wMlMi Tfw."-iM tivab TBLB RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY '23, 1899. i h ii i . I! K ; , . i H rt ku b W , I h i . "Good Beginnings JUafte Good Endings You Ate making a good beginning when you commence to Uke Hood's SArsapArillA for Any rouble of your blood, stomach, kidneys or liver. Persistently taken, this great medicine twit IHng you the good end' tng of perfect health, strength and vigor. MhctCS SaAJafiaU THE CHIEF ruMtmiii) nr w. l. momillan. Oat ycor It 00 Six month! i SO I'UHUSUKI) BVEIIY KIltDAY Entered nt the pout offlro nt Hcd Claud, Neb.M lecornl cImi mull matter. AHVKHTISINO HATES: Locnl mlTcrtlnliiR ft " '" ," I'cr l"o. I.ocnl AilvcrtlnltiR for ctitertalnmtmt, con ccrtH, njcIhU, etc., given liy clnircliCR, clinrltnbto doclctlo, etc., whero All inonc)i railed there from nro ueil wholly for clmrch or ttmrltnlilo Koclctlcs, flmtlou linen free and nil over ten line 3!t ccntu per lino tcr Imiic. Load ndTcrtlsIng of entertainments, concert, rocltalu, etc, whero per cent l Riven to pro inotera, 5 rcnto per line por Imiii nirruT Aiivr.iiTiiNt. One colinnti per month - -... J" i Onu hnlf I'oliinin pcrtnuiilli 5' One fourth column per month 1 3 General illnplay ndvcrtUlnit &'i conta per Inch per Imiio. Central Committee Meeting. Notice It hereby Riven that there will bo a meeting of tho Republican county central committee hold ut the olllco ol J. R. Mercer In tho city of Rod Clotttl on W'ctltiosilay, August tub, tit 'i p.m. for the purpose of llxlnn ilnto for hold lng county convention nuil such olhor business ns nuiy come before the meet ing. CJ. It. CitoNK, Chairman. L. IF. Four, Secretary. Cutiitiiiiriiin. Where hits tho silver republicans gone? i i The republican central commlttrc meets on August Dili. Don't fot cut the tlntc. Tito prospects of a republican victory in Webster county woro iucreaseil about ono hundred per cnt by the rain last Wednesday. " " An exchange lomarks that young ladies should be more careful of the "kissing buggy" than of the "kissing bug," on moonlight nights, m As yot no candidates have formally nnuouucul a desire to occupy public positions for tho next two yeais. Very nlriwiRQ nUiU n( uttniiu tlti. ---- If time counts for much, the cxpla nation ex Governor Holcomb is pre paring for the investigating committee surely ought to bo satisfactory. "Coin" Harvey is going to raise n campaign fund with promises to pay. Promisos aro all right but it ii safe to say that Mr. Harvey's share will come out of the cash subscriptions. Tho oriuio for which tivo Siciliuus were lynched in Louisiana last Friday was a most atrocious ono, but neither tho sta',0 nor national government will bb ablo to offer that fact in oxcuso or mitigation of mob'law when tho Italian government demands an oxplauation and Indemnity. "What do you think my chances aro for Hheritlthis fall?" remarked ono of our citlzons to another within our hearing. Now, had the gentleman asked us such a quostioi wo could have auswered him very quickly by re peating a bible story wo oneo heard about the camel Hying to go through tho eye of a needlo. i a 1th reported In the London news papers that the crow of tho Olympia adoro Admiral Dowcy, and tho fact is commeuted upon as if it were strange. If tho Loudouors aro still iu this mood -when tho admiral strikes those shores ' thoy will have a chauco to comment upon a strauger thing. It will amnze thorn to Hud that tho crow of tho Olympia, iu a modest and unassuming way, represent the sentiment of their countrymen. It is foolish to go wild on the pros peotivo corn harvest Just yet wait a mouth or six wooks. Whllo it is true that prospects were uover better at this tlmo of year, it is also into that our prospects could ho knocked sky high in just about ono week. Just keep cool, bo conservative, work, don't allow prospocts to soar the balloon loo high. Don't spond any of tho money received from tho corn Held that is going to yield ono hundred bushols to tho aoro. Tho investigating committee which is looking into tho acts of state ofllcers, mado an attempt to intorriow Secro tai y of State Porter Monday. Tho seo rotary would not go to tho commltteo bo the committee went to him, He was cornet ed in his olllco and having no chance toiflee, could not very well es cape answorlng questions, When the commltteo asked bitu to produco tho tally sheets of tho recount commission ho said that owing to his being away at tho tlmo tho recount was completed ho did not know whero thoy woro. Tho secretary of stato wns then asked if h had viewed thu lieots lately, and said if he had hn would not let the commlt teo see them, for it was Ills duty to keep them out of sight, and while he didn't know whether ho knew where tho papers were, ho was quite suro that whether ho know or didn't know it would bo all tho same as far ns tho commltteo was concerned. O An o.xehango sternly 'rebukes tho nervous populists who fear that Col. Hryan Is making so much money lec turing for half the gate repelpts thnt he may soon become it plutocrat as fol lows; "Ho may bo making and laying up a good deal of money, but It is not iu nature thnt lie should becomo a plu tocrat, no matter how full his strong boxos grow. A plutocrat Is a rich man who doesn't believe In 10 to 1. Any other fellow enii boas licit as Im do sires without hurting Ills professional standing ns a populist or democrat." (iossip lias it that the president with tho assistance of Generals Miles and Corbln, Is going to personally direct military matters in tho Philippines, leaving Secrotarj Uoot a free hand to ha n die tho important semi-iogal mat ters which aro constantly coming up In consequents of our military gov ernment of Cuba and Porto Rico. This may or may not bo true, but any plan depoiiding upon tho harmonious work ing togother of Miles and Corbln starts witlt failure staring it in tho fnce. Of course if the president orders General Miles to Join General Corbin in confer- once with him in- will have to do it, but tho Hphit wsth which ho would en tor such conferences might bo easily guessed. Admiral Dowoy having cabled his ap approval of the plans submitted to him through tho courtesy of Secretary Long of tho Washington commltteo of one hundred for his reception at Washing ton and tho presentation to him of tho sword voted to him by congress, the cummitteo arc working to makn tho event a notable one, ami everybody seems disposed to help them. No exact date can bo set for tho reception yet, but inasmuch as this reception is to bo a 8 jmioillclal affair, participated iu by tho piesldcnt and his cabinet, ami all the prominent public men who happen to bo iu Washington at tho time, a strong 'effort will bo mado to get tho admiral to cumo direct to Wash ington without stopping at Now York and let tho Washington reception bo tho tifot ho receives iu this country. While fishing in tho Platto at Fro inont tho other.'day.a llshoriiian caught an allgalor two and ouo-lialf feet iu lenutli. Thu L'liutu muy lu umtvuu of time produco bomolhiug up to date. Somo years ago it gave up thopetnlied remains of a broutotheiiidae, an an cient specie of tho quadruped tribe which used to inhabit tho earth aud is known in Indian history us tho "thunder beast," on account of tho noise it made. Years later another quaint specimen of tho biped class was found on the Platto, tho exuet date iu history being lost, which hns tho same characteristic of tho anclout "critter." It travels around oyer tho couitrv raising a "thuudor" of a noiso to mako other earthly inhabitants ho llcvesjino terriblo calamity is about to bofallthem, and will no doubt bo referred to a thousand years as the "thunder benst of the demo-pops." Wo hope tho good people who have capturod this last specimen of antiquity from tho go'.don sands of tho Platte at Fremont will have the goodness to cut its tongue out beforo it acquires any of tho characteristics of its prede cessors. It is not ditllcult to understand why the president choso Mr. Kliliu Hoot of New Yotk, an eminent lawyer, to suc ceed Secretary Aluor. at tho head ol the war department. Whilo this ad- ministration, as a remit of tho war witlt Spalii, has liad more legal ques tions, and more ditllcult ones to deal with than usually falls to tho lot of an administration, tho president's cabinet has had less legal talent than most any president's cablnot has over had. Another good lawyer was needed iu tho cablnot, aud President McKinloy along with nearly everybody else, thiuks Mr. Hoot will till tho b.ll. If public commoudatlon countid for any thing, it would bo cot tain that secre tary Hoot would become a very popu lar official, but it will really depend largely upon what occurs iu the Phil ippiues. If wo wiu in all tho lighting aud no scandals devolop iu connection witlt the army ovor there, everybody will slug Secretary Root's praises. Hut if thinjs go wrong iu uuy way when there is lighting on hand, the Auiericau people have u habit, as old as tho government, of holding the sec retary of war responsible, and tho now secretary will havo to take his chances. In any ovont, ho is not likely to tlnd tho war departmnet a bed of roses. Thomas Hhoad, Conterfiold, Ohio, writes: I suffered from piles seven or eight years'. No remedy gavo mo relief until DoWltt's Witch Hazol Salvo, less than a box of which permanently cured mo. Soothing, hoaling perfectly harm less. Bowaro of couuterfoits. 0, L. Cottings. Heartache lUllonsiioss. sour (itoninch, constipa tion and all liver Ills are cured by Hooil's Pill Tho tion-lrrltatlntr cathartic. Price 25 cents of all drugRlsts or by mall ot C.I. Hood Jc Co.. Lowell. Mass. LINE. Al Decker is threshing for Mr. May nard. . W. J. Haskius Is on tho sick list this week. Jos. Saladeu i- harvesting forJ.W. Mclutyro. Al Decker was on a business trip to Amboy Monday. Will Aubushoii' is ablo to run tho harvester again. Hov. II. 11. Haskius has moved up near tho prlng on his farm. Miss Krva Haskius is homo on a visit from Walnut cieek this week. Hov. Hortou of Hcd Cloud will nrench at Penny creek Sunday at 8:80 p.m. Hov. Con Howitt is closlnc his work at Penny creek this conference yeais Mr. ami Mrs. Allan Carpenter wcro guests of William VatiDyko Sunday. L. A. Haskius attended tho populist commltteo mooting at Hod Cloud this week. Geo. Poson talks of quitting work for L. A. Haskius aud will work for K. Kcaglo, Mrs. Chas. Isoni and Mrs Albort Kcaglo wore at Guide Rock tho cuests of Mrs. Reeves. Quito a number of tho old sottlors of Lino attended the funorni of Eldor Stone last week. Mr. Kaminsky is talking of nulttinjr tho creamery routo ns it wont pay but 75 cents n trip. Stacking grain is tho order of tho day. Most of tho farmers aro done cutting their grain. Professor Shannon nltonded tho Sun- day school convention in Knusas and roports a good tlmo. Tho sehool board of District 80 has engaged Miss Dlckorson to tench a live months term of school. Tho Stebblus Brothers woro on State creek threshing for Mr. Huffer on tho Dlckorson ranch this week. Carl Hudd, John Fox mid W. P. Has- kins threshed rye last week. Tho yield was about ton bushols por aero. Frank VauDyko was on a business trip ovor near Smith Center last week and reports the corn crop good. Somo talk of Jos. Saladon as a candi- dato for sheriff on tho republican ticket and Allan Carpontor ou tho populist ticket. , Mr. and Mrs. Wildey were called to Bostwlek on account of tho illness of Mrs. W's mother who is not expected to llvo. Why not hnvo an old sottlor's picnic in Lino somo tlmo in Autrust. Somo ono please mako a movo in that direc tion. J.C. Wolf of Red Cloud, Wm. Van Dyko of Lino aud Mr. Beardslco of Logan, Kansas, wero the cuests of Sponco Potter ono dny last week. Rov. Campbell of North Branch preached at Penny creok Sunday at 11 o'clock to a largo and attontlvo congre gation. His subject was "Vanity." Richard Kenglo of Cambria, Wyo miug has written to his brother Albert to como back and bring another man with him as ho has a fortune for them in a gold and zinc mino. GUIDE ROCK. A nice rain Thursday morning. Wm. Mapcs llttlo child is quito sick. Tho Crjw horse lost In a raco Wed nesday. I. B. Colt In was at tho county scat Wednesday. I. B. Colviu had some Iowa laud lookers this week. Tho horso raco Saturday was won by the Kiudscher maro. James Rich was ovor from Bladon the first of this week. The horso buyer, 1). O. Lolth. was hero npain Monday nfter horses. Chas. Smith had a very narrow cs- capo from lh at ids house Saturday caused by carelessness witli copl oil. Being Saturday a crowd was close at hand and put out tho flro but tho flames woro getting through tho roof of the back Kitchen boforo stopped. Amidown. BEAVERiCREEK. Warm, warm. John Konzack is working a few days near Eckley. Grandma Cox who has been quite poorly for about it mouth Is some bet ter. Mrs, 0. K. Vaughan accompanied by her younger children visited J. R. Cro.ier near Eckley ono day last week. Mrs. Mattio Smith has built a porch to her house and otherwise improved tho placo which will make a nice homo. Mrs Wm. Thompson has been, visit iug at her oil homo in Virginia for some time and Mr. Thompsou expects to go thero ti:t soon n threshing Is dono. Ramhlkii. Tho Chief ami Chicago Iuter Ocean oucyoar fut 31.23. LESTER. A lltu rain visited this placo Thurs day. Tho nilly at Goipnl grovo Sunday was well attouded. Tho ladles aid society met with Mrs. I. Frishio Wodnesday afternoon.. Mrs. Andre .vs of Olio, Iowa is visit her sister Mrs. Lau. Mioses lone Albiigbt and Jetinie Cot ting of Red Cloud aro visiting Grace Frisblo this week. Harvio Cox and Maud Miller return ed from Lincoln Friday. Mrs. 0. C. Cox left for Denver this week for n short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Horn mid Mr. nud Mrs. G. M. Warner of Mt. Hopo, attended the picnic aud rally Sunday. , Thcio will bo a basket supper at this placo Tuesday evening August 1st All tho ladies aro iuvited to como mid bring a basket. A special Invitation to all. Unpreceientedly low Rates to Colorado. Everyday from Juno 25 to July 11. Ono faro plus 82 for tho round trip to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Glonwood Springs. Tickets good to return any time nntirOctobcr 3tst. Never beforo such nu opportunity. Take advantngo of it and spond4the Summor iu tho heart of tho Rockies whero lioat and dust are unknown whero tho sky Is as bright blue as Italy's, and the air as invigoratiug'as a tonic whero you can batlio, nnd swim and climb mountains all day and every day. See nearest Burlington tickot'ngent aud got full particulars, or, if you pre fer, wrlto J. Fraud", Gon'l Pnssougor Agent Burlington Route, Omaha, Nob. Try Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to bo slid ken Into tho shots. At this soason your feet feel swollon, nervous and hot, nud get tired easily. If you havo smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Enso. It cools tho feet and makes walklug easy. Cures swol lon and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Rolioves corns nnd bun ions of all pain ami gives rest andjeom fort. Try it to-day. Sold by nil drug gists and shoo stores for 25c. Trinl packago FREE. Address. Allen S. Olmstead, Lo Roy, N. Y. Drink Grain-0 after you have concluded that j'our coffco does not agroo with you. It is not a modiclno but doetorn order it, bo causo it is healthful, invigorating nud appotizing. It is mado from pure grains nnd has that rich seal brown color, nnd tnstes llkotho liuest grades of coffco and costs about ono fourth ns much. Children thrive on it because il U a ganutnn food drink containing nothing but nourishment. 15 and 25c nt grocers. Does Coffee Agree With You. If not, drink Grain-O made from puro grains. A lady writes: "Tho flrst time I made Grain O I did not like it, but after using it for one week noth ing would induce mo to go back to coffco." It nourishes and feeds the system. Tho children can drink it free ly with great benefit. It is tho strengthening substanco of pure grains. Got a package today from your grocor, So and 25c. For Sale. Ono hundred and sixty acres of un improved land four mlloj uorthwest of Red Cloud, consisting of the west half of the northwest quarter, and the east half of the northeast quarter, of sec tion fifteen, in townsnip two north, range eleven west. Tho Innd is leased at present, but subject to sale. Price $3,500. For further information apply to Mns. James Kikk'wood, Fairfax, Missouri. t J. V. Hobbs, M. D. Fort Valley, Ga , says: I havo been practicing medicine twenty llvo years and know piles to bo ono of tho must dililcult of diseases to cure, but havo known DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo to euro numbers of cases aud do not hesitate to recommend it. Bo suro you get "DoWitt's thero are injurious counterfeits on sale. C. L. Cutting. i Examination Notice. Regular examinations for persous desiring to teacli in Webster county aro hold In tho superintendent's oflico at Red Cloud, tin third Saturday in cacli mouth. Eva J. Case, County Supt. Gun shot wound aud powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insect stings and Ivy poison ingquickly healed by DoWitt's Witch Hazel salvo. Positively prevent blood poioniug. Beware of counterfeits. DoWitt.s" is safe and suue. C. L Cottlug. To'.Cure a Cold in One Day. Tako Laxative Bromo Qtiinino Tab lots. All druggists refund money if it fails to euro. 25c. Tho gouuinoUtas L. B. Q. ou oach tablet. have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and with good results, says Mr. W. B. Cooper of El Rio, Cal. "For small childron wo iind It especially effective." For sale by 11. E.Grlce. Mr. and Mrs. B Lickamp Elstou, Mo writes: "Ono Minute Cough Curosavtd tho lifo ot our llttlo boy when nearly dead with crodp 0. L Cotting p Supeiior fut uiltiru and piano lusttr fot sale by F. P Hadley. Muiifuotuieil by Red Cloud Luster Co NEVER TOO OLD TO S, S. S, is a Great Blessing to fened nearly all of tho sickness nmong Old People, It Gives Them sSSeSw.ftt but it is wholly unnecessary. By keep- NOW Rlnrtll flflri I Ifo ,n8 lhe,r b,0a l)Ur. tho7 Cft.n fory themselves HOI! DIUUU dllU LliDi so ns to escape three fourths of tho ailments from which they suffer so generally. S. S. S. is tho remedy which will keep their systems young, by purifying tho blood, til mm completely, nnu i I feel ns well as I Mr. J. W. Loving, of Colquitt. Ga., says: "For eight een years I suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on mv skin. I tried nlmost every known remedy, but thoy failed ono by ono, and I wns told that my age, which is sixty six. was against mo, and that I could nover hopo to bo well again. I finally took S. S. S.. nnd it cleansed my blood thoroughly, nnd now I nin in perfect health." S. S. S. FOR H-3 BLOOD is tho only remedy which can build up and strengthen old people, because it is tho only ono which is guaranteed ireo iroin notasn, mercury, nrsemu mm ouier damaging minerals. It is mado from roots and herbs, nnd hns no chemicals whatever In it. S S 8 cures tho worst canes of Scrofula, Cancer. Eczema, Rheumatism, Tetter, Open Sores. Chronic Ulcers, Boils, or any other disease of tho blood. Books on these diseases will bo bent freo by Swift Specifio Co., Atlanta. Ga. City Dray and ROSS Sl RIPB, PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TDRiVrnRS ITJMIilOR CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL, Building; material, Bto. Red Cloud, PLATT & Ghieago Itumber Yard, RED CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, mm I TE1EPH0NF NO 17 I l 1 1 A IS LOCATED IN THE I CHIEF OFFICE l. and if you want any thing in tho line of I Job Wofk or f Advertising, M just call us up and let us know and vi gH We would also consider It a favor if Items to us I27I W3t mmmm CURED. inuruugiii.v removing nu yv.ibiu auciiiuuiuiions, nnu impart ing new strength nnd lifo to tho wholo body. It Increases tho appetite, builds tip the energies, nnd sends new life giving blood throughout the entire system Mrs. Sarah Piko, 477 Broadway, South Boston, writes : " 1 am eoventy years old, nnd had not enjoyod good health for twenty years. I was sick in diflerout ways, and in addition iinii Eczema tertibly on ono of my legs. Tho doctor said that on account of my age, I would never be well again. 1 took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it cured me am nappy lo say mat over did iu my life. ' Express Line. Nebraska iFREES CO., NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. . r p M ril wo will attend to Tonrlwt.i. M TOU would nni.l --- (fifll by phone. ( T,"iaukJLiiirm aw m --u Wfikm mm ty,tts5gsaytiK 9 T ' AV.X-' - Hm.Wtf.l1Nill'WillL II"