The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 01, 1899, Image 1

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Is:now filled from cellar to top floor and goods
still arriving daily and are being arranged for
sale as fast as possible. Another carload of
furniture now being loaded at the various
factories and will be on the way to
t f-
HftYine has comninnrnil nml omim
have put up considerable.
Sponce N. l'ottcr solil a load of hogs
last Saturday (or J3.35.
TIlO Fl'tllt linvs urn ilnlnrr mtiirlv nil
of thu threshing iti this purt.
Mi. iVolltlO Is tint wiitMl'.nipl.nii U-liur
of our. creek. Ho has sold aevoral
loads iu Red Cloud nml also around
Mnnf fnrmnt-a urn . ut.tnll
grain nml It is our opinion thai thoio
tfll l.l enttnKnl ..MAn ..ff .....I . 1 .
mil uv ouii-iiw iiuiuo III 1JU III1U TI.Ulll
Mr. Hntringtnn sold a team to the
horso buyors for $153 Who ever heard
of such prices under free Undo admin.
O. A, I'rovalt tho next trustee and as
sessor of Logan township is ouo of tho
best farmers in tho county and a
thorough business man.
Tho surpriso dinner at Holla Stones
last Thutsdny was ft gflccoss, there bo'
lug nbout forty persona prostat, Mrs.
Stones was complotely surprised when
hor friends camo in on her so early.
Tho old settlers in thi- community
say that I'd. Cooper and Rol Stones
havo tho largest oars of corn In their
Holds this year that they havo overseen
and they nro of tho opinion that a few
Holds will make 7f or 80 bushels to tho
Tho meadows wore never any bettor
and many can go into their pastures
and out and stack all tho hiy they want
lor mo winter, unemansnuino would
like to hco somo of thoso Missourinns
look at our grass.
Mr. Wtu. Barrett who took carbolic
acid instead of pain killer is gctttag
along nicely. His physician told him if
ho had not taken tho eggs and sweet
milk btflvbald ucver havo lived.
Hoys those farming utensils you had
to scour this spring, and promised your
self to oil and shelter this year nro still
out of shelter. In traveling over tho
country you can see everything from a
gar don hoo to a binder unprotected.
Tho oats that is in tho shook in tho
Hold waiting for tho threshers Is no hot
ter than it was boforo the 4-Inch rain.
Wo think it a greatmistako that all far
mers do not stack their grain when
dry in tho shock and lot it go through
n sweat.
Mr. Eli Kerns of Ccdarvillo. whoso
daughtcrwas accidentally killed last
week is an old friend of our crcekman
V. 11 Scrlvnor and was horo rocontly
to see him. Mr. K. stands well by all
who know him and ho has their sympa
thy in hislato bereavement.
Heal nice weather slncn tho big rain,
tho air is cool and thu growing crops
are all revived. Some of tho boys arc
phophesying thoy will raise (1,000 bush
els of corn, whllo not a man oxpects
less than 2,000 bushels, mid my estimate
is from 110 to 00 bushels per aero or nn
average of 10 or 45 bushels over this
pnrt of tho country.
-ft ff W- f ilf fa,
Maybe the grocer is "just out of Ivory Soap but has
another, he thinks, is just as good." No other soap is
just as good. Insist that he get Ivory Soap for you.
A WORD OF WARNING. There art w white loips, each represented to be "Jim is o.t
v the 'Ivor ;" they APE not, but Ilk all counterfeits, lack the peculiar ana remarkable iuallllc of
the genuine. Aik for "Ivory " Soap and Insist upon gettlnc It.
OrrmQHT me ay ihi nioctm a amiu co Cincinnati
and for sale in a few days. We quote you the
lowest prices on all lines. We invite all buy
ers in fall merchandise to inspect our stock
and will guarantee prices as low as any mar
ket in the west, freight added to this point.
Red Cloud, Nebraska,
Another big rain last week.
John Miller was down in Kansas tiio
nth rday.
John Miller smoked his pipo of pcaco
at Joo Taylor's last week.
Jim Amack sold twentv-six head of
cattle this week to a cattleman from
tho northeast.
A tino vountr man camo to Will
Amack's tho otker night and will stay
with Will twenty-onoycars. Ho weighs
about ten pounds.
Col. Latta is going to run for con
gress, Tho Col. says whonho gets
there ho will nass a law that no man
shall bo allowed to work.
The school houso in 110 just south ot
tho state line has beon treated to a new
coat of paint, and with its new bell
and flag, makes a good showing for tho
people of Jewell county.
The school bouse In district 36 is un
dergoing extensive repairs at tho hands
of Gus Holingrain and bis ablo corp of
assistants, and when completed will be
one of the best looking school houses
in that part of Webster county.
The Modern Woodman at North
Branch have rented Castor's hall ana
are proceeding finoly, but tbo7 want
to trade their goat for one that has
shorter ears and less lung power, for bo
makes so much noise they bavo to keep
him down stairs In a box stall.
John J. Shlpmau was a steerage pas
senger on the "hog train" bound for
Kansas City lastSunday. After taking
in K. C. ho will proceed on his way to
Indiana, bitf we hope to see J.J. como
back. Aoain.
Tho pain of a burn or scald is almost
instantly relieved by applying Cham
berlain's Pain Balm It also heals tho
injured parts more quickly than any
other treatment, and without tho burn
is very sovero does not loavo a scar.
For sale by H. K. Grice.
. And still it is warm.
A lino-rain last Friday
John Konzach is building a granary.
Sheriff Wells was iu central Webster
last Saturday.
Mrs. Will Hagau is quite sick with
intermittent fever.
U. K. Vaughau is putting up hay on
tno snares at J . u. (Jrozior s.
Anson Whito who has boon quite
sick was somo better at last accounts.
Tho Kelt ley church is undergoing re
pairs. It will be plastered on tho sides
and coiled overhead.
Mr. ii ml Mrs. Boyd and Mr. and Mrs.
M. Allen of Ml. Clare attonded church
at Prairio Center lastSunday.
Hov. Mills lecture at Kckloy, "In tho
Hockios" was not very well attended.
Ho donated tho collection, 93.50, to tho
Mr. Frnuk Lum and family loft last
Friday overland for Norris, Michigan ,
where tney expect to maKo tiioir luturo
Elder A. 1). Finch preaches at l'rairio
Center ovaty two weeks at 3:30 p.m.
Ho was accompanied by his wife last
Sunday, whoso homo is in Ulysses, Ne
braska. Jessie and Addle Williams havo re
turned to tiioir homes in Otoe county.
Mrs. Dave Fisbel accompanied thorn
and will visit in Otoe and Cass county
a month or so.
Harry Robinson left for Red Oak,
Iowa, last Saturday for a brief visit
.with relatives. His little nephew
Beecber Robinson who has been visiting
here far somo time returned heme
with him.
Wm. Finney has purchased forty
acres of land of J. W. Smith, formerly
owned by Adamsen.consideration $1250
Mr. Finney contemplates building a
house on the land and John Buster of
North Branch, Kansas, will occupy it.
Miss Blanche Atkinson of Custer
county, who has spent most of thesum
merin Webster countv. received a tel
egram summoning her to the bedside
of her mother who is very ill. Mrs. J.
A. Wells, her grandmother, accom
panied her.
EA.VK8 Droi'Per.
tho wook with friends' in tho
Reunion Is now on in full blast.
Prof. Dresbach returned Saturday
from tno capital city.
John Adams of Hastings was "in
town tho first of the week.
The Me am swing has been doing bus
iness since last Wednesday.
Tho parade took place its advertisod
on the llrit day and was all right.
1). Horrigan. a law student at Lin
coln is taking In the reunion this week.
(5 random Thome returned Saturday
from Juniata, whero she has beon visit
ing. Bud Baker and wife of Holdrege are
Mrs. Miller Adams and children wore
tho guests of Mr. Al. Reed on Monday
of this weok.
Messrs'. James Burdon and Oscar
Too), with their fa.nilics, aro taking in
tho reunion.
Henry Bottom and son, N. E., form
er residents of this city aro assisting
with the music during tho reunion.
Two inches of rain last weak.
Making hay Is tho order of tho day.
Will Auhushon has leased the Will
Ro&oncratis ranch.
Mr. Ilorton will preach to tho ladios
at l'onny crook at 3:30 p.m.
John Wilholmson of (inldo Mock Is
working for W. A. Mayuard.
Loo Parsons and wlfo woro the guests
of Rev. 11. 11. Haikins Sunday.
Tho mooting nl Penny crook closed
this wook with somo little succoss.
Mrs. Aubtishon is ablo to ho up and
around ngain after a siege of sickness.
(Ins Iloats bought six thousand bush
els of corn of Mr. Doylo for fifteen
couts pir bushel.
Ktl. Smith, our entity commissioner
was iu Line ouo day this weok looking
after tho highways.
Frank Kuobn accidentally cut a Is leg
with a corn knife while cutting sun
flowers this weok.
Taw Sunday school picnic from Red
Cloud held at Hummell's grove was
quite largely attended.
School commences in Penny creek
Dlst. No. 8 next Monday, with Miss
Elizabeth Shepherd as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Mountfordbave gone to
Grand Island for a short visit with
their daughter, Mrs. Will Scrivner.
Prof. Shannon will take charge of
ono ot the best schools in Webster
county, near Blue Hill, next Monday.
One of tho Misses Whitley got thrown'
from a horse and quite severely hurt
while going to Sunday school last Sun
day. Some little excitement in Line as td
who to nominate for sheriff. Saladen
and Amack are both good men for the
The social at H. H. llaskins Monday
was largely attended. All report a
good time. It was Thomas' sixteenth
Rov. Malon Points tilled Rev. Con
Hewitt's appointment at Penny creek
last Sunday at 11 o'clock to a large acd
attentive congregation.
Rov. Cody of Loug Beach, California,
will preach at Penny creek, Dlst, 84w
on Soptomber 3d, at 3 p.m. A cordial
Invitation extended to all.
Mavina VanDyko of Rod Cloud was
the guest of C, R. Pottor of WIL'ox,
Nebraska, whero sho wont to attend
the Salvation Army council Uils week..
' '