The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 21, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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. 'i
44 A Little Spark May
Make Much Work'
Tfie tiltte "sparks" of bd blood forking
in the svsiem should be wenched tuith
Hood's SArsApjirilta, America's great Mood
purifier. It purifies, vitalises Ana enriches
the blood of both sexes and all Ages. Cures
scrofuh, saII rheum, dyspepslA, CAtArrh.
3tQOt& SaUa,
ruBLianiD sr
On, year, II 00
Blxmonthi SO
Entered at tho post offlco at Hod Cloud, Nob,
Jtcond class raall mattor.
Local advertising 6 cents per lino per Issue.
Local Advertising .for entertainment!, con
cert, noclaln, etc., Riven by churches, chnrltnblo
ocletton, etc., where all inone)i raised there
from are used wholly for church or charitable
socletlos, tint ten Unci frco and all over ten
lines 2!4 cents per Hue per Issue.
Local advertising of cntertaliimonti, concert,
recltali, etc., where per cent U given to pro
Meters, 6 cents per lino per Issue.
One celumn per mouth ....................$? 0)
One half column per month - .................... 3 N1
One fourth column per mouth 1 79
General display advertising S,U cents per
Inch per Issue.
Ccntnl Committee Meeting.
Notice is liurubj given tlmtthoro will
bo a meeting of tliti Hcpiibllcnii county
contrul comuilttoo buhl nt tbo ofllco of
0. 11, Muicur lu tbo city of lUul Cloud
on Wotluosday, August 0th, at 8 p.m.
for tbo purposo of fixing ditto for hold
ing county convention nnd audi otbor
business ns may como boforu tbo moot
ing. C, U. CitoKK, Clinliintin.
I.. II. Foirr, Secrotnry.
Indications nro tbitt tbo republicans
wili"h(ivo n dollRbtful picnic in this
county this full.
Tho tireat Anieriau Exposition Is u
gt'Aud nticcoss or n dismal falluro
according to whether you sno it in tho
Omaha Worlil-llernid or tbo Omaha
llosowator Is calling tho Grontor
Amoi lean Exposition as many names
ns tbo country publishers called Hosoy
last year. Thus docs history repeat
'TIs n pity tho president doosu't act
upon tbo ttdvico of tho 2x4 editors who
kuowsull about tho Philippine ques
tion. Ho ought to send some of them
ovor there to advise Dewey and Otis
!... I. !. ...! l..... ,1.. It f. 1 ..
I UUt II' I1U UUll IIUV III tlU II, 11 13 it
go to wasto.
There was ouo good thing about hav
ing Algorln tho cabinet, llo was draw
ing tho iito of the opposition, leaving
tho rest of tho cublaot otllcials froo to
proceed unhampered with tbolr work
of assisting tho president to niako this
tho most prosperous era in ournalion's
Senator Scott, of W. Va., who has
lately returned from nn oxtended trip
on the PaclGo slopo, summarized hli
impression of public sontlmont in that
section thusly: "The advocacy of ox
pansion is not confined to any party.
Tho commercial viow of oxtonding tho
possessions of tho U. S. appeals str jngly
to tho people of tho I'ncitio Slope, and
thcro Is little difference of oplniou on
account of politics,
i m
According to the opinion of ox-Son-ator
Dubois, who is now lu V ashing-
tou, the policy of expansion will causo
tbo republicans to abandon the prolea
tlvotatiff policy and advocate thorais
itig of all uiouoy by internal revenuo
taxation, llo also expresses the opin
ion that tho democrats will advocato
protection ami oppose oxpauslon, and
that poth parlies will opposo trusts In
thoir national platform Should his
tariff ptedietious prove true, many of
tho older voters in both parties, will
have trouble in llndiug out "Just whoro
they are at" politically.
Jerry Simpson criticises ex-Senator
PelTer for returning to the ropublicau
ranks. "He can uever oxpoct to hold
office uudor tho republicans," says
Jerry, That scuteucoistbo trademark
of populism. Tho itch for office was
never more fully developed lhau
in tho men who created and led tho
populist party. That a man should
bo moved by auy other consideration
than the uopo of securing an ofllco of
8onio kind or other is a circumstance
that tho generul run or populists will
tail tocompruhond.
According to somo oxohauges that
come to our tablo nobody has any
thing to do in the management of this
government but Mark ilanua, Tho
other aevonty million people are fools,
having curled up on tho floor and do
nothing but wbluo abject servility.
ThM Is placing a low cstimato on the
tho Intel igeuco, patriotism and cow.
ngo of tho Atnoncau people.
Tho Ohio republicnus declaro lu
their platform against trusts and
point with pride- to thq vigorous war
faro which their Attorcoy General, carrying on against tho.o
combinations of wealth. Aud now the
democrats are wondering how they
can "raise" that hand,
Tho following is the report of tho
.uortgrtgo indebtedness of Webster
county for tho six months ending Juno
80, 1800: Farm mortgagee, filed 119,
amounting to ei3fl,23D78j snilsliod 121,
amounting to 1112,000.13. Town and
city mortgages, Died 0, amounting to
$3300.00; satisfied 18, amounting to 35,
210.00. Chattel mongagas, filed 307,
amounting to 995,821.25; satisfied 117,
amounting to $59,870.87, ShetifT's and
other deeds of forcclostite, filed 10,
amounting to $10,602.77.
Tho nng of the candidato is heard
throughout the land in subdued mur
murs. Which reminds us that the can
didato Is u queer individual Tho
beaming sun has no terrors for him;
thunderclouds accelerate his motion
wbllo tho balmy breezes of ovonlng
give way to cigars aud tigtires. liables
como for their share of coddling and
thoir fatheis aro tho uncrowned heroes
who can fill any place from road over-
sour to general hi the army. Great is
tho candidate, llo is a peculiar gonlus.
There is n constant smllo on his face
lll;o u now moon, nnd tho grasp of
his iiaud is llko a Dowey propeller.
llo thrives on nny kind of truck
and can cheerfully tako bis ovoning
snooze anywhoro. When tho conven
tions turn him down ho begins to plan
for tho next year. Tho candidate;
thoro is nothing like him. May ho livo
long and send us in early his announce
ment. Because the law under which Gen.
Nelson A. Miles has been acting Secre
tary of War, in the absence of the
Secretary and tho Assistant Secretary
was put on tho Statute books a long
lime ago, thoro is a disposition to re
gard tbo occurenco as without sigulllc
As a matter of fact It was very siguill-
cunt significant of a very radical
change in tho relations between Gen.
Miles and the administration, or of
an attempt to trap Miles into attempt
ing to make somo use of his temporary
authority that would make trouble for
him. A little thought will convince
most persous of this fact. Tbo law is
an old one, directing the General com
manding the Army to become acting
Secretary of War during tbo absence
of tho Secretary and Assistant Secret
ary from Washington.
H " -
Supplemental Telephone Rules
Tho telophono company has posted
up by tho sido of each instrument a
set of rules which thoy claim will
greatly bolp tho sorvico if followed
closely aud mako tho system of more
valuo to each subscriber. That Is pos
sibly trtio, but wo have found that if
you waut to plcnso tho peoplo givo
thonra'sot of rules 'which aro tneons
ioit to follow and which must nearly
conform to their common rule of action,
we thoroforo submit tho following fow
short rules for telophono subscribers:
If you have a telophono in your olllco
or store, call up "Central" and then go
waiton a customer. It will then bo
Central's duty to call you at ouco and
ascortain what you wanted.
Tako your own tlmo in answering
when you art called, or what is better,
not answer at all but sometimes during
the day ring up and ask who called
you, and get mad at "Central" if she
has forgotten who it was. She has
nothing olso to do but romembor such
things and if she can't remembt-r she
should got a book nud keep a record of
When you nro through talking hang
tho receiver big cud up, as iu this
manner it gets full of dust aud provents
tho repair man from forming habits
of Idleness.
Hammer on tho transmitter with a
lead pencil or anything that is handy
as though you intended to knock it
through tho wall. This invariably
makes it talk bottct.
When through talking, drop tho
receiver or throw it down. This allows
tho batteries to run out and break tho
strands in tho receiver cord.
When you havo nothing olso to do
opon tho generator box with a hutchot
or an ax and tako a look at things. If
the interior doos not look right, pull
out.afew wiros and loavo tho door opon.
This improves tho sorvico wonderfully
and ploases tho m.mag. r.
Place motal lukstands or auythlug
you like oxcopt a rod hot stove on top
of tho tolophono. This will short-circuit
your Instrument and then you can
go to sleep, for co one can call you up
Never ring off whon you aro through
talking, as that would notify "Contral''
you had finished. She has nothing
else to do but guess at it aud it is good
montal traiuiugjfor her.
A closo comparison of these fow
rules with those on tbo card given tho
subscribers by tho telophono compauy
will show that thoro may bo some slight
differences in them. Let this stand
These differances are immaterial to us,
however they may bo to tho company.
Notice to the Public.
The buildiug used for a bowery danco
on July 4th is not for sale ns adver
tised nud we hereby warn all persons
against buying tame or nny part of It.
ilUKltV Dkidekicii,
W. J, Koiiv,
II, II. llAKKlt,
A now cuio has been found for ap
pendicitis, snys the Hiawatha World
"Instead of operating, tho physician
slczes the pntloir's leg gives it a violont
Jerk in such a manner that tho leading
musclo iu the leg acts on tho vermi
form appendix causing tho obstacle
to bo ojoctcd." Up this way tho prac
tlco of pulling legs has been In voguo
for tunny yenrr; but instead of tho
treatment nctiup upon the vermiform
appendix, tho i fleet Is most nlwnys
noticed in the disgorging of tho surplus
from the pocket book.
When tho mustard greens nro gather
ed nnd aro cooking in tho pot, and tho
days of cold aro traded for weather
that Is hot, don't you iockou thero'll
bo kicklngfrom tho folks ou every side
or will tho population sweat and go on
satisfied. Somehow I love tho winter
with its salads, soups and benns, but
I bettor love the Httnnnor with Its frogs
and mustard grccris. So wo sing the
song of summer when tho dnvs are
warm and hot nnd tho mustard greens'
nro gathorod and a boiling in tho pot
Unknown Poet.
The other day a darkey came to
Kensington nnd stopping iu tho out
skirts of town attracted tho attention
of tho citizens by shouting In a loud
tone of voice: "Dout como nigh mo!
Iso got do smallpcxt Jes put somcilu' to
oat on do grouud and a dollar in mon-
oy on do top of it and I'll get it aud go
right away from bore." A pilo of eat
nbles us bin as tho coon could luir was
sooti placed on tho grouud by tho
frightened eitizons, togother with
several dollars, and tho black rascal
loaded up and proceeded theuco to
other Holds of usefulness. Gaylord
An oxchango very truthfully re
marks that most pooplo livo under tho
hallucination that tho editor of a conn
try weekly opond? his time in a wear!-
somo pursuit of "something to fill tho
papor," regardless of what it is. IUght
bote uu our desk Ho sovou different re
quests for a little frco ndcrtiing,
wnitiug for the httngiy mow of tho
wasto basket. There aro two Chau
tauqua societies, a sportsmen associa
tion, tho Omaha exposition, nnd others
to numorotis to mention. All they
want Is n littlo freo advertising.
"Would the editor bo so kind" as to
give these affairs a sharo of hts bread
nud oloninrgariuor Adair (Iowa) Mes
A littlo boy in tho Minneapolis public
school recently handed iu to tho
teacher tho following composition on
"Our Breath." "Our breath is made of
air. If it were not for our bronlh wo
would dlo. Tho brouth koops going
through our liver, lights nnd lungs.
Hoys shut up in n tight room nU day
should wait until thoy get outoTiloors.
Mriu a room has carbouicido iu it,
aud carbouicido is poisoner than mad
dogs. Once somo mon woro shut up
in a black holo in India; a carbouicido
into that thoro hole nnd aforo morning
nearly every ono of them was dead.
Girls wear corsets which squeezo
there diagrams most too niuoh. Girls
can't run and holler llko boys causo
thoro diagrams are squeezed, If I was
a girl I would Just run and holler so
my diagram would grow. That's all
on breath."- Minneapolis Messenger.
According to a story that is going the
rounds of tho uewspapors the late Bill
Nyo wroto this advertisement:
Owingto my ill-health, I will soli nt
my rosldonco in township nlnotoen,
range oightoou, according to govern
mental survey, ono plush raspberry
cow, aged 8 years. Sho is a good milk
er, nnd is not afraid of cars or anything
else. She is of uudauutcd courage and
gives milk frequently. To a man who
doso not four death iu any form sho
would bo n great boon.
Shu is very much attached to her
present home by means of a stay chain
but she will bo sold to nny ono who
will ugreu to treat her right. Sho is
one-fourth short-horn and thrco-fourth
hyena. I will also throw in a double
barrel shot gun, which goes with hor.
In May slit usually goes away for a
week or two and returns with a tall
red calf with wabbloy logs. Hor nauao
is Hoso. I would rather soil her to a
What might havo been" If that littlo
cough hadn't been neglected is tho
sad reflection of thousand of consump
tives. Ono minute Cough Cure cures
coughs and colds, O. L. Cotting.
Mother and Babe
TtTONE but a mother knows the .
X pains, anguish and dread that a
f chUdbtrtlu And riill nearly all thkuT-
Mwimuvo rxuniNiv
will la great measure overcome every I
oiswesstfig symptom, ana UDoritseuwiu
I not be a very serious ordeaL Remember
f that MOTHER'S FRIEND k an ex
ternal liniment that softens and relaxes
f the muscles, and is not a dangerous
compound of opiates to swallow. Ask
1 your druggist for it or send price ($1) to
I THE WUDriUD RtCtlAIOR CO., Atlinta.Cs. I
I Send for our free illustrated I
book, "lleforo Ualiy U Horn." f
Exposition an Assured Success.
The Greater Anietlcnu Kxposltlon
lu successful operation nt Omaha, is
making u good record in spitu of tho
difllculties it tins to overcome. Liio
advices to this paper state that Omaha,
is entirely united In Its support. Every
avnilablo foot of spaco for exhibits has
b'jon taken nnd most of them are in
stalled. The Cuban nnd Hawaiian
Villages nro toady for inspectiou.
The Filipinos will be here next week.
Pain's Firoworks, tho Indian Congress,
the War Exhibit and scores of other
special foatttres can bo seen dally.
Tho ulght scene on tho lagoon sur
passes iu brilintit beauty anything evei
seen of its kind. Tho Midway isgood
but tho big show Is In tho main tent.
Unprecedented low Rates to Colorado,
Every day from Juno 23to July 11.
One fare plus $2 for the round trip to
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and
Gleuwood Springs. Tickets good t
return any tlmo uutll'October 31t.
Never boforo such an opportunity.
Take advantage of It aud spend th
Summor iu the heart of th Rockies
where heat aud dust aro unknown
whore the sky is ns bright blue as
Italy's, and the niras Invlgoratingjasa
touic where you can batho, and swim
and climb mountains all day nud every
See nearest Burlington tiokctjagent
and got full particulars, or, if you pre
fer, writo J. Franci, Gou'l Passengor
Agout Burlington Houto, Omaha, Neb.
Try Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder to bo sh&ken Into the shots.
At this season your feet feel swollen,
ucrvnti3 nnd hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or light shoes,
try Allou's Foot-Ease. It cools tho feet
and makes walking easy. Cures swol
len and sweating feet, blisters and
callous spots. Roliovos corns and bun
ions f nil pain and gives rest nndjeom
fort. Try it to-day. Sold by nil drug
gists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial
package FREE. Address. Allen b.
Olmstead, Lo Uoy, N. Y.
Drink Graln-O
after you have concluded that your
cffee docs not ugreo with you. It Is
not a medicjuo but doctors order it, be
causo it is healthful, invlgorntiug and
appetizing. It is made from puru
graius aud has that rich seal brown
color, aud tastes like the finest grades
of coffee and costs about oue fourth as
much. Children thrivo ou it because
it is a genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. 15 nnd 25c
nt grocers.
Examination Notice.
Regular examinations for persous
desiring to teach in Webster county
are held iu tho superintendent's ofllco
at Red Cloud, the third Saturday in
each mouth.
Eva J. CASK, Couuty Bupt.
Guu shot wouud and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nails, insect stings and ivy poison
ing quickly healed by DoYVitt's Witch
Hazol salvo. Positively prevent blood
poisoning. Beware of counterfeits.
DeWitt,s" is sake and suuk. C. L
Card of Thanks.
Wo dosire to thank our many friends
who ao kindly assisted during our late
bereavement, the illness ana deatk of
our little one.
Mr. and Mss. E. H. Newhouse.
To'Cure a Cold in One Day.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinino Tab
lets. All druggists refund money if it
fails to euro. 25c. Tho genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
Superior furniture and piano luster
for sale by F. P. Hadley. Manfnctured
by Red Cloud Luster Co.
Public Statement From
A Public Man
Hon. W. II. Ohlcjr, Kz-Secrrtnrj- of State of
West Virslula, writes an ujicn letter.
Cuauleston, W. Va., Mar. 0, 1808.
To tuhom it may concern :
"I most heartily recommend Pc-ru-na
as of great benefit in coses of catarrh.
It is especially boneficial wherever the
mucous membranes are affected. As a
tonio it certainly haa no superior. "
W. H. Oulev, Ex-Secretary of State.
lion. W. H. Oiiley.
Pe-ru-na has cured thousands of ob
stinate cases of catarrh, and is perhaps
tho only efficient remedy in existence
for catarrhal diseases; but there are
countless multitudes of people who are
still struggling with catarrh nnd need
help. To biich ns these tho unqualified
rccouiii)cnuatlon of Pe-ru-na by Ex
Secrctnry Ohlcy Is directed. Pe-ru-na
Is scion liflu nnd purely vegetable. All
drugglbta sell it.
After Six Years of Intense P 2L9t;na,to r09, nnd v.lcer8 vhich
iMiw.iww rofuso to heal undor ordinary troat-
Sufferng, Promptly Cured mntfnvocoinochroiiiondeop
wmmh.i&, luiiiLiiij uuiou seated, and aro it sure sign that tho
HV S S S ontlro circulation is in a depraved condition. Thoy
S x.' .' aro ,l sovore (lm" "P tho system, and aro con-
Btantly sapping away tho vitality. In ovory case tho poison must
bo eliminated fr-m tho blood, and no amount of oxternal treatment
can havo any offoct.
Thoro is no uncertainty about tho merits of S. S. S. ; every claim
mndi) for it. in lmrdfiwl nn utivmn-K- In- ,-..,,.;. ,.,:,
testimony of thoso who havo noon cured by it
and know of its virtues by experience
Mr. L. J. Clark, of Orango Courthouse, Va., writes:
"For six years I had nn obstinate, running ulcer on my
anklo, which at times caused me Intense suffering. I was
bo disabled for n long while that I was wholly unfit for
business. Ono of tholest doctors treated me constantly,
but did mo no good. I then tried various blood romodies,
without tho least benefit. S. S. S. was so highly recom
mended that I concluded to try it, and the effect waa
wonderful. It Becmed to get right at the seat of tho
dfseaso and force the poison out, and I whs soon com
pletely cured." Swift's Specific
drives out ovory traco of impurity in tho blood, and in this way
puros pormanontlv tho most obstinate, deop-scatod soro or ulcer. It
is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegotablo, and con
tains not it particle of potash, mercury, or other mineral. S. S. S.
cures Contagious Blood Poison. Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema,
Rhoumatism, Soros. Ulcers. Boils, or anv other blood trouble. Insist
upon S. S. S. ; nothing am tako its place.
Valuablo books mailed freo by Swift Specific Company. Atlanta. Ga
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Building: material, Eto.
Ghieago Itambef Yard,
Lumber, Lime,
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and kit Pat
ent butiness conducted (or Moderate Fee.
our orricE is opposite U.S. patent orrtct
ami vre camccure patent in less time tliaa those
temoic irom w osmneion. )
Send model, drawing or photo., with deserlp-J
charge. Our (eo not due till patent is secured. ,
A Pamphlet, " How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same In the U. S. and foreign countries
lion, ne naruc. u naiemaDie or not. irea oi
tent tree. Aaaress,
Opp. Patent Oppicc, Washington, d. C.
Skin Diseases.
For the speedy and permanent cure of
tetter, Bait rheum and eczema, Cham
berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is
without an equal. It relieves the itch,
ing and smarting almost instantly and
muuuutju uhj euecis a permanent
cure. It alflo rnroa ttrh hot-lux.'., nv.
ecald head, sore nipples, Itching piles!
ituupjicu iiunua, coromo sore eyes and
granulated lids.
Ilr. CaSvIa iAJlilA li.i j.
j m wiuiuw lunuurs lor
horses are tho best tonic, blood purifier
Huuwuuu(ni, rnce, no cents, bold by
An Ordinance appropriating monejBout of the
neveral funds and receipt of the City of Ited
Cloud. Nebraska, for the use of aald city,
lie It ordained by the mayor and council of the
City of Hod Cloud, Nebrsiu;
That the following amount be and the tame
are hereby appropriated out-Of the several funds
aud receipts accruing ti the city of Ited Cloud,
as herein designated, ffcr.iho apeclflo purposes
herein mentioned for the: fiscal year begluiilnir
on the first Tuesday In pay, 1890. to wit:
Out of General Fund for official salaries. W00s
for street commlssloncsnnd police, tKM.OUtfor
hall rent. 1100.00! for Incidental expenses. MOO.
Out of Water Bond fund, for Interest on water
boiulB, 1150000.
out of Electric Light llond Fund, for interest
on electric light bouds, 3G0.
Out of Water Levy Fund for water cnglueer.
!W).O0; for repairs to water works 1100 oo
.L""?f,0cS'l",.a!10" '."'N'- for repairs on streets,
W001W; for Incidental expenses on Mrcols. Moo
Out of Water Fund, for coal, 100; for rei airs
anil reuounls, W03.
ThlRordlnnnco to bo In full forco and cited
ou nnd alter Its inmngo and publication ntco d
liiKto law.
. 'J. 8. White, Maor
Attet:--J. E.KssiEn.ChyClork.
a 3 si p
Coal and Cement.
State of Nebraska, I ..
Webstor County, f" In lhe Dlstrlrt Pntirl
thereof, of tbV lolh Judicial District.
The Nebraska Loan and Trust Co.
Nelson rhelns. KmMinn
his wlfo, James M. Itoss. -
Itoss. his wife, first name tiii-l
know,,. H. W.' oulllford. flrsV)
full name unknown, Oull..
ford, his wife, ilm'iiamo hi
known, Alfred lcCall,6alem U.
lvlllVl".0llVBt,c, " Ilu,t0". "i
llliam M. Lowmau. trustees.
-lhTeini.0Tiii!,m,ef(I defidants James SL Itosx. iAb.' ,.w,,fe fl" "1n, unknown, and
nlmo?nm MeihercJr,.10!IUed "" the above
S a,,'L,,t,l,'Lhalffifo(1 '! tue abovo named
SVl!.,,.peLUo,l..8F,u" ,un and tho other
SS?n3mrS2ftbOTeluJ?t tno object and
KfJfir of 8fl,d .PW'on of tho plaintiff are to
nSSSS.? S2.rtg ""J111 u' "e 1st day of
defendii,N3;sHS?,?d bjr.,he bove named
(Ma itfrt ?nN.?Si WJB8 and Emelme I'helps.
e.utn ipM.VJijP'.t1"11' " ,he Allowing real
?ii0.J .,e ltf tue county of Webster and
fhote.2nlhLbr.R.',,0;''lti Tlie west half (M) of
mifnUin-.'i,iUM,er.!)of ectl" thirteen
it'westhte V.h',pl.Vf "Dge ,,relTe
nMahu,wid.ef8?d,anU Jamcs M- Rosand
SoiiflSA h.ff'.SL,t nftme unknown, are further
UmiISS .ihal ther.and each of them, are re
2u.rnUffaW,ana !U8W0r "' Pe"l" of
Vi'lntt 'iio0 befSre "onday. the MthdaTof
ukw, J??,', or.'aid P"'on oplalntlff will be
Ln?n. i.ieI inA .. iec.Ke w' be rendered
dltenWT? defendants aud the other
mm S5 ",.awe.1 heroin, decreeing that the
SkI?.-'88! be. foreclosed; that all the
above described real citato shall be appraised.
Sheriff 'StJSS &$ .,l P"bllc auctloriPby the
Biicritr of said Webster county, to make and
sa a" Si ,!SL0f "5.7k10 d uo. to PlalnUff on Its
nm "PhL8"..!' ,??ether with Interest on said
of mnn bin?t8 i 5?n por cont from tbe 1st dav
Minnrt18!"1 tb0 cos.,. of '"' "uit and such
Toi?5tKdMM(!idecre.e w,n rilr,ber provide that
Jnu' n.6!1? defendants, and tho other defend
aP;fnamel horeln and each of you. shall be
Jer..barre'l ud foreclosed of nil equly of
rMl?.G 2An2 0,ber ,n,ere "' aid to said
real estate and eTery part thereof.
iu Nf,unAiKA LoN AND Tbpst Co,
yJO"It.MCoJun.el,: VMalla'
State of Nebraska, I
Vi ebster County, f
dJ.nebe matter of thpestate of Nels Sorgerson.
riin!LC0.!.l'c,rfblven to all persons having
ufin'iL'iV6"1' "ialn"t Nets borgerou,
Hio,?fo)m.".cSi,n,jr' deceased, that the tlmo
nnniiiffl'J "?iCla,.nLg ?galtit said cstatolssix m
months from the Uth dav of August, l6iW. All
wh ,' iV,c,.r w,'!,""ro quired to present thoir claims
in ,'.!. e olillBr5,t0 ,bo County Judge of said
i ,i'.1 ."yt onlco "herein, on or before tho
V I i V, f ,VibrJ"ir,' l600' a,,d a" claims so filed
,i.'!!V0Hrdln'oto o said Judge on tbo 18Ui
day of February, WOO. at to o'clock ajn. -i
!,,..,, i,.,,jAIB,.D.Drrr, County Judge.
nateii U 1Mb day of July, isw).