The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 28, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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CHAPTER VI. (Continued.)
My heart Etink na I remembered the
mcldent of last evening, the evidently
clandestine meeting In the shrubbery
it Forest Lea. Could this Journey be
conectod with that meeting, nnd could
tho timid, modest girl I had known nt
Forest Lea bo capable of planning nnd
carrying out secret arrangements, sur
rounded by so many difficulties In her
circumstances? What did It menn?
The endless green panorama still
flitted by; not a sound, save the occa
sional rustling of a newspaper, broke
tho sllenre of tho railway carriage;
tho passengers were cither Blcopy or
unsociable. An Irrepressible deslro to
speak to Miss Branscombe possessed
mo I could bear tho situation no
longer. I turned toward her with tho
paper I had been reading In my hnnd,
Intending to offer It to her. She was
already occupied with a book one of
those thin paper-covered volumes
bought at book-stnlU and she did not
ral&o her eyes from It or otherwise
appear to have noticed my movement.
Theroi was no doubt of her wish to
Ignoro our previous acquaintance. And
a conclusive further proof of her Iden
tity was given mc In her dress, which
I now hnd the opportunity of seeing
more distinctly. It was of a brownish
shade, nnd tho pattern n little check
a slmplo girlish costume which I re
membered she had worn In the morn
ing of tho day Col. Branscombe died.
Could I forget tho least detail con
nected with her?
A sudden Inspiration flashed through
my mind. Miss Branscombe hnd sought
this method of communicating with mo
privately, away from her family circle,
and tho reserve she maintained was
necessary for tho moment In tho pres
enco of our fellow-passengers, somo of
whom might bo known to her by sight
at least. When tho proper moment ar
rived she would explain herself. I
knew what fruitless attempts sho had
already made to enlist mo on her side.
This idea did not porhnps remove tho
primary nnd greatest difficulty of the
situation, but I hailed It eagerly. It
gavo Miss Branscombe tho loopholo
which my love demanded. I was con
tent to wait my lady's pleasure nay,
I was more thnn content I forgot all
tho doubts and fenrs which had har
assed mo a moment ago In the rap
turous delight of tho thought that sho
trusted mo, she turned to mo for bolp
In her difficulties. A man In lovo will
forglvo nny indiscretion of which ho Is
himself the object and by which he
Tho trnln sped on, the afternoon
shadows lengthened. Tho express
stopped at few stations on Its rapid
Journey, and, ns one after tho other or
theso halting places was passed with
out a sign from Mien Brnnscombo, 1
began to conclude that her destination
was tho same as my own or, wns sho
only sitting out tho follow-passonge'rs,
not one ot whom had left us?
Tho question wns presently nnswered
in a startling and unexpected manner.
Molton, a largo busy Junction, was
reached. Wo were on tho point ot
loaving It ngaln after a three minutes'
halt, when Miss Branscombe, with a
hurried glance at tho platform, started
to her feet, and before I could assist or
prevent her, sho had snatched her bag
from tho opposite scat, beckoned to
s passing porter, and left the carriage
as she had entered It swiftly and sud
lenly. I sprang after her.
"Jwt starting sir time's up!" called
tho porter.
I save little heed to the warning;
but stream of passengers Just ar
rived by tho branch line interposed
between mo and Miss Branscombe, the
whlstlo of the express sounded, and
the romembranco of Col. Branscomb'e
will, left behind me in tho carriage,
recalled mo to my duty. I dashed back
Just in time, mad with disappointment
and baffled curiosity, and regained my
scat In a condition which roused my
somnolent fellow-travelers,
v lovers
"Young lady not coming back, sir?"
said one of them, n portly squire, with
n humorous twinkle In the corner of
his eye. "Sho's left her clonk nnd her
book" pointing to the latter where it
lay on the floor. "Not coming back
"I suppose not," I nnswered ns In
differently as I could, stooping to pick
up tho dropped volume. On the fly-leaf
was written lu pencil tho nntno "Nona
"Flvo minutes past four," I said to
myself ns I sprang out on to the pint
form at Euston Station. "I shall Just
havo tlmo to report myself nt tho of
fice before Rowton leaves, get n feed
Boinowhere, nnd catch tho 6:30 back to
Forest Lea. Hero, hansom ns fa3t as
you can drlvo to Chnncory Lane!"
My plans had been rapidly formed
In tho tlmo which elapsed botweon
Miss Branscombc's dlsappearanco at
Molton Junction nnd my arrival nt
Euston. It Mls3 Brnnscombo Intended
to return to Forest Lcn that night,
rcfcrcnco to Bradshnw hnd Hhown mo
that It must bo by tho 6:G0 trnln from
town thoro was no other stopping nt
Westford; and If she did not roturn
from that mysterious errand which
I could no longer (latter myself wai
in any way connected with mo then
my presonco nt Forest Lea might bo
urgently needed. Such testimony ns
I could glvo as to Miss Branscombo'a
movements might bo of tho utmost
consequence If she was to bo saved
from somo unknown villainy of Char
lie Branscombo's. I shuddered at tho
thought of her posslblo danger In hh
hands, nnd urged my cabby to swifter
speed over the rattling London streets.
James Rowton received mo with
open nrms.
"Awfully glad you've come back, old
man; tho chief Is still lnld up, and I
find myself up to my oars In work."
Tho Junior was not fond of work.
"There's that case of Rose versus Em-cry--you
know nil about It, I suppose,
nnd old Mrs. Entwlstlo's estate, and
Sir Evernrd Brlmbono'a settlements
they aro all on mo llko a pack of
wolves. Morton, from Morton nnd
Whlto'B, bus boon in throo times to
day. Sir Evorard wants tho thing
pushod on marringo comes off at tho
end of tho month. Wish peoplo
wouldn't get married! Fagged to
death ugh!" rising and stretching
himself. "Woll, what's your news?
Old man dead?"
"Yea," I said laconically, for hla
tone Jarred upon me. "Colonel Brans
combo's will is hero" pointing to my
Gladstone bag. "Wo'd better take a
copy, I suppose."
"Yes, I supposo so. What has tho
old fellow done left everything to
that rip of a nephow?"
"No," I answorcd unwillingly. Nora's
nntno had become a sacred word to
me, and I hesitated to pronounce it
lu such a presenco.
"No? Then what has Jio dono with
tho estnto? I thought he had no other
"Ho had a niece," I replied, fumbling
for tho koy of ray bag. "Oh, hero It
Is!" taking tho koy from my pocket.
"Jennings must stay and make the
copy, and send it down."
"A nleco?" interrupted Rowton.
"Who is she? Never heard of tier.
What's she llko? Young or old? Does
she come In for the land and all? Whv
don't you speak out, man?"
"I I will In a moment," I rejoined.
"What on earth Is tho matter with
this key?" holding It up Jo the light.
"Something in tho barrel duBt, I
daro say," suggested Rowton careless
ly. "But about tho nloce I'm inter
ested, Fort, Ib sljo young and beau
tiful, and an heiress?"
"It's tho lock," I exclaimed; "tho
hoy's right enough, and yet tho bag
lias scarcely beon out of my sight.
What tho " I stared at my partnor,
whilst I felt ovory vestlgo of color
leaving ray cheoks. "This bag Isn't
mine; It's It's look at this" point
ing to a half-effaced label of a foreign
hotel adhering to the bottom of tho
1 Iff
Gladstone. "I havo novor ocen nt
Venice, nnd" oxamlntug it more
closely "this Is not my bag; tho koy
doesn't fit."
"Whew wl" whistled my partner.
"A enso of 'exchange no robbery.'
You'vo bagged somebody else's, and
ho'H bagged yours" lnughlng nt his
own pun. "Awfully disgusted ho'll bo
when ho seen the documents."
"It's nn Imposolblllty," I ejaculated.
"Tho bag wuo put into tho carriage
nnd tnken out ngaln by my own hands,
nnd It never left my sight throughout
tho Journey. It was on tho opposite
seat. I can swear there'B been no mis
take. It's n robbery! Bond for tho
Tho words died on my I'mb. A tor
rlblo suspicion darted into my mind.
Nona Brnnscombe had carried n black
bag a Gladstone, the fncslmllo of
mine nnd I hnd deposited it bcsldo
in own on tho vacant sent. In hor
precipitate flight she had tnkon tho
bag, leaving cloak nnd book behind
her, nnd, ns I remembored now, ef
fectually covering up tho dlndstono
she had left. In her agitation Bho had
evidently exchanged tho bags by mis
tu 1(0.
"Robbory? Nonsense It's n enso of
exchange!" persisted James Rowton.
"Can't you romembor who hnd tho
other? Did ho como all tho way?"
"Yes," I Biild confusedly, putting my
hnnd to my head. "I remombor; she
got out nt Molton."
"She!" echoed my pnrtner. "Was It
n woman? And with n Gladstone!"
"Yes," I answered, heartily voxel
with mysolf for tho Involuntary admis
sion, "It was a worann. I'll go back to
Euston and wlro to Molton nt onco.
The mistake may havo been discovered
and my bag left there; nnd I will fol
low tho messngo by tho first train."
"OK again?" exclaimed Rowton ruo
fully. "Thero'H a wcok'a fag here"
pointing to n pile of documonts which
filled tho table.
"Cnn't help It!" I retorted. "Tho
funeral takes place tho day after to
morrow. I must bo prcsont to read
tho will, tnko oxccutor'B instruction,
and bo on; and thero Is othor busi
ness which must bo nttondod to."
"Cnn't I run down?" proposod Row
ton. "Is tho heiress thero? I should
llko to seo her."
"I must find tho will," I replied.
"There's no tlmo to bo lost. Tho Col
onel gavo mo special Instructions; I
am bound to bo prcsont other things
must wait."
"You're off then?" said Rowton, ro
luctnntly. "Woll, tn-ta, old follow!
Wlro when you'vo got tho bag. It's
an awful Joke, though such a soil for
tho lady."
"Don't let tho chief hear of It," I
stopped to request as I loft tho office
tho fatal bag in my hand "it would
upsot him."
"All right," nodded tho chief's
nephew. "It was an awfully flat thing
to do, you know, Fort to lot a wora-
-!.."" "P with tho old Colonel's
will. And n stcany-goum iuui un
you, too! Now, if It had been I"
I stnyod to hear no more. My han
som was waiting, and my Jnrvio
ceived h!a Instructions to hurry back
to Euston with tho equanimity of his
ordor. What did It matter if nil tho
world hnd gone mnd so long us his,
fnro was n good one?
My messago was soon dlspatchod,
and whilst 1 waited for tho answer I
mndo my way to tho rof rcshmont room.
But, notwithstanding my long fast, I
was too fovored and oxclted to oat,
and could only swallow n glass of
wlno and break a biscuit. Then I
hovorcd Impatiently nbout tho door of
tho tolegrnph offlco, musing on tho
complication which this unlucky nod
dent had brought Into tho wholo nt'
fair. -ij,
(To be continued.)
Tliry Must llure Hern "Perfect LaiHe"1
In Tlio.o Dayi.
Ono of the most notorious female
gamblers of tho eighteenth century was
Miss Pelham, the daughter of tho
prime minister, says Tcmplo Bar. She
not only ruined herself at cards, but
would havo beggared her sister Mary
as woll had not tholr friends inter
vened and insisted on tho sisters sep
arating. Horaco Walpolo gives a piti
ful account of "poor Miss Pelham cU
tlng up all night at the club without a
womnn, losing hundreds a night and
her temper and beating her head."
Another writer says that tho unhappy
woman often played with tho tears
streaming down hor cheeks. Lady
Mary Compton, nn old maiden lady, a
contemporary of Miss Pelham and, llko
her, addicted to gambling, had tho
same propensity to tears. When sho
lost, we aro told, sho wept bitterly
"not for tho loss itself," she wan care
ful to explain, "but for tho unklndness
of tho cards." Both ladles, wh!n luck
went against them, lost their tempers,
na did many othors, and among them
Mrs. Cllve. The actress, after her re
tirement from tho stage, lived at
Twickenham, In a cottage lent her by
Horaco Walpole. Tho place had then a
reputation for quiet card parties. In
Montpeller row lived four aged dames,
known In the neighborhood ns Manllle,
Spadlllo, Uasto and Plmto; terms
drawn for tho game of quadrille. They
were accustomed to ossemblo every
night at each other's houses to play
cards. On the first of tho month each
in turn gavo a grand party. A relative
of one of tho ladles has loft an ac
count of one of theso functions at
which he was present. Mrs, Cllvo was
one of the guests' and happened to have
for her opponent an old lady with vory
white hair, who in tho courso of the
game displayed two black ace3. There
upon Mrs. Cllvo flew In a rago and
screamed: "Two black aces! Here!
take your money, though I wlBh ln
stead I could give you two black oyes,
you old white cat!"
"Yes," naid Ella Wltherlcy, "I really
think I'm going to havo step-grand-mama
nt Inst!"
She spoke In a whisper, so that the
halo old squire, reading tho newspaper
on tho front porch, rhould not hrnr
her, neither should her volcn roach tho
ears of the Widow Cuxc, who was milk
ing lemon plo.4 lit the kitchen.
Ella stood out among tho currant
buahep, whll" Jotde Hall, hor boarding
school mate and dearest ft (cud, loaned
over tho garden wait.
"Dear, dear, how dreadful!" said Jo
sle, In sympathetic accents.
"Not no bad, nfter nil," retorted Ella,
stooping to gather a four-loaf clover.
"Mrs. Cose Is n nlcb sort of woman, It
grandpa fancies here nnd In cbbo they
should got married, you ceo I nm fioo
to go to New York nnd take those
drawing nnd painting lessons thnt I
havo sighed for so long."
"But she Is such a horrible old scan
dalmonger!" "That's n fashionable falling."
"And she goes patting nrnuud In
those plush slippers llko u supernatural
pussy cat nnd she talks about tho
denr squire."
"Well, why shouldn't she?"
"Oh, Joslu," with a cureless toss of
tho head, 'If you're satlsllcd no ono ulsj
should object."
The rqulre had finished the newspa
per when Ella returned to tho house.
"Where have you been, my darling?"
ho demanded, blnndly.
"Down In the garden, grandpapa,
after cuniints."
"And whore Is Mrs. Coxc""
"In the kitchen."
"What Is she doing?"
"Making lemon pics, grnndpnpi, t be.
Ileve, nnd getting ready to preserve
"Ah-h-h-h!"rnld the squire, comfort
ably nodding his head. "Nlco worann,
Mrs, Cote. I chancrd to mention ycH
tordoy that I was fond of gooseberry
lam In tho winter, and hero she Is
trying to anticipate my wishes already.
A ery nice woman."
"Yes, grandpapa," said Ella, demure-
By the wny," cried tho Fqulrc, sud
denly stinting up ns a new thought
btruck him, "thero nro more of thojo
choice seedling poaches gono again
since last night. Did you see It?"
"I noticed thnt tho branches wcro
broken down a little, grand papa."
"Burglnrs! Sneak thloves!" cried tho
squire, the bald crown of his head be
coming n rosy pink In his excitement.
"To dare to steal my fruit beforo It Is
rlpo! But I'll be oven with ein yet!
I'll chain Don, the bloodhound, to tho
foot of tho tree! I'll have a man-trap
with teeth as sharp ns a steam saw
I'll dear me, Is thnt the dinner boll?
But Mrs. Cozo is eo turprlslngly
parol! ot a housekeeper, who aspired lu
( -ise
time to bcjome Mrs. Squlro W.therley,
did not appear at the table. Ella
knocked at the door with anxious In
quiries. "Pray excuro mo for today, my dear,"
Mrs. Coxe's nasal voice answered from
within tho fcanctunry of her own bed
room. "I'm a little tired out with pre
serving." Lato in the day tho widow mado her
appearanco, her bead tide up In nn
enormous pink-spotted handkerchief.
"Dear me, Mrs. Coxe, what Is the
matter?" said Innocent Ella.
"It's to prevent Influenza," said tho
Widow Coxo. looking under tho pantry
shelves to find tho milk skimmer. But
the took particular pains to keep out
ot the rango of tho squlro's vision.
"How did tho gooseberries come
out?" Ella Inquired, think that at last
Eho had hit upon an acceptable topic of
"They they stuck to tho kettlo,"
said Mrs. Coxo, and sho hurried out of
tho room to feed tho young turkeys.
Half an hour afterward tho hired
hand, Moses Mlckcll, camo up to whoro
Miss Wltherlcy was weeding her flower
"You couldn't spare me a little cook
In' soda, Miss Ella, could you?" he ask
ed, In a mysterious whisper.
"Cooking soda, Moses? What for?"
"Well, It's our Billy. He's dreadful
on-settled In his stummick."
"Cholera, Moses?"
"Oh, bless ye, miss, no! But boy
will be boya, you know and Billy, he
found a kettlo o' gooseberry Jam set to
cool down on tho garden wall, back of
the well, and ho went Into 'em with n
will, till, nil of a sudden like, he stirred
up eomothln' with a stick and," low
ering his voice ngaln, "it wns a wig! A
rod wig!"
Ella burst Into a peal of irrepressible
laughter. It wns plain enough now,
Tho Wldovi Coxo had lout her wig in
tho preserving kottlo,
"Woll, Moies," tho said, as soon ns
sho could siifrtclcntly control her voice,
"don't say a word. I'll got the eoda,
nd you must tell Billy to be a little
'wimtnw m
raBHHiiiiim j. cuiufjiifTrr --s-
more careful an to ntolen sweets here
after." There wna no moon the next night
only the flcry, golden glitter of stars
tud the tmrcrfln hmpi of myriads of
glow-worms. All tho light In the
Wltherlcy mansion worn out, nnd no
ono save Ella nnd the squlro's self
know that tlu latter personago wns
stealthily watching down under the
shadow of tho tall currant bushes for
tho midnight depredator who had so
lawlessly rlflcj his young poach troos.
Just ns the clod was on the Btrokc
of 12 thoro was a ruatlo among the
bushort. the pound of ntetilthy footsteps
tho crackling of loavoa and gravol un
der foot. The squire Mil up, his ryes
stnrtlng from liM html. hl wholo framo
trembling with triumphant exportation
a a tnll, gaunt flguro, tohod lu black,
emorgod from I lie shrubbery, nnd,
stooping beneath tho tree, took some
thing ficm beneath a clump of older
berries nt the foot of the Illicit peach
Like n cat from Its nmbii'cado I ho
rqulro pminrH upon the midnight
"I've got j oh. havo I? Villain!
Sneak! Wrotohrd thief! And I'll
shnko every bono out of your body, seo
If I don't!"
"Squire Wlthcrley!". shrinked n HlrlII
voice of terror nnd apprehension.
"Why, It's Mrs. Coo! In tho nnmo
of nil tho fatcH mid furlca, ma'am, what
nro you doing under my poach trees
at this hour of night?"
Hut between rngo nnd fright tho
widow wns for onco thrown off her
"You're no gentleman, Squlro Wlth
erlcy!" phe exclaimed. "Nor you,
neither, Ella -no lady, I monn," ns tho
squire's astonished granddaughter np
pearcd on tho fconc. "A-prylng nnd
a-pooplng night nnd day."
"But you shall not leave tho spot,
ma'am," Insisted tho undaunted squire,
"until you explain pre-clso-ly what
you are doing how nt this tlmo ot the
"What I'm doing hoic!" rIio shnrply
repeated. "I ain't stealing your
peaches, anyhow! If you must know.
I camo to got my new face-front o'
curls! I dropped my other wig yester
day Into them dratted goosoberrles.nnd
I sent by express for this 'tin. And 1
told Pete Dickinson to leavo It here
quietly nnd not como bawling all over
creation that lie's brought homo my
now wig. There ain't no hnrm In
wearing n wig, I suppose, If you'ro own
hair nln't so thick!"
"Certainly nol, ma'am, certainly
not," said tho abashed squire. "I hope
you'll accept my "
"I'll accept nothln'," protested tho
Inexorablo widow, "except it's my
month's wages. I won't stay In a fam
ily that's so Inqutsltlvo nnd coarse
minded ns this. I'll leave you tomor
row, seo If I don't!"
"Dear mo, me," said the squire,
this?- .j,- m
And It was. " ,
For tho squire lost his winter etorf
of gooseberry Jam, Ella lost tho house
keeper, anil the widow loBt her wig.
It wns awkward. And yet, nfter nil,
It was nobody's fault. New York
Wrolo tlm "Ilrmmily Tivlin."
font a mile from Tunbrldgo Wells,
England, In n llttlo gray house, lives
Sarah Grand, who wroto "Tho Heav
enly Twins." Sho is nenrlng middle
age, Is a medlum-.slzed woman, with
dark hair, clear-cut features, nnd Is
nn easy conversntlonnllst. In tho room
where her writing Is dono thero are
many quaint things, nmong them a
stork mounted so ho appears to be
watching her at work. That she m.iy
not forget the suffering In tho world,
she keeps closo to her desk nn engrav
ing of Dudley Hnrdy's picture of h.9
dectltuio poor of London. Her desk
is a table of Mahogany, tilled with
drawers, and tho top Is littered with
blotters, books, Ink, pens and papers.
The chair nt tho dc3k Is high-backed,
with curved legs.and a bookcase stand3
closo at hand. There Is a bay win
dow in tho writing room which has
been made Into a cosy corner, with
couch, pillows and curtains. Hand
some rugs and paintings add to tho
room. Sarah Grand, Is very fond of
children, especially Beth, tho baby
daughter of her stepson, and tho chfT.l
frequently plays nbout while her
grandmother Is writing, seemingly not
ut all disturbed by Its childish prat
tle. Drought Kill tlm Innrut-Katliig Toitil.
Aside from tho parching up of his
gurden truck, which worries tho ama
teur farmer In the suburbs as keenly
as It docs the man who farms far n liv
ing, tho dlsnppenrnnco of tho friendly,
lnscct-dcvourlng toad Is a disappoint
ment. Tho toad Is a victim, too, of the
drought, for moisture Ib necessary to
his vclstcnce. Many of them, now un
able to find tho requisite shelter and
dampness, havo died outright; othors
have migrated from tho gardens nnd
other exposed places to tho woods,
seeking somo congenial spot not yet
parched by the sun. As It Is estimated
that a single toad will destroy nearly
10,000 Insects and worms in ono sum
mer, his retreat will leave a victorious
army ot vegotatlon destroyers In full
possession ot the already suffering gar
dens. II U Follilo.
Ho wasn't superstitious,
No'er read between the lines;
But as a first-class lettorcr,
Ho had great faith in signs.
Governor Stono of Pennsylvania has
a magnificent historical library con
taining 2,000 volumes devoted to Penn
sylvania alone,
pnoMtrfirvr women's wonic'
Hit, Clntnx f letrtniir ntiil Mm. Uenrg
!iiilr Cltmil Ktnmplr.
Mm, Wllllo K. Vandorbllt, Jr., lln
titrtlod Newport by going to market
each morning and making n personal
inspection of fruits, meats nnd fish for
her table, says tho Criterion. She htt
nlso Introduced the innovation of pay
ing cash for hor purchases, something
unheard of nmong the Newport cet
tngors. whoo habit of hn ir thing
charged nnd bills sent monthly Ih a
boon to tho dealers at tho Uhoda
Island colony, nn elsewhere. Every
housekeeper knows thnt while the lat
ter plan hiivoh time and trouble, It puts
many dollars Into the pockets of tho
market nion.
Mrs. Willie K., Jr., hni shown hor
good sense and good training In this,
us In many other respects Hlnco hor
marringo. Tho Idea that a cartful
espionage of servants and household
nffnlis U boncath tho dignity ot n
woman of position and fashion la an
entirely erroneous one, bred among
the most undesirable social circles.
Many women of fashion mnko r. bonst
that they have rid thomsclvca of their
household enres, servants, etc, by em
ploying n housokceper for the purpose,
ns they employ nurses nnd governesses
for the onro of their children, but wom
en who preside over tho hnpplcflt
homes are those who glvo tholr
attention to tho small details of tho
household mcniigo nnd tho nursery.
Two notable examples nro Mrs. Grovor
Clevoland nnd Mis. Georgo Gould, both
ot whom havo presided over their
homes nnd their chlldten, not na flguro
heads, but actually guiding nnd over
looking tho onro of their babies and tho
workings of tho domestic programme
from dny to day. Theso women's lives
seem to bo filled with tho gentler du
ties nnd Joys of existence, to tho ex
clusion of every possibility for remark
nnd gossip. And there nro numeroui
circles less Important soclnlly.who take
pleasure In tho Idea that tho rolo ot
chatclalno Is still a crown of graceful
dignity more desirable than getna of
great price.
How ttiu U In til of the Voaeiulta Im
jirrnnnl u Truvoter.
We mndo a side trip to tho big trees
of tho Mariposa group, which aro about
ono hour's rldo from the hotel, says a
correspondent of the Pittsburg Dis
patch. It the smallest of theso trcoa
could be plunted anywhere In Pennsyl
vania the railroads would run excur
sion trnlna to It and mnko money. Tho
trees In this grovo nro so largo that It
takes a good while to fully apprcclato
tho facts about tho slzo of tho biggest
of them. Tho "Orlzzly Giant" Is 34 feet
through at tho base and over 100 feet
high. This treo would ovortop the
spires on the Pittsburg Cathedral by
20 feet In circumference. Many othor
trees here aro very noarly as largo as
this one, and thero nro 400 In tho grove.'
Through soveml tunnels hnvo been cut
and a four-horco stage can go through
theso tunnels on tho run and novor
graze n hub. You got an approach to
an adequate Idea of their slzo by walk
ing off 100 yards or so while tho Btago
Is standing at the foot of a treo and
glancing from top to bottom, keeping
the stage In mind ns a means of com
parison. Tho stago and tho horses
look llko tho llttlo tin outfit that Santa
Clnus brought you when you were a
good little boy. Theso trees aro no
longer to be called tho largest in tho
world, however. A species of eucalyp
tus has been found In Australia at
large or larger. Emerson warns us"
ngalnst tho use of tho superlative but
when you are In this region of tho
i'.'jbe you cau't get along without e
liberal uau of it. He himself says or
Yosomlto: "It is tho only spot I havo
over found that camo up to the brag."
And as I stood In the big tree grove I
remembered that some ono called Em
erson himself "tho Sequoia of tho hu
man race."
To Tell ot Whut Occur lu
Jury Itoom.
Now York Journal: Tho written de
cision ot Justice Fursman, based on
his recent ordor directing the case ot
Roland D. Mollneux to be resubmitted
to the grand Jury, was filed yesterday.
In this decision Justice Fursman form
ally exprccscH his opinion of the du
ties and proper conduct of grand ju
rors, and he also touches on such pro
ceedings beforo tho grand Jury which
In his opinion should be kept secret.
Regarding the presumption that all tho
proceedings of a grand Jury are so
cret, Justice Fursman Bays in his de
cision: "It is quite a mistake to sup
pose that everything thai occurs in a
grand Jury room is secret. Some
things must be kept secret, to-wlt: The
finding of an Indictment whoro tho
party indicted la not in custody, Also,
how any grand Juror votes upon the
finding of an indictment that Ib not
to bo disclosed. But whatever occurs
during the examination of n witness,
whether the district attorney and tho
foreman of the grand Jury or any grand
Juror and a witness, cannot In tho
nature of things be kept secret. Any
witness may disclose to the outside
world everything that took place, and
there la no Inhibition In any law what
ever to prevent It, nor la it an offense
for him to disclose It."
Jmt I.lko Tlieiu,
"He says his wife can't cook a little
bit." "That's unfortunate.'' "Yes, but
that Isn't the 'worst of It. She Insists
on cooking a tot." Philadelphia Bul-latln.