THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1899. V, It M tS !. ft Prompt Relief. Two years ago I suffered se verely from neuralgia and pal pitation of the heart I was unable to do light housework. Nothing brought relief until I took Dr. Miles1 Heart Cure. 3 bottles removed all trace of my disorder and I now feel like a new Woman. Mrs. J. D. Houston, ISO 6. Water St., ExeUr, N. H. DR. MILES' Heart Cure Is Bold by nit drugglsta on guaranteo Unit bottln bonullta or monoy back. ilook ou heart null uorvos tunt freo, Dr. Miles Modlcal Company, Elkhart, Ind. FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgeon B. M, R. R. Company, and U. S. tension Suricon. City and country culls promptly nn sworcd ilny or night. Offiokovf.kLindsf.y's Mkat Mahkkt nioiit calls at ofvicu. Dr. E. A. Creighton, Honorary Graduate & Silver Medalist Wostorn University, Cnnndu. Calls Answiikkd Day and Nioiit. Orrrci: Ovsn Cook'n 1'iiAii.vAcr. J. S. EMIG-H, "DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. CrtiD Bridge Work or Teeth Without Filter PORCELAIN INLAY And all tbe latest Improvement la dental moot) anlim I. 13. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE g FARM LOANS. Lock llox 23. aulilo Hock, Neb. 11 kinds of property bought, sold nnd exchanged. COLLKCTIONS NADK. TKHM3 itBASONAULE P. A. WELLS, RTTORNBY KT L-KlnC. Ofllco in F. & M. bank building with 1). J. Myers. Practices in all Static and United States Courts. OVERMAN S- BLACKLEEQE KTTORNEYS - 7ST - LPCW. Olltce over Po$t Otllce. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. r. F. COBLB, IXSURANCE OFFICE IN MOON III.OCK. Insurance written on city nnd farm property at lowest rates. R. D. BEDFORD. Insurance ftgeney. REPRESENTING, JEtaa Fire Insuracco Company, Hartford, Conn. National tiro Insurance Co., Hartford, Com. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Cen. Queen Firo Ins. Co., of America, Now York, N. Y. Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Manchester, England. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Societv. norwicn, KDgiand, Employers' Liability Asaurano Corpor ation, limited, (accident) London, England. All Standard Companies. Your Patronage Solicited. Lands and Collections. -" . H rests wttk wkslfesr r mili . tb naira the Mlr (r taktMe. i marram awn rrM(Uttrw, iimI Krtf-E I mc lafeMH,; cAJtteurtd. May !. At) (ro uaDVoaw awn drurcill. vhr Toacn ror vs. tab it wm - " . - - '7TZ it.' i.k. Kni,pUo!7,ptrUlenttjr. On ni, CI. uullj curail S M, icur,orwriuDa tnoavr. , SWm. IxltHl, Iti. Best T&Zrt-llS& ueH time, nom dt aruegitu. ggi Amii "! i' i aeuwTi nrtamm .. IUT-nU a avo OVK m il B .11 I "- -d B'WIll REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. rtllST WARD, IIRD CLOUD. Tho republican voters of tlio first wnrd of tho city of Itotl Cloud will moot nt the ofllco of M. V. ltoby & Co. Hnd Cloud Fund Mills, on Tuesday, Beptombor Gth, 1600, nt 8 o'clock p.m. for tho purpose of choosing twelve delegates to attend tho county conven tion to bo hold nt lied Cloud on Sep tember 7th, 1809, and such other busi ness ns may properly come before tho meeting. V. 11. Hoby, Coin. 8KCONI1 WARD, 1IKI CLOUD. The republlbnii voters of Hud Cloud Second wnrd, are ropuestcd to meot at tho Firemnn's Hall on Tuesday oven Ing, September 5th, 189'J, for tho pur pose of choosing fourteen delegates to attend the county convention to be held at Kcd Cloud, Soptombor 7th, 1899, and for tha transaction of such other business ns may proporly come before the meeting. Saml. Wkst, Com. KLM CniEK PRECINCT. Tho republican voters of Elm CrcoK precinct nro requested to meet nt the ustinl voting plnco on Thursday, Aug ust 81st, 1899, At 2 p.m. for the purposo of choosing seven dolegatcs to nttond tho county convention to bo hold nt lied Cloud on September 7th, 1809, and such other business ns tuny como bo fore tho mooting. C. E. Putnam, Com. WALNUT CHEEK PRECINCT. Tho ropubllcnn voters of Walnut Creek township lira requested to meet nt tho school houso in District No. I), nn Wednesday, September 0th, at 3 o'clock p.m., for tho purposo of elect ing livo delegates to attend tho county convention to bo held iu lied Cloud September 7th, 1899, mid such othur business ns may como before tho meet ing. M. O. Fulton, Com. pleasant hill. Tho republican voters of Pleasant Hill precinct nro requested to meet nt tho school house In Cowles, on Satur day Soptombor 2d, at S o'clock p.m. for tho purposo of choosing eight delegates to attend tho county convention to bo hold at lied Cloud on September 7th, lBUU, ami sucti oilier business as may como boforo tho meeting, D. H. Kaley, Com. BATIN. Tho republican voters of Butin pre cinct nro requested to meet at tho Harris school houso, on Friday, Sep tember 1st, at 2 p.m. for the purposo of choosing four delegates to attend the county convention to bo held at lied Cloud on September 7lh, nominate precinct ofllccn, aud such other busi ness as may como before the mooting. Rout. Harris, Com. LINE ritKCINCT. Tho republican voters of Lino pre cinct are requested to meet tit tho regu lar voting placo in Dlst. 84, on Satur day, Soptombor 2, at 10 o'clock a.m. for the purposo of choosing six delegates to ,ttond tho comity convention to bo hold at Hod Cloud on Soptombor 7th, nomionto precinct oillcora, and such other business as may como beforo tho meeting. Jos. Saladkn, Com. RED CLOUD I'KECINCT. The ropublicau vole's of Red Cloud precinct are requested to meot at tho court house, in Red Cloud, ou Satar day, September a, at 2 o'clock p.m. for the purposo of choosing eight deli gates to attend the county convention to be held at Red Cloud, on September 7th, 1809, and such othur business as may como beforo tho mooting. C. 11. Potter, Com. STILLWATER rKEGINCT. The republican voters of Stillwater precinct pro requested to moot at tho Johnson school house ou Monday, Sep tember 4th, 1809, nt 7 o'clock p.m. for tho purpose of choosing six delegates to attend tho county convention to be hold at Hod Claud on September 7tb, 1809, and such other business as may come before the meeting. F. C. Johnson, Com. GAKPIELD PRECINCT. The republican Toters of Garfield precinct are requested to meet at tho school houso in Dlst. No. 88 on Tues- day, September 5, at S o'clock p.m. for tie purposo of choosing 0 delegates to attend the county convention to be held at Red Oloud on Spntmi,nr 7u 1899, and such other business an t come before tha meeting. N. L. D. Smith, Com. Examination Notice. RegulaV examinations for persons desiring to teach in Webster county are hold In the superintendent's office at Rod Cloud, the third Saturday in each month. Eva J. Cask, County Supt. "I suffered from piles for twouty-tivo yenrs, nnd uftor all so-called cures hnd failed was permanently cured by ono box of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve," says Eli Htilo, ofJLumber City, Pn. Bo sure you got "DoWitt's." Thoro nro In jurious nud dishonest counterfeits, C. L Cotting. Through Tourkt Sleeper to Northwest. The Burlington Route has established it twlce-n-wcck tourist car line from Kansas City to Dutto, Spokane, Tnco ma and Seattle. Cars leave Kansas City, Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday nnd Thursday, arriving nt Scnttlo following Friday nnd Sunday. They nro upholstered in rnttnn. Tho bed linen nnd furnishings nro clean and of goodqunlity. Tho heating, ven tilating nnd toilet arrangements nro nil that can be desired nnd each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, whoso solo duty is to attend to tho wants of passengers. Cars t uu through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lincoln to Taconui or Seattle is only 85 00 To Intermediate paint; it is proportionately low. Mon tana and thiu Pugot Sound country are now enjoying n period of unexampled prosperity. As a consequence, trnvol to the northwest is rapidly attaining large proportions. This new tourist car-lino has been established with a view of for tho Burlington's share of it io the best posslblo manner. Berths, tickets and full Information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route ticket agent or by ad dressing J. Francis, G. P. A. Omaha, Neb. Exposition Colonial Exhibit contains a distinctive exhibit and in a comprehensive manner covers many of the great national resources of Hawa iian nnd Philipine Islands. This build ing contains also rare specimens of ani mals, reptiles and birds of splendid plumago nil interesting to Amoricans. In addition to theso exhibits in tho Colonial Building, there nro special buildings, the Filipino Village, tho Cu ban Village and Hawaiian Village, whero is found the natiro people, liv ing ns at homo in thoir respective coun tries. Tho Colonial features of tho Grentor America Exposition nro real life, you enn see tho pcopln, mou, wo mon nnd children nnd hear them spenk to cncli other, sing their native sougs nnd play their instruments of music. Can any one niTord to miss this oppor tunity f For Sale. Ouo hundred and sixty acres of un improved land four mile northwest of Red Cloud, consisting of the wt-at half of the noithwest quarter, and tho east half of Hie northeast, quarter, of sec tion fifteen, in township two north, rango eloven west, The lnnd is leased ul present, but subject to sulo. Prico $2,500. For further information apply te Mrs. James Kikkavood, Fairfax, Missouri. Tho Rev. V. B. Costley, of Stock bridge, Ga., whilo attending to his pas toral duties at Ellonwood, that state, was nttneked by cholera morbus. Ho says: "By chance 1 happoncd to cot uom oi n uottio oi uuamuorlain's Uoitc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romody, and I think it was tho means of saving my life. It relieved mo nt once." For sale by II. E. Grice. "Our baby was sick for a month with severe cougli nnd catarrhal fever. Al though wo tried many remedies she kept gotting worse until we used Ono Minuto Cough Curo, it relieved nt onco and cured her iu a foiv days." B. L. Nance, Priu. High School, BlulTdale, Texas. C. L. Cottiug. "DoWitt's Little Early llisors did me moro good than nil blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. II Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, never gripe, ilioy cure constipation, uiouso the torpid liver to action ami give you cleau blood, steady nerves, a clear brain aud a healthy appetite. C L. Cottiug. Hamilton Clark, of Cliatincey, Ga., says ho suffered with itching piles twenty years beforo trying DoWitt's Witch Hnzel Salvo, two boxes of which completely cured him. Bownro of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. C. L. Cottiug. Irritating stings, bites, scvatchos, wounds and cuts soothed and healed by DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo, n sure nud safo application for tortured ilcsh. Bowarc of cuuutoifoits. C. L, Cotting. 4 $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Antl Dieuretk. May ba worth to you moro than 1100 If you hare a child who soils bedding from lnconlen enoe of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike, a allk It arrests tho trouble at once. II, a old by O. L. Cotting, druggist. Red Cloud, Neb. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases re lieved In six hours by "New Great South Amorl can Kldnev Cure." It Is a great surprise on ac count of Its exceeding promptness In relieving palu In bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Rellevea retenUon of water almost Immediately. If you ant quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Sold by U. L, Cotting, druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. Modest Women y is no lean charm tiua beauty and wit I it any afflicted with physical cUaercWa pecu liar to their aex brink from per sonal examina tions by male physicians? The weaknesses and irregularities of women may be recognized by certain unfailing symptoms. Backache, headache, bearing down pains, irritability and extreme uerv ousnesa indicate derangement of the delicate female organism. Dradfield'a Fe male Regulator is the standard remedy for characteristic diseases of women. Sold by druggists at $ per bottle. KaB TW MUBFWU) REIULATOI CO. Ih2 Non-Irritating Cathartic K&sy to take, easy to operate Hood's Pills Rates for Greater American Exposition. Rcduco rates to Omaha will apply from points on tho Burlington Route within 250 miles of that city dnrlng tho outlro period of tho Greater America Exposition, which opens July 1 and closes October 31. There will bo three different kinds of tickets: Ten-Day Tickots, which will bo sold nt 80 pur cent of double tho one-way into. Seven-Day TicketB, rato for which will bo ono faro for the round trip plus 5 percent ou snlo Tuesday. "Weok-End" Tickots, which will bo on snlo Saturday a' I Sunday trains duo in Omaha beforo 1X0 p. m. Ono faro for the round trip. J. Francis, Gener al Passogour Agent, Omaha lt, Thoro is m ne i-utniih iu this section of tho country than nl' other diseases put togother, an 1 until tho last few years wna fpposed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced It a local diseaso, and pro scribed local rcmodios, nnd by con stantly failing to curo with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable Sci- enco has proven catarrh to be n consti tutional diseaso, and theroforo requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat arrh Cura, manufactured by F. J. Chonoy & Co , Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional curo in tho market. It is taken internally in doses from ton drops to n teaspoonful. Itacts directly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to curo. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F.J.CHENEY & CO. .Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Unit's Family Pills nre tho best. Champion Shot or the World. Miss Annie Oakley writos: "Myself and mnuy of tho BuffnloBill Wild West Co. Imvo given Allou's Foot-Ease, tho powder to shako into tho shoes, n mos,t thorough trinl, at 1 it docs all if not moro limn you c, lim." It instantly lakes tho sting ru' .f Corns and Bun ions. AM"i' V ul Eicn ic " certain cure for e' i lien, hot, iit-hit g, nervous or sweating feet. Sold by alt Druggists and Sheo Stores, 25i A ddrcss Allen S. Olmsted, Lo lly, N Y. 4 Beauty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 100,250,500. s m Educate Tour Unwell With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic cure constipation fnrover. 10c, SBc. irC.CC, full. druggists refund mono; Edncato Tonr riowols With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cura constipation forever. lOo, ssc. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. UMMER CATARRH Catarrh of the bowels, bt- cause it is most prevalent in the summer months, is called summer catarrh. I tMt many that bowel trouhlo is catar rhal. Dr. Ilnrtman'a boohs make thta plain. Writo to tho Pe-rn-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for them. They toll nil about catarrh and how Pe-ru-na cures it wherever located. "I hadchronludiarrhuen for fifteen years," writes Mr. T. E. Miller, Grand t Ml II T l-tn.l rraino, icx. x inuu . ronnv medicines nnd l!. doctors in vain. At Inst Pe-ru-na was recom mended, aud it relieved nd cured mo at once." Mr. John Hartlng, 633 Main St., Cincinnati, O., writes: "My wife and mvsclf took vour Pe- ru-na for chronio diar rhoea and It cured us. No doctor or medicine we tried before helped us." Mr. Edward Vormaek, Ledbetter, Tex., writes: ' Pe-ru-na for bowel troubles la unequalled by anything in my ex- Btrience. 1 owe my fe to Pe-ru-na, and ball always recom mend it to those Butlcr lnjr as I was." Mr. John Edgar tou, 1020 Third Ave., Altoona, Pa., says: "I suffered from dysentery for three years I took Pa-ra-na and am now well." It's easy to haul a big load up a big bill if you crease the waKon wheels with MICAAxUlrMti Oet a box and learn wliy It's the tiMt irrvase ever iiutun an l". Hold eurywUere. lludo by HTANDAHD Oil. CO. m Ws 111 . u II OMi MhSt Ja?l Mg m JaWS Too Late "To put a luck on tho stall when tho liorso is gone." That is true in moro ways than one. The season of new mown hoy is here nnd you will soon be feeding your horses new oats, sheaf oats and green corn. In other words tho colic season is about hero. You can save your faithful nnimals hours of .agony nud yourself llnanclnl loss aud the trouble and expense of going miles in the night for a "horse doctor" by keeping on hand n bottle of Siottac Oolio aVJixttAire, Put up three dosos in a drenching bottlo sor 81.00. Cures the various forms of colic, Inllammatinn of tho bowels, stoppage of urine, etc, in emtio nud horses. One dose gives instant relief. Ask jour druggist for It If he, hasn't got it and won't get it for you write us at onco. You should nlso have Sioux Zijses.tir3 Food, on hand for your stock and youltry and ward off diseases. "A stitch in tinio saves nine." SIOUX REMEDY CO., TAPE WORMS A tape worm eighteen feet Ions el laaat cams on tba scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for tho past three Tears. I am atlfl taking Cascarets, the onlv cathartic worthy ot notice by sensible people." uiu. w. uuwi.eb, uairci, MISS. CANDY TNADIMAHN WteiBTtO -t Plesisnt. PtlaUble, l'otent. Taite Good. Do Oood, Norer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25c, Wc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... llMllif n.W; Cenpaur, meat". Mlrril, H Yrl. lit UfUTfl.lin 8o,rt and gnsrantced br ll drug UU" I U'BHU gun to CUHKTotJSOCo Uablt. Write for the free booklet: " Ittrry Knymtt or Thinly Timet." Hires Rootbeer time is here THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Maktr o Hint Omdennd Milk. ' l. . fc-W -- VJ Caveats, nnd Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-S entbuuneiseonuu -n tor Monrrare Ftta. OuaOrriceiaOr' asi-qU. 8. PTCfiTOrric nd wo can secure j ,t . ,1 l:si ticic thau those rpmntf. frnm Wnhmtfn1. 1 Scad motlcl, diM...-.- c photo., with descrip-J tlon. We aavUi, il laur.ullo cr not, free of J Cbarge. ounce noiaue tm paieni is iccurea. , A PAMPHLET, "Hovr to Obtain Patentt," with cost olumoin the U. S. and foreign countries; tent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. 3pp. patent orricc, Washington, D. C. !VWV'W r" -w1 WHEN HUNGRY EAT AT THE Star Bakery, LJ. O. WILES, Prop. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tbo District Court of thoJJnlted States for tbe District or Nenraisa. jr m ihn matter of Wm. O. Dlmmlck. Bankrupt. State Hank. Jfartln Broirf First National Bank of Blue Hill, Nebraska, Hhullsburgta Bank, Shullsburgh, Wis., C.JrV. Davis, V. V. Baker, Fairfield, Iowa. Adamj county nans, siasiings, weor., uaionaaauotaiiuaiia.uaieua. u. You and ea ofyou. will uke noUce, tbat Wm. O. Dlmnackwas upon hie poUtlon, ad Judged a bankrtpand your names, appearing upon tbe list olfcifdl tors filed with said petlUon, you are herebjiotlfied, tbat the first meeting of creditors. ofXald bankrupt, for tbe purpose of filing and establishing their claims for choos ing a trustee, of his estate, for examining said bankrupt on oath, and for the transaction, of such other business, as can lawfully come before such meeting, will be held before the under signed tbe office, of A.M.Walters, in Blue Hill. Nebr.. on the 30th, day of August, A. D. 1889 at 10 o'clock a.m. Witness my band, hereto at BasUngs, Neb raska, this 14th day of August, A. D. IBM. J. A. (lABDINKB, Referee In Bankruptcy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of Nebraska, I Webster Couit'.y. f In tho ras'.tcr of tni e estate of Nels Sorgcrson. CSi-vased. Kotlco Is hereby .given to all persons having claims and demands siralust Nels Horcerson, lato of We outer county, deceased, that tbo time fixed for filing'Clalms agatntt said estate Is six months fromlho Uth day of August, 1W0. All such nerontro rcqulroil to present their claims with tbe vouchers to the County JudKo of ald county, nt Ills otllcu therein, on or boforo tbo Uth day of Vobruary. IWO, and all claims so tiled will be heard beforo the said . lodge on tbo lath day of February, 1W0. at 10 o'clock a.m. Jaxks Uvrrx. County Judge. Dated this lMh day of July. 18W. gaK SIOUX CITY. IOWA. mw J SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY. PROPRIETOR. DEALEi: IX Wines. Liquors. California randies. ST ALWAYS ON TAP. 4 fJllehnlcr Enoll.h Plamonil IlraaO. PCnhyroyal pills I ySTTV Ortutnalnd OnljrOrniilne. A af(TV? ': "; KlUbl.. ioit k M mend Brand Id Kcd and CM mrtalll.W It,... .?neJwiiibi,::riMm. TLegT Inontber. RffiitidanprrmimtMitif lunuamitmibUMM. AlUnulMhrMS44. la iumr lot rnlatMf. u.tlawala aS K, JIolL 10.000 Tcnliwnl.U. Ifttmt Itiptr, rMihMtrrChnlfatf..Ma,lln IM.m ,UlrfUUOJU. i'lllLAMA.. VA. Chimney brick, Cistern brick. AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros. Skin Diseases. For the speedy nnd permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without nn equal. It relieves tho itch Ing und smarting almost instantly and its continued ubo effects u permanent euro. It also cures itch, burber's itch, chapped hnnds, chronic sore eyes nnd granulated lids. Dr. rArlv'fl rnillilnn Inn.,lAx, . horses are tho best tonic, blood purifier nndvermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldby BgsHDiraa1?Bv ITOrPED FREE IB Jm O fwaiMttrtiy Cered jm laianllyPrataatieiM I W 1ERVE RESTORER 'TiHiTtnntttinirmni4lUtiai,rji,gpUfr. Bft t4Bl. Yttu4' Hantt. I1i.orM.rTcuaHa 0SPJ.i'K'."'' .?Teatlaonil?BbjlaHittl. free to ril ixllaau, U.y i.jtn. .iitim chart .Sr 'hra tM.lrnl. nana m It. kilo., lu, ii.ii.t lDiUtutorkfF4to!f.U Atrhtl,rMI4.tbl.,ra. PAPKrnii: U&ID RAI CAM lOletSMi asd beaatldti lit Bait. al 1-nrttwftlas ai 1itwi.tA.s AtoiL I 7? i r eiioro uray wiHvni iwaiMiaui (IVRUU "a.a- ay ita IUUIUIUI Vvr ICurri tcatp tiiBMrs a hktr Ulllsf. wv,auu f iat Liruwuw TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y JIED OLOUD, NEDR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANBAB GITY 82. LOUIB and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BVT1E BALI LAKE O'T PORTLAND 8AA FRAN0I8C0 and all pointy west. T1UINS LSaVX AS FOLLOWS I 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and St. Francis branches. Ox. No, iuiu. nuvw points west.. ford. McCook, Denver and all ... 7:55 a. m No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, n.uaaB .nj, aiouipoci, Di. Louis. Lincoln via Wymore aud all points east and south 1)00 a.m. 15, Passenger, dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California 8:90p.m.. 16. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas Cltr. Atchison. Ht. No. No. Louis and all points east and No. 144. Accommodation, dalTyexcept south. -10:20 a.m. ouuuay, aiasungs, urana Is land. Black Hills and all points in Uie northwest.. 1:00 p.m. No, 143. AccommbdaUon, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via Re publican ..... t! No. 04. Freight, daily, Wymore and 8t. Joe and Intermediate junction points vtm p.m. No. S3. FrOlRht. dallr for Itannhllran .-..i -j .j j -j--;r-. -- uricaua,uziuru ana an points west. 10:80 a.m. No, 60. FrelahL. dallv excent Hnnrlm- . '"r njuiure ana an point east 7:00a.m. No. 873. Freight dally to Oxford and Intermediate points.. .... 1:30 p.m Sleeping, dining, aud reclining chair oars, (seats frcol on through trains. Tickets sold nntf BtaRta.?r Canada! ,0 ' ,,0,", ln ,h Un,.,e1 For information, time tables, maps or tickots ." J"i.or sJ'lress A. Conover. Agent. Red m ,:".: -j r.. .--.-" 't - . - re 61 a 'i t i v ! 1 i iL V A t ,.'. : k ytm jtaaingrtMnaljpi y&ja2g&t2m&3ty4. Jj, wiiuu Yvni9iviip i.V"Titvt"' mWM il nrfft