The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 25, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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The Best Eyes
Are those clvon the b(st caio
tin oughout all pctiods of oues life.
I "I used to have tho boat eyes" is a
I common expression, lucso people
tnrv UL-nlt- hntrn linil nvoQ llfltv lin.
v.j imviJ ....... u.a. wj. ..v... .,.
( causo neglectful of the oakk neecs
sary to keep them Rood. Let us
iieki" kcop your's good. If you
haven't good ones lot us assist in
making them good. Hight glass
aid that's what we offer.
We have a line of Goggles, Colored
Glasses and Eye Protectors for Har- J
venters, Threshers, and others i
who work in the sun or dust.
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians.
! Urine us your Watch, Clock nnd Jewelry J
work. We do the best work. j
Curtains at cost at Taylor's.
Everything at cost at Tayloi's.
Jay Olnoy made' a trip west Thurs
day. Interstato fair Red Cloud, Neb., Sept.
11th to 14th.
Take your harness repairing to Fogel
nnd Hutchison.
It will pay you to see Peterson bofoio
you buy a drill.
Rev. Darby was in Edgnr the fore
part of tho week
Tub Chief and Chicago Inter-Ocean
on year for $1.25.
Havo you scon that line lino of nets
nnd dusters nt J. O. Butler's.
Lulu Sollars left tho last of tho wcok
for a vtsit with friends nt Orleans.
See those littlo Hoosiers at Petorson's
Thoy are good nnd tho price U right.
Our phone is No. 37 nnd whon in
need of job work or advertising call us
C. H. Minor and wifo returned home
again Saturday night from their recent
Elmer Kaloy arrived in tho city this
week to visit with tho folks nnd other
Seo VV. W. Wright's lino of refriger
ators. Ho handles tho Herrlck which
is tho best on earth.
Largest lino of nets and dusters in
tho Republican valley at tho lowest
pricos. J. O. Butler.
Ralph Fon who is holding tho posi
tion of opcrntor nt Norton, Knnsas, ar
rived homo on a visit Tuesday.
Goo. Blair has received tho contract
to put on steel brick siding on a school
houso in tho Bogonriof district.
The famous Gonon Indian brass band
ofcightenn piecos will bo ono of tho
Hnstings froo stieot fair attractions.
Elder Husging and the Misses Graeo
Garbor and Mablo Wells arc attoncling
tho stato convention nt Hastings this
MissJennio Boll anived in tho city
Saturday from her homo at Liucoln
nnd is visiting with Geo. -J. Warren
nnd family.
Having decided to close out my busi
ness In this city I offer my entire stock
of furniture, carpotH, curtains and wall
paper at cost. F. V. Tayloii.
Ludlow Bros, aro burning another
.largo kiln of brick this wcok. Thoy
iio evidently stocking up so some one
can build a brick on the corner.
Ho in tho swim and have a 'phone.
Sovoral now subsoiihers nro being
added to tho Red Cloud exohnnge. Ap
ply to tho local manager for further in
formation. Olivor Schnffnlt who has boen away
from tho city for tho past year iv so
and who has lately been residing at
Arkansas City, Arkansas, arrived homo
again last Friday.
Albert Douglass of Chicago was in
tho city this wcok visiting with L. H.
Blackledgo and other friends. From
this place ho wont to Bloomlngton to
visit with his porents.
One Minute Cough Curo quickly
rnrnn obstinate summer coughs and
colds. "I cotiMdor It a most wonderful
medlcino.,-quick andsafe" W. W.
Merten, Mayhew, Win. u. i. zoning.
Tho populist county convention met
at Blue Hill last Saturday and selected
delegates to attend tho state and dls
i let conventions. Tho delegates to
the district convention were instructed
forjudge Beall.
((ft TV 7' J
3i r j3tam
V mm d JPT I
Furniture at cost nt Tayloi's.
"Unokcl" stole, Moon block.
Hammock's nt cost at Tayloi's.
Hartley of all kinds at Fogel
R L. Tinker was in the city tho
part of tho week.
Mrs Win Shoit is having a residence
built west of town.
If you want anything in tho harness
lino see Fogel and Hutchison.
Shooting toutnnment, Red Cloud,
Nebraska, Sept. 12th and 13th.
SeoWiight's line of warm weather
gasoline stoves befoio purchasing.
Slug Shot will kill bugs on vines and
worms on cabbage. Sold by Cotting.
Ed Emigh letuuunl the foro part of
iho week from a two week's visit in Il
linois Mis. John Myers left Thursday mom
hip for a visit with friends nt Falls City,
this stato.
Foil Salk. A few housohold goods
nnd a horse, buggy and harness. J. F.
Mrs. Esjoni, of Beatrice, sister of
Conrad Fit, is hero visiting that gen
tluiunn and family.
Rev. (t. W. Hummel is to till tho
Methodist pulpit in this city Sunday
moi ning and evening.
Expert judges of awino and poultiy
at tho Inluistnte fair at Rod Cloud,
Neb , Sovt. 11th to 14lh.
Ethol Cummings returned Wednes
day fioui a visit with bar sister Mis.
(Jnrl Jenkins nt Beatrice.
A Clark and wifo who wero visitiug
friends hoio tho Inst of tho week havo
returned homo to Oxford.
HorboitCook who has boon visiting
With hi" parents liese tho past two
weoks, has 1 etui nod to Omaha.
Don't stand the heat of a cook stovo
this sunnuor but buy a gasolint stovo
of W. W. Wi ight. Ho has a lino lino of
Frank Daggett, formerly of this city
but now in the tombstone business at
Philllpsburg, Knusns, was hero ono
day this week.
Mrs. A. P. Howard, at ono timo a
resident of this city, now tesiding at
Goshon, Indiana, is hero visiting with
11. A. Howard and family.
Watermelons are a drug on tho mar
ket and tho small boy gets his till
daily. Tho fiuit is larger and moio
plontifnl than ever before.
Butler, tho harness man is headquar
ters for all kinds of first class harness,
both light and heavy. If you want
anything in his lino seo him.
Workmen arrived hero this wook to
put in six moro telephones. If you con.
template hnvlng a phono now would
bo n good timo to hand in your order.
Jay Olney nnd wifo who havo been
visiting at Boonvillo, Now York re
turned homo again Snturdoy night.
Mrs. Olney has recovered from her re
cent illness.
Shooting tournament nt tho Inter
state Fair nt Red Cloud, Nob., Sopt.
11th to 14th. Many good prizes aro
offered. Bo sure nnd como and tnko
some of tho prizes homo with you. A
giand time is expected.
Mi. nnd Mrs. R. Wilbtun of Oberlin,
Kansas, weie hero this week visiting
wftli Thomns Wilburn and family and
to help celebrnte tho 81st birthday of
their father who lives hero. Tho old
gentleman is quite rugged for his ad
vanced age.
O. C. Boll of Lincoln arrived in tho
city Tuosday nood for a short visit with
fi lends and iclatlvos. Ho 'will roturu
homo Satuiday, accompanied by his
daughtcis, Misses Jennie and Hazel,
who havo been visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. G. J. Warreu.
Tho pooplo living on north Wobster
and Elm streets nro gottlng tired of
having thoso sticots used- as n course
for speeding horses nnd buggy race,
and it is timo for tho authnritlws tj put
a stop to it. Tho practice is becoming
so general that it is getting dangerous.
All weak places in your systom ef
fectually closed against disease by Do
Witt's Littlo Early Risois. Thoy
cloansn tho bowels, promptly curo con
stipation, icgulato tho liver, and fill
you with new life nnd vigor. Small,
pleasant, sure; never gripe. C. L. Cot
ting. Insure your hogs against loss from
disenso in Tho Farmers Mutual Hog In
surance Association of Omaha. Plan
mutual. Absolutely safo, costs less and
moro equitable than any other associa
tion or company. Writo or see H. E.
Pond, Supt. of Agoncies, Red Cloud,
Nob. Ofllco in Moon Block.
Ono of tho earliest pioneers of our
county, Undo Peter MoNitt, 'died at
4:4r)a.w. o Fiiday, August lbtn at uis
lato homo at Elizabothtown, New Mex
ico, nt tho advancod ago of 81 years.
His wifo who is a daughter of Robort
Hicks, south of tho rivor survives him.
Ho was tho father of our old townsman
M. B. McNltt, who now lives nt Laporte,
Cat pct at costal Taylor's. '
Wall paper at cost at Taylor's
M. Stem of Chicago was hoio
Dell Abel returned to Hebron Thurs
day morning.
Air. u is olson of Ungo county
hero this wcok
W. W. Wi ight has
a tine lino of tlie
host icfrigeratots.
For hand inndo harness go to Fjgol
and Hutchisons.
Seo tho now Hoosier all stoel diso
ilt 111 nt Peterson's
D. M. Abol was visiting in Wymore
and Beattico this week.
A. B Noblo of Handling, Iowa, was
hero tho last of the wock.
All kinds of useful articles at tho
Racket stoio, Moon block.
Seo tlio "Amoricnn" hog fonco at
Mitchell Bros. Bost on earth.
Miss Alice Remsbcrg returned homo
Monday horn a trip to Dnnver.
A. M. Walters of Bluo Hill was here
Tuesday looking nftor legal mattors.
C. F. Gather camo in from Lincoln
Tuesdny to visit with his family here.
Peteisonhns just received n car of
tho Hoosier drills. Call and see them.
Walter Roby soils tho Singer sowing
machine. Pticcs light. Got tho best.
Doll Abol returned Wednesday morn
ing f torn an outing at Colorado Springs.
Balloon ascension at tho Intorstato
fair at Rod Cloud, Nob , Sopt. 11th to
J.S. Whito
Wymoro and
m ado n trip to Wilbor,
Btatrico tho first of tho
Cap. Houchin wns in Omaha this
woek nttending tlio populist stato con
vention. Rev. Dean dopartcd the foro pait of
tho week for a three week's visit in
Ed. Amnck, republican candidate for
tho nomination for sheiiff wns hero
this week.
Mr. Cox of Schuylor county, Illinois,
a relative of 0. 0. Cox of Lostcr was
horo this week.
Mr. Frank of Wabash county, Iowa,
was interviewing D. J. Myers in regard
to laud this week.
James Burden, A. Galusha, C. D'
Robinson and Albert Albright wero in
Bluo Hill, Tuesday.
W. F. Bnurn and wifo of Danville,
Illinois, wero hero this woek visiting
J. A. Bnuni and family.
Mrs. F. B. Wilson who has been vis
iting with tho family of 0. D. Robinson
has returned to Denvor.
Mrs H. A. Howard returned Tues
day night f torn a visit with frionds at
Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Campbell Brotbora show train passed
through hero about six o'clock Thurs
day morning on its way to Odell.
Mrs. James Smith of Gago county,
at rived in tho city Inst Saturday and is
visiting with August Routs and family.
Miss Iteno Minor leaves this wcok
for Chicago whoro she will tako n
couiso at tho Chicago Collcgo of music.
Mrs. C. B. Crono and daughter Ednn,
returned homo Wednesday night from
a visit with frionds nnd relatives in
Ficd R. Marsh of Oberlin, Kansas,
arrived in tho oity Wednesday and is
the guest of Mrs. Joseph Graves and
Messrs. Black, Eholman, McMillan,
and Sanders of FulK i county, Illinois,
wero hoio talking Imd with D. J.
A fino baby girl is leported by Dr. F.
E. McKcby as having arrived at tho
homo of A. L. Hildreth of Cowlos on
Monday night.
Will Duckor left Tunday morning
for Pawnco City, wlu-ro ho will again
tnko lipids position .is teacher in tho
city schools there.
Good speaking, band music, good
rncing, lino display of farm products
at tho Interstato fair at Rod Cloud,
Nob., Sopt. Uth to 14th.
John Crans is fitting up n very nico
liinch counter in Longtin's billiard
room and will soon bo serving his cus
tomers "vith corn-fed oysteis and other
Mrs. J. B. Cleghorn, formerly a resi
dent of this county, is visiting at Ina
valo and nttending nt tho bedside of
hor son Clyde Pitney, who is ill with
typhoid fever.
Claronco Winters was given a very
pleasant surpriso on Tuesdny evening
by n numbor of his young frionds on
account of tho fact that he will depart
mith his parents soon to resido in Lin
coln. Del and Fred Turnuro, of tho enter
prising firm of Turnuro Bros,, general
merchandise denlors, departed Satui
day for the eastorn maiKots to pm
ohaso that firm's stock of fall goods.i
Whtn thoy loturn they will havo boiiio -
thing to say that will bo worth reading.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Atum baking powders are the greatest
inenaccra to health of the present day.
oi damns rowof eo.. urn vouk.
John Tulleys who holds a position
una piper nt Lead, South Dakota, is
here visiting tho folks, Ho is not feel
ing well and will lomaiu hute until ho
Einest Welsch will again on Satur
day take charge of his lunch room uoar
tho depot and dispense tho good cook
ory of himself and wifo to thntiavol
in? public. Peoplo fiom uptown will
now bo making journeys to tho depot
to got a pieco of Mrs. Welsch's justly
colobiatcd pics.
Oklahoma calls our attention to tho
fact that sho has a pietty young Indy
named I ma Daisy Cook, but as sho is
87 years old and yet in a sadly husband
less condition it is evident that the
young follows down there place Im
plicit bollof in tho old saying "There's
nothing in a nnme."
J.S. Whlto staitcd nut tho first of
tho wook to raise Red Cloud's sharo of
tho money needed to bring tho Viral
Nebrnska homo. Howovor, he only
got two nnmos on the list wnon woid
was nceived that enough money had
been iniscd. Tho two wero J. L. Miner
and C J Piatt and $100 each was the
amount stibsci ibed.
List of lettets remaining uncalled for
at the postoflico at Rod Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending Aug 2."th
Meigh.Cora Shaw, F. T.
These letters will bo sont to tho dend
lotter ofllco Sopt. 14th, if not called for
bofote. Whon calling for abovo please
say advcitisod. T. C. Hackeu, P. M.
Thoro will bo a groat exhibition of
blooded swino, cattle, poultry, oto., at
tho Intorstato fair nt Red Cloud, Nob ,
Sopt 11th to 14th. This will undoubt
edly bo tho bost exhibition over hold
in tliis paitof tho country, and certain
lv you caunot afford to miss it. Many
other excellent attractions can bo seen
that will bo well worth tho prico of ad
mission. Bring your best girl to tho Interstnto
fair at Red ClouiL Nob., Sopt. 11th to
Uth. Many new attractions will bo
introduced each of which will bo well
worth tho prico of Wmission. Shoot
ing tournnmont, gooband music, good
speaking, good horso racing, bioyolo
racing, and many othr lino features
which you cannot afford to miss. Bal
loon ascension each day.
Tho Hastings free street fnir and
harvest homo carnivnl promises to out
rival any such exhibition over attorn p
ted in tho west. The list of prizes nnd
ntttacttons offered nro sufficient to at
tract the attention and draw tho lar
gest crowd tho Queen City hm over
entertained. Reduced rates on all rail
roads during tho fair week mnko tho
tiip possible to all.
Telephones will bo placed at tho res
idences of W. A. Mitcholl, Honry Cook,
0. II. Potter, E. B. Smith, C. II. Minor,
and at tho livery barn of 0. T. Hazel,
ton. Thoro nro a number of business
men who nro ynt without ptioncs who
could save much timo and ninny stops
nnd nccmmodnto their patrons who
already hnvo phones. It is not nlwnyB
a matter of selling goods by phono but
tho convenienco it offers and tho iden
of being enterprising nnd up-to-dnto.
Tho oity has been doing a littlo ex
poilmental work this week in trying to
find a larger supply of water near the
pump house, and havo succeeded bo
yond tho most sanguine expectations.
An eight inch test well was boiod about
100 feet from tho north woll nnd water
was sti uck at ton feet. Tho water was
found in a bod of couist gravel thir
teen and ono half (cot in thickness nnd
with tho largest pump that could bo
got in tho city tho water in tho test
well could not bo lowered.
A story is going tho rounds that an
old church membor died, of whoso
goodness thoro was some doubt, but
who was regarded as a pillar by his
pastor, who posted on tho church win
dow a uotico in these words: "Brothor
Johnson departed for heaven at 4:30
this n.m ," nud then anuounced the
funeral. Underneath this a newspaper
man tacked a telegraph blank, with
these woids: "Heaven, 0:40 p.m.
Johnson not arrived. Gieat anxiety."
Win. Barrett, residing just over tho
line In Kansas, had qnito n eloso call
Inst Saturdav nlaht. Ho aroso from
1. 1.. i.n.l t,. i.ln .. .lioo nf annin nIn kill.
.. . . . .. nnt hnMln nf ...
i U1 Ul,v "J " "" -
bolio acid and took a tea spoon full of
p. i:
$4.75 4fr
i 'A
50 Men's Suits, last ones in the lot,
all go at
See them on the front table in our
store. The suits are worth up to
- $8.oo9 -
and are the greatest bargains ever
Lose money on most of them
but must have the room.
Clothing Co.,
fll...Vi- W fllV.IJ tflW'wffllVttjK. f.v.( ... fifjuumi:
it beforo ho discovorod tho mistake
As soon as tho mistake was noticed
monnB wero tnkon to overcome tho ef
fects of tho poison and ho wns at onco
broucht to this city and proper treat
ment administered, nnd at presontis
suffering no ill effects from tho mis
take Miss Poarl Ludlow was quite pleas
antly surmised by a numbor of hor
young friends on Wednesday evening.
Upon returning homo from a fow dny'8
outing in tho country sho found hor
homo woll filled with young folks who
had b-on Invited by her parents, all
willing and anxious to help hor to tn
joy a pleasant evening boforo dopnrt
ing to nssumo her school dullos mar
Campbell. Games and other social
ftmiiRomunts and a tine lino of refresh
ments served to mnko tho affair a very
enjoyablo ono, nnd at a lato hour tho
young pooplo wondod their wuys
homo-vard. wishing Miss Poarl success
in hor school duties nnd many happy
lemombrances of thu occasion.
Somo misctoant entered Dr.J.W.
Moianvllle's bain last Satuiday ovon
ing and after pom ing a quantity of coal
oil in tlio stall whole one of his bust
diivinghoises is kept, sot lire to tho
hay used for bedding. Tho doctor hap
pened to bo at homo and noticing tho
light in tho barn went to investigate it.
After a considerable amount of hard
work ho succeeded in extinguishing th
flames. Had it not boon that ho had a
hydrant in tho barn it and other prop
eity near by, would havo undoubtedly
been consumed. Tho hoi so which was
in tho stall nt tho time tho firo was sot
wns quite badly burned about the legs.
No trace of the guilty party has as yet
been found, or any cause for tho perpo
nation of such a dastaidly act.
The stoiy is told that a dignified and
poitlyold judgo nt Winfiold, Kansas,
attended a ball a short time ago wear
ing a pair of extremely tight-fitting
trouseis. During tlio evening ho was
bonified to find that a thread had
bioken in ono of the seams, producing
n bad rip. He beckoned to his wifo and
told hor. of his predicament. Sho pro
duced a needle and thread and thoy
enteied an anto loom at ono sido of tho
hall. Just as tho judgo had removed
his trousentwo ladies wero hoard com
ing towards the samo room. l'bo
Judgo looked around for a place to
hido. His wifo saw a door leading ap
parently into a closot. Opening it she
tin ut her husband through and bolted
it, and then turned with a smilo to
meet the indies but at tho same timo
tbcrocamen terrible thumping on tho
door and a voice roared: "Open this
door quick, I'm in the ball loom."
Services each Lord's Day as follows:
Morning service at 10:80. Subject
Blblo school, 13m.
Junior Christian Endeavor 3 p.m.
Sod lor Christian Endeavor meet
at 7 p.m.
Evoning address ut 8 o'clock subject,
A cordial invitation is oxtonded to
L. A. Hussono, Pastor.
Services next Sunday as follows:
Morning sorvlcos nt 10:30. Conduct
od by Rev. Hummoll.
Suudny School nt 11:00 a.m. Con
ducted by D. B. Spnuogle,
junior Miagua at 4 p.m.
Sonior Longuo at 7 p.m.
Evoning service at 8.00.
Prayer mooting on Wednesday even
ing at 8.00.
Ladles Aid Society Fiiday afternoon.
All nro most coulially invited to at
tend. Jamks Makk Daiuiv, Pastor.
Services noxt Stindaj as follows.
Morningsorvicos at 10.30. SHbJoot
"Woman's Sphere in Christian Ser
vice" Sunday School at 11:45. W. F. West,
Young People's Union moots at 7
p.m. Topic, "Groou Pastures." Ed
win Emigh, Leader.
Evening soi vies at 8 p.m. Subject,
"Now Duties to a Now World "
Regular monthly uovonnnt mooting
on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
All coulinllv Invited, Seats free.
Isaac W. Edson, Pastor.
Regular services next Sunday as fol
lows: Sunday School nt 11:45.
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 7:00 p'm.
Player and pi aiso mooting Wednes
day ovening nt 8.
All cordially Invited to attoud these
Fkank W. Dkak, Pastor.
Feeding Cattle for Sale.
1000 head of extra 2 year old Iowa
steois. 1000 head of Nebrnska and
Colorado 'J and 3 year old steers. 1000
head of cows aim yearling steers and
heifers. Terms cnsli or time.
' Siu'kuiok Cattle Co..
Superior, Nebr.
To Cure a Cold in One Day,
Tnko Laxative Biomo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund money If it
falls to cure. S5o. Tho genuine haa
L. B, Q on each tablet.