The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 18, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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The Best Eyes
Aro thoso given tho best caro
roughout all periods of ones life
used to havo tlio best oyos" is a
common exnrcsslon. Thoso neonlo
I very likoly hnvo bad eyes now bo-
i cause negiecuui 01 uiu uAiif, uixob-
t sary to keep tbeni good. Lot us
iieki kcop your's good, li you
haven't good ones let us assist in
waking them good. Uight glass
aid that's what wo offer.
We have a line of Goggles, Colored
Glasses and Eye Protectors for Har
venters, Threshers, and others
who work in the sun or dust.
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians.
t Bring us your Watch, Clock and Jewelry J
F work. Wo da the beat work. :
Como to the Interstate Fair.
Curtains at cost at Taylor's.
Everything at cost at Taylor's.
Interstate Fair, September 11 to 14.
Tako your harness repairing to Fogol
aud Hutchison.
Goorgo McCall wns up from Guido
Rock Monday.
It will pay you to seo Potor9on boforo
you buy a drill.
Geo. Hutchison was down from
Cowlos Wednesday.
Harry Younp returned tho last of
the week from Omaha.
Have you t.een that flno line of nets
and dusters at J. O. Butler's.
A fine baby girl arrived at the home
of Peter Mcintosh on Monday.
cF. V.Taylor was looking after busi
ness matters in Omaha this week.
See those little Hoosiers at Petorson's.
They are good and the' price is right.
James Peterson was looking after
business mattors in Omaha this week.
Mr. ntinnn iii No. 87 and when in
need of Job work or advertising call us
Mrs. W. A. Mavnard has returned
home after a visit at Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs.
Mrs. D.Schwarz left Thursday morn
ing for Chicago where she will rosido
in the future.
See W. W. Wright's line of refriger
ators. He handles the Herrick which
is the best on earth.
Largest lino of nets and dusters in
the Republican valley at tho lowest
prices. J. O. Butler.
MissMertio Mcintosh left Wednes
day for Wymoro wboro she will visit
with her sister Mrs. James Grimlngor.
- Mrs. Fidelia Rupiper, department
prosidont of the W. R. C. was hero vis
iting with H. E. Pond and family this
E. H. Smith and wife of Norton,
Kuasas, arrived In tho city Monday
morning aud visited with J. 11. Smith
and family.
Rov, Darby was In Boatrlco this weok
and on Thursday delivered tho address
at tho Nebraska and Kansas Modern
Woodmon log rolling.
Having decided to close oul my busi
ness In this city I offer my entire stock
of furniture, carpets, curtains and wall
papor at cost. F. V. Tayloii.
Insure your hogs against disoaso in
the Hog Raiser's Mutual Insurance Co
Cheapest and best. Agents
Call on or address F. F. Goble, Supt.
of Agencies, Rod Cloud, Neb.
Bo in the swim and have a 'phono.
Several new subscriber aro being
added to the Red Cloud exchange. Ap
ply to the local manager for further In
formation. Tho long distance tolophono was
comDleted the first of tho week and
anybody who desires to talk with
friends or on business can do so in the
most of the towns in tho state.
One Minuto Cough Cure quickly
cures obstinato summer coughs and
colds. "I consider!, a most wondorful
h medicine., quick and safe." W. W.
Morten, Mayhuw, Wis. C. L. Cotting.
James Sterner was arrested and
brought here from Oxford last Friday
' to answer to tho charge of bastardy
tho complainant being his nloco Fior-
enco Woods. At tho preliminary hear
ing he plead guilty aud was bound
over to district court.
Furnituro nt cost ntTnylor's.
"ltacket" store, Moou block.
Hammock's at cost at Taylor's.
Harness of all kinds at Fogel aud
The Chief and tho Iuter-Ocoau one
year for 11.25.
Dr. J. F. Goodo loft Wednesday for
his homo in Ohio.
Good spoaklng at the Iutorstato Fair
Soptember 11th to 14th.
Mrs. J. N. Rickards rctumod to her
homo at Bcntrico Thursday.
If you want anything in tho harness
lino seo Fogel and Hutchison.
John Crans and daughter Marguer
ite wore in Hastings this weok.
Red Cloud, Neb., Sept. 11th to 14th,
will bo held tho Interstato Fair.
Seo Wright's lino of warm weather
gasolino stoves beforo purchasing.
Slug Shot will kill bugs on vines and
worms on cabbago. Sold by Cotting.
Floronco and Bornico Potter roturued
from a visit at McCook Thursday morn
ing. Prof. J. I. Kolloy loft Monday for
a trip over tho stato taking orders for
a cyclopedia.
Miss Graco McClelland returned
Monday from a visit with relatives at
Miss Nollio Clark after a month's
visit with friends here returned to her
home at Oxford this weok.
Rod Cloud, Nobraska, is whoro tho
Intorstato Fair will bo hold on tho 11th,
12th, 13th and 14th of Soptombor.
S. H. Fitzgerald and Joseph Barnes
and wife of Oskaloosa, Iowa, aro hero
visiting with Z. Barnes and family.
Silvor Longtin wliilo playing in tho
barn on Thursday afternoon fell out cf
a buggy and received a few bad bruises.
Don't stand tho heat of a cook stovo
this summer but buy a gasollnt stovo
of W. W. Wright. Ho has a Quo lino of
Tho family of Goorgo Coon aro re
joicing over tho arrival of a bright
baby girl at thoir placo on last Wed
nesday. A strip of shingles on the roof of tho
round house woro torn off either by
lightning or the wind during tho storm
on Saturday.
fJBernico Higby, daughter of Anson
Higby, of Deadwood, South Dakota,
arrived in the city on Friday evening
on a visit to friends here.
Butler, the harness man is headquar
ters for all kinds of first class harness,
both light and hoavy. If you want
anything in bis lino seo him.
Elder Hussong, Miss Mabel Wells
and Grandma Lightfoot are to repre
sent the Christian church at thoir state
convention next week in Hastings.
The long distanco telephono is now
connected from Red Cloud to points
east within tho stato. Rates made
known on application to "Central."
Douglas Cather arrived in. tho city
Monday morning to visit with the folks.
He is now holding; the position of cash
ier with tho B. & M. railroad at Chey
enne, Wyoming.
Young people of this county who ex
pect to go to school this fall should
write for tho third annual announce
ment of tho Preparatory School to tho
Stato University at Lincoln.
Insuro your hogs against disease in
tho Hog Raisers' Mutual Insurance Co.
Chenpcstand best. Agont9 wanted.
Call on oraddrcso F. F. Goule, Supt.
of Agoncies, Red Cloud, Nob.
All weak places in your system ef
fectually closed against 'discaso by De
Witt's Llttlo Early Risers. They
cleanso tho bowols, promptly cure con
stipation, regulato the liver, and fill
you with new life and vigor. Small,
pleasant, sure; nover gripe. C. L, Cot
ting. Insuro your hogs against loss from
disease in Tho Farmors Mutual Hog In
surance Association of Omaha. Plan
mutual. Absolutely safe, costs loss and
moro equitable than any other associa
tion or company. Write or soo II. E.
Pond, Supt. of Agencies, Rod Cloud,
Neb. Offico in Moon Block.
It is a goneral belief among people
that ice water is detrimental to tho
health, but if you get nice, pure ice
such as that sold by J. A. Mo Arthur you
will iind it bonoflclal instead of detri
mental. He has puro lco and it won't
hurt anyone. Delivered to any part of
the city in any quantity. Wagon
makes the rounds every day.
Ono of the Oampboll boys arrived in
tho city last Monday morning and at
onco proceeded to cancel all tho con
tracts mado by their advance man, and
said that their shows would not stop
at this point His reason for this was
not that he was afraid Ringling would
tako tho crowd away from their show,
but that they 'didn't want to get mixed
up in a show tight in which the princi
pal participants would bo Ringling
Bros,, against Sells Bros. & Forepatigh
and Buffalo Bill, all three ot whom are
at present billing this state.
Tin: Chief 1 00 per year.
Cat pets nt cost at Taylor's.
Wall papor at cost at Taylor's.
W. W. Wright has a ftno Hue of the
host refrigerators.
For hnud made harness go to Fogol
aud Hutchisons.
Mrs. Anthony Clark of Oxford is vis
iting friends hero.
Seo tho now Hooslor all steel disc
drill nt Peterson's.
A. Soaton of Denver is visiting here
with Bufford Holcomb.
All kinds of useful articles at tho
Racket store, Moon block.
Bert Wnldon was hero last Sunday
shaking hands with frionds.
Soo tho "American" hog fonco nt
Mitchell Bros. Best on earth.
Potorson has just received a car of
tho Hooslor drills. Call aud see them.
Waltor Roby soils tho Slugcr sewing
machino. Prices right. Got tho host.
Peto Hanson and Geogo Lindloy ro
turnod homo from Omaha Monday ovo-
Clem Brunei' who has bcon farming
up noar Murray, tills stato, was hero
this week.
Good girl wanted for Kitchen work
at tho Star bakory. Good wages to tho
right party.
Win. Renklo and Strop Rothrock of
Inavalo woro down to Hardy this weok
to buy cattlo.
Miss Eliznboth Shoppard returned
tho first of tho weok from a visit with
frionds at Superior.
Tho funoral services of Mrs. Brush's
baby which died on tho 15th woro con
ducted by L. A. Hussong.
Rov. Dean has so far recovered from
his rccont illness as to bo ablo to attond
to his church dutlos ngain.
Sho wan bred in old Kentucky and is
going to nttond tho Intorstato fair ut
Red Cloud, Soptombor 11th to 14th.
C. W. Knloy and wifo returned Fri
day from a two months outing on tho
lakes and a visit with frionds in Ohio.
Mrs. M. E. Pattnor started this morn
ing for Aurora, this state, and from
thero she will go to Iowa for an extend
ed visit.
H. A. Howard roturned tho last of
tho weok from a visit in Kansas. Mrs.
Howard went to Omaha to visit before
Mrs. Pristle who has been here mak
ing a short visit with her brother Wm.
Bense and other relatives loft for Den
ver Thursday night.
Calvin Miller, of Chicago, brother ot
Mrs. M. W. Dickerson, accompaniod
by his wife, stopped off here for a visit
whilo on thoir way to Denver.
L. W. Smith and Geo. Webster of
Imperial wore bore this week having
brought a shipment of two hundred
head of cattlo for Geo. W. Lindsoy.
An excellent speed program at the
Interstate Fair at Red Cloud, Nebras
ka, September 11 to 14. Some of the
best horses in the west will be there.
Rev. Darby departed Thursday for
Beatrice where he went to deliver an
address at the Modern Woodman log
rolling. From that placo he will go to
Deweeso to attend tho camp meeting.
Do no not fail to attend the Inter
stato fair at Red Cloud, Nobraska, for
you will certainly rogrot it if you don't.
You will seo many flno attractions that
aro well worth tho prlco of admission.
Dnto Soptombor 11th to 14th.
Tho W. O. T. U. will moot with tho
Hoscuo Circle and )ilt n mother's
mooting ut tho homo of Mrs. Rust nt
8 p.m., Thursday. August 21th. Sub-I
ject, "The Danger to Our Girls." All
wouiuu interested in the purity of our
girls should attend.
There aro somo peoplo in this city
who think they won't get livo dollar?
worth of city wulor on their lawns in a
year unless they let it run while it is
raluing. It looks queor to seo water
shooting out of a nozzle on a lawn
when the rain is coming down aua
two-forty clip.
What might bavo resulted in a dis
astrous firo was luckily discovered in
time to bo extinguished in the dental
parlors of Di. Rood lasjt Friday after
noon. A balky gasolino atove vud tho
cause of the conflagration, and consid
erable hard word was necessary for its
Come and see tho poultry show at
the Interstate Fair at Red Cloud, No
braska, September 11 to 14. This will
bo tho best fair ever given in this part
of tho country and a large attendance
is expected, accommodations for which
havo already been mado. A fine speed
program has ooen arrangea ana some
of the best horses in tbo west will be
hero. Arrangements aro being made
to securo the services of an export high
divor, who will divo from an eighty-five
foot steel tower into a tanc throo feet
deep which will bo filled with water.
This feat alono will be worth more
than the price of admission,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream ot tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powder are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
rovu (mins rowot co.. new vom.
Tho "rookery" looks hotter sluco It
got coated with Uiuglitig Bros, show
bills. Red Cloud it is said Is to have
another electric light proposition.
This timo it will bo for city ownership.
Tho plant to bo built for and becomo
tho property of tho city. Our city
don't want oloctric lights, thoy might
illumlnato tho strcots so that tho holes
In tho sidewalks can bo soon. It might
nlso disclogo n scono of tho small boy
perambulating tho streets with young
womon of shady character. Then a
gloam might fall on tho married man
who Is out promonadiug with somo
young girl or somo other man's wifo.
No wo dou't want olcctrlo lights tho
pooplo havo boon iu darkness so long
that they bavo becomo resigned to tho
present condition of things. If somo
moans could only bo found to obscuro
tho moonlight our happiness would bo
complete Thoro is uo use talking
about it. What wo need is n modern
Joshua. Then when tho night gets
about as black as a stack of black cats,
lot him givo a command for tho un
and moou to stand still. But oloctric
lights, nit. Wo would bo in favor
of oven giving tho lightning bugs a
dose of soium similar to thnt givon tho
chinch bug to accomplish his extermi
nation. Now if tho city wnnts to do a
good thing by its citizens why uot buy
a merry-go round. Just think of tho
fun that could bo had with it. Tho
pooplo want moro amusomont and tho
only timo they can get it is at night.
If this won't furnish sufficient atuuso
ment why not convert the rookery
into a beor garden and advertiso it as
tho anoient templo of Cleopatra. Any
thing for amusoment Spoaklng of tho
rookery our amateur photographers
should each secure a picture of it when
Ringling Bros', bill posters finish up
their Job. There aro some peoplo In
the souh ond of town kicking becauso
the mayor don't mow down the tall
sun flowers. What do thoy take our
mayor for, a Buckoyo or a Milwaukee.
He Is not paid for mowing weeds.
Aside from this we guess thoso sun
flowers are there for the solo uso of
Rlngllng's elephants to keep the flies
off thomsolves. Thero never was any
flies on Ringling's elephants. Espec
ially tho sacred white one. The east
ern papers have a new fad of publish
ing ;plctures and descriptions of No
braska oorn fields.
Tho Interstate Fair will have many
good features that have not been given
heretofore,. An effort has been made
to secure the eorvices of a high diver
who will divo from a stool tower
cighty-flvo feet high into a tank of
water throe feet deep. This featuro
alone is worth moro than tho prlco of
admission. Remember tho dates, Sop
tombor 11, IS, 13 and 14.
Tho Rov. W. B. Costloy, of Stook
biidge, Ga., whilo attending to his pas
toral duties at Ellonwood, that stato,
was attacked by cholera morbus. Ho
says: ' uy cuanco 1 oappuueu iu kui
hold of a bottle of Chamborlatn's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I
think it was tho means of saving ray
life. It relieved mo at once." For solo
by H. F.. Grlce.
List of letters remaining uncallod for
at tho postofllcoat Rod Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho weok ending Aug. 18th
Gold, D. Jamison, A.
Rasmusson.G. R. Smith, D. R.
Turkiton, John
These letters will bo sont to tho dead
letter office Sept. 1st, if not called for
boforo. When calling for abovo pleaso
say advertised. T. C. Hackek. P. M.
This week a nowcandidato forshoriff
on the republican ticket has made bis
appearance. 1'he new candidato is
James Amack, an old and well and fa
vorably known rosldent of the south
eastern part of the county. He is,
practically speaking, a man without
enemies, aud should be be the candi
date who is lucky enough to receive
the nomination he would prove a vote
getter. Ho is tho kind of a man that
always makes friends, but seldom, if
over, by bis own actions loses one;
honest and conscientious in all ho un
dertakes, but suffllcicnt determination
and will power to accomplish any task
ho undertakes; fair minded and a com
mon, nlaln. evory-day farmer; always
tbo same, wherever you meet him.
Such a man is Jas. Amack, tho prob
able next sheriff of Webster county.
no 7va:ore. a
$4.75 &
50 Men's Suits, last ones in the lot,
all go at
- $4 75- -
See them on the front table in our
store. The suits are worth up to
: m
$8.oo, -
and are the
Lose money on most of them
but must have the room.
Clothing Co.,
SanFfancisco Poultry Gai
will be near tha
Friday Forenoon, August 25th :
Bring in your poultry this
Spring Chickens i tt3 or
Ducks and Geese
Hen Turkeys
Tom Turkeys
Do not forget tho date, as
Teacher't Certificates Iuucd.
The following Is tho report of tho
county superintendent relative to tho
toachois certificates:
Numbor of persons attending Insti
tute, 141; number receiving institute
certificates, 130.
An institute) certitlcato U simply a
statumont rolatlvo to attendance at In
stitute and efUcioncy of work In vari
ous classos during tho session. An in
stitute cortlticato does not nuthorizo a
person to teach school, and Ms in no
way conncctod with tho regular toach
or's cortlllcato.
Number oi persons examined for
teacher's certificates at closo of insti
tute 80. Of this numbor 23 failed to
reach tho required grade, 57 received
certificates. Nineteen of tho 23 who
failed in Juno took examinations in
July, at which timo nlno passed and
ton failed to reaoh tbo required grado.
During the past year, August, 1808,
to August, 1899, certificates have been
issued in this county as follows! First
grado, 10; socond grado, 01; third grado
nono; total, 101.
Eva. J. Case,
County Superintendent.
The city council or fire department
should make some arrangements with
the tolephone company whereby an
alarm could be rung from tho contral
office. This could bo done with little
expense, and would be very beneficial
especially in cases of tiro at night. All
that would be necessary in case of firo
would bo to notify central and un alarm
could be rung. The necessary electrio
mechanism for the system would not
be very expensive and in many cases
would save considerable timo usually
used in running to the fire bell.,
greatest bargains ever
B. St. M. depot
car aad gat the following
IB cua.
07J cper pound.
over 80c per pound.
$1.50 per dozen.
04c per pound.
07c per pound.
06c per pound.
60c per dozen.
car will be on the track only
National Encampment of the G, A. R., at
Tho lowest rates of tho year about
ono faro for tho round trip will bo
mude for tho National encampment of
tho G. A. R., nt Philadelphia. Soiling
dates Soptombor 1, 2 and 3; return
limit Soptombor 80. Rato is open to
tho general public,
Ab usual tho veterans and their
ftiouds will tako tho Burlington Routo
avoiding change of dopots In Chicago
and soauring for thomsolves tho.special
advantages in tho way of fast timo and
through car sorvlco which that railroad
o flora.
Special G. A. R. train for PhiladoN
phia loaves Omaha at 6 p.m., Soptom
bor 2d. Slooplrg, dining, and free re
clining chair cars. Berths can bore
served now. Seo local tiokot agent and
ask him about routos, rates and trains.
Or if you wish writo to J. Francis, gen
eral Passoogor and Ticket Agt, Omaha,
"Duly food man and steed." Feed
your nerves also if you would have
them strong. Blood mado puro and
rich by Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only
true nervo food. Be sure and get
Hood's. It never disappoints.
Hoods Pills euro constipation. .Price
25 cents.
Thoro will bo a union meeting of the
different young peoplo 'a societies at
the residenco of V. B, Fulton next
Monday ovonlng, August 31st. It is re
quested that eaoh member mako an ef
fort to attond this meeting as thero is a ,
matter of business to' be transacted and
a large attendance is desired. Come
out and havo a good timo and be sure
and bring some frlendjwlth you, ,
, -
Kjf till
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