The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 04, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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A Possibility of the General's Scok-
Heurcaux's Place.
Soldier Would Probably Plonk to tha
Veteran' Standard II Ha tot
Hop of Muling Cub Tli Itland'
Annexation DUcntMd.
Washington, July VU. General
.Maximo Gomez, it Is believed hero,
may go to Santo Domingo, gather nn
army and fight for tho presidency of
tho black ropuhllc, loft vacant by tho
assassination of Ullsscs Hourcaux.
Some time ngo General Gomez Issued
a manifesto to tho Cuban nrmy, In
which he bade his soldiers good-by
nnd signified his Intention to return
to San Domingo, Ills native land As
Gomez's lovo for adventure and
fighting for what ho calls liberty
nro well known, It Is believed ho
will start for San Domingo nt once,
orgnnlzo an nrmy and endeavor to
fight his way to tho presidency.
Gomez is n good organizer, and those
who como in contact with him in
Cuba sny ho is one of tho best soldiers
in Cuba nnd ho has tho tenacity to
stick to a cause until it triumphs.
The old general knows ho will not bo
chosen president of Cuba, if that
island over has a president, and it is
bollovcd tho constitution of Cuba will
follow closoly that of tho United
States and provldo that only untlvo
Cubnns can bo elected to tho highest
ofllce. I
This bar will not confront General I
Gomez In San Domingo as he wn6 born '
Jn San Domingo and his family (.till
lives there. Although (Ionic has been
nbsont from San Domingo for a num- I
bcr of years, he still claims It us hU
homo, and this claim will undoubtedly
hold good.
Whilo liltlo is known of President .
Flgucrreo, few persons bcltevo he can
maintain peace, as tlicro nro pro
nounced signs of n revolution brew
ing. With a third candidate in the
field in tho person of Juan lsadorc
Jimlncz, it Is said this will not pro
mote tranquility, and judging from
the past history of General Gomez,
many believe ho will next ba heard of
as president of San Domtngo. It Is
thought a large number of Cubans
would follow General Gomez to San
Domingo and again tako up arms un
der his command.
New Youk, July 20. General Abe-
lardo A. Moseoso, an exiled leader of I
the Wbpral party of Santo Domingo,
now living in Now York, said last 1
night: "The death of President Heu-
reaux will, I think, surely be followed
by a long state of disorder and revo
lution. I want to omphaslzo this
prophecy that tho United States
will eventually be compelled to Inter
fere to establish peace in the Island,
just as this country did in Cuba.
There are now in this country Goncral
Torlbco Garcia and Edward Grullon,
who sharo my views. Wo think that '
the United States ought to tako an in
terest in our West Indian republic.
It will bo a great commercial ally. It
lies between Cuba and Porto Rico. It
must of necessity, I bollevo, ultimate
ly become attached to this country."
General Moicoso has been an exile
in New York for three yeara Ho op
posed tho late president politically
and had to floe to save his Ufa Presi
dent Grant arranged an annexation
treaty with Santo Domingo, but the
Senate defeated it.
Erwln York, secretary of the Santo
Domingo Improvement company,
which ojntrols the country's finances,
said yesterday: "Should the new ad
ministration attempt to repudiate' our
contracts we shall certainly, as Amor
can citizens, call upon the Washing
ton administration for protection. I
do not believe there will ba any revo
lution." The contract with tho Improvement
company was signed by President
Hourcaux in 1803. It gives to the
cgmpany the railroads and the right
to collect the customs. In return for
these concessions the company has as
sumed the national debt of the coun
try, which is principally hold in the
United States.
A tinea DUabled at lav
London. July 20. The Hrltlsh
steamer Europe, from New York for
London, passed the Lizard to-day and
reported that in latitude 50, longi
tude 10, she sighted tho North Oar
man Lloyd steamer L&hn. The Latin
bad stopped and signalled that her
engine was out of order, but was ex
pected to be set right soon nnd no as
sistance was required. The Lahc
aallod from Southampton for New
York Wednesday.
Hanged Four Megroet at One
Baltimore, Md., July 20. Upon
one scaffold, and simultaneously, four
negroes were banged in the Halt I more
city jail yard this morning. Three of
the men, Cornelius Gardner, John
'iajpers'and Charles James, were put
id death for an assaUlt. .Joseph liry
an, the fourth member of the quar
tette, billed Mary Peotc; negress
with whom he bad lived.
A Gunboat to Han Doiutuzo.
Washington, July 20. A naval ves
sel is to be sent immediately to San
Domingo. Secretary Hay has made
the request that Secretary Long take
thU tg'on end the Mnchlas now at
San Juan, Porto F.lco nnd only a day's
run from San Domingo, will proceed
at onea to that Island. This is a
meaiure of precaution rather than)
one of necessity at tho present time,
for Minister Powell has not suggested
any such action to the government.
RAISED TO $200,000,003,
The Southern I'aclflo Ilallrnad IncreaiM
It Capital Stock.
Saw FnASciflco, July 20. At n meet
ing of tho stockholders of tho South
orn Pacific company there was nn nf
flrmtttivo voto upon tho proposition to
lnrrcnso tho company's capital stock
from 8150,000,000 to 8200,000,000. At
tho mooting OO.noo shares wore repre
sented, more than tho necessary two
thirds. The decision to Increase tho
capital stock wns an approval of tho
nehemo for tho llual rcorgnnktitton of
tho Central l'nclflo nnd its consolida
tion with tho Southern Pacific. Tho
stockholders cf tho Central Pacific are
to surrender tholr stock Into tho
Southern I'aclflo treasury and thoy
will than receive an equal amount of
Southern Tactile stock, sliaro for
Tho Central l'nclflo stockholders
will receive as a bonus for tho ex
change a certain nmount of Southern
l'nclflo gold bonds, approximately
318,000,000. For Issuing tho latter,
tho Southern Pacific In turn gats bo
s'des Central I'aclflo common stock, a
820,000,001) Issue of tho latter com
pany's cumulative preferred stock.
This proforrcd stock Is a new issuo
which has bean sanctioned by tho for
mal voto of tho Central I'aclflo di
rectors. Tho Central Pacific directors
have also voted for the exchnngo of
stock between tho two corporations
as mentioned, nnd have approved of
tho 8l2ft.000.000 of now mortgagor for
tho Central Pacific. Theso mortgage
bonds have all been pledged by tho
Spcyor Dunking company, and are to
ho delivered to tho purchasers, most
OI WMO,n aro ,n kuropo, so soon as the
securities nro engraved and properly
signed in Now York.
the Murderer of Hanroaax Well Huuwu
I In Thl Country.
Nkw Yohk. July 20. Ramon
Cncercs, tho murderer of President
Hourcaux of San Domingo, la about
I 25 years old and is connected with
, ono of tho best nnd richest families of
I that republic. A considerable portion
of his llfo has been spent in tho
United States. He completed his
education nt tho Ronssalacr Poly
technic instituto at Troy, where- ho
Was graduated about four years ago.
While In Troy ho married Lilllo,
the adopted daughter of J. S. Hakes.
Mr. Ilakes died somo years ago and
his widow died soon utter her ndoptcd
'lallchtAr'M mflrrlnirn (n Pfir-AV-Ati All
' jf the property was loft to Mrs. Caco
res. Part of tho real estate, consist-
lnir af a block on Fulton ntront. Trn
was recently sold to cx-Unltcd States
Senator. Edward Murphy, Jr. Cacercs
converged all of his wife's property
into casn and thev enmo to Now
York and made their homo hero for
some timo. Cacercs often said that as
soon as tho opportunity offered he
would go to Sau Domingo and begin
a revolution. Ho started on his mis
sion a few weeks ago, leaving Mrs.
Caccres here. Thoso who knew
Cacores aro confident that ho laid his
plans well and had taken precautions
to insure his escape.
Ilia Surrender ol Hantlago Will 11a In
viutlgated by Coart-Martlal
MAnniD, July 80. Tho trial of Gen
eral Toral, General Daroja nnd others
for surrendering Santiago do Cuba
will begin Monday, boforo a supremo
court-martiaL It Is stated that Gen
eral Illanco, who was governor-gcnernl
of Cuba during the late war, has
signed a deposition that ho gave Gen
eral Toral permission to surrender all
the districts under his command with
the exception of Manzanlllo.
The defenso also relies upon a tele
gram from General Linares, General
Toral's predocessor, which was sent
after General Linares had been
wounded, appealing to the nation to
say if the troops at Santiago had not
maintained the honor of the army in
tact and adding: "If it is necessary
that a sacrifice be made and that
some one must assurao responsibility
fur tho events foreseen and foretold
In my dispatches I offer myself. In
'oyalty for the good of my country,
no matter what tho outcome, I will
assume tho responsibility of signing
tho surrender."
The Hedlcal Byitem ot Santiago to Da
Washington, July 20. There will
bo an investigation of the medical
system in tho Department of San
tiago. Reports received from that
quarter during the last few days in
dicate that thero is much complaint
at the treatment of the yellow
fever patients. Surgeon Goneral
Sternberg said yesterday that none of
the complaints had reached him, and
on tholr rocetpt he would ask General
Leonard Wood, who Is a member of
his corps and also commanding gen
eral of tho Department of Santiago,
tp conduct an investigation. The
.charges which are on the' way to
Washington aro specific, and allege
negligence on the part of the medical
ofllcers and nursea and a general fail
ure of the medical system.
TuberculoiU Ctttue Cattla From Many
Btata to Da Darrad.
Tcrr.KA, Kan, July JO, The states
live stock sanitary commission to-dsj
extended the quarantine agalust tu
berculosis to include all states cast of
tho Mississippi river, and Minnesota,
Iowa, Arkansas and Louisiana. This
quarantlnu extends to brooding and
dairy stock, Kansas rocelviug no feed
ers or meat stock from those statov
Dewey Quoted as Saying It Will Be
, With the Gerfaan Empire.
A "Dog-la-the-Maimer" Policy Aicrlbed
to the Kalaar Continental Alliance
to Attack KiiRland Pint and Tlien
Nitw Yoiuc, July 31. Tho New
York Herald prints a cablegram
from Trclste, Austrlu, this morning,
in which Admiral Dewey is quoted as
saying: '"Our next war will bo with
Germany." Tho dispatch follows:
"I had a conversation with Admiral
Dowoy on board tho Olympin yester
day. In reply to a remark suggesting
that Germany had Intended to inter
fere nt Manila the admiral said:
"Yes. Prlnco Henry of Prussia Is
n man of tho type of his brother, tho
Gorman emperor."
'And Admiral von Dledrlch?" I
"Ho was relieved from Manila In
accordance with an arrangement of
long standing, nnd becauso his ttme
was up, and not ns n concession mi do
in friendliness to tho American gov
ernment. "Germany's policy Is to prevent
other powers from obtaining what
she cannot acquire herself."
After wo had spoken of Samoa as
nn evidence of tho German policy, the
admlrnt Bald: "Wo need n largo and
thoroughly equipped navy that can
copo with nny other power on earth.
Eugland is our natural ally nt this
time, and differences such us thoso
about tho Venezuelan border nnd tho
fisheries question should not lntcrfero
with tho friendly understanding ex
isting between tho two nutlons.
"Our noxt war will be with Ger
many." London, July 31. Tho National Re
vlow, in an articlo discussing the
probability of nn allianco between
Franco nnd Germany against England
has reached the conclusion that such
a move Is within the bounds of prac
tical politics. Tho writer points out
that Germany's future expansion must
bo colonial and that Franco has sim
ilar interests. In this respect both
France and Germany nro somewhat
barred by England's widespread hold
ings. The common belief that Eng
land is tho enemy of every power with
colonial or maritime ambitions, ,tho
writer asserts, supplies both French
men and Gcrmnns with an argument
in support of the union.
Emperor William, is is argued, Is
acting upon the supposition that,
much as Franco dislikes Germany,
sho must dlsllko England more after
tho Fashoda incldeut Tho emperor
dreams of forming a coalition of cen
tral and western powers of the conti
nent, to bo used, firstly, against Eng
land: secondly, against tho United
States and, finally, against Russin,
though nt the beginning tho latter
power will be Included in the German
firm. Tho National Review writer
finds in theso dreams an explanation
of tho hitherto nlmost inexplicable
policy of tho German emperor to
wards the United States. Tho article
"The reason for Emperor William's
seeming desire to unnecessarily quar
rel with a state of such gigantic
strengtli is that he wished to assume
the position, of champion of Europe
against transmarine powers."
Tho article says further: "To the
continent, before 1898, tho United
States appeared a huge, drowsy mon
ster that spent Its energy in rare mo
monts of wakefulness in nibbling the
lion's tall. No ono objected much
to this, but when the hugo beast
shook itself and planted one paw upon
the Spanish West Indies and another
upon tho Philippines it became an
objcot of real terror to European
statesmen who did not know whom it
might next attack. The conditions
wero all tho more unnerving ns Eng
land refused to walk into tho trap
and turn her navy against the United
States. So tho events of 1808 only
served to bring the two trausraariuo
powers togolhcr."
St. PETEiisiiuno, July 31. The tend
ency manifested by Frauco towards
reapproaehmont with Germany is
causing great irritation nnd susponso
in Russia. Tho newspapers here ex
press In strong terms their great dis
satisfaction, and try to demonstrate
that Russia and France could not ad;
mlt Germany to tholr Intimacy with
out projudlco to themselves, as the
Franco-Russian allianco is based upon
projects diametrically opposed to the
alms of Germany,
A Darlington Paiaenger Train WrVcked.
MuunAY, Iowa, July M. Burling
ton passenger train No. 1, westbound,
was ditched here last night by a
switohlng crew pushing some freight
cars out on the main line. One of En
gineer Gouldln'a legs was broken and
Conductor Sllngtuff was seriously out
on the head. Only ono passenger,
Truman Swayne of Afton, was in
jured and he only slightly. The train
was dolayed six hours by the wreck,
Soad alliioarl OMoers for 3,000.
Mexico, Mo., July 31. William
Johnson, a 'negro from Ccnterville,
Tcnn., brought suit against Sheriff
Melson, Constable Mulr, Prosecuting
Attorney Rogors and City Marshal
Lane to-day for 85,000, for what ho
claims was false Imprisonment on a
chargo of highway robbery.
Mn McKloloy la Hotter.' '
Pi.ATTsnuna, N. Y July 31. -Mrs.
McKlnley passed a restful night and
continues to improve In health and
I-axlty of Director of New Jeney lltnlc
Which Wai Ilobbed of 8280,000.
New Yoiuc, July 31. In tho desk of
George M. Valentine, tho defaulting
cashier of tho Middlesex County bank
of Perth Amboy, N. J., thoro was
found yesterday evidence that, the
man had been habitually overdrawing
his account for largo sums with tho
knowledge of the bank officials.
Thomas Magulrc, tho receiver, found
In Valentino's desk a noto for 82;,00(i,
given by Valentino nnd unindorsed,
which wns charged up- to tho
young man's account as nn over
draft and duly recognized as
such by tho bank officials. This
young man, now serving a six years'
sentence in tho Trenton pcnltontlary,
having been convicted of robbing his
employers of S22S,0U0, remained in tho
employ of the bank a year and a half
nftcr this overdraft wus charged to
his account. Ho was at the timo re
ceiving 8'.,60 a year ns cashier.
Uriah 11 Watson, tho president of
the bank, when asked for an explana
tion of such n stato of affulrs, said
that ho did not remember that an
overdraft of that amount had been
mado. Ho said that a year and a
half ngo young Valentino had; consid
erably overdrawn his nccouut, but
that he understood his fathor would
make tho amounts good.
Tho Packing Company In berlout Tronbla
With tha Dnl.j.
Kansas Citv, Mo., July 31. Owing
to continued trouble with members of
somo of the local unions of tho Amal
gamated Association of Meat Cutters
and Huteher Workmon, tho entire
killing department at the Schwurzs
child & Sulzberger packing house
was closed nt J I o'clock this morn
ing. Ovor 600 men wero out of
work. This left COO men nt work
for tho remainder of tho day, but un
less tho leaders of tho meat cutters'
association will, at tho request of tho
company, tako radical action to com
pal the lay membors of tho unions to
ubldo by tho ngrcomonts, nono of tho
1,000 men on the pay roll of the plant
will bo allowed to return to work
Monday morning.
The situation looks serious for tho
unions, for unless the union leaders
can bundle tho workmen and forco
them to nbldo by their agreement, tho
company will refuse to further treat
with tho labor organizations, and will
employ non-union men.
Tha Crop In Kama and the North
Helped by Shower.
Toi'EKA, Kan., July 31. According
to tho weather bureau reports the
crop of the corn states has been great
ly helped by tho rainfall ot last night
und to-day and a tremendous yield is
now ussurcd in Kansas, Nebraska,
Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota and tho
Dakotas. The rainfall In these states
was heavy and continues. The rain
was general throughout Kansas.
Dodge City, Chanute, Wellington,
Wlnfleld, Wichita and Emporia report
good rains. On tho Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific the rain was general
over all the lines in Kansas and Ne
Sixteen Power Approve Arbitration
Tha Lint Setilon.
Tine nAQUE. July 3). The in
ternational peace conference met
for its final sitting to-day, when it
was announced that sixteen states
had signed the arbitration con
vention, seventeen the declaration pro
hibiting the throwing of projectiles
or explosives from balloons, sixteen
the declaration prohibiting the use of
asphyxiating gas, and fifteen the dec
laration prohibiting the uso of expan
slvo bullets.
Santo Domlngaa HevolutloDlita "Await
General Jltnlues'i Arrival.
Capk Haytikn, Uaytl, July 3).
Advises just received from the Do
minican frontier say that the insur
gents have cut tho tolegraph wires
in the neighborhood of Santiago do
los Caballeros and also near Moca.
The insurgents in the western part of
Santo Domingo await the arrival of
Don Juan Isldoro Jimlncz, under
whoso leadership they expect to at
tack Santiago.
Two Thouiand Miner Iave Wt Vir
giniaHotter Waget Expected.
Elkhohn, W. Va., July 31. Two
thousand miners left hero to-day for
Western coal fields to get "better
wages. Many mines here are com
pelled to close. The situation is be
coming alarming among operators,
owing to the rapid emigration.
Chicago Will Invite 4,000 Paymaster.
Chicago, July 31. Four thousand
postmasters of the United States will
be invited to attend tho federal build
ing corner stone exercises next Octo
ber; Drlgand and tha Silk Trade. Kono, July 3 1. Brigandage
and blackmailing have become so ram
pant in tho neighborhood of Canton
that silk merchants have been obliged
to notify foreign buyers that they
will probably bo unable to fulfill their
contracts, owing to the insecurity of
retf tinder a Train.
GinAitD, Kan., July 31. Thomas
Lake was killed here to-day by falling
under a freight train. He was 45
yeara old and leaves a wife and three
Word of TraUe for the Soldier Iloy, nnd
Kxpreaslon of Ilrgret for the Ded
LUtof Lonnm In the Vnrlona Com
panies of the Rrclment.
San Frnncisco went will over the
First Nebraska' volunteers ns they
marched from the transport Hancock
to the presidio. It would take several
columns of space to tell the details and
special events that hnppencd.
The people crowded about tho dock
entrance, set up a wild cheer that watt
passed In growing up and down the
densely packed lines ns the head of the
column and the first companies inarched
forth. The band played, but tho wel
come from thousands of throats
drowned the iiiutlc.
Mnny wept unconsciously -while a
thunderous refrain echoed untiringly,
"Welcome Nebraska, welcome home."
Arriving at the parade ground the
regiment wns formed in columns of
musses nnd Governor Poyntcr wel
comed the gallant boys in the follow
ing words:
"As the ofllclnl representative of the
great state of Nebraska, which wc all
so much love nnd within whose borders
arc our homes, I come to offer you this
greeting nnd to welcome you upon
your return to your native land. With
pride the people of Nebraska snw you
depart nnd their prayers and good
wishes went with you. With joy they
hall your return and award to you due
praise and honor for the splendid man
ner in which you have acquitted your
selves and ndded new luster to the al
ready bright name of Nebraska.
"When you entered the service of
our country no questions were asked
ns to either your religious or political
views. You went out pledged to do
your duty, nnd nil the people of Ne
braska lire proud of you today, since
upon no occasion did you ever fail in
line of duty. To them, during all
these long, weary months, 3011 have
been Nebraska boys, and returning
now you nro thought of and spoken of
ns Nebraska boys in whom all the
state feel n most pardonable pride,
nnd when you reach Nebraska you
will find prepared for you there such
a welcome ns will in some measure in
dicate to you the gladness with which
your home coining is hailed by nil the
people. You will find there, as when
you went away, every shade of relig
ious sentiment such as can be found in
every progressive country. You will
find, ns when you went away, politi
cal differences and parties contending
with the same enrncstut-ss for the
maintenance of party policies, which
have ever characterized Nebraska's in
telligent people, but upon one subject,
votaries of every creed und people of
every party stand together, with no
division of sentiment. They tire nil
proud of Nebraska's 'Fighting First.'
"The military arm of our govern
ment Is of entirely different character
from that of other nations. We do
not now, nor has It ever been our pol
icy to depend upon a standing urmy.
When need nrises for military equip
ment a ready response has always been
nnd always will be given, American
armies have always been irreslstnble
oecnuse they aro composed of men who
are themselves a part of that govern
ment they are cnlled upon to sustain.
As a nntion we take pride In the glori
ous deeds of our ancestors, the heroes
of '70. Of their own will they took up
arms in the cause of human liberty,
and having wrested from the mother
country by their bravery nnd sacrifice
the right to establish n government
nnd show to the world a new flog,
they laid down their arms and took up
the task of building that government
and of making that flag the standard
of power as it wus the emblem of free
dom. Again in 1812 our fathers left
the peaceful walks of citizenship and
taught England a proper respect for
the 1 ights of the young republic on
tho high seas.
"The mighty armies which engaged
in that awful struggle in '61- and 'l!i
on both sides were volunteer soldiers
and all Americans. No such conflict
had ever before been witnessed. The
conflict ended, the government of
Washington sustained, the eternal
principles of the Declaration of Inde
pendence made to npply to nil men
without distinction of color or condi
tion, our flag firmly established the
glorious emblem of liberty, those
great armies disbanded and took up
the peaceful pursuit of citizenship. All
history records no bravei" or grander
army cndurlug the hardships of camp
and field, nor Letter citizens returning
to the walks of private life. It has
ever been the. boast of our republic
that in times of war every citizen is a
soldier; in times of peace every soldier
is a citizen. Our government Is found
ed upon the intelligence of its people.
That intelligence is nowhere displayed
to better advantage than In our volun
teer army.
"Men of the the First Nebraska, you
have again demonstrated the fighting
qualities of the American volunteer.
Your state stands first in the ranks of
broad intelligence of all the sisterhood
of states, and no regiment outranks
you in hard service of all those who
answered the call of '08. Your deci
mated ranks testify to your faithful
discharge of your duty as soldiers,
and us the chief executive of your
state I say to you, Nebraska is proud
of her sons. While we extend to you
glad greetings upon your return to
your native land, with sorrow we miss
many who will never return to us
Y'oung lives full of promise have gone
out and for these we mourn. Rut they
will not be forgotten. When the spring
time comes, and our people gather to
strew flowers upon tho graves of the
dead heroes of '01 and '05, the young
heroes of 08 nnd '09 will bo remem
bered. The granite shaft und marble
column will be retired in their mem
ory, but the more fitting monument
will be in the henrts and memories of
their comrades nnd people.
"You will soon divest yourselves of
the livery of your country, which you
hnvc filled with such d'stinguiscd hon
or to your stntc, nnd take your places
with the great busy throng who are
building up her great public institu
tions mnd developing her resources.
Wc gladly welcome your assistance in
tills work. Nothing is so much in de
mnnd today us men, broad-minded men,
men of thought, men of notion, We
know that those who hnvo displayed
such loyalty nnd devotion to duty that
has cvercharactcrlzed the men of the
First Nebraska will show tho same de
votion nnd loyalty in the exercise of
"Again ns chief executive of our
great stntc, in behalf of all tho citizens
of our state, of every creed, both re
ligious and political, I extend to you
thanks nnd hearty appreciation for
your splendid bravery nnd tho distinc
tion you have brought to the state by
your constant nnd unwavering devo
tion to duty."'
At tho conclusion three terlfllc cheers
and a tiger were given, nnd the boyfj
marched to their enmp.
i.ushi:s or tiik kkoi.iiknt.
rifty-Nlun of the Flrt Nebraska nro
A list of the dead of the First Ne
braska regiment, taken from the mus
ter rolls In the ofllce of Adjutant Gen
eral Harry, shows that a total of fifty
nine Nebraska men have give up their
Colonel John M. Stotsenburg, April
'-'H, 180.l.
Company A.
Died of disease Private Earl It.
Wnmplcr, October 8, '08; Private George
F. Hansen, October 17, "08; Private F.
S. Glover, Dec. fl, '08.
Died of wounds Private George M.
Andrews; Feb. 17. '00; Private lulwnnl
D. Day, Feb. 17, '00.
Killed in notion Sergeant Walter A.
Poor, March 25, '00; Private Hilton F.
Lynde. March 30, '00; Private William
S. Orr, Match 30, '00.
Company II.
Died of disease Private John Black,
Sept. S, '08.
Killed In action Privntc Gustavc E.
Edlund, Feb. fi, '00; Privrtte Iloscoo
Young, Mnrch 7, '00; Quartermaster
Sergeant .Joseph S. Storeh, April 23, '00.
Died of disease Sergeant M. O,
Stearns, April 30. '00.
Compnny C.
Died of disease Sergeant George L.
Gcddcs, June 21, '08; Sergeant William
Evans, July 24, '08.
Drowned Privntc Frank Knouse,
Dec. 15, '08.
Died of wounds-ePrivatc Bruce E,
Macy, April 20, '09.
Company D.
Died of disease Private Hurry E.
Fisk, on or about June 27, '08.
Died of t wounds Private John S.
Alley, Feb. 24, '00; Private CH.Swartz,
April 24, '00.
Killed in action Private John J,
Boyle, Mureh 20, '00.
Com puny 17.
Killed ill action Private Wm. P.
Lewis, Aug. 2, ,08; Private Iloyul M.
Lawton, March 31, '09.
Died of disease Privates II. C Mn
her, Sep. 10, "08: Earl Ostcrhout, Oct,
28,' 08; Ira Griffin, Oct. 20, '08.
Company F.
Died of disease Private Iloraco
Folkner, Sept. 28. '08; Private Arthur
C. Sims, Oct. 23, '08; Corporal Walter
M. Uiley, April 0, '00.
Kiled in action Private William
Philpot, Feb. 5, 00.
Died of wounds Private Warren n.
Cook, Feb. 18, '00; Private A. It. Viek
ers, April 4, '00; Private II. C. Hoover,
May 5, '00.
Company a.
Died of disease Private Walter W.
Hogue, Sept. 1, '09.
Killed in tiction Private Guy C.
Walker, March 7, '09; Privato J. II.
Splvcy, May 4, '09.
Died of wounds Captain Lee Forby,
March 23, '00.
Company II.
Died of disease Privato Albert II.
Burd, October 11, 1808. Wagoner
George It. Smith. Mnrch 15, 1809.
Killed in action Sergeant Charles
Mellick, April 23, 1800.
Died of wounds Privnto W. O.
Kustonborder, April 24, 1899.
Company I.
Died of disease Private Alfred J.
Erismnn, October 23, 1808; Private
Frank Sceley, October 23, 1899; Pri
vate Louis D. Pnssmore, October 4,
1808. "
Killed in Action Edwin F. Pogler,
Fobtuary 5, 1809; Private Henry O,
McCurt, April 25, 1899.
Company K.
Died of disease Privato Theodore
Larson, October 3, 1808.
Killed in action Second Lieutenant
Lester E. Slsson, April 23, '99.
Coaipauy l
Died of disease Private Fred Tay
lor, Deeerabc'rlO, 1898; Private May
nard E. Sayles, April 20, 1899.
Died of wounds Private Ralph W.
Kells, February 5, 1890; Private Mar
tin O. Legg, April 20, 1899; Prlvute
Francis E. Hanson, April 27, 1800.
Killed in action Private Charles O.
Bttllengcr, February 5, 1809; Private
James H. Whitmorc, March 30, 1899.
Private W. O. BeUJJcn, May 4, 1800. '
Company M.
Killed In notion Prlvute Guy Liv
ingston, February 5, 1809.
Died of wouuds Privato Nat E,
Sims, March 28, 1809.
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