The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 28, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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etinrt iiml I'llby raraaraphs Which Tell
nf What llae llnpurnnl or Will Hap
pen In Oar Commonwealth The Nwi
llrlefty Hiimtiiarliert.
Thuredny, Inly 30.
Major Charles W. Weeks recently of
"the university cndels, has gone to Ma
tilla to join his regimen .
W. C Oliver, n Tort Crook tcnmstcB,
was held up in Omnhn ly n gang of
negroes nnl robbed of SO.
I. N. Woodford, a farmer, living just
outside tlic limits of Weeping Water,
had a leg broken by the upsetting of a
lond of liny.
George Frvy and George Tlemey,
Broken How boys, were Injured by the
Accidental discharge of a revolver.
Trey received only a flesh wound In
the bund. Tlerncy was seriously hurt
In the chest, but will recover.
A freight train t-onslsting of nine,
cars of merchandise was wrecked two
mlluscast of North I'lntteon the ITnlon
I'aolllc road. No one was Injured. The.
wreck was caused by spreading rails
or some breakage In the middle of the
train. The track was cleared Immedi
ately. Edgar Allen, a young man residing
in Lincoln, was. arrested for raising a
disturbance, and when examined it
was discovered he was mentally un
balanced 'He was asked his business
and replied: "I used to b n hayseed,
but I'm n lawyer liow. Give mo a pen
cil and some paper and I will write you
an elegant brief.'
John lllumbcrg, a watchman for the
South Omaha Gas company, was brut
ally assaulted by two tramps.' He was
kneeling down over a trench tilling a
lantern, when he was approached from
behind and struck, with a club. He
laid unconscious for several hours but
finally came to himself enough to get
The kissing bug was at the Omaha
exposition grounds last night and it
rent Miss Helen Jackson to the hos
pital in haste. Miss Jackson came to
Omaha to Sioux City to visit the expo
sition 'She, whs vyaUng along tkc
bantys.of the, lagoon,, when wjUi a
whirling sound some Insect flew
against her facu unit in an instant
latcr.sung, her upon the upper Up.
Kunday, July 33.
At Nebraska City the team of J. M.
Lane ran. away, dumping him out nnd
breaking his urtn just above the wrist.
Comtiaini has been tiled nirninst
Percy Vnudervoort of Omaha, charg?
in one of the public park's."' ' n
John Jllumberg, a watchman for the
Nouth Omaha Gas company was bru
tally assaulted by two tramps. He lay
unconscious for several hours.
G. H. Tarrant a grader working at
Omaha, but who resides at Council
Itluffs, has been arrested on the charge
of Infanticide, it being claimed he had
thrown the body of an Infunt In the
privy vault.
John Ohlsen at Meadow Grove fell
from tho top of a windmill to the
ground below, a distance of forty feet,
and sustained a fracture of his right
arm and a compound fracture of his
left thigh.
Hugh Shcrrin, a South Omaha man,
was found lying on the side walk wiih
bts throat cut. He was taken to the
hospital where he soon recovered. A
fellow named Alonzo llurnes has been
arrested on his own confession. He
says Shcrrin assaulted him.
Engineer Michael Grayblll and Fire
man George A. Gramley, both of Lin
win were Injured In a wreck on the
Burlington at Crete, when a through
freight crashed into another freight
that wos taking tho side track. Gray
blll suffered a dislocated shoulder
while Gramley was Injured Internally.
Monday, July 84.
Arapahoe is tuking steps toward a
system of water works.
Hobcrt Stromcr and wife of Omaha,
were lined 325 and costs for cruelly
beating their little seven-year-old
Flro destroyed the oil house of the
American lleot Sugar company of
Grand Island, entailing aloss of Sl'.SOO.
The loss Is covered by insurance.
Charles Shubert, a dticharged sol
dier at Ft Crook was shot and perhaps
mortally wounded by Jesse McCarty
a saloon row over a game of cards.
IcCarty is at large. ..Shubert may
Isaac II. Ilrown, an old and well
known citizen of Fremont has been
adjudged insane and ordered taken to
the Norfolk asylum. Tho predispos
ing cause of his demented condition
was a sunstroke.
Sheriff Tromnen of Lancaster coun
ty returned Saturday fron Evansvllle,
W6., with William F. Taylor, wanted
In Lincoln on the charge of statutory
rape, committed on the person of 15-year-old
Bessie Currie.
Carl Sprouse, a prominent farmer
living West of Callaway, committed
aulclde by shooting himself. The al
leged cause was worry over his harv
est. The large building of the Waterloo
Creamery company at Papilllon was
totally destroyed by fire. The loss
lis 14,000, partially insured. It will be
W. A. Paxton, president of the Union
Stock Yards company of Omaha, has
been invited to bo the .guest of Sir
Thomas Lipton on board the Sham
rock .during the International yacht
Ed Fi lend of Syracuse left for the
country to purchase hogs for his meat
market. lie went to Nebraska City,
paid a man to take his team back to
Syracuse, and disappeared. Friend's
folks and business partner arc trying
to loop to nlm.
Tho condition of Policeman Stump of
Falls City Is very critical and it may
yet prove to be a case of murder. The
sheriff has not succeeded in locating
the tramp who did the shooting, and
it Is believed he succeeded Sit crossing
the river at Fargo.
Governor Poynter left Lincoln Sat
urday for Srn Francisco to meet the
Fighting First, Ho has 81,000 ot his
disposal which he will use In aid of
the regiment. Several other Ncbras-
leans who have sons In the regiment
have gone to greet their soldier lad
Tiictiday, July 23.
August Thelan, a prominent and
successful stoskman near Ilislng City,
went to Shelby to transact some busi
ness, anil upon his return homo ho
dropped dead,
Mrs. Monahan, living near Syracuse,
poured kerosene on the Moor of the
chicken house and touched a match to
it to destroy the vermin. Fire spread
to a granary, and SJ00 is the estimated
A gasoline stove caused a fire at OH
U street, Lincoln. The tire from tho
stove was communicated to a can of
gasoline and in extinguishing the
blazo Mrs. L. J. Worth hail one arm
badly burned. No damage was doue
to the building.
It is now thought Policeman Stump
of Falls City will recover. There aro
many people who believe that tho
would-be murderer has been caught,
and is even now concealed In the jail,
the mattur being kept secret for fear
of a lynching.
Sheriff Lancaster of York has re
turned from Deadwood. S. I)., without
Captain Grant Todd, the alleged de
faulting secretary of the vork .Mining
company. Legal technicalities eamo
up which prevented the. sheriff from
securing possession of Tod.
Adjutant General Harry and Colonel
Stark arrived In San Francisco yester
day and made arrangement for taking
care of the First Nebraska on its arri
val there. They have procured cloth
ing suitable to the climate. They bad
u conference with Major General, Uhaf
ter. who told them he, would be pleased
to usslst them In the reception.
Mrs. Charles Hurgoyno of Hastings
was killed at Tllton. The family had
been visiting friends there and had
boarded the train for home. Mrs. Bur
goync had ellined on the rear end of
the caboose. Just as Mrs. Burgnyne
was In the act of klssinir her daughtor
good bye, the train was backed up to
couple, onto the. caboose. lhe bump
U ,.... li..,y.,...a nIT anil. wy1r
ic wheels. Her bodv was cut In two
and death ensued almost instantly.
Wcdnridav, duly SO.
The body of John Stoots, the invito
who was drowned In the Platte near
Fremont Sunday has been recovered.
Ed Scoins of Fremont caught an al
ligator two and one-half feet long
while fishing in the Platte river
Jessie Hoover, aged 14, while wad
lug in a pool on the exposition grounds,
got beyond her depth and was drowned.
The bod' was recovered.
The Insurance companies hare effect
ed a settlement with the proprietors of
the Lludell hotel at Lincoln for S.r,340,
damages done by the recent lire In that
At Ashland yesterday 80,000 bonds
were voted to aid In building a wagon
bridge across tho Platte. The busi
ness men will furnish the deficiency if
there bo any.
The weather report for the past week
gives It as being dry all over the state.
The week has been good for harvest
ing, haying and threshing. Corn has
grown well and Is in tine condition.
A good rain would do it much rood.
Jos. Ylner, a liohcmian boy, aged 10,
living near Bunvell, went In front of
a binder to get some weeds out that
clogged the carrier. Tho team started
and both of the boy's feet were badly
cut by the sickle.
August Thelan, a prominent stock
man living six miles southwest of Ris
ing City, fell dead at his home just aft
er returning from a trip to Shelby,
where he had been transacting busi
ness. While at Shelby he was appar
ently In good health and spirits. He
was widely known among stockmen,
being recognized as ono of the most
successful feeders of cattle inthlH part
of the state.
Chief Clerk I. J. Aycrs of the state
military department has sent tele
grams to tho mayors of the Nebraska
towns that are home stations of compa
nies in the First Nebraska stating tint
the adjutant general had bought wool
en underclothing for the Nebraska
soldiers, and as an extra precaution
against pneumonia, friends and rela
tives of each soldier aro recommended
to send to tho department by mall ex
tra thick chest protectors, cut to front
and back. See physicians for details
to make them. Tho government does
not furnsh them.
Where the Ocean Is Deepest,
A little more than thirty miles from
the coast of Japan the Pacific oceas
has been found to be more than 4,04V
fathoms deep. Some officers who were
surveying for a telegraph cable found
their wire broke at thl dpth without
reaching the bottom, "luia Is said to
be tho deepest sounding ever made, '
and Is so deep that the two highest
mountains In Japan, placed one oVer
the other in this abyss, would leave
the summit of the upper ono two-thirds
of a mile below the surface of the wa
Tho Administration Said to Be Sat
isfied With His Work.
A Plan to Tut Merrltt or Linton In
Co in mi ml nt I tin I'leld rnrcal Aban
doned DUIilun Commit nUagrce
With Oil.
Washington. July JG The ProM
lent has no intention of relieving
General Oils from military command
In tho Philippines. Ho had thought
sertously at one time of assigning an
ofllcer of high rank to cominun I the
forces In tho field, leaving General
Otis to perforin tho administrative
duties of governor general The Pres
ident had two propositions before him.
ono to make Law ton the commanding
oftlcor of the fighting forces and tho
other to send Merrltt back to his old
place. The latter assignment would
mean tho subordination of General
Otis as governor general to General
Merrltt, who outranks him by regular
as well as by volunteer title, lioth
thevj Ideas have now been abandoned.
Speaking for tho President, a cabi
net officer said: "Why should General
Oils bo relieved, unless ho had some
reason for asking to bo sent back to
tho United States? The President has
had no reason to find fault with his
work. It is truo he has not ended the
war, but ho has certainty made much
progress and has shown himself equal
to every emergency.
"He Iras certainly taken good care
of tho troops, nnd by tho manner In
which ho has provided for bis army
has shown himself capable of hand
ling large boilcs of men. He has made
known his general plans of operation
wlien tho campaign begins this fall.
and the experts here, together with
tho President, consider that he has a
thorough and practical program
napped out for his f uturo work.
"To rcmova him now would bs an
admission that ho had failed. Wo
cannot admit this, for certainly the
ofhclal dispatches from the Philip
pines show a material extension of
our line far beyor-d the point con
trolled by Spain. To placo a new
commander In control of the troops
and make him independent of General
Otis would causo no end of friction.
Theio can be but ono intrusted with
plenary powers aud I cat repeat
that the President is well satisfied to
Intrust General Otis with thess pow
ers." Notwithstanding this administra
tive view favorable to General Otis it
fklS-MVd-that- n.m gCM1 here
liavo private Information which tends
to confirm the press reports of the un
popularity of General Otis with many
officers of his command. Ono official
showed a letter to-day indicating a de
cided lack -of harmony leiwcen Gen
eral Otis and the division command
ers. One of tho principal differences
of opinion rotated to tho number of
men required to subdue the rebellion.
Most of tho division commanders
thought that there ought to bo more
troops than the :i0,003 called for by
General Otis and this doubtless ac
counts for tho fact that the President
finally decided to provide him with an
irtnv of 45.000 men.
(Wclproclty Deal With France Con
cluded Yeiterdiy.
Wasuinotox, July 20. Tho long
pending reciprocity treaty negotia
tions between the United States and
France wero signed yesterday. The
concessions granted by France em
braced most of the articles in what is
known as t'io French minimum tariff.
This compromises 04 heads, the rates
being on an average about 20 per cent
below thoso In the general tariff of
Franco. It was found necessary,
however, owing to protests from
French agrarian intorosts, to except
from this minimum list about twenty
four articles, chiefly agricultural pro
ducts. France secures important conces
sions on over 100 of the chief products
sent by Franco to this country.
The treaty will rosult in placing tho
products of tho United States on the
amo basts in Franco as products of
Great Britain and Germany. At pres
ent these countries havj the minimum
French rate, while American goods,
with few exceptions, have had to pay
tho maximum rate.
Sir. Itteh li Surrendered.
Er. Iabo, Texas, July ':rj. Mrs. Mat
tie C. H. Klch, charged with having
murdorcd her husband, John D. Web,
In Cludad Juarez, Mexico, two months
Bo, was lormaiiy extradited yester
day afternoon at 4 o'clock and deliv
ered into tho hands of tho Mexican
authorities for trial Sho protested
strongly against being given into the
possession of Mexico, but became re
Igned when the extradition warrant
was read to her. She wrapped her
ihoulder and head In an American
Bag and entered the carriage with tho
officers and was driven rapidly acrosi
the river.
Xebratka Wsniau MlMlne;
IlABTiNas, Neb., July 26. Mrs. W.
A, Fitzgerald, wife of a prominent
business man of this place, Is missing.
She disappeared several days ago, but
the matter was' not made public at the
time. Her husband is away from
home part of tbo time, and before bis
last trip asked her to accompany him,
but sho declined. The day after he
left sho packtd her trunk, saying sho
was going to Join her husband. She
left town and has not been seen since.
Mrs. Fitzgerald is well known In thr
Aflrr rrrsuaiton the President Withdrew
Ills Iteslcnatlnn.
Losnox, July 20. It was reported
yesterday that President Paul Kruger
of tho South African republic had re
signed. This was denied later, but
according to tho best information ho
actually resigned his ofllco condition
ally. Tho Volksraad, while maintain
ing its opposition to President Kru
ger's views upon tho dynamite con
cession, has given its assuranco that
It still has tho utmost confidence in
President Kruger, and it is believed
he has withdrawn his resignation. It
was because the Volksraad had op
posed tho president's views on tho
dynamite concession that ho resigned.
As to the difference, of opinion upon
the question of tho dynamite conces
sion, General P. J. Joubcrt, vice pres
ident of tho republic, and the majority
of tho Volksraad favor cancellation
of the monopoly, while President
Kruger supports it Tho minority of
tho Volksraad desiro to buy out tho
company. Dynamite is used in large
quantities iu mining In tho Transvaal
gold fields.
New Yor.K, July 23.- A dispatch to
tho New York Times from London
says: Tho attention of all England is
again turned toward the Transvaal.
Tho Iondon Times tays Treinler
Schrclnor of Cape Colony cannot in
clto Kruger to make further conces
sions. This statement is generally
accepted as t-casonabia in tho face of
Schrclncr's explanation that he ad
vised Kruger to watt until ho heard
from the imperial government.
Much unrest is manifested here nnd
this is not likely to bo lessened In the
next few days. An authority of tho
highest character maclo the following
statement to-dny: "Unless every de
mand of England bo compiled with
there will be war. This has bean tho
Intention of the government from tho
outset. Tho government has taken a
leaf out of Kitchener's book and both
the diplomatic campaign and tho pos
ilblc military ono to follow will bo of
tho moit positive vnd buslncss-liko
"Milner was sent to South Africa
for the purpose of establishing the
suzerainty of England not only In
foreign but in domestic affairs. Ills
'irreducible minimum' was decided
upon beforehand. Tho Outlanders'
desires were thoroughly considered
and decided to bo reasonable. If Mil
ner's demands are granted it will es
tablish England's right to Interfere in
domestic affairs In tho Transvaal; if
not, thcro will be war.
"Every little detail of tho campaign
has been mapped out. It will not be
a repetition of former fights with tho
lioers. It will bo rather a campaign
an tho lines of Kitchener's advanco in
the Soudan. Every point in the rear
will bo made safe before an advanco if
inauc - ,
The Slrlko Guurd Kelnfurjed by 1,000
Cr.KVKi.Asn, Ohio. July 20. After a
night marked by disorder and rioting
tho city this morning is peaceful. On
all tho lines of tho Hig Consolidated
system cars were, started on schedule
time, (yond tho usual obstructions
of stones, bricks and till kinds of rub
bish piled upon tho tracks In tho out
lying districts during tho latter part
of the night thcro is no interruption
to traffic during tho early hours of
tho day.
Mayor Farley has been notified by
Adjutant General Axline that troops
to tho number of nearly :,000 men
will arrlvo in Cleveland this afternoon
to assist the local authorities in main
taining order.
The four Columbus military compa
nies, together with tho military or
ganizations from Newark and Chilli
eothe, 003 strong, arrived here to-day
to relnforco the soldiers already ou
guard. Adjutant General Axllno will
exercise general command over tho
troops in the c'.ty.
Mayor Farley refused to say wheth
er, In view of tho Increased strepgth
of the. military guard, ho would order
tho non-union street railway employes
to relinquish their arma Tho soldiers
were marched to tho Central armory,
where they established headquar
ters. Their presence Is very distaste
ful to the strikers, and Mayor Fariey
Is censured by them for calling the
additional troops. Tho mayor reiter
ated his statement that he would keep
the city free from rioting and vio
lence if it took every soldier in tho
itato to do It.
Coi.oiiiub, Ohio. July 25. A special
train pulled out of tho Union station
this morning with tho Fourth regi
ment, Ohio National guard, 40J men,
bound for Clcvoland to da strlko duty.
The regiment Is made up of volun
teers of the Spanish war, tho Colum
bus companies having bean on duty
In Porto Wco. The Fourth regiment
is armed with Springtlctd rifles aud
each man has too rounds of 4S-calibe
Allege. I Dynamiters Free.
Nkw York. Jily 2il. Police Magis
trate Jacob .Hrennor of Brooklyn dis
charged from custody the twenty-one
men arrested for the alleged dyna
mite scheme to blow up the Elevated
railroad structure at Fifth ..avenue
and Thirty-sixth street last week.
Thre ICJjim Ami KUUd.
AunonA, Ma, July 26. George Mes
lick, Hob Griramet and John Orlfflth
were kilted last evening In the Slotts
City mine, by a premature explosion
while loading a hot hole in the mints.
Ed Messlck and another man, whose
name Is not yet known, are seriously
Loa WIim relate,
t. Lohs, Mo., July 20 Catpet
Lcjn, champion bantamweight boxer
of the world, was awarded the de
cision over Morris Ilaueb, of Chicago,
at the end of a twtaty round bout.
Wind Helps Its I'rnKrrss Htnrt In n
ery narn nnd Qtilrkly Hprcid Flntnnf
Ilrruk Out In Different Hoc! loin of the
Fanned by a. heavy gale, fire played
havoc with O'Neill Tuesday afternoon.
About 12:55 fire broko out In DoYar
man's large livery bnru nnd in fifteen
minutes the large structure, with all
Its contents was in ruins. Some blood,
ed stock was burned nnd n number of
teams belonging to farmers were also
burned. The loss to Mr. DcYnrmnn
is estimated at 85,000, and to transient
customers nt SI, 200.
There were several other buildings
burned among them being the resl
dencu of Mr, Haiti, tho 'livery barn of
O. W. Itakcr, tho barn of F. C. Oatz,
the ice house nnd several other build
ings in the vicinity, and for n time It
looked as If the town was doomed to
destruction nt the hands of tho flro
fiend. Iturning shingles were carried
to the residence portion aud had to bo
watched carefully.
Only the superhuman and hcrolo
work of the department was nblo to
save the Evnns hotel and several other
large buildings.
It is thought the fires nro tho work
incendiaries, as while tho department
was busy at the hotel, the court houso
was discovered on fire, and but for tho
.prompt action of citizens tho building
would have burned. Guards were
posted for the night, and if tho firebugs
are caught they will probably receive a
lesson In western justice.
Mre. IlurKoyne Inntmitly Killed hy a
The body of Mrs. Charles llurgoyuo
was laid to rest In Parkview cemetery
at Hastings, the funeral taking placo
at the Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Wil
kinson, of tho Christian church, ofll
catcd, owing to tho absence of pastor
Rev. J. E. Folsom, who is in Virginia.
Mrs. llurgoync's death, which occurred
at Tllton, Neb., was as sad as it was
tragic. The family had been visiting
nt Tllton and the daughter was about
to start home. Mrs. Hurgoyno accom
panied her to the depot and they had
climbed into the rear platform of the
caboose of a freight train on which tho
daughter was to ride to Norfolk. Mrn.
llurgoyne was in the act of kissing her
daughter good-bye gthc train back
ed up to couple on tho caboose. Tho
car was struck with such force that it
was sent backward some distance.
Mrs. llurgoyne was thrown to tho
track and the wheels passed over her
body cutting it almost In twain. Death
'rcraitctraltuOsriKfitantly; 'ttic grter
stricken husband and daughter brought
the body homo.
Cnmtort of Holdlem.
Chief Clerk I. J. Aycrs of tho state
military department has forwarded
copies of telegrams to the mayors of
the Nebraska towns that aro homo
stations for companies in tho First Ne
braska. The first telegram contains
the information that Adjutant Gen
eral Barry has bought woolen under
clothing for the Nebraska boldlers.
The second telegram read as follows:
San Fuancisco, July 25. I. J. Aycrs,
Lincoln, Neb: I recommend nnd urge
as an additional precaution against
pneumonia, that friends and relatives
of each soldier in the First Nebraska
volunteers send at once by mail extra
thick chest protectors cut to fit front
and back. See physicians for details
to make them. The government docs
not furnish these. The best medical
authorities here endorse. Kcqucst
press to glvo publicity In best position
in papers nnd to call attention that
town people should notify thoie In tho
country. P. H. Bahhy, Adjutant Gen
eral. Didn't Oct Him.
Sheriff Lancaster of York county
has returned from Deadwood, S. D.,
without Captain Grant Todd, the al
leged dcfaltlng secretary of the York
Mining company. The habeas corpus
proceedings which Todd instituted
at Deadwood were decided against him
but before the sheriff could get away
with his prisoner, an appeal was taken
to the supreme court, which released
the prisoner on a bond of S500.
Ilurnpd Her Arm.
A gasoline stovo caused a fire at tho
residence of L. J. Worth,, 041 U St.,
Lincoln. The fire from the stove was
communicated to a can of gasoline and
in extinguishing tho blaze Mrs. Worth
had one arm badly burned. No dam
age was done to tho building or eon
tents and the flro was out before tho
department arrived.
Kxpenelve Klre.
Mrs. Monahan, residing on Jacob
Lalsy's farm, just southeast of Syra
cuse, poured kerosene on the llfinr nt
the chicken house and touched a llght-
eu maicn to it lor the purpose of de
stroyintr vermin with which th ninn
was Infected- The fire from the chick-
on liouso spread to the granary and
burned up $400 -worth of wheat.
(ieneral flhnfter Frontiers to tielit In lie
retting iNebraihane.
Adjutant,Gcncral Barry and Colonel
Stark, representing the advance guard
of Ncbrashan who aro to welcome tho
First Ncbrasica volunteers from their
state, have arrived at Knn Prf,i..
They conferred with Mutnr
Hhaftcr, who Informed them that he
would oe pleased to assist In making
tin, i1i.mnniii.niU.. ...t .
The men arrive on the JIancock, due
at San Francisco the latter part of the
t'lio Fanner Thought, llul It Mndo film
Washington Correspondence to Chl
Mgo Ilccord: Secretary Wilson tells
a story which Illustrates the uses of
adversity. A farmer out West planted
a lot of ground to sugar beets. They
grew beautifully and sent out a glori
ous follngo of dark-red leaves, with
deep red veins In them, which ho ad
mired very much. A tornado camo and
cut them off close to tho ground. Tho
poor farmer was discouraged. It was
too lato to plow up tho field and plant
another crop. Hla whole spring labor
was wasted nnd nil his money was
gone. Ho decided that ho would glvo
up farming, advertise hla placo for calo
and go back East to his wife's folks.
Dcforo they had finished packing, how
ever, he noticed, new healthy shoots
coming from all tho beets, nnd told his
wlfo ho guessed they would better hold
up nwhllo and see what happened. In
a few weeks the foliage wan as freBh
and strong as before, so ho hoed out
the weeds with confidence of getting
a good crop. When ho dug up those
beets and took them to the sugar fac
tory that fall they were found to con
tain more sacchnrlno than nny others
that were offered, nnd upon nn investi
gation nt tho experiment station it was
decided that their superiority was duo
to the storm. From that time on beet
farmers have Imitated tho example of
nature and cut the tops off their beets
at least once during tbo Beacon.
How u Manufacturer Hrcnred a "Dry"
Town In Indiana.
A manufacturer at Threo Oaks, Ind.,
has just Inaugurated a temperance re
form In that town that Is at once novel
nnd apparently practicable, snys the -
Cleveland Leader. This man, who has
several hundred employes, recently of
fered to pay Into the village treasury
annually an amount equal to tho li
cense fees derived from the saloons if
tho authorities would abolish the sa
loons nnd make the town "dry." If
tho offer was refused he threatened to
rcmovo his factory to another town.
The proposition was submitted to the
council and it in turn referred the mat
ter to the people at a special election.
Tho result was an overwhelming vic
tory for temperance. The saloons will
be closed, the village treasury will re
ceive the annual payment promised,
tnd tho factory will not bo removed.
Of course it Is not difficult to under
stand why this manufacturer desired
tho closllng of the saloons. Ho prob
ably realized that ho could get better
work from his employes If they were,
always sober, and will doubtless dis
cover that the money paid for the-
:loslng of the saloons Is well Invested.1
Relief Expedition OraanUlne; to Rescue.
American In rtraill.
Mr. Frank Greenfield, a member ot ft
prominent Fort Scott (Knn.) family,'
has arrived home from South America
to organize a relief expedition to res
cue a party of Americans, of whom his
brothor, Albert is one, from the lnte- fc
rlor of Brazil. Tho Greenfield boya
Joined a party of miners at Johannes
burg, South Africa, two years ago, and
went to South America. In Buenos
Ayres Albert Joined the expedition to
go into tho regions of tho Amazon to
develop a big rubber concesslc which
Mr. Price had secured from the Brazil
ian government. They started up the
Parana river in a boat in February,!
1898, following It ns far as navigable,
and started on a 1,500 mile Journeyi
through tho jungles nod over the
mountains. They wero last heard from
at Cuyaba, In the province of NatU
grossn, on June 15, 1838. Frank Green
field is convinced that they have been
captured or massacred by the savaga
A Comedy of .Krrori.
There was an accident on a Portland
street tho other day, and this is how it.
happened: A tramp walking up tho
street saw a benevolent-looking wheel
man riding down, nnd started to head
him off, Just then a dog on tho samo
sido of tho street noticed a cat oa
tho opposite, side and made for it. Tn
dog didn't notice the tramp, nnd tho
wheelman took no account of the dog.
Tho result was that tho dog went be
tween tho IcgB of tho tramp and rolled
that Individual over on his back. Tho
wheelman, struck dog nnd tramp nnd
took a header over them. Tho wheel
man struck frantically at the dog nnd
his blow landed on the nose of the
tramp, while tho dog mado nn assault V
on tho tramp, nnd, missing him, made
llfo exciting for the wheelman. At
Inst they untangled themselves and tho
tramp and the wheelman trailed bad
language ono up and tho other down
the street, while tho dog stosd and
growled at both. Meanwhile tho cat
emerged from a hole In the lumber
plla where she had taken refugo and
watched tho throe wlth-ovldout Inter
est Lcwlston, Journal,
Donatio Note.
Watts "They don't have the acton
or tho plays they hadwhen,i you and 1
wero young." Potts "That's right.
Nothing theso doys can equal 'Toe
Streets of New York or 'Undo Ton'a.
Cabin' as produced when I was about
14 years old." Indianapolis Journal. W
, i, ,
Oat to Do Something
"FaugLf he Is of ze canalllo! I bate
hcem. Louee, hear,-r-r me I will 4
Btnash hees hat!" "No, Henri, do not '
do eet. Zey vlll send you to zo prisono
for four-r-r years!" "Ah, zen I vlll
smash a hat zat ees like hoes!" Cleve
land Plniu Dealer.