8 THE RED CLOUD OUT J5F, FRIDAY, JULY 28 1899. "Gould Not Ue on Left Side." I eB TJn ilTanfe- fi v. ( Xal 9 ruOu ill 9ulWfeL -fcWffj in Fof three years I suffered from heart disease. Could not lie 'on my left side, had dizzy spells, and at times my heart would skip beat. Physi cians and proprietary medi cines failed to do me any good, but three bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure made me a healthy man. J. J. Vandsrree, Cornell, III. DR. MILES' Heart Cure It old by all druggists, on gunranteo first bottle benefits or money back. Hook on heart tine nerves eont free. Dr, Mllot Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. Surgeon B. if M. R. R. Company, and V. S. tension Surgeon, City nnd country calls promptly nn. swcrotl tiny or night. C-KKICKOVEit lil.NDSKY'S Ml'.AT MAItKKT Niaiir calls at nvneu. Dr. E. A. Crkiguton, Honorary lirndimtc i: Silver Medalist Western University, Cnnniln. Cau.8 ANHwr.iir.ii Day and Nioiit. Orrrce Oven Cook's I'liAtiuAcr. J. 1 GOODE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALL CALLS ANSWERED l'KOMlTLY. Ofllco over Cutting's Drupj Soro. Kos idonco at J. C. Warner's property. J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Wiihool Plates' tonCKLAIN INLAY And all th j latest Improvement In dental raccli anltm I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS. Lock llox 23. Ouldc Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold ami exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TKItMS IU2ASONAHLE P. A. WELLS, RTTORNEY RT LKinZ. Olllcc in K. telM. batik bulldtnp; with 1), J. Myers. I'ltACTlCLS IN ALL STATU ANII UniTKI) States Couuts. OVERMAN if BLACKLEEOE HTTORNEYS - RT - U7XIM., Ottlce over fust Ottlce. HED CLOUD, ' NEUKASKA. JOHN At. CHAFFIN, KTTORNBY -RT- L.H3ni. Will oontliiue to pracllco In DMrlet. Supromo and Vctlcrnl Courts, Office Ovku Mizr.u's Stohk. Opkiia House Block. notary publio in offioe. R. D. BEDFORD. LAND, - INSURANCE, and COLLECTION AGKNT. Special nttontion given to property of nonresidents. W. M. WOLFE, BLACKSMITH. Agent for McCorniick machinery of all kinds and liiulger cultivators. HonsEsnoKiNa a Specialty. , 'ji. F-, COBLE, INSURANCE) OFFICE IN MOON W.OCK. Insurance written on, city and farm ,i property at lowest rates. WITJT;TIK1 IB.t Oougti Sjrup. 'iWei Good.' Ueo Kl In time. Bold by drugtcliu. IH WHERE HE FOUND HIS NAME Gentlemanly Dick, Ttui Driver, Who De fended the Fair ft. "Gontloinanly Dick he wai called," and tlio spcakor took hi plpo out of his mouth and glanced around the wnitlnff-room wltoro ho and two com ratios wcro silting watching for the night express with the hope of getting b few passongors for the hotels. Thoy wcro all ,bus-drlvors,young and hearty looking fellows. "Yoa," mused one of the mon, "1 know who ho is. I seen him ono day not long since. Uo had just resouod n poor, 'croppy' lookln' dog from some hoys and said he was goln' to take it homo to his gals. What was tho rea son of his boln' called 'Gentlemanly Dick?'" "Didn't you novorknow?" asked the first speakor. "Nopo. Lot's hear about It I'vo had some curiosity to know," and tho other two mon lit their pipes afresh and settlod themselves comfortably in expectation of tlio forthcoming inter esting narrative. "Well, you see, he ustcr drive for the Drown house. Drove their boat 'bus for eight years, und ho allur tlppod his hat to tho piissongors. Home of them he aeon so often ho got to know 'em, nnd they'd arty some pleas ant thing now and then to tyake a feller feel good. Ono night him and mo wos settln' round this here store, and there wos four follors come in. They sat down in that there corner," and tho speaker jcrkod his thumb to ward the spot indiaatod, "and begun to talk. I wos settln' hero nmoktn' and Dlok wos smokin' too. He wasn't sayln' much, but scorned to be doln' some deop thlnkln' ovcry llttlo whllo ho would run his lingers through his thin gray hair. "All of u sudden ono of them folleri let out a string of oaths as long as my arm," nnd tho speakor held out a good brawny spcclmon for lllustrutiou. "Dick didn't say nothlu', but he looked up sudden nnd scowled; then he puffed away on his plpo again. Final ly ono of them made a remark. Well, it wub pretty swoepln. 'Twas about women in gouornl, und thoro wasn't no getting round it. Itmado mo hot! Well, Mr, Dlok got right tip uud walked over io thorn. " 'Iloj'H,' ho soz, 'I'vo lived nearly felx ty years, and In tho samo space of time I've novor hoard so inuoli profonlty, rile talk and slander us I've heard from you follows to-night in twenty .min utes.' Then ho went ont T had a mother and a wife, Ood bless 'em, and I've got ono sister still lrvin', though I kaln't suon her for years, and It makes me shiver In my boots to hear tho way you speak. You aro all good lookln' chaps and soom woll dressed aud re spootuble. For tho sako of your moth ers, sweothoarts or wlvos, quit talking uoV. wickedness. I don't mean to be hnjmh. I only speak with the privilege whloh comes of old age.' "Them fellers, sir, if you'll boliore no, sat still and never spoko all the while that Dick was talkln'. Finally one feller who know Dlok the bly f eat one in the orowd, said, !u a hoarty nay: 'Thanks, old follow. I say, bova, ltree cheers for gentlemanly Dick.' and they were given with a hearty will, than one after another got up and laeakod out in the night Halloa, her lensa the express! Ilopa she's loaded tor tlUs here town," aud tho men 1 left. The utile waiting room whloa bad solved as a lecture room was vsv ant Chicago Tribune. HE TOOk THE SAMPLE. How a Clothier Lost Ills Favorite HampU Coat. "Thirty-dollar overcoats for tea tvas the way the advertisement rati In the windows hang some really hand lome articlos of clothing, whloh were luloulatcd to make tho passer-by be r rudgo the fifty dollars spent for an "ordor coat" before His blossln? of a ilolug out sule uamo in vlow. On the lubles wlthlu tho shop were piled coats ilnioit Inntjmorablc. On tho front table and on the top of the pllo was n coat which the pro jective custonVsT regarded with groat favor. It seemed to be a "thirty dol lar coat for ten dollars" In truth. It vraa tho first one ho ploked up on en teiing'tho store, lie put it on, but bo fore ho hud had tltno to see himself la it tho salesman had dragged It off with Mio remark, "That won't do at all," nnd olTerod him garmont of fadod Mue, which looked llko a five dollar out for ten dollars. Tho visitor asked for a coat similar to the ono first no ticed. "Sorry, but these aro brokon lots, wad we can't Just fit you In that," was she reply. "Now, what do you want (n this?" and another ohoap cout wa brought oxit The customer tried on several, and then came bunlc to Lin first lnv "T want to try that on again," he said. "Oh, that won't fit you at all," said the clerk, but ho helped the visitor to ton the coat, and the latter thought It Itted very welL Then tho discover was. made that It was already sold. The customer didn't see it ia that light, and in consequence a conference of olothlera was held iu the back part of the store. A man came forwatri. aad said: "There's a man in the baok room that wants that coat" "I want U too," said the oustoraer, "But It deean't fit you." "All It needs is to shorten the sloevea, and you say you do that for people.," "Well, we oan't do it on that coat We don't want you to take it We don't want such a looking thing to go out of our storo," said the proprietor. The customer persisted, however, and amid scowls and protests bore off his coat in triumph, lie. says he is used to decoys, and that it is danger oua for the doaler to throw In his way expensive samples not made to sell M. Y. Tribune. According to Preference. Customer flow much are tlioso two bonnets? Milliner -Whloh one doyou like beat! Customer Tho hellotropo one. Milliner That's forty dollars. Customer And the other? MlUlatr Tblrty.-Hall Deafnew Cannot Be Cured Uy local applications, as thoy cannot reach tho diseased portion of the car. Thoro is only ono way to euro tleaf no9 and Hint is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by nn Inllamcd condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube gots inllnmcd you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and wheu it is entirely closed deafness results and unless the inll.unniatlon can bo taken out and this tubo restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever. Nino casos out of ton nro caused by catarrh, which is uothiug but aninilamod coudltinnof tho mucous surface. Wo will give One lltintlted Dolluis for any easo of Deafness caused by catarrh tlmt cannot be cured by Hall's Oatan li Cure. Send foruirculais, frcu. F.J. Cheney & Co; Toledo, 0. Sold. by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills ure the best. e n Rates for Greater American Exposition. Hctliico rates to Omaha will apply from points on the Durliugtun Houto within SCO miles of that city during tho etitiro poriod of tho Greater America Exposition, which opens July 1 and closes October 31. There will be three different kind9 of tickets: Ton-Day Tickets, which will bo sold at 80 per cent of tloublo tho one-way rnto. Soven-Day Tickets, ruto for which will bo one faro for tho round trip plus fi per cent on sale Tuesday. "Weok-End" Tickets, which will bo on salo Saturday und Sunday trains duo in Omaha before 1.00 p. m. Ono faro for the round trip. J. Francis, Gener al Pnssegonr Agent, Omaha Nob. Persons troubled with diuirhoea will bo iutciested in the experience of Mr. W. M. Hush, clerk of Hotel Dorntueo Piovidcuco, It. I. Ho says: "For several yetus I have boon almost n constant oUlToror fiom dlairhoea, tho fnqucut attacks completely proslmtlng mu and rendering me unlit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chanibctinin'a Colic, Choleia aud Diarihoeu Remedy. Much to mysurpriso nnddolight its ollecls H'cio immediate. Whenever I folt symptoms of the disease I would fortify myself against tho attnek with a few doses of this valuable nineily. The result lias been very satisfactory nntl almost complete relief from tho nlllictiou." For salo by II. E. Grice. j m August 2 and 0 account Nebraska Epworlh Assembly. The Assembly management has arranged a program of ;rcniarkable interest a program extending over a poriod of ntno days and comprising much that is amusing nnd more that is instructive nnd edify ing. Many of tho best known lectur ers, philosophers, teachers, divines nnd temporanco workers in tho country will tako part. The Assembly will ho hold at Lincoln Park which is wonder fully woll adapted for such a purpose. Music by tho famous Hngenow Mili tary Rand and tho Kentucky Colonels Quattotto. DoWitl's Llttlo Early Risers expel from the system all poison accumula tion:), regulate the stomach, bouelsaud liver, aud purify tho blood. They drive away diseases' dissipate- melancholy ami give health and vigor for tho daily routine Do not gripu or 'sicken C. L. Coiling. Ilcnitty In Illooil IH-('i. Clean blood means n clean fikin. No beauty without it. Cascaretv, Candy Cathnr tic clean your blood and keen it clean, b Btirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, llegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilious complexion by takinR Cascarcts, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. e e $J0O, Dr. E. Detchon's Anti Dieuretic. Mnybt) worth toyoumoto tlmn tlui If jou lmo child who soils bedding from liicantun onco of water (luring Mccp. Cures old nnd young nllko, it nrrests the trotiblo at once. II. Sold by U. L. Cottlng, druggist. Itcd Cloud, Neb. n Relief in Six Hours. Dlttrcislnir klilnev and bladder dlknimpn ro. llorcd In tlx hours by "Now Urent South Amorl enn Kidney Cure tiro." it Is a great surprlto on no exceeding promptness In rollovlng count of Its palula blnddcr, kldueyF nnd back, In male or femttlo. ltollovcs retention of water almost Immediately. If you want nulck rcllot nnd euro this Is tho remedy. Hold by C. L. Cottlng, druggist, Ked Cloud, Neb. . How Are Tonr Kidneys t Dr. nobbs' Bparacns Pills cure all kldner ills. Ram pie free. Add.merUug Itemed? Co., Cblcsgo or N. V. . To Core Constipation Forever. Take Cascarcts Caudy Cathartic lOo or SSe. It C, O. O. fall to oure, druggists refund money. Itmtf with yon whether yon continue tbe ik rvijjnir Hiu.triiniDit.iiu.lll.llA1 nuu.c. ih acair. igr looaoco, w,m nlitn.rtfiu.i1lll..i. a.luil.nlniL Jt tine, purtrl.s the tilood, to-JJM I k. ljnQt. tore, loat menheod. -JrfTal ' HI aeRm 1,71. R.Z?.KLralJra7illldlMPM :-r,::si7- iyamv-a u a:csr.'" i u.-.ur book. 71 IV .W AlftTWtll.n.tlntlw.tiri.taHtl lnm SUB Kjeii coi.ai. utaeJIycureei aeoiM.ea.M, rBtedto cure, or we refund money. H MKSAAxliliiast B H Oft a box and learn why It's the H B l emu over put on tin ailo. M aMBW Hold uNorywbere. Undo by M V HTANIURIIOIL CO. B easera. Dont Do Tills Don't take in tcrnal medi- cinct before the llttlo ono comes. Thoy endanger tno health of both mother and babo. . MOTHER'S FmZNBt tho good and long-tried external liniment, will relievo tho early distress end the later pains bet ter than anything else in the world. Its good effects nro most marked not only before childbirth, but during tho ordeal Itsolf and afterward. Distress is over como by It pains lccened labor short enedand Ritbscqucnt dangers avoided. Sold by Drugplsis (or $1 a bottle. Seel for ear frM 111 '- i'M le'k en the -ifcjtt. THIBRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. WHEN HUNGRY EAT AT THE Star Bakery, ,U O. WILES, Prop. "Ilimvo nrcd yourvaluable OASCA ItKXS and Ilnd tlmin puifcct. Co'.d.i't do 7".r jut thrin I hate u-Hd them fori orrr tl- ic forlij.iii,j -.on and biliousness and em not; rrx ntctuly cursd. Itecommrml them, tooieiy cno. iiiiooirlrd von will never l wlthtitt t ki.i In t.to fuUitlj.'" L.uY. A. Minx Albany, If. V. CANDY CATHARTIC A Sf .. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Teste Good. Do Uood. Neor Hlckon. WeaKou, or Gripe. 10c.2jc.t0c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... gttrnmi a.ei.Sr f.pJf . Cttme. Hilrtil, T.rfc. ZXl MaTflaKAft bold and cuaranteod br all drug- I U'BAU (uu to OVKK Tobacco UabltT Write for the free booklet: "Merry Rhymes or TMrtty Timet." Hires Rootbeer time is here 1HE CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Maker of Hire Ctonilenicd Milk, BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnAoc Marks Designs COPVRIQHTS tc. Anrono sonrtlng n sketch nnd ilescrlntlon may utcklr nscortnln our nntnlon froo whetlicr nn qiilcklr nscortnln our opinion fro Invention H nrabnblr tintrutablo. Invention h prouawy imtoninDio. Lunimunlca. tlone strictly cnnililcntml. Handbook on Patents scntfrcn. Oldest nacnrv for sorurlnir nntvntn Patents taken tlirouuh Slunu ft Co. receive tpteiii nonce, witnoui cnnriso, in mc Scientific Jftitericati. A hnndenmolr lllnstratcd woekly. Largest rlr- pulatlnn of nnT eclontlrio lotirnal. Terms, f J a roar: fnurmonths.fi. Bold by nil newsdealers. MUNN&C0.30'DNeWTi llranch Office, GB K BU Wuhlnnton. II. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat- entbusineu conducted for moderate Fees, i OonOrnctiOfosiTi;U,8.PATCNTOrriciJ and vrecansecure patent in icu time than those! remote from WaiblnEton. i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-c ,Iam W mtvl If ntt.t.tA ryM nn, frA nit chirre. Our fee not duo till natent Is secured. A PAMPMltT, "itowiownts n raients,-Tfunr sent tree. A..-U 1, w. -. ...... -. w. . -.-. w- C.A.t A CO. m wrn rAiim uirie ui innuiuni aVe nan .. Ataeta IIIihiiisiii-jhsi t-i WflWVWVt W.V'1V ORDINANCE NO. 3J. An Ordinance HppruprlailiiK'' moneyh out of the several funds nnu rveUpts of the City of ited Cloud. Nebraska, for pio use or fnld rtty. Holt ordained by tho nixyor nnd council of the City of lied Claud, ifebroska. Tliat tho following mounts bonndtlio same nro hereby appropriated out of tho sceral funds and receipts accruuic to tho city of lied Cloud, as herein designate, for the specific purposes heroin moiutoncd Kr tho tlscnl year beginning on the first Tucsdsf In May, 18W, to wit: Out of General Fund for oUlclal salaries, 1000; for street commissioner and police, IJOO.OO; for hall rent, tiou.uo; for Incldontal expenses. MOO. Out of Wator Horn! Fuud, forlnlcrest on water bonds, tiuu.00. Out of Klcctrlo Light llond Fund, for Interest on electric light bonds, Kioo. Out of Wator Levy Fund for water engineer, WHU.00; for repairs to wator works 1CQOO, Out of Occupation fund, for repairs on streets, MO0.U); for Incidental expenses on streets, KM), Out of Water Fund, for coal, tiooi for repairs and ronow ills. K100. This ordlunnco to be lu full force aud clfcct on nml after Its passage and publication accord lug to law, J. 8. Wiiitb, Mayor, Attest :-J, B. Kxsi.xn,CUy Clerk, . ... .-v t;jy 111 fm tJI thaoi MAnn nessirnui t iiiiy.Bif2iITIldaV' jjTOJjra TlMI7WKTwrj1,,jllljJa.llaSM OPENS AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JULY 1st, CLOSES OCTOBER 31st, mmniNo new bxceft Will Eclipse Last Year. -. ww.mv...m M(. ..... I DUI1.U1.1U3 SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY. l'HUlKllrOK. DEA. ER IN Wines, Liquors, California randies. ALWAYS ON TAP. brai-riil1 fbr dl'Lufir KumtUh tut. vtona ttrana in ltea ana uc-fj tacui ia . . -r .-.-." . - .': - ."i bout. tftle4 with bio: rlttmo. Tabn oethri Jttfuit danatrou luKattttm tiontandtmitation. Ai DruffrliraLartMrnA . lo lUnr for rirtteolaji, loitlnao&taUt aoS "lUUcf for TmMMinteu$rt bjrttnrn r inaite iu,uu iwimnquii, a tint faptr af!nthintaiflfiaea-nlfail(naVf atitt.A IBM LociUliTuijuiw- rillLADA.. IA Chimney brick, Cistern brick, AND Foundation Brick. Ludlow Bros, Skin Diseases. For the speedy nnd permanent cure of i , .' ?""' 'eum nna eczema, c:nm- be,lLa,n!.8 E' "nd SklH Ointment is without an eqnal. It relieves tho itch ing and smarting almoot instantly and its continued ueo effects a permanont cure. It nleo cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cody's Condition Powders for andvennifugo. Price, 25 cents. Soldby r-"ir! rr-VKrtn" ParnaiMtlyCiritf aw aV lair.lrrPreentsibe n. kune's heat I W ERyE RESTORER IWUre etre wa Vmu DIimw, Uu, 0rr. YMuaa4n, niw'CwM. h.rtmnpNfnoue.w wEenrucclTM Hco4 to Or. kilo. LU.Wl.Toif InitltbU .f rJlcltic.93l Arch Pt . Ptp l-lr.t,la, .. PARKER'S n HAIR OALSAM piesnwi anj tnuiir.c. the htlr. l'roinotr. laiurl.nl grooth. Never Fslle to Keitoro Ory Hair to its Youthful Color Cure, tralp iliw.cj a- hiir f.lluir. aOe.andaiWse lMijgl.t, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Stato of Nebraska, I Webster County, f In tho matter of tho cstatcgof N'uls SorgerBou. dcccaK'd. jff' Notice Is hereby glverulo all persons having claims and ilemnndr nfalust Ncls horgerson, ato of epster pouiij-.deccascd. that tho time fixed for lllliift claliJ-galnit said cMatolsslx months from tho Udiluy of August, loW. All Mich persons arere'Jarlrcd to present their claims ullhiliovoticlierHto tho County Judge of Bald roitnty, at his olllco therein, on or beforo tho 12th day of rcbrunry, liwo. nnd all claims so Hied will be hoard beforo the said Judge on tho 13th day of February, WOO, nt 10 o'clock a.m. ... ... James flurry, County Judge. Dated this 15th day of July. Jfcvj. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Stato of Nebraska, I Webster County, fB8 In the District Court mu i-icurnsKH i.uuu una 1 rusiuo. I'lalntltr. v. ,- r ",-- "- W"-;.H i.i.n;. list Co. IntllT. 'helps, I b. VS Nelson l'helps, Kmcllno Phelp Ills wife. Jhitipb M. Tins. ltoss. bU wlfo. first namo un.f PENNV510VAL pills I7V. OrlflnnlandOntjOenntne. tV.KTN e.rc. -Jw.r. r.llxi l.d,i ..t M SkBi V m ' J 1 Hi aWawSaWawi aWmrfivVBpl EBv&nkV- 'awBi known, II, W. Gulllford, first) full namo unknown, GulllY ford, his wife, first namo un-V known, Alfred McCall, oalem O. I l'Btttton, Ckarles II. Uutton, and I William M. Lowman. trustees, Defendants. NOTIOK OF SUIT. The above named defendants Jamea M. Hoss, -ltoss. his wife, first jiamo unknown, and each of them are hereby notified that tho above named plaintiff has filed In tho above named court Its petlttou against them and tbe other defendants tiamod .Jtbovot that tho object and prayer of 'saldlpeJltlon of tho plaintiff are to fprecloso a moMgAgo bearing date the 1st dav of November, 18 executed by tho above namod defendants NeUon I'holns nud Kmelino I'hclps, (his wife) to tho plaintiff, on the following real csuite sltuato In tho county of Webster nud fctato of Nebraska towit: Tho west half (W) of !,BO,1.""Te,it.,,URr,cf.iof cctlon thirteen (18) In township ono (1) north, of range twelvo (12), west of tho Sixth (6th) F M. Tho said defendants James M. ltoss and Hobs his wife, first namo unknown, are further notified that thoy, nnd each of them, aro re iiulred to uppear nnd answer said petition of plaintiff, on or beforo Monday, tho 28thdnvof August. 1899. or sald'peUtlon o plaintiff will bo taken as true, and n decree will bo rendered against them, the said defendants and tbe other defendants namod herein, decreeing that tho said mortgages bo. foreclosed: that all tho above described real estate shall bo appraised, advertised and sold at publlo auction by tho sheriff of said Wobster county, to make and raUothesum of llBLoOdtie to plaintiff on Ita said mortgage, together with Interest on said sum at tho rate of ten per cent from the 1st day of Juno. 1899. and tho costs of this suit and such salo; and said decreo will further provldotbat you, tho said defendants, aud tbe other defend antB named herein and each of you, shall bo forovcr barred and foreclosed of all equity of redemption nnd other Interest In and to said real estate and ovcry part tlicreof. i, , , Nkuiuska Loan and Tust Co., Uy John M. IUoan, Plaintiff. . Its Counsel. lllliiiim........ IIIUUIIBff SfTTCnVYvfSK. SPECIAL FEATURES! CrOfkW Pceplel Bird, Afrinulf... 1 Pw4ad$, Homci i Paki'inreworlul Art Exhibit, Mc chanlcal Exhlb lb, The Midway, Godfrey's British I8QQ. V..MV MMrf . iTiiuiaiy udiiu.... : Military Band. Uilll AND Western Edition American Agrlculturlit. ny special nrranft-cment with tho rmbllshprf, vie nro enabled lo offer TnE Orange Jl-dd Finn- . xr, tho lending1 agricultural weekly of tho I Western nud Mississippi Valley States, In club w It h this paper, nt nn exceedingly low figure. Tim Oiunok Juno FAnutrt Is remarkable for the variety nnd interest or its content, and Is un doubtodly tho best and moat practical paper of lta kind. ITS FARM such as Lire lltllnrl n.lrv. lug, Horticulture, .Poultry, Market Gar dening, and other topics, written by practi cal nnd succesnful farmers, supplemented with Illustration! by ablo artists, combine to m'ko It Inrnlunblo to those who" fnrm It f or a 11 1 Ing." The latest Market and Cora merclnl Aarlcultnre are features In which Tub OaAMoc Jl-dd Fabmir Is unexcelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES; gSc SlT'TaelilonsTSncjtrorkTTlin Good Cook. Puziln Contests, Library Corner, and onne Folks' rap;" combine to make this Department of as tnuchvaluo and Inter est as most of tbe Special Family Papers. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events All sending thnlr subscriptions .Immediately, under our clubbing offer, nro presented, post- riald, with tho AuemcAV AnnicfLTt-msT Year look nnd Alnmnno for lt9. This great book of C00 pages Is n Cyclopedia of Progress nnd Events of tho World, n Ouldo to Market, Marketing, and Trices. It Is a treasury of Statistics, revised to date, for Farm or Home, nnd Olllco or Factory. A Itefer enco Work oil Every Subject rertnlntnr- ta Agri culture, Industry, Commerce, nnd Markets ; Pub lic Affairs, Economics, nnd 1'olltlcs ; Household Education, llullglon, nnd Bocletv. It Is nlso an Alinnnnn of Calendars, tho Weather, Astro nomlcal Data, Hints for Each Month, Dates, etc. C2TA SAMPLE COPY ?;Vf,9' magnzinn fonn, will bo innlled to yon by address ing TIIK OKANOK JUKI) J'AItMKU, Mar quette Dulldlng, Chicago, 111. Our SPECIAL Offer: KND The Oliief ONE YEKR FOR $1.25. Hambletonian Wilkes, MEMBRINO CHIEF. THE SHANDAItn BKKD STALLION Habert Cyrtl, 30379, Foaled In 180(1, llrown horse, will bo 10 hands antl weigh over 1200 pounds when matured. Will make the seuson at the STAR Livery Barn, Red Cloud, Neb. I'or tcima nddress Chas. . Besse. TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y HED OLOUD, NEBIi. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and appoints cast and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL'I LAKE O'Y PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISCO and all pointt west. trains leavb as roLLows: 18. rnssenger dally for Obcrlln nnrl H, Pran.l.hMti.li.. r, No, 1UIU. iiuwuu points west. ford. McCook, Denver and all .. 7:55 am No, 14. Tassenger dally for St. Joe, n.uu.iB (-li), Aicnison. si. Louis, Lincoln via Wymoro and all points cost and south 1 :00 a.m. 15. Passenger, dally. Denver, all points iu Colorado. Utah and No. California 8:30n.m. No. 10. Passenger, dally for St. Joo, Kansas City, Atchison, St. south L.OU1S anri an points east and Nn. 144. Areommnrtntfnn rfTmTVCr'AV.1. .10:20 a.m. Sunday, Hastings. Grand Is- laud, lilack Hills nnd all , ... point' In tho northwest i :oop.m. No. 113. Accommodation, dally oxcept Sunday, Obcrlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via lie Publlcnn....M.12:son m No. CL Freight, dally, Wymoro and Junctiounolnts v.. uuu mm iiiLermi-iiiain M tAntAkK Tnrr YEAR BOOK ritEE UND ALMANAC ?nL HB9 HshvsbH s!snW IB . 18:45 p.m. " No, 63. Freight, dally for Hepubfican ilIU,UAIUUDUUIII pOlUlS west .............,..10i30a m No. 80. Freight, daily except Sunday .. forwyiaore and all point east 7:00a.m. No. 873. Freight dally to Oxford aud Intermediate points ... i -ao p.ra Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair raw. (seats freo) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggago checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, tlmo tables, maps or tickets Tflll On nr mnnmmm A (ahaa. ,. . -r-a S25?a- b.ri.oriu?rKcU. aen pw a fi .vg a Jjr-I jr h ipt .&;-- - a- - - "mm)iwwsemmK, inMnw -iWWsBIfcaSJSriWr I