Ln i in-- I I- I ! I. ....!. I.I , ,, . ..., VOLUME XXVII. 11ED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY 21, 181)0, NUMBER m ft ft ft ?444444444444-14444-l-i444444-1444444444444. S MINER BROTHERS, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. 2i SPECIAL - SALE ! ft ft $ ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, ft ft ft When we advertise "special" we mean a "A SPECIAL SALE" ft ft (0 W 'A SPECIAL VALUE," in every article advertieed. Sewing Machines. We have just unpacked another large invoice of Field and Vindex Sewing Machines. These goods were purchas ed before the recent strong advances, wc give you the benefit of our success- ( ful buying. ft (0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Paper Patterns. NEW IDEA PATTERNS EXCEL. Any Size Any Style, lOets. THE FIELD, 5 drawer, oak "finish," high head sinplicity one of its cardi nal points sold by agents at $30 to 35 our price, $20. Same finish, drop head, $25.00. Dress Goods. We are making Special Challenge Clearing Sale Prices on Dress Goods. Challenge Clearing Sale on Summer Dress Goods. 20c grade of White Goode at 15c. Fancy colored Piques, special, 12c. 12AC lawns, special at 7c. Organdie Suise, regular 1 2c, special 7c. ioc Lawns at 7c. Figured dotted swissisc, special at 12c. Fancy Figured Dimities, regular 20c special 15c. Linen Lawns at ioc. Corded Delta Betiste, regular 20c, spec ial, 14c. 28-inch French Dimities, regular 15c, special ioc. b Ldcksley Batiste, regular isc.spec'l ioc. tt 1484-Boyi' Middy Jacket . SU 4, J, 8, JUyeart. , i86i-aiRLS APRON. fciuiM, e, lQyearfc These patterns are proving a great success. Shirt Waists. lo'ctuscuuiuui cuiuc imc 01 snirc Waists at one-fourth off. That means a 50c waist for 38c; 60c waist for 45c. 0 ft it tt it Viz 0 to ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft SB ft ft ft ft ft ft We have taken about 100 pairs of Ladies shoes from our stock, consisting of goods from lines which we have discontinued handling. They must go. In order to get the room they occupy we place them onsale at 50c per pair. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft to Xv 'One lot of 50 Umbrellas. We place them on sale at 97c; they would be values at $ 1 .26. We bought them very low, consequently the price of 97c. Baby Buggies. To close out stock special discount 30 per cent. 50 pairs Men's Shoes from lines we Have 'discontinued handling, at $1.00 per pair. One-fourth off on all Bradley Metcalf shoes that we have on hand. We have purchased, for fall, one of the finest stocks of shoes ever shown in Re"d Cloud,. As these goods are to arrive in a short time, we must have room. We guarantee the best shoe valaes in the city. Trunks. Special clearing sale on trunks. Our entire stock of Trunks one-third off regular price. All goods marked in plain figures. --. Furniture. We are showincr the largest line of fur niture we nave ever shown. We buv di rect from the manu facturers, thereby ob taining better goods with no ttiiddleman's profits. Carload ship- Eing secures for us etter discounts and prices. We guarantee to lejjd all com petition. We make the price. EEIjHiNE5HKAai to ft it to to to to to to to to to. to to to to to to to to to to to to to Court Proceedings. Following ii n list of tho cases hoard at the spuclal session of tho district court held In this city tho foro part of tho wook: Frederick Harris vs. James and Geo. Jennings; Injunction; motion for new trial overruled for reason not tiled in time. N. 8. Harwood vs. Red Cloud Power Co.; potltion in foreclosure; dofondant glvon given thirty days to plead. McCorniick Harvester Co., vs. Win. Hayes ot al; order of dismissal sot aside and caso reinstated. F. M. Willing vs. Isaao Thomas; for contlrmationjsaio confirmed and deed ordored. German Insuranco Co. vs. Charlos Schaffnltct al; potltion in equity; de fault of all dofondauts taken; duo plaintiff fromCharles Schaffult $713.10, draws 8 por cont Interest ; decrco of foreclosure and order of snlc; nine months stay by agrcomotit. John P. Williams vs. A. M. Walters Investment Co. ut al; suit 011 nolo; mo tion to set aside rcfuruo sustained; court allows 50 roforco's fcosj'plaiu tiff excopts and exception allowed and given sixty days to proparo bill. Kastcru Dunking Co. of Hastings vs. F. M. Willing; foreclosure of mortgage; demurrer to petition overruled, de fendant excopts; dofondant refusing to plead further his default is entered. Lewis E. Hawloy vs. Josoph E. Haw loyot al; for confirmation; sale con tinued and deed ordored. Georgo 0. Crlbb vs. H. W. Gulllford; appeal; motion sustained and Cribb Carriage Co substituted as plaintiff; instanter; on application of plaintiff caso is dismissed at Its cost; hearing had on cross bill, Jury waived and trial to court; court finds there is duo de fondant aftor credit of plaintiff's claim ruled upon tho sum of $148.80; judg ment on finding. NoIb Sorgonson vs. Andrew Erlck- son; appeal; uoatu 01 uticuuaui our genson suggested and caso rovlvcd In court by Ella Sorgenaon administratrix- defendant civoit thirty days to "--1 r 1 answer. 'Win. Waterman vs. Emily H. Gardi ner; for confirmation; sale confirmed and deed ordered. J. W. Moon vs. Isidor FroymarU; motion to quash sorvlco confessed; caso continued for sorvlco; plaintiff given leavo to mako amondod pleadings and mako now parties defendants within thirty days. C. 11. Pottor vs. J. M. Challln; peti tion in foreclosure; application for re ceivership takon undor advlsouunt un til next term of court; leavo glvou to tile counter affidavits: dofondant re quired to answer in twenty days. Massachusetts Mutual Lifo Insur anco Co. vs. N. L. D. Smith et.al; fore closure of mortgago; motion for secur ity for costs sustained; given ilvo days to furnish security; dofondant given thirty days thereafter to plead. J. 8. Whlto vs. Wobster county; ap peal; motion to mako more spociiio overruled; defondant given thirty days to answer to which plaintiff excepts. Cha8. II. Lludloy vs. Cora D. Llnd loy; petition for divorce; dofault of de fondant takon; divorco granted as prayed for. L. J. Lockrldgo vs Geo. 8imon; ap peal; motion sustained and given leavo to amend in fivo days; defendant re quired to answer in thirty days Nols Anderson vs. Solomon Young; appeal; dofondant glvon thirty days to filo approved bond or caso bo dis missed; plaintiff given twenty days to hlo petition. Matilda E. Patmor vs. Alfred N. Patmor; petition for divorce; dofault of dofondant takon; divorco granted as prayed for. hsfipi f n 4lJ&fe M f . . II 1 1 f XT r. w m m &M. Tta 1 Mh I Tnl . fl I I 1 J ri ,1 i.jM - Use as much of the fine, pure lather of Ivory Soap as you please, the more the better, and greater the pleasure. There's nothing in Ivory Soap to injure the most delicate skin. It improvesthe compjexlon.by cleansing the pores of all impurities: IT. BI OATC MVMHT IIM IV THt WWOTIH k IMMU M. INeflMm Abstract of Assessment. Abstrau'.of Assessment in Wobstor County, Nebraska, for tho year 1800. -r aVf r&! o . l .if. . i- I t.t vV " I'KltSON. ZH ai. rnoi'EiiTV. llorsm of all ages Cattle of allngos Mules and Ases of all ages Sli'iup of all ages Hogs 01 an age Steam engine, Inoluding boilers Fiio and burglar prooi sales B B Miner Bros., Red Cloud, Nebraska. MINER BROTHERS, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. jSfcfclrfefefcfefc' iiilliavd. pigeon hole, bucaiollo.or similar tables . Carriages and wagons Watches and clocks Sowing and knitting machluos '..... Pianofortes Molod eons and organs Merchandise on hand Matorlaland manufactured articles.... Manufacturer's tools, implumonts, auu maumuui-y, other than bollors and engines Agricultural tools, implements and machinery Gold and slvor plato and plated ware . . . Diamonds and jowolry ' Mntlnfa nf l.nllU- hnnKflr. UrOKOl' OV SIOCK. KJUUUl.... Credlta of bank, banker, broker, or stock jobber. Moneys other than of bank, banker,broker or stock jobber : v ' Credits other than of bank, banker, broker or stock lobbor . Ttnmla HtnnkR. nnd state, countv. city, villago or school district warrants, and municipal securities of any kind whatever Shares ot capital stock of companies or associations not incorporated by tho laws of tho stato, except shares of stook of national banks Property of saloons and eating houses Housohold or offlco f urnlturo or proporty Investments In real estate, improvements thereon,. 8,080; 21.U04 807 713 05,833 51 0 3,005 3.207 1,303' 101 458 AMOUNT. W Q W ikl 3i 9 T ? v" ' ' Teltphont Notice. Tho telephono oxchango will bo open to receive and answer calls from 7 a.m. to 0 p.m. Calls for doctor, or other emergency calls, may be sent at on'y time, night or day. During thunder storms no calls can be sent m tho wires are grounded or shut off at such times for reason of safety. G. J. Wakiien, Manager. . The Chief and Chicago Inter Oceau one year for tlJI. Amnnnt. nf rnllrond DronortV All other proporty required to be listed .... Total valuo of personal property, heal estate. Number of acres of Improved land Number of acres of unimproved land Total number of acres of all lands. Number of improved villago or city lots Number of unimproved villago or city lot .. Total number of lots Total value of am, wopkutv .....' 257,733 71,0'J1 801,704 2,340 2 777 5,017 10.034 00 101,202 00 1.977 00 827 00 20,051 00 125 00 203 00 42 00! 11.770 00 8.280 00 8,140 00 1.UU4 W l.OSfvPO 50.088 00 200 00 1,200 00 13.049 00 30 00 140 00 1,883 00 318 00 2,335 00 8,017 00 1,038 00 8.101 00 505 00 18,710 00 11.101 00 284,488 70 a 1,044 uu I 015,005 70 040,581 00 142,458 00 780,039 00 140,801 00 1U.H4U W $ 100,740 00 $1,581,148 70 Nurabor of Numbtr of if aeres in cultivation In wheat ,'. 25.891 if acres In cultivation in corn f 78.182 Number of acres in cultivation In oats,..".., , 1 13,408 Numbor of,noros in cultivation In'barley - ', ; 391 Number of acres fu uttivation In meadow 15,022- N umber of fruit trees , , , 71,793 Number of forest trees , 485,040 Nubret tirade vines ,.... ..,,. .,,.., 11, 29 5 80 4 75 0 17 40 00 20 24 5 10 8 40 3 80 1 43 2 80 18 81 8 00 82 58 I 83 $ 8 50 $65 58 9 15 33 25 W ?4 1 tVM ,KZ . " A."j MmiMtMK i-4jj