THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FKIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1809. "Woman's Work is Never Done tt flic constAnt catc CAuses sleeplessness, toss of Appetite, extreme nervousness. And that tired feeling. But a ivonderful change comes when Mood's SArsapAtillA Is tAhen. It gives pure, rich blood, good Appetite, steady nerves. fflccifo SwiAatxVi'dh THE CHIEF runusntn Br v. i.. momillan. Out jer ... ........ " JJJ 8U months , .1....... 50 PUIILIBIIKI) KVEHY FHIDAY Knterod t the pott oOlce at Itdl Cloud. ocoiidclMims.ll nutter. ADVKHTIMINO ItATKfe! Local advertising t cents per line per lustie. Local Advertising fur enteitnliimsnli, con rtrts, social, etc., given ly clnirc)ic, clmtllnble societies, etc., whero, nil moneys raised llietc from aro used wholly for church or charltnlile societies, tlrst ten llticii free ami nil over ten Hues 2V4 cents per lino per Issue. Local advertising of entertainments, concerts, recitals, etc., whero per cent Is ghen to to rooters, o cents per line per Issue. TlfHPf.Ar AllVCItTtSlNtl. Ono column per month 2' Onolistf column per month ............ .. H w Onofoiirtli column per month 1 .5 acneritl display advortlsltiK 'i cents per Inch per Issue. ilnstle throng " In speaking of the np piurnuce of the regiment In. cays: "It win no straggling hutlj of diseased and abused men, hut showed up t-omoany after company of splendid specimens of manhood from the prattle &tate, walking with lit pi stud elastic stop through tin city that wns doing them no uitiL'h honor, Mini with apparent pride of the i-ouutry for which they hud o liitely boon offering freely their life's blood." Hood's I)o not crlpe nor Irritate the alimen tary They net gently yet promptly, clonnio ertlt timlly and Givo Comfort Sold by nil druggists. 25 cents. Central Committee Muting. Notico Is lieroby given that there will be a mooting of the Republican county central comiuittoo held nt the olllco of J. R. Mercer In the city of Ucil Cloud on Wednesday, August Oth, at 2 p.m. for tho purpose of fixing dato for hold ing county coavoutlou and such other business as may cotuo before tho moot ing. C. H. Chunk, Chalrmnu. L. II. Foht, Secretary. Tito uumborof "I want to bo " is steadily increasing and the north half of tho county has not been hoard from nsynt. Tho Webster county republican cen tral commltteo moots next Wednesday, and tho several committeemen should not forgot to hand In their caucus calls before leaving town. Tho gonoral public do not boliovo that Admiral Dowoy used tho language attributed to him In un Interview that wns cabled to this country and widely published. Even if ho thought our next war would bo with Gormany ho has too much souse to publicly say so. A few short years ago our populist orators woro llrm In their belief that a pttbllo olllco was a public trust, and now every pop convention is btwy en dorsing resolutions against trusts, hut wo have not m yut heard of a populist convention which refused to nominate candidates for this trust. Everybody is trying to tind out how much if any truth there is to tho report that Secretary of War Hoot iutonded to Inaugurate a general shako-up of tho much-criticised bureaucratic meth ods of tho war department and to in troduce a more modem system. Mr. Root has the nrt of saying nothing down to perfection, and ho Is practic ing it. Secretary Root has tho reputa tion of boiug ablo to got at tho bottom of things as quick as tho noxt man, and It will not bo surprising if ho tlnds many weak spots in his experiences with tho department business in tho next two weeks. When Gov. l'oyntcr arrived at Sun Francisco ho lot no time in an nouncing that he had come to giro the First Nebraska a royal reception, und that lie hud come the whole distance alone. He secured a tug and brass baud and established a regular self laudation bureau from which a number of gushing articles appeared simultane ously in the city pupcis. Among tho selected flipping olTored tho 'Frhco press was a lengthy one from Albion to tho Chicago Record, lauding l'oyn ter as u statesman. Tho sentences were rounded out very similar to thoso in nn Albion paper run by a brother of tho governor. Tlio schomo worked satisfactorily for a brief period until the 'Frisco papers look a tumble to tho fact that they woro being worked for tho bouollt of n popocralic political scheme and tho Chronicle camo out declaring against making the home- coining of tho troops a popocratie jubilee. This had a sudden cITect on press advertising and tho admit ntlou bureau ceased working overtime. Of courso our governor mado a denial but tho nuwspapors men had too free access to tho telegtaph lines and soon got right to tho bottom of tho whole plan, and the "political reception" schomo arranged by tho fuslonists caused a great deal of laughter in tho old town. It turned out that while tho California pcoplo wero eagor to do honor to tho returning Nebraska veterans, thoy did not proposo to bo fooled into a demon stration that was to bo cntiroly for tho advertisement and glorltlcntion of a pop governor who wns "agin" the gov ernment,,. A Fabe WlthTMoral. It Is said that when tho bco tlrst started in business she had no stinger and was compelled to take all sorts of back talk from other Insects because sho wasn't ablo to holp herself. And the boo growing weary of this sort of busiuoss applied to Jubltorto let her Sour Corn Kill Them Fird V. Raynor, of Now Market, Iowa, who ha benn hero for several weeks harvesting a crop of wheat on his farm in Ash Rock township, lias discovered a method of disposing of chinch bugs, which U certainly worth thousands of dollars to tho farmers of every school district in tho state of Kansas. In n nutshell, he has found that green coi nstalks soured by mois ture will produce the same chinch bug cholera that Chancellor Snow pro duces at the stnto university by chemi cal processes, and if any farmer in this vicinity will visit Mr. Raynor's farm ho will find it practically demonstrated. He has given considerable thought to this subject for some time but did not give his conclusions a practical test unMl last week. The time to exterminate tho bugs is after tho wheat is cut, as at this time they go from tho wheat into tho corn. His plan is to cut down tho outside row of corn and leave it lying In small piles on tho ground. Tho bugs will go into these or arc already in them. In from three to live days the green corn stalks will sour and tho work of extermina tion commences. Tho soured corn pro duces a fungus growth on the bugs and In a very short time thoy aro dead, and have spread tho disease to their com rades as rapidly as diseased bugs from tho university laboratory do. Uo fol lowed this plan on his own corn Held a few days since, and now tho dead bugs aro lyicg in heaps all around tho Hold whilo not a loaf nor a stalk ot the staudlng corn is injured. Tho chinch bugs aro totally exterminated on his placo at tho cost of only ono row of corn next tho wheat Held. Norton, Kan., Courier. CHURCH SERVICES. follows: Subject CHIttSTIAN CIlUUCIl. Services each Lord's Day a Morning service at 10:30. "Mulachi." Hlblo school, 12m. Junior Christian Endeavor 3 p.m. Sol lor Christian Endeavor meets at 7 p.m. In the evening our nunual choir re cital Is to bo given. Afternoon sermon at the Tentiatit school house. A cordial Invitation U extended to all. L. A. Hussono, 1'itstor. MKTH0DI9T Services next Sunday as follows: Morning services at 10:30. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. Con ducted by D. H. SpanogU. .junior iienguo at 4 p.m. Senior League at 7 p.m. Evening service at 3.00. Subject, "The Up to-Dnte frcncliet'." Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing nt 8:00. Ladies Aid Society Friday afteruoou. All aro most cordially Invited to at tend. Jamks Mahk Dauby, Factor. UAl'TIST CHUUCII. Services uoxt Sunday as follows. Morning services at 10:80. Subject "A Glimpse of the Millenium." Sunday School at 11 :. V. F. West, superintendent. Young People's Union moots at 7 p.m. A. B. Sellars, leader, topic, "Drifting." Evening service at S p.m. Subject, "Ilymus That Have Moved tho Hearts of Men." Gonoral prayer meeting Wednesday ovouing at 8:00. All cordially invited. Seats free. Isaac W. Edson, Pastor. A SMALL SPOT MAY BE CANCER Tho greatest caro should bo given to any little sore, piuiplo or scratch which MOST VIOLENT GASES HAVE nnrinrn it cidot 10 nrvt MrrCHnLU HI nnol MO will develop Into Cancer of tho worst type. MERE PIMPLES. fimwm W:Mto RffiralaX VElEm fob A matter which hns given tho ad ministration a great deal of trouble and which threatened to cause more or less scnndnl before It. was disposed of appears to have been dispesed of by an opinion of thp attorney general, given at tho request of tho secretary of war, tlmt neither tho secretary of war or tho president has nny authority to grant perpetual concessions of a public nature, in Porto Rico. Tho attorney gonernl takes tho grputul that previous to tho treaty of peace with Spain tho privilege of granting such concessions was exclusively tlmt of tho Spanish crown, and that by tho treaty It passed to tho United States and cau now only bo disposed of by congress. There is some dissatisfaction among thoso who expected to got protltnblo concessions, because of this opinion, but it is very safo to say that It U not shared either by tho president or now secretary of war, both of whom are very glad to escape tho task of duckling who should havo the conci sstous sought for. ' Never In Its History, was tho city of San Francisco so stirred with patriot ism und enthusiasm nor did it evor witne8s such nn outpouring of people as Monday whon'tho First Nebraska marched down the gang-plank which had brought them back from the Phil ippines. Tho State Journal corres pondent in describing tho greotlng of tho regiment bays: "All along tho lino of march from tho ship to tho camp people jammed the streets and yelled themselves hoarse. Every whistle in the city was turned looso, 11 re-arms woro discharged und hardware stores ransacked for uolso making instru ments. Business was suspended and clorks nnd factory hands wero turned looso to swoll the noisy and cuthu- havo a double-acting rapid-thing sting er, saying that sho would surprise a fow ducks who had been in tho habit of guying Iter heretofore Then.Jubi tor, who had a stock of stingers on hand, brought out one and fastened it on tho bee, but at tho same time said: "My ambitious female, I will give you this stinger as you request, but I havo Hxed it so you can use it but once You can sod; it in your onomy in good shape but the act will cost you your life. Thus will you bo punished for your desire to gratify your spirit of ro Veuge." Tho bee, who was a honey bee, took tho stinger and went away sad. After sho had gone a fow min utes a bumblebee came sailing in aud presented a similar request to Jubltor. "All right," satd Jubltor, "hero's tho stock I havo on hand. Como iu aud pick out a jabber to suit yourself." Then tho bumblebee picked out a double-action patout-roversiblo stinger about tho length of a fork tine aud said ho would take that. Thou Jubltor fastened it onto tho bumblobeo and proceeded to glvo him the same sort of a tnlk ho had givon tho honey bco. Tho bumblebee listened, saying not a word, but turning to Mercury who was stand ing by, he softly wibked his other eye. When the stinger was fastened on tho bumblebee started as if to lly tiway, but when Jubiter's back was turned tho bumblebee sulduuly lit oil tho back of tho boss jod's neck and said! "My noble mutter of thunder, unless you change that condition about this stinger business 1 will ram it into jour spinal cord up to the hilt, so help me." Then Jubiter, seoiug that tho bumblebee had It on him, said: "Well take your blamed old stitmor aud use it as much as you ploaso," Aud as the bumblebee winged his way to tho earth ho com tuuued with himself, sayiug: "Jubl tor supposed ho would work tn o as hu did tho honey beo, but I havo been iu politics long enough to get onto a fow curves myself." Thus it happens that while tho bonny beo uiiiat. uiu If it stings, tho bumblebee cau sock hU sockor iu und keep a-sockiug. Moral: The moral of this fable is that you can get mighty near what you want if ouly you know how to go After it. -Kansas Mail aud Breeze. Thcro is more catarrh in this section of tho country than all other diseases put together, and until tho last few years was supposed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it n local disuasc, and pie. scribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to euro with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Sci ence has proven cntairh ro bo a consti tutional disoaso, and thcroforo requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat arrh Curo, manufactured by F. J. Chouoy & Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional curo In tho market. It Is taken internally In doses from ten drops to a teaspnonf ul. It nets directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer one hundred dollars for nny caso it fails to curo. Scud for circulars aud tcstimoiials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7uc. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. CONOREGATIONAL. Regular services next Sunday as lows: Sunday School at 11:45. Youug People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p m. Prayer and praise meeting Wednes day evening at 8. All cordially invited to attend theso services. Fuank W. Dean, Pastor. shows uo disposition to heal under ordin ary treatment ro one cau tell how soon these So runny people dlo from Cancer simnlv bo cause they do uot know just what tho disease ia; thoy naturally turn themselves over to tho doctors. . nnd are forced to submit to a cruel and dnnu.eroua operation the only troatment which tho doctors know for Cancer. Tho.diseaoo promptly returns, however, and is oven more violent and destructive than, before. Cancor is a deadly poison in tho blood, nnd nn operation, jilasW, or other external treatment can havo no effect whatever upon It. The cUroTfanat como from within the last vestige of poison must be eradicated. ', v 1 Mr. Wm Walpole. of Wnlshtown, S. D., Bays: .'fe v little blotch about tho size of a pea came .undgr mf lef oyo. gradually growing larger, from which shootine pains at intervals ran in all directions I became greatly nlariried and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced ft- Cancer, and advised that it bo cut out, but this I could not con bent to. I read in my local paper of a curo effected by S S. S.. and decided to try It. It acted liko n charm, the , Cancer becoming at first irritated, nnd then dlsclinrginK S very freely. This gradually grew less and then discon tinued altogether, leaving a small scan which soon drop ped off. nntl now only n healthy little scar remains whore what threatened to destroy my life onco held full sway." rosmveiy the ouiy curo tor uaucor is awm a spooitio S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD because it is tho only remedy which can go docp enough to reach tho root of tho diseaao and force It out of the system permanently. A surgical operation doea not reach the blood tho real seat of the disease- because the blood can not be cut away. Insist upon S. S. S.; nothing can take its place. S. S. S. cures also any case of Scrofula, Eczoma. Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Ulcers, Sores, or any oilier form of blood diaease. Valuable books on Cancer nnd Blood Diseases will bo mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta. Georgia. City Dray and Express Line, ROSS & HIFB, PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADATS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES NO. 50 AND 52. TRADBRS XUMBIOR CO, Champion Shot of the World. Miss An nio Oakley writes: "Myself unit many of the Buffalo Dill Wild West Co. have givon Allen's Foot-Ease, tho powder to shake into tho shoes, a most thorough trial, and it doos all if not more than you claim." It instantly takes the sting out of Corns and Bun ions. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain curo for swolleu, hot, aching, nervous or sweating feet. Sold by ull Druggists and Shoo Stores, 25c. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. m Hog Raisers. See. Insure your hogs against loss from disease iu Tho Farmers Mutual Hog In surance Association of Omaha. Plan mutual. Absolutely safo, costs less and more cquitablo than any other associa tion or company. Write or sen H. E. Pond, Supt. of Agoacies, Red Cloud, Nob. Olllco in Moon Block. Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hastings and family tako this opportunity to sincere ly thank tho tunny friends and neigh bors who kindly aud faithfully minis tered to thorn iu their rectnt distress and borcavement in tho illness nnd death of their baby Harold. Geo. E. Hastings. Mits, Amok Hastikus. - For Sale. One hundred aud sixty acres of un improved laud four mile; northwest oi Red Cloud, consisting of the west half nf llid nm-tliu-nst ntiiirter. nnd tin- nsr half of the northeast quarter, of sec tion fifteen, in township two north, range eleven west. Tho land is leased at present, but subject to sale. Price $2,500. For further iuformatiou apply to Mrs. Jamks Kiumvood, Fairfax, Missouri. Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persons desiring to teach in Webster county are held in the superintendent's office at Rod Cloud, the third Saturday in each mouth. Eva J. Case, Couuty Supt. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lots. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. DEALERS IN LUMBER and COA1. Kvtllcliiaji: material, Etc. Red Cloud, Nebraska PLATT & ?FREES CO., Ghieago kumber Yard, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. i SiiSS "TO THROW OO01) JtONKV AKTKU HAD will but increase my pain." If you htiVe thrown away moiioy for medicines that did not cure, now begin taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, the medicine that nover disappoint.'. It Cured Her Boy. wMmwmvfmmM TE1EPH0NE NO. 37 ! Exposition All Right. A number of prominent Nebraska aud I nva gentlemen wero appointed a committee to examine the exhibits, amusoments, grounds aud gonoral feat ures of tho Greater America Exposi tion. These gentlemen in thoir report declaro the exposition far boyoud thoir expectations in excellence. Thoy com mend it as in every way worthy of pub lic patronago from an educational as well as an entertainment standpoint. Thoy spoak very highly of Machinery hall, of the Manufacturing and Agri cultural buildings. Thoy mention the new mid novel things not soon before, showing thai the beautiful grounds aud buildings, the music, the art display, tho Indian congress, etc., nro uot tho onlT foautrcs to this truly inaguilicont exposition. Hood's. Pills curo sick headache, In digestion. m Card of Thanks. Wo desire to thank our many friends who so kindly assisted us during our into ueroauomont in tuo ueain ot our father, for their kind help and sympa thy. Mtt. and Mita. A. U, Kalkv. "DeWitt's Little Early Risers did mo more good than all blootl medicines and other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasnut, never gripe, thoy cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to action and givo you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain aud a healthy appetite. C. L. Cottiug. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the many friends who so kindly assisted us during tho late Illness and death of our wife and mother. J. F. Goodk and Family. Hamilton Clark, of Chauncoy. Ga.. says he suffered with itching piles twenty years bufore trying DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, two boxes of which completely cured him, Bowaro of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. C. L. Cottiug. Quickly curo constipation nnd robuild and invigorate thu entire system nev er ripo or nauseate DoWitt's Little Early Risers. O. L. Cottiug. ft V w .iirr "1: IS LOCATED IN THE When my son George was H, he was stricken with a ter rible nervous affliction. Phy sicians nor medicines helped him. He lost his speech, use of limbs and could hardly swal low food. Before he had fin ished a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine he could talk and eat well, and 5 bottles cured him Mr. Julia O'Connor, Fulton, Ky. 99 DR. MILES9 Restorative Nervine is sold by all dru-g'.s'.s on guarantee, first bottle benehts or money back. Book on heart and nerves sent free. Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, tnd. GfllEF - GfFIGE and if you want any thing iu the lino of Job Work or Advertising, justcallusup and lot us know and we will attoud to ynurlwauts. Wo would also consider it a favor if you would report news items to us by phone, fflONEY LOST I uy nog uiseaso ictiuiurai saved iy iuhtinntr your safo and kvi lldlfrf It'll ... . . i - - -- --r "--r .w are licensed by the statr. Perfectly safo and enuitnhln. Costs less ami more M-onoinlcally conducted than any other company. Purelv luttuiai. Your own neighbors adjust your ins. j-,very niemiipi hn i voice in tho manngomont. A fine opening for goon .thNT-t. Write us nt onco for tonm- anil territory. Farmers' Mutual Hog Ins. Association. . 7tn Scv Vu-': Lite Building, Omaha, Neb. M r J j' v , re