t K 'V r I? f I r t i T: W I. r VOLUME XXVII. REY CLOUD, XJSllllASJvA. AUUUST I, 1SJM), NU3IBEII 1 ioc goods 5c Remnants in 75c waists at CARPETS U.JA mMmimmmmsmmmsmmmmmmimm Not 10 or 15 Days But while the goods last. We put a special price on the goods and then sell the goods as advertised. New Goods for fall and winter to arrive in 15 days. In order to make room for them we inauguate the IBID SllffER GIiEfiHlUG SflliE, MUSLINS Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom bleached, 6ic per yard. Hope bleached at 5c per vard. A good yard wide bleached muslin at 4c per yard. Yard wide unbleached muslin at 3c per yard. Yard wide L. L. unbleached muslin at 4c per yard. Best yard wide L. L. unbleached Muslin 5c per yard. One bale remnants, regular 7c grade, at . 1-2C per yard. TRUNKS The balance of our line of trunks and satchels at one third off. S3.00 trunks for S2.00. $4.50 trunks for $3.00, etc. ' BABY BUGGIES Balance of our line of baby buggies at one-third off. $11.00 buggies for $7.35; $18.00 buggies for $12.00, etc. SUMMER DRESS GOODS One-half off. Remnants of Summer Dress Goods. Colored Piques, Dimities, Organdies, Lawns, Fancy Dimities, etc. All 20c goods ioc. 15c goods 7 i-2c. SHIRT WAISTS One-half off. Piques, lawns and percales, stock. $1.25 waists at 63c. $1.00 waists at 50c. 38c. 50c waists at 25c. MEN'S SUSPENDERS Regular 12 1-2, 15c and 20c. Your choice ioc. MEN'S SOCKS Extra values in men's socks at 5c per pair. UMBRELLAS Ali $1.10, $1.25 and $1,30 steel frame, silk covered umbrellas at 97c each. SHOES Only a few pairs left. Ladies and misses shoes at 50c and 75c. Men's shoes at $1.00 and $1.50. Lines that we have discontinued handling. Only one or two pairs of a style. MEN'S PANTS 100 pairs men's cottonade and jeans pants at one-third off. MEN'S OVERALLS. 25 pairs men's 50c overalls at 33c per pair. PRINTS One thousand yards prints at 10 yards for 25c. r ltteen thousand yards prints at 5c to 12 1-2C per yard. -3 to 5 yard remnants in ingrain carpets at half price. 15 to 18 yd .pieces of Moquettcs and Brussels 80c per yd made up. 'lanestr carpet at 52 1-2C per vard made tin. " We guarantee the fit of all carpets. MATTINGS Chinese and Japanese mattings. 15c mattings at ioc. 20c mattings at 14c. 25c mattings at 19c. CORSETS AND CORSET WAISTS Ferris Corset Waists. Children's waists at 50c each. H Summer corsets at 29c each. C-B corsets are the best made. A full line., NOTIONS Princess curling irons, large size, 25c. Capitol Safety Pins, extra quality, all sizes 5c per dozen. - Brass pins, full count, per paper, 5c. Iron pins at ic per paper. Cartoon hair pins, 100 pins, 4 sizes, 5c. Kid curlers, per dozen 5c. K White and fancy colors in finishing braid, 5c per bunch. ',-, White and smoked pearl buttons 5c per dozen. Lead pencils at 8c per dozen. Bone collar buttons at 5c per dozen. f v , GROCERIES 10 bars of Santa Claus soap, 25c. 1 ' ". 12 bars good laundry soap, 25c. 2 bars agate castile soap, 5c. 12 boxes, 200 count parlor matches, ioc. All package coffee, ioc per package. 4 pound package of Gold Dust washing powder, 15c. 2 large boxes Boraxine washing powder 5c. Standard Lemon or vanilla extract 4c per bottle. One gallon pail of syrup 35c. Horseshoe or Champion lye 5c per can. Clover Leaf baking powder, soda, spices and extracts are guaran teed pure. Money refunded if you are not satisfied with your purchase. QUEENSWARE -100 piece dinner set, Americn, filled in pattern, extra value, $9.65; two styles. 100 piece dinner set, English print, at $8.30. I ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN fflGTJBES. tK We pay the highest price for eggs. Same prices paid in either cash or trade. V I Miner Bros., Red Cloud, Nebr. LINE. John Ucauchamp la on tho sick list. Born to Mr. nncl Mrs. Will Edgorton of Wnlnut creek, a girl. There will bo a largo ncrcago of full wheat sown in Lino this fall. Good growing weather. Two and ono-balf inches of rain Friday uight. Miss Kmnia Hasklns is working for Mm. Ross, tho music teacher in Hed Cloud. L. A. Hasklns lost a lino young horso by its eating too much green corn ono day this week. A. II. Carpontor has taken tho ngoncy of tlio Farmers Mutual Hog Insuranro Company of Onmlm. Allan Carpenter bought n team of horses of Hay Iloyco for 11 considera tion of foity dollars. Rov. Con Hewitt of Walnut crook will piuach his farewell sermon Sunday, August 115th, at 11 a.m. Benjamin VanDyko camo very near getting drowned while mossing tho Canadian river in tho Indian Tenltory Tho Sunday school at I'onnv crook, District No. ill was largely attended last Sunday. J. W. Mclntyio Is super intendent. Rev. Ferguson of Highland, Kansas, was tho guest of William VanDyko ono day this week and reports tho prospect good for a corn crop. There is some talk of a rovival meet ing at Penney creek, District No. 8, to bo conducted by Rev. Horton tho evan gelist from Red Cloud. It'was a mistake "about Allan Car penter being a candidato for sheriff on the populist ticket. Ho says ho would not accept tho nomination. Roy. Horton of Red Cloud preached at Penny crtok, District No. 8, at 8:80 Sunday night. Ho had an attentlva congregation. His subject was "Ho pentance." Mr. Henry, another old settler pass ed away at tho homo of bin son Hub Henry, Tuesday, and was laid to rest in Mt. Hope cemetery. Rev. Robert (Joldsworth conducted tho funoral ser vices. Lightning struck tho house of James Kcaglo Friday night. It ran down tho stovo pipo, breaking tho stovn in pieces and doing a good deal of damage. Mr. and Mrs. Koaglo were shocked leaving them unconscious for somo timo. Ensign W. A. VanDyko of Clovoland, Ohio, writes that tho Salvation Army aro now giving an outing to ono thous and children, lacing them on u steamer to a park somo twelve milos away. Thoy will givo them a big day with two meals and plenty of amusement. STATE LINE. A fino rain fell hero Friday night. Pooplo busy harvesting nnd threshing. Miss Creaty Tolnnd will visit Miss Uortha Castor of Burr Oak this week. Sherman Fishburn is backsetting sod with tho intention of putting in wheat. Tho Friends of North Branch aro expecting a grand meeting this wook at their Biblical Institute. Iho hoavy wind last Friday night blew tho corn and millet down so badly that tho millet can scarcoly bo mowed. Miss Libbio Cravons and Mr. Emory Mills wcro married at tho homo of the brido's parents Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Tho happy couplo havo tho good wishes of tho wholo country. A party of young people gathered at tho homo of Miss Lucy Tolamf last Thursday evening and surprised hor wonderfully. Ico cream and cako wore served. Tho cvonlng was spent enjoyably by all. Miss Lucy's twen tieth birthday will bo a timo long to bo rememborcd by all tko company, Thoso who woro present report a good timo. The Best Remedy for Flux. Mr. John Maihias, a woll known stock dealer of Pulaski, Ivy., says; "After Buffering for over, u week with ilux, and my phj'bluian having failed to relieve me, I was advised to try Cham borluin's Colic Choleia nndDinirhoca Uomody, and havo the pleasuio of slat ing that tho half of ono bottlo cured we." For late bj U. E. Griee. M fTT W t'ffiWmJ "PI fi rffi ;X & vfto li--l-lJ3: ' ' m Y ami' 1 1 X1 v V "- " - VVl A V The bath can be made an exhilarating pleasure .by the use of Ivory Soap. It cleanses the pores of all impurities, leaving the skin soft, smooth, ruddy and healthy. Ivory Soap is made of pure vegetable oils. The lather Jorms readily and abundantly. IT FLOATS. cornnOHT I IV thc moctih f. oui-.ii 00. omomwti 'Mfcr NEBRASKA-KANSAS. District 00 has no teacher yet for their coming winter school. J. D. Parsons and family have gono to Riugold county, Iowa, on a visit. Bud Houchin lms dug a largo cistern for Ivans Amuck nnd it is almost full of water. A rain of 2 Indies Friday night in sures ono of tho largest crops over raised in this country. Chat ley Holmgrain has his buggy newly painted and is now looking for a girl to ride with him. Messrs. Parsons, Kivett and Co. havo finished the harvost and hung thoir binder on tho who fence. Tho Hon. Frank Amack wont to Mankato Thursday as a delcgato to tho republican county convention. Ivans Amack and Joo Taylor havo cut their bee-tieo and Joo .divided tho honoy so thnt Ivans wouldn't got stung. Wo understand that Bud Houchin has taken a contract to dig a founda tion for nn immonso worohouso down in Kansas which will tako until next fall to complete. A largo number of tho neighbors of J. J. Shipman went to his placo tho othor night to eat ico cream in honor of J. J's. birthday. All onjoyod tho occasion vory much. Ott Shipman was on his usual trip last Sunday, Ott says ho has a case on hand that Is hard to euro, and ho be Moves ho will havo to call on tho county judgo yet, beforo ho gets it eottled. Tho Modern Woodmen organized a lodgo at tho Branch Friday night with fifteen charter membors. Tho giat ran away with Charloy Smith and ho did not got homo until Saturday morning, Somk Otiikic Time, About ono month ago my child, which is llfteon months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gavo it such remedlos ns aro usually given in such cases, hulas nothirfg gavo relief, wo sent for a physician and it was under his euro for a wook. At this timo tho child had boon sick for about ton days and wus having about twenty livo opcraliqns of tho bowels every twelve hours, nnd wo wcro convinced thnt unless it soon obtained relief it would not live. ChnmberlalnM Colio, Cholera and Dianhocn Remedy was recommended, ami I decided to try it. I soon noticed a change for tho doner; by Its continued use n completo'eure was brought about and It is now per fectly healthy. C L. Boggs, Stump town, Gilmer Co., W. Va. FCr sale by W. E. tirice. GUIDE ROCK. 1.02 inches of rain Friday night. Everything is on tho up grndo hero Tho telephone men aro at work near town. Doputy Sheriff Burdlck was In town Thursday. 0. E. Vaughn is shelling in town with his now cylinder shellor. Tho Crow horso and Lapham horso uro to run hero Saturday. E. C. Christy is still unable to bo out on account of rheumatism. Tho Crow horse beat tho Bowron maro an this track Monday. Tho black maro from Kansas boat tho Crow horso here Monday, 1. B. Colvin expects somo eastern laud seekers fiom tho oast soon. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Vanco of Boavor creolc township, u son July 29th. G. M. Warner was stricken with par alysis whllo out mowing wcods last Thursday. Talk about prosperity I You should soo tho stock and grain coming into this market. Mrs. Mulford, sister of tho Watt brothers arrived from ArKansas Sun day ovoniug. Tho black maro known ns tho Collier maro and tho Lapham maro of Superior aro to run hero Saturday. Mrs. Forguson who has been yislting tho Watt brothers, started for hoc homo in Illinois Tuesday. Two shcllors aro to commonco shell ing lioro Monday, as all tho corn hero is to bo shelled as soou as possible. Died, on Monday morning July 01st at 4( o'clock, Goo. M. Warner. Tho ro mains woro shipped to Iown on tho 3. o'clock train Tuesday morning. Amidown. Tho Row W. B. Costloy, of Stock bridge, Ga., whllo attending to his pas toral duties at Ellenwnod, that stato, was attacked by cholera morbus. Ho 3ays: "By chance I happouod to got hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlauhoea Remedy, and I think it was tho means of saving my life. It loliovt'd me at oni'o." Forsala by H. E. Grico. 'I sufforoi) from piles for tivonty.livo yunrs, and after all so-called cures hail failed was permanently cured by ono boMof DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve," says Ell Hale, of Lumber City, Pa, Bo sine you got"DoWltt's." There uro in- luiiuua unu uittuuucsii cuuuioneitf, v. pro I:--, - - 3" .fen- 'i?. i,i (, 'HI ' &i fr--Tg& " Jhr. .M - tTas.1 .", t, U T -, U ".."...,