THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. v AFFAIRS OF STATE EVENTS OF INTEREST TO AMERICAN PEOPLE. timely Mention of the Doing of the Na tional ConereM, Departmental ami Ex root Wo Offlclnt Action, nnd Mo?uienlf of Army anil Naty. Thtirnriay, August 17. Sarah M. Cotton, assistant matron It the Santa Fc Indian school, new Mexico, has been transferred to bo matron of thcSantce school, Nebraska. Admiral Dewey, who has been suf fering from fever, Is now better, and this morning he remained on the deck of the Olympln. It is believed the ad miral will give an ofllclal reception be fore leaving Leghorn for Florence. The appalling conditions existing in l'orto ltico were made more fully known to the war department yester day by General Davis in a dispatch which says the deaths In tho island will reach 8,1)00, while many are dying dally from injuries nnd privations. Assistant Secretary Taylor of Uie treasury department "has Special Agent McDowell's report on the inspection of kites at lllair. Neb., but he will not take anynetlon on it for .some time. Senator Thurston has requested that no selection be made until he is heard from, and the matter will be held in abeyance until some information Is re ceived from him. Orders have been Issued by Acting Secretary Allen to Captain Kobloy I). Kvnns, who commanded the battleship Iowa during the war with Spain, di recting him to confer with tho Dewey reception committee of New York nnd with Rear Admiral Sampson, respect ing the navy's participation in the ceremonies incidental to the home coming of Dewey. The navy department has issued a general order, awarding u medal of honor to Corporal McNeill of the ma rine corps for gallantry aboard the Hrooklyn during the fight with Ccr vera's fleet. Corporal MeNeal climbed out on a six pound gun under the fore castle ami cleared it of a jammed slieii. This feat was performed during the heaviest part of theactlon. Friday, AiiffiMit IS. The first annual encampment of the Spanish-American war volunteers wll. be held in Washington, D. C, Septem ber 8 nnd 0. It wis hinted at the war department that the general In command of the troops In Lnzon, whoever he may be, will have sixty tlisand men In his army by the first of December. "I cannot yet say anything as to the number of olflcers to be commissioned from Nebraska, nor can any of them be named," said Asslstp-t Secretary Melkeljohn this afternoon. "I have communicated with (lovernor Pointer, asking for recommendations." A order has been issued directing that ten Additional regiments, Infan try volunteers, be organized for service in the Philippines. The regiment will be numbered from thirty-eight to forty-seven, and -will be organized at the following places in the order named: Ft. Snclluyjr, Ft. Crook, Neb.; Ft. Riley, Kns. Camp Meade, Pa.; Ft. Kthan Allen, Vt.; Ft Leavenworth, Has.; Jefferson Uarraeks, Mo.; .South Fnrmmingliam, Mass. fiatarday, Auguit 10. Relief for the Porto Weans left des titute by the hurricane was dispatched from New York on the steamship Krclyn, which sailed for Ponce to-day. The shipment consisted largely of clothing and medicine. Surgeon General Wyman has been notified by Surgeon Carson, stationed at Port Limon, Costa Rica, of the ap pearance of a case of yellow fever at that place. This is olio of the eight American ports at which tho marine hospital service has an official sta tioned to report promptly on the ap pearance of jellow fever. This is the first that has been reported at any of the fruit ports this season. Tho marine battalion at Havana, which has been ordered north account of the appearance of a case of yellow fever among the men, will leave on Ward line steamer for New York. They will neither stores nor baggage with them. Tho men will bo inspected, and if ideemed necessary on their arrival at New York, to prevent the possibility of introducing the infection into this country. Sunday, Augutt 20. The call for gold certificates in ex change for gold coin, according to the last reports, amounts to 820,821,000. The estimated amount of additional withdrawls.not yet reported is $2,000, J00. The Portuguese legation has commu nicated to the state department a state ment from the foreign office of Portu gal to tho effect that a few casca of bubonic plague havenppeared at Oporto and that the most energetic measures were immediately taken to prevent tho scourge from spreading. Secretary of War Root made public a plan for systematically taking caro of the supplies contributed for tho re lief of tho destitute Porto Ricans. It provides for a central committee of representative citizens of tho country to which all local committees are tore port. This committee is to havo chargo of distributing the supplies, which is to bo done in a manner to secure the best possible results. Tho work of dis tributing in Porto Rico will continue under the direction of Military Govern or General Davs,iand tho actual trans portation of supplies -will take place under the actual supervision of tho quartermaster's department of tho army, which will furnish or procure all tho vessels required. Yearly execution. In China. At Ganton the average number of ex ecutions la about 300 per year, but in 1885 60,000 rebels wero beheaded. The headsman formerly received 1Gb. a head, but tho supply and competition ' havo reduced tho wngo' to 2s. apiece. Most of the criminals who aro bohead cd are water pirates or land bandits. ICclltlnit in Servla. Tho llfo of an editor in Servla is not n delightful one. Within two years 'one weekly paper had sixteen editors. Fifteen of them are in Jail for com menting upon government flairs, Among tlic contributions for tho l'orto Rico storm suffers received fit the war department were from Prosl dent MoKlnloy, S2.10; Vice President llobart, S2.V); Secretnry Hoot, S250; Wlllinm Harbour, New York, S250; Au gust Hehnont, New York, S.IOO. A let tor has been received from tlio mer chants' association of New York say lnr that 810,000 has been collected for Porto Rico. Monriny, AiiKtmt 21. Colonel Frost of the South Dakota volunteers has caused the arrest of Surgeon nnd Major Warner of that regiment, for having called him a "low, contemptible cur." The transports Slam, with 3.10 mules, and Garonne, with 400 horses, have sailed from San Francisco and Seattle respectively, for Manila. The animals are for use In the military service in the Philippines. Orders have been received at Piatt s burg, N. Y., for the Twenty sixth regi ment to prepare for to leave for Manila within a week. The regiment will be reviewed today by General Wesley Mcrrltt and Governor Roosevelt. Five hundred tons of supplies for the l'orto Itican sufferers were placed on board the Panther at Philadelphia. It Is expected that 300 additional tons will arrive ut the dock in which event Lieutenant Commander Aaron Ward says the transport will be ready to sail today. A San Francisco special says: The Southern Pacific company and ladies of the Red Cross society have about come to terms on tho matter of rates for returning soldiers from San Fran cisco to Missouri river points. The railroads have encouraged tho ladies to U'lieve that the old rate of 825, with certain restrictions, will be restored. Tueadny, Auguitt 33. Secretary Root Is holding a long consultation with thu president on the situation in the Philippines. Governor Tanner took n turn for the better this afternoon, and was consid erably Improved. There was no fever. Two hundred Indians nrc making trouble at Navajo Springs anil troops from Wingato have been ordered to subdue them. General .11111111111, who was nrrcsted at Santiago, claims ho is no more a subject for arrest than was President MeKinley, when going from Canton to Washington to be inaugurated. Amos Allen, Sneaker Thomas 15. Reed's private secretary, said today that Mr. Reed's resignation would be sent to the governor of Maine this week, to take ciiect October 4. Secretary Root has signed tho order for the Cuban census. The order ap points Lieutenant Colonel Joseph P. Sanger director of the census nnd Vic tor II. Olmstead, assistant director. The census Is to be completed by or be fore November 30. Following is the issue of Nebraska pensions: Original Thomas Coppmger, Raymond, 812; Richard Keycs, llrcws ter, 88. Increase George II. Mendellj; Superior, 88 to 812. Original widows, etc. Lucy Street McClosky, Winne bago, 88; Arabella Rickcr, Calloway, 88 Colonel Culver had six members of Company M, Fifth Infantry, I. N., ar rested for having raided saloons nnd chjar shops at Ucardstown Saturday on their way to Springfield, and stealing mirrors, lamps, and cigars. At dress parade an order was read before the regiment dishonorably discharging the delinquents from tho military service of the state. Tho sale of Sioux City's magnificent union passenger station, which cost 8300,000 and the mile and a half ter minal, valued at 81,000,000, will bo held under a decree of foreclosure. The sale will bo conducted by War wick Hough of St. Louis, special mas ter in chancery, appointed by Judge Shlras of the United States court. It seems likely that there will be several bidders for the property. Wednesday, August 33. The Dewey fund has reached 810,128. The transport Indiana arrived from San Francisco August 10 at (Honolulu and sailed for Manila August 11. Gen. Hale, U. S. A., at San Francisco, says he has never criticised Gen. Otis, and is at a loss to know how the report ever became qnxrent. The national encampment of Union Veterans at Dcs Moines, In., has made a strong complaint against delays in the pension department. The official report of tho mineral production shows an Increase of 8300,-319,000-in 1897 to 8097, 880,000 in 1808. Nearly u ninety per cent increase. Postoffice departtnant officials have received word that tho stage running from Salmon to Red Lodge, Mont., was hold up Monday, but the malls were not iriolcstcd. Among the checks signed at the de partment at Washington are some queer Indian names, there being Old Horn, Little Star, lhill-in-thc-Wntcr, Slt-in-the-Middlo, Old-Rag, Tin-Horn, etc Nebraska patents issued Tuesday: William F. Kuhlmnn, Hebron, railway signal; Sylvester Rouse, Nelson, plat er; John 11. Welch, Lincoln, threshing machine; John M. White, Tobias, weighing apparatus. Warrants havo been sworn out by tho district attorney at Credo, Colo., against J. D. Maben, president, and R. G. l'cnnlston, cashier, of tho defunct Mines bank, ou tho chargo of wreck ing and accepting deposits when the bank was insolvent. Acting Secretary Meiklojohn has np ponted James A. Spalding of Wash ington, D. 0., David C, licit of Iowa, R. 0. Lappln of Washington, D. 0., and W, JL Spalding of New York, rlerks at 81, BOO a year to assist in tak ing the census of tho people of Cuba. They have been ordered to SanU Clara. ralca of llolllng Mod. Near Grobognna, Java, tbore Is a lako of boiling mud about two miles In circumference. Immense volumes of steaming mud aro constantly as .cendlng and descending, and on the western edge the gigantic bubbles arc continually forming and exploding at the rate of three a mlnuto. Door Opened Out. Greek And Roman doors Invariably opened outward. A person passing out of the house was therefore obliged to knock on the door before opening It, to avoid rllllalnn with o WIDE WORLD NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF VITAL TEREST. IN- A Ilrlef Summary of Event In Which I'eople are Deeply Interetted Short Sentence Coiiieylng a World of In formation to Our Header. Thtiradny, Augut 17. The Mexican government has prac tically squelched the Yaqul Indian up rising. F.nglaud Is in a position to send u reserve force of 30,000 men to the Transvaal. The democrats and populists ot Iowa yesterday nominated lred O. White for governor. White was tho fusion nominee two years ago. Four boys, ranging In age from 10 to 19, were arrested yesterday at Cleve land on the chargo of blowing up a Rig Consolidated street car with dyna mite. The bolting Kentucky democrats met yesterday nnd nominated a full state, ticket in opposition to the Gocbel ticket. 11 is headed by John Young llrown. John R. Gentry maintained his title of pacing klngyesterdny In a race with Joe Patchen atfd Searchlight at Roch ester, N. Y. Tho track was very fast. Gentry took tho first and second heats In 2:03; aiuU'iOPf. A tierce fight between Americans and Filipinos occurred at Angeles yes terday, the Americans succeeding in driving out the enemy nnd occupying tho town. The Insurgents were hard to overcome. The Amerlcon loss wns two killed and a dozen wounded. The Filipino loss 200. The Dreyfus trial was full of sensa tions yesterday. Tho prisoner recalled the horrors of Devil Island, nnd wept in court. The crowd was sympathet ic. M. Labor! is yet unable to appear, and Dreyfus has asked Maitre Mornnnd, his wife's advocate, to replace Laborl during the lntter'sconvnlosoncc. Friday, Augiint 1H. Walter Wellman's Artie expedition ins arrived at Tromsoe, Norway, after a successful exploration of Franz Josef lnnd. The party found no trace of the missing aeronaut, Professor Andrce. At a, Modern Woodman pieniu at Oregon, 111., two hundred persons wers poisoned by lemonade. It is believed that tho trouble was due to citric acid in tho lemonade sold at one of the stands. No fatuities resulted, but the victims were very sick. Forest fires in the northern portion of New York, including the counties of Jefferson, St. Lawrence and Lewis, have already done thousandsof dollars' worth of damage to valuable timber land and threaten more serious dam age unless quenched by a heavy rain. Thousands of farmers are fighting the flames. Toduy was a better day for Dreyfus. General Rogct, who so scatchlngly de nounced the prisoner yesterday, giving damaging testimony against him, was not so confident and assertive. Under tho questions of Lawyer Dcmange he became confused and was unable to concenl his annoyance. M. Itcrtullus, examining magistrate, who received Lieut. Colonel Henry's confession of forgery, testified in behalf of Dreyfus, and his evidence was telling. Colonel Picqunrt was also on the stnnd, gave his evidence favorable to the prisoner In a few hours' talk, without notes. His evidence created n profound Im pression. Saturday, Augnit 10. At Montgomery, Ala., Charles Ray tvas fatally wounded and J. G. Reason cr badly hurt in a street duel. Maitre Labor! was not so well yes terday. His wound Is no worse but he Is suffering from nervousness. Tho Lcvco street wnrehouse of R. L. Cooke at Vicksburg, Miss., was des troyed by fire, entailing a loss of 8200, 000. It is expected that Emperor William of Germany will attend and play tennis nt the international tournament at Hamburg, Germany. An explosion of oil In a five-story brick building at Chicago, which was filled with paints and oils, caused a fire which gave the department a hard fight. Loss, 8300,000. General Jlmlncz was nrrcsted at Cclnfuegos, Cuba, as he was about to leave on tho steamer Mandcz. The general will bo held until further orders, Ho expected to go to San Do mingo. The man who attempted to kill M. Labor!, leading counsel for Captain Dreyfus, has been arrested at Dol, de partment of Rcnnes. Tho man's nnme is Glorot. His arrest followed an ex clamation, "I am tho man who shot Laborl." Tho police doubt his con fession, believing it tho expression of a lunatic or drunkard nnd mado to at tract attention. Sunday, Auguit 20. Santo Domingo troops wero whipped oy revolutionists. A Paris paper states that Dreyfus or the army will have to go. No special incident marked tho Dreyfus trial yesterday, John A. Logan, jr., was appointed a major In tho United States army. The German diet turned down tho Kaiser's pet scheme, the canal bill. It is said Secretary of Colonics Joseph Chamberlain has issued an ulti matum to President Kruger. Governor Tanner.oiHlflois Buffered a chill, and for.a.iJie"jlils condition was dangerous. Hois better. Nino enllhtejl 6aJdersof the Twenty fourth infantry wprfe) drowned by the capsizing of a raft on the Mlriquiha river, near Manila. A riot between the union and non union men at Evanvllle, Intl., came near winding up in tho lynching of a negro who fired at tho union men. Mayor Jones of Toledo, Ohio, has an nounced that ho is a candidate for gov ernor, and will not wait for nomination by the Democrats or any other party. Tho Transvaal government Jus handed its reply to tho llrltish agent at Pretoria. Kruger refuses to submit and it is now said tho trouble must como to a head. Kspeelnl honors wero, shown Admlrt' I Dewey at Leghorn, the Inhabitant giving a great fete In his honor. , A Sunday special from Paris soys l Is rumored that orders will be given t withdraw the case against Dreyfus, l having been proven that the tlocu incuts relied upon to establish lib guilt ore forgeries. The dispatch als stateil that General Mcrcler was to lw arrested. Monday, AiiRtint 31. A severe windstorm at Decorah, la., tore up trees and unroofed a numbei of houses. Colonel .11 in Inez, arrested fuogos. declares his mission Domingo was a peaceful one. The colonial officials deny at to Coin. SanU that tht secretary of state for the colonies Joseph Chamberlain, hns sent nn ulti matum to the government of the South African republic with respect to the demands of tho t'ltlnndors, as was as serted by Ti.'i People Stllf-llHIU t-tfltl' l-.'Clllt tllff It, ninm ImiltKii 1 mi fntnltlix. nnd II . big property instruction oeeuied In Paris as thu outcome of a manifesto ( published In the Jonrnnl de l'ouplc . and Petit l'o Ropubllquo. The out-1 break is regarded as u pro-Drcyfm demonstration. y Prince Henry of Prussln. who com mands the German squadron in the Pacific, will visit San Francisco ac cording to tho Merlin correspondent ol tho London Daily Mall, ou board lilt flagship after he leaves China. It it possible, according to tho same au thority, that be will abo go to Wash ington to see President McKlnlly, who hns sent him an Invitation. ine summon ami gun- i nqui ii.-i from Modnno to Torln has now reached .1.1. . . I.....I i - .i... - 1 ! tlu in.i.1 ....lit. ...1 ...(mI.i.1 'PI... 1...1lri,i! li-i jii'ri vi nielli iviiw... a . j.......... j have commenced their passage 'to the Fltny and Rncnta. The main body of tho warriors are reported to be In the vicinity of llaeum, while the remainder of them are scattered throughout the woods as far down tho river as Medium In small bands numbering from five to fty. Tuenduy, AiikukI 33. The number of enlistments for tht Philippines now totals 41,913. The National encampment of the Union Veterans Union Is In tesslon at Dcs Moines, lown. The cruiser Now Orleans has returned to Santo Domingo nnd the Mnehlas has arrived at San .hum, Fire has utterly destroyed the busi ness portion of Victoria, Colo., causing a loss estimated at 82,000,000. Russell II. Harrison, who was tnken down recently with yellow fever nt Santiago de Cuba, Is rejiorted much better. Subscriptions received by the Porto Rican relief committee of the mer chant's association of New York now amount to 815,105. It is stated that 2,.r00 victims of the recent hnrrlenne near Porto Rico have been burled, that 1,000 were injured, nnd that 2,000 aro missing. The ruins at Yabuca will be burned. The yellow fever situation at Hamp ton, Va., soldiers' home continues to improve, There havo been no new cas!fl since the 7th instant, nnd only twenty patients aro now in the bos pltnl. Labor!, attorney for Dreyfus, who wns recently shot, was ablo to attend court Monday. The presiding Judge was hissed for speaking cross to Drey fus. One witness testified to Dreyfus being nn immoral man, and nn another that the prisoner was constantly pry ing into matters pertaining to the frontier. WedneadaT, Augut 3U. Rev. F. W. Williams was drowned at Dcs Moines, la., whllo bathing in the river with some friends. Tho fire at Victor, Col., burned BOO business houses, equalling fourteen blocks in the business part of the city. A boiler exploded at the A. JI. Wick ert planning mill at Anpleton, Wis., killing two men and seriously injured eight others. Kansas City cattle records were brok en Tuesday when the receipts were 18,300 head, 205 head more than tho best previous record, A train on tho Cincinnati & Musk ingum Valley road was wrecked near Circlevllle, O., and five persons were seriously injured and twenty others badly cut and bruised. T. R. nowery, a pntlcnt in tho in sane asylum at St. Joseph, Mo., struck John Rutcher, another patient, a blow on tho point of the jaw, killing Rutch er Instantly. Kid Parker of Denver and Frank llnrtley of Chicago havo been matched for tho lightweight championship of the west. Tho tight will take place at Denver August 29. Whllo delirious from Illness Daniel Montgomery, a wealthy farmer near Milan, Mo., attempted to kill his wife and little boy with a hntchut and then cut his throat with a razor. The wife is in a critical condition. Two hundred nnd fifty firo chiefs, representing cities in every part of tho country nnd Canada arc In attendance at the twenty-seventh annual conven of the international fire chiefs' associa tion, now in session at Syracuse, N. Y, M. Guerln, president of the Anti, Slmitc league at Purls, who is barricu dcd,nt ulu,)cadquartcrB, has bnturatcd his surroundings with petroleum', which it Is supposed ho will set on firo If tho police try to break the barrjeade. 'Tramps shot Jack K. Wilson and Counle ''.Mathews, brakemen on a (reiKht tran on the Great Western near iMafsballtown, In., then thriw them Hrider tho wheels. .The brake men were not missed until 'the tnfcin reached Melbourne. v It is suppoltfd thCybrakeincn were trying to pnl "the tramp off. ,Ai Webb City, Mo., Frank Howell, aged seventy-three years, committed tulcido after murderlng'his igca wlf Ho left a note stating ho committed tnelfflced on account of their physical sufferings. They recently camo from New York. In tho Dreyfus trial Maitre Laborl pinned down tho state's witness-is General Mcrcler was shown to have had possession of state documents after ho was disconnected with the army. THo Impression was left that Lajoux, who is u fugitive in South Africa, was still In tho way of tho state, and that leaves of Dreyfus' journal were torn out by the war department, fJCIMTllflC TOPICS. IT CURRENT NOTES OK DISCOVERY AND INVENTION. A Norel Klretrlo Contrivance An Klec trie llleycla That Will Travel Bitty Five Mile an Hour Sanitary Marher ChairNew Tuberculoid Treatment. Mrntcrlnu Elcclrold. Francis Hychnowsk., a mcchanhnl engineer, of Lcmbcrg. Austria, hn3 discovered a strnngo and very subtle mutter, which ho has called "clcctrtild" , becaiiBo of certain affinity with elec tricity. Klectrold, produced uy a spe cial apparatus built by the Inventor, Is obtained by tho dissolution of certain ' matters under tho Influence of tho ol.'c- trie current. It makes twine and at tho I anmn tin, a n PAfrAfftilnr. cntnt lltlll P.M1I "" " -... n "- - brcCZO aro OXporlollCCd. Tills dlHCOVC ry Induced Mr. Rychnowskl to make a machlno cnpnblo of refreshing the air to such a degrco thnt thoso present i,,, nvnnrlinnnt. hud thn feel ing that the window wns open, al though this was not tho case. Klcc trold Is n very subtle matter, but It seems to be a lluld, and It can bo gath ered and preserved; whllo falling on n plato It reflects In tho shape of shin ing shenvefl. Tho commission appoint ed by tho Austrian government to In vestigate this discovery reported that, under tho Influence of olertrold, plants i' rnu- fnnlrlK- nml tlin Inula nt flowers "- ' " -.-.. - uncloso whUo one Is looking at them . ,, ,,.,. ,,,,, , i.tttuuni lllllllllllMll.a llliv-l uii.o, nnd thus preserves organic matter. Theso nro physiological Influences of elec troltl. Among mechanical phenomena tho commission reported that tho In fluence, ot clcctrold Is not stopped even by a brick wall and glnssj thnt It attracts solid bodies and makes them shlno llko moonlight It makes them movo and attract other bodies; finally that It acts on photographic plates and produces shnrp nnd distinct outlines, such ns wero formerly posBl blo only with a very powerful lens. I The conclusion of tho commission wns that Mr. Rychnowskl's discovery will play n grcnt part If applied to Indus- I try, as Is the case with tho discovery ot his countryman, Jnn Szczpanlk. Motor-Hauled Mnxlni flun. Great Rrltnln has advanced n stop beyond other nations In tho use ot tho blcyclo as an adjunct to the military service by tho introduction of tho mo tor cyclo. It has been enlisted for tho purpose of hauling a Maxim gun. Ono ot theso motor-hauled Maxims was shown at tho eastern manoeuvres of tho Twenty-sixth Middlesex cyclists, V. R. C, which took placo at Alder shot. Tho cyclo on which tho gun, ono of tho regulation pattern, was mount ed, derived its power from n two-horso power oil motor, which was built In tho frame of tho machlno. It was fitted with 2 1-2 Inch tires capable of with standing the Inequalities ot tho worst road imaginable without Imparting too sevcro strain to tho mechanism or tho machlno or the gun Itself, This twen tieth century gun carriage during the manoeuvres was accompanied by a team of six men, mounted on single wheels propollcd by themselves. Each man carried 250 pounds ot ammuni tion. Sanitary llarher Chair. In theso days of advanced sanitary science It Is not only necessary that tho patrons of a barber shop should have Individual soap and brush and clean towels, but It Is now proposed to ' glvo each patron an Individual head reat as ho reposes in tho chair. I Chairs ordinarily employed by halr j dressers and barbers in their business ' are provided with rests that are usu ally adjustable and are designed to support the head and neck of an occu pant of the chair. Such head rests aro wjeqiyweFtm used for all customers and are not only objectlonablo to any person of fastidi ous tastes, who may give the matter f. thought, but In somo Instances serve, as Is confirmed by medical opinion, as tho vehicle of communicating dlseaso from ono occupant of the chair to an other. Dy this Invention the cushion of tho headrest ls displaced by ono consisting of sheets pf,jpape or parch ment super-imposed pnoover. the ph er. and as each, person leaves tho chair, the top sheet is torn away and, a fresh one presented for tho neW comer, A New Treatment for Tnberealod. Dr. Karl vori Ruck has introduced a new method of troatlng cases of pul monary tuberculosis, paniely, that of the injection ot a fluid extract of tu bercle bacilli. In 78 cases thus treated ho claims that 64.1 per cent wero cured nnd 33.3 per cent Improved. Tho se liim prepared by his method differs 'materially from that known as Koch's Tuberculin R. If Von Ruck's treat ment should provo to bo as serviceable n the hnnds of others as It has proved In thoso ot the author, the promoters of the open air treatment of phthisis ipfjftM In this country will hnvo to rcconsldsr their position. Rut n good doal of con firmatory evidence will bo needful be foro tho injection of a tuberculin as a euro for pulmonary tuberculyJs will b ablo to convince tho profession ot this country of tho efficacy of tho meth od, nnd until Von Ruck has fully nup piled tho data In this regard It would bo premature to speak with any on thuslasm upon tho subject. Medical Press, A Novel I'.leotrln Contrlrane. M, Camlllo Jonatzsy, a Ilelglan, hns Invented an electric blcyclo that v.iil travel, It Is claimed, slxty-ftvo miles an hour. Ho calls his machlno "Jamais Cnntcnle." Tho machlno Is pointed foro nnd aft like a cigar, with polished steel sides, and at tho top aro aper tures through which tho heads ot tho crew poke up as it rising from a cof fin, Tho steel conn Is to protect ths riders from the prrssuro ot tho air. Tho pointed front ot tho inachlnn pierces tho ntmosphcrc ns docs a pro jectile, from a ennnon, tho gradual broadening ot Its width considerably lessening tho wind resistance. Tho electric motors nt Lie speed trial of tho Invention sent tho machlno whizz ing along at over a mile a minute. MnnufiteturluE 1"K- Among tho means of protecting frult( trees against fiost, practiced in Call fanln, Is the production ot fog by a goncrntor In the form of a wagon, In vented by Mr. George F. Dltzlcr. The wagon carries n sheet Iron tank, tho upper part of which Is filled with wet sfaw, or similar material, kept moist by the nutomatlc action of water from n cask, while near tho bottom Is a grato upon which tar Is burned, n blast operated by a revolving fan serv ing to maintain tho combustion. All tho bent Is compelled to pass through tho wot straw beforo reaching tho air, and In consequence the wagon Is hurled In a denso fog, and ns It passed bo tween tho rows of low trees, It envel opes them In a mist so thick thnt tho driver Is frequently compelled to lead th' horses. -1 An Electric Cellar Torch. An electric cellar torch has recently been Invented in Great Britain, and if admits ot many uses. Tho inveutof was tho son of a physician, and qulckl recognized that tho principal ot his fa-' titer's laryngoscope might bo very well applied to commercial purposes, nnd hlg experiments based on this ltlr. re sulted In tho production of n Clean, odorless nnd reliable appllanco for tho thorough examination of brewers' casks and vats, cans, etc. It consists of an electric lamp covered with a long glass protector nnd it Is scoured at tho end of a handle through which tho Insulated wire Is carried, A small mirror Is provided; this folds Inward when it touches the side of tho cask or Jar, and thus reflects tho Interior in such a way that It may bo thoroughly examined. The rotter' War Agalntt I,ead. For moro than a hundred years .the, manufacturers of pottery havo been trying to find n substitute for lead in making glaze. The use ot lead for this purposo dates back to the ancient As syrians and Egyptians. Tho objection to It Is that, unless strict precautions are tnken, It poisons the workmen, causing paralysis, blindness and even death; but despite the efforts ot mod ern science, stimulated by tho offer of premiums and medals, no satisfactory leadless glaze has yet been found. Re cent advances, however, have led to tho expression of the opinion before tho Society of Arts In London that suc cess Is at last within sight. An Improved Electric I.amp. A German Inventor, Herr Langbans, has produced a filament of carbide of silicon for use In Incandescent electric lamps, which, it is asserted, can be run at a higher efficiency than any carbon fll.iment, and at tho samo t'lmu docs not, like carbon, coat tho glasi bulb with an obscuring doposlt. Itrcent Intention. Tho teeth of a new ant!-frlctlon gear wheel for use with tt worm shaft aro formed of steel spindles nrranged around the periphery of tho wheel with ball bearings for each spindle, which allows them to revolve as thoy como In contact with tho worm, In a pneumatic saddle recently pat ented by a Belgian a hfllptv chamber or pocket Is pijo.vidqd, wjtjia long sir- tight tube, which is colled" around In, aide tqfjll up aUheppaae, oft,eihlch the cover is laced on and the tube in flated by an air pump. Tq Dreyentjpfcrpns falling ' streetycawsnijer whf.qhcfc.pjcMMii. a Now Yoirc .mm.' Indium .pfJrujhtfji pf, nn endless-toptbeft "lerwhli tfu reyolved by a wheoljresjlng on he track to catch the clothjgc aijipalL f he porson to tho top of the'j'eaa.ejy r )(y In a newly, designed bQtlh the egk Is extended above the cork and. .is of globular shape, being filled with,, ce ment or ptherhard subsjan5efafteijB cork Is inserted,, to prevent ft'rerna'T al without hrenklnc off the unner portion S.rJ'-"" "-.'.' 11- i.v- 7 jTI nnu ueairoriiiB mu (uuci. . , -j . ,d4-f A woman has few friends who doaot1 wonder, when her engagement Is an nounced, If she used hypnotism. i ,,-