THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. AFFAIRS OF STATE EVENTS OF INTEREST TO AMERICAN PEOPLE. Timely Mention or the Unities or the Nn tloiml C'oncrrKt, Departmental and Hi rntlve Official Action, hiiiI Movements of Army nd Naty. Thursday, .Inly 7. Vrctddcnt and Mrs. McKinley left Washington on n special train' tit .'I 3 o'clock this afternoon for tin- Hotel Albnny, Lake Chnmplnlu, for u stay of severnl weeks. Secretary and Mrs. Alger left today for Thorndule, Pa., to spend a few days, when Mr. Alger will return and close np his official connection with the government. Tension commissioner Evans has an nounced a change In the personnel of board of pension examining surgeons at Lineo'n. The new hoard is as fol lows: Dis. N. d. Beachly, H. L. Hol yolco nnd II. .1. Winnctt. The United States government has assured the Italian government that It will take every possible step to punish the parties responsible for the lynch ing of Italians at Talnllu, La. It Is e-ild that five of the seven men hangod wcro Italian subjects. The war department has received the following from (icneral Brooke at Havana: Itenjaman Hcggcrmau, quar tennaster's employe, died 0th, nno- fi icxy. Mintuti'o; rucrto rrlnetne, Icnrv Johnson, siiililler. niiiti.inv K. Eighth cavalry, died 5d. yellow fever: William Goerick, private, company (, Fifteenth Infantry, died '.'.Id, yellow fever. Mr. Tower, the British charge, had nn interview today with Secretary Hay, presumably with inference to the Alaskan boundary modus, Noth ing lias been heard from Mr. Choate on this Mibject for sevenil days Mr. Tower is leaving for Ncwrort which will be the scat of the British embassy during the summer. Friday, July 28. The interior department has decided upon October IS next as the date of sale of the lands in the noith half of section IS, in the Cass lako tceorvc. This sale wab determined upon as the final bolutlon of the controversy over the Intruders upon the Indiuu lands of Cass lake. A naval vessel Is to be sent immedi ately to Santo Domingo. Secretary Hay has made the request that Secre tary Long take this action, and the Machias, now at San Juan, Porto Itlco, and only a day's run from San Domin go, will proceed at once to that island. This is a measure of precaution rather than one of necessity at the. present time, for Minister Powell has not suit Rested any such action to the govern ment. Still it is deemed well, in view of the press reports indicating the dis turbed condition of affairs. Saturday, July SO. Anna M. Mendenhall lias been trans ferred from the Santee Indian .school, Nebraska, to assistant matron of the Ft. Sill school, Oklahoma. Italy will be paid an indemnity for the lynching of three of the five Ital ians at Tallulah, La. The state de partment will lay down the principle once for all that an alien docs not be come n full fledged citi.en of the Unit ed states until citizenship papers have been formally issued to him. The de y partment will pursue the regular legal course for ascertaining the facts in connection with the lynching and thero will doubtless be considerable diplo matic correspondence between the two countries before the incident is closed. While there has been no direct de mand from Italy, the state department officials appreciate that there is no es cape from the payment of the indem nity. The attorney general has rendered opinions in three cases Involving ques tions of franchises and concessions in Porto Rico. In the case of Vincente Tand Jose Usera, the attorney general holds that they do not hold u complete nnd lawful concession to build a tram way from Ponce to Port Ponce, and that the secretary of war has no right to confirm such concession. The at torney general holds adversely on the application of Ramon Valdez y Cobian for a concession in the right to use the water power of the river Plata, In Porto Rico. In the cases of Frederick W. Weeks, for permission to const nut n wharf or pier at Ponce, the attorney general holds that to grant the peti tion is beyond the power of the sccre- inry of war. Qanday, duly SO. A Plnttsbnrg, N. Y., special says: Mrs. McKinley continues In health and spirits. The president gets out early for his regular morning walk. It is said that General Miles will ask Secretary Root for a speedy decision as to the relations existing bet wan the general commanding the army aiiu the secretary of war. He is now pre paring his side of the case, which will be submitted to the new secretary. JThc condition that has existed in the ' ftvar deDartmcnt since the camrmlrn in Porto Rico Is reviewed, showing that General Miles, while the major gen eral commanding the army, lias had little or no voice in the management of the affairs of the army, and it is stated that with the Incoming secre tary he hopes the present conditions will change. Monday, July 31, There arc thirty cases of what is be lieved to be yellow fever at the na tional soldiers' home at Hampton, and there were three deaths from the dls HaAc reported yesterday. A rigid quarantine has been established. Clarence F. Lambert has been ap pointed a substitute clerk in the post office at Kearney, Neb. A new postofflce has been established at Burnliam, Lancaster county, Neb,, Frank C. Hurnham as postmaster. Tlfe navy department lias arranged to Bend the Prairie to Europe some time during next winter. It will be used in connection with the American exhibit at the Paris exposition and vypy bo bo employed in conveying the nnval nnd other portions of the gov ernment exhibit to Paris. It is ponsi W that the Prairie will rtmaln on tho European station to servo as a nucleus of the squadron which is to be re-established there. Secretary Alger will today formally relinquish control of tho war depart ment to his successor, Mr. Ellhu Root. J. .1. Eagan, a wealthy sugar mer chant of Honolulu, Is In Washington. According to Mr. Kagan, cx-Commls-sary General Kagan of the United States Army, who is visiting Ills son In the Hawaiian Islands, expects to have his sentence of suspension revoked by President McKinley in a few week's nnd to return to the head of the com missary department. The senate republican finance com mittee, which has been in session for some time at Nnrrngansett Pier, II. I., has completed its wotk for the present, and adjourned to meet at the call of Chairman Aldrleh. Each member is to do some individual work along cer tain specific lines, and this to be sub mitted to the full committee when it meets again in the fall to complete y report. Ttii-Riluy, AuRiiNt 1. A dispatch from Manila says that the rebels yesterday attempted to re capture Calamba, but were easily re pulsed. One American was killed and six others wounded. The Filipino loss was heavy. The enlistment Saturday for the Philippines were 745, making a total of 7,5(17. Colonel Pcttlt's icgluient, the Thirty-first, has ,;i()0. just one short of the full quota. The next Is Colonel IIcII'h, the Twenty-seventh, with 1,170, and Colonel Gardiner's, tho Thirtieth, with 1,05(1. More volunteers are enroute to San Francisco from Manila, according to this dispatch from General Otis: Ma nila, July 30. Adjutant General, Washington: North Dakota, Wyo ming nnd Idahos on transport Grant ready to depart. Desire to delay un til tomorrow to receive monthly pay permitted. Otin. Theie is no longer any question about the existance of yello'w feer at the soldiers' home at 'Hampton, Va. The latest oflleial advices show a total of thirty-seven eases and seven deaths. Thus far the disease has been confined to the home, and ofllclals are taking every possible precaution to prevent itsspiead. Tlie disease is believed to have been communicated to tho home by an old soldier who had conns from Santiago, Cuba. General Otis' report to fhe war de partment of the elVorts of the Filipinos to i etake Calamba, chronicled in tho news dispatches, follows: Manila, July ."II. Adjutant General, Washing ton: Insurgents in considerable force appeared In the vicinity of Calamba yesterday. They were' punished and driven off by Hall. Our casualties one killed seven wounded. Captain Sampson, Sixth infantry, struck a rob ber band In Ncgros on the 28th Instant killing nineteen. No casualties. Wcdnemluy, August 3. The price of lumber Is to be ad vanced from 15 to 25 per cent. . Miss . T. Kent, teacher at the Cherokee Indian school, has been trans ferred to be the principal teacher at Genoa school, Nebraska. The report of tho commissioner of internal revenue, made public yester day, shows that the district of Nebras ka and North and South Dakota, con tributed 33,428,07!) to the support.of the government. The United States transport Senator arrived at San Francisco last night from Mnnila with her flag at half mast on account of the denth of Col. Alexi ander Hawkins, commander of the Tenth Pennsylvania, U.S.V. Mr. Ellhu Root took the oath of of fice as secretary of war at 10:45 yester day. The ceremony took place in the large office of the secretary of war in the presence of Secretaries (Sage and Hitchcock, Assistant Secretary Melkle iohn, a large number of army ofllccrs in uniform and other employes and of ficials. The oath was administered by Judge Cole of the supreme court of the District of Columbia. The war department has decided that the troops landed in San Frnncls co from the Philippines shall be mus tered out before leaving the coast, not withstanding the antagonism of their friends to such a course. This decis ion has been reached as the result of a telegram received from General Shaf fer. The work of mustering out the Nebraska and Utah volunteers will take at least three w eeks. JOHN BROWN RAIDERS. 4e-n Bo-las Dhlutsrrad at Harpar Farry to bo llurlsd Ifear too Old Mas. Washington, Aug. 2. Captain E, Hall and Dr. Thomas R, Featherston haugh, both of this eity, bavo return ed from Harper's Ferry, where they have been disinterring the bodies of 7 of John llrown's raiders. The bodies have been Bent to North Elba, N. Y., where they will be burled near tho gravo o'f their leader under whom they fought and died. Of tho other three raiders who were killed at Harper's Ferry the body of one, Watson lirown, was recovered and buried near John Brown's body in 1SS2. Whore tho other two aro no ono can tell. Ceremonies aro to bo held at John llrown's grave, and It is said that tho Rev. Joshua Young, who burled John Brown and sufferod social ostracism for it, will take part. Ho is now living in Groton, Mass. A monument is to be erected over tho graves at North Elba. Tho bodies recovered are those of Oliver Brown, Stewart Taylor, W. n. Leeman, W. M. Thompson, John IL Kagl and Dangorfleld New by. A fragment of the bearskin overcoat in which, according to tradition, Oliver Ifrown was burled, was found in ono of tho graves, and two lead pencils lropped from it when It was taken up. Feud Characters Join tha Arojy. London, Ky., Aug. 2. Robert and Carl Raker, two well known charac ters who have figured proralneutly in the Uoward-llakcr Clay county feud, have enlisted in tho Unltod States army. They loft horo lost night for Fort Thomas. Robort linker was placed in command of the troops un listed here, seventy In number, tsany of whom were Clay county boys. Deway Sails for Nspta Trieste, Aug. 2. The United States cruiser Olyinpia started for Naples at o'clock this afternoon. WIDE WORLD NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF VITAL IN TEREST. A Itrlef Summary of i:rnU In Which I'eople are Deeply Interested Short Bmtcnce Conveying n World of In formation to Our Itcuder. Thumduy, July IS 7. The peach crop of Pennsylvania Is reported a failuie. The peace conference hopes to con clude its labors by Saturday nest. At Hrandon, Miss., Stanley Hayes, h negio charge with rape, was lynched. Mrs. Ingcrsoll has consented to have the body of her distinguished husband cremated. Tho Roman Catholic reformatory ship Clareuco burned at Liverpool. All boys and the crew escaped. It Is reported thatGeneral.urlinder, former military governor of ParlN, will be removed from the supreme council of war. The danger of a race war at Pino Muff, Aik., has been aveited. The fellow responsible for inciting the blacks was made to leave tow n. The striking street car employes at Cleveland continue to riot. The pres ence of troops serves to keep a sembl ance of quiet, but It Is a hard task. The messenger boys' strike at Cin cinnati still continues, hut the strikers arc orderly. The newspapers have compromised with the newsboys. A combine of the bicycle manufac turers became efVective yesterday; 43 manufacturers, representing 530 plants, and a capitalization of $10,000,000 com poses the combine. Sheriff Grecves of Pike county, Ala bama, placed Albert Wright, one of the negroes accused of assaulting Mrs. Ogletrcc, nt It.ilubrldgc, Ga., In jail at Atlanta for safe keeping. General Ulysses Ueurcaux, president of the Dominican republic, was assi nated yesterday by Ramon Caceros at Moca, island of Mnrtiuquc. The re mains will probably be taken to Santo Domingo for burial. Donald and Robert Mathe.son, sons of Duncan Mnthcson, a prominent ranch owner, were drowned w bile bathing In Rig Sandy creek, near Matheson, Elbert county, 00 miles south of Colorado Springs. At Denmark, a hamlet south of lira 7ll, Ind., Charles Wolfangel bceauio violently insane and chopped his w Ifo nnd two daughters to death while they were sleeping. Ho then took a knife nnd cut his own throat. Senntor Stewart of Nevada proposes to offer a paragraph to be added to section 15, title 2, chapter 1, of the re vised statutes which will provide against vacant senate seats. If the legislature falls to elect by the third Tuesday after organization, then a plurality shall elect. Friday, July S8. Two hundred of the 500 messenger boys of Philadelphia have struck, bav in caught the fever from New York and Cincinnati. It is believed, from the details ob tainable of tho murder of President Ueurcaux of Santo Domingo, that politics was behind tho assassination of the president of the Dominicinn re public. The Transvaal rami lias referred the dynamite question to a commission of five members for examination in con junction with the government, with a view to finding a satisfactory settle ment. Aeronant Thayer of Niles, Michigan, fell 200 feet and was instantly killed at Streator, 111. He was to have been mnrricd to Miss Colvllle of Streator that night. Two thousand brick-makers of Chi cago struck yesterday, tying up forty brick yards. Should the strike con tinue long it will paralyse building operations. Adolph L. Luctgcrt, the wealthy Chicago sausage maker, who was aerv ing a life sentence in the .Toilet peni tentiary for the murder of his wife, was found dead In his cell. Haturday, July 2U, The strike of messenger boys at Cin cinnati has petered out.. Most of the strikers have applied for reinstate ment." I)y an explosion of gas at the colliery of Cox Brothers A Co. at Derringer, ten miles from Unzelton, Pa,, Morris Stough of Weston was killed and six other men seriously "burned. By tho assassination of President Ueurcaux of Santo Domingo, Cuba may lose General Gomez, as he aspires to the presidency of the black republic. Santo Domingo is Gomez's native land. Fnnnln county, located seventy-five miles north of Dallas, Texas, is in u state oi indignation over n terrible crime. A eleven-year-old white girl, the daughter of Alonzo Newton, was found hanging lifeless from a tree near the family home of her father. The child was left alone in the morning when her father went to Ills work. As soon as Mr. Newton discovered tho murder of his child he aroused the Heigborhood, and a search for tho mur derer was continued nil day, but with out success. The people are terribly aroused and a lynching, perhaps two of them, may be tho outcome. Sunday, July SO. The reorganize of the Baltimore A Ohio-Southwestern road have taken charge. The first bale of the 1800 Texan cot ton crop is to b? sold for the benefit of the flood aufferors. Twenty people wcro Injured in a wreck on tho Western Pennsylvania railroad at Heir's1 Station, a few miles above Allegheny City. Ten thousand men have been thrown out of employment nnd work was stop ped on 200 buildings in Chicago by tho strike of the brick-makers. Four men were crushed to denth, seven injured nnd a number slightly hnrt in the wreck of a construction train on the Midland railroad, in Han nis county, Nova Scotia. Howard R. Sanson, un emissary seeking minets at Iiarnwell, W. Vn., for Missouri and Indian Territory coal fields, was fatally stabbed. His assail ants are unknown. The danger point in the Cleveland strike has not been passed nnd tho troop nn ti be held. It Is expected that more then 50,000 men will be thrown out of employment by icasou of the Chicago brick-makers strike. The Colorado board of nrbitrnllcn will recommend an eight-hour day for the classes of labor formerly handled on twelve-hour shifts. At Ashland, Wis., a boating party consisting of W. C. Ott, and Mr. anil Miss Hoxuton, were drowned, their boat being caught in a gale and cap sized. The peace conference has closed its labors. Huron de Staal delivered the farewell address, thanking the repre sentatives of foreign states. He said the work accomplished, while not so complete as might bo desired, was slneei o, w Ise and practical. The great principles of the sovereignty and inter national solidarity, apparently so op posing, had been reconciled liy what they had accomplished, Mnnitn), Jul) 31. Cubans paraded Havana with ban ners bearing the inscrlittion. "Cuba Is and by light ought to be free." 'I he Cubans want Independence. In an accident on tho Erie road near Lack w oxen, N. Y., the engineer and fh cmnn of a passenger tialn were killed timl a number of passengers In jured. At Morning Velw, Ky., Austin Stevens killed his father-n-law. Hon. Kenjamiu Klnnell. Stevens blamed Flnnell for the trouble which caused him nnd his wife to separate. The jealousy and rage born by a quarrel caused Giovauna Gheuclli to shoot his wife and himself in their home in Chicago. The woman is dead and It Is not thought he can recover. London papers believe good will come of the peace confeience. Win. T. Stead, the London journalist, says the American delegation has been one of tho most useful elements In tho par liament. Santo Domingo, the black republic, Is in a state of ferment since the death of its president, Heurcnuv. An eaily out break Is expected, and friends of the government are kept under nrms. It is stated that Gomez, as president would suit nil elasses. Joseph the ten-year-old son of ("has. Ruello, has disappeared from his home in Houghton, Mich. His father is un der tho impression that the child has been stolen, and bus offered a reward of 8500 for his wifu return or informa tion leading to his recovery. Tursiliiy, August 1. Louis Pullerson and Michael Mc Donald wcro electrocuted ut Sing Sing yesterday. New York and San Francisco capi talists contemplate establishing a national bank nt Honolulu. Governor Chandler of Georgia has issued an appeal to the people of his state to join hands and put an end to mob violence. He says that it is hurt ing tlie good name of the state. Edwin Gould of New York, for many years considered me relentless and im placable enemy of the Diamond Match company of Chicago, lias gone into tlie combine, nnd was yesterday elected to tho directorate of the Diamond Match company. Dairymen of Illinois, whose herds have been examined and tuberculosis found among them, have served notice that they will not permit the cows to be killed unless tho stnte makes ar rangement to Indemnify them for their loss. The New York summer resort known as Tupper Lake, near Malonc, was al most wiped out by fire. Not a busi ness house Is left. Only the two hotels, the opera house and the Catholic church, nnd a fringe of tenement houses on the outskirts remain. The strike situation at Cleveland has not greatly changed. The boycott movement has reached a point where it is almost Impossible for anyone who rides on tlie Rig Consolidated cars to purchase the necessaries of life, the grocers and other tradesmen, especial ly those in the out-laying districts, be ing in sympathy with the strikers. Wednesday, August a. At Forest, Ala., Solomon Jones, a negro, was Hanged by a mob for at tempting to woman. assault a young white Mrs. E. 11 Croker of Sacramento. Cab, has conveyed as a gift to the local lodge of Elks a magnlflceut 800,000 mansion. tjcnerm i..uuiow, military governor oi iiavana province, lias sunnrcssed the scurrilous Cuban newspaper, EI Rcconcentrado. The yellow fever outbreak at the Hampton soldiers' home is held well in check. There are but three new eases, and only one death yesterday. The board of commissioners of Cook county, 111., have offered a reward of $500 for the capture nnd return of Dan Coghlln, wnnted In Chicago for jury bribing, A fast mall train on the Chicago & Northwestern lumped the track near Roone, Ia and four persons, the engi neer, fireman, and two postal clerks, were killed. Several passengers were injured. Tlie board of aldermen of Boston re fused to make an appropriation of a sum to be used in extending to Admiral Dewey the hospitality of the city. Tlie aldermen cxprcined themselves as op posed to undue' adulation. At Cleveland, O., the tho strike has been practically lost sight of In the popular excitement over the boycott. The Big Consolidated company ia run ning Its ears regularly but they are empty, while the Little Consolidated company's cars and the union busses are crowded tothelr utmest capacity, ST0ir$500,000, Arraat of Lawyar la Baalland on thi Charca of Kmbcsstasnsnt Glasgow, Aug. 9. George Colqu noun, a lawyer, has been arrested horo on the char go of embezzling funds belonging to his clients. Hit liabilities are said to be over 8500,000. Colquhoun was formerly city trcav urcr. Teary Rsllaf Htearutr Balls. St Johns, N. F., Aug. 2 Tho Peary relief ateamor Diana passed out tho straits of Hollo Isle on her way North last Tuesday., NEWS OF NEBRASKA CONDENSATION OF IMPOR TANT NEWS ITEMS. Short nnd t'lthy I'nraRrnphs Which Tell of What Hun Happened or Will Hap pen In Our Coiiiiiioinvealtli Tha Nans Urlelly Hiimniarlted. Tliurnility, July 37, Geoige Remold, a well known far mer residing northwest of Nebraska I'lty, while leading a horse, slipped nnd foil, dislocating his shoulder. Jessie Hoover, aged 14. was drowned it tlie exposition grounds in Omaha. She was wading Into tlie pool wheic the spectacular battle of Manila Is produced and got beyond her depth. The body was recovered. J. A. Haverly has made n formal de mand upon the Omaha eity council for E.I00, which he claims as lila salary as a foi einan of street repairs during a ninety-days leave of absence. Ho was a member of the last legislature. While engaged In wrecking an old house nt h20 South Tenth street, Oma ha, two men were badly injured by tho Mile of the house falling over on thuin. Matt Knoden escaped with his side, hack nnd shoulder badly bruised, wliilo J. 1'. Forbes had Ills left leg broken. The camp at the presidio at San Fran cisco is ready for the First Nebraska. The tents are up and the stores aro on hand. The wholo military department will unite In honoring the Nebraska boys. A parade will be had and the eitlcns will give the regiment a ban quet. Governor Poynler arrrved yes terday. The plans of It. W. Grant of Lincoln for n hospital building and an in dustrial school, both to be built nt tho Heat rice institute forthofcrbhnnlnded j outh, have been accepted. The eost of the hospital building is not to ex ceed 810,500, and the appropriation for the school building Is 8(1,(10'). Mr. I'ltgerald of Hastings has not yet received any Information tending to solve the mystery of his wife's dis appearance. Dining the past week ho has made a thorough search for her In Dcmor, Cheyenne, Mauitou, and other cities In tho west, but has found no trace of her. Pictures of the woman hnve been sent all over the country. Tlie Royal Oaks company of Omaha, a fraternal insurance company, has withdrawn Its application for a license filed with Auditor Cornell, The com pany was refused a license by Insur ance Commissioner Rrynnt and appli cation was then made through tho au ditor. New papers will bu mndo out and Commissioner llryant will endeav or to protect the policy holders If their plan Of llolllff hllKllll'SU nuiuU Utu va. quircments of tho law. State Engineer Wilson of the irrign Hon department yesterday Issued his opinion in tdic matter of the protest of the Seymour Canal and Power com pany ngainst the Fremont Canal and Power company. The companies are rivals in the matter of furnishing pow er to Omaha concerns, and the Seymour compnny wanted the Fremont company restr.vlned from storing water from the Platte during the period of mini mum flow. The engineer's decision was in favor of the Fremont company, and granted It the use of the water of the Platte subject to certain regulations which are set forth In the opinion. Hunday, July .'10. At Hastings Mike Brltt was placed nnder8500 bonds to keep tho peace, having threatened to kill his wife. Ho could not furnish ball und was locked up. The Hancock steamed into San Fran cisco harbor at 10:30 Saturday night and came to anchor off tho wharf not far from the quarantine station. The quarantine und customs house inspec n in ii 1 i n..i. ji. nun vm uihu iiiuce iiuincuiiiieiy luicr uayiigut nununy. until tnat tune no person will be allowed to board or leave the ship and no news can bo learned. The revenue cutter is patrol ling the harbor near tho transport. The untimely arrival of the Hancock with the Nebraska regiment and two battalions of the Utah artillery, com pletely destroyed all the arrangements which had been made for a royal re ception and an enthusiastic welcome to the fighting volunteers, returning crowned with their laurels. The Hancock dropped anchor in the stream shortly before midnight Satur day night. The committecss from Ne braska and Utah lind given up nil Idea of the vessel's arrival earlier than Sun day morning, and had prepared to bo up at dawn to meet the expected ship. Several Nebrnskans and Utuhitcs vis ited the side of the ship. Colonel H. B. Mulfordof the Nebras ka, who Is in command, soon nppearcd at the railing. By his side stood Wil liam Graybon of company D, the senti nel of the Nebraska regiment who fired the first shot in answer to shots from the Filipinos which started the war with tho insurgents. lie killed the first Filipino who died from an American bullet, and it wan the first shot'which was the signal for tho ad vance of the entire American line, and the great rout of the rebel army on the night of the 4th of February. Edwip Landes, a clerk In nn Qruaha cigar store, was prevented from com mitting suicide by poisoning himself beeaucfl.thc police got onto what ho was ;rripg to. do. Landes has neither money npr friends. Policeman Stump of Falls City is still alire. The bullet bus not yet been located, but tho puss cavity has been opened and complete dralnngo is now established through tho wound, which will help to Improve tho condi tion of the patient. Tlie man captured at Humboldt will be taken to Fulls City and presented to Stump for identification. niomlny, July ,11, It Is now believed that nothing short of martial law will secure quiet at Cleveland, Hnstlngs is to vote on n to issue bonds to erect llgt plant. proposition an okrtrio John Hurst was arrested at boldt. It Is believed ho is tho who shot Policeman Stump nt Hum party Kali City. At Nebraska City a chimney fell on some workmen below, severely injur ing George Rnsmusscn und bndly bruis ing one of John Bennett's feet. Gus Mottllu of Wayne wns Just start ing home the other uvenlug when hlrt team ran nway and upset tho buggy, throwing him out on his head und fracturing his skull. The buggy wan demolished nndono horse received nbad cut by running Into a sleklo of a mow ing machine. .Mr. Mottllu was Ukcii to the home of his mother and In critical condition. At South Omaha John Shanahan, n saloonkeeper, shot and killed Ed Joyce nnd mortally wounded Ed Calla han, Shuuahan claims the shooting was done in self-defense. Tlie men were spending the night in his resort and had become riotous. Ho was re moved to the county jail for safe keep ing as it was femed he would bo lynched. The assistant postmaster general had directed the postmaster nt Lincoln to deliver mall, nddressctl simply to tho Insurance department mid bearing no name, to Auditor Cornell as long ua the auditor retains tho insurance di pnrtuient records in his olllco. TliU decision is duo to tho fact that tho Lin coln postmaster delivered to eauh In surance olllcer tho mall bearing bin name, but has been holding all mall addressed to the insurance department and bearing no distinguishing mark, TiichiIu), Augtiftt 1. The kissing bug has Invaded Fre mont and nil the pretty damsela now stay ul home evenings. Elk Creek has lifted tho quarantine It established n month or so ago against Table Rock on uccouut of tho small pox. Burglars mado nn ineffectual at tempt to crack the safe of tlie Wilcox postollice. Not succeeding In this, the swiped the 810 In the money draw er and departed. The new Methodist church at Teka- inali was dedicated Sunday, the serv ices being participated In by all tho pastors of the city. Money enough was raised to give the new edifice to tqo society free of ull incumbrance. N. G. Chilberg, traveling salesman for the Union Pacific Coal company, says that in a recent trip over Nebras ka he paid particular attention to tho corn crop und is fully convlmvd tlwk it will be the biggest crop Nebraska has yielded in years. i Tho .threshing engine of Horaco Johnson -went through u bridge at Saltlllo, in the south pnrt of Lancaster county, and was wrecked. Engineer Doody nnd Flrcmnn Tate oscaped by jumping, but both wero bruised. Tho loss will be about 8300. Samuel Smith, a well known pioneer of Blockwood precinct In n Itch cock county, died by poison, Mr. Smith was mixing Paris green for extermi nating grasshoppers and had a largo quantity. A physician was summoned, but Mr. Smith was dead before ho arrived. He wus about fifty years old and single. John Hurst, the fellow arrested ab Humboldt on suspicion of bolng tho fellow who shot Policeman Stump, wua taken to Falls City, but haB not yet been identified. Hurst's home is near Corning, Mo. It has been learned that his whereabouts and actions at tho time of the shooting and afterwards have been such as to cause tho convic tion to settle upon him as tho guilty ono. , Wednesday, A a gnat 9, Anton Bastnr, nn old and highly re spected citizen of wahoo, committed suicide while laboring under a fit of temporary, insanity, Tho community was greatly shocked at tho tragedy. Hall Frawpton, n Nebraska City col ored man, while in a state of intoxi cation, proceeded to drive his wife and child from homo with a revolver, no was arrested and fined (en dollars and costs. He will lay out tho flno in jail. The work of repairing tho state houso is nlmost completed. The legislature appropriated 810,000 in response to a request of the fctqto. ofilqcrs for 8ri0,000 for repairs. The repairs bavo mado the building look almost 111(0 a new rupture Warden John Hopkins has taken charge of the penitentiary. Warden Lcidigh will remove to Nebraska City to cugugo in business. Chris Frohn, tho bookkeeper of tho prison, also stepped out, und will remove to Chicago. Deputy ynrdcn Welch will remain for the present Mrs. Vincent Rotter and her young1 cjiild wore badly burned yesterday aft ernoon at Havelock. It was stated that there was no accounting for tho accident unless It resulted from a gaso line atove explosion. Mrs. Rotter's condition is regarded as serious and the child's chances of living aro not bright. The roost disastrous runaway la Fremont for yuars ooournxl clus 1st. Jnmcn CeJ7,an, an fgpft jrardner, won struck by a frightened team going at full speed aud knocked! down, tho tongue of -the wagon striking him on the side of the head with awfuj force. There is no hope for his recovery. rut I-fl Mora to Work. CjKnnyvALB, Kan., Au(fs' ,8.Th Edgar zinc works, located here-,' start ed their second furnaco yesterday, giving employment to about 133 men. A'jout 1,000 tons of oro can lie treat? V pnthly by this concern. J VI I.. Vi Ml VI .. " m u i S'