, , i,i,.ii,i.MMi''siiww5M3Hina33a?yt'sis3B8iiiKaraa Ww"wCSI. Jti ' ,u Jlt.-iJKM., wwww.fmrrrrirrrnr.Krfk mrmw wnmAV AiTrjirT 1H. 1H9I). SK?SSW'W''P'TI- nfw - - ..au. JLl-U' VJJVVJ V-SlAJLJUJA: , JIUUIJ.) ." " w.-.-. -7 --- - law.; wiimKwm r 1 w I' ' I ''I .(' i VII N' fe il m M, SfVi, 1 ' A K f III' n i rfc f.l' ' 1 ll I ''. "Zr'tfe Steves TSe giants of ihe forest must yield at lust to the continual blows of the woods man. When the human blood has become clogged and Impute the little drops of Hood's Sarsaparilla, properly taken, will fell the oak of bad blood. Z&ctCi SwuapWii THE CHIEF rOHLIHtllD BT w. u. momillan. tit month! itKiniiitiiiiHiiMMMiKtMii vO PUHL18HKD KVBItV FUIDAY Boterod at Ihe post office at Rod Cloud, Neb. as econd class mall matter. AUVKKT1BINO IIATKS: Local advertising 6 cents per line icr Issue. Local Advertising for entertainments, con forts, socials, etc,, Riven by churches, charltablo societies, etc., whoro nil lnoncjr raited thoro from ateuscd wholly for church or charitsblo societies, first ten linen free and. all over (en lino 3)4 centi per line per Inane. Local advertising of ontertalmncnti, concert, recitals, etc., where per cent Is given to pro. moters, S cents per lino per Issue, nt.i-f.ir Anrin-risiNM. Ono column ir month.......-....... I7 00 One half column ncr month ..... 3 K) One-fourth column per month... 1 iS General display advertising 8 cents per Inchperlssue. Republican County Convention. A republican county convention for Webster lunty la hereby called to meet at tho court county imnaoin ltiwl f'lntut on Thursday, Heptembor 7lh, 1IW. at 11 o'clock a.m.. for the purpose of nominating a candidate tor me ouice or Clork of tho District Court, County Treasurer, County Clerk, County Judge. County Hupeilutcndeut of Public Instruction. County Sheriff, County Coronor, ..,. . ., County commissioner for the First and Fourth Also to elect delegates to attend the Judicial convention to bo hold at nastlngn, Nebraska, on tho 10th day of Hoptcmber, 1809, Als j to elect delegates to the state convention to be hold at Omaha on tho 2lst day ofSoptera bor.ltitfo. .. . . ., , Tho various townships and wards aro entitled to representation follows, based on the vote lor lion. M. L. Ilayward In ltnti, for governor, allowing ono delegate for each ten votes and major fraction thereof so cast and ono at large for each township or ward, to wit t DKLK0ATES DKLEUATM. Outdo Hock.. - 10 ,. 6 Stillwater. 0 Oarlleld. Lino ......... Walnut Creek... lleavor Crook Pleasant Hill . Olenwood.. Inavale .. Harmony .. Kcd Cloud Kim Creek... ..... 7 llatln - .......... .. . n L'athertou .......... - B Onk Creek...- -. i , 6 - H 7 .. 7 .. 0 . 8 Potsdam ........... ... u lied C'oud, 1st ward 18 Ued Cloud, 0d ward. 14 ToUl. .1.18 And for tho transaction of such other business as may!como boforojtho convention. . . O. II. CitoMi, Chairman. L. II. Fort, Secretary. An ofllcor of tho Burlington route tolls a good story of a man in his terri tory to tho Chicago Times Herald as follows: A Nebraska farmor carried a mortgago of 14,200 on his property, and it was a burdon bard to contend with. The wheat crop of 1897 was enormous and prices high. Ho ap piarod at tho bank shortly after bar vwt, pulled out $4,000, and asked for"a loan of 1200 to onablo him to canool tho mortgage note. Tho banker, who hold tho noto. ursod him not to bothor about it, but to go and buy cattlo with his 14,000, feed his corn crop, and in that way get tho maximum for his pro duct. "No, sir," replied tho farmor, "I want to pay that note now. Then whon I harvest tho corn crop I'm going to pay you back that 1200, and thon do you know what I'm going to do?" and his honest faoo beamed all over with pleasure. "I'm going to buy a now buggy t" This little incident tells tho story of thousands of others out in Ne braska, and tho fact that during tho last six months ono concern has ship ped to ono tirm ono hundred nnd thirty carloads of buggios and carriagos, av eraging about twenty-two to tho car, makes it ovidont that prosperity Is with Nebroskn. .V young girl cf liftcpn and her lover, aged eighteen, committed suicide by shooting themselves, at Arapahoo last Friday, bucauso tholr parents objected to them bocomiug man and wife until of ago. It was a common enough tragedy, being duplicated ovory day In this progressive country of ours. Such things ought not to bo. Tho parents aro wholly responsible In such cases. Thoso llttlo silly girls should no moro bo allowed to run around nights with a fellow, than lambs should be left un guarded at uight for tho wolves to got What does a little half-developed wom ana girl of illteon waut with a fol low anyhow? You soo thorn ovory day every whero, by day and by night, run ning around stooping in love sickness boforo tho last tuck in tholr dresses Is lot down, and wo lotthotn run and gad arouud and pick up tho llrst worthless stick of a mau they como across, to bo married, divorced, deserted, or to tight woman's hopoless battles with ma ternity and povorty, or to bo betrayed aud deserted, or to moot a fato nimllar to the girl at Arapahoo. Yo, uods, what a horrible mess It all Is I Bettor for the old world espionago of women -the Spanish duenna, tho commercial matrimonial contract of France, and (ess brutal tho bargain and solo of wives by the heathen, Si 'It must bo somotlng torriblo to edit u pop paper in these days of booming prosperity," says the Goodland (Kan.) Maws. "Just how a mau can work '.himself up to write tho uncanny stuff that they dish up to inoir roaaers we don't know. With signs of prosperity all aroBd them, not only In tho east but tight hero In drotuhv western Kansas; with tho repot l from huslni'ss centers of grenttT nativity tlinn ever before in nil trntlt1; with pileosof (nrm product" higher tlinn frr tho Inst live yonis; In (net prosperity, everywhere and Hid pooplo hnppy, how etui thoy write Mich doleful stuff ns thoy do, The man with bins full ofwlientnnl corn, with cattlo In his pastures and with money in his jonus don't helieru It, and if ho docs ho says, 'I'm a pop, hut I nln't In tio wnyshnrdup;tho edit or must mean tho other fellow.' Hut they go right ahead writing it; never n cheerful hit of news in their papors; nothing hut gloom. No doubt when thoy write tlioso things thoy pull down tho curtains nnd shut out tho sunlight, thon light a solitary candlo nnd begin to grind out nbout tho whltoslavos, how tho trusts nro eating us up, how tho octopus has us in his grasp, how tho plutocrats havo their hcols on our nock, and thon blowing out tho candlo to make gloom uinro comploto aud tho picture darker thoy wind Up tho wall with tho crlmo of '78. Possibly tho ed itor sits on a tack while writing, and puts gravel In his shoos when ho is working tho pross in order to bring on tho gloomy footings, Wo got several of thoso funoral notices at this ofllce, and whon half a dozon follows como in and plank down their dollars as now subscribers, and wo begin to fool Jolly, consistent with our years, wo just pick up ono of thoso papers and road a fow oxtracts." Ono of our exchanges remarks thata man in a neighboring town "has bcon lined for squeezing a girl's hand," nnd thon nsks "what should have boon done to him If ho had held it nnd hadn't squeezed it?" Wo rogrot that tho oxchango should havo paused right on tho threshold of a subject, tho pursuit of which might havo led a thoughtful person to a con conclusion of inostiuiablo vaiuo to man kind. Tho quostion it asks is ono that involves n careful consideration of tho ontiro8ocial strucluro of civilization. It cannot bo ignored, evaded or an sworcd lightly. If a man can bo lined for squeezing a girl's hand, it behooves us to detormiuo, if possible, what pun ishment, if any, should bo inflicted upon tho man who, having secured possession of a girl's hand, lots it slip through his lingers without squeezing it. Scientists ngroo that human affini ties and antipathies havo tholr origin in tho hands, and tho contact between tho hngors of two individuals, regard less of sox, olthor produces warmth or a chill. However this may bo, scionco has boon unable to account for tho ex istence of tho man who takes a girl's hand in his only to lot it drop again without bestowing upon it any more sympathy than if it wore a red hot stovo or a oako of icoj or for tho man who takes a girl's hand in his and lots It allde through his lingers without giv ing it any moro tondor consideration than If It wero a laundry bill or a po litical circular; or for tho man who treats a girl's haud as though it were a pioco of brittle grass, and he wore afraid a llttlo squoezo might break it. That thoro aro many such men in ovory community thoro can be no doubt, and that a large percentage of them escape tho punishment they so justly deserve is but too true. Thoy go through lite taking the hands of girls in theirs and dropping thorn again like hot potatoes, careloss of tUo disappointment and unhapplness they aro strewing on all sides, and oven tako delight in tho fact that their clam my and elippory touch was permeating ovory nook nnd corner of society nnd dampening tho gnyoty of a a nation. Exposition Colonial Exhibit contains a distinctive exhibit and in u comprehonsivo uinnnor covers many of tliu great national resources of Hawa iian aud Philipino Islands. This build ing contains also rare specimens of ani mals, reptiles and birds of splendid plumage all intorostiug to Americans. In tuldltidn to thoso exhibits .in tho Colonial Building, thoro nro special buildings, tho Filipino Village, tho Cu ban Vlllago nnd Hawaiian Village, whore is found tho natiro people, liv ing ns at homo in tholr respective coun tries. Tho Colonial features of tho Greater America Exposition are real life, you can soo tho people, mon, wo men aud children nnd lt"tr thorn poak to each other, sing their native songs and play thoir instruments of music. Can any ono afford to miss this oppor tunity? About one month ago my child, v hlch is tifteon months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gave it such romodlos as aro usually givon in8itch cases, but as nothing gave reliof, wo sent for n physician and it was under bis care for a week. At this time the child had been siek for about ton days and was having about twenty live operations of the bowels every twelvo hours, nnd we were convinced that unloas it soon obtained relief it would not llvo. Chamborlaln's Colic, Uualera auu Diarrhoea lfemeuv was recommended, and I decided to try It. I soon noticed a change for tho bettor; oy its continued use a complete cure was brought about and it is now per fectly healthy. C. L. Hoggs, Stump town, Gilmer Co,, W. Va. tor sale by 11. K. rlee. The Chief and tho Chicago Inter Oean one year torf 1.35. REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. ELM crtKEK 1'IIKCINOT. Tint republican voters of Kim Cicck product are ritiMted to meet at the usual voting place on Thursday, Aug ust U4t, 1899, at 12 p.m. for tho purposo of choosing seven delegates lo attend tho county convention to bo held at Red Cloud uii September 7lh, 1809, and such other business as may come bo fore the meeting. C. E. Putnam, Com. WALNUT CIIKEK I'UECINCT. Tho republican voters of Walnut Creek township aro requested to meet at tho school houso in District No. 8, an Wedncsdny, September Oth, nt 2 o'clock p.m., for tho purpose of elect ing flvo delegates to nttond tho county convention to bo held in Rod Cloud September 7th, 1899, and such other business as may como beforo tho moot Ing. M. C. Fulton, Com. rLEARANT HILL. Tho republican voters of Pleasant 11111 precinct aro requested to meet at tho school house in Cowlcs, on Satur day September 2d, at 2 o'clock p.m. for tho purposo of choosing oight dolcgatos to attond the county convention to bo bold at Rod Cloud on September 7th, 1800, and such other business a9 may como boforo tho mooting. D. 11. Kalev, Com. BATIN. Tho republican voters of llatin pre cinct aro requested to moot at tho Harris school houso, on Friday, Sep tember 1st, nt 2 p.m. for tho purposo of choosing four dolegatos to attond tho county convention to bo hold at Ued Cloud on September 7th, uominato precinct officers, and such other busi ness as may como beforo tho meeting. Rout. Harkis, Com. LINE I'UECINCT. Tho republican voters of Lino pro duct nro requested to moot at tho regu lar voting place in Dist. 84, ou Satur day, September 2, at 10 o'clock a.m. for tho purposo of choosing six delegates to Attend tho county -convention to bo hold nt Red Cloud on September 7th, uominato precinct officers, and such other business us may como boforo tho mooting. Jos. Saladen, Com. UED CLOUD PRECINCT. Tho republican votors of Red Cloud precinct are requested to moot at tho court houso, in Red Cloud, on Satar day, Soptoraber 2, at 2 o'clock p.m. for the purposo of choosing oight delegates to attend tho county convention to be held at Rod Cloud, on September 7th, 1809, and such othor business as may come boforo the meeting. C. H. Potter, Com. STILLWATER FKEGIMCT. Tho republican voters of Stillwater precinct aro requested to meet at the Johnson school house on Monday, Sep tember 4th, 1899, at 7 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of choosing six dolegates to attond the county convention to o held at Red Cloud on September 7th, 1899, and such other business as may come before the meeting. F. C. Johnson, Com. OlRFIKLD PBECINCT. The republican voters of Garfield precinct aro requested to meet at the school houso in Dist. Mo. 85 on Tues day, Soptember 0, at 3 o'clock p.m. for the purposo of choosing 0 delegates to attond tho county convention to be hold at Rod Cloud on September 7th, 1899, and such other business ns may como before tho meeting. M. L. 1). Smith, Com. Temperance Women hold up Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Favorite Pre scription " as examples of what all med icines should be in absolute freedom from alcohol and narcotics. They are strictly temperance medicines. They contain no alcouol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic, l'nlse formulas of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery and " Favorite Perscription " having been pub lished by ignorant or unscrupulous per sons, Dr. R. V. Pierce as president of the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y.. the manufacturers of his remedies, offers oae thousand OolUn for any bottle of these medicines which on analysis shall show the pres ence either of alcohol or of opium, co caine, or any other narcotic. Suits against the originators and pub lishers of these false formulas have been Instituted, and in order to effectually stop the publication of these malicious false hoods, Dr. Pierce asks that his friends will send him copies of any circular, pamphlet, or other advertisement, in which the statement is made that "Gold en Medical Discovery " or " Favorite Pre scription " contains alcohol or opium or other narcotics. Address Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Feeding Cattle for Sate. 1000 head of extra 2 year old Iowa -aeon. 1000 bend of Nebraska nnd Colotndo 2 and 8 year old stews. 1000 head of cows nnd jearllng nt eel's and Heifers. Terms cash or lime. SurKitioit Cattle Co., Superior, Nebr. "I suffered from piles for ttfouty-iive years, and after all so-called cures had failed was permanently cured by ono box of DeWilt's Witch Hazel Solve," soys Ell Hale, ofJLumbor City, Pa. He sure you got "DoWitt's." There aro in jurious and dishonest counterfeits. C. L. Cottiug. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho District Court of the United States for tho District of Nebraska. In tho matter of Wm. O. Dlmmickyiiankrupt. in uanitruptcy State Hank. Martin Hros, llratl Iftbui Atlonal Bank of lllno Hill, Nebraska, ahuUAburgh Ilink, SliullsblirBh. Wis.. C. A. DavM. H. Y. Ilakcr, rairuciu, lowa, Amnni;oiimyiniii, innings, Nebr., Galena Nalloual Uankjf.nlenn, Ills. You and each of you, wlf take notice, that Wm. O. Dlmmlck, wk upon his petition, ad Judged a bankrupt, an!) yoJF names, appearing unon the list of crcdltom 1111 with said rotltlou. you aro hereby nollllcch tlat the first meeting of creditors, of said ba&wutit. for the purpose of filing and establlshliiftWhelr claims for choos ing a trustee, of bis estate, for examining said bankrupt on oath, and for tho transaction, of such other business, as can lawfully como boforo such meeting, will bo held boforo the under signed Iteferce, at the oUlce. of A. M. Walters, in Ulue Hill. Nebr.. on tho 30th, day of August, A. I). 1889 at 10 o'clock a.m. Witness my hand, hereto at Hastings, Neb raska, this 14th day of August, A. D. 1399. J. A. OinotNEn, Referee In Uankruptcy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Stato of Nebraska, ska, I T- 1 r of tho S w e osier uouniy in tno mauer estate Nvls Sorgcrson, Notice Is hereby given all persons havlnz claims ana uemanas a lust Nels Sorirersoii. lato of Wenster county, eceascd. that tho time uxea forming ciaimsi alntt said estate Is six montus rrom ino inn T Of August. 1899. All such persons nrc rcqulrbd to present their claims wnu tno vouencro 10 me uouiuy juageoi sam county, at his ofllce therein, on or beforo the 12tb day of February, 1900, and all claims so filed will bo heard beforo tho said Judge on the 13th day of February, 1900, at lu o'clock a.m. James Durrv. County Judge. Dated this l&th day of July. IW. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS- Stato of Nebraska, I .. Webster County, f" In the DlstrUt Court thereof, of the 10th Judicial District. Tho Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. I I'lalntlir.v vs I Nelton Phelps, Emellno Phelps. I ins wire, dames ai. jioss, - Itoss. his wife, first name tin-l known, II. W. Gulllford, first) full nnmo tintnnwn flti.l1 ' Ou.l' I te uii'V lemU.l n, and I tees, ford, his wife, llrst name known, Alfred McCatl, Sale M. ......... ......r .. .., .... Paulson, Charles 11. llutton William M. Lowmau. trustees. Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT. The above named defendants James M. Ross. Hoss. his wife, llrst name unknown, and each of them are hereby notified that the above named plaintiff has llleilflu the above named court us peuuan a defendants named agalni them and tbt other that the object and prayer of aald petiu of tne plaintiff are to lorcciosa a mo; November. 1S arlng date the 1st day of ted defendants Nell (his wife) tothi Dy me bdovo namea ips and Emeline Phelps. nil estate situate 1 ", on the following- real county of Webster and state or Nebrasi the southwest wit: The west half (H) of rter (Ul of section thirteen 18)11 in townsni (1) north, of ranee twelve westortue xth (6th P. M. 'he said defendants James M. Ross and Rosa bla wife, first name unknown, are further notified that they, and each of them, are re quired to appear and answer said petition of plamUff, on or before Monday, the 2Sth day of August. 1899, or said petition of plaintiff will be taken aa true, and a decree will be rendered atalust them, the aald defendants and the other defendants named herein, decreeing that the aald mortitSKC! be foreclosed: that all the above described real estate shall be appraised, advertised and sold at public auction by the sheriff of said Webster county, to make and raise the sum of 1157.60 due to plaintiff-on Us aald mortgage, together with Interest on said um at the rate of ten per cent from the 1st dar of June. 1899, aud the costs of this suit and such sale; and said decree will further provldotbat you, tho aald defendants, and the other defend ants named herein and each of you, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all equity of redemption and other Interest la and to said real estate and every part thereof. NaurusKA Loam and Trust Co , ByJoHK M. Raqan, Plaintiff. Its Coanael. Onlcr of Hearing on Probate of Foreign State of Nebraska, I Wtiatr nountv "r-"--T m. i l ..- .- .. 'ebster county j - At a count: IT uouri, oeia i me vouaiy court Room, In and for aald County, Wednesday, Aug- n.ttth a. n. 1199. In the matter of tho estate of Luclnda Fourt On reading and filing the petition of Ida Ellen Fourt praying that the Instrument purporting to be a duly nutncnticatea f of tho last will and testament of said deceases , aud of the probate thereof by the District Cflurt of the County of Allamakee, State of low. and this day filed In this court, rony w allowed, riled, probated and Mpnntld as tho la will and testament of said tut state of Nebraska and deceased In and fol tiiHtnilinlnistratloii iff he estate of said deceased In and for tho State Xcbratkn be granted to Ktlulll ii.rourinj ordered that A nlulstrator. .IIMI.B. te", ... ., llPff ... IL ist rt, A. D, 1999, at 10 o'clock n.m-1 nslK"Cd for hearing said pell tlon when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at n County Court to bo held In and for sold county, nnd show cause why the prayer of said petitioner should not bo granted; nnd that notice of tho pendency of sntd petition and the hearing lucrum vk kiwi iu mi ivioum in terested In said matter, by publishing a copy of this order lu the Iteil Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said County, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. (Atruocopy.)jAMM REFEREES SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notlco Is hereby given that by virtue of n decree of the District Court of tho Seventh judicial District of the State of Nebraska, In nnd for Thayer County made and entered In r.Vi nmiTt on the iMtli day Of June. 1H99. In a rertaln causo In said court pending, wherein Henry It. Wood Trustee, Is plaintiff and Ten nent Ronalds, Frank Hunter trustee, Kmma S. oerrlsh. Katherluo L. Drown,' .Margaret D. llMWn. lltMGU DIUTTH. ttll'W lllnn Ilrown. fth L. Ilrown. vlora Drown MelnAustltl -."'";." .-.. ........ tri nimui , trrana . . - lin.nd David 8. O y administrators with the will annexed of tl esistif oi nenjamin a. adltrir administrator and Drown. Herbert E. ovortitor Tennont onavds trustee, (jeorge Graham llell Stewsr' i,nv Prink Wood. trtMiee, uuaries w. inn notto wood, lieunr Wood administrator Wood. KlUabeth L Francis O. Wood gua hd guardian, Isabella Drown administratrix. Ian. Charles II. llabcock andllentylt. Wood executors of the last will of Isabella W. Dabcock are defendants for the nartlUonof the following described real estate situate In Webster County, Nebraska, togother with certain lands In Thayer County, Nebraska, lThe'West half of the South East quarter or secUon thirteen (IS) In townsalp one (1) range eleven (ID containing eighty (80) acres. The Bouth West quarter of section twenty four (81) in township one (1) range eleven (ti) containing one hundred sixty (IflOf acres. The North East quarter of section twenty- nine (89) in townsniu one iwranga iweiveiiz; containing one hundred tlxty (top) acres. And which said decree directed the under ite r lii said cause to sell the above described real estate at Ihe front door of the Nebraska, as upon execution for cash In hand. Therefore the referees In said causo will ou Tuesday, the 18th day of September, 1899 com menclng at tho hour of two o'clock n.m. of said dav at tho front door of the Court Houso In Ited Cloud. Webster County. Nebraska, sell said real estate at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand. Dated August lOth,...) A. Lihdskt, J-Rererees. M. H. Wxiss. ) IticnABDs & DiKSMOiia. Attorneys, Hebron, Nebr. ONLY ONE CURE FOR SCROFULA. S. S. S. Is the Only Remedy Equal to this Obstinate Disease. Is equal to any blood trouble, and never falls to euro Scrofula, because, it ?:oes down to the seat of tho disease, thus permanently eliminating, every race of tho taint. The serious conieauences to which Scrofula aurelv lends should impress upon thoso afflicted with it the vital im portance of wasting no tlmo upon treatment which con not possibly effoot a cure. In many cases where tho wrong treatment lias been rolled upon, complicated glandular swollings havo resulted, for which tho doctors insist that a dangerous surgical operation is necessary. Mr. H.E. Thompson, of Mllledgevillo, Qa., writes: "A bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck, which had to bo lanced and caused me much suffering. I was treated for a long while, but tho physicians wero un able to euro me, and my condition was as bad as when I began their treatmont. Many blood remedies wero used , but without effect. Somo one recommended S. S. 8., and I began to improve as soon as I had taken n few bottles'. Continuing the remedy, I was soon cured permanently. and havo never had a sign of the disease to return." Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD Is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinato, deep-seated blood diseases. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various so-called tonics, etc., ail sufferers from blood troubles can do promptly curod, Instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines tho constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and never fails to euro Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Khoumatfsm, Contagious Blood Poison, Bolls, Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc. Insist upon S. S 8. ; nothing can tako its place. Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Speclflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia. City Dray and Express Line. ROSS & R1FB. PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. '" Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADATS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES NO. 50 AND 52. israx:em3s :e,tj:m::b:er co, DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COAL Btiildiriij: material, to. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska PLATT &IFREES CO., Ghieago Immber Yard, RED OLOUD, Lumber, Lime, mmmmmimm TE1EPH0NE HO. 37 IS LOCATED IN THE CHIEF - OFFIGE and if you want any thing la tho lino of Job Work or Advertising, just call us up and let us know and we will attend to yoiirwauts. We would also consider It a favor if you would report news Hums to us by phono. a www www j rKOflEY IiOST I By hog dlseaso (oholora) saved by insuring your hogs are llnonsocl bv the Costs less and mora economically conducted than any othor company. Purely mutual. Your own neighbors adjust your loss. Every member has a voice- in tho management. A fine opening for goon aoknto. Write us at once for terms and territory. Farmers' Mutual Hog las. Association. kt A SfcAAHA Mkk Thero are dozens of remedios recommended for Scrofula, some of them no doubt being nblo to afford temporary rolicf, but S. S. S. Is absolutely tho only remedy which completely cures it. Scrofula is ono of tho most obstinate, deep-seated blcod diseases, and is beyond tho reach of tho ma ny so-called purifiers and tonics because some thing moro than n mere, tonlo fa renufred. 8. S. S. BBV'sVfBL. NEBRASKA. Goal and Cement. We J state, l'erfectlv safe and imiiti,i j jo new YrK Uf ButUtBg, Oauaa, JVk, A .kJMfc AAA A tAai d:nsaife5: u. Up ' i . &. ' r & Kj i