss. Good races each
dfiy, tine display of everything that
will interest you. Good speaking.
Largo exhibit of fine stock, poultry,
swine, etc.
A little mlstako of one letter in a
prinlingolllcosomotlmescausesa whole
lot of trouble. Tho Minneapolis Mes
senger niado one of its correspondents
say that "Mr. (instead of Mrs,) so and
so stayed over night with Mrs.
whilo her husband was in the city" etc.
.. . ttia mtitaatnn nt flint Int.
ier tho Messeuger editor is still camp-
ing in the brush,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
menacento health of the present day.
oyu BAma rowMK co.. htw vook.
Machine Oils at Cotting's.
Bon Ludlow and Leslie (Slaves wero
in Hastings this week.
Anson Higby of Deadivood, South
Dakota, is iu the city.
Mrs. L. Hussoug was in Hastings tho
fore part of tho week.
Sowing machines $20, cash; hvo yenr
guarantee. Minkk Bttos.
Geo. Rogers of Lincoln is visiting
with L. 11. tort and family.
Tho MiClelland sisters have moved
into Mrs Ducket's property.
Citizens water meeting at tho Fire
man's Hnll Monday ovculng at 8 p.m.
Wantkk A good steady girl at Ear
nest Welseh's lunch counter near tho
A number of our citizens wero in at
tendance at tho reunion ut Bladen
this week.
Mrs. Ball of Akron, Colorado, sister
of Mrs. T. C. Hacker arrived Wednes
day on a visit.
Horace Spanoglo who has been tor
some time in Deadwuud, South Dakota,
is homo again.
Harvey Cox went to Geneva today
where he will teach school during tho
next school yenr.
Mrs. Geo. Hollistcr returned from a
visit with her brother Fred Lutz and
family at Chadron, this morning.
John Winters will load his house
hold goods on a car Saturday prepara
tory to the removal of the family to
Johanna von Pitsum, of Folia, Iowa,
tho now assistant principal of tho Red
Cloud High School, arrived in tho city
tbis morning.
Dr. Mosshart, Eye, Ear and Throat
specialist of Lincoln, Nobr. will bo at
Dr. Beck's oQico Saturday Sept. Oth.
Consultation free.
W.J.Turner au old aud respected
citizen of this county living south of
tho river died suddenly this moruirg
from heart failure.
Mrs. William Houser and daughter
who havo been visiting with William
Dickson and family returned to their
homo in Michigan Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Parker of San Francisco
arrived In tho city Tuesday night to
visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T.
C. Hacker and othor friends.
The Methodist and Congregationul
Sunday schools united aud had u pic
nic in Hummol's grove last Tuesday.
An onjoyablo time was reported.
A. G. Diohl and family and Mrs. T.
E. Ham of Edgar an i veil in tho city
Monday for n short visit with tlit fami
lies of Dr. Reed and G. W. Fruncis.
Dr. G E, McKeoby and wife arrived
iu tint city last night from their homo
at Guthrie, Oklahoma, to look after
tho wolfaro of their sou Fred who is
sick with a fever.
Mrs. S. Levi, mother of Mrs. M. M.
Stern, who has boon visiting in this
city for somo time past, left Thursduy
for a month's visit at Hastings, accom
panied by Mrs. Stern.
Thero will bo balloon ascensions daily
band concerts daily, a magnificent dis
play of fireworks on three evenings, and
luminous othor attractions, all free as
tho air. Whore? At tho Hastings freo
street fair.
Fou Sale: Tho Rod Cloud Breed
ing barn and stock consisting of four
Kentucky Jacks and ono imported
English Shlro Stallion No, 8130. All
in good condition and a tost guarantee
for every animal. O. L. Winfrey.
Tho swine, poultry nud cattle will bo
judged by export judges at tho Inter
state Fair at Red Cloud, Neb., Sept. 11th
to 14th. This will nssuro you that your
exhibits will bo judged fairly, as these
gontlomou aro entire strangers and will
exorcise their best Judgmont which will
not bo swayed by friendship or ac
quaintance. Tbis spring prices commenced to ad
vanco on cotton goods. Before any
advance took placo we placed a very
largo order for cotton goods in prints,
mualias and outings. Buying for cash
in largo quantities enables us to put a
urlco on thom. Outings at 5c, 7o, 8c,
1, 12 Jo Hnd,c'
rrinis oo 10 iic.
I Muslins 8o to 12o. Mineb Uitoe.
50 Men's Suits,
See them on the
store. The suits
and are the greatest bargains ever
Lose money on
but must have the room.
Noxt Monday boalns th fall term of
school in this city, and parents should
seo to it that every child of school age
is present when tho bell rings. Under
tho now law partnts nro compoiiou to
soud their children between tho ages of
live aud fourteen year to school at
least twelve weeks during tho school
year, and also provides a heavy lino to
bo Imposed on paronts who uogloot or
refuse to send their chlldron to school.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllcont Rod Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending Aug. 81st
Conner, A. A. Holmes, H.
Walter, Summer
Theso letters will bo sent to tho dead
letter ofllco Sept. 14th, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
sav advorttsod. T. C. Hackeu. P. M.
Every mall brings now Inquiries rel
ative, to tho exhibits, etc., of tho Inter
state Fair, at Red Cloud, Nob , Sopt.
11th to Uth. People from all over this
part of tho s'ato soein to bo interested
in tho success of tho fair wills year, and
many exhibits will be shipped In. Some
by the carload. Incubators will bo do
Ing tho hatching act attlio fair. Bal
loon ascensions at tho fair. Ball games
al the fair. Races at tbo fair. Brass
band nt the fair.
Notwithstanding tho evening was not
propitious, tho silhouette social, Mon
day evouing, by tho Ladles' Guild at
tho rosldonco of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II.
Tnrtsch, was quito successful. After
somo littlo ditllculty tho instrument
wns adjusted and turned out very
creditnblo sllliouottes, which wore a
source of much morrimont. Tho literary-musical
programme was lirst-clas",
each number being well received nnd
several of them warmly encored. Miss
Lillian Smith of Rod Cloud and Prof.
Watt of Chicago wero among tho out-
of-town porfortnors. Both wore thor
oughly appreciated. McCook 1 rlbune.
Tim friends nnd members of tho
Pleasant Pralrio M. E. Church at No.
41 invited their pastor, Rov. A. G.
Blackwoll nnd his family to spond a
day with them nt a pionio in Uuclo Jer
ry Ornd tiff's grovo, on Wednesday. Aug.
10th. A goodly number was present, a
splendid dinner was provided and ico
cream and melons wero in abundanco
and a very onjoyablo time was had by
all prosont. On tho following day
Messrs. Harry Michoal, Jerry Ornduff
and It. K. Orchard camo to lied Cloud,
marched Rov. Blaokwolt into tho cloth
ing storo and purchased fcr him a very
lino suit of clothes and a hat, ns a pros
ont from tho pood people from 41, to
show tholr appreciation and love for
him as tboir pastor.
last ones in the lot,
go at
front table in our
are worth up to
most of them f$!
Clothing Co., 1
M. Millor of Atlantic, Iowa, and
Peter Levi of Schoncctady, Now York,
tbo former a brother and tho Inttor an
undo of Mrs. M. W. Dickorson, arrivod
in tho city Wednesday for a brief visit.
Mr. Millor is vory mueh tnkon with tho
country and says on his return homo
is liable to soil out and muvo to this
Rev. Edson of tho Baptist Church was
nt Bloomlngton this week in attendance
nt the nnnual session of the Republican
Valley Ass'n. Ho dollvored the nnnual
sermon on Tuesday evening, and was
elected Moderator for tho present year.
R. B. Fulton and wifo, Miss Rose
Rickcr, and Willie Edson nlso attended
ns dolegatos from tho Rod Cloud
Prices ou raw material havo advanc
ed, thus necessitating an advnucoiu
nearly all lines of manufactured goods.
Furniture lias been ono lino which has
boon advanced very materially. Wo
ox mint another carload shipment in
about ton days. We gunrantco our
regular prices lower than so-called
closing out prices, from the reason
that wo buy and hoII for cash. Buy di
rect from factories in carload lots.
Minkk linos.
A most distressing accident befell
Charles Ethorton, n B, & M. car re
pairer in tho yards horo Monday. Ho
tried to board a car on froigbt train
No, 03 which was entering tho yard at
a good into of speed when his right
foot camo in contact with tho wheel
of tho car which passed over 't crush
ing tho ond of the mumber. Drs. Me
Kooby nud Bock amputated tho mashed
portion. On account of later develop
ments it was decided to amputato tlio
foot and as Dr. McKooby was sick Dr;
Waldou of Illvortou wus called to as
slat Dr. Beck and the operation was
successfully performed.
Ono of tho most ploasant occasions
that has over occurred in our city took
placo at tho ploasant homo of Mr. and
Mrs. T, C. Hacker last evening. Tho
event was in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
John Winters and tho children whose
oarly departuro for Lincoln, whora
they will mako their futurebotne, is
sincerely regretted by their many
friends horo. Tho reception was plan
ned by tho ladies of tho Christian
church and a large asseniblago of the
frionds of tho family wore present and
helped to mako the evening ono of
great pleasuro and long to be remom
bered by those prosont. Tho residence
was tastily docorautd with a profusiou '
ot flowers, tho handiwork of Mrs. ,
Hacker, and which wero grown iu her
(lower garden. Splendid refreshments
wero served during the evening.
n. -r